What kind of geologic structures form on plate boundaries?


Answer 1

Deep ocean trenches, volcanoes, island arcs, submarine mountain ranges, and fault lines are examples of plate tectonic boundary features.

At a divergent plate boundary, plates rip apart, resulting in volcanic activity and shallow earthquakes.At a convergent plate boundary, one plate dives (“subducts”) beneath the other, resulting in a variety of earthquakes and a line of volcanoes on the overriding plate.

Plate tectonics is responsible for many geologic structures. When two plates collide, the impact forces the rock crust upwards, resulting in the formation of massive mountains; the Himalayan Mountains, the tallest on our planet, are the result of India colliding with Asia.

Learn more about  Plate tectonics  to visit this link



Related Questions

the zone of interface between the ocean and the continent, which includes the beach, coast, and shoreline, is called the .


The zone of interface between the ocean and the continent, which includes the beach, coast, and shoreline, is called the littoral zone.

The region along the beach and extending out to the edge of the continental shelf is known as an ocean's littoral zone. The littoral zone includes the intertidal area of a beach. The littoral zone also includes estuaries. The supralittoral zone, the intertidal zone, and the sublittoral zone are the three subzones that make up the littoral region. The "spray zone," which is situated between the high-tide line and dry ground, is only submerged during storms. The area between high and low tides is known as the intertidal zone. The lake or pond's shoreline is located in this zone. The section from dry land that slopes into the open water makes up this feature, which can be either very narrow or very wide. Because of their steep edges, oligotrophic, or youthful, bodies of water typically have small Littoral Zones. The grassy, reedy, marshy area that surrounds the banks of our waterways is known as the littoral zone. A littoral zone is defined by science as the region that is between uplands and open water. These are wonderful areas to explore nature's interconnection and how people effect water's health dependent on how they manage land.

Learn more about littoral zone here



which city in florida was named after the cigar manufacturer who opened a factory there?


The cigar producer who established a business there is honored with the moniker Ybor City in Florida.

Vicente Martnez de Ybor headed a group of Cuban cigar producers that created Ybor City, now a neighborhood in Tampa, in 1886. To prevent their employees from being unionized, the cigar firms relocated from Key West. Story of a Man from Florida's Ybor City.

Ybor City in Tampa, Florida, had earned the title of "Cigar Capital of the World" by 1900. West Tampa, which is nearby, benefited from Ybor City's prosperity as well. It funded new box-making and label-printing enterprises in addition to having ten of its own cigar plants by 1895.

In Tampa, Florida, renowned brands including J.C. Newman Cigar Company, Tabanero Cigar Company, and Fandy Cigar Company are all produced.

To learn more about Ybor City



Read the paragraph below and determine the main idea:

If you're looking for adventure, Alaska has it from the mild to the wild. Raft a world-class river, kayak along rugged coastlines, hike or bike a mountain trail. All are available on your own or with an experienced guide. Out of town adventures include charter fishing trips, sightseeing cruises and flight-seeing tours. The railroad can take you in comfort through some of the world's most spectacular scenery. A visit to outlying communities will introduce you to activities as varied as the Eskimo blanket toss or bird watching. In towns and cities you'll find cultural museums, city tours and historical sites. From a one-hour trek around a community to an extended tour, Alaska offers something for everyone. From novice to expert, the experience will exceed your expectations. (10 points)

Sightseeing excursions in Alaska

Historical and cultural tours to experience the best of Alaska

Alaska has something for everyone

How to plan your Alaska vacation



Alaska has something for everyone.


it's clearly stating all the things a person could do while visiting Alaska, trying to cater to everyone's interests. Also if it wasn't obvious enough it literally says "alaska offers something for everyone."

Not that hard to understand.

what was the geography of the southern colonies?
what was the geography of the middle colonies?
what made the middle colonies different from new england and the southern colonies?
what are the differences between the 3 colonial regions?
similarities between new england and middle colonies; new england colonies religion?
new england colonies economy?
middle colonies climate?


The Southern Colonies experienced warm winters and scorching summers. The terrain varied from eastern coastal plains to more interior piedmont.

