What is the solution to the equation?3+√3x- 5 = x A. -2 and -7B.2 and 7C. -2D. 7


Answer 1

Given the equation:


Isolating the square root:


Related Questions

which of tje following proportion are true16/28=12/216/16=4/1430/40=24/3510/15=45/30


Notice that:









Answer: The only proportion that is true is the first one.

A regular plot of land is 70 meters wide by 79 meters long. Find the length of the diagonal and, if necessary, round to the nearest tenth meter


Given :

The length is given l=79 m and width is given w=70m.

Explanation :

Let the length of diagonal be x.

To find the length of diagonal , use the Pythagoras theorem.


Substitute the values in the formula,

[tex]\begin{gathered} x^2=79^2+70^2 \\ x^2=6241+4900 \\ x^2=11141 \\ x=\sqrt[]{11141} \\ x=105.55m \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer :

The length of the diagonal is 105.6 m.

The correct option is D.

1 + xThe function g is defined by g(x)=7+2xFind g(a+5).


The function is given as:


We need to find the expression g(a + 5).

This means that we are going to plug in "a + 5" into "x" of the function. So, substituting, it gives us,

[tex]\begin{gathered} g(x)=\frac{1+x}{7+2x} \\ g(a+5)=\frac{1+(a+5)}{7+2(a+5)} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, we need to simplify the expression. Steps are shown below:

[tex]\begin{gathered} g(a+5)=\frac{1+(a+5)}{7+2(a+5)} \\ =\frac{1+a+5}{7+2a+10} \\ =\frac{6+a}{17+2a} \end{gathered}[/tex]Answer[tex]\frac{6+a}{17+2a}[/tex]

If ST = x + 4, TU = 10, and SU = 9x + 6, what is ST?



[tex]\begin{gathered} ST=x+4 \\ \\ TU=10 \\ \\ SU=9x+6 \end{gathered}[/tex]


The value of "x."


The line of property


Put the value is:

[tex]9x+6=x+4+10[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} 9x+6=x+14 \\ \\ 9x-x=14-6 \\ \\ 8x=8 \\ \\ x=\frac{8}{8} \\ \\ x=1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, the value of "x" is 1.

Kevin went for a drive in his new car. He drove for 377.6 miles at a speed of 59 miles per hour. For how many hours did he drive ?


We know that the average speed (v) can be calculated as the quotient between the distance D and the time t.

As v = 59 mi/h and D = 377.6 mi., we can calculate the time as:

[tex]v=\frac{D}{t}\longrightarrow t=\frac{D}{v}=\frac{377.6\text{ mi}}{59\text{ mi/h}}=6.4\text{ h}[/tex]

Answer: he drove for 6.4 hours.

7/8 = X/16 X=how do I solve it


x= 14

1) Let's solve this equation considering that we're dealing with two ratios.

Then we can cross multiply and simplify them this way:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{7}{8}=\frac{x}{16} \\ 8x=16\cdot7 \\ \frac{8}{8}x=\frac{16\cdot7}{8} \\ x=2\cdot7 \\ x=14 \end{gathered}[/tex]

2) So the answer is x= 14

1 5/6 - (-2 4/5)[tex]1 \frac{5}{6} - ( - 2 \frac{4}{5} )[/tex]


We have the following:



[tex]\begin{gathered} 1\frac{5}{6}=\frac{11}{6} \\ 2\frac{4}{5}=\frac{14}{5} \\ \frac{11}{6}+\frac{14}{5}=\frac{11\cdot5+14\cdot6}{30}=\frac{55+84}{30}=\frac{139}{30} \\ \frac{139}{30}=4\frac{19}{30} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The answer is 4 19/30

Convert Following expression in radical form into an exponential expression in rational form, multiply and simplify then divide you do not need to evaluate just put in simplest form




Using the following properties:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x^a\cdot x^b=x^{a+b} \\ a^{-x}=\frac{1}{a^x} \\ \sqrt[z]{x^y}=x^{\frac{y}{z}} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\frac{\sqrt[]{5^7}\cdot\sqrt[]{5^6}}{\sqrt[5]{5^3}}=5^{\frac{7}{2}}\cdot5^{\frac{6}{2}}\cdot5^{-\frac{3}{5}}=5^{\frac{7}{2}+\frac{6}{2}-\frac{3}{5}}=5^{\frac{59}{10}}[/tex]


5 7/5

Step-by-step explanation:

As you can see there is a divisions sign so you will start there.

