what is the simplified form for (13-3/2r) - (1-r)????​


Answer 1


[tex]\frac{-r}{2} +12\\[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Combine multiplied terms into a single fraction, find the common denominator, then combine fractions with the common denominator.

Related Questions

Question 5 of 23
LIGHTHOUSE Maya wants to know how far she is standing from a lighthouse. The end of Maya's shadow coincides with the end of the
lighthouse's shadow.
48 ft
a. What is the distance from the lighthouse to the end of the lighthouse's shadow, x?
b. What is the distance from Maya to the lighthouse, y?
6 ft
8 ft


The distance from the lighthouse is 64 ft and the distance from Maya to the lighthouse is 56 ft

The distance from the lighthouse to the end of the lighthouse's shadow

From the question, we have the following parameters that can be used in our computation:

Height of lighthouse = 48 ft

Height of Maya = 6 ft

Using the above parameters and the attached figure, we have the following equivalent ratio

48 : x = 6 : 8

Multiply the second ratio by 8

So, we have

48 : x = 48 : 64

This means that

x = 64

What is the distance from Maya to the lighthouse, y?

From the figure, we have

y + 8 = x

Recall that

x = 64

So, we have

y + 8 = 64


y = 56

Hence, the distance is 56 ft

Read more about similar triangles at



Ty solves the system of equations by forming a matrix equation.



He multiplies the left side of the coefficient matrix by the inverse matrix.

How does he proceed to the solution?

Drag the choices to correctly complete Ty's process.


The solution for this system of linear equations are x=-18 y=-71

What are linear equations?

Linear equations help in representing the relationship between variables such as x, y, and z, and are expressed in exponents of one degree. In these linear equations, we use algebra, starting from the basics such as the addition and subtraction of algebraic expressions.

Given here: 3x+2y=1


[tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}3&2\\-1&5&\\\end{array}\right][/tex]  . [tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}x\\y\\\end{array}\right][/tex]  = [tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}1\\-23\\\end{array}\right][/tex]

                      [tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}x\\y\\\end{array}\right][/tex]   =   [tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}5&1\\-2&3&\\\end{array}\right][/tex] . [tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}1\\-23\\\end{array}\right][/tex]

                       [tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}x\\y\\\end{array}\right][/tex] = [tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}-18\\-71\\\end{array}\right][/tex]


Hence, The solution for this system of linear equations are x=-18 y=-71

Learn more about linear equations here:



Clark deposited $5,000 at 3.8% interest, compounded continuously, when he was
18 years old. How much will be in the account after 22 years, if he made no other
deposits or withdrawals?
O $8,800.00
O $19,000.19
O $11,535.60
O $10,691.38


Clark will have $5820.80 in his account when he turns 22.

With an example, what is compound interest?

The interest you earn on interest is known as compound interest. Simple math may be used to demonstrate this: if you have $100 and it generates 5% interest annually, you will have $105 at the end of the first year. You will wind up with $110.25 at the conclusion of the second year.

Clark reportedly placed $5000 at a constant 3.8% interest rate when he was 18 years old.

Using the compound interest calculation, we can calculate how much Clark will make when he turns 22.

[tex]A=P . e^{rT}[/tex]

A= Amount after T years.

P= Principal amount.

e= Mathematical constant e.

r= Interest rate (in decimal form).

T=  Time in years.

Let's decimalize the interest rate we've been given.

3.8 percent = 3.8/100 = 0.038

When we enter our provided values into the formula above, we will obtain,

[tex]A=5000 * e^{0.038(22-18)} \\A=5000*e^{0.038(4)}\\A=5000*e^{0.152}\\A=5000*1.1641\\A=5820.80[/tex]

Clark will therefore have $5820.80 in his account when he turns 22.

Learn more about compound interest



A laboratory manager was interested in buying a new pipette. Company A was selling 2 pipettes for £300 less than Company B was selling 3 pipettes for. For a single pipette, Company A was more expensive by £60 than Company B.


The price of the pipette for company A and company B will be $480 and $420, respectively.

What is the solution to the equation?

The allocation of weights to the important variables that produce the calculation's optimum is referred to as a direct consequence.

