What is the wavelength of a Colour of frequency 4 x 10 14 Hz in a medium of refractive index 1.5 *?


Answer 1


Approximately [tex]5.00 \times 10^{-7}\; {\rm m}[/tex] ([tex]500\; {\rm nm}[/tex].)


Look up the speed of light in vacuum: [tex]c \approx 3.00 \times 10^{8}\; {\rm m\cdot s^{-1}}[/tex].

If the speed of light in a medium is [tex]v[/tex], the refractive index  of that medium will be [tex]n = (c / v)[/tex]. For the medium in this question, it is given that [tex]n = 1.5[/tex]. Rearrange the equation [tex]n = (c / v)\![/tex] to find [tex]v[/tex]:

[tex]\begin{aligned}v &= \frac{c}{n} \\ &\approx \frac{3.00 \times 10^{8}\; {\rm m\cdot s^{-1}}}{1.5} \\ &\approx 2.00 \times 10^{8}\; {\rm m\cdot s^{-1}}\end{aligned}[/tex].

Let [tex]f[/tex] denote the frequency of this wave. When the speed of this wave is [tex]v[/tex], the wavelength [tex]\lambda[/tex] of this wave will be [tex]\lambda = (v / f)[/tex]. Therefore:

[tex]\begin{aligned}\lambda &= \frac{v}{f} \\ &\approx \frac{2.00\times 10^{8}\; {\rm m\cdot s^{-1}}}{4 \times 10^{14}\; {\rm s^{-1}}} \\ &\approx 5.00 \times 10^{-7}\; {\rm m} \\ &= 500\; {\rm nm}\end{aligned}[/tex].

(Note that [tex]1\; {\rm Hz} = 1\; {\rm s^{-1}}[/tex].)

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1. a metal ring with a clockwise current produces a magnetic field (right-hand-rule). if the current increases (which increases the field) over time, what direction will the induced current on the ring be?


A counterclockwise current will be induced (ccw). The area of the loop shrinks as the bar ascends through the zone of constant magnetic field, and as a result, the flux through the loop also shrinks. Any induced current will tend to oppose the decrease, according to Lenz's law.

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In accordance with Lenz's law, induced current in metal ring 1 will flow clockwise, but induced current in metal ring 2 will flow counterclockwise.

Is the induced emf's direction the same as the induced current's direction?

An electric circuit's induced emf always behaves in a way that the current it pushes through the circuit opposes the change in magnetic flux that results from it.

To know more about counterclockwise current visit:-



a 1.25 kg block is attached to a spring with spring constant 17.0 n/m . while the block is sitting at rest, a student hits it with a hammer and almost instantaneously gives it a speed of 46.0 cm/s . what are


a 1.25 kg block is attached to a spring with spring constant 17.0 n/m . while the block is sitting at rest, a student hits it with a hammer and almost instantaneously gives it a speed of 46.0 cm/s .The amplitude of the subsequent oscillations 48.13 cm/s

a 1.25 kilogram block is fastened to a spring with a 17.0 newtons per meter spring constant. Given that K is equal to 14 Newtons per meter and mass equals 10.5 kg. The block is then struck with a hammer by a student while it is at rest, giving it a speedo of 46.0 cm for a brief period of time. The required energy provided by the hammer, which is half mv squared, is transformed into potential energy as a result of the succeeding oscillations. This is because we know that energy is still available for consultation. So access the amplitude here from here. He will therefore be equal to and by. Consequently, the Newton's spring constant is 14 and the value is 10.5. The velocity multiplied by 0.49

Speed at X equals 0.35 into amplitude, or vice versa. At this point, the spirit will equal half of K X 1 squared plus half. Due to the fact that this is the overall energy, square is equivalent to half of a K square or an angry square. amplitude is 13 and half case 14 x one is 0.35. calculate that is equal to initial velocities of 49 squares and masses of 10.5. This will be divided in half and start at about 10.5 into the 49-square-minus-14. 13.42 into the entire square in 20.35. dividing by 10.5 and taking the square as a result. 231 6.9 Six centimeters per square second. 10.5 into 49 sq. 14. 2 into a 13.42 square entire. then subtract 10.5 from the result to get the square. So that is 48.13cm/s.

