What is the population standard deviation?


Enter your answer as a decimal, rounded to the nearest tenth, like this: 4.2


Answer 1

3 is the standard deviation of the  population.

What is Statistics?

Statistics is the discipline that concerns the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data.

The given data is {5, 8, 8, 5}

We need to find the standard deviation.

Before finding standard deviation we need to find the mean and then variance.

The mean of the population = Sum of the terms /  Number of Terms




The variance of the population = (5 - 6.5)² + (8 - 6.5)² + (8 - 6.5)² + (5 - 6.5)²

= (-1.5)² + (1.5)² + 1.5² + (-1.5)²

= 2.25 + 2.25 + 2.25 + 2.25

= 9

Standard deviation is square root of variance

Standard deviation=√variance



Hence, the standard deviation of the  population is 3.

To learn more on Statistics click:



Related Questions

The 2015 General Social Survey, a comparison of females and males on the number of hours a day that the subject watched TV gave the following results. Group n Mean
Females 503 3.14
Males 395 2.90
(a) Set up the hypotheses of a significance test to analyze whether the population means differ for females and males.
H0: μ1 μ2
Ha: μ1 μ2 (b) Conduct all parts of the significance test if df=502 and standard error=0.163. Interpret the P-value, and report the conclusion for α=0.05.
t=(3 decimal places, positive value) P-value=(3 decimal places) (c) Conclusion - There is not enough evidence to conclude that there is a gender difference in TV watching.
- There is evidence that females, on average, watch more TV than males. - There is evidence to conclude that there is a gender difference in TV watching. (d) If you were to construct a 95% confidence interval comparing the means, would it contain 0? - Yes, because according to the test 0 is a plausible value for the difference between the population means. - No, because according to the test 0 is a plausible value for the difference between the population means. - No, because according to the test 0 is not a plausible value for the difference between the population me - Yes, because according to the test 0 is not a plausible value for the difference between the population means.


After a comparison of females and males on the number of hours of a day that the subject watched the TV.

The hypotheses of a significance test to analyze whether the population means differ for females and males would be as follows:

(a) H0: μ1 = μ2 (the population means are equal for females and males)

Ha: μ1 ≠ μ2 (the population means are not equal for females and males)

(b) In order to conduct the significance test, we would need to calculate the t-statistic and the P-value. However, the question does not provide the necessary information to do so (e.g. sample means, standard deviations, sample sizes). Without this information, we cannot conduct the significance test and interpret the P-value.

(c) Without conducting the significance test, we cannot conclude anything about whether there is a gender difference in TV watching.

(d) Similarly, without conducting the significance test and calculating the confidence interval, we cannot determine whether the confidence interval would contain 0 or not.

Learn more about Group and Mean here:



Please help!! 20 points to anyone who gives the RIGHT answer!!


I think ur answer is B hope it’s correct brat of luck
the answer is the 3rd option

the rationale underlying the use of projective personality tests, such as the rorschach test and the thematic apperception test, is that they


The rationale underlying the use of projective personality tests, such as the Rorschach test and the thematic apperception test, is that they reveal the subjects' personalities by eliciting responses to vague, ambiguous stimuli.

The rationale underlying the use of projective personality tests, such as the Rorschach test and the Thematic Apperception Test, is that they can reveal a person's unconscious thoughts, feelings, and motivations. These tests use vague and ambiguous stimuli, such as inkblots or pictures, and ask the person to describe what they see or make up a story about the stimuli. The person's responses are believed to reflect their underlying personality traits and psychological conflicts.

The theory is that when faced with ambiguous stimuli, people project their own thoughts, feelings, and motivations onto the stimuli, revealing their unconscious processes.

Learn More about the Rorschach test here:



Consider the exponential function: f(x) = 3 the initial value for this function is. The base for this function is. The domain for this function is. The range for this function is.


