What message is the cartoonist trying to convey concerning HUAC?*
A. HUAC had the right to suspend citizens civil rights because it was looking for
communist influence in the U.S.
B. HUAC acted recklessly in attempting to find communist influence in
C. HUAC acted diligently and thoroughly to find communist influence in the USA

What Message Is The Cartoonist Trying To Convey Concerning HUAC?*A. HUAC Had The Right To Suspend Citizens


Answer 1




HUAC acted recklessly in attempting to find communist influence in the USA

Answer 2


C. HUAC acted diligently and thoroughly to find communist influence in the USA


The HUAC was created in 1938 to investigate alleged disloyalty and subversive activities on the part of private citizens, public employees, and those organizations suspected of having fascist or communist ties.

Hope this helps


Related Questions

Unemployment insurance is provided as a service of what department?
Department of Insurance
Department of the Interior
Department of State
Department of Labor



Unemployment insurance is provided as the service of department of insurance.

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



You have the right answer.


This is about cultures, yes? if so, it would relate to the indigenous peoples of the region and what affects them, so by stating that they made instruments, it directly correlates to who they are as a community.

it might be A or B.


I don't know this well.

What action did Ida Tarbell take
in order to address problems in


Answer: The McClure's magazine journalist was an investigative reporting pioneer; Tarbell exposed unfair practices of the Standard Oil Company, leading to a U.S. Supreme Court decision to break its monopoly.

Works written: All in the Day's Work, The History .

Professions: Journalist

Explanation: Hopefully this helps you.(Pls don't report this answer if it is wrong.)

The Court-packing bill was the biggest political blunder and greatest humiliation of Roosevelt's presidency.
O True
O False


The answer for this is True
Court-packing was a attempt by Roosevelt to appoint one new Supreme Court justice for every sitting justice over the age of 70 who had been there for the last 10 years. The plan died in Congress and mad the opponents of the new deal inflamed.
The answer is true.

Who liberated the Jews from Egypt, led them across the desert for forty years, gave them the Ten Commandments, and eventually led them to
the Promised Land?
OA Jacob
OD. King David
Please help





Brainliest! pls i need this now lol-
Which statements about the difference between capitalism and communism are true? Choose answer that is incorrect.

A) Capitalism allows people to work for themselves or a company; communism considers all workers to be government employees.

B) In capitalism, individuals can start their own business; in communism, the government owns all companies.

C) In capitalism, the government makes all economic decisions; in communism, business owners decide for themselves.

D) Capitalism encourages competition in the marketplace; communism does not allow it.


The answer is C i took a test on that


Most definitely letter D :)

HELPP I have posted this question 3 times HELP ! No links or reported

Write a brief descriptive summary and explain how lobbyist & interest groups influence politics. - Who and what are lobbyists? How do they influence political issues? What are strategies used to gain momentum? What are the pros to interest groups? What are the cons? How do lobbyists and interest groups affect legislation?
No links or reported​


Lobby and interest groups are huge players in politics. They fund certain people's campaign in order to get the bills or laws they want passed.

Which of the following statements describes the Qing


Answer: The Qing Dynasty was the last dynasty of China. The Qing ruled China from 1644 to 1912 before being overthrown by the Republic of China. It is sometimes referred to as the Manchu Dynasty. History. In the early 1600s, the Manchu people of northern China began to unite against the Ming Dynasty.

how long did the proccess of building the leaning tower of pisa take?
A.375 years
B.275 years
C.344 years
D.244 years



B.275 years


B is the correct answer-275

Why do countries enter into trade agreements? Check all that apply.


The United States has agreements in force with 20 countries: Australia, Bahrain, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Israel, Jordan, Mexico, Morocco, Nicaragua, Oman, Panama, Peru, Singapore, and South Korea.

Options 2,4,5



All of the following are true about the American military during the Vietnam War
The government censored the press by not allowing TV networks to report from
12 Unsaved
Americans had a difficult time telling apart the Vietcong and Vietnamese
The U.S. advantage in military power was balanced by the Vietcong's use of
guerilla tactics
American military tactics included search-and-destroy missions, bombings, and



The government censored the press by not allowing TV networks to report from  Vietnam


The media in the United States was all over the war in Vietnam and the Government did not do anything about that

Question 11
A skill-based education cannot support your lifestyle.



false, because you need to learn a skill in order to succeed at certian things


A skill-based education cannot support your lifestyle. This statement is false.

What is Skill-based Education?