To learn more about oscillations Please click on the given link:



This is incomplete question Complete Question is:

a 1.25 kg block is attached to a spring with spring constant 17.0 n/m . while the block is sitting at rest, a student hits it with a hammer and almost instantaneously gives it a speed of 46.0 cm/s . what are The amplitude of the subsequent oscillations?

how far from the lens should an object be held so that its image is seen at the near-point distance of 25 cm ? assume that your eye is immediately behind the lens.


The distance of lens from the object is 4.16 cm, so that its image is seen at the near-point distance of 25 cm.

The near-point distance of a human eye, described to be s = 25 cm, is the shortest item distance that a typical or "normal" eye is capable of accommodate, or to photo onto the retina. The some distance point of a human eye is the farthest object distance that a standard eye is able to photo onto the retina.

The human eye can see objects genuinely with none pressure on the attention while an item is placed at the least 25 cm away. This distance of 25 cm is called the close to point of the eye. while the object is positioned at a distance between 25 cm and infinity, the photo of the object is fashioned on the retina and interpreted surely.


for magnifier

magnification m = 25 cm /f

5 = 25/f

f = 25/5 = 5 cm

ten using lens equation

1/f = 1/do + 1/di

1/5 = (1/do)-(1/25)

1/do = (1/5)+(1/25)

do = 4.16 cm

Learn more about near-point distance here:-https://brainly.com/question/29733462


Astronomers will never directly observe the first few minutes of the universe because:_______.


Astronomers will never directly observe the first few minutes of the universe because the universe was opaque at that time.

The universe is all of space and time and its contents, along with planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of count number and strength. The huge Bang theory is the winning cosmological description of the improvement of the universe.

The Universe is thought to consist of three types of substance: normal remember, 'dark count number', and 'dark energy. Regular remember consists of the atoms that make up stars, planets, human beings, and every different seen object in the Universe.

The actual spatial length of the universe is unknown. but, through measuring the observable universe, the current length of the universe is approximately ninety-five billion mild-years in diameter.

Learn more about Universe here:-https://brainly.com/question/29576511


The muscular system consists of exclusively this kind of tissue.
A.skeletal muscle
B.the muscular system is comprised of all types of muscle tissue
C.smooth muscle
D.cardiac muscle


Skeletal muscle tissue, connective tissue, nerve tissue, and blood or vascular tissue make up each muscle and organ. Thus, any form of tissue may be found in the muscular system.

The muscular system is made up of cells with particular functions called muscle fibers. Its primary trait is its capacity to contract. Things are moved by muscles that are connected to blood vessels, internal organs, or bones. Almost all body movement is primarily caused by muscle contraction. The whole skeletal muscle is a component of the muscular system.

The bulk of the organs that make up muscles are muscle cells, also known as muscle fibers or monocytes (primarily in skeletal and cardiac muscle) (mainly in smooth muscle).The muscles around the stomach help food move through the digestive system by contracting and pushing food to the small intestine through a process known as peristalsis.

For more information about the muscular system:



The specific gravity of an material is defined as the ratio of the density of the material to the density of water. the specific gravity of ice is 0.917, whereas that of seawater is 1.025. What fraction of an iceberg is above the surface of the water?


The specific gravity of an material is defined as the ratio of the density of the material to the density of water then the fraction of ice berg above the surface of water is 1.11ppm.

Specific gravity is defined by ASTM D4439 as the ratio of the density of the material in question to that of the reference material at the specified temperature and pressure conditions.

In practice, this is accomplished by measuring the mass of a unit volume of geosynthetics in a standard laboratory atmosphere and measuring again with the geosynthetics immersed in water. Substances with a specific gravity less than 1 float in water.