For Function 3(5/4)³ , 3 is inital value , 5/4 is base with (-∞, ∞) as Domain

An exponential function is one with the mathematical formula f (x) = ax, where "x" is a variable and "a" is a constant that serves as the function's base and must be greater than 0.

An exponential function f(x) = abˣ,

Domain is the set of all real numbers (or) (-∞, ∞).Range is f(x) > d if a > 0 and f(x) < d if a < 0.

According to the question,

The given exponential function : f(x) =3(5/4)³

Here, 3 is the Inital value

The base of the function is 5/4

As the function is real, Domain = (-∞, ∞)

The function given only has one value. That is the entirety of its range: [3(5/4)^3, 3(5/4)^3]

To know more about Exponential function here




Select each situation that can represent a proportional relationship.

The price of buying x avocados at $4 a pound

The total amount a taxi driver earns who charges a base price of $3 plus an additional $1 per mile for m miles

The total amount of toys a child earns when he earns two toys a week for W weeks

The total amount a garden urns who charges a one time fee of $10 plus $15 an hour for gardening r hours


Option A and C have a proportional relationship.

What is proportional relationship?

Relationships between two variables that are proportional occur when their ratios are equal. Another way to consider them is that in a proportional relationship, one variable is consistently equal to the other's constant value. The "constant of proportionality" is the name of this constant.

(a) Total cost of buying x avocados be p

 So, p = 4x

(b) Let the total amount a taxi driver earns be y

So, y = 3 + m

(c) Let the total number of toys be x

So, x = 2w

(d) Let the total amount a Gardner earns be c

So, c = 10 + 15r

Hence, option A and C have a proportional relationship.

To know more about proportional relationship, click on the link



solve for -3/2(1/6y+4)<-2x show how you did it


The solution of the given inequality -3/2(y/6 + 4) < -2x will be 8x - y < 24.

What is inequality?

A difference between two values indicates whether one is smaller, larger, or basically not similar to the other.

In other words, inequality is just the opposite of equality for example 2 =2 then it is equal but if I say 3 =6 then it is wrong the correct expression is 3 < 6.

As per the given,

-3/2(y/6 + 4) < -2x

-3y/12 - 6 < -2x

2x - 3y/12 < 6

24x - 3y < 72

8x - y < 24

Hence "The given inequality -3/2(y/6 + 4) -2x has an answer of 8x - y 24.".

For more about inequality,



Find a polar equation for the curve represented by the given cartesian equation. X2 + y2 = 3.


The polar equation for the curve is x = √3cosФ and y = √3 sinФ.

Here we have to find the polar equation of the curve.

Data given:

The equation is:

x² + y² = 3

This is an equation of a circle.

Its radius is √3 and its √center is (0,0)

To find the polar equation of a circle we use the following formula:

x = h + rcosФ

y = k + r sinФ

where (h,k) is the center of the circle which in this case is (0,0) and by substituting we get:

x = √3 cosФ

y = √3 sinФ

Therefore the polar equation is x =√3cosФ and y = √3sinФ.

To know more about the polar equation for the curve refer to the link given below:



The chart above shows how 50 people responded when asked what their favorite meal of the day was. If 50% of respondents preferred dinner and 10 of the respondents preferred breakfast, what fraction of people preferred lunch?


The fraction of people that preferred lunch is of:


How to obtain the fraction?

The three options are given as follows:


The sum of the fractions of each of these options is of:


10 of the respondents preferred breakfast, and there were 50 people, hence the fraction that preferred breakfast is of:

10/50 x 100% = 20%.

Then the fractions in this problem are given as follows:

Dinner: 50%. -> given in the problem.Breakfast: 20%. -> calculated.Lunch: x. -> missing

Thus the missing fraction, which is the fraction of people that prefer lunch, is obtained as follows:

50 + 20 + x = 100

70 + x = 100

x = 30%.

(as the sum of the three fractions is of 100%, as they represent all the possible outcomes).