A research facility supervisor was keen on purchasing another pipette. Organization A was selling 2 pipettes for £300 not as much as Organization B was selling 3 pipettes for. For a solitary pipette, Organization A was more costly by £60 than Organization B.

Let 'x' be the price of the pipette of company A and 'y' be the price of the pipette of company B. Then the equations are given as,

2x = 3y - 300         ...1

x = y + 60                 ...2

From equations 1 and 2, then we have

2(y + 60) = 3y - 300

2y + 120 = 3y - 300

y = 420

Then the value of x is given as,

x = 420 + 60

x = 480

The price of the pipette for company A and company B will be $480 and $420, respectively.

More about the solution of the equation link is given below.



Compare√150and 114/9 using <,>, or }=



114/9 > √150 that is, 114/9 is greater than √150


We have to compare √150 and 114/9 using  <, >, or =

Comparison between two numbers;

Mathematical number comparison is the process or method of comparing two numbers to determine whether one is less, bigger, or equal to the other. The comparison symbols for numbers are "=", which stands for "equal to," "=", which stands for "greater than," and " ", which stands for "less than."


First we have to find the value of √150 and 114/9

That is,

The value of √150 = 12.25

The value of 114/9 = 12.66


We came to know that 114/9 is greater than √150 that is, 114/9 > √150

Learn more about comparison between numbers here;



7. Find the value of x . First decide which trig function to use!


Using the trigonometric function of sine, the value of x is 10.1 units

From the given right triangle

The length of the hypotenuse = 16 units

The given angle = 39 degrees

The opposite side of the angle = x units

Here we have to use the trigonometric functions

sin θ = Opposite side / Hypotenuse

cos θ = Adjacent side / Hypotenuse

tan θ = Opposite side / Adjacent side

Use the equation of sin θ

Substitute the values in the equation

Sin 39 = x / 16

x = 16 × sin 39

x = 10.1 units

Therefore, the value of x is 10.1 units

Learn more about trigonometric function here



5 x 4.5 - 12.6 ÷ 2 + 0.3 x 2.6




Step-by-step explanation:

I solved it by just multiplying and adding. I didn't use pemdas so it might be wrong and if it is I'm sorry..

In order for this ratio of volumes to be true, what measurements would have to be equal in all 3 solids?
The volume and the height
The radius and the surface area
The radius and the height
The surface area and the base


The measurements of the figures that should be equal in order for the ratio of volumes between the volumes of the cone, sphere, and cylinder of 1:2:3 to be true is; The radius and the height

What is a ratio?

A ratio is a comparison between the magnitudes or measurements of items, expressing the number of times one item in the ratio is contained within another item in the ratio.

The formula for the volume of a cone, [tex]V_p[/tex] is, [tex]V_p[/tex] = (1/3)·π·r₁²·h₁

The formula for the volume of a sphere, [tex]V_s[/tex], is [tex]V_s[/tex] = (4/3)·π·r₂³

The formula for the volume of a cylinder, [tex]V_c[/tex], is [tex]V_c[/tex] = π·r₃²·h₃

The ratio of the volumes in the question is 1:2:3

Therefore; The volume of the sphere is twice the volume of the cone, and the volume of the cylinder is three times the volume of the cone, which indicates;

(4/3)·π·r₂³ = 2 × (1/3)·π·r₁²·h₁...(1)

π·r₃²·h₃ = 3 × (1/3)·π·r₁²·h₁...(2)

Equation (1) indicates that we have;

(4/3)·π·r₂³ = 2 × (1/3)·π·r₁²·h₁

Where, h₁ = 2·r₂, we get;

(4/3)·π·r₂³ = 2 × (1/3)·π·r₁²·(2·r₂) = (4/3)·π·r₁²·r₂

Therefore; r₁ = r₂, and the diameter of the sphere is equal to the height of the cone

The radius of the cone is equal to the radius of the sphere

Equation (2) indicates;

π·r₃²·h₃ = 3 × (1/3)·π·r₁²·h₁ = π·r₁²·h₁


r₃²·h₃ = r₁²·h₁

r₃ = r₁

h₃ = h₁

The radius of the cone = The radius of the cylinder

The height of the cone = The height of the cylinder

The ratio of the volumes, 1 : 2 : 3 is true when the measurements of the radius and the height are equal for all three solids.