Warm weather, interior plantation agriculture, coastal port towns, and prosperity from exporting their goods were the well-known attributes of the Southern Colonies. Beginning with Virginia, the Southern Colonies eventually included Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. The colonies were situated along the Atlantic Ocean, with New France to the north and New Spain to the south. To the west, a natural barrier was created by the Appalachian Mountains. Glaciers shaped the topography of New England. Much of North America was covered in thick sheets of ice during the Ice Age. The soil was suitable for farming, and there were pleasant summers and moderate winters.

To learn more about southern colonies click the link below:




The southern colonists had recourses including good farmland and lumber


Identify whether each of the following descriptions are true or false. To sustain fossil fuel resources, alternative sources of energy should be used. Drip irrigation uses more water and is not helpful in sustaining water use. Limiting erosion, disposing of mining waste, and limiting water pollution from the mine helps sustain land use. Deforestation is helpful in sustaining trees.


To preserve the resources of fossil fuels, alternative energy sources such as renewable energy should be used. As a result, the given assertion is true.The second excerption is false, because drip irrigation has possesses the tendency to save water and nutrients by permitting water to drip gradually to the plant roots.The third excerption is  true, because limiting erosion, disposing of mining waste, and limiting water pollution from the mine can helps sustain land use.The fourth excerption is false, because deforestation refers to the removal of the stand of trees or a forest where the land is afterward transformed into a non-forest use, then it can't help in maintaining trees.

What is deforestation explain the importance of trees?

Trees are felled for wood, waiting to be transported and sold. Deforestation is the clearing of forest land on purpose. Throughout history up to modern times, forests have been destroyed to make room for agriculture and animal grazing, and to obtain wood for fuel, manufacturing, and construction. Forests are one of our most valuable resources on Earth, they provide us with clean air, materials, food and much more. Forests even provide natural habitats for various animals and help support biodiversity, making deforestation extremely dangerous.

Learn more about deforestation here: brainly.com/question/11697527



1. True

2. False

3. True

4. False


You are researching beach erosion on the gulf coast of florida. Which phrase shows the best way to conduct an accurate boolean search on this topic?.


Beach erosion and Florida Gulf Coast phrase shows the best way to conduct an accurate boolean search.

What Are Beach Erosion Solutions?

Fortunately, there are ways to stop coastal erosion on a large and small scale. On the Gulf or Atlantic coasts, many coastal communities have invested millions of dollars in coastal restoration. This includes washing offshore sand and lengthening and deepening the shoreline.

What is beach erosion and how does it occur?

Coastal erosion is a natural process along the world's coasts, caused by the action of ocean currents and waves, resulting in sediment loss in many places and deposition in others. However, there has been a dramatic increase in coastal erosion in the South Bay over the past two decades.

The question is incomplete, the complete question is :

You are researching beach erosion on the Gulf Coast of Florida. which phrase shows the best way to conduct an accurate Boolean search on this topic?

1. beach erosion AND Florida Gulf Coast.

2. beach AND erosion AND Florida AND Gulf AND Coast.

3. beach OR erosion OR Florida AND Gulf Coast.

4. beach erosion AND Florida OR Gulf Coast.

To learn more about beach erosion here:



which relative dating principle would be the most useful for determining the relative ages of the rock layers in red canyon?


The relative dating principle of Law of Superposition would be the most useful for determining the relative ages of the rock layers in Red Canyon.

The ages of rocks are important in understanding Earth's history. Existing rock layers always are stored on top of new rock layers. As a result, deeper layers has to be older than those near the surface. This is known as the law of superposition. The concept of initial horizontality of the sediments, the principle of superposition, the principle of original lateral continuity, the principle of cross-cutting relationships, the principle of inclusions, the principle of biological succession, and the lithology of a rock are used to determine the relative age of a rock.

Learn more on rock layers



What type of border/boundary is Algeria?

-Relic, Superimposed, Subsequent, Antecedent, Geometric, Consequent


Answer:  This would be a Antecedent boundary

Explanation: This is because when the British came to Africa, they scrambled random pieces of lines and called them borders. That's why Africa has weird and large lines (borders)  

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why did the team choose to measure the parallax of nearby stars, whose distances are already well known?


By utilizing the idea of parallax, we can decide how cosmologists decide distances to stars.

Presently, we perceive how parallax estimations can be utilized to decide the distances, one of the realities we know is that if we have any desire to gauge the distance of divine bodies, we are familiar with the parallax, first and foremost, point. That's what it intends assuming we can quantify tiny parallax points, we can gauge enormous distances moreover.