More can be learned about proportions at https://brainly.com/question/24372153


a sample of 50 lenses used in eyeglasses yields a sample mean thickness of 3.05 mm and a sample standard devia- tion of .34 mm. the desired true average thickness of such lenses is 3.20 mm. does the data strongly suggest that the true average thickness of such lenses is some- thing other than what is desired? test using a 5 .05.


A type of statistical hypothesis known as a "null hypothesis" makes the case that a given set of observations does not have any statistical significance.

Using sample data, hypothesis testing is used to determine a hypothesis's credibility. It is represented as H0, and it is sometimes referred to as the "null."

Given; The average thickness and standard deviation of a sample of 50 eyeglass lens samples are 3.05 millimeters and.34 millimeters, respectively.

Such lenses should have a true average thickness of 3.20 mm. Utilizing a =.05

False hypothesis H0: Alternative hypothesis: mu1= mu2 HA: 'mu1' and 'ne'

Sample Size 50 Sample Mean 3.05 Sample Standard Deviation 0.34 Intermediate Calculations Standard Error of the Mean 0.0481 Degrees of Freedom 49 t Test Statistic -3.1196 Two-Tail Test Lower Critical Value -2.0096 Upper Critical Value 2.0096 p-Value 0.0030 Reject the null hypothesis

To learn more about Null hypothesis here



Which equation has no solution

A 4(x+2)=4(x-3)

B -2(x+1)=3x-2-5x

C 4 (x+1)-7x=-3(x-1)+1



Which equation has no solution

A 4(x+2)=4(x-3)

B -2(x+1)=3x-2-5x

C 4 (x+1)-7x=-3(x-1)+1

D -5(x-7)=2(2x+3)+x+7

Answer: The answer to this quesiton is A.

B-all real numbers.

C- all real numbers.

D- x=11/5

A= no solution.

so the answer would be A i hope this helps✅

Where is the circumcenter of this obtuse triangle located?

a. inside the triangle
b. on the side of the triangle
c. outside the triangle
d. at a vertex of the triangle

An obtuse triangle is made. The base of the obtuse triangle is slightly inclined with a horizontal in a downward direction and the other vertex is above the base.


The location of the circumcenter, of the obtuse triangle, which is the center of the circle that inscribes the triangle is at a point lower than the base of the triangle, and therefore, outside the triangle, because the angle of the arc formed by the base at the center is larger than 180°, which is the angle formed by the diameter/ The correct option is option c.

c. Outside the triangle

What is the circumcenter of a triangle?

The circumcenter is the point of intersection of the perpendicular bisectors of the sides of the triangle.

The location of the circumcenter can be inside the triangle, outside the triangle, or on the triangle.

The circumcenter is located on the inside of an acute triangle, while it is located on the hypotenuse side of a right triangle.

The circumcenter of an obtuse triangle is located outside the triangle

The circumcenter is the location of the center of the circle that circumscribe the triangle, such that in an acute triangle, the angle at the center (twice the angle at the circumference), is always less than 180°, which is the angle made by the diameter, which keeps the diameter line and the circumcenter, passing inside the triangle.

However, in an obtuse triangle, the angle at the center, is larger than 180°, such that the line joining the base of the triangle, inscribed in the circle is located above the diameter, and therefore, located above the circumcenter.

Learn more about the circumcenter of a triangle here:



consider a large helium balloon is being inflated at the rate of 110 cubic inches per second. how fast is the radius of the balloon increasing at the instant that the balloon has a radius of 12 inches?


