What is tourism sector transformation?​


Answer 1


The amended tourism codes seek to address the slow pace of accessibility for previously disadvantaged Black people in the tourism sector across ownership control, management control, skills development, enterprise and supplier development, and socio- economic development. Transformation is a process by nature.

Answer 2

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How does population pyramid. explain demography of country ​


Answer:A population pyramid is a way to visualize two variables: age and sex. They are used by demographers, who study populations. A population pyramid is a graph that shows the distribution of ages across a population divided down the center between male and female members of the population.

What are natural environmental trends and how can they impact on tourism?​




Tourism regularly puts weight on common assets through over-consumption, regularly in places where assets are as of now rare. Tourism puts colossal stretch on neighborhood arrive utilize, and can lead to soil disintegration, expanded contamination, normal environment misfortune, and more weight on imperiled species.

id.,,,k just dro,,p out man

I need help planning a road trip. We are going to 5 different states. What should I do?



What states are you going to?


figure out where you’re staying in those states and plan the routes ahead of time too

Identify the statement that is true about hurricanes. Choose one: A. have their strongest winds in the eye wall, but their calmest region in the eye. B. Hurricanes that cause minimal damage, such as a low number of broken branches and low storm surge, are rated as Category 5. C. are called cyclones in the northwestern Pacific. D. They begin as tropical disturbances off the east coast of South America.


Answer: A. have their strongest winds in the eye wall, but their calmest region in the eye.


Hurricanes do indeed have their strongest part in the eye wall. This is the region of the hurricane just before the center and the winds in this region have been known to move at 140 miles per hour. This region pulls up the most ocean water and makes the hurricane even more dangerous.

This is in sharp contrast to the eye of the hurricane which is the calmest part of the hurricane. Here the winds are gentle and the sky is even visible such that when looking at a hurricane from above, this opening looks like the eye of the hurricane which is where it gets its name.

All of the following statements are true of eutrophication EXCEPT:

Eutrophication is the process by which a body of water becomes too rich in nutrients.

This process depletes the oxygen in the water, eventually killing all of its living organisms.

After eutrophication takes place, the body of water will eventually dry up.

Eutrophication is very rare and can only happen in areas of high pollution.


The answer would be A. Please mark brainliest

Where is a continental climate zone most likely located


Continental climates often have a significant annual variation in temperature (hot summers and cold winters). They tend to occur in the middle latitudes (40 to 55 north), where prevailing winds blow overland, and temperatures are not moderated by bodies of water such as oceans or seas
Middle of a continent for a shorter answer

What tectonic plate is south africa part of?
(b) the following sentences are all wrong. Change a word or words in each sentence to make it correct

b1) Tectonic plates move on top of the inner core
(b2) Convention currents in the mantle cause Earth's tectonic plates to stay in one place
(b3) New land is made when a tectonic plate erupts

C) name one tectonic part that is mostly land
D) name the plates to the north , south , east and west of the African plate ​



I have no clue but ill take the brainlist


South Africa is a component of a tectonic plate. The asthenosphere, a rock layer that is currently partially molten, is located above these plates. Seafloor spreading is a process wherein tectonic plates drift apart from one another.

A tectonic plate moving beneath another causes a volcano to erupt on land.

What is meant by  tectonic plate?

According to the widely recognized scientific hypothesis of plate tectonics, the Earth's lithosphere is made up of a number of substantial tectonic plate that have been steadily moving for nearly 3.4 billion years.

The theory of continental drift, which was created in the early 20th century, is the foundation of the model. The validation of seafloor spreading in the mid- to late 1960s led to the broad acceptance of plate tectonics among geoscientists.

There are seven or eight major plates (depending on how they are classified) and numerous lesser plates tectonic plate that make up Earth's lithosphere, the solid outermost shell of the planet (the crust and upper mantle).

