What is the similarity between Hela cells and cancer


Answer 1

The HeLa cells, as well as tumor-forming cancer cells, have a ganome filled with erros (wrong number of chromosomes, mutated genes, alleles with wrong numbers), these characteristics are also observed in cancer cells. being immortal cells with genome errors and cell cycle problems.

Related Questions

Which of the following statements best describes the structure of a hemoglobin molecule?Hemoglobin is composed of four globin molecules, each of which contains millions of heme groups.Hemoglobin is composed of two globin molecules, both with their own heme group that binds to and carries oxygen.Hemoglobin is composed of four globin molecules, each with their own heme group that binds to and carries oxygen.Hemoglobin is composed of three globin molecules and one heme group per hemoglobin molecule.


The best option is Hemoglobin is composed of four globin molecules, each with their own heme group that binds to and carries oxygen.

Hemoglobin has a quaternary structure it carries oxygen in red blood cells.

Label the Cell below: Match the number to the correct Organelle


1 - this organelle is a mitochondrion, responsible for generating energy for the cell

2 - this is a centriole, part of the cell's skeletal system

3 - this is a peroxisome, which plays an important role on metabolism

4 - that's the cytoplasm, a gell-like fluid that fills the cell

5 - the nucleolus is the number 5, which plays a role in ribosomal RNA synthesis

6 - this is the nucleus, where the genetic material is stored and protected

7 - that's the chromatin, it composes the chromosomes

8 - those are ciliums, responsible for locomotion among other things

9 - this is the rough endoplasmic reticulum, involved in production, folding and despatch of proteins

10 - this is the Golgi apparatus, and it helps processing proteins and lipids

11 - that's the plasmatic membrane, it promotes ways for molecules to go in and outside of the cell

12 - those are Golgi vesicles, they sort many of the cell's proteins and constituents, sending them to their proper placess

13 - those are ribosomes, micro-machines for making proteins

14 - that's the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, responsible for the synthesis and storage of lipids

15 - that's the cell wall, responsible for protection of the cell

Which cell part allows materials to enter and exit the cell?

Group of answer choices

1. Cytoplasm

2. Ribosome

3. Cell membrane

4. Nucleus


[tex]{ \tt{option \: (c)}} \: { \boxed{ \green{ \sf{cell \: membrane}}}}[/tex]


The cell membrane consists of a lipid bilayer that is semipermeable. The cell membrane regulates the transport of materials entering and exiting the cell.

The purpose of endocrine system is to?A. Send nerve impulses through the body.B. Aid in digestion.C. Release chemical signals into the body as to regulate function?D. Act as a primary defense against foreign invaders.


The correct answer is the letter C. Release chemical signals into the body as to regulate function. - Endocrine system

*Send nerve impulses through the body.- Nervous system

*Aid in digestion- Digestive system

*Act as a primary defense against foreign invaders- Immune system

SOMEONE HELP PLEASE Tina is getting ready to plan her science fair project. She is interested in doing something with tomato plants. Which of the following could be tested through scientific experimentation?
A. Which variety of tomato plant produces the tomatoes that taste the best?
B. Which variety of tomato plant will look the most attractive in her garden?
C. Which variety of tomato plant will produce the greatest yield in her garden?
D. Which type of fertilizer will produce the tastiest tomatoes?


Answer: A & D


Explain the difference between organic and inorganic compounds. Explain the importance of organic compounds to the cell. HELPPP!!! ASAP!!!


Difference found between organic and non organic compound are organic compounds contains carbon atom while most of the inorganic compounds do not have carbon atom in them. Almost all the organic compounds contain the carbon-hydrogen bond in them.

Carbohydrates, lipids and protein are the macromolecules that are the basic structures of life, they are the primary components of many of the cycles that occurs for survival of plant and animals on earth , mainly the carbon cycle that includes the exchange of carbon between plants and animals in photosynthesis and cellular respiration.

Organic compounds are also important because all living organisms  contain carbon.