Learn more about the volume of regular solids here:



What constant must be added to both sides of the equation x^2-6x=-5 in order to complete the square?


Answer: 9

Step-by-step explanation:

why does dividing 5 by a number less than 1 give a qouient greater than 5?


Answer: It takes more five to reach that answer

Step-by-step explanation:

Solve for p in the equation p − 12 = −27. 39 2 −39 −15




Step-by-step explanation:

P-12=-27  |+27



Solve the following equation:
5-(4x+3)=(8x - 12)




The temperature outside changed from 76°F to 41°F over a period of five days. If the temperature changed by the same amount each day, what was the daily temperature change?


The answer is C (7 degrees).

Explanation: 76-41=35 35/5=7


C. 7°F

Step-by-step explanation:

While on vacation in Missouri, Sue's family stopped to see the world's largest ball of nylon
twine. Before they got there, Sue predicted the ball would weigh 6,000 pounds. Her
prediction was 50% less than the actual weight of the ball! What was the ball's actual weight?


the ball weighs 12,000

The solution is, 12000 pound was the ball's actual weight.

What is percentage?

A percentage is a number or ratio that can be expressed as a fraction of 100. A percentage is a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100. It is often denoted using the percent sign, "%", although the abbreviations "pct.", "pct" and sometimes "pc" are also used. A percentage is a dimensionless number; it has no unit of measurement.

here, we have,

given that,

While on vacation in Missouri, Sue's family stopped to see the world's largest ball of nylon twine.

Before they got there, Sue predicted the ball would weigh 6,000 pounds.

Her prediction was 50% less than the actual weight of the ball.

let, the ball's actual weight = x

now, 50% of x = x/2

ATQ, x/2 = 6,000 pounds.

so, x = 12000

Hence, The solution is, 12000 pound was the ball's actual weight.

To learn more on percentage click:



If LM = x + 1, MN = 2x, and LN = 7, what is MN?
x + 1

Simplify your answer and write it as a proper fraction, mixed number, or integer.


The value of the MN is 4 according to the assumption on the number line.

According to the statement

We have to find that the value of the MN with the help of the value of the x.

So, For this purpose, we know that the

A number line is a horizontal line that has equally spread number increments.


Assuming that L, M, and N are points on a number line with L < M < N,

According to the assumption, the equation become

2x + x+1 = 7

3x +1 =7

3x =6

x = 2.        

Now, the value of the MN become:

MN = 2x

MN = 2*2

MN = 4.

So, The value of the MN is 4 according to the assumption on the number line.

Learn more about number line at:



How do I turn this limit into a definite integral? Could you go step by step please

(The xi's are "x sub i" not "x times i")


To turn the specified limit, which is a Riemann sum, within the known interval, [2, 6], and variable, [tex]x_i[/tex], to a definite integral, the value, Δx is dx as n approaches infinity, to get;

[tex]\displaystyle \lim\limits_{n\to \infty}\sum\limits^n_{i=1}x_i\cdot \ln \left(1+x_i^2 \right) \Delta x, [2, \,6] = \int\limits^6_2 {x\cdot \ln \left(1+x_i^2 \right)} \, dx[/tex]

What is a Riemann sum?

A Riemann sum is an approximation of an integral, which is the area of a region, by making use of the sum of simplified slices that make up the region.

A definite integral is a calculation used to find the area under a graph of a function by making use of very small or infinitesimal stripes of the region under the graph of the function.

