what is the similarity between the first person and the third person?


Answer 1


first person and third person are similar because your learning more about the character but in different perspectives.... i think


Answer 2
The default Third Person is Third Person Singular; you see the story out of one set of eyes. The usual variation is given as between deep and shallow immersion; the difference between describing what is seen and done as if it were seen on film, and describing all the interior life and thoughts as well.

But there’s a distinction I haven’t seen made. I’m gonna call it Clinical versus As-Experienced. The “As-Experieced” version of third-person deep immersion is, “Karl realized he was enjoying shooting the men streaming from the burning building.” The “Clinical” is the one that can go on, “Karl was acting out of a deep-seated nihilism he had yet to fully recognize.”

Anyhow. As far as I am concerned they can technically do the same things, just with a change in pronoun.

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What are the choices?



Can you publish a photo pls?

Select the correct answer.
Which material from the list below is in modern use for printing text?
O c.


it’s b because most of these are older stuff

Answer: The correct answer to your question would be wood. Because wood is a modern way that we make paper to write and print


Got it correct on edmentum


In the following image, how did he make the poster board bend on a curved line?

A. He cut it
B. He ironed it
C. He scored it
D. He engrave it



he engrave it and make poster boad


He engraved it


What is the purpose of death?

Shortly before his death, Steve Jobs said, “No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share.”

But why death?

Couldn’t we just dissolve into a pile of ash, fly out of our skin, step into an invisible elevator preprogrammed to go to the highest of all floors, or just mentally fade to black.

People fear death. We spend millions on vitamins, health food, fitness programs, and doctors all to avoid the unavoidable. Or is it unavoidable?

Why are we so terrified of the unknown?



We fear the unknown because we can’t anticipate the outcome.


i don’t see the purpose of life or death

Predict how the visual arts can add quality to life and lifelong learning. Write a paragraph on how you plan to incorporate the study and appreciation of art into your life.





This is a question for those who are into manifestation(s) journal(s)etc.
⚠️⚠️don’t be tempted to answer for points I genuinely have a question ⚠️

scroll away if your not that person

So I started mine a couple weeks ago but I feel I wanna restart so... is it ok if I rip put the pages I want to re-do or no?



I feel as if you should continue it.


you should get a new journal to write in and put the old one away but it is definitely okay to remove the pages!

The picture above is called a _______________ drawing.
Brown, black, tan, and white are shading colors.

Georgia O’ Keeffe painted Enlarged Flower.

A TAG is part of ______________ art or street art.

George Rodrigue is the artist of Blue Dog.

___________________ is short for optical illusion.

Shade the sphere. (Light to Dark) Light where arrow is located



All I know that this is a perspective art

For orchestra cello, will mark brainliest worth 15 points (look a image above )


fortissimo (very loud),Forte( loud), piano ( soft ) Mezzo forte (fairly loud), Mezzo piano(fairly)

The symbol for medium soft is mezzo piano

Lamb is meat that comes from a sheep carcass that is one year old or younger.





I think thats right.

Search for the Music of Indonesia and Malaysia then write 10 Facts about their music



The music of Indonesia demonstrates its cultural diversity, the local musical creativity, as well as subsequent foreign musical influences that shaped contemporary music scenes of Indonesia. Nearly thousands of Indonesian islands having its own cultural and artistic history and character.


Styles that are considered popular music in Malaysia include genres such as pop, rap, hip- hop, rock, rhythm and blues, and heavy metal.

When is paying a commission the customary way to pay?


You should pay employees sales commissions in their normal paycheck after the sale is made. Another model pays the employees monthly. It is unfair to ask employees to wait for their commissions until the customer pays you. i am not sure if this help but i tried to help

Answer the following question in 3-4 complete sentences.

Explain the differences and/or similarities between solarization and the Sabattier effect.




Answer:Both Solarization and Sabattier Effects are techniques used in photography. The difference is the amount of exposure that the photos undergo. Solarization effect produces photos that are fully exposed therefore creating blac and white photos, while the sabattier effect produces photos that are partially exposed creating different varying tones (i.e. sepia)  

Read more on Brainly.in - https://brainly.in/question/26915454#readmore

What art style started in the 20th century was an abstract multi-directional way of depicting the world?


Answer:Cubism (1909–1912)Explanation:I looked it up


The good economy of the 1950s was reflected in the building of...
A. Canals
B. The suburbs
C. Skyscrapers
D. Train stations


The good economy of the 1950s was reflected in the building of canals.
I think this is correct

It's supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough, you'll always sound precocious
Um diddle diddle, diddle um, diddle ay x4
Because I was afraid to speak
When I was just a lad
Me father gave me nose a tweak
And told me I was bad
But then one day I learned a word
That saved me achin' nose
The biggest word you ever heard
And this is how it goes, oh
Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough, you'll always sound precocious
Um diddle diddle, diddle um, diddle ay x4
He traveled all around the world
And everywhere he went
He'd use his word and all would say
There goes a clever gent
When Dukes and Maharajahs
Pass the time of day with me
I say me special word
And then they ask me out to tea
Oh! Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough, you'll always sound precocious
Um diddle diddle, diddle um, diddle ay x2 ?
Now, you can say it backwards, which is docious-ali-expi-listic-fragi-cali-rupus
But that's going a bit too far, don't you think?
So when the cat has got your tongue
There's no need for dismay
Just summon up this word
And then you've got a lot to say
But better use it carefully
Or it could change your life
For example? ?Yes?? One night I said it to me girl
And now me girl's my wife
Oh, and a lovely thing she's too
She's, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious



Huh? nice song weeeee


yeah yeah eeeeee


Nice song. I used to say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious all the time but now I can barely pronounce it correctly

A painting by Giorgione in Venice. A woman breastfeeds a baby with a soldier looking in her direction.