The purpose for why we can not make precise estimations of parallax past a specific distance is that as the distance of the star from earth builds the parallax point turns out to be tiny.

Subsequently, presently we comprehend how parallax estimations are utilized.

Learn more about parallax:



What are the five factor that should be considered in determining the type and quality of facilities in the dining room?


Maintain high-quality building systems, suitable employee facilities, readily available safety equipment, and vermin and pest protection. Sanitation, durability, and upkeep.

Employee benefits and benefits in kind (also known as fringe benefits, extra perks, or perks) are various sorts of non-wage remuneration offered to employees in addition thereto the regular income or salary. Salary packing refers to situations in which an employee exchanges (cash) salaries for another type of perk. Most types of employee benefits are taxed to some extent in most nations. Housing (employer-provided or employer-paid), furnished or not, or without unrestricted utilities; gang insurance (health, dental, life, etc.); disability income protection; pension benefits; daycare; tuition assistance; sick leave; holiday  social security; profit sharing; company student loan contributions; solicitors; long service leave domestic help (servants); as well as other specialized benefits are examples of these benefits.

Learn more about Geography here



according to the fossil record, how old is the oldest evidence of life forms on the surface of the earth? group of answer choices about 3.5 billion years 65 million years a few million years you can't fool me, there is no way to measure the ages of ancient fossils 6000 years


6000 years old is the oldest evidence of life forms on the surface of the earth. Thus correct option (D).

A living thing, also spelled life-form or lifeform, includes things like plants (flora) and animals (fauna). Over five billion species, or more than 99% of all those that have ever existed on Earth, are thought to be extinct.

The only celestial body that is known to contain life is Earth. Extraterrestrial life in any form has never been found.

What is the importance of life forms?

Every living thing's primary goal is to survive. Even more significant than reproduction is this. Despite not reproducing, babies and grandparents are still alive. More than just transferring genes sustains life.

Learn more about lifeform to visit this link



Based on what you know about asteroid and comet impacts on earth, select all of the correct statements from the following list.
a. Most meteorites come from asteroids. b. Iron meteorites come from the cores of larger objects. c. Some stony meteorites resemble cooled lava d. Like most meteorites, stony meteorites come from comets and asteroids.



Based on what we know about asteroid and comet impacts on Earth, all of the statements in the list are correct.

a. Most meteorites come from asteroids. This is true because most meteorites that reach the Earth's surface are believed to come from asteroids, which are rocky objects that orbit the sun.

b. Iron meteorites come from the cores of larger objects. This is also true, as iron meteorites are thought to come from the cores of larger objects, such as asteroids or protoplanets, that have been broken apart by impacts.

c. Some stony meteorites resemble cooled lava. This is true because some stony meteorites, which are made mostly of rock and metal, can have a texture and composition that is similar to cooled lava.

d. Like most meteorites, stony meteorites come from comets and asteroids. This is also true, as stony meteorites, like most meteorites, are believed to come from comets and asteroids.


What are the challenges encountered by senior high school students in modular distance learning?


These include issues with internet access, insufficient learning materials, a lack of comprehension of the module's contents and assessment instructions, are the challenges encountered by senior high school students in modular distance learning.

The study found that following the installation of MDL, learners' GWA decreased by 2.25%, which indicates a considerable improvement in their academic performance. MDL improves family ties, fosters self-directed learning, and is economical. Discipline is a common area of challenge for distance learning students. Many people find it difficult to create and follow to a plan without being in a classroom with a lecturer. Technical problems might range from a slow internet connection to damaged hardware and defective software. A lack of understanding of technology and computer applications is the root of many technological issues. The speed of your Internet connection also has a big impact on how soon you can get to class.

To learn more about distance learning click the link below:



percentage of clay in the rock at the cretaceous/paleogene boundary differ from that found in the surrounding rocks? group of answer choices


The majority of the earth's crust has relatively little iridium, however it can be found in meteorites. 30% more iridium is present in the clay layer than in the nearby rock.