The square root of 5^6 will turn into 5 6/2 divided by 5 3/5.

You want to find the LCD for the denominator. That will be 10, 6 divided by 3 equals 2 so you will have 5 7/2 times 5 2/10. You then change the two to a 10 and multiply the 7 and 2 which will become 5 14/10.

Once simplified the answer is 5 7/5.

Hope this helps :)

Hi I need help with this question please thank you!


To answer this question we will factorize each term.

Notice that:


Therefore, the greatest common factor of the terms is:




5xy. Hope this helped!

I need to find out which ones are true and which ones I have to change to get the answers correct please help me.



- In order to solve this question, we need to apply the following rules:

[tex]\begin{gathered} Given \\ f(x)=ax^2+bx+c \\ \\ |a|>1:\text{ } \\ \text{ The graph gets narrower the larger }|a|\text{ gets} \\ \\ 0<|a|<1: \\ \text{ The graph gets wider the closer }|a|\text{ is to zero} \\ \\ a<0: \\ \text{ The graph has a peak} \\ \\ a>0: \\ \text{ The graph has a valley} \end{gathered}[/tex]

- Applying this rule, we can proceed to solve this question.

- Based on these rules above, we can select the correct options as follows:



For this exercise you need to remember that the area of a triangle can be calculated with the following formula:


Where "b" is the base of the triangle and "h" is the height of the triangle.

Analyzing the information given in the exercise, you can identify that, in this case:

[tex]\begin{gathered} b=x=11units \\ h=7units \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, knowing these values, you can substitute them into the formula and then evaluate, in order to find the area of the triangle. This is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\frac{(11units)(7units)}{2} \\ \\ A=\frac{77units^2}{2} \\ \\ A=38.5units^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The answer is: Option B.

Determine if each of the following relationships form a function.(1,1), (3,2), (5,4), (-9,6)


Determine if each of the following relationships form a function.

(1,1), (3,2), (5,4), (-9,6)

we know that

A relationship between x and y form a function, if for one value of x there is only one value of y

In this problem we have that

for one value of x there is only one value of y


Yes, form a function

HEL LE Maria has 36 episodes of Grey's Anatomy to watch with her friends. They watch 3 episodes each day. Which of the following equations represents the number days, d, it took for them to have 21 episodes left? 0210 - 3 = 36 O 21 - 3d = 36 36 - 3d = 21 36 + 3d = 21 LE


Total episodes: 36

Episodes watched per day: 3

Number of days: d

To represents the number of days, d, it will take for them to have 21 episodes left:

Subtract the episodes watched per day (3d) to the total episodes (36), and that expression must be equal to 21:


What is the volume of this rectangular prism? 5/3 cm 1/4 cm 3/2 cm


The volume of the prism can be determined as,

[tex]\begin{gathered} V=\frac{5}{3}cm\times\frac{1}{4}cm\times\frac{3}{2}cm \\ V=\frac{5}{8}cm^3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the required volume is 5/8 cubic centimeters.

Write an equation for the line that contains (-32, -12) and is perpendicularto the graph -8x + 10y = 40Can anyone that KNOWS the answer help?


The first step is finding the slope of the equation -8x + 10y = 40.

To do so, let's put this equation in the slope-intercept form: y = mx + b, where m is the slope.

