What is the number of neutrons of an arsenic atom with atomic number 27 and mass number 60?


Answer 1

In this question, we are asked to determine the number of neutrons of an arsenic atom.

When we are given with the atomic number of Arsenic atom, i.e. 27 and mass number 60

We know that Atom is made up of three major sub atomic particles, i.e. electron, proton, and neutron.

Out of these three, electron is negatively charged sub atomic particle tat revolves around the nucleus.

Proton is positively charged sub atomic particles that resides inside the nucleus along with neutral neutrons.

As the majority of mass of atom is collected inside the nucleus, the mass number refers to the sum of the number of protons and number of neutrons.

and Atomic number is equal to the number of Protons.


Number of neutron = Mass number - Atomic number

Number of neutron = 60 - 27

Number of neutron = 33

To know more about Atom:



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What is the primary cause of the overall rising trend in CO2 in the atmosphere?

A. CO2 is increasing because we are coming out of an ice age

B.As human population grows, people exhale more CO2

C. CO2 is released by the oceans as they warm

D.The increase in CO2 is caused by burning of fossil fuels



D.The increases in CO2 is caused by burning of fossil fuels


CO2 increases happens because the coal or oil burning process combines carbon with oxygen in the air to make CO2.

so the answer is D. The increase in CO2 is caused by burning of fossil fuels

Why is calcium chloride more effective than sodium chloride at De icing roads in the winter?


Calcium chloride is more effective than sodium chloride and dicing roads in the winter because it has a lower freezing point.

The calcium chloride solution when mixed with water has a lower freezing point in comparison with the sodium chloride solution there is why it makes it easier for us roads with calcium chloride solution.

The calcium chloride solution has a lower freezing point because of the van't hoff factor.

When we spread calcium chloride on the ice, it absorbs heat from the ice and melts the ice because it has a lower freezing point then the ice. This same thing cannot be done more effectively with sodium chloride solutions.

To know more about calcium chloride, visit,



a mixture of two gases with a total pressure of 5.00 atm contains 0.30 atm of gas a. what is the partial pressure of gas b?


The partial pressure of gas B is 4.7atm.

Total pressure of both gasses= 5atm

Partial pressure of gas A= 0.3atm

Hence, partial pressure of gas B:

= Total pressure - Partial pressure of gas A

=5 - 0.3

= 4.7 atm

What is pressure?

Since the stress is dependent on the region over which the force is acting, the pressure may be multiplied and reduced with none change within the pressure. The pressure is implemented to be steady if the surface becomes smaller the pressure increases and vice versa.for example, a brick sitting on a surface exerts a force equal to its weight on the object it is resting on. Now we know that a square brick has a wide surface and a skinny surface on the edges. through converting the orientation of the brick resting on a floor, we are effectively converting the stress acting at the floor via the identical brick.

To know more about pressure, click the link given below:



Which statement is most supportive of the claim that genetic diversity is an advantage of sexual reproduction?(1 point)

Asexual reproduction results in the same genes being copied, which means the same vulnerabilities in the population.

Lack of genetic diversity from asexual reproduction results in a diminished ability to survive changes to the environment.

Genetic variation from sexual reproduction ensures that at least some individuals will have advantageous traits that help them survive.

Sexual reproduction creates genetic diversity, which results in a wide range of appearances in a population.


Genetic diversity is produced by sexual reproduction, which gives a population a variety of appearances. The following paragraph contains the necessary information regarding genetic diversity.

What makes genetic variety crucial?

It is possible for organisms to adapt to changing environmental conditions and prevent inbreeding by maintaining significant genetic variety. When there are limited, isolated populations, inbreeding takes place, which might make a species less able to endure and procreate.

What exemplifies genetic variety the best?

Genetic diversity is the range of different hereditary traits within a species. There would be several people with a wide range of diverse traits in such a species with significant genetic diversity. For a community to adapt to shifting surroundings, genetic variety is essential.

To know more about genetic diversity visit:



For every molecule of O2 that is released by photosystem II, _________ H2O molecules are needed, which together pass _________ electrons to the PS II reaction-center complex.


As a result, four electrons are given to the PS II reaction-center complex for every molecule of O2 produced by PS II, and two molecules of water are required in its place.

For photosystem II, what is required?

One of the protein complexes is the photosynthesis component known as Photosystem II. Numerous research have centered on it as a significant biological energy source for life on earth. For the entire photosynthesis to take place, this process needs water to obtain the electrons.

What chemical supplies photosystem 2 with electrons?

The initial step in the photosynthesis process is photosystem II. By catching photons, it can use the energy to pull electrons out of water molecules.

To know more about photosystem II visit :-



how does the rate of decay of a long-half-life material normally compare to the rate of decay of a short-half-life material?


The  rate of decay of a long half-life material is less than the rate of decay of a short half-life material.

Definition of Half-life

The half-life of a radioactive isotope is the total amount of time taken for one-half of the radioactive isotope to decay. Half-life of a material (symbol t½) is the time required for a quantity of material to reduce to half of its initial value.

The longer half life of the material is more stable than the short half life of that material.

