What is the solution to the equation?

What Is The Solution To The Equation?


Answer 1

Answer: n=1/2 or 0.5 (same thing)

Step-by-step explanation:I wrote down a step by step on the attached image. thanks!

What Is The Solution To The Equation?

Related Questions

Estimate the perimeter of the figure to the nearest tenth.

perimeter: about units



13.5 units

Step-by-step explanation:

Looks like it could be 13.5 not sure though I hope this helps though

The answer should be 13.5

The graph shows the football stadium’s Pure Refresh sales, where represents the number of Pure Refresh water boles sold, and represents the total cost, in dollars.



c. 1 costs $2

Step-by-step explanation:

w- number of pure refresh bottles sold

t- total cost

w= 1

t= 2

The answer is c. 1 pure fresh bottle costs £2

Please help me here's the screen shot




Step-by-step explanation:

1672 - 380 = 1292

^yeah i also got the same answer

Which number comes first if the numbers 2.001, 0.0035, 0.0005, 4.56094 are arranged in order from most to fewest significant digits?

A. 0.0005
B. 0.0035
C. 2.001
D. 4.56094


D. comes first as it has the most significant figures. Hope this helps!!

Match each scenario with the integer that can be used to describe it.

A dolphin jumped 8 feet out of the water.
Eva withdrew $50 out of her account.
The temperature dropped 8 degrees.
The basketball team scored 86 points during the game.
You deposited $50 in your bank account.
The elevation of Death Valley is 86 meters below sea level.



86: The basketball team scored 86 points

50: You deposited $50 in your bank account

8: A dolphin jumped 8 feet out of the water

-86: The elevation of Death Valley is 86 meters below sea level

-50: Eva withdrew $50 out of her account

-8: The temperature dropped 8 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

In the bank situation you are losing or gaining something for example Eva withdrew $50 out of her account, since her bank account has less money in it its negative 50 and vice versa with depositing 50 in the bank account (adding more money to account makes it positive 50)

Yoo you still need the answers this kinda esay tell me if you need help

only do the ones i have not done brainlest



I don't understand thia

Answer: 2. y = x times 2.5, 3. y = x - 10, 4. y = x times 6

Step-by-step explanation: I hope that this helps :)

17 is what percent of 50?




Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

17 divided by 50 = 0.34 in decimal and if you convert it to a mixed number it becomes 34/100

Can somebody please help me out with this. We have to do it in point slope form

[tex]y - y_{1} = m( x - x_{1})[/tex]


To find m you to y2-y1/x2-x1 then plug the rest in

Please answer all of these! 21 points!


a) 4 scoops equals 6 dollars
b) $1.50 per scoop
c) $18
d) the line of the graph will become steeper
e) the point would change from (4,6) to (4,7)
A is 6 dollars because if we multiply 4 equals 6

B.$1.50 per scoop which means 4x1.50=6


ples I need help asap



i have n idea XD sorry...

Step-by-step explanation:

(This is literally 7th grade math dude should be easy for most of you)
Last Season, A Lacrosse player scored 41 goals in 15 games, So far this season, the player has scored 24 goals in 9 games.

A. Does the player have a greater number of goals per game this season compared with last season?

(I think it is a no. If it is not no, explain)

B. Supposed the player plays in as many games this season as last season and continues to score at this season's rate. Write and solve A proportion to find the number of goals the player will score this season



1.) No

2.) 40 goals

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the following :

Last season:

Games played = 15

Points scored = 41

Current season:

Games played = 9

Points scored = 24


Last season:

Goals per game = total points / number of games

Goals per game = 41 / 15 = 2.733

Current season :

Goals per game = total points / number of games

Goals per game = 24 / 9 = 2.667

Last season's goal per game is greater than that of current season.


Current rate = goals / games = 24/9 - - - (1)

Let points to be scored this season = y

Ratio of y to number of games played last season = y / 15 - - - (2)

Equate both

24 / 9 = y / 15

9 * y = 24 * 15

y = 360 / 9

y = 40


A=no  B=no

Step-by-step explanation:

in the first season you need to divide 41 into 15 to see how much he scored in 1 game which is 2.7333333333 continued

next you need to find second season which is 24/9 2.6666666666 continued

easy, 2.666666666 times 15 is too inacurate so do 24/9*15 which is 40 so the answer is also no

Pls help with this questions


Angle of a straight line always sum up to 180 degrees
So what you should do is add the angles that are given to you and then subtract it from 180
100 + 20 + x = 180
120 + x = 180
x = 180 - 120
x = 60 degrees

I hope this helps you and your welcome

x=60 degrees
the line adds up to 180 degrees in total

Write an equivalent expression for (1.5 + k) +2.25




Step-by-step explanation:

The equation can be simplified to k+3.75:



please explain how you got your answer too!




