What led Henry Ford's success as an entrepreneur Brainly?


Answer 1

Henry Ford, an American businessman and business tycoon who founded the Ford Motor Company and was a key proponent of the assembly line method of mass manufacturing,

Henry Ford lived from July 30, 1863, to April 7, 1947. He transformed the vehicle from a costly luxury into an affordable mode of transportation, which had a significant impact on the 20th century's landscape, by developing the first car that middle-class Americans could purchase.His invention of the Ford Model T vehicle transformed both American manufacturing and transportation. He rose to become one of the richest and most well-known people in the world as the owner of Ford Motor Company. "Fordism" is credited to him.

learn more about Henry Ford   here:



Answer 2

Answer: uh B i think


Related Questions

dr. patel notices that overall grade averages are lower for students in one introductory psychology course section than in another. the classes are held at the same time of day, and the exact same tests are used. however, the two courses are taught by two different instructors. which theory as to why this is happening is supported by current research?


Behaviorism, cognitive learning theory, constructivism, humanism, and connectivism are the five main philosophies of educational learning. Other learning theories include experiential, social, and transformative.

What is the theory of cognitivism in learning?

The learning theory known as cognitivism concentrates on how the mind organizes, stores, and retrieves knowledge. As a result, cognitivism sees learning as an internal mental process that extends beyond observable behavior.

What are some instances of connectivism learning theory?

Connectivism, in its simplest form, is the idea that learning occurs most effectively when students are taught to use technology to construct and traverse social networks. Taking part in a science forum where mitosis is discussed and asking questions to gain knowledge from other members, for instance.

To know more about cognitive learning theory visit:-



_____is negative action toward an individual as a result of one’s membership in a particular group.


Prejudice is a negative attitude and feeling toward an individual based solely on one's membership in a particular social group (

One of the most significant results of the artistic experimentation of the 1920s and 1930s was that.


One of the most significant results of the artistic experimentation of the 1920s and 1930s was all artists were acknowledged to have a right to their own reality, and accepted standards of "good/bad" art disappeared.

Artistic experimentation is an imprecise term which has sometimes been applied to art that is concerned with exploring new ideas and/or technology.

Experimental Media Arts is a field of creative practice, dialogue and research that combines contemporary art, technology, the sciences and design for artistic expression, innovation and social intervention.

Artists must experiment in order to find their way around themselves. Artists must experiment because there is no other road-map, no other way to discover how best to navigate their own practice, or what other possibilities for creating might be out there.

Learn more about artistic experimentation here:- https://brainly.com/question/1202576


_______of question is worded in a way that sways the respondent toward one side of an argument.


A question that steers the reply toward one side of an argument is referred to as a leading question.

What distinguishes leading questions from open question?

Leading questions figuratively "guide" the witness by implying the response you anticipate hearing. An open-ended questions does not imply the solution. An instance Assume that your goal is to prove that the deponent stole office supplies and was aware that he shouldn't have been doing so.

A leading question is what kind of prejudice?

Leading questions make it very clear that there is a "right" response that the question is guiding you towards, making them the easiest examples of bias to identify. These outcomes are constant.

To learn more about open-ended question here:



the drive-reduction theory of motivation states that deviations from create physiological needs that result in psychological drive states that direct behavior to meet the need. biology emotions homeostasis motivations


The accurate answer is Homeostasis which makes the whole statement stand correct. The drive-reduction theory states more about psychological behavior.

Homeostasis: what is it? Any self-regulating process by which an organism tends to remain stable while adjusting to conditions that are best for its survival is known as homeostasis. Life continues if homeostasis is maintained; if it fails, either a catastrophe or the organism's death follow. It simply explains drive reduction theory.

Learn more about drive reduction theory here:


Complete Question:

Drive theory states that deviations from ________ create physiological needs that result in psychological drive states that direct behavior to meet the need.



an upper-class executive whose parents belong to the middle class and whose grandparents were raised in the lower class would be an example of:


An upper-class executive whose parents belong to the middle class and whose grandparents were raised in the lower class would be an example of intergenerational mobility.

Any shift in a family's social standing from one generation to the next is referred to as intergenerational mobility. The first generation, which included Millie, advanced into becoming a first generation college student and writer, and the second generation, which included Millie's children, advanced even further into becoming well-known authors throughout the world. Intergenerational mobility is demonstrated by all these alterations occurring within Millie's family line's generations.