In order to increase the learning process, skill-based learning is a methodology that tries to develop the skills of the student who has learned via classroom lectures and encourages them to put those concepts into practice. In skill-based learning, teachers concentrate on transferring knowledge via preparation and practice that will aid students in remembering topics.

Although talent is more significant in the 21st century than education, both are still necessary. Children should begin receiving skill-based education at a young age since it has good consequences on their lives and is also a time-demand.

Given the difficulties of the dynamic world we live in, it is crucial to establish a link between education and the outside world. Three stages are required to transform a conventional educational system into an advanced one that will teach students various talents that will be useful to them in the future.

To learn more about Skill-based Education follow the link.



36. Which ancient culture produced the "Epic of Gilgamesh"?
A. Egyptian
B. Hittite
C. Assyrian
D. Hebrew
E. Sumerian


E. Sumerian I think

If you pass the class for civics but you fail the eoc, do u. get held back? Please someone respond I'm getting a bit worried.



If a you pass the course, but do not earn the required minimum score on the EOC assessment, you will retake the test. You are not required to retake a course as a condition of retaking the test.



It depends on what you got for your final grade in the class. if you got a b and got a f on the test it should average out to a c as your final grade


I failed it in 7th grade but manage to to get a b as my final grade

~Hope this helps

Siddartha Guatama was:

A. The creator of Hinduism

B. The fourth vision of Buddha

C. The creator of Buddhism

D. All above



I believe the answer is A but check the thing again and look at his name and try and see he A,B or C


the creator of Buddhism

4. Which nation strongly wanted to punish Germany in the Treaty of Versailles?
O A. Italy
B. Russia
O C. The United States
O D. France


Hopes this helps:

Answer: France


D. France


Got it right on the PF test!

Hope this helps!! :D


Hey all! Adobe here. I think that we should talk about After Effects 2021 and After Effects CC 2021. With BRAND NEW FEATURES, (And updates too). Don't miss out on the Spring Fling 2021 event with savings as $300. So why not get over to Adobe . Com today and get After Effects 2021 or After Effects CC 2021!



oh ok.


Answer: cool


Short question

Police protection is provided by.
only town governments
O only city governments
o both city and county governments
only state governments


Answer: both city and county governments


Policing in the United States is very decentralized such that local governments have their own police services. This includes municipal (city) and county governments. This ensures that the police are more in touch with the needs of the community seeing as they are from the community.

State governments offer policing as well and the Federal government offers some sort of policing in terms of the national law enforcement agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

Why did American settlers in Texas rebel against Mexico in the 1830s


American settlers rebel against Mexico because they wanted overthrow Santa Anna.
The American settlers in Texas reveled against Mexico because they wanted to overthrow Santa Anna

True or False: The result of the Munich Conference was that Great Britian and France agreed to allow Hilter to take the Sudtenland



What were Nixon's goals? What did he want to do? List at least two



He isn't alive


I know


Nixon's primary focus while in office was on foreign affairs

goal of Nixon's New Federalism was to shift responsibility of government programs from the federal level to the state level.


He focused on détente with the People's Republic of China and the Soviet Union, easing Cold War tensions with both countries.

Which of these actions is NOT part of the role of interest groups in government?
a. meeting members of government to try to influence their vote
b. creating advertisements to inform the public c. ignoring the public and only informing the government on important issues
d. hiring experts to speak to legislators about issues

Please select the best answer from the choices provided

please help im failing school​



d. hiring experts to speak to legislators about issues


Hope u pass...

Which freedoms are protected by the first amendment? (click all that apply).

A. Freedom of speech
B. Freedom to assembly
C. Freedom to Privacy
D. Freedom to protest
E. Freedom of religion


Speech, Assembly, Protest, Religion

how many people did the Nazis kill in Europe?



75 million people died in the war

which of the following had the greater impact on America in the 1920s​



You did not state the following?

Can you please tell us the answers?

can someone answer these questions for me please
It’s due tonight omg



brainly is flipping out at me so i’m putting the answers in the comments hope they help :)

The emancipation proclamation had many positive outcome for the union. By asserting the? stance of the union, the proclamation helped win approval and support from abolitionist whites and blacks community for?. Additionally,by?, it dash confederate plan to get support from Europe. It also caused the union to become stronger and reduced the southern labor force.



      a.  anti slavery

      b.  Abraham Lincoln

      c.  making abolition a war goal


The Union were not very successful during the first part of the Civil War and this led to a lot of discontent and lack of support for Abraham Lincoln. After the Emancipation Proclamation however, things changed as the Abolitionists and the Black Americans lent their support to him.