Geotextile specific gravity is actually the specific gravity of the polymeric raw material used to make the geotextile. Polyethylene and polypropylene float in the specific gravity range of 0.90 to 0.96, so be careful when working in water.

Fraction of iceberg = 1.025/0.917=1.11ppm

To study more about Specific gravity -



the box just begins to move when the mass of the hanging weight is equal to 1.35 kg. find the coefficient of static friction between the box and the table.


The coefficient of static friction between the box and table is 0.45.

What is friction?

We are constantly surrounded by a force called friction that prevents relative motion between surfaces in contact while simultaneously allowing us to move (which you have discovered if you have ever tried to walk on ice). Even though friction is a common force, its behavior is actually quite complex and still not fully understood. For any understandings we can obtain, we must heavily rely on observations. We are nevertheless able to deal with its simpler general qualities and comprehend the situations in which it functions.


[tex]m_{A}[/tex] = 3kg

[tex]m_{B}[/tex] = 1.35 kg

A) Solving for static friction,

T = [tex]m_{B}[/tex]g

T = 1.35 × 9.8

T = 13.23


T = [tex]F_{f}[/tex] = μ[tex]m_{A}[/tex]g

Here, μ = static friction

13.23 = μ × 3 × 9.8

μ = 0.45

So, coefficient of static friction is 0.45.

To know more about friction, check out https://brainly.com/question/24386803


on a planet whose radius is 1.2 x 107 m the acceleration due to gravity is 18 m/s2. what is the mass (in kg) of the planet?


The mass  of the planet is 6.67×10^25 kg

let the mass of the planet be M and r be the radius of the planet and g be the gravitational acceleration.

The gravitational acceleration is given by:

g = G×M/(r^2)

M = g×r^2/G

  = [(18)×(1.2×10^7)^2]/(6.67408×10^-11)

  = 6.67×10^25 kg

therefore, the mass of the planet is 6.67×10^25 kg

To know more about Acceleration due to gravity :



object 1 has a temperature of 80 c, and object 2 has a temperature of 20 c. which way will heat flow if they are brought in contact?


Heat will flow from object 1 to object 2, as heat always flows from hotter objects to colder objects.

Heat will flow from object 1 to object 2 because heat will always flow from the object with the higher temperature (object 1) to the object with the lower temperature (object 2). This is known as the 1st Law of Thermodynamics, and is related to the concept of entropy.

When the two objects are brought in contact, there will be an exchange of energy in the form of heat. The molecules in object 1 will be moving faster than the molecules in object 2, and so they will transfer some of their kinetic energy to the molecules in object 2, causing them to move faster and the temperature of object 2 to increase. This process will continue until both objects reach the same temperature.

The amount of heat transferred between the two objects is determined by the following equation:

Q = mc∆T

Where Q is the amount of heat transferred, m is the mass of the object, c is the specific heat capacity of the object, and ∆T is the change in temperature between the two objects.

to know more about kinetic energy click here:



A key feature of an object moving in a circular orbit due to the gravitational interaction is that the object is moving at a constant speed for the duration of the orbit. Why does an object follow a circular orbit at a constant speed?


It keeps moving in a direction that is parallel to the gravitational pull .The gravitational force generated by the planet's gravity, which the satellite experiences because it orbits it, acts as the necessary centrifugal force.

The reason for the constant speed of a satellite in a circular orbit is what?The gravitational force generated by the planet's gravity, which the satellite experiences because it orbits it, acts as the necessary centrifugal force. As long as the satellite is in a circular orbit, the gravitational force will remain constant, maintaining the satellite's velocity.The centripetal force driving the motion is a result of their gravitational pull in the unique instance of the Earth's round motion around the Sun, or any satellite's circular motion around any celestial body.      