Which three intergenerational mobility types are predominant?

Intragenerational Mobility: A person's social status can change over the course of a lifetime. Vertical mobility is the movement of people or groups from one socioeconomic level to another, frequently through marriage or job changes. Horizontal mobility is the transition between positions at the same social level.

Learn more about intergenerational mobility to visit this link



an important trend in animal evolution was cephalization. an animal is said to show cephalization when it _____.


An animal is said to show cephalization when it has an aggregation of neurons at the head end.

The mouth, sense organs, and nerve ganglia get concentrated in the front of an animal over many generations, creating a head area. This is known as cephalization. This is connected to mobility and bilateral symmetry, resulting in a distinct head end for the animal. As a result, three different animal groups—arthropods, cephalopod molluscs, and vertebrates—developed very complex brains. The majority of animal phyla belong to the big group known as the Bilateria, which is distinguished by cephalization. Additionally, there is frequently a group of nerve cells that can interpret the data from these sense organs. In some phyla, these nerve cells constitute a brain, whereas in others, they form one or more ganglia.

To know more about cephalization:



What was the purpose of the Social Security Administration ?


The Social Security Administration exists to meet the material needs of individuals and families, protect elderly and disabled people from the costs of illnesses that may otherwise deplete their savings, maintain intact families, and provide for the material needs of individuals and families. to provide kids with the possibility to grow up safe and healthy.

When the Social Security Act was implemented in 1935, during the Great Depression, this term first entered general usage in the United States; it refers to a sizeable portion of the social welfare sector.

The Social Security Act established two different types of old-age security measures: (1) Federal help to the States so they can provide cash pensions to their elderly in need, and (2) a system of Federal old-age benefits for retired workers.

To know more about Social Security Administration: https://brainly.com/question/12164417


What are the principles of strength training?


The principles of strength training involve manipulation of the number of repetitions (reps).

In order to overload a group of muscles and achieve the desired change in strength, endurance, size, or shape, strength training involves manipulating the number of repetitions (reps), sets, tempo, exercises, and force.

The following are the five tenets of strength training:

1. Increased stress on the body, known as overload, leads to adaptations that boost fitness.

2. Recovery: The body should adjust to the stress of frequent, vigorous exercise

3. Specificity: Your body will adapt to the different sorts of exercise stress that it is subjected to.

4. Reversibility: In order to see results or keep your fitness level, you must be constant in your training efforts.

5. If you want to work toward fitness-related goals, periodization-a long-term training plan-is essential.

To know more about principles of strength training:



Why do people make the fundamental attribution error?


The main reason why people display the fundamental attribution error is that it serves as a type of heuristic, which is a mental shortcut that people intuitively use in order to make judgments and decisions quickly.

What wolves teach us about leadership?


Wolves teach about teamwork, clear communication and always being with the group.

The wolf represents the fundamentals of leadership. Wolves never depart from their pack. One male usually takes charge of the pack. These leaders work to secure the group's prosperity and survival by making decisions on behalf of the pack. A strong leader takes charge and is decisive.  Wolves are aware that sharing the workload is the best method to accomplish goals. It eases the load on the pack's leader and each individual member.

Wolves can also teach the importance of clear communication and cooperation. In a wolf pack, the leaders use body language, vocalizations, and forms of communication to clearly convey intentions to other members. This helps to ensure that everyone is working together towards a common goal. They are aware that cooperation, rather than competition or working against one another, is essential for success.

Read more about Wolves on:



briefly describe one major difference between sinn’s and pfaelzer’s historical interpretations of immigration to the pacific coast of the united states during the 1850s and 1860s.



Chinese immigrants, according to Sinn, found a variety of jobs, therefore the miner's tax had little bearing on them. According to Pfaelzer, the Chinese were singled out by the miner's tax because that is where the majority of their jobs were located.

Chinese immigrants came to the western US in great numbers between 1850 and 1860. Although there were also many immigrants from other parts of Asia, the Chinese were by far the most noticeable group.

The other US regions also welcomed many European immigrants at the same time. Nevertheless, there were also a lot of Latin Americans in these areas.

The population of that region increased as a result of immigration to the Pacific coast. Due to this, states that could accommodate all of these people had to be established to organize the area.