It also dissuaded European nations from getting involved in the conflict on the side of the Confederacy because they did not want to be seen as supporting slavery at a time when they had abolished the disgusting practice.


a. antislavery

b. Abraham Lincoln

c. disrupting cotton cultivation


(Daily Question) In your opinion, what is the worst thing you could label a person as (liar, cheater, etc.) and what if anything could they do to overcome that label?​



sorry but I don't know how to do this question

Explain what life was like for a “mill girl”. What were the positives about working in the mills? What were the negatives (include possible dangers)?



The Lowell mill girls were young female workers who came to work in industrial corporations in Lowell, Massachusetts, during the Industrial Revolution in the United States. The workers initially recruited by the corporations were daughters of New England farmers, typically between the ages of 15 and 35. By 1840, at the height of the Textile Revolution, the Lowell textile mills had recruited over 8,000 workers, with women making up nearly three-quarters of the mill workforce.



What do you think is the most valuable product that we get from China? Why?




silk was China's most valuable trade good because, at first, the Chinese were the only people who knew how to make it. Silk was the perfect trading good because it was light and valuable

Other Questions
Active/Passive Voice Mr. Thomas is training the team. * Please help me, I will give brainliest! If you deposit $100 into the bank and there is a 20% reserve requirement, what does that mean? A) the bank needs to hold 20% and can loan out the rest B) the bank charges you 20% interest C) you can always take back 20% of your money D) the fed keeps 80% of the money and loans out 20% I WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST Which of the following statements best describes Jackson's argument to NativeAmericans in this source?A.The Cherokee are better off moving to a new part of the countryB.The Cherokee should learn a different way of lifeC.The Cherokee are a threat to the people of the United StatesD.The Cherokee might be able to remain where they are if they avoid conflict Which sentence describes a feature of science fiction?It teaches essential facts about a scientific topic.It provides some facts about a historical event or character.It includes mythical characters such as dragons and fairies.It is set in another world, such as a distant planet. Bosna u drugom svjetskom ratu owen follows the rule divide by 2 to write the pattern below. he will write two more numbers to complete the pattern. which statement is true? Read the following passage from the Popol Vuh, a sacred text of the Mayacivilization about the creation of the Earth. What main idea does this passagedescribe?THEN came his word. Heart of Sky arrived here withSovereign and Quetzal Serpent in the darkness, in thenight. He spoke with Sovereign and Quetzal Serpent. Theytalked together then. They thought and they pondered.They reached an accord bringing together their words andtheir thoughts. Then they gave birth, heartening oneanother. Beneath the light, they gave birth to humanity.Then they arranged for the germination and creation of thetrees and the bushes, the germination of all life andcreation, in the darkness and in the night, by Heart of Sky,who is called Huracan.1. Alen Christenson The Popol Vuh Sacred Book of the Quiche Maya People (MesowebPuben 2007).5866www.mesoweb.com/publications Christenson/Popol Vuh pdfA. How to worship nature and animalsB. How a single god created life choose the diagram that show's the graph of the inequality 12 x + 14 If there are 23 students in your class, and your teacher is pulling random names from a hat, what is the probability that your name will be pulled on the third pull?A) (1)/(23)B) (3)/(23)C) (3)/(21)D) (1)/(21) Identify the split infinitive and its correction. He was to diligently read each night. He was diligent to read each night. Diligently, he read each night. He read diligently each night. He was to read diligently each night. Rebecca wants to start her own hair salon as a side business. In order to do so, she needs to buy a professional hair dryer for $700.00 and hair coloring supplies for $232.00. She believes she will be able to schedule 18 clients in per week. If she wants to begin making a profit at the end of two weeks, how much will each client need to pay Rebecca for their hair A spring with a spring constant of 25.0N/m is stretched 4.50m. What is the force that the spring would apply? Fiona arranged fresh apples in the fruit aisle of the supermarket. The apples are priced according to their weight. This is shown on the graph. What equation represents this situation? What are the domain and range of the function represented by the set ofordered pairs?{(-9,-3), (8,0), (10,-4), (11,6)} How do you solve this? What molecule(s) do plants release into the air? What industry was most influenced by the gold rush? TimberSeafood RailroadNatural gas PLS HELP NO LINKS THANK YOU ((((((The odds are too great)))))))----- what does it mean? explain it. PLEASE.