what is the theme of the book chains?


Answer 1

The  theme of the book chains is dehumanization of slavery.

What is a theme?

A literary theme can be explained as the main idea or underlying meaning a writer explores in a novel,,.

It shgould be noted that it is the main idea of the  literary work which can be conveyed using characters,  as well as setting, dialogue,  and in some cases the combination of all of these elements can be used.

From the story the theme that can be attributed to to it is the dehumanization of slavery because it is the central theme of the novel  since we saw how Isabel's quest to reclaim her identity and humanity.

In the story,  Lockton's  try all the best to let her identity fade away through ther attempt of forcing the name Sal and brutally ignoring her humanity.

Learn more about theme at:



Related Questions

Read the passage from chapter 2 of Animal Farm.

But they woke at dawn as usual, and suddenly remembering the glorious thing that had happened, they all raced out into the pasture together. A little way down the pasture there was a knoll that commanded a view of most of the farm. The animals rushed to the top of it and gazed round them in the clear morning light. Yes, it was theirs—everything that they could see was theirs! In the ecstasy of that thought they gamboled round and round, they hurled themselves into the air in great leaps of excitement. They rolled in the dew, they cropped mouthfuls of the sweet summer grass, they kicked up clods of the black earth and snuffed its rich scent. Then they made a tour of inspection of the whole farm and surveyed with speechless admiration the ploughland, the hayfield, the orchard, the pool, the spinney. It was as though they had never seen these things before, and even now they could hardly believe that it was all their own.

Which excerpt from the passage uses imagery to describe the scene?

“But they woke at dawn as usual . . . suddenly remembering the glorious thing that had happened.”
“Yes, it was theirs—everything that they could see was theirs!”
“They rolled in the dew, they cropped mouthfuls of the sweet summer grass, they kicked up clods of the black earth and snuffed its rich scent.”
“It was as though they had never seen these things before, and even now they could hardly believe that it was all their own.”



↣ “They rolled in the dew, they cropped mouthfuls of the sweet summer grass, they kicked up clods of the black earth and snuffed its rich scent.”


The excerpt above best makes use of vivid imagery because the author uses positive, calm, descriptive words to elicit the senses of the reader.

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I hope this helps!

peachtea ^-^


c on Edge


Write a complete sentence that uses figurative language to describe a friend.


Below is an example that uses figurative language to describe a friend.

"Catherine's hair is as strong as a rope! (hyperbole)"

What is Figurative Language?Basically, using figurative language means stretching the literal meaning of words to achieve a particular impact, whether it's to appear creative, make a joke, or communicate more effectively and compellingly.In narrative writing, the author frequently uses figurative language in an effort to connect emotionally with the reader.Figurative language is the antithesis of literal language, which uses the words' actual meanings without embellishment or figurative language.For instance, you can symbolically refer to an athlete who is performing well as being "on fire." They would truly be on fire if their clothing caught fire (which we pray doesn't happen).In some situations, such as business correspondence, academic writing, or legal documents, literal language is appropriate. To put it frankly, exact writing, however, may be tedious in other instances.Instead, metaphorical language makes writing and speeches more interesting and humorous. The reader or listener is required to give the words a bit more thought as if solving a mystery, which indicates that they are actively participating.Figurative language can also be used to assist clarify difficult concepts. It could be used by scientists to explain the more intricate portions of their research that a layperson might not comprehend.

To learn more about figurative language from the given link



Langston Hughes wrote “Let America Be America Again” in 1935, offering his perspective on the American Dream. Read the poem below. What is the main focus of this excerpt from the poem, and how is it related to point of view? Provide at least three examples from the text to support your response. Your response should be at least 100 words.


The main focus of the expert from the poem “Let America Be America Again” by Langston Hughes is on the revitalization or revival of America.

It is related to Point of View because the narrator repeatedly stated that America was never America to him. Note that Points of View may or may not be valid, but they are indeed the perspective of an idea, topic, or noun perceived by the author.

The evidence that supports the above point of view is given that the author, twice in the excerpt stated that America was never America to him. Ending the third stanza (as per the excerpt) he writes "there was never equality for me"

What is the central idea of the whole poem "Let America Be America Again"?