So we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -8x+10y=40 \\ -4x+5y=20 \\ 5y=4x+20 \\ y=\frac{4}{5}x+4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, since the line we want is perpendicular to this given line, their slopes have the following relation:


So, calculating the slope of the line, we have:


Finally, our equation has the point (-32, -12) as a solution, so we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=mx+b \\ y=-\frac{5}{4}x+b \\ -12=-\frac{5}{4}\cdot(-32)+b \\ -12=-5\cdot(-8)+b \\ -12=40+b \\ b=-12-40 \\ b=-52 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So our equation is y = (-5/4)x - 52

Below is a model of the infield of a baseball stadium. How long is each side of the field Hurry pleaseee


We have the following:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=s^2 \\ s=\sqrt{A} \end{gathered}[/tex]

A = 81, replacing:


therefore, each side measures 9 in

the sum of 2 numbers is 30. the sum of the squares of the two numbers is 468 what is the product of the two numbers


Take x and y as the 2 numbers

Define the equation that represents each situation

The sum of 2 numbers is 30


The sum of the squares of the numbers is 468


Complete the square in the second equation (don't forget to write

Third-degree, with zeros of -3,-1, and 2 and passes through the point (3,6)


Since the polynomial must have zeroes at x=-3, x=-1, x=2, then, we can write it as a combination of the factors (x+3), (x+1), (x-2):


The constant k will help us to adjust the value of the polynomial when x=3:

[tex]\begin{gathered} p(3)=k(3+3)(3+1)(3-2) \\ =k(6)(4)(1) \\ =24k \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since p(3) must be equal to 6, then:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 24k=6 \\ \Rightarrow k=\frac{6}{24} \\ \Rightarrow k=\frac{1}{4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the following polynomial function has zeroes at -3, -1 and 2, and passes through the point (3,6):


ubtract. - B the model to help


As you can see in the model




This is the same as if you removed 4 pieces of 1/8 from the 5 pieces of 1/8, resulting in 1 piece of 1/8.

Therefore, the result of the subtraction is


Hi , i need help with this question: what is the anwser to the division problem. 9÷4590



what is the anwser to the division problem.



We have the following number given:


The first step would be simplify the fraction and we can divide both numbers by 9 and we got:


So then our fraction becomes:


And if we convert this into a decimal we got 0.00196.

What are the solutions to the following system?{-2x+y=-5y=-3x2 + 50 (0, 2)O (1, -2)o (12.-1) and (- 12.-1):o 15.-10) and (-75-10



[tex](\sqrt[]{2\text{ }},-1)\text{ and (-}\sqrt[]{2\text{ }}\text{ ,-1)}[/tex]


Here, we want to solve the system of equations

Since we have y in both equations, let us start by rewriting the second equation to look like the first

We have that as:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -2x^2+y\text{ = }-5 \\ y+3x^2\text{ = 5} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Subtract equation ii from i

We have it that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -5x^2=\text{ -10} \\ 5x^2=10 \\ x^2=\text{ 2} \\ \\ x\text{ = }\pm\sqrt[]{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

when x = positive root 2, we have it that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -2x^2+y\text{ = -5} \\ -2(\sqrt[]{2\text{ }})^2+y\text{ = -5} \\ -4+y\text{ = -5} \\ y\text{ = -5+4} \\ y\text{ = -1} \end{gathered}[/tex]

when x = negative root 2:

We will still get the same answer as the square of both returns the same value

Thus, we have the solution to the system of equations as:

[tex](\sqrt[]{2\text{ }},-1)\text{ and (-}\sqrt[]{2\text{ }}\text{ ,-1)}[/tex]

Evaluate with no calculator sin(sin^-1(3/8))


Since the sine ratio is opposite side/hypotenuse

Then in

[tex]\sin (\sin ^{-1}\frac{3}{8})[/tex]

This means the angle has opposite side 3 and hypotenuse 8 in a right triangle

Then use this rule to evaluate without a calculator

[tex]\sin (\sin ^{-1}\frac{a}{b})=\frac{a}{b}[/tex]

Because sin will cancel sin^-1

[tex]\sin (\sin ^{-1}\frac{3}{8})=\frac{3}{8}[/tex]

The answer is 3/8

Evaluate each expression using the graphs of y=f(x) and y = g(x) shown below.(a) (gof)(-1) (b) (gof)(0) (c) (fog) - 1) (d) (fog)(4)



a) 5

b) 6

c) -2

d) -3



a) From the graph, we can see that f(-1) = 1 and g(1) = 5, so we'll have that;