To learn more about Orbits refer to:



thin flat plate 55 x 110 cm is immersed (both sides) in a 6 m/s stream of sae oil at 20 c. what is the drag if the stream is parallel to the long side? short side? and what is the boundary layer thickness in each direction?


a) the total friction on long side =107 N

b) The total friction on short side = 151.4 N

a) fluid parallel to long side of the plate

here the initial velocity is= 6m/s

F = 1/2 ρCf.AU²

ρ= density= 870kg/m³

Cf = friction of coefficient

depends on reynolds number,

Re = ρuL/ μ

l = 1.1m

μ = 1.04 X 10⁻¹kg/m.s

Re = 870 X 6 X 1.1/ 1.04 X 10 ⁻¹

Re = 55211.54

this Re = 55211.54 is less than 5 X 10⁵

Cf = 1.328/√55211.5

Cf = 0.00565

A being area of plate A = 110 X 55 /10000

A = 0.55m²

F = 1/2 ρCf.AU²

F = 1/2 X 870 X 0.0056 X 2 X 0.55 X 6 ²

F = 107N

b) for short side the Re = 27606

since the value is less than 5 X 10⁵

Cf = 0.00799

to calculate F

F = 1/2 ρCf.AU²

F = 1/2 X 870 X 0.00799X 2 X 0.55 X 6²

F = 151.4 N

To know more about flat plate,



a fish is 10.8 cm from the front surface of a fish bowl of radius 40 cm. where does the fish appear to be to someone in air viewing it from in front of the bowl? do not forget the proper sign.


The fish seems to be -12.96 cm when viewed from above, directly in front of the bowl. the point at which a fish is 10.8 cm from the front surface of a fish bowl with a 40 cm radius.

A surface is the outermost or highest layer of a physical object or place, to use the term in its most common usage. It is the area or piece of the thing where an observer can first perceive it through touch and sight and where other materials first come into contact with it. Any line segment that connects a circle's centre to its perimeter is considered a circle's or sphere's radius in classical geometry.

n1/do+n2/di = n2-n1/R

1/10.8 + 1.3/di = -.3/39

di = -12.96 cm  12.96 cm from the front surface of bowl.

Learn more about surface here



When viewed directly in front of the bowl from above, the fish seems to be 12.96 cm long. the spot where a fish is 10.8 cm from the front surface of a fish bowl with a 40 cm radius.

To use the word in its most common sense, a surface is the outermost or uppermost layer of a physical item or location. It is the region or portion of the object where an observer can first experience it through touch and sight and where other materials first come into contact with it. In classical geometry, a circle's or sphere's radius is any line segment that connects the center to the edge of the object.

n1/do + n2/di = n2/n1/R

1/10.8 + 1.3/di = -.3/39

di = -12.96 cm 12.96 cm away from the front surface of bowl.

Discover more on surface click here : brainly.com/question/28267043


a carnot engine operates between reservoirs at 500 k and 300k, discarding 1800 j of heat in each cycle. how much heat is supplied to the engine by the hot reservoir in each cycle? give your answer in j but do not include the units in the answer box.


The Carnot engine is 40% efficient.

It's far a super reversible thermodynamic manner that includes the subsequent 4 tactics, Isothermal growth, No different heating is more efficient than this one, as there may be no finite temperature distinction between the warmth supply and warmth receiver. Therefore, it's miles the most efficient reversible system.

A Carnot engine can be notion of to include a cylinder with adiabatic lateral partitions packed with a substance which can take in and supply warmness. The cylinder is closed by way of an adiabatic piston which could move out and deliver work. The cylinder can acquire paintings by means of shifting the piston inward.

The Carnot engine is a theoretical thermodynamic cycle proposed by means of Leonard Carnot. It estimates the maximum feasible performance that a heat engine all through the conversion manner of warmth into paintings and, conversely, operating among two reservoirs can own.

Learn more about Carnot engine here:- https://brainly.com/question/25819144


a 4.5 kg object is suspended by a string from the ceiling of an elevator. the acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s 2 . determine the tension in the string if it is accelerating upward at a rate of 2.2 m/s 2 .


The tension in the string is 54 N.