0.060819 inches per second is the radius of the balloon increasing at the instant that the balloon has a radius of 12 inches

Given that

A large helium balloon is being inflated at the rate of 110 cubic inches per second

radius = 12

volume = [tex]\frac{4}{3}[/tex] [tex]\pi[/tex][tex]r^{3}[/tex]

            = 4/3 [tex]\pi[/tex] [tex](12)^{3}[/tex]


V = 4/3 πr³

dV/dt = 4/3 (3πr² dr/dt) = 4πr² dr/dt

dr/dt = dV/dt / (4πr²)

dr/dt = dV/dt / (4πr²)

= 110/(4[tex]\pi[/tex]×([tex]12^{2}[/tex]))

= 0.060819 inches per second

0.060819 inches per second is the radius of the balloon increasing at the instant that the balloon has a radius of 12 inches

To learn more about radius:



Please help I'm confused


Answer: 11

Step-by-step explanation:

I think sorry



Step-by-step explanation:

On January 1, a nasty species of algae is mistakenly introduced into Lake Skinner. It grows in such a way that it doubles every day. If it continues to grow like this, the lake will be totally covered and the fish in the lake will suffocate. At the rate it is growing, this will happen on January 30.
1). When will Lake Skinner be covered halfway?
2). On January 26, you convince your friend that the lake will be completely covered soon. Your friend laughs. Why is your friend skeptical?
3). One January 29 a cleanup crew arrives and is able to remove most of the algae. When they are done on February 1, only 1 % of the surface is covered. How well does this solve the problem in Lake Skinner?



1). If the algae doubles every day, it will take 15 days for it to cover half the lake. This means it would happen on January 15.

2). Your friend may be skeptical because they may not believe that the algae can grow so quickly and cover the entire lake in just 30 days. Alternatively, they may not believe that you have accurate information about the situation.

3). Removing most of the algae on January 29 would significantly reduce the amount of algae in the lake and would likely help prevent the lake from becoming completely covered. However, if 1% of the surface is still covered with algae on February 1, it is possible that the problem has not been fully solved and the algae could continue to grow and potentially become a problem again in the future. It would be best to continue monitoring the lake and taking action to prevent the algae from growing.

Sophie is the oldest of three siblings whose ages are consecutive integers. If the sum of their ages is 51, find Sophie's age.



Sophie is 18 years old.

whats 29 divided 5123


By using the concept of division, it can be calculated that-

29 [tex]\div[/tex] 5123 = 0.00566

What is division?

Division is the process by which value of single unit can be calculated from the value of multiple unit.

The number to be divided is known as dividend, the number by which the dividend is divided is the divisor, the result obtained is the quotient and the remaining part is the remainder.

There is a well known formula for division

Divisor x Quotient + Remainder = Dividend.


29 divided 5123 means

29 [tex]\div[/tex] 5123


29 [tex]\div[/tex] 5123 = 0.00566

To learn more about division, refer to the link:



Explain the difference in the process of solving exponential equations where both sides can be written as power of the same based and solving exponential equations where both sides can not be written as powers of the same base.



In an exponential equation, both sides can be written as power of the same base when the base is the same on both sides of the equation. For example, the equation "2^x = 8" can be rewritten as "2^x = 2^3" because the base, 2, is the same on both sides of the equation.

To solve an exponential equation where both sides can be written as powers of the same base, you can set the exponents equal to each other and solve for the variable. In the example above, setting the exponents equal to each other would give us "x = 3", so the solution is x = 3.

On the other hand, in an exponential equation where both sides can not be written as powers of the same base, you cannot simply set the exponents equal to each other. Instead, you need to use a different method to solve the equation. One way to do this is to use the property of exponents that states that "a^x * a^y = a^(x+y)" to rewrite the equation so that both sides have the same base. For example, the equation "2^x * 3^y = 6" can be rewritten as "2^x * 2^(log3(6)) = 2^(x + log3(6))", where "log3" represents the logarithm with base 3. This allows us to set the exponents equal to each other, giving us "x + log3(6) = 1", and we can solve for x to find the solution.

Select the correct answer. Which of the following is a solution to 2cos2x − cos x − 1 = 0? A. 0° B. 150° C. 180° D. 210°



A. 0°

Step-by-step explanation:


Option A is correct.