[tex](g\circ f)(-1)=g(f(-1))=g(1)=5[/tex]

b) From the graph, we can notice that f(0) = 0, g(0) = 6, so we'll have that;

[tex](g\circ f)(0)=g(f(0))=g(0)=6[/tex]

c) From the graph, we can notice that g(-1) = 4 and f(4) = -2, so we'll have that;

[tex](f\circ g)(-1)=f(g(-1))=f(4)=-2[/tex]

d) From the graph, we can see that g(4) = 3 and f(3) = -3, so we'll have that;

[tex](f\circ g)(4)=f(g(4))=f(4)=-3[/tex]

General MathematicsProblem:What interest rate would yield ₱1,200 interest on ₱10,000 in 2 years?



Interest rate = 6%


From the information given in the question,

Interest, I = ₱1,200

Principal, P = ₱10,000

Time, T = 2 years

Interest rate, R = ?

Using Simple Interest formula:


Since I, P and T are know, we shall substitute these values into the formula to get R.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 1200=\frac{10000\times R\times2}{100} \\ 1200=200R \\ \text{Divide both sides by 200} \\ \frac{1200}{200}=\frac{200R}{200} \\ R=6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the interest rate is 6%

y = 3x ÷ 9 and x = -6 what is the output?


y = 3x ÷ 9 and x = -6

y = 3(-6) ÷ 9 = -18 ÷ 9 = -2

y = -2


y = -2

Which of the following statements about the Real Number System is always true?A Rational numbers include irrational numbers.B A number that is an integer is also a whole number and a natural number.C A number that is a whole number is also an integer and a rational Fimber.Tmber.D A number that is a whole numbers is also a natural number.



1) Let's draw a sketch to better understand this:

2) So, based on that we can say that

A number that is a Whole number is also an integer and a Rational Number.

Whole numbers are counting number with the 0 included

Integers numbers are whole numbers and the negative numbers

Rational numbers are any number that can be written as a ratio like 2, (2/1), 3/2, 5, 6/7, etc.

So whole numbers are integer numbers and rational ones simultaneously.

For example 2, 3, etc.

Drag and drop numbers into the equation to complete the equation of the line in slope-intercept form.The line passes through (8, 19) and (5, 1).


we are given two points

(8,19) and (5,1)

firstly, we need to calculate the slope

slope = y2 - y1 / x2 - x1

from the points

x1 = 8, y1 = 19, x2 = 5, y2 = 1

slope = 1 -19 / 5 - 8

slope = -18/-3

negative will cancel each other

slope = 18/3

slope = 6

slope intercept equation is

y - y1 = m(x - x1)

m = slope = 6

y1 = 19 and x1 = 8

y - 19 = 6(x - 8)

open the parentheses

y - 19 = 6*x - 6*8

y - 19 = 6x - 48

make y the subject of the formula

y = 6x - 48 + 19

y = 6x - 29

Graph the following:X>y^2 + 4y



Given the inequality;


The graph of inequality without an equal sign is done with broken lines,

The y-intercept is;

[tex]\begin{gathered} 0>y^2+4y \\ \\ 0>y(y+4) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the graph is;

Part A: Show all work to solve the quadratic equation x2 − 12x + 35 = 0 by factoring.Part B: Using complete sentences, explain what the solutions from Part A represent on the graph.



A) Notice that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x^2-12x+35=x^2+(-5-7)x+(-5)(-7) \\ =x^2-5x-7x+(-5)(-7)=x(x-5)-7(x-5) \\ =(x-7)(x-5)\text{.} \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]x^2-12x+35=0\text{ if and only if x=7 or x=5.}[/tex]

B) The solutions from part A represent the x-coordinates of the x-intercepts of the graph of the function


The hallway of an apartment building is 44 feet long
and 6 feet wide. A landlord has 300 square feet of carpet. Does she have
enough carpet to cover the hallway? Explain.



Yes, there is enough carpet to cover the hallway. We know this because the area of the floor is shown as 44 times 6, which equals 264 feet. With 300>264, there is enough feet of carpet to cover

Step-by-step explanation:

44 times 6 = 264

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