The majority of clay minerals are white or light in colour, however natural clays come in a variety of hues due to impurities, like a reddish or brownish hue brought on by trace levels of iron oxide. The first ceramic substance is clay. Although iron substitutes for aluminum and magnesium to variable degrees, and significant amounts of potassium, sodium, and calcium are frequently found, clay minerals are primarily made of silica, alumina or magnesia or both, and water. Because it contains minerals necessary for plant growth, clay is a crucial component of soil. Sculpting using clay is another method. Plasticity is one of clay's qualities. This indicates that the clay can be stretched out without tearing or breaking. Since it doesn't need a kiln, air dry clay is ideal for individuals who are just starting out in pottery making. It's also great for hand building and making pottery at home.

Learn more about clay layer here



what term describes the northernmost of the two large continents produced by the breakup of pangaea?


Answer:A.  The Triassic period of the Mesozoic Era


which statement describes the damage that results from earthquakes? amount of damage can be used to determine intensity. damage can be measured using the richter scale. the amount of damage increases


Amount of damage can be used to determine intensity. Intensity is the quantity of energy that kids often utilize to convey their emotions. Some kids have very strong emotional reactions to things from birth. These kids express whatever it is they are experiencing with a lot of vigour and excitement.

The amount of energy a wave transfers over a surface in a unit of time is measured as its intensity, which is also equal to the energy density times the wave speed. The formula for intensity is: intensity = power area. The amount of light that falls on a surface over a specific square foot or square meter is known as light intensity or luminous intensity. Lumens per square foot (foot-candles) or lumens per square meter are units used to measure light intensity (lux). Additionally, it's important to consider how intensely you exercise in addition to how much and what kind of movement you perform. Exercise and physical activity are typically divided into three categories: low, moderate, and high intensity (sometimes called "vigorous"). With waves like acoustic waves (sound) or electromagnetic waves like light or radio waves, intensity is most usually employed to describe the average power transfer across one period of the wave. Other situations where energy is exchanged can also be described in terms of intensity. A quick method to gauge relative intensity is the conversation test. In general, you can converse but not sing while engaging in moderate-intensity exercise. In general, you won't be able to speak for more than a few words without pausing to take a breath if you're engaging in vigorous-intensity activities.

Learn more about intensity here



Is clarity a good indicator of water quality?


Yes, clarity is a good indicator of water quality

The primary determinant of how the public perceives the quality of water is water clarity. Clear water can be a sign that the water is free of sediment and other particles that can affect its quality, but it does not necessarily mean that the water is safe to drink or use.

Clarity can be a good indicator of water quality to some extent, but it is not the only factor that should be considered. Other factors, such as the presence of harmful bacteria, chemicals, or other contaminants, can also impact the quality of the water and should be tested for in order to determine its safety. In general, it's important to use a combination of factors, including clarity, to assess the quality of water.

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which seismic wave type causes the most destruction of property during an earthquake?


Both vertical and horizontal ground motions are produced by Rayleigh waves.

These waves can be the most harmful because when they pass, they elevate and lower the land as they move along. An earthquake is a quick movement of geological materials beneath the earth's surface that causes the ground to shake violently or weakly. The tectonic plate border is where earthquakes start. Earthquakes typically result from subsurface rock breaking unexpectedly and rapid movement along a fault. The seismic waves that cause the ground to tremble are brought on by this quick release of energy.

Sudden tectonic changes in the earth's crust are what generate earthquakes. Orogeny, which causes earthquakes and volcanoes, is caused when the tectonic plates glide over one another. Vibrations result from these disruptions.

Learn more about Earthquake here: https://brainly.com/question/1266375


Can orcas swim in shallow water?


Orcas are capable of swimming in shallow water, and they have been observed purposefully swimming up steep beaches, estuaries, or icebergs to catch prey.

Plunge depth: Although they are not typically deep divers, killer whales may dive to depths of at least 100 m (328 ft). Under experimental circumstances, a killer whale dived as far as 259 meters (850 ft.). In order to feed on stingrays, Hinds said that orcas will occasionally enter shallow water.

"Some people don't spot them, but the ones who do are in amazement at seeing these orcas so close into the beach," Hinds said. It is not believed that orcas in the wild pose a threat to people. But up to this point, their "playfulness" has only caused repairable harm; as reported by the Daily Mail, the total now also includes a sunken boat. The crew of a sailing yacht was horrified and fled for their lives on a life raft near Portugal when seven orcas attacked and sank it in less than 45 minutes.