"Let America Be America Again" emphasizes the disparity between the ideals of the American Dream and the harsh realities of everyday life in America.

The speaker contends that the United States has yet to realize its promised vision of liberty and equality for all. During the Great Depression, Hughes wrote the poem.

Learn more about Let America be America again:

According to Dr. King, what are the two types of laws?


According to Dr. King, the two types of laws are just laws and there are unjust laws.

A just Law is a man-made code that squares with the ethical law or the law of God. An unjust law is a code this is out of concord with the moral law,”  Dr. King answered. “One has now not handiest a prison but an ethical obligation to obey simple laws.

The answer lies within the reality that there are sorts of laws: just and unjust. I'd be the primary one to advocate obeying simple laws. One has no longer only a legal but a moral obligation to obey just laws. Conversely, one has an ethical duty to disobey unjust legal guidelines.

An unjust law is not any regulation at all, in Latin lex Iniesta nonest lex, is an expression of herbal law, acknowledging that authority isn't legitimate until it is good and proper. It has emerged as a well-known legal maxim around the arena.

Learn more about just laws here:-https://brainly.com/question/7413269


Beatty comes to visit Montag the day after the firefighters encounter the
woman and the burning house. Beatty tells Montag that...
Select one:
O the woman was his grandmother and he didn't want the other firemen to
burning books keeps the peace and keeps people happy because they don't
have to think.
O he knows Montag stole a book and he needs to run away before he gets set
on fire too.
O the woman was still alive but in the hospital and wanted to speak to Montag.




Frederick Douglass delivered his famous speech “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?” in 1852, drawing parallels between the Revolutionary War and the fight to abolish slavery. He implored the Rochester, N.Y., audience to think about the ongoing oppression of Black Americans during a holiday celebrating freedom

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
How does paragraph 14 develop an important point in the text?
the author develops the important point that



running national organizations poses immense challenges for employees

Unless Tom trains hard, he won’t win the surfing competition. The total points scored by the North Shore surfers will be 57.73 points.

What will be the score represented by North Shore?

Let the total points that the North Shore surfers scored be represented by x. The score of the winning team = 62.1

Therefore, since we know the score of the winning team, we can form an equation to solve the question. In this case, we'll have to subtract. This will be:

x = 62.1 - 4.37

x = 57.73

Henry, the protagonist of Trysdale got a cactus from a girl he liked in answer to one of his questions. Whenever Trisdale would ask this girl a question, she would always answer him the next day. She begins the story by announcing that her father was a fox breeder. Trysdale's experience of remembering and reflecting on the events leading up the the wedding all take place in which setting is that they take place in Trysdale's apartment.

Therefore, the total points scored by the North Shore surfers will be 57.73.

Learn more about competition on:



which literary device can be a discrepancy between what a young, naieve narrator like frankie understands and what the more worldly reader knows?


Irony is a literary device can be a discrepancy between what a young, naive narrator like frankie understands and what the more worldly reader knows.
Understanding irony
irony is the name of a figure of speech.  In literary works, sentences using irony are often used to enrich the repertoire of the literary style.  Of course, this figure of speech is different from other figures of speech, namely in terms of word choice and conveying meaning when applied in sentences.  This is an important factor to know so that we can apply this figure of speech appropriately.
Irony comes from the Greek word "eironeia" which means "ignorance".  In the form of figure of speech, irony is a figure of speech that expresses a contradictory meaning.  It is intended to provide satire.  Figure of irony does this by stating the opposite of what is actually meant.  In other words, irony is concealing and cover-up.  Irony is the use of different words and what is written or said.  Irony can be said to be the practice of pretense because it hides its true meaning.  The intended meaning is the opposite of what is said.  Irony can be subtle but can also convey a crude meaning.  The irony figure of speech is classified as a counterfeit figure of speech or satire figure of speech.

Learn more about irony in literature at https://brainly.com/question/1183374.

1. Add a subordinating conjunction and a 'when' and a 'where' to expand the following sentence: The bears were eating the berries.



The bears were eating the berries before the people got back, not knowing where and when they would come back.


