what kind of chemical reaction is this?

What Kind Of Chemical Reaction Is This?


Answer 1
It’s a hydrogen reaction

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Given the following reaction: 2N2O5=2N2O4+O2, if the rate of oxygen production is 0.15M/min, determine:
a. The rate that N2O5 is consumed
b. The rate that N2O4 is produced



a. [tex]r_{N_2O_5}=-0.075M/min[/tex]

b. [tex]r_{N_2O_4}=0.075M/min[/tex]



In this case, according to the balanced chemical reaction, we can write the law of rate proportions:

[tex]\frac{r_{N_2O_5}}{-2} =\frac{r_{N_2O_4}}{2} =\frac{r_{O_2}}{1}[/tex]

Thus, we proceed as follows:

a. Since the rate of oxygen production is 0.15 M/min, we can make the following setup:

[tex]\frac{r_{N_2O_5}}{-2} =\frac{r_{O_2}}{1}\\\\r_{N_2O_5}=\frac{r_{O_2}}{-2} =\frac{0.15M/min}{-2}\\\\ r_{N_2O_5}=-0.075M/min[/tex]

b. Since the rate of oxygen production is 0.15 M/min, we can make the following setup:

[tex]\frac{r_{N_2O_4}}{2} =\frac{r_{O_2}}{1}\\\\r_{N_2O_4}=\frac{r_{O_2}}{2} =\frac{0.15M/min}{2}\\\\ r_{N_2O_4}=0.075M/min[/tex]

Best regards!

What are the coefficients needed to balance
the following chemical equation?
--- N2 + --- F2 ---> --- NF3


The balanced equation:

N2 + 3 F2 ---> 2 NF3

7. A strong acid has a pH of
A) 0
B) 6
C) 7
D) 14


It should be A) 0
because acids are from PH0-PH6 and basics are from PH7-PH14

Hope this helps!
Good luck!

in reaction 3Fe+2O2=Fe3O4 if I add 20g of Fe to my solution how many moles of Fe3O4 will produce???



0.119 moles


molar mass of Fe = 55.845g

to find moles = mass/ molar mass

so moles of Fe = 20/55.845

= 0.358 moles

for the equation you are given

for every three Fe, it produces 1 Fe3O4 , meaning the ratio is 3:1

if you have 0.358 moles of Fe, that means the number of moles of Fe3O4  will equal to one third of that,


moles of Fe3O4 = 1/3 x 0.358 = 0.119

what does 3 hour change mean?​



like what happens In 3 hours

Why is chemistry important? i need 5 paragraph please



Chemistry has a reputation for being a complicated and boring science, but for the most part, that reputation is undeserved. Fireworks and explosions are based on chemistry, so it's definitely not a boring science. If you take classes in chemistry, you'll apply math and logic, which can make studying chemistry a challenge if you are weak in those areas. However, anyone can understand the basics of how things work, and that's the study of chemistry. In a nutshell, the importance of chemistry is that it explains the world around you.

Chemistry Explained

Cooking: Chemistry explains how food changes as you cook it, how it rots, how to preserve food, how your body uses the food you eat, and how ingredients interact to make food.

Cleaning: Part of the importance of chemistry is it explains how cleaning works. You use chemistry to help decide what cleaner is best for dishes, laundry, yourself, and your home. You use chemistry when you use bleaches and disinfectants, even ordinary soap and water. How do they work? That's chemistry.

Medicine: You need to understand basic chemistry so you can understand how vitamins, supplements, and drugs can help or harm you. Part of the importance of chemistry lies in developing and testing new medical treatments and medicines.

Environmental Issues: Chemistry is at the heart of environmental issues. What makes one chemical a nutrient and another chemical a pollutant? How can you clean up the environment? What processes can produce the things you need without harming the environment?

We humans are all chemists. We use chemicals every day and perform chemical reactions without thinking much about them. Chemistry is important because everything you do is chemistry! Even your body is made of chemicals. Chemical reactions occur when you breathe, eat, or just sit there reading. All matter is made of chemicals, so the importance of chemistry is that it's the study of everything.

Importance of Taking Chemistry

Everyone can and should understand basic chemistry, but it may be important for you to take a course in chemistry or even make a career out of it. It's important to understand chemistry if you are studying any of the sciences because all of the sciences involve matter and the interactions between types of matter.

Students wanting to become doctors, nurses, physicists, nutritionists, geologists, pharmacists, and (of course) chemists all study chemistry. You might want to make a career out of chemistry because chemistry-related jobs are plentiful and high-paying. The importance of chemistry won't be diminished over time, so it will remain a promising career path.

Paragraph 1:

Chemistry is important Because it is so fundamental to our world, chemistry plays a role in everyone's lives and touches almost every aspect of our existence in some way.