To learn more about  photosynthesis , here



When did the T. rex live?A. PermianB. CambrianC. OrdovicianD. Cretaceous


The T. Rex lived at the end of the Cretaceous period (67 million years ago approximately), before the cretaceous-tertiary massive extinction.

Which of the following would most likely NOT be part of the curriculum for someone studying to be a plant physiologist?

Environmental Law

Field Genetics

Grassland Ecology

Natural Biochemistry


Answer: Field Genetics


Answer:  The correct answer is Natural Biochemistry

Explanation:  This answer has been confirmed correct.

What specific molecules, found in some cells but not others, would allow them to activate different genes? Hint: think about what was different in how you activated gene 1, gene 2, and gene 3 in the first part of the simulation


Specific molecules found in one cell have a regulatory function, those regulatory molecules can be activator proteins that bind to the regulatory sites of the DNA acting as a on/off switches in the process of transcription, since the RNA that will be formed can be translated into different amino acid sequences. The CRISPR-Cas9 system is a example of gene expression supressor and activator used in molecular biology as a gene edit tool. The process of gene activation start when a transcription factor (protein) bind to bits of the DNA (that are marked by a promoter), the sequence marked is transcribed into a molecule of mRNA, this RNA will be translated in the cytoplasm into a animo acid sequence that will form a protein, being that protein from the gene "selected" and "marked" by the transcription factors. Each cells have they transcription factors, and the moment that they are triggered to work by an intracellular or extracellular stimulus.

Hi I need help with this question please and thank you


According to the graph, the two factors that characterize biomes are precipitations and temperature.

B. Name three different adaptations for movement that are present in the terrestrial biome, and the organisms that use those adaptations. (3 points)


Animlas move in many ways; some use legs to walk, run and jump, others use wings to fly, their fins to swim or their body to crawl. To answer your question, if you talk only about terrestial biome you can name for exmple:

1) Cows: locomotion through legs, they are quadrupeds.

2) Humans: walk on both lower limbs (bipedal).

3) Snakes: they crawl dragging their body.

List at least 3 natural causes of deforestationList at least 3 human causes of deforestation.


Human activities

Human activities are one of the main causes of deforestation. Among them we can find the expansion of urban areas, in which natural areas are deforested to build houses or factories for example; we can also list the expansion of agricultural areas, in this case, several hectares of forests are cut down to be replaced with the cultivation of plants for human consumption and finally another huge problem is the illegal logging of trees, which even occurs in protected natural areas.

Natural causes

Among the natural causes, we can find forest fires, which although sometimes are caused by humans, can also occur in times of extreme heat such as the canicular period; we can also list the presence of pests, which infect and kill the trees reducing their population and finally, another natural cause related to the weather could be that a period of drought occurs.

Janet and Wade Smith are members of a two-income family. Together they make enough money to afford a house in a low-crime neighborhood with good schools. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the Smiths have fulfilled their need for



physical satiety.



The Smiths have satisfied their need for safety in accordance with Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

Human motivation can be explained with the help of various psychological theories. Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs is one such theory which tries to define human behavior on the basis of several needs which can be organized in a hierarchical order. The need for safety comes after the physiological needs in the hierarchy.

The need for safety arises only when the basic physiological needs ( air, thirst, hunger, etc.) are fulfilled. The need for safety translates a person's need to be free from any kind of threat or danger in their surrounding environment.

To learn more about physiological here



Do fish like banana?


As food alternative, banana can be use as food for fish. It gives an increase deitary levels and an actual effect on the fish's health by decreasing its daily fat gain and decreasing its bod fat content. Aside from the fruit itself, banana peel can be used as feed additive to fish. It contribute to its total growth and help fight diseases.

Answer: No? I dont think fish like bananas.

How does a plant cell differ from an animal cell?A. A plant cell contains chloroplasts instead of mitochondria.B. A plant cell does not have a permeable cell membrane.OC. A plant cell is surrounded by a cell wall.OD. A plant cell contains no nucleus or complex structures.