Hence, the  rate of decay of a long half-life material is comparatively less to the rate of decay of a short half-life material.

Learn more about half-life from the link given below.



What is an example of a transition phase?


A change in a feature of a physical system that results in a discrete transition of that system to another state. For example, the melting of ice is a phase transition of water from a solid phase to a liquid phase.

if sodium perchlorate has the formula, naclo4, what formula would you expect for cesium perchlorate?


CsClo4, Cs has a charge of +1 and perchlorate has a charge of -1 so they balance and end out with a charge of zero and the formula looks like this:


a researcher placed a culture of cyanobacteria under green lights. within a few weeks, the appearance of the cyanobacteria changed from green to red. the researcher claimed the color change in the culture was the result of an adaptation allowing greater photosynthesis.


The appearance of the cyanobacteria changed from green to red during photosynthesis because of the alteration of the major colored light harvesting protein.

To turn sunlight into energy photosynthesis is used. Photosynthesis is the process used by plants, algae and some bacteria to turn sunlight into energy. The process chemically converts carbon dioxide (CO2) and water into food (sugars) and oxygen. The chemical reaction often relies on a pigment called chlorophyll, which gives plants their green color.  Photosynthesis is also the reason our planet is blanketed in an oxygen-rich atmosphere.

Cyanobacteria is a type of bacteria that performs photosynthesis. it utilize a photosensor to maximize their light-harvesting capacity under different light environments. A joint research team found a new photosensor that regulates yellow-green light-harvesting antenna in cyanobacteria. the appearance of the cyanobacteria changed from green to red. This  color change is  called complementary chromatic adaptation (CCA) is caused by alterations of the major colored light-harvesting proteins.

To learn more about Photosynthesis please visit:


What is the trend in the atomic radii as the atomic number increases across a period or row What is the exception to this trend?


Atomic radius is defined as the distance from the centre of the nucleus of the atom to its outermost shell.

Atomic radii of elements gradually increases in a group from top to bottom. As we go down a group, the atomic number increases, thus, the number of shells increases. Also, as we move down the group, the valence electrons are present in a higher shell and thus, the distance of valence electrons from the nucleus increases. As a result of this, the force of attraction between the nucleus and the valence electron decreases. Therefore, the atomic radius increases on moving down a group.

Higher principal energy levels consist of orbitals which are larger in size than the orbitals from lower energy levels. The effect of the greater number of principal energy levels outweighs the increase in nuclear charge, and so atomic radius increases down a group.

As we move across a period from left to right, the atomic radii decreases gradually. In a period, there is gradual increases in the nuclear charge from left to right. As the atomic number increases in a period, the electron enters in the same shell. Thus, they are more and more strongly attracted towards the nucleus. As a result of this force of attraction from the nucleus, the atomic radii gradually decreases.

To learn more about atomic radius visit:



This picture shows the trophic levels in a forest biome. Which of the following best describes how the chemical energy travels up the food pyramid?


The only producers of chemical energy are plants and all other organisms uses this energy and energy decreases as it moves up the food pyramid.

What is food pyramid?

Food pyramid interrelate different level of organisms in the biosphere where, one is consumed by the organism of higher level. The primary level in the food chain are plants.

Plants are the only source of energy. Consumption of plants transfers this energy from plants to the next level. And the energy from from the first level consumers transfers to the next level and so on. The energy transferring is only 10% in each level.

Therefore, more energy is lost to the surrounding and the energy transferred to higher level is very low. Thus, option b best describes the fate of chemical energy in food pyramid.

To find more on food pyramid, refer here:



during a chemistry lab exploring chemical reactions, students placed a 30g antacid tablet in a zip-lock bag. then they added 50 grams of water and quickly sealed the bag. the tablet began to fizz and soon disappeared. the bag was filled with gas. how much gas was produced if the mass of the liquid after the reaction is completed is still 50 grams? question 3 options: 30 grams 80 grams 50 grams 90 grams


The two main postulates that was given by Antoine Lavoisier are, oxygen play an important role in combustion and the other is mass of the reactant and product is conserved. Therefore,  the mass of the gas after the reaction is completed is 30g.

What is law of conservation of mass?

According to Law of conservation of mass, mass can neither be created nor be destroyed. Mass can only be transformed from one form to another. The law of conservation of mass was given by Antoine Lavoisier. Every reaction in nature follow the law given by Antoine Lavoisier that is mass is always conserved.

mass of antacid tablet+ mass of water =mass of solution

30g+50 g=80g

mass of solution = mass of liquid +mass of gas

80g=50g+mass of gas

mass of gas=30g

Therefore,  the mass of the gas after the reaction is completed is 30g.

To know more about law of conservation of mass, here:



Which of the following is a correct chemical equation for the incomplete combustion of C2H6?