Learn more about Sinn's and Pfaelzer's historical interpretations here:



Discussion Questions
Directions: Brainstorm your answers to the following questions in the space provided. Be prepared to share
your original ideas in a class discussion.
How does the Declaration describe "universal human rights"? Why is it important for to protect
universal human rights? In your opinion, which right or rights listed in the Declaration are the most


The "universal human rights" are the based on the religion, ethnic origin, language, and the religion. The freedom of expression and the freedom of the slave.

What is right?

The term “right” refers to the power and privilege applied by the citizens of the country. The rights are given by the constitution of the country. The regulations, statutes, judicial precedents, or other types of law are the rights. Citizens benefit from the addition of rights.

Universal human rights are significant for everyone, including the right to life, liberty, and freedom from servitude. These rights are not discriminatory; they apply to all. Universal human rights include the freedom of expression and other rights. Humans are the ones who have the right. Universal human rights are the used of the law, and they protect himself.

As a result, the universal human rights are the saw is the most significant for b.

Learn more about on rights, here:



Summarize the impact of economic and politics on settlement and land usage in south America


Given that the population is being affected differently by the rise in inflation, poverty and inequality continue to be major issues.

What is South America's economy based on?

South America has a rich mineral heritage, a variety of agricultural products, and an abundance of freshwater. On three bodies of water—the Caribbean Sea, Atlantic Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean—it also has thriving fisheries and ports. The export of natural resources is the mainstay of the continent's economy.

Additionally destroying South America's distinctive biomes are urbanization and industrialization. A square foot of the Amazon rainforest is burned every second. For the timber industry, trees are cut down, and towns, ranches, and farms are built on the rainforest plains.

Learn more about South America here:



which part of the Declartion of independence gives many different examples of the British governmanet's unfair treatment of the colonists?
A. list of grievances
B . conclusion
C. Preamble
D. introduction



see explanation


Which part of the Declaration of independence gives many different examples of the British government's unfair treatment of the colonists?

A. list of grievances

B . conclusion

C. Preamble

D. introduction


The third section is the List of Grievances. This is the longest part of the Declaration of Independence, and it covers all of the concerns the colonies had against the British government and the King of England.

George washington was at a disadvantage because the constitution did not provide:
a. information about Congress.
b. details about how the President should govern.
c. information about the Supreme Court.


George Washington was at a disadvantage because the constitution did not provide details about how the President should govern. Option B.

Washington's presidency mattered beyond the fact that he was the first president. His actions helped establish a strong central government and develop a plan to solve the national debt problem. served as Secretary of State.

Also known as the Connecticut Compromise it was the major compromise at the Constitutional Convention, stating that the Senate would have equal representation from all states and the House would have representation proportional to the state's population. Created his bicameral parliament. However, the two continued to bolster opposing sides on several political issues.

Learn more about George Washington here:- https://brainly.com/question/2409724


________________ was responsible for leading cornelius and a number of other gentiles to faith in jesus christ.


Peter was in charge of bringing Cornelius and several other Gentiles to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.

In the tale of Peter and Cornelius, what happens?

While Cornelius is in prayer, an angel sent by God gives him the order to send men to Joppa to look for Peter. A vision of a sheet holding a rogue's gallery of clean and unclean animals that Peter sees three times in a row at that period causes God to stir the soil of Peter's heart.

In what ways did Peter help establish the church?

Peter spoke for the Apostles in the presence of the Jewish religious court in Jerusalem. He also functioned as the church's judge when it came to punishing individuals who made mistakes.

What does Peter learn from Cornelius?

They encountered the Holy Spirit and understood it was real as he shared the good news of Jesus Christ with them. Peter's acquaintances were shocked to find that he had preached to non-Jews. However, Peter told them that he had learned that the teaching of Jesus Christ was applicable to all people.

Learn more about Jewish religious: https://brainly.com/question/29721247


which reciprocity style was the most likely to be at the top, to be the most successful? which reciprocity style was the most likely to be at the top, to be the most successful? matchers takers givers


The four types of reciprocity style includes

Otherish givers, matchers, takers, selfless givers.The givers are most likely to be at the top.

Takers like to receive more than they give, according to Adam Grant, who said: "Takers have a particular signature. They favour reciprocity in their favour and prioritise their own demands over those of others. Givers. Giving people, on the other hand, will assist when the advantages to others outweigh the costs to themselves.Givers are deeply compassionate and empathic people who prioritise the needs of others before their own. They have the innate ability to support others by foreseeing their emotional needs. They take great pleasure in being accessible and serving as a source of support or a shoulder to cry on.