Learn more about tectonic plate, from :



Wild cheetahs live in the African grasslands. Previous estimates of the size that the wild cheetah population must be, in order for these animals to survive a natural disaster in the African grasslands region were too small, and the current population barely meets the previous estimates. At present, however, there are not enough African grasslands to support a wild cheetah population larger than the current population. The statements above, if true, most strongly support which of the following conclusions?
(A) Previous estimates of the size of the existing wild cheetah population were inaccurate.
(B) The cheetah’s natural habitat is decreasing in size at a faster rate than is the size of the wild cheetah population.
(C) The principal threat to the endangered wild cheetah population is neither pollution nor hunting, but a natural disaster.
(D) In the short term, the wild cheetah population will be incapable of surviving a natural disaster in the African grasslands.
(E) In regions where land is suitable for cheetah habitation, more natural disasters are expected to occur during the next decade than occurred during the past decade.


Answer: (D) In the short term, the wild cheetah population will be incapable of surviving a natural disaster in the African grasslands.


It is said that the previous estimates of the population of cheetahs needed for them to survive a natural disaster were understated and yet on top of that, the current population barely meets those understated numbers. Their numbers are therefore not enough to survive a natural disaster as it is.

To top that all of, the population cannot increase in the short term because African grasslands cannot support a larger population. This means that should a natural disaster strike Cheetahs in the short term, their numbers would be unable to take it and they would not survive.

Which of the following is true about urban land use?



true that you have to go back to you


that I have a a but this is the real account of Finn have a great time at all today I was going to answer restroom for spring break is over the weekend with my mom sa

Answer: urban land may include residential areas


Where are jet streams found?

close to the poles
in the middle latitude
toward the equator
in the upper atmosphere





The jet streams are found in the upper atmosphere. The correct option is d.

What are jet streams?

Jet streams are fast-flowing, narrow, meandering air currents in the atmospheres of some planets, including Earth. On Earth, the main jet streams are located near the altitude of the tropopause and are westerly winds Jet streams may start, stop, split into two or more parts, combine into one stream, or flow in various directions including opposite to the direction of the remainder of the jet.

The first indications of this phenomenon came from American professor Elias Loomis in the 1800s, when he proposed a powerful air current in the upper air blowing west to east across the United States as an explanation for the behaviour of major storms. After the 1883 eruption of the Krakatoa volcano, weather watchers tracked and mapped the effects on the sky over several years.

They labeled the phenomenon the equatorial smoke stream.

Learn more about jet streams, here:



what is the largest constellation?
a.andromeda b.cygnus c.hydra d.virgo​


c. hydra

It it the largest constellation over 88 constellation , it measures 1303 square degree , it forms like a twisting snake stretching from cancer in the North to libra and Centaurus in the south .

Based on the image of the rock layers and fossils, what two things can you conclude?
A. Fossil D is the same age as Layer 2.
B. Fossil A is the oldest of the four fossils.
C. Fossils B and C are younger than fossil
D. Fossils B and C are near the same age.​



C and D



c. and d.


How do people use and misuse rivers and how does water become polluted?


Answer: People use rivers for transporting goods and services, irrigation, and fish farming.

people misuse rivers by throwing there trash in the river or nearby and the wind carries it to the river. also factories that are close to a river will often dump the waste products of whatever they are manufacturing, this can include oils, trash, metals... etc. and boats that travel to import or export pollute the water from there engine(s).

Explanation: there are many uses for rivers but a lot of them have to include extra steps to counteract the negative outputs of pollution.

area with limited vegetation, such as moss and shrub


Tundra is an area where tree growth is difficult because of cold temperatures and short seasons. Vegetation in tundra is limited to a few shrubs, grasses, and mosses. Scientists estimate roughly 1,700 different species live in the tundra, which isn't much compared to forests and grasslands.

What is the largest city in Africa south of the 33rd Parallel or 33" South?



The 33rd parallel south is a circle of latitude that is 33 degrees south of the Earth's equatorial plane. It crosses the Atlantic Ocean, Africa, the Indian Ocean, Australasia, the Pacific Ocean and South America.