Which sentence correctly demonstrates the use of a colon?
Several countries have made the switch to sustainable energy; Sweden, Norway, and Denmark.
Several countries have made the switch to sustainable energy: Sweden: Norway: and Denmark.
Several countries have made the switch to sustainable energy; Sweden: Norway, and Denmark.
Several countries have made the switch to sustainable energy: Sweden, Norway, and Denmark.




↣ D.) Several countries have made the switch to sustainable energy: Sweden, Norway, and Denmark.


A colon is used to link up independent clauses and properly introduce a list, definition, or quotation; hence, the sentence given above correctly makes use of the colon.

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I hope this helps! ^-^

peachtea ^-^


before you draft a research report its a good idea to create an outline how should you use the outline (select all correct answers)

A: to group together related facts
b: to describe your examples in detail
C: to express your opinions on the topic
D: to decide on the best order for your ideas


Before you draft a research report it's a good idea to create an outline, then these outlines can be used :

A: to group together related facts to decide on the best order for your ideas

What is the usefulness of outlines in a research?

The usefulness of outlines in research is that it will help to set goals for the completion of  each section of your paper.

It should be noted that this will help to stay organized as well as focused throughout the writing process  and it will help relate each of the sub topics together to improve the coherency o the work.

Therefore, option A and D are correct.

Learn more about research  here:  https://brainly.com/question/25257437


I failed to love others because,_____​


Answer: I must love myself before I can give my love to others


Answer:I failed to love others because i love myself to much to love any other person

write a sentence with a subordinate caulse



ex1: Since the sun will shine today, we will go to the beach

ex2: Because mom said so, I apologized to Cecilia.

ex3: If you win the award, I will buy you a new video game.


Subordinate Clause: a clause, typically introduced by a conjunction, that forms part of and is dependent on the main clause


Some examples of this would be:

"I can listen to music

but cannot play it."

"I picked up the phone when it rang."

"He came to school because I told him to."

7. What happens to Santiago once he arrives in Morocco? Why did the author choose to
I have this happen to him? What is the narrative purpose?


The narrative's intent in keeping Santiago in Morocco for a year was to divert him from thinking about the old king and helping him discover his wealth.

What occurs to Santiago once he lands in Morocco?

After being robbed in Tangier, Santiago gets lost and ends up spending a year working at a crystal shop for a man before making it to Morocco.

Why did the author purposely allow this to occur to him?

Santiago is intended to discover that people lie to themselves about the nature of the world and how it functions. Santiago discovers that he has two options: either he accepts his experiences and moves forward with purpose, or he continues to be a victim and a passive receiver of the events of his life., thereby becoming an adventurer.

What does the story want to achieve?

The narrative's intent in keeping Santiago in Morocco for a year was to divert him from thinking about the old king and helping him discover his wealth.

To know more about The Alchemist :



Which characteristics describe the sensory register?
O a. Unlimited capacity, indefinite duration
O b. Unlimited capacity, 1-4 second duration
O c. Extremely limited capacity, indefinite duration
O d. Extremely limited capacity, less than 20 second duration


unlimited capacity, 1-4 second durationWhat is a Sensory Register ?

The memory location where information first enters through the senses is called the sensory register. Each sense has its own sensory register, with the echoic store storing auditory information and the iconic store storing visual information. Unless attention is paid to that register, information only lasts for a time before it is transferred to STM.

Five different sensory registers or forms of memory exist: gustatory, tactile, olfactory, echoic, and iconic (taste.) An example of an iconic memory is a billboard, but an echoic memory is a buzzer. An example of touch memory would be petting a cat, whereas an example of smell memory would be baking pastries and an example of taste memory would be eating the same pastries.

Information from our senses is stored in our sensory memory, sometimes referred to as the sensory register. Examples of sensory memory include smelling chicken noodle soup, feeling gum under a chair, and seeing a dog. These signals are sent to the brain by our eyes, noses, and nerves.

To know more about sensory register for vision click:



Please help meee!!!
I will give you the Brainiest

Write a letter to the author of "How Private is Your Private Life?" in which you explain how her piece could be made more convincing. In your critique, describe your reaction to the article, offer specific suggestions about what information to add or remove, and give advice about how to make the language more balanced or powerful. Make sure your advice is well-supported.