To know more about Reciprocity style here



autistic children have been found to show deficits in joint attention interactions. a clear example of a joint attention interaction is


Autistic children have been found to show deficits in joint attention interactions. a clear example of a joint attention interaction is d. drawing someone's attention to an object by pointing to it.

The research proposes that ASD may be an end result of disruptions in ordinary mind boom very early in improvement. those disruptions may be the result of defects in genes that manage brain improvement and alter how mind cells communicate with every other. Autism is greater common in youngsters born prematurely. Autism spectrum disease (ASD) is a developmental incapacity as a result of differences in the brain.

Human beings with ASD regularly have problems with social conversation and interplay, and limited or repetitive behaviors or pursuits. human beings with ASD may also have one-of-a-kind approaches to learning, shifting, or paying interest.

No longer expressing emotion or best a restricted variety of emotions. trouble interpreting one-of-a-kind feelings in others. not seeming attached to mother and father. lacking interest in playing social games or the organization of other kids.

Learn more about Autistic here: https://brainly.com/question/1278281


Disclaimer: The question is incomplete. Please read below to find the missing content.

Autistic children have been found to show deficits in joint attention interactions. A clear example of a joint attention interaction is

a. expressing friendship by hugging a person.

b. expressing a command verbally by saying "be quiet"

c. showing especially high interest in a stimulus, for example, by visually attending to it.

d. drawing someone's attention to an object by pointing to it.

Which culture group spread across eurasia in the 13th century and became the world’s largest empire?


Mongol Empire spread across Eurasia in the 13th century and became the world’s largest empire.

Genghis Khan established the Mongol Empire in 1206. Originating from the Mongol heartland in central Asia's Steppe, it stretched from the Pacific Ocean in the east to the Danube River and the Persian Gulf coastlines in the west by the late 13th century.

It was the greatest contiguous land empire in global history at its height, with a territory of almost 9 million square miles (23 million square kilometers).

The first assault (1205-09) was made against the Tangut kingdom of Hsi Hsia (Xi Xia), a Chinese frontier state in the northwest, and resulted in the ruler of Xi Xia swearing fealty. North China, which at the time was dominated by the Tungusic Jin dynasty, was the target of a following assault.

To know more about Mongol Empire:



Which of the following describes the current voter turnout trend the best ?


A strong democracy depends on high voter turnout. Voting for one candidate or party over another won't significantly change public policy, according to a common view that contributes to low turnout.

The United States has a lower voter turnout than the majority of other advanced democracies. This section discusses turnout in the US and provides suggestions on how to boost it. In national elections, the voting participation rate in the  varies. In recent years, over 60% of the eligible population has cast a ballot in voter turnout presidential election years and approximately 40% has done so in midterm election years. The turnout in the 2020 and 2018 elections was the greatest in over a century for both the presidential and midterm elections.

learn more about voter turnout here:



eliza lucas pinckney revolutionized the economy of south carolina when she proved that _______________ could be successfully cultivated and processed in 1740.


Eliza Lucas Pinckney revolutionized the economy of South Carolina when she proved that indigo could be successfully cultivated and processed in 1740.

Eliza Lucas Pinckney, who was likely the first significant American agriculturalist, recognised that the expanding textile industry was opening up new markets for dyes around the world. Beginning in 1739, she started cultivating and developing enhanced strains of the indigo plant, which was being used to color textiles in England's expanding textile factories.

While Lucas only had a broad understanding of the process from what she had seen in the Caribbean, she oversaw experiments for years to create effective strategies for the conditions in South Carolina. It's possible that African slaves transferred knowledge of indigo and rice processing and cultivation to the American and Caribbean colonies.

To learn about indigo refer:



Who does Schenck compare a drafted soldier to do you agree or disagree Why?


A drafted soldier is compared by Schenck to an indentured servant. I concur with Schenck since the 13th amendment was broken because men were forced to fight in wars against their will,

Schenck which legally violates their sense of and ability to exercise freedom. I agree with Schenck because a drafted soldier is an ordinary citizen who is selected against their will to serve for the United States military. Schenck Said citizen has no say in the matter, as to say no would be to break the law, punishable by jail time and fines. Said citizen is also being drafted as a consequence of something the United States government and/or military did or decided to do. It is not for something the citizen has done. This citizen may be harmed or even killed in the line of duty, all for no fault of their own and without them ever being able to object in the entire process.

learn more about Schenck here:




Which phrase describes one of the responsibilities of the President of the United Sates?

controlling the Congressional agenda

introducing new laws

deciding if a law is constitutional

appointing federal judges



Controlling the Congressional agenda


Ur welcome

Good day

The President of the United States plays one of the responsibilities of appointing federal judges. Thus the correct option is D.