The expression in the question is a Riemann sum

[tex]\lim\limits_{n \to \infty} \sum\limits_{i=1}^n x_i\cdot ln \left(1 + x_i^2 \right) \Delta x, [2, 6][/tex]

The Riemann sum can be converted into a definite integral, using the equation, [tex]\displaystyle{\lim\limits_{n \to \infty} \sum\limits_{i=1}^n f(x_i)\Delta x = \int\limits^b_a {f(x)} \, dx }[/tex]as follows;

The value of Δx is the value which values in the parenthesis are multiplying on the left, therefore; Δx is replaced with dx, as n → ∞

The limits of the Riemann sum in the question = [2, 6]

[tex]f(x_i) = x_i \cdot \ln\left(1 + x_i^2 \right)[/tex], therefore, [tex]f(x) = x \cdot \ln\left(1 + x^2 \right)[/tex]

Plugging in the the above values into the expression for the Riemann sum, we get the following definite integral;

[tex]\displaystyle{\lim\limits_{n \to \infty} \sum\limits_{i=1}^n x_i\cdot \ln \left(1 + x_i^2 \right) \Delta x, [2, 6] = \int\limits^6_2 {x\cdot \ln\left(1 + x^2\right)} \, dx[/tex]

Learn more about Riemann sums here:



0.20 is what fraction?


Answer: 20/100 or 1/5 (reduced)

Step-by-step explanation: To find the fraction, it is helpful to write a proportion. So. if we know every # will be out of 100, we can infer that it will be our whole (can also be represented by being written as 1 ) So now, if we move the decimal 2 places, we now have our fraction 20 out of 100. You can reduce this by dividing the 20 by 20 and the 100 by 20, to get 1/5. I hoped this helped.

can a function of a value input be defined and it's limit around that value not exist?​




Step-by-step explanation:

You want to know if a function can have the characteristic that the limit at a point does not exist, but the function is defined at that point.

Undefined limit

A function has no limit at a point if the limit from the left is different from the limit approaching from the right.

Consider the sign function ...

  [tex]\text{sign}(x)=\begin{cases}-1,&x < 0\\0,&x=0\\1,&x > 0\end{cases}[/tex]

The left limit as x → 0 is -1; the right limit as x → 0 is +1, so the limit as x → 0 "does not exist." However, the function is defined at x=0.

The function is defined everywhere, but the limit as x→0 does not exist.

what is the slope of the line parallel to the line whose slope is m=3/4



The slope of a line parallel to the line with slope m=3/4 is also m=3/4. Parallel lines have the same slope.

Marvin is factoring the expression 54a^4+16ab^3 completely. What is the result


The factors of the given expression 54a⁴ +16ab³ are (C) 2a(27a³+8b³).

What are the factors?

Writing a number or other quantitative item as the result of numerous factors—typically smaller or easier objects of the same kind—is known as factorization or factoring in math.

For instance, the equation x2 - 4 and the integer 15 can both be multiplied by the number 3 5.

So, we got the expression:

54a⁴ +16ab³

Now, factorize as follows:

54a⁴ +16ab³

Both 54 and 16 are multiples of 2 and have variables as common:

2a(27a³ + 8b³)

Therefore, the factors of the given expression 54a⁴ +16ab³ are (C) 2a(27a³+8b³).

Know more about the factors here:



Find the value of x



Step-by-step explanation:


Answer: 13

Step-by-step explanation:

I hope it helps

a study was made on the amount of converted sugar in a certain process at various temperatures. the data were coded and recorded in the accompanying table. use this information to answer parts a through c.


a. Correlation coefficient, r. =0.76751

b. Linear regression line y=6.5071+1.3929x

c. mean amount of sugar when temp. is 1.7

  then y=8.87503

What a correlation coefficient means?

A correlation coefficient is a statistical indicator of how well changes in one variable's value predict changes in another. When two variables are positively linked, the value either rises or falls together.

What is linear regression with example?

According to linear regression, sales are predicted to equal 168 + 23 advertising when using advertising as the predictor variable. This means that if spending on advertising is increased by one million euros, sales should grow by 23 million euros, and if no advertising was done, sales should be 168 million euros.

To learn more about correlation coefficient visit:


What is the slope of a line that is parallel to the line represented by the equation x - y = 8?




Step-by-step explanation:

x - y = 8     find slope of this line , parallel slope is the same

 re-arrange the given line equation to y = mx + b form (m= slope)

y = (1) x-8    has slope = 1


Find the equation of the line that contains the point (-1,-3) and is parallel to the line 5x+6y=11. Write the equation in slope-intercept form, if possible.