A: C2H6 + 2O2 --> 2CO2 + 3H2

B: 2C2H6 + 7O2 --> 4CO2 + 6H2O

C: 2C2H6 + 5O2 --> 4CO + 6H2O

D: C2H6 --> 2C + 3H2


Considering the definition of incomplete combustion, the correct answer is option C: the correct chemical equation for the incomplete combustion of C₂H₆ is:

2 C₂H₆ + 5 O₂ → 4 CO + 6 H₂O

Definition of combustion

Combustion is a chemical process through which heat is obtained. To achieve this, oxidation reactions are generated that allow the objective to be reached. To carry out the process, it is necessary to have several elements:

the fuel, which is the substance that is oxidized, can be in a solid, liquid or gaseous state and is made up mostly of carbon and hydrogen.the oxidizer, which is the substance that oxidizes the fuel, and is generally the oxygen found in the air.the activation energy, which is responsible for triggering the reaction.

Incomplete combustion

Incomplete combustions are those reactions in which compounds that have not been completely oxidized (also called unburned) appear in the combustion gases. Carbon monoxide (CO), a highly toxic gas, and unburned carbon (soot) are usually formed.

Correct chemical equation

In this case, considering the definition of incomplete combustion, the correct chemical equation for the incomplete combustion of C₂H₆ is:

2 C₂H₆ + 5 O₂ → 4 CO + 6 H₂O

Learn more about incomplete raction:





1) a 50.00 ml portion of hcl solution requires 29.71 ml of 0.01963 m ba(oh)2 to reach an end point with bromocresol green indicator. calculate the molar concentration of the hcl.


The molar concentration of HCL is  0.02333 M.

What is molar concentration?

The best approach to describe a solute concentration in a solution is in terms of molar concentration. Molarity is defined as the total number of moles of solute dissolved in one liter of solution, or M = mol/L.

What is mole?

A "mole" is the volume of a system with as many elementary particles as there are atoms in 0.012 kilos of carbon 12.

Volume of HCl solution : 50.00 mL = 0.050 L

molarity of Ba(OH)2  == 0.01963 M

reaction :   Ba(OH)2 (aq) + 2 HCl(aq) ===> BaCl2 (aq) + 2 H2O (l)

moles of Ba(OH)2 consumed  == 0.01963 mol/L * 0.02971 L =  0.0005832 moles

1 mole of Ba(OH)2  reacts 2 moles of HCl   ====> thus moles of HCl present : 0.0011664 moles

Molarity HCl == 0.0011664 moles/0.050 L = 0.02333 M

Therefore, the molar concentration of HCL is  0.02333 M.

Learn more about molar concentration from the link.



predicting outcomes a mixture contains cobalt metal, copper metal, and tin metal. this mixture is mixed with nickel nitrate. which metals, if any, will react? write the chemical equation for any reaction.


The metal that will react is Cobalt.

The equation for the reaction is,

Co + Ni(NO3)2 → Co(NO3)2 + Ni

The above reaction is an example of Displacement Reaction. Displacement reaction is a chemical reaction in which a more reactive element displaces a less reactive element from its compound.

Cobalt is more reactive than Nickle in the reactivity series so it displaces Nickle from Nickle Nitrate and forms Cobalt Nitrate.

Reactivity series is a list of metals arranged in decreasing order of their reactivity. The metals with the greatest reactivity are at the top, followed by those with the lowest reactivity. Higher-ranking metals in a series can force lower-ranking metals out of their salt solution for any two metals in the series.

To learn more about Reactivity Series visit:



sort the molecules in the glycolysis pathway based on whether they are intermediates or products in the first half of the pathway that requires energy, or are intermediates in the second half of the pathway that produces energy.a. glucose-6-phosphate b. fructose-6-phosphate c. fructose-1,6-bisphosphate d. glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate e. dihydroxyacetone phosphate f. 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate g. 3-phosphoglycerate h. 2-phosphoglycerate i. phosphoenolpyruvate 1. Intermediate in the first half of the pathway 2. Intermediate in the second half of the pathway


Since there are six intermediates in the second half of the route that generates energy so glucose six phosphate is the answer that best fits the facts. Hence, option A is correct.

What is the definition of first intermediate molecule created during glycolysis?

In a continuous series of processes that each require two ATP, glucose is first compound that is transformed into fructose-1,6-bisphosphate. Later, unstable fructose-1,6-bisphosphate breaks into half, resulting in the formation of the three-carbon molecules DHAP and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate.

Basically, one glucose molecule is converted into two pyruvate (pyruvic acid) molecules, four ATP molecules, and two NADH molecules during the process of glycolysis. The three primary products of glycolysis are ATP, produced via substrate-level phosphorylation, NADH, produced by REDOX processes, and pyruvate molecules.

Learn more about ATP molecules from the link given below.



g which materials have a strength in compression that is significantly different than their strength in torsion


Brittle substances are widely recognized to be a good deal more potent in compression than in tension.

A ductile fabric are approximately equal strong in tension and compression however weak in shear. Torque on a shaft reasons shear pressure. The torsion, or twist, brought on when torque is carried out to a shaft reasons a distribution of strain over the shaft's cross-sectional vicinity. observe that this is exceptional from tensile and compressive masses, which produce a uniform stress over the item's pass-section.

This is a end result of the microscopic structure of rock it contains microscopic cracks which might be compelled open and enlarged via tension and shear but that are forced closed with the aid of compression.

Learn more torsion here:-https://brainