What option is the best theme statement for this passage


Answer 1


Can you give a example?


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How did the second great awakening help the abolition movement?
A-Religious Leaders helped the abolition movement gain support in the south
B- People in the North believed that abolitionists were trouble makers.
C-Abolition societies led by religion groups became more popular in the south
D-People across the U.S believed slavery must be ended immediately






C Abolition societies led by religion groups became more popular in the south



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I believe it’s true hope it’s right
Pretty sure it’s true

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answer: Black Lives Matter

explain: they were both fighting for equality, even with different intentions, the similarities are still the same with both of the movement fighting for justice and equality for woman and black people

note: i’m so sorry it took so long for someone to answer this!! i hope this helped tho <3

Which of the following statements accurately describes the religious views expressed by founding fathers such as Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton?
A. They attributed the American victory in the Revolutionary War almost entirely to divine intervention and, thus, wished for religion to play a prominent role in the new government.
B. They wanted to implement some form of separation between church and state but argued that states in the new nation must keep their established, publicly funded churches.
C. They rejected the idea of a benevolent Creator and sought to convince early Americans to treat atheism as the belief system underlying the separation of church and state
D. They sought to avoid religious conflicts in the new nation and viewed religious doctrines through the Enlightenment lens of rationalism and skepticism.



B. They wanted to implement some form of separation between church and state but argued that states in the new nation must keep their established, publicly funded churches.


The founding countries were great defenders of religious freedom in the country and although some of them were adherents to some religion, they knew that for religious freedom to be respected in the country, there would have to be a separation between church and state. In this way there would be no interference from the church in government or from government in churches and religions in general. In addition, they argued that churches should be maintained with the funding of their members.

The statement which accurately describes the religious views expressed by founding fathers such as Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton is option B They wanted to implement some form of separation between church and state but argued that states in the new nation must keep their established, publicly funded churches.

Thinkers of Revolutionary war

The thinkers during the era of Revolutionary war such as Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton,  have something in common this was the notion of separation of Church from the Government.

On the question of Religion and State, they had a very practical and revolutionary approach, according to them the objective of Religion and Church is to make a good human being, while the objective of Government is to provide health, employment and security.

Thus a separation is neccessary between these two. Hence, the option B is correct.

Learn more about Revolutionary war here:


Protestant leader, John Calvin believed that the ideal form of government was-
A. Dictatorship
B. Theocracy
C. Monarchy
D. Democracy



B. Theocracy


What is nationalism?
A. a strong sense of attachment or belonging to one's own country
B. an educational program that stressed the dignity of man and placed confidence in human potential
C. a movement that depicted human beings as mainly shaped by the environments in which they lived
D. a movement that followed the French Revolution and emphasized an appreciation of nature



A. a strong sense of attachment or belonging to one's own country.

2. What molecule does the drawing above represent? Label the 3 parts.



ATP (Adenosine triphosphate)


The molecule shown in the figure is an ATP molecule, also known as Adenosine triphosphate. This molecule is formed by three structures, a phosphate group (represented in the figure by the 3 "P"), a rigose (represented in the figure by the central figure) and an adenine molecule.

ATP is the cell's energy currency and is formed during the process of cellular respiration.

Which question would be MOST helpful when trying to identify the theme of a poem?

What message can I infer from the poem's details?

What rhyme scheme is used in the poem?

Which words appear more than once in the poem?

What is the most vivid image in the poem?



What message can I infer from the poem's details?


The word "theme" refers to the message or main idea of any work. It can be the lesson, topic, the main concern, or main subject that the writer wants to convey to the readers in his writing.

The most helpful question when trying to identify the theme of a poem will be a question about the message that one can infer from the poem. By asking about the message that the poem's details can provide, the reader can understand and know what the poem is talking about and what it wants to convey to the readers. This becomes or helps the readers get the gist of what the poem is talking about.

Thus, the correct answer is the first option.

Answer: What message can I infer from the poem's details?

Explain what “Rule of Law” is and why a civilized country needs it. Explain four ways laws protect our citizens and reference a specific law for each one.



read it and it will help

Explanation:It requires measures to ensure adherence to the principles of supremacy of the law, equality before the law, accountability to the law, fairness in the application of the law, separation of powers, participation in decision-making, legal certainty, avoidance of arbitrariness, and procedural and legal transparency.

Describe the victory at Val Verde.​


Answer:The Union and Confederate armies first meet at Val Verde on February 21, 1862. The Union's hasty withdrawal to the north was driven by the Confederate victory. Since the Union troops believed the Confederate forces to use the provisions stored in Albuquerque, they set fire to their supply warehouse.


What are three ways a business can increase profit?




Top 7 Strategies to improve profit

Remove Unprofitable Products and Services. The products or services with the highest gross profit margin are the most important to your business. ...

Find New Customers. New customers can help grow your business. ...

Increase your Conversion Rate. ...

Review Current Pricing Structure. ...

Reduce your inventory. ...

Reduce your overheads.

Explain what it means that patronage is a political strategy.