(5 - 7 sentences) or I can’t give you the Brainiest



your private life it means that you have to explain how it's going and to that many sentences. hope this helps you

what does stevenson have to say about humanity? and has this changed from the time it was originally published or no? jeklly and hyde


The Stevenson have to say about humanity is that Allowing one's evil aspect to thrive in secrecy is self-negative and absolutely corrupts the morals of someone.

Hiding unintentional deeds breeds a horrific person that nourishes the evil aspect. When Mr. Hyde tramples on a younger girl, he disappears right into a sure door alongside the street. One of those characters indicates the ordinary aspect of someone represented via way of means of Dr Jekyll, who's a standard top elegance person, and the other, Mr Hyde, a deformed man, indicates the purest of evil.

Stevenson writes approximately the duality of human nature – the concept that each person has appropriate and evil inside them. Stevenson describes how there is a great and an evil aspect to everyone's personality, however what's critical is the way you behave and the selections you make.

Read more about  jeklly and hyde:



How does listening to the poem "Friendship" being read aloud compare to reading it silently? HELP K12 MYTHOLOGY 3 QUIZ WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST AND 100 POINTS!!!

A. The sound of the speaker's voice stresses the rhythm and meter of the poem to strongly convey the poem's emotions.,

B. The poet's purpose for writing the poem is clearer when it is read aloud than when read silently.

C. Hearing the poem read aloud allows listeners to appreciate the poem more than those who simply read it silently.

D. The rhyme scheme is totally different when the poem is read aloud.


Answer: A, the sound of the speaker's voice stresses the rhythm and meter of the poem to strongly convey the poem's emotions.



Reading the poem aloud reveals a rhythm that may not be apparent when the poem is read silently. Reading the poem aloud makes it easier to know where each stanza begins and ends. Hearing each word enunciated correctly makes the humor of the poem more obvious and apparent.


On a distance-time graph, a line that changes direction is used to show


On a distance-time graph, a line that changes direction is used to show B. changing speed.

Which distance versus time graph depicts the object's resting state?

When a body is at rest, the distance that it has traveled remains constant over time. A horizontal line parallel to the time axis thus characterizes the distance-time graph of a body at rest.

A graph of distance vs time illustrates how an object's distance and speed vary over time. Three objects' movement over time is depicted in this graph. Each line's slope, or degree of steepness, represents the object's speed.

Generally speaking, an object moves more quickly the steeper the slope. because it will slow down and then speed up if it keeps rotating and changing directions.

Learn more about distance-time graph from


See full question below

On a distance-time graph, a line that changes direction is used to show:

A. constant speed. B. changing speed. C. changing direction.

Read the excerpt from "I, Too, Sing America."

I’ll be at the table
When company comes.

If the speaker is using "tomorrow" as a metaphor, it most likely means ___________.

A. Everyday.
B. The Next Day.
C. The Future.
D. A Day That Will Never Come.


The Future is most certainly being alluded to if "tomorrow" is being used metaphorically by the speaker. Hence, Option C is correct.

What is a metaphor?

A metaphor is a figure of speech that, for the sake of rhetorical effect, directly refers to one thing by referencing another. It might make things clearer or point out unnoticed connections between two disparate thoughts.

A metaphor is a figure of speech that uses non-literal language to describe an item or event in order to clarify an idea or draw a connection.

Since it is derived from a Greek word that means "transfer (of ownership)," the word metaphor itself is a metaphor. By "carrying" a word from one conceptual "realm" to another, a metaphor's user changes the term's meaning.

Therefore, Option C is correct.

Learn more about metaphor from here:




C. The Future.


Read the passage.

The Ornithopter

Many people know Leonardo da Vinci today as an artist, and it is true that he was indeed a great painter and sculptor, but he was also an inventor and one of the first individuals in recorded history to draft detailed plans for a flying machine.

In order to make a living, Leonardo often depended upon wealthy individuals who would commission work from him. That means they would hire him and pay him to create specific work they wanted. In 1482, when he was 30 years old, Leonardo heard of an opportunity to work for Ludovico Sforza, the Duke of Milan. The duke, however, did not want a painter; he wanted a military engineer to help him defend the city against its enemies. This was an excellent opportunity that would pay Leonardo well, but Leonardo was a peaceful man. He considered war to be “a beastly madness.” He preferred to make things of beauty.