Paragraph 2:

Chemistry is essential for meeting our basic needs of food, clothing, shelter, health, energy, and clean air, water, and soil.

Paragraph 3:

Even your body is made of chemicals. Chemical reactions occur when you breathe, eat, or just sit there reading. All matter is made of chemicals, so the importance of chemistry is that it's the study of everything.

Paragraph 4:

Chemistry has a reputation for being a complicated and boring science, but for the most part, that reputation is undeserved.

Paragraph 5:

Fireworks and explosions are based on chemistry, so it's definitely not a boring science. If you take classes in chemistry, you'll apply math and logic, which can make studying chemistry a challenge if you are weak in those areas.

Hope it helps :))

Why is think chemistry is important? i need 5 paragraph please



because it is so fundamental to our world . chemistry plays a role in everyone lives.

It touches almost every aspect of our existence in some way.

Chemistry is essential for meeting our basic needs of food, cloth, etc.

Chemistry plays a important and useful role towards the development and growth of industries.

chemistry also helps you become who you want to be.

How do you figure out the final temperature or the initial temperature in calorimetry.


Add the change in temperature to your substance's original temperature to find its final heat. For example, if your water was initially at 24 degrees Celsius, its final temperature would be: 24 + 6, or 30 degrees Celsius.

In what direction does erosion always occur?
a. Downhill
b. Uphill
C. South
d. West


I'm going to take a guess here and say it is downhill because water runs down the hill eroding the ground which is why landslides can happen. I'm sorry if I'm wrong.

how heart attacks and Strokes caused by cholesterol​


With high cholesterol, you can develop fatty deposits in your blood vessels. Eventually, these deposits grow, making it difficult for enough blood to flow through your arteries. Sometimes, those deposits can break suddenly and form a clot that causes a heart attack or stroke.


Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in your blood. Your body needs cholesterol to build healthy cells, but high levels of cholesterol can increase your risk of heart disease.

With high cholesterol, you can develop fatty deposits in your blood vessels. Eventually, these deposits grow, making it difficult for enough blood to flow through your arteries. Sometimes, those deposits can break suddenly and form a clot that causes a heart attack or stroke.


High cholesterol can cause a dangerous accumulation of cholesterol and other deposits on the walls of your arteries (atherosclerosis). These deposits (plaques) can reduce blood flow through your arteries, which can cause complications, such as:

Chest pain. If the arteries that supply your heart with blood (coronary arteries) are affected, you might have chest pain (angina) and other symptoms of coronary artery disease.

Heart attack. If plaques tear or rupture, a blood clot can form at the plaque-rupture site — blocking the flow of blood or breaking free and plugging an artery downstream. If blood flow to part of your heart stops, you'll have a heart attack.

Stroke. Similar to a heart attack, a stroke occurs when a blood clot blocks blood flow to part of your brain.

Why is Newton's first law of motion is sometimes called the law of inertia



The reason why Newtons first law of motion is sometimes called the law of inertia is because it states that if the object is in motion, it will not rest unless an unbalanced force acts on the object.

How does natural gas impact the environment


Answer: Burning natural gas for energy results in fewer emissions of nearly all types of air pollutants and carbon dioxide (CO2) than burning coal or petroleum products to produce an equal amount of energy.



Natural gas is a relatively clean burning fossil fuel . Burning natural gas for energy results in fewer emissions of nearly all types of air pollutants and carbon dioxide than burning coal or petroleum products to produce an equal amount of energy.


HELP PLEASE , ITS DUE BY 6 ❤️10. If temperature were increased at the same rate for all four substances, which substance
would turn into a gas first?





Depending on the kind of substance you have (since ur answer of what substances was vauge) you would want to look at the molecular structure of the substances.

Understanding intermolecular bonds are key here (research this)

For example, Bromine is found as Br2 and only exerts London dispersion forces as there is no difference in polarity. And because this force is weaker, it has a lower boiling point

Another example being something like Hydrochloric acid (HCl). This is where Hydrogen acts as the positive atom while chlorine is the negative atom. This creates a stronger force and thus, a higher boiling point than Br2

Finally, there is Something like H2O where the force in play is Hydrogen bonding as Nitrogen, Oxygen, Fluorine where the bonds are strongest due to the electronegativity is at the greatest difference between these and Hydrogen. and thus having a higher boiling point.

So depending on the substance's bond, that will help determine the boiling point. If they fall under the same group, go based on the greatest difference in electronegativity.

I don't know if this is what you're looking for but, hope this helps. :)

helooo i need help please :)


It is a ,d and c just make sure tho

Which of the following BEST describes what DNA looks like?



You didn't provide any options but from this, choose the answer in your options.