What are the responsibilities of the president?

The president of the United States is considered the head of the country and responsible for appointing the leaders of government entities, including the Cabinet, in order to carry out and enforce the laws passed by Congress.

A president has the power to veto the bill approved by a majority of both the house of Congress. To declare a law unconstitutional is the primary duty of the supreme court which is the highest judiciary body.

Therefore, option D is appropriate.

Learn more about the powers of the president, here:



according to the smithsonian institution, the national museum of african american history and culture, juneteenth commemorates


The given statement is true .General Gordon Granger of the Union Army arrived at Galveston, Texas, on June 19, 1865. He announced the conclusion of the Civil War and the emancipation of the enslaved African Americans.

Since more than 150 years ago, this historic anniversary has been commemorated as Juneteenth, a combination of June and 19.

On June 19, 1865, slaves in Galveston, Texas, finally learned they were free. This anniversary is celebrated as Juneteenth.

The earliest nationally observed celebration commemorating the abolition of slavery in the United States is Juneteenth, sometimes known as "Freedom Day."

This festival has been referred to as "America's second Independence Day" and is regarded as the "longest lasting African-American celebration." On June 19, 1865, Union soldiers under the command of Maj.

Learn more about to Smithsonian institution visit here;



Full Question ;

according to the smithsonian institution, the national museum of african american history and culture, juneteenth commemorates true or false .

you and your partner are the first unit to arrive at the scene of a motor vehicle crash. the driver of the car is deceased. there are two passengers in the back seat, an unconscious man who is breathing poorly, and a conscious woman who is lying on top of him. how should you move the woman?


An unconscious guy who is having trouble breathing and a conscious lady who is laying on top of him are the two passengers in the rear seat. Applying a cervical collar and a short backboard with a straddle slide can help you transfer the woman.

In the event of an accident, be sure both you and the wounded party are not in any danger before proceeding. Make the situation safe if you are. Assess the wounded individual when it's safe to do so, and if an ambulance is needed, call 999.

Nobody experiences a vehicle accident as being simple. Simply expressing your gratitude for their existence will go a long way. If you are close to the person, you might even embrace them. A hug is a simple gesture that shows someone you care about them.

To learn more about accidents



taking notes and writing an essay are cognitively very demanding because they both: group of answer choices require that the person come up with new ideas. receive little practice at school. take considerable time to execute. make heavy demands on working memory.


Both taking notes and writing essays entail a great deal of cognitive effort because they both call for the generation of novel concepts. Here option C is the correct answer.

Taking notes in class requires you to pay attention and helps you focus. It aids with learning. According to studies on learning, actively participating in a subject by listening and then summarising what you hear can help you comprehend and recall the material later.

Writing essays aids in the development of analytical, linguistic, and critical thinking abilities. It aids in understanding word and sentence meanings. It aids in strengthening communication and Comprehension skills. It boosts one's self-assurance when giving speeches and speaking in front of an audience.

Complete question:

Taking notes and writing an essay are cognitively very demanding because they both:

A. make heavy demands on working memory.

B. take considerable time to execute.

C. require that the person come up with new ideas.

D. receive little practice at school.

To learn more about writing essays



What led to the rise of communism in the soviet union?


Answer: After Tsar Nicholas II lost power and was demoted, efforts to make Russia a communist state were made.

Explanation: During the revolt of 1917, the Provisional Government established Russia as a democratic state, however, a group of rebellious Russians, named the Bolsheviks refused to accept that and started a revolt in October 1917. This led a man, Vladimir Lenin, to be elected, and yet he was a man of communism. I hoped this helped you answer your question!

if you were going to advise a middle-aged adult on how to best maintain and improve her cognitive abilities into older adulthood, your best advice would be to tell her to


If you were going to advise a middle-aged adult on how to best maintain and improve her cognitive abilities into older adulthood, your best advice would be to tell her to stay intellectually engaged in complex tasks.