Given that, mass of the object m = 4.5 kg

String is acting in the upward direction with acceleration a = 2.2 m/s²

Acceleration due to gravity g = 9.8 m/s²

As the string is accelerating upwards, it means that the net force acting on it is given by the formula

T = m(a + g)

where, T is tension

m is mass

a is acceleration

g is acceleration due to gravity

Substituting the values in the above equation to find out tension in the string,

T = m(a + g)

⇒ 4.5 * (2.2 + 9.8)

⇒ 4.5* 12

⇒ 54 N

So, the tension in the string is calculated to be 54 N.

To know more about tension:



the index of refraction of water and diamond are 1.33 and 2.42, respectively. in which medium does light travel faster? a. water b. diamond c. same speed in both water and diamond d. not enough information


The light travels faster in water medium with a density of 1.33 when compared to diamond medium with a density of 2.42.

A denser medium will have more matter compared to rarer medium. So, the scattering of light is higher in a denser medium resulting in lesser travel speed. Slower the speed higher will be the index of refraction. So light will travel more slowly in a dense medium.

Refractive index of Diamond = 2.42

Refractive index of water = 1.33

Since, refractive index is inversely proportional to speed of the wave, speed of light in water is higher than the speed of light in diamond.

To know more about refractive index



Two coherent sources of radio waves, A and B, are 5.00 meters apart. Each source emits waves with wavelength 6.00 meters. Consider points along the line connecting the two sources.1) At what distance from source A is there constructive interference between points A and B?2) At what distances from source A is there destructive interference between points A and B? Note that there will be two separate interference fringes between point A and point B. Enter your answers in ascending order separated by a comma.I know 1) is 2.5m but for b i need more than 1 answer


Constructive interference between points A and B will occur at 2.5m from source A. Destructive interference between points A and B will occur 4m and 1m from source A.

Interference refers to a phenomenon where two waves are combined by adding their displacement together at every single point in space and time, to form a resultant wave of greater, lower, or the same amplitude. Constructive interference occurs when two waves overlap in a way to create a larger wave. Destructive interference occurs when two waves overlap in a way to cancel each other out.

The condition for constructive interference to occur is |dA-dB|=mλ

Where dA is the distance of the point from source A, dB is the distance of the point from source B, m is an integer number, and λ is the wavelength = 6m.

Based on the condition, there can be one solution when m = 0 otherwise the difference between dA and dB would be at least 6m which is impossible as the sources are at a distance of 5m. Hence,

dA – dB = 0

dA = dB = 5/2 = 2.5m

The condition for constructive interference to occur is |dA-dB|=(m+1/2)λ

Based on the condition, the solution will occur when m = 0 otherwise the point will not be between source A and B.

Hence, when m = 0


Using dB = 5 – dA to find the possible solutions.

dA = dB + 3

dA = 5 - dA + 3

2dA = 8

dA = 4m


dB – dA = 3

5 – dA – dA = 3

2dA = 2

dA = 1m

Learn more about Constructive interference:



a hydraulic has two pistons. the area of piston 1 is eleven times smaller than the area of piston 2. if a pressure of 98 atm is applied to piston 1, how much pressure will piston 2 experience as a result?


The pressure will piston 2 experience as a result is 8.99atm if area of piston1 is eleven times smaller then area of piston 2.

We know very well pressure is inversely proportional to area.It means when we increase pressure, then area will decrease or vice-versa.

Equation of pressure is given by P=F/A.

Now,it is given that area of piston 1 is 11 times smaller than area of piston 2.It means if we assume area of piston 1 is A.

Then area of piston 2 is 11 times of area of piston 1 which is 11A.

Now, writting the expression

=>P₁/P₂ = (F/A₁) / (F/A₂)

=>P₁/P₂ = A₂/A₁

So, we have P₁=98atm,A₂=11A,A₁=A and we need to find P₂=?

So, on putting the values,we get





Hence, pressure will piston 2 experience is 8.99atm.