Solution for the given equation is,

Step-by-step explanation:

Given that :


then our equation become;

A quadratic equation is of the form:

.....[2] where a, b and c are coefficient and the solution is given by;

Comparing equation [1] and [2] we get;

a = 2 b = -1 and c =-1




y = 1 and

Substitute y = cos x we have;


The solution set:  

Therefore, the solution for the given equation   is,

PLEASE HELP ME!! I will give the brainiest



It is a

Step-by-step explanation:

You are welcome.

ok so its just 1/125 I posted a comment about it by accident can you pick me as brainiest :>

Edit bro it took out my one it said 1/25

Ok so like i just saw it doesnt have 1/125 its 1/5^3

Letter a


Pick me please! :>

slove the system using substitution method




(-7, -5)

Step-by-step explanation:

y = x + 2

2x - 3y = 1

2x - 3(x + 2) = 1

2x - 3x - 6 = 1

-x - 6 = 1

    +6  +6


-x = 7

÷-1  ÷-1


x = -7

y = x + 2

y = -7 + 2

y = -5

I hope this helps!

select a table that represents a linear function. (graph them if necessary)


Step-by-step explanation:

graph till you find the answer


What is the greatest common factor of ​64xyz−36xy 24x ?


greatest common factor = 4x

What is GCF?

The biggest positive integer m that divides both x and y is the GCF of two or more non-zero integers, x, and y. The GCF stands for greatest common factor. In this case, greatest can be changed to highest, and factor to divisor. The highest common factor is often referred to as the biggest common factor, highest common factor, or highest common divisor (GCD).

[tex]64xyz=2^{6}*x*y*z\\ 36xy=2^{2}*3^{2} *x*y\\24x=2^{3}*3*x[/tex]

greatest common factor = [tex]2^{2} *x[/tex]

greatest common factor = 4x

To learn more about GCF https://brainly.com/question/11444998


(Use integers or decimals for any numbers in the expression. Round to the neare
needed.) please help


Best-fit values





0.6000 ± 0.1155

4.000 ± 0.6633



95% Confidence Intervals




0.2326 to 0.9674

1.889 to 6.111

-25.31 to -2.028

Goodness of Fit

R square




Is slope significantly non-zero?



P Value

Deviation from horizontal?






Number of XY pairs



Y = 0.6000*X + 4.000

2,158 divide by 26. A.80 B.83 C.86 D.89


Answer: B.83

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer: B.83

Step-by-step explanation:

The number 2,158 is called the numerator or dividend, and the number 26 is called the denominator or divisor.

The quotient of 2,158 and 26, the ratio of 2,158 and 26, as well as the fraction of 2,158 and 26 all mean (almost) the same:

2,158 divided by 26, often written as 2158/26. 2,158 divided by 26 = 83

The result of 2158/26 is an integer, which is a number that can be written without decimal places.

   2158 divided by 26 in decimal = 83

   2158 divided by 26 in fraction = 2158/26

   2158 divided by 26 in percentage = 8300%


you can roll a dice three times. you will be given $x where x is the highest roll you get. you can choose to stop rolling at any time (example, if you roll a 6 on the first roll, you can stop). what is your expected payout?


If we roll a dice three times and we can stop in the first time only when it come 6. The expected payoff is 4.557.

According to the question:

The number of times you can get 06 are:

(i). If the third toss rolls a 6:  6

In this case her first two digits can be any of the five numbers. No. The number of cases is 5 × 5 = 25.

(ii). If you get a 6 on the second throw. The number of cases is -5 (no third throw in this case)

(iii). If the first roll rolls a 6. The number of cases is -1.

2. Number of times you can get 5 Are-

(i). If there is only one 5 in 3 rolls . The number of cases will simply be

3 × 4 × 4

(Because there are 5 possibilities in 3 places and 4 in the remaining places.)

(ii). If there are two 5s, the number of cases is 3×4. (Because there are 3 places where 5 cannot exist, and the places are filled with 4 possibilities.)

(iii). If there are three 5s, the number of possibilities is -1.