Answer: Political patronage is the appointment or hiring of a person to a government post on the basis of partisan loyalty. Elected officials at the national, state, and local levels of government use such appointments to reward the people who help them win and maintain office.


Which selection from the section June 19 1865
Was Independence Day For Enslaved Texans"
BEST supports the inference that the state of
Texas is attempting to make amends for its
history of slavery




why it resonates today ... June 19, 2020 at 3:55 a.m. PDT ... In 1865, Texas slave owners had refused to acknowledge the ...

Imagewww.cnbc.com › 2020/06/

What characterizes the form of totalitarianism that formed in Italy in the interwar years?


extensive political repression, a complete lack of democracy, widespread personality cultism, absolute control over the economy, massive censorship, mass surveillance, limited freedom of movement (most notably freedom to leave the country)

Which of the following was TRUE regarding the Missouri Compromise? A) It was created by South Carolinian John C. Calhoun B) It kept the balance between slave and free states in the Senate C) It prevented the spread of slavery into western territories D) It caused the price of cotton to dramatically increase



Missouri Compromise, measure worked out in 1820 between the North and the South and passed by the U.S. Congress that allowed for admission of Missouri as the 24th state. It marked the beginning of the prolonged sectional conflict over the extension of slavery that led to the American Civil War.





How do government corporations differ from other corporations in the United



Answer. Government corporations are intended to carry out business activities for the betterment of the citizens of the nations. These corporations are set up by the congress men and unlike all other public business they have board of directors and a general manager.


Hope This Helps

what was the primary purpose of the reformation



The primary purpose of the reformation was to purify the church. The goals were for the Catholic church to make reforms which included clarifying its teachings, correcting abuses and trying to win people back to Catholicism.


what is NOT something that ben franklin started in Philadelphia



He did not start his electricity project in Philadelphia  


Because they never say which state he found or worked on his project for electricity

By WWI, motor vehicles were common to all nations that fought in the war.
Why do you think the Germans (and all armies) were forced to use horses to
move heavy machinery?



Because horses are quiet and strong.


If the were to use a vehicle it would make noise and the opsing team would hear it and break it and horses they would be able to carry it but they are more queit and harder to notice and if the horse its self is seen then most likely thye will mistake them as a animal ecpeacally if its dark outside.

President Obama feels strongly about the potential of ordinary people to create change in our system of democracy.
True or False










how may years between 2000bce and 1788 ce


Answer: 3,788 years


The years BCE were counting down to zero while the years CE are counting up from zero.

From 2000 BCE to 1BCE is 2,000 years.

Then from 1 CE to 1788 CE is 1,788 years.

Adding them up:

= 2,000 + 1,788

= 3,788 years

Which formula best reflects the make-up of Congress?



can u be a little more specific and ill see if i can help


Each state would have 2 senators,and the house makeup would be based on population. Hope this helped hope you have a wonderful day!!

Russia's serfs lived in single-room cabins made of ________. They did not own the _____________ upon which they toiled and possessed few ____________ under the law.


logs or clay



first blank:  logs or clay

second blank: land

third blank: rights

how did the hindus and guptas relate to ancient india economically



During the Gupta period agriculture formed a significant part of the empire's economy. However, the trade and commerce activities of the Gupta Empire grew steadily. The merchant and other traders were organized into guilds. These guilds were given concessions in the taxes that were liable to be paid to the government.


How did the Fenians help the cause of union for the British North American colonies?
plz give a simple answer thank you!



The Fenians — Irish-American veterans of the American Civil War — hoped to conquer Canada and trade it for Irish independence from Britain. Instead, Britain's North American colonies united against them in mutual defence, thereby contributing to the achievement of Confederation.


What battle helped Andrew Jackson win the presidency in 1828?
a. Battle of Lake Erie
C. Battle of New Orleans
b. Battle of the Bulge
d. Battle of the Thames
Please select the best answer from the choices provided
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I´m smart


your answer for this question isC

Which of the following statements best explains how Kennedy handled the Cuban Missile Crisis?
a) Kennedy blockaded Cuba, waited, and negotiated with Khrushchev until he agreed to remove the missiles.
b) Kennedy ordered the invasion of mainland Cuba.
c) Kennedy ordered air strikes to destroy the nuclear missile sites in Cuba.
d) Kennedy pleaded to the United Nations to order the USSR to remove the missiles.





Unlike North America, Europe has many independent nations on one continent. Do you think being neighbors makes it easier or more difficult for countries to get along? explain your​answer​



It makes it easier to get along.


With neighboring countries, you have to be able to develop trade skills amoungst each other more because those countries can have resources you need and you can have resources they need.

What is a foreign body?
Plzz help in this question.​



A foreign body is something that is stuck inside you but isn't supposed to be there. You may inhale or swallow a foreign body, or you may get one from an injury to almost any part of your body. Foreign bodies are more common in small children, who sometimes stick things in their mouths, ears, and noses.


A foreign body is an object or piece of extraneous matter that has entered the body by accident or design.
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