To know more about pressure, visit here:



Which of the following is characteristic of a sports medicine specialist's career? ( can be multiple answers) HELP PLEASE TIMED


Performs emergency medical care


Performs long-term medical care


Diagnoses injuries


Prevents injuries


.Answer: All options are correct.

What is sports medicine specialist?

--Sports medicine is a branch of medicine that deals with physical fitness and the treatment and prevention of injuries related to sports and exercise.

Lets understand every points--

1. During playing any sports if a person get any type of injury , at that situation it need instant relief to continue the game. So first option is correct i.e it performs emergency medical care.

2. Many times during heavy injury sportsman require surgery to get again health life.And surgery needs time., so that's why second option is also correcti e performs long term medical care

3.Without diagnosis surgery is not possible i.e. thirds option is also correct.

4. Also sports medicine specialist provide training and such types of exercise so that body as soon as possible i .e forth option is also correct.

from above discussion we see all points.

Learn more about medicine  from https://brainly.com/question/1744272.


how much friction force must the brake apply to the rim to bring the he 3.40 kg , 32.0-cm-diameter disk to a halt in 2.50 s


We need to know angular acceleration α to  give answer to this question. For completing the question, suppose the disc is spinning at 300 RPM.

Angular acceleration α = (300× 2/ 60)/2.50 = 4 m/square second

The required torque L is given by

L = I*alpha,


I = the moment of inertia of the disc,

I = (1/2) M R^2


L = (1/2) M R^2 *4 rad/s^2

The units will be Newton-meters

Once you have determined L, use

F = L/R for the required friction force, in Newtons.

Friction is the force that always resists motion of a moving object on the surface of other object.

To know more about moment of inertia here



an astronaut on the moon has a 110 kg crate and a 230 kg crate. how do the forces required to lift the crates straight up on the moon compare with the forces required to lift them on earth? (assume that the astronaut lifts with constant velocity in both cases.)


A lunar astronaut carries a 110 kg box and a 230 kg load. The forces required to move the containers straight up on the moon are enormous compared to the forces required to hoist them on Earth.

A forces is an influence with the capacity to change the motion of an object. When an object with mass moves away from rest, for example, a force can cause it to accelerate as its velocity increases. A push or a pull are two straightforward ways to demonstrate force. Since a force has both magnitude and direction, it is a vector quantity. It is computed using the SI unit of newton (N). The letter F stands for force (formerly P). The original wording of Newton's second law states that the net force acting on an item is equal to the rate of change of its momentum over time. This law states that if an object's mass stays constant, its acceleration should be directly proportional to the net force exerted on it and inversely proportional to the object's mass. Thrust, which increases an object's velocity; drag, which decreases an object's velocity; and torque, which modifies an object's rotational speed, are all ideas connected to force. Internal mechanical stress describes how these forces are distributed within the body. The adjacent regions are frequently put under stress by each expanded body part.

To know more about forces please refer: https://brainly.com/question/26115859


Question 11
Drop a ball off of a roof that is 12.2 m above the ground.
How much time will it take for the ball to reach the ground?
O 1.6s


2.49 seconds this is because of the amount of time it takes the ball to travel down

a cart starting from a speed of 3 m/s moves down a slope and at the bottom has a speed of 7 m/s. what is the height of the slope?


A cart speed will often increase on a downhill slope while decreasing on an uphill section. A steeper gradient portion has a more pronounced impact on the acceleration or slowdown of a vehicle's speed.

What effect of slope on speed of car?

The cart speed/velocity will progressively rise by the same amount each second. The rate of acceleration of the car increases with the slope's steepness (or the ramp's greater angle of inclination). This is so because the slope's angle determines how much gravity is felt.

Therefore, the more gravitational potential energy that can be turned into kinetic energy, the higher the ramp will be, and the more kinetic energy there is, the faster the car will move.

Learn more about slope here:



if io is the intensity of the light incident on the first polarizer, what is the intensity of the light that passes through the second polarizer whose axis is oriented at an angle of 90 degrees with respect to the axis of the first polarizer?