Leonardo made the decision that he could tolerate making weapons if the resources the duke could provide would also allow him to create things he loved. He sent a letter to the duke detailing his skills in designing and building weapons. “I will assemble catapults, mangonels, trebuchets and other instruments of wonderful efficiency…I will make an infinite number of items for attack and defense,” he wrote.

Leonardo’s letter convinced the duke of his talents, and he got the job. He set about designing the weapons that the duke desired. But Leonardo was infinitely creative, always thinking of new things, new ideas—he could not be limited to weapons alone. One idea that he had not mentioned in his application was the ornithopter. It was not a weapon of war, and it was not something that the duke had asked for, but Leonardo went ahead and designed it anyway.

Leonardo was fascinated by the idea of flight. The word “ornithopter” comes from two words meaning “bird” and “wings.” And on first inspection, his plans resembled a bird’s wings attached to a human being’s arms. He concluded that a human being’s arms were neither strong enough nor light enough to stay in the air for long. So, his design included sets of foot pedals and levers that were operated with the hands. He created detailed plans and presented them to the duke, uncertain of how the duke would react to a design for which he didn’t ask.

As it turned out, the duke was very impressed with the ornithopter, but it wasn’t Leonardo’s innovation that excited him. He immediately thought of the ways this machine could be used in war. If a spy could fly over the enemy’s camp, imagine what information he could gather! This was not what Leonardo had intended for his beautiful flying machine.

But how Leonardo felt about war turned out not to matter in the end. His ornithopter was never built—along with his designs for tanks, parachutes, diving suits, machine guns, and even robots that he created for the duke. The ideas of Leonardo da Vinci were centuries ahead of the technology needed to make them.

What is a central idea of "The Ornithopter"?

Select the two correct answers.

A. The ornithopter was designed as man's first attempt at flight.

B. Leonardo agreed to create weapons of war despite his principles.

C. The duke was impressed with da Vinci's plans for the ornithopter.

D. Leonardo da Vinci worked on commission for wealthy men.


Answer: The duke's plan for the ornithopter conflicted with that of da Vinci's.

Leonardo da Vinci was a creative genius.

Explanation: The Ornithopter let's the readers know that the Duke instructed Leonardo Da Vinci, a brilliant engineer and artist to create a tool of war for him "The Ornithopter" and the conflicting thoughts of Da Vinci to make such a weapon for the Duke.

Therefore, the central idea of The Ornithopter is A and D.

Hope that helped:).

Speculate on the likely impact of Brexit on the economy of the United Kingdom.

Which essay structure is most appropriate for this prompt?


The essay structure is most appropriate for this prompt is Analysis. An analysis is just the process of disassembling something and determining how it functions.

An illustration of analysis would be to look at how a poem uses metaphor to make the reader feel something. Finding interpretations, meanings, or patterns in data is the goal of analysis. By going beyond summary, structure analysing statements will reveal the author's unique insights and analyses of the underlying material. Because they enable individuals to identify answers to a range of issues and to create specific judgments and action plans to address those issues, analytical abilities are crucial.

To learn more about analysis, click here.



In a body paragraph, address how Zusak’s use of bird symbolism as well as the selected words Max “dream[s] of” portray the desperation of individuals living in hiding in hopes of surviving.


Zusak uses symbols from the historical period to create a realistic tone and mood that may have a powerful impact on readers through his excellent use of figures of speech.

In the segment headed "The Last Stop: The Road of Yellow Stars," Zusak depicts a setting centered on the symbolic yellow stars of David—the ones that Jews were obliged to wear to distinguish themselves and set themselves apart from society.

What is symbolism?

The use of words or images to represent certain concepts, people, objects, or events is known as symbolism. In certain circumstances, symbolism is wide and employed to express a work's message, such as Aslan the lion as a figure of Christ in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

Symbolism is used by writers to express an idea or notion to their audience in a lyrical way without saying it directly. Symbolism enables authors to make their stories more complicated. Many individuals employ symbols in their daily lives.