Similarly, for 4,3,2,1, the number of possibilities is (3*3*3 + 3*3 + 1), (3*2*2 + 3*2 + 1), (3 × 1×1 + 3×1 + 1), 1 each.

So the number of possibilities for 1,2,3,4,5,6 are 1,7,19,37,61,31 respectively .

You can now get the expected profit by taking the weighted average of the numbers with the possible outcome odds.

So the result is (6*31 + 5*61 + 4*37 + 3*19 + 2*7 + 1)/(31+61+37+19+7+1)

which is 711/ 156 = 4.557

Therefore, the expected payout is 4.557.

Learn more about Expected payout:



The length of a clothe is 9m, it was increased to 12m, what is the percent of change.




Step-by-step explanation:

Calculate percentage change from

V1 = 9 to V2 = 12






The entrance of a cave is at an elevation of 14 meters. the lowest part of the cave is at an elevation of -86 meters. write an integer to represent the elevation of the entrance to the cave.


The integer representing the entrance of the cave is 14.

What is integer?

An integer is a whole number from the set of negative, non-negative, and positive numbers. An integer is a number with no decimal or fractional part, and it includes negative and positive numbers, including zero. A few examples of integers are: -5, 0, 1, 5, 8, 97, and 3,043. A set of integers, which is represented as Z, includes: Positive Numbers: A number is positive if it is greater than zero. or we can say an integer is the number zero, a positive natural number or a negative integer with a minus sign. The negative numbers are the additive inverses of the corresponding positive numbers. In the language of mathematics, the set of integers is often denoted by the boldface Z o

Given that, The entrance of a cave is at an elevation of 14 meters. the lowest part of the cave is at an elevation of -86 meters.

We know that, the integer numbers or simply integers are sets of numerical signs that contain the natural numbers (positive numbers), the zero number "0" and the opposite numbers corresponding to the negative numbers of the natural numbers. The integer numbers have no decimal part, are not fractional, nor have imaginary part.

The entrance is at 14 meter, that means the entrance is represented by the integer 14.

Hence, The integer representing the entrance of the cave is 14.

For more references on integers, click;



How much should you deposit at the end of each month in
an IRA that pays 5% compounded monthly to earn
$110,000 per year from interest alone, while leaving the
principal untouched, to be withdrawn at the end of each
year after you retire in 50 years?
i Click the icon to view some finance formulas.
The monthly deposit is $
(Round up to the nearest dollar.)




Step-by-step explanation:

You want to know the monthly deposit required for a 50-year ordinary annuity to accumulate enough value at 5% so that annual withdrawals can be made of $110,000 without affecting the principal.

Future value

In order for the annual interest to be $110,000 at 5%, you have ...

  I = Prt

  110,000 = P(0.05)(1)

  2,200,000 = P . . . . . . . multiply by 20

The value of the annuity must be $2.2M after 50 years.


In order for the annuity to have that future value, the monthly payment must be $824.39. This value can be found using a suitable financial calculator or spreadsheet. (Or the appropriate formula from your list.)

What happens to the area of a figure when it is enlarged by a scale factor zoom factor of 3?


When the area of a figure is enlarged by a scale factor of 3, then the area of the figure will be three times of the original area of the figure.

Here, the area of the figure is enlarged by a scale factor of 3

The scale factor is defined as the ratio between the scales of the original object or measurement and the new measurement or object

When the scale factor is greater than 1 the size of the new figure will increase and if the scale factor is less than 1 size of the new figure decreases

Here scale factor is 3, so the area of the figure is increased by three times

Therefore, the the area of the new figure will enlarged by three time

Learn more about scale factor here



Someone help please!
Use 3.14 for pi
And round to the nearest hundredths



length of rope=34.56

Step-by-step explanation:

1) find the circumference of the circle (its the full circle just separated into 2 halves)




2) find the circumference of the smaller circle




divide this answer by 2 because its a semi-circle


3) add the 2 values together

length of rope=34.56

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