Thus, light with an intensity of 2I will be incident on the second polarizer. The intensity will fall by a factor of cos2 across the second polarizer. As a result, the intensity is 2Icos2=2Icos2(450)=4I after going through the second polarizer.

How can you measure the brightness of light passing through a polarizer?

I = Io cos2, where Io is the original intensity and is the angle formed by the polarization direction and the filter's axis, gives the intensity of polarized light after it has passed through a polarizing filter.

What is the right way to calculate intensity?

I = P > A is the formula for intensity in physics. Power is measured in Watts while researching light waves, and since light is so large, area is typically measured in meters.

To know more about second polarizer visit:-



a skater holds her arms outstretched as she spins at 180 rpm. what is the speed of her hands if they are 140 cm apart?


The speed of her hands when they are 140cm apart is 20m/s, after calculating the given angular speed and distance.

What is Angular Speed?

The object's rotating speed is known as its angular speed. The symbol for distance, which is expressed in radians, is θ. Seconds are used to determine how long something takes. Radians per second, or rad/s, is the unit used to express angular speed.


The fundamental idea behind this is the linear speed of a body travelling at a fixed rotational speed.

To solve for the linear speed, first substitute the expression for the hand's distance from the centre of motion in the linear speed expression.

Angular speed  

ω= V/r


ω = angular speed

r = distance (radius) Or d/2

v = linear speed


r= d/2 = 140cm/2 = 70cm = 0.7m

V= ω/r = 140rpm/0.7cm= 20m/s.

Hence, the speed of her hands when they are 140cm apart is 20m/s, after calculating the given angular speed and distance.

To know more about Angular Speed, check out:



what is the mass of an object that weighs 250 n on the surface of the earth where the acceleration due to gravity is 9.80 m/s2?


The mass of an object that weighs about 25.5kg.

Mass: What is it?

Mass in physics is a numerical representation of inertia, a fundamental property of all matter. What a body of matter is fundamentally is the resistance it offers to a change in its speed or position as a result of the application of a force. Less change occurs when a force is applied to a body with more mass.


F = 250N

a = 9.8m/s²

F = ma

250 = m×9.8

m = 250/9.8

m = 25.5kg.

Therefore, the mass of an object that weighs about 25.5kg.

To know more about acceleration due to gravity visit:



Which is the internal energy of an object due to the kinetic energy of its atoms and or molecules?


Internal energy of equipartition energy is due to kinetic energy of molecules.

Some thermodynamic confusion. For simplicity we will assume an ideal gas.dU = n Cv dtIf a gas does some work adiabatically, heat change dQ = 0

There are now two possible cases:

1) Expansion occurs at the expense of the gas's internal energy, so the gas temperature decreases as it expands. Therefore U decreases.

2) As the temperature decreases, so does the velocity of the gas molecules and the K of the gas decreases continuously.

This concept often takes into account what considers heat as internal energy. Molecular kinetic energy, vibrations, rotations, electron "shell" positions, molecular bending, crystal lattice vibrations, etc.

Generally, pressure should be considered part of the internal energy. Theoretically, matter can be expanded or heat can be transferred to do work.

At absolute zero temperature and pressure we can see that there is still internal energy. This can be seen as a result of the blurring principle. Particles cannot be confined to too small a volume and velocity.

To understand more about absolute zero temperature -



a stack of books rests on a level frictionless surface. a force f acts on the stack, and it accelerates at 3.0 m/s2. a 1.0 kg book is then added to the stack. the same force is applied, and now the stack accelerates at 2.0 m/s2. what was the mass of the original stack?


A stack of books rests on a level frictionless surface. a force f acts on the stack, and it accelerates at 3.0 m/s2. a 1.0 kg book is then added to the stack. the same force is applied, 2.0kg was the mass of the original stack.