1234...................... giving brainlist BTW finish the math equation






The human body is made up of several organ systems that work as a unit to allow the body to function properly. When the body is invaded by the E. coli bacteria from ingesting undercooked meat, a person will likely experience diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. Which of the following system failed to do its job?
(I’ll give brainliest)

A. Digestive System
B. Excretory System
C. Nervous System
D. Immune System



A digestive system  


The processes of digestion include six activities: ingestion, propulsion, mechanical or physical digestion, chemical digestion, absorption, and defecation.


the answer is d.immune system am not sure

What is sagmentation and explain the requiremen
for effective sagmention marketing​



So what are the requirements for effective market segmentation? Effective segmentation should be measurable, accessible, substantial, differentiable, and actionable. When a company has segmented their market accordingly, there is a higher chance that it will become more profitable and successful in the long run.


The law of supply states that, ceteris paribus, there is an inverse relationship between the price of a good and the quantity supplied
of the good.
True or False​


I think it true not sure

It is true that there is an inverse relationship between the price of a good and the quantity supplied with respect to law of supply.

What is supply?

Supply is the amount of products, a producer is willing to supply to the market at a particular price.

The law of supply states that the higher the price, the lower the quantity supplied and vice versa.

Hence, It is true that there is an inverse relationship between the price of a good and the quantity supplied with respect to law of supply states.

Learn more about supply here : https://brainly.com/question/4803223


Which question, if answered, will BEST help you predict how the model of the Milky Way will look in the future?

How will the Milky Way change shape and composition as a result of the Big Bang?

How will the Milky Way expand and get larger as a result of the Big Bang?

How will the Milky Way contract and get smaller as a result of the Big Bang?

How will the Milky Way continue to move outward as a result of the Big Bang?


It makes more sense if you chose The answer C

Dê o nome das bacias hidrográficas brasileiras: 1. _____________________________ 2. _____________________________ 3. _____________________________ 4. _____________________________ 5. _____________________________ 6. _____________________________ 7. _____________________________ 8. ______________________


1. Bacia Hidrográfica Amazônica

2. Bacia Hidrográfica do Tocantins-Araguaia

3. Bacia Hidrográfica do São Francisco

4. Bacia Hidrográfica do Paraná

5. Bacia Hidrográfica do Parnaíba

6. Bacia Hidrográfica do Uruguai

7. Bacia Hidrográfica do Paraguai

8. Bacia Hidrográfica do Atlântico Nordeste Oriental

9. Bacia Hidrográfica do Atlântico Nordeste Ocidental

10. Bacia Hidrográfica Atlântico Leste

11. Bacia Hidrográfica Atlântico Sudeste

12. Bacia Hidrográfica Atlântico Sul

Complete the sentence.
Two groups of chimpanzees compete in a location that has a lot of fruit that is easy to get. This is an example of __________.
Select one:

intraspecies selection

intraspecies competition

interspecies competition

interspecies selection



nterspecies competition

1. It is a natural heating process that occurs when certain gases in Earth’s atmosphere trap

heat. _______________________________________

2. It refers to the recent and ongoing rise in global average temperature near Earth’s

surface. _______________________________________

3. It refers to any significant change in the measures of climate lasting for an extended

period. _______________________________________

4. A gas in the atmosphere that absorbs and emits radiation within the thermal infrared

range. _______________________________________

5. It refers to the average of all weather conditions of an area over a long period of time.



[tex]\huge{\textbf{\textsf{{\color{navy}{An}}{\purple{sw}}{\pink{er}} {\color{pink}{:⌐■-■}}}}}[/tex]

1. Green house effect.

2. Global warming.

3. Climate change.

4. Green house Gases

5. Climate


1. It is a natural heating process that occurs when certain gases in Earth’s atmosphere trap  heat. Greenhouse effect

2. It refers to the recent and ongoing rise in global average temperature near Earth’s  surface. Global warming

3. It refers to any significant change in the measures of climate lasting for an extended  period. Climate change

4. A gas in the atmosphere that absorbs and emits radiation within the thermal infrared  range. Greenhouse gas

5. It refers to the average of all weather conditions of an area over a long period of time. Climate

Most of North Asia is ?

It is a 7 letter word.





It is Algeria! A 7letter word

Which best describes Mount Kilimanjaro?
A. It lies on the west coast of Australia.
B. It is surrounded by desert.
C. It has few animal species living on it.
D. It supports five vegetation zones.



D. it supports five vegetation zones.



Mount Kilimanjaro is best described as It supports five vegetation zones. Thus the correct option is D.

What is Mount Kilimanjaro?

The Tanzanian dormant volcanoes Mount Kilimanjaro, which rises 5,895 meters above sea level, is regarded as the highest peak in Africa and the tallest available mountain in the world.

By 1860, European explorers were referring to the mountain by its new name, Kilimanjaro. Due to its five distinct plant zones, which reflect every region of Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro has a unique climate.

The mountain may be divided into five different climate zones since the difference in height between its base and peak is so great. In general, the weather on Mount Kilimanjaro is mild and cold.

Therefore, option D's five vegetation zones are appropriate.

Learn more about Mount Kilimanjaro, here:



Two things that increase a populatiom


reproduction and immigration
The two factors that increase the size of a population are natality, which is the number of individuals that are added to the population over a period of time due to reproduction, and immigration, which is the migration of an individual into a place.

What is happening with Earth and the
sun's rays during winter in the Northern



During the northern hemisphere winter solstice, the Sun's incoming rays are perpendicular to the Tropic of Capricorn at 23.5 degrees south latitude. The Sun's path is the lowest above the horizon in locations north of the equator, and these regions experience the shortest day of the year.



The followers of Jesus of Nazareth, a Jewish rabbi, founded which of the
A. Judaism
B. Buddhism
C. Islam
D. Christianity




Explanation: Christianity took the test........

The primary producers in a forest ecosystem are?



Trees, Shrubs and Moss.

Tertiary consumers, or carnivores that devour other carnivores, can also exist in ecosystems. A bald eagle is an illustration of a tertiary consumer you can observe close to the Everglades' coastal mangrove islands.

The trees, bushes, and moss are all producers in the forest ecosystem. Through a process known as photosynthesis, they convert water and sunlight into the energy they need to survive and develop.

Which is a primary consumer?

The next trophic level is made up of primary consumers. Another name for them is herbivores. They only eat primary producers, which are either plants or algae.

One prominent consumer, for instance, is a grasshopper that resides in the Everglades. White-tailed deer, which graze on prairie grasses, is another illustration of a primary consumer, as are zooplankton, which consumes microscopic algae in the water.

For more information about primary consumer refer to the link:



g The elevation at the trailhead where you start your climb is 3,000 ft. If the outside air temperature at the trailhead at 3,000 ft. is 72ºF. You also find the weather conditions average in terms of normal lapse rate in the troposphere. Given these conditions, what would air temperature be (in º F) at the summit (elevation 7,000 ft) at the same time of your 72ºF reading at the trailhead?



The right answer is "50.48°F".


The given values are:

Temperature at 3000 feet,

= 72°F

Temperature change for 1000 feet,

= 5.38°F

Normal lapse rate,

= [tex]\frac{5.38^{\circ}F}{1000 \ feet}[/tex]

Change in elevation will be:

= [tex]7000-3000[/tex]

= [tex]4000 \ feet[/tex]


The temperature change for 4000 feet will be:

= [tex]5.38\times 4[/tex]

= [tex]21.52^{\circ}F[/tex]

The temperature change for 7000 feet will be:

= [tex]72-21.52[/tex]

= [tex]50.48^{\circ}F[/tex]

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