Cells are basic structural units of all living things. Thus, they are cells that have characteristics in common, such as the presence of a nucleus and cellular organelles. All cells have a plasma membrane.

However, the animal cell has some differences when compared to the plant cell, for example:

• The plant cell has a ,cell wall, that is responsible for supporting the cell;


• The presence of ,chloroplasts ,that are important in the process of photosynthesis;

Analyzing the exercise, we can conclude that the answer is alternative "C"

explain why myelinated is faster than unmyelinated


The structure of a typical neuron has a Myelin sheath (myelin is produced by the Schwan cell, in the peripheral nervous system), in the axon area, also certain points called along the axon are called nodes of Ranvier, these are, small unmyelinated areas. When action potentials occur in a neuron, only happen in the nodes of Ranvier (unmyelinated areas). This exact mechanism, saltatory conduction, is made possible by the presence of myelinated areas what makes that the action potential propagates faster than it would in a un unmyelinated axon.

Color code: Yellow are the myelinated areas, and the orange dots between them are the nodes of Ranvier

a student examined on object object under microscope the eyepiece is 5x while the is 10x how many times was the object magnified


Answer: The objective and ocular lenses are responsible for magnifying the image of the specimen being viewed. So for 10X objective and 10X ocular, Total magnification = 10 X 10 = 100X (this means that the image being viewed will appear to be 100 times its actual size).

Explanation: hope its correct stay safe.

Hi can you please help with this Biology homework. I am stuck


A lipid looks like a head with tails like jellyfish. Among the options given, it can be (A) since a lipid bilayer will look like beads stringed together as seen below.

Both DNA and RNA are made up of sugar but what is the difference



DNA uses deoxyribose, but RNA uses ribose, which has an extra hydroxyl group (OH−) tacked on.

Which type of limiting factor tends to more frequently cause abrupt shifts in a population? Question 12 options:density-dependent limiting factordensity-independent limiting factor


To answer this question we need to remember how each type of limiting factor works. In the case of Density-dependent limiting factors, we have that generate that the individual growth rate change with population size (logistic growth), these factors affect the growth rate per capita, and decreases as population increase, some examples are predation or parasites. Meanwhile, Density-independent limiting factors, affect the individual growth rate regardless of the population size, that is to say, the population size is not regulated by these mechanisms, in consequence, they can cause abrupt and erratic shifts in population size, some examples are earthquakes, floods, etc. Therefore we can say that the correct answer is density-independent factors.

Why are ferns different to mosses? Write a short paragraph listing these differences.


Mosses have a predominantly haploid life, while ferns are diploid. The spores of ferns are formed on the inside of their leaves while those of mosses are in capsules. Ferns have an underground stem and mosses are above ground.

How the covid-19 and omicron viruses affects the peripheral nervous system .


Coronaviruses have been shown to spread back along the nerve from the peripheral nerve endings, across the synapses, and thus enter the brain, in several small animal studies. This is facilitated by the presence of a pathway for endocytosis or exocytosis between neurons of the motor cortex, and another secretory vesicular pathway between neurons and satellite cells.

Fast axonal transport occurs by employing axonal microtubules, allowing the virus to reach the neuronal cell body by a retrograde version of this mechanism.

Possible olfactory route spread is signaled by the occurrence of isolated anosmia and ageusia. In such a case, the virus could cross the cribriform plate to enter the central nervous system (CNS) from the nose. However, newer unpublished research suggests that olfactory neurons lack ACE2, while cells in the olfactory epithelium do. This could mean that viral injury to the olfactory epithelium, and not to the olfactory neurons, is responsible for anosmia, but further studies will be required to confirm this.

Describe ONE way in which a factor other than reproductive behaviors may impact the survivorship curve of Dall Sheep.


Dall Sheep  have Type I survivorship.

In general survivorship curve, is a graphical depiction of the number of individuals in a population that can be expected to survive to any specific age.

Their are three types of survivorship curves. Type I curves depict species  that have a high chances of surviving upto adulthood. Type II curves depict species whose chances of existence is not dependent on the age. Type III curves depict individuals that mostly likely to die in the early stages of their life. Reproductive strategies can also be explained by the survivorship curves.

To learn more about survivorship curves , here



What was the chemical cycle on the prairie like?​


Answer the animal dies


Answer: The animals die I hope this is helpful please mark me brainlist if correct then no if wrong


The animals die and the chemical goes into the soil for the plants and when the animals eat the plants the chemicals are passed back to the plants.Prairie plants are especially adept at storing carbon, locking up large amounts in their roots. In fact, prairies store more carbon below ground than a forest stores above! Deep, complex prairie root systems sequester (store) carbon and – with the help of microorganisms – move it to the soil where it stabilizes.

Students are investigating the inner and outer core, which of the following students creates an accurate comparison?

A.) Student 2: The inner core is solid while the outer core is liquid because the pressure is so great at the inner core that it causes atoms to push together.

B.) Student 4: The outer core is not as hot as the inner core because it is more dense.

C.) Student 1: The inner core is not as hot as the outer core because it is more dense.

D.) Student 3: The outer core is solid while the inner core is liquid because the pressure is so great at the inner core that it causes atoms to push together.​


Answer: Student 4

Explanation: The outer core is not crust, so count out 3. The inner core is not solid, so count out 2. And, the inner core is VERY hot. So, count out 1.

Match the correct age in yeas with its major evolutionary event.


In the list of evolutionary events, we can see that their logical sequence is:

0. First prokaryotic cells evolved


1. Photosynthetic prokaryotes evolved, producing O2


2. First eukaryotic cells evolved


3. First multicellular life evolved

This means the options are in chronological order and we only need to order the age from oldest to the most recent one:

0. 3.5 billion years


1. 2.8 billion years


2. 2.1 billion years


3. 650 million years

Read the scenario.Sarah is trying to decide what type of stretching would be most beneficial for her. She wants to find some stretching she can do at the end of a workout that will help cool down her body.What type of stretching would be best suited to her?


The best type of stretching for cooling down her body is static stretching.

Imagine that you have an opportunity to interview your congressperson about his or her plan for addressing climate change. What questions would you ask? Plato


United states is the second country with the most CO2 emissions, which is a greenhouse gas. Most of the CO2 comes from the energy sector,

A sterile mule is produced by mating a horse and a donkey. From this observation you could concludeA. that horses and donkeys are the same species. B. that horses and donkeys are different species. C. that mules are a result of macroevolution. D. increasing the number of mules in a population will affect the allele frequency in the next generation. E. the DNA sequences of horses and donkeys are more than 97% identical.


Horses and donkeys are different species. They belong to similar family and genus. Their chromosomes are different from each other. When these species mate, they will produce an offspring called mule. The mule produced is considered as sterile because it cannot produce an offspring.

Answer - Option B - that horses and donkeys are different species.

Read the article to learn more about the human chromosomes. Use chromosomes 11 and 17 to answer the following questions. Chromosome Map Chromosome 17 is made of over million base pairs. Approximately how many genes are found on chromosome 17? List the genetic disorders found on chromosome 17. What do you know about any of those disorders?


The disorders that has been commonly known are Down syndrome, Turner syndrome and Klinfelter syndrome.

What is Down syndrome, Turner syndrome and Klinefelter syndrome ?

Down syndrome, Turner syndrome and Klinefelter syndrome are the genetic disorders which has been found in the chromosomes. Down syndrome has a common genetic disorder that occurs when the  person has three copies of 21st chromosome. It is also called  trisomy 21. Due to this disorder, delays occur in physical and mental developmental and disabilities of human body parts.

In Edward's syndrome, there is an extra copy of the chromosome 18. In Down's syndrome, there is an extra copy of chromosome 21 and in the Klinefelter's syndrome, there is an extra copy of X chromosome.

Therefore, The disorders that has been commonly known are Down syndrome, Turner syndrome and Klinfelter syndrome.

Learn more about Turner syndrome on:



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