The concept of the frictionless plane first appeared in the writings of Galileo Galilei. In his 1638 book The Two New Sciences, Galileo offered a formula that predicted the motion of an object falling down an inclined plane. His model was not based on experiments with objects moving down an inclined plane, but rather on his conceptual modeling of the forces acting against the object. His formula was based on earlier experiments with free-falling bodies. Galileo understood the mechanics of the inclined plane as a combination of horizontal and vertical vectors because gravity acting on the object and being redirected by the slope of the plane. Galileo's equations, on the other hand, do not take friction into account, and as a result, they do not accurately predict the results of a practical experiment. This is due to the fact that whenever one mass exerts a non-zero normal force on another, some energy is always lost.

To know more about frictionless please refer: https://brainly.com/question/13483826


assume that nasa is sending space probes to each of the locations listed below. arrange the order in which each probe will encounter its destination, from nearest earth to farthest. a. polaris (the north star) b. a comet near the outer edge of our solar system c. jupiter d. the far edge of the milky way galaxy e. the andromeda galaxy f. the sun


The probe that NASA sends will encounter the destinations in the order as follows:

The SunJupiterA comet near the outer edge of our solar systemPolarisThe far edge of the Milky Way galaxyThe Andromeda galaxy

A probe, or space probe specifically, is a robotic spacecraft made to explore outer space. Generally, a probe will encounter its destinations from the nearest to Earth to the farthest from Earth.

The Sun is a star that's located at the center of our solar system. Its distance from Earth is 1 AU (149.6 million kilometers).Jupiter is a planet in our solar system, the fifth farthest from the Sun. Its distance from Earth is 4.2 AU.A comet near the outer edge of our solar system is most likely about 100 AU away from the Sun.Polaris or the North Star has a distance of around 433 light-years from Earth. It's located in the Ursa Minor constellation.The far edge of the Milky Way galaxy is approximately 30,000 light years away from the Sun.The near side of Andromeda galaxy is approximately 2.5 million light years away from the Earth. Andromeda galaxy itself is the nearest galaxy to the Milky Way.

Learn more about light-years at https://brainly.com/question/76984


which labeled structure is in charge of editing and sorting incoming sensory stimuli, and controlling information entry into the cerebral cortex?


The central sulcus is located in front of the parieto-occipital sulcus, which divides the parietal lobe from the occipital lobe. The somatosensory cortex is contained within it, which is in charge of processing sensory data.

The cerebral cortex is located where in the brain?

The top layer of your cerebrum is called the cerebral cortex. Your brain's largest region is called your cerebrum. Your brain is split into two parts by your cerebrum, which is known as hemispheres. A group of nerve fibers known as the corpus callosum holds the hemispheres together.

Which area of the spinal cord controls the processing of sensory information?

Processing of sensory data is carried out by the posterior horn. To the skeletal muscles, the anterior horn transmits motor signals. The primary structure of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system is the lateral horn, which is only present in the thoracic, upper lumbar, and sacral regions.

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A 61. 7 kg carpenter at a construction site plans to swing in a circular arc from one roof top to an adjacent roof at the end of a 11. 5 meter rope suspended from a crane boom. If her wiry arms, toughened by years of driving spikes with a no. 22 framing hammer, are capable of exerting 1229 n of force on the rope, what is the maximum speed that she can tolerate at the low point of her swing?


The maximum speed she can tolerate at the low point of her swing is 10.78 m/s.

Given that,

Mass of the carpenter = 61.7 kg

Length of the rope = 11.5 m

Capable force = 1229 N

Centripetal force acting on the body, F = mv²/r = 61.7* v²/11.5 = 5.37 v²

Gravitational force acting on her is

F = mg = 61.7* 9.81 = 605.28 N

Equating the summation of centripetal force and gravitational force with total capable force,

5.37 v² + 605.28 = 1229

5.37 v² = 623.72

v² = 116.15

v = 10.78 m/s

Thus, the maximum speed she can tolerate at the low point of her swing is 10.78 m/s.

To know more about velocity:



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