Learn more about Symbolism:

which statement best expresses the author's critque of this society?


Kurt Vonnegut's short novella Harrison Bergeron explores a variety of subjects. How a person in authority feels threatened by those they rule and how complete equality is imposed on society are two major themes that run through the entire narrative.

What best expresses the author's critque of this society?

These critics contend that the lack of creativity, intelligence, and passion displayed by the people in “Harrison Bergeron” should be seen as a warning .

About what will happen to those who live in a culture that prioritizes peaceful happiness over brains or artistic skill.

Therefore, people are not made equal by being forced to behave in a certain way; on the contrary, it leads to conflict and unhappiness.

Learn more about critque here:



In the poem, the fox is a symbol of...


Ted Hughes in the poem Thought fox is a lover of animals and in this poem, he symbolizes the fox as an idea that touches the consciousness of the poet.  So we might see the fox as representing the renewal of the poet's imaginative powers

what is poem thought fox about ?

All the richness of the wild is seen through the poet's eye. The poem metaphorically depicts artistic inspiration as a fox—mysterious, twitchy, and unpredictable—that moves slyly through the darkness of the imagination. Through this metaphor, the poem shows that writing requires patience, concentration, instinct, and a bit of luck.It represents a very personal description of the experience of being an artist producing poetry.The physical setting of the poem in a dark forest and the slow revelation of the fox together create a tone of great suspense and mystery. Furthermore, the imagery of "the dark hole of the head" adds a grotesque element but also indicates that this poem has been largely introspective.

to know more about thought fox follow



Point and quotation/s: What is your
first argument about the significance of
Curley's character across the novella?



He is the Boss's son and takes advantage of the power that he has over the other men on the ranch to treat them cruelly and pick fights. He is physically small and so is resentful of bigger men and picks a fight with Lennie because of this.


Replace the underlined
words with a PRONOUN.
The Moon is Earth's only
natural satellite.



It is Earth's only

natural satellite.

A genre is a kind of classification for different styles of literature.


Answer: True


When Ponyboy broke the news at home, how did the Greasers respond?


When he gets home, he sees the greasers gathered in the living room. He informs them that Dally has collapsed and that Johnny has passed away.

After Johnny dies, Ponyboy wanders for a while before being offered a ride. Ponyboy is asked whether he's alright and is informed that his head is bleeding by the man. Ponyboy feels a little lost.When Dally calls, he claims to have just committed a grocery store robbery and is eluding the police. The group rushes outside and spots the police pursuing him. Dally draws his concealed, unloaded weapon, and the police shoot him.Dally falls to the ground lifeless. Ponyboy speculates that Dally desired death. Ponyboy collapses from exhaustion and dizziness. Darry is by Ponyboy's side as soon as he awakes.

Thus this is how the Greasers respond when Ponyboy broke the news at home.

Refer here to learn more about Ponyboy: https://brainly.com/question/24808045


Read the excerpt from chapter 8 of Obasan by Joy Kogawa.

Obasan is sitting on a mandarin box at my feet winding the twine from Aunt Emily’s package onto a twine ball she keeps in the pantry.

Obasan never discards anything. Besides the twine ball, there’s a ball of string full of knots, a number of balls of wool bits, and even short bits of thread twirled around popsicle sticks that are stacked up like soldiers in a black woven x. The twine ball is larger than a baseball and slips off her lap, rolling a short distance along the floor.

How does the author’s use of longer sentences impact meaning in this excerpt?


The impact of the author's longer sentences

meaning in this Excerpt because it demonstrates how frequently Obasan thinks back on the past,

This supports an attitude of gratitude.

What is an excerpt?

An excerpt is a collection of meaningful words, sentences, or phrases taken from a work of literature. An excerpt is a passage that has been cited verbatim from a book, novel, poetry, short story, essay, speech, or other literary work and is used to illustrate a point to the reader. The word "excerpt" first became in use in the 15th century and comes from a Latin word that means "plucked out." The words quotation, quote, fragment, and extract are all synonyms for excerpt.

Because Obasan frequently focuses on the past and how it has shaped who he is today, the author's use of longer sentences in this sample impacts its meaning.