Learn more about orcas visit: brainly.com/question/27988282


in this relative age dating interactivity, order the geologic events chronologically from oldest to youngest, with the oldest being labeled 1st and the youngest being labeled 4th.


ADCB labels the youngest as fourth and the oldest as first.

What kinds of geology are there?

Geologic maps come in three main categories: topographic, cross-sectional, and structural. Topographic maps link areas of equal height using lines known as contour lines. The landscape is steep if the curves are near together, and flat if they are far apart.

Which two categories of geology are there?

Physical geologist and historical geology are the two primary subfields of geology. Historically geology is the investigation of the earth's past, whereas physical geologist is the examination of the earth's physical properties and the processes that affect them.

To know more about geologic visit;



archaeologists discovered a new set of mummies in egypt with what unique feature?


It influenced how we perceive Egyptian history. Archaeologists were able to learn more about the intricate burial customs because to the intact coffins. King Tut's mummy was filled with valuables.

In Egypt, what did researchers discover?

Archaeologists Discover a 4,300-Foot Tunnel Under a Temple in Ancient Egypt Archaeologists in Egypt discovered an underground tunnel in the temple of Osiris' death god, Taposiris Magna.

Several mummies, some of which had an amulet or a golden tongue in the mouth of the deceased, were found during the excavations. In order for the departed to talk and interact with the court of the ancient Egyptian god Osiris in the afterlife, this custom was created.

From their discovery, what can we learn about mummies?

An ancient civilization's manner of life, cuisine, illnesses, reasons of death, and religious and funerary customs can all be learned about from a mummy, which can provide information that archaeology and ancient literature alone cannot.

Learn more about Egyptian history: https://brainly.com/question/13108048


Some scientists claim that they can determine when the earth first formed as a planet. which technique do scientists use today to determine when the earth first formed?


Some scientists claim that they can determine when the Earth was first formed as a planet. The technique that scientists use today to determine when the earth was first formed is called radiometric dating.

Radiometric dating requires an understanding of isotopes. Isotopes are variations of an element differentiated by the number of neutrons in their nuclei. As advances in chemistry, geology, and physics continued, scientists found a method by which the absolute age- an actual number of years- of a rock or mineral sample could be determined. This method is radiometric dating, and it involves the decay or breakdown, of radioactive elements.

Learn more about radiometric dating here:



How do orcas survive in their environment?


Orcas are at the peak of the food chain, they consume a wide variety of foods, including fish, penguins, marine animals like seals, marine mammals, and sometimes even whales. 

Although they may be discovered in tropical and subtropical locations, they are more prevalent in polar regions like Antarctica, Norway, & Alaska. The killer whale communities that have been studied the most are found in the eastern North Pacific. Nearby killer whales have been sighted from California to Russia.

Whales have lungs that they utilize to breathe air and obtain the oxygen they require. However, they breathe using their blowholes, which are placed on the tops of their heads and serve as noses instead of mouths. Without raising their entire out of the water, they may effortlessly breathe via the blowhole.

Learn more about orcas at



Volcanoes are known for their destruction. how are they constructive? question 2 options: a. killing all the animals and vegetations b. forming new land and islands c. melting rock into gold d. forming new species of animals


1. Volcanoes erupt with a powerfully destructive mixture of ash, lava, hot, toxic gases, and rock. Explosions from volcanoes have claimed lives. 2. Option (c) is correct, you can make gold by melting the rock.

Volcanic eruptions can bring forth additional health risks such wildfires, floods, mudslides, electricity outages, and contaminated drinking water. The most powerful volcanoes are regarded as stratovolcanoes. A stratovolcano in Washington state named Mount St. Helens erupted on May 18, 1980. The crust melts and thins due to heat from the mantle plume, which results in volcanic activity at the surface. The sequence of volcanoes known as the Hawaiian Islands was created by the presence of a hot spot in the centre of the Pacific Plate.

At the Galeras volcano in the Andes of Colombia, Goff made the discovery. Dr. Goff noted that while gold can occasionally be found in extinct volcanoes, the Galeras volcano is currently spewing commercial quantities of gold from its raging summit. Yes, to some extent. It's crucial to keep in mind that a "rock" typically lacks a single melting point. It dissolves gradually over time. The minerals that make up igneous (magmatic) rocks, such as quartz, olivine, pyroxene, and feldspar, each melt at a different temperature.