DNA has a double helix structure. It creates an extremely thin spiral that can not be seen to the naked human eye. It contains sugar and phosphate molecules. The spiral contains colored nitrogenous bases.

Look at the imagine show. Above

What phase does the moon show?
A. waxing gibbous
B. waning gibbous
C. third quarter
D. first quarter


Answer:    D


Trust me please

Can someone help me!!!!!



Can u somehow make it bigger please?


Care este concentratia procentuala a amestecului obtinut prin amestecarea a 25g acid sulfuric de concentratie 30% si 36 g solutie acid sulfuric de concentratie 65%?

What is the concentration of the combination of 25grams of sulphuric acid of concentration 30% and 36 grams of solution of sulphuric acid of concentration 65%




Calculate the force applied (in newtons) if a pressure of 6000Pa is acting on an area of 15m?


Force = pressure/ area
F = 6000/15
Force = 400 Pa/m

Why is pathogen a better word choice than "Germ"?


Answer: because its more scientific and "formal"? I guess.


Which pH values indicate an acid soil?



They indicate the acidity level. That is, the less pH, the more acidic

Hope it helps :)

The following diagram represents the potential energy for the reaction:

The curves represent two possible reaction paths for the decomposition of ammonia, NH3. One can correctly conclude from the graph that the largest activation energy shown for the decomposition of NH3 corresponds to which labeled interval?



A is the answer I reckon


Look in the picture ;)


Seawater is a good source of magnesium. Magnesium is dissolved in the seawater as Mg²⁺. SUGGEST a substance that could be used to precipitate magnesium out of the water. Write a BALANCED CHEMICAL EQUATION and IDENTIFY THE REACTION TYPE to support your thinking



SO₄⁻² (aq)  +  Mg²⁺ (aq)  ⇄  MgSO₄ (s) ↓

Precipitation reaction


Mg²⁻ is one of the metals at group 2 in the Perodic Table. This group is called, the alkaline earth metals.

To make precipitate the Mg²⁺ we can use a salt of sulfate, either flouride or phosphate. Those are three salts that can precipitate this metal.

We use sodium as cathion so, first of all we dissociate them:

Na₂SO₄ (aq) →  2Na⁺  (aq)  +  SO₄⁻² (aq)

NaF (aq) →  Na⁺ (aq) +  F⁻ (aq)

Na₃PO₄ (aq) →  3Na⁺ (aq)  +  PO₄⁻³ (aq)

In all cases, the reaction is of the precipitation type and is conditioned by the Kps, the solubility product constant. Let's bond the anions with Mg²⁺.

SO₄⁻² (aq)  +  Mg²⁺ (aq)  ⇄  MgSO₄ (s) ↓    Kps

2F⁻ (aq)  +  Mg²⁺ (aq)  ⇄   MgF₂ (s) ↓      Kps

2PO₄⁻³ (aq)  +  3Mg²⁺ (aq)  ⇄  Mg₃PO₄ (s) ↓   Kps  

I’ll really appreciate it if you help me out on these 2 questions.



13. A

14. C

Explanation: i tried my best

If more reactants are used in a chemical reaction, more products will be
produced. This is because *
1 point
More reactants have more atoms to react to form more products
More reactants take up the same volume
Too many products can slow down the reaction
More reactants cause the reaction to heat up


More reactants have more atoms to react to form more products.

More reactants have more atoms to react to form more products in a chemical reaction.

What is a Chemical reaction?

This is the process which involves two or more molecules known as reactants collide with the right orientation and force to form a new product.

Increase in reactants means presence of more molecules involved in the reaction thereby leading to the formation of more product.

Read more about Chemical reaction here https://brainly.com/question/11231920?source=archive

A 3.56 L balloon is compressed to 1.00 L at constant temperature. If the initial pressure in the balloon was 101.3 kPa, what is the final pressure?


Foh right on gang shawty I’ll be ighh

Sodium carbonate is commonly known as washing soda and is used in detergents as a water softener. What is the molarity of 5.30 g of sodium carbonate, Na₂CO₃, dissolved in 50 L solution?



0.1 m


A trait that is helpful to a species will become more common in that
species over time. This is called what.

A. genetic variation
B. transition
C. overproduction
D. selection


B is the right answer

When does magnetic force push objects apart?
A. when like poles of two magnets are facing each other
B. when opposite poles of two magnets are facing each other
C. when the objects are made of wood
D. never



the answer is this hope it helps

The answer is B.........................

What is the difference between cleavage and fracture


The difference between the two is, cleavage is the property of a mineral that allows it to break smoothly along specific internal planes (called cleavage planes) when the mineral is struck sharply with a hammer. Fracture is the property of a mineral breaking in a more or less random pattern with no smooth planar surfaces.

Hope this helps!!
Please give brainliest if this is correct!
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