Learn more about excerpt here:  brainly.com/question/21400963


The impact of the author's longer sentences meaning in this Excerpt because it demonstrates how frequently Obasan thinks back on the past,

This supports an attitude of gratitude.

What is an excerpt?

An excerpt is a collection of meaningful words, sentences, or phrases taken from a work of literature. An excerpt is a passage that has been cited verbatim from a book, novel, poetry, short story, essay, speech, or other literary work and is used to illustrate a point to the reader. The word "excerpt" first became in use in the 15th century and comes from a Latin word that means "plucked out." The words quotation, quote, fragment, and extract are all synonyms for excerpt.

Because Obasan frequently focuses on the past and how it has shaped who he is today, the author's use of longer sentences in this sample impacts its meaning.

Learn more about excerpt here:  brainly.com/question/21400963


What is the medium of an artistic work?
OA. The set of socially acquired values, beliefs, and rules of conduct
OB. The way something is communicated, or the material something
is created from
OC. An informal saying that is more appropriate for familiar
OD. The background or situation, like time or place, that gives meaning
to examples


The medium of an artistic work is B. The way something is communicated, or the material something is created from .

What is Artistic Work?

The term "inventions" refers to all discoveries, processes, designs, technologies, devices, or improvements to any of the aforementioned or other ideas made or conceived by me (alone or in collaboration with others) during the course of my employment with the Company and relating in any way to the actual or demonstrably anticipated business, work, or research and development of the Company, as well as any ideas that arise from, are suggested by, or follow from any of the foregoing or other ideas.

However, The construction, erection, alteration, maintenance, or improvement of any public building, structure, road, or other public improvement of any type is referred to as a "public works project."

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Each of these is a pair of equivalent ratios for each pair explain why they are equivalent ratios or draw a diagram that shows why they are equivalent ratios 2:7 and 10,000:35,000 Hey not really a question for anything I'm just try and see if I could get anyone to talk to on here cause I have no one else to talk to For this assignment, you will examine the purposes of government and discuss the ways in which the concept of government takes shape in people's lives. This assignment is worth 10 points.In your opinion, what is the most important purpose of government? Why are governments formed?What role does government play in society?What would life be like without government?What purpose of government would have the most dramatic effect on society if it were taken away?Which purpose of government has the greatest effect on your daily life? 8th grade math (puzzle clues) (This photo may not show all the questions) 1) both balloons are red2)neither of the balloons are large Determine if a - 7 is the solution of the equation 2x+10=-4. Suppose a person pushes a box over a distance of 5.48 m with a constant force of 427.5 N. How much work do they do over this distance? My question asks; at an ice cream parlor, ice cream cones cost $1.10 and Sundaes cost $2.35. One day the receipts for a total of 172 cones and Sundaes were $294.20. How many cones were sold? May I please get help with this problem? for I have got it wrong multiple times and still cannot get the correct answer [tex]22y = 11(3 + y)[/tex]I need help with my homework cause I'm sorta slow describe a dataset where defining a confidence interval would be important for testing validity of data Find all solutions in the set of real numbers. Show all your work. cos2=sin2 40 PIONTS FOR ANSWERING 2 Q'S, I WILL PICK BRIANLISET6. For the Raleigh company, create a table to represent the cost of the cab ride given the number of miles provided for miles 5, 10, 15 and 20. List the cost for the cab ride for 15 miles.My answer (tell me if it is right or wrong)for 15 miles your cost would be $42.45 inclueding the fee of $1.957. For the Raleigh company write an equation in slope-intercept form to represent the amount charged, C, for m number of miles. Find the solution to the following equation.4(x - 1) + 11.1 = 7(x - 4) As soon a the starting gun sounded out, a sprinter rapidly accelerated from rest to her top speed. Does the KE and PE increase, decrease, or stay constant? What type of wording in a problem statement or description of a situation tells you that you have a rate of change? Determine whether each equation has a solution. Justify your answer.a. (a + 4) / (5 + a) = 1b. (1 + b)/ (1 - b) = 1c. (c - 5 )/ (5 - c) = 1 and the missing numbers.11. 360 60 = 36 tens 6 tens = Find the equation of the linear function represented by the table below in slope-intercept form. Can you help me answer 13 and explain the answer