What is the name of the painting above?
The Temptation
The Tempest
Assumption of the Virgin
Pesaro Madonna


The name of the painting shown above is the tempest.

Who was Giorgione?

Giorgione, born Giorgio Barbarelli da Castelfranco on September 17, 1510, became an Italian painter of the Venetian faculty at some point in the High Renaissance, who died in his thirties.

He is thought of for the elusive poetic pleasant of his paintings, even though only approximately six surviving artworks are firmly attributed to him.

The uncertainty surrounding the identification and the meaning of his paintings has made Giorgione one of the most mysterious figures in European art.

Together, along with his more youthful present-day Titian, he based the Venetian school of Italian Renaissance painting on the Venetian faculty of the use of color and mood.

The faculty is historically opposed to the Florentine play, which relied on an extra-linear design-led style. The Tempest has been referred to as the primary panorama within the records of Western portrayal.

The concern of this play is unclear, but its creative mastery is apparent. The Tempest portrays a person and a girl on both sides of a stream, amid a town's rubble and an incoming storm.

The multitude of symbols in The Tempest provide many interpretations, but none is fully satisfying.

Theories that the play is set in duality have been brushed off due to the fact that radiography has proven that during the early degrees of the play, the person to the left becomes a seated lady.

The Three Philosophers is similarly enigmatic, and its attribution to Giorgione remains disputed.

The three figures stand close to a darkish, empty cave. Sometimes interpreted as symbols of Plato's cave or the Three Magi.

They appear misplaced in a regular Giorgionesque dreamy mood, bolstered by a hazy mild feature of his different landscapes, which includes the Pastoral Concert, now inside the Louvre.

The latter "well-knowns the Venetians' love of textures" due to the fact that the painter "renders nearly palpable the advent of flesh, fabric, wood, stone, and foliage."

It's clear that choice B, the tempest, is the best answer.

Learn more about Giorgione, refer to:



B The Tempest


I looked it up

Why is a portfolio an important part of getting a job in the digital arts?
Group of answer choices

It will be used as the basis for the company’s future projects.

It is the best way for potential employees to demonstrate their skill.

It will be what the company shows to clients to encourage them to hire the firm.

It is the only way that digital artists can distinguish themselves from other artists.



It is the best way for potential employees to demonstrate their skill.


It gives the company the opportunity to see what you are capable of and if they would want you to work with them based on your skills and creativity.

Etiquette at a museum or gallery is similar to etiquette at a pool or park.
O True
O False


Answer: i think it is false


Write an essay analyzing "If Music Be the Food of Love"
Things you can write about: research about the composer, research about the lyrics and the author of the lyrics, how the notes, text, rhythms, and dynamics fit together, what your interpretation of the text is



analyzed according to a set of criterion for vocal study at the ... If you enliven it, they will come: Turning the classical vocal ... 2) simple rhythms and consistent dynamics, tempo, and texture throughout ... Written for tenor (or soprano) and piano. The ... are many words in the text, and the text is set syllabically.


analyzed according to a set of criterion for vocal study at the ... If you enliven it, they will come: Turning the classical vocal ... 2) simple rhythms and consistent dynamics, tempo, and texture throughout ... Written for tenor (or soprano) and piano. The ... are many words in the text, and the text is set syllabically.

Which lens has the greatest telephoto effect?

O 200mm
O 50mm
O 16mm
O 80mm


3 option I think that is the answer hope this helps

Pls helpp!!!

Jazz became very popular during the Harlem Renaissance.
True or False?





order the following images according to their artistic balance



A Radial,asymmetrical,symmetrical

I think is that

Wassup this is me I’m giving out points and stuff lol


Have a great day!!..


Aw, thx! You are very cute btw ^-^

Hey peeps! I'm having writers block, does anyone have any song writing prompt ideas? Most of mine are about someone who hurt me, so I'm trying to find something new to write about.


I would think of your fandom first, once you have that, here is a few prompts.

Comfort Character in pain

Major character death

Character in stress

Y/N and character get together

Y/N hurt and character helps

That's a few! Message me your fandom and I will gladly give more prompts!

Who's your favorite singer
me: Billie Eilish probably



Lil darkie





My favorite singer is Billie and then the runner up would be girl in red.

10. Which consonants emit a burst of air?

1) n, m, k, I and j

2) W, 9, s, a, and v

3) r, f, g, j, and d

4) t, k, P, d, g, and b



4) t, k, P, d, g, and b


It answers is wrong, you can tell you friend, thank you

If a composer wrote a music theme for you, what would it sound like?

Answer in one to two complete sentences.



The structure is built upon a musical idea called the theme which is played at the start of the piece. The theme can be as short as 8 bars in length or can be much longer. It usually consists of a memorable melody with an accompaniment of some sorts.


What kind of portfolio will appeal to a graphic design company looking to hire artists?
Group of answer choices

one that is primarily mixed media work

one that shows originality and versatility

one that contains a lot of appropriated art

one that demonstrates a very specific skill



one that shows originality and versatility


Be sure to include work that demonstrates your ability to produce deliverables in diverse industries. You may also want to add some personal flair to your portfolio by including a piece of work that shows off your skills and your passion for graphic design.

Some of the earliest Christian art that we know about was found in the catacombs of Rome. What was a symbol that artists used in the early artwork in the catacombs that had a religious significance?

an anchor

a cross

an infinity symbol

a cat


The cross is the symbol that artists used in the early artwork in the catacombs and had a religious significance.

What is the Cross symbol?

The Cross symbol is related to the belief attached to the cross where Jesus Christ was nailed in calvary by Pontius Pilate.

Hence, the cross is the symbol that artists used in the early artwork in the catacombs and had a religious significance.

Therefore, the Option B is correct.

Read more about Cross symbol


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