Answer: y = -5/6x - 23/6

(Read the explanation first to make sure it's correct)

Step-by-step explanation:

A parallel line means that it has the same slope as the equation:

5x + 6y = 11

Let's first convert this standard form equation into slope-intercept form:

y = -5/6x + 11/6

So that means that our new line also has a slope of:


So far, for our new equation we have:

y = -5/6x + b

Next, let's plug in the values of our point to the equation:

-3 = 5/6 + b

So b = -23/6

So the equation in slope-intercept form is:

y = -5/6x - 23/6

Use a model to solve.
An average orange weighs {3}/{5} of a pound. Based on this average, how many oranges are in six pounds of oranges?



Step-by-step explanation:3/5x10=6

Pls help it urgent sove it



x = 4

Step-by-step explanation:

2x + 1 ≥ 0

2x ≥ -1

2/2 x ≥ -1/2

x ≥ -1/2

√(2x+1)² = (4-1)²

2x + 1 = 3²

2x = 9 - 1

2x = 8

2/2 x = 8/2

x = 4

Find the height of a right circular cylinder whose height is equal to its base radius length and its volume is 64 π cm³​



height = 4cm

Step-by-step explanation:

volume of right-circular cylinder = πr²h

h = r


πr²r or πr³

πr³ = 64π

r³ = 64

r = 4

h = 4

if a t-value is 1.67 in an upper-tailed test and degrees of freedom are 21, locate the correct interval below that contains the p-value. group of answer choices .90 < p-value.Group of answer choicesNot enough information is given to answer this question.a.01 < p-value < .02b.98 < p-value < .99c.99 < p-value < .995d.005 < p-value < .01


For a given t-value is 1.67 in an upper-tailed test , the interval below that contains the p-value is 0.05487.. So, the correct option is option (d) .

Values are given as,

test- statistic , t-value = 1.67

degree of freedom = 21

Using upper tailed test,

Using EXCEL function to find the p-value:

Function : =T.DIST.RT (t-value , deg -freedom)

Settings : =T.DIST.RT (1.67 , 21) = 0.05487

We used only positive value to find the upper tailed p-value .

lower tailed p-value ,

Settings : =T.DIST.RT ( - 1.67 , 21) = 0.94516

So, 0.05 < p-value < 0.95.. The interval value of p-value for upper tailed test is 0.005..

To learn more about T- Statistic , refer:



Match the equations of perpendicular lines. (You will not use all answer choices on the right.)


The following equation are perpendicular to each other .

y = 1 / 3 x + 4 →  y = -3x - 4.y = 2 / 5 x - 7 →  y = - 5 / 2 x + 7.y = - 5 / 2 x + 8 → y = 2 / 5 x - 6.y = -2x + 6 →  y = 1 / 2 x + 3.y = 7 / 5 x - 9 →  y = - 5 / 7 x - 11.

How to represent the equation of a line?

The equation of a line in slope intercept form can be represented as follows:

y = mx + b


m = slopeb = y-intercept

Therefore, perpendicular lines have slopes that are the opposite of the reciprocal of each other.


The equation perpendicular to y = 1 / 3 x + 4 is  y = -3x - 4.

The equation perpendicular to y = 2 / 5 x - 7 is  y = - 5 / 2 x + 7.

The equation perpendicular to y = - 5 / 2 x + 8 is  y = 2 / 5 x - 6.

The equation perpendicular to y = -2x + 6 is  y = 1 / 2 x + 3.

The equation perpendicular to y = 7 / 5 x - 9 is  y = - 5 / 7 x - 11.

learn more on perpendicular lines here:https://brainly.com/question/29831389


Write an equation of the line passing through the point (4, 2) that is perpendicular to the line 4x+3y=7.


OK so what do you need help with


y = 3/4x - 1

Step-by-step explanation:

4x + 3y = 7

3y = -4x + 7

y = -4/3x + 7/3

The slope of the given line is -4/3 so the slope of a line perpendicular to it is 3/4 (negative reciprocal).

y = 3/4x + b

Substitute x = 4 and y = 2:

2 = 3/4(4) + b

2 = 3 + b

b = -1

Thus the final equation is y = 3/4x - 1

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