The declines in performance on cognitive tasks requiring quick information processing or transformation in order to make decisions, such as measures of processing speed, working memory, and executive cognitive function, are the most significant changes in cognition with normal aging.

We develop a variety of cognitive skills that seem to reach their peak around the age of 30, and on average, very subtly deteriorate with age. Most frequently, these aging-related cognitive declines include generalized slowness of thinking as well as challenges with maintaining attention, multitasking, holding information in mind, and word finding.

Learn more about cognitive abilities  to visit this link



Using the what-if function in excel to make a decision is considered a type of __________.


Using the what-if function in Excel to make a decision is considered a type of forecast and scenario model.

Excel sheet is a tool provided by Microsoft Office which helps in storing lot of data in the form of charts or spreadsheets and numerous functions are provided within it to perform calculations and help in easy functioning. Several statistics based functions are also provided by Excel. The if function allows us to make logical comparisons between a true value and measured value. The three arguments which are provided for the functioning of 'if' function are performing a test specimen, providing a value for function and then specifying the function as true or false.

Learn more about If function at:



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Hhow much energy is required to remove a proton from 157n ? the masses of the atoms 157n , 146c and 11h are 15.000109 u , 14.003242 u and 1.007825 u , respectively. Question 6 of 10Which of these artists is particularly known for painting the Madonna?A. DuccioB. CimabueOC. PhidiasD. GiottoSUBMIT An earthquake strikes and you immediately run to observe a seismograph instrument. Three distinct squiggles, separated by time, are recorded by the instrument. These represent the sequential arrival of:a.PSSurface waves (SW), because SW are fastest velocity, followed by S then P wavesb.SPSW, because SW are fastest velocity, followed by S then P wavesc.SWPS, because SW are fastest velocity, followed by P then S wavesd.SPSW, because S are fastest velocity, followed by P then SW wavese.PSSW, because P is fastest velocity, followed by S then SW wavesf.PSWS, because P is fastest velocity, followed by SW then S waves when a company assigns the costs of direct materials, direct labor, and both variable and fixed manufacturing overhead to products, that company is using group of answer choices operations costing. absorption costing. variable costing. product costing. How does conflict develop a study was designed to investigate the effects of two variables (1) a student's level of mathematical anxiety and (2) teaching method , on a student's achievement in a mathematics course. students who had a low level of mathematical anxiety were taught using the traditional expository method. these students obtained a mean score of 370 with a standard deviation of 50 on a standardized test. assuming a mound-shaped and symmetric distribution, in what range would approximately 95% of the students score? i want to be taught chemistry Use properties to rewrite the given equation. Which equations have the same solution as 2.3p 10.1 = 6.5p 4 0.01p? Select two options.2.3p 10.1 = 6.4p 42.3p 10.1 = 6.49p 4230p 1010 = 650p 400 p23p 101 = 65p 40 p2.3p 14.1 = 6.4p 4 How do you avoid premarital sex in a relationship? Work out the potential difference if 11,500j of energy are transferred by 50c of charge. What are the 8 key attributes? if a companys operating cycle is much longer than its average payment period for suppliers, it creates the need to borrow money to fund its inventories and accounts receivable.a. trueb. false a radioactive isotope, like 14c, can be used to accurately date something up to about half-lives. what is the most essential natural resource necessary to produce america's biggest crop? (the resource without which the crop will fail). a. pesticides b. oil c. water d. muscle energy (human ronald, the purchasing manager of telly's supermarket in georgia, was asked to purchase the latest video game console, funcase, to be kept in the supermarket. due to a truckers' strike, ronald had to personally make the trip to the funcase warehouse in florida to pick up the console. ronald paid for the trip himself, went to the warehouse, procured the console, and returned. after he got back, telly's supermarket paid ronald for the personal expenses he incurred in making the trip to florida. what duty of the principal did telly's supermarket satisfy when it paid ronald for the trip? What is the equation of a line that passes through the point (- 1/4 and is parallel to the y axis? both lloyd and harry are claiming patent protection for the same invention that each independently created. the rights to protection will be awarded to In a ___ question, respondents are asked about more than one issue but are only allowed to give one answer. ash company reported sales of $590,000 for year 1, $640,000 for year 2, and $690,000 for year 3. using year 1 as the base year, what is the revenue trend percent for years 2 and 3? the drive-reduction theory of motivation states that deviations from create physiological needs that result in psychological drive states that direct behavior to meet the need. biology emotions homeostasis motivations