Learn more about Volcanoes visit: brainly.com/question/29635453


Undersea earthquakes have the potential to cause which natural phenomena? question 6 options: a. hurricanes b. monsoons
c. tornadoes d. tsunamis


Tsunamis (D) usually generated by undersea Earthquakes or activity under the ocean floor, and categorized into natural phenomena caused by nature.

What do undersea earthquakes cause?When a great earthquake ruptures, the faulting can cause vertical slip that is large enough to disturb the overlying ocean, thus generating a tsunami that will travel outwards in all directions.A tsunami is a sequence of massive waves caused by an underwater disturbance, most commonly earthquakes that occur underneath or near the ocean. A tsunami can be caused by volcanic eruptions, undersea landslides, and coastal rock falls, as well as a massive asteroid slamming the ocean.

Learn more about tsunami here: brainly.com/question/12908014


What is the main reason why the K-12 curriculum includes entrepreneurship as one of its core subjects?


Collaboration, invention, and creativity are supported through entrepreneurship education. Your pupils will need these talents well after middle school and high school since they are highly regarded by the best institutions and the majority of enterprises worldwide.

Students from all socioeconomic levels benefit from entrepreneurship education because it fosters unique talents and abilities and educates children to think beyond the box. Studying entrepreneurship and ways to innovate can help you come up with new ways to solve problems and gain insights on how to navigate the path to success from ideation to market adoption. Entrepreneurship education encourages students from all socioeconomic backgrounds to think outside the box and nurture unconventional talents and skills. It also creates opportunity, ensures social justice, instills confidence, and boosts the economy. Opportunities are created, social fairness is upheld, confidence is fostered, and the economy is stimulated.

To learn more about entrepreneurship click the link below:



which data from ocean rocks showed seafloor spreading and convinced scientists the theory of plate tectonics was valid?



Paleomagnetism data from ocean rocks showed seafloor spreading and convinced scientists the theory of plate tectonics was valid. That means that the correct answer is Paleomagnetism.


Do orcas prefer warm or cold water?


Orcas prefer cold water.

These species seem to prefer cooler temperatures, even though they may be discovered in warmer waters close to the equator as compared to arctic waters. Orcas may go to semi-enclosed seas, river mouths, & ice-covered areas in addition to residing in deep ocean waters.

Whales and other marine mammals with warm blood may survive in cold water. Fat acts as an insulating material to assist whales maintain energy and warmth when they dive to freezing depths and cruise across icy seas, like those in Alaska.

Because of the increasing ocean temperatures, the killer whale is migrating further north in search of a new environment in which there are more sources of food and the water is cooler. On the other side, the ecology is negatively impacted over the long term by the movement of the dolphin species.

Learn more about orcas at



Is there a bird called rhea?


Rhea bird is an similiar to ostriches type of birds that is to be found in south america. Rheas are large, flightless birds with grey brown plumage, long legs and long necks.Their wings are large for a flightless bird.

They were spread thier wings  while running, to act like sails. They also store urine separately in an expansion of the cloaca. Rheas birds are from South America only and are limited within the continent to Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay

They are grassland birds and both species prefer open land. The rheas live in an open grasslands, chaco woodlands. They prefer to breed near water and prefer low lands.

Learn more about Rhea bird click the link here:



in the past 150 years, co2 emissions have risen by nearly 50%. what has dramatically increased during this time that has led to this increase in co2? explain how this has occurred.


Since 1750, the industrial processes have increased atmospheric carbon dioxide levels by over 50%. This increase is due to the discovery of isotopic fingerprints in the atmosphere by scientists.

What causes CO2 emissions?

Emissions of carbon dioxide can come from both natural and man-made processes. Examples of natural sources include respiration, decomposition, and oceanic release. Cement production, forest clearing, and the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas are examples of human-caused emissions.

Are CO2 emissions dangerous?

The effects of CO2 exposure on health are likely to be numerous. These include headaches, dizziness, restlessness, convulsions, coma, hypoxia, perspiration, a tingling or pins-and-needles sensation, and hypoxia.

To know more about co2 emissions visit:



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