Step-by-step explanation:

First you find the last angle which would be 80 because of vertical angles so then you would do 180-57-80= 43 which is x



Step-by-step explanation:

123 - 80 = 43

HELP ASAP PLEASE!! WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST!! Translate the algebraic expression shown below into a verbal expression.

Fraction with variable x in numerator and 6 in the denominator.

1. The sum of six and some number

2. The product of six and some number

3. The quotient of some number and six

4. The difference of six and some number


3. the quotient of some number and six
The quotient of some number and six

The map scale on a map is ½ inch represents 200 miles. If the distance measured between two cities on the map is 4 inches, what is the actual distance between the two cities?


1,600 miles.
Since 200 miles is 1/2 inch. 400 miles is one inch
400 miles per inch x 4 inches = 1600 miles.

1600 my friend good luck

please help !! I need the new equation, the vertex, the zeros, the y-intercept, and the maximum or minimum value



1.py. zeroes

Step-by-step explanation:





Step-by-step explanation:

The correct answer should be c !

Subtract the mixed numbers!



6 1/6

Step-by-step explanation:


subtract the numbers



6 1/6


6 1/6

Step-by-step explanation:

9 7/15 - 3 3/10

9 14/30 - 3 9/30

6 5/30

6 1/6

Hope that this helped! Have a good day and good luck, if this was right, plz mark as Brainliest!

please help me thank you


answer is -1/2 or -0.5
im pretty sure its -1/2

giving brainliest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Step-by-step explanation:

B! I thinkkk thats the answer

helpppppppppppppppppppppppp i need an answer


All you have to do is just put a number for x...so for the first one you could do x=8, because 8 is less that 9. For the second one you could do x= 10, because 10 is greater than 6

Explain how to graph an equation if the equation is in slope-intercept form.


The constant - or b, in the equation y = mx+b - is the y-intercept.

Then just increase your points by m, the slope, for every one unit. ex: if m = 5, then when you move right one unit, move up 5 unites

I just need points glad u got the answer



24 degreeeeeeeeeeeeeeees

If you were to give cadmium a supervillain name what would it be




Step-by-step explanation:

I chose this because Cadmium can be used for battery's and I'm not that great at names.



Step-by-step explanation:

I chose this because it similar

A flute case is shaped like a rectangular prism. The case is 5 inches tall, 3 inches wide, and has a volume of 255 cubic inches. What is th elength of the flute case?



The length of the case is 17 inches.

Step-by-step explanation:

A flute case is shaped like a rectangular prism with dimensions:

height = 5 inches;

width = 3 inches;

length = x inches.

The volume of the case is 255 cubic inches.

Use formula for the volume of the rectangular prism:


The length of the case is 17 inches.

When a number is decreased by 7.5%, the result is 61. What is the original number to the nearest tenth?


Answer: It's 65.9

Step-by-step explanation:

decreased by 7.5%

means 100% - 7.5% = 92.5%

92.5% * x = 61

x= 61 / 92.5%

x = 65.9459

to the nearest tenth :

original number is 65.9Hope this helps have a awesome day/night❤️✨

12^5-7x+85(5942)/9.3+5 =___



12^5 - 7X + 5051165/93

Jennifer's group was trying to build the tallest straw tower in the classroom. Each person in her group connected various lengths:

Jennifer: 16 cm, Harry: 20 cm, Brendan: 5 cm and Taylor: 52 cm.

Sort the number sentences that will tell you how tall their tower was.


93cm. I could be wrong tho. Hope this helps
93m I could be wrong too

Steve put $500 into a saving account.At the end of one year, he had earned $30 in interest.What interest rate was the bank paying?

Can you tell me HOW to solve it?



$2.5 a month

Step-by-step explanation:

30 divided 12 is 2.5. You're dividing it by 12 because they're 12 months in a year.  



Step-by-step explanation:


53/50= 1+1

50/50+ 3/50= 1+1

i = 3/50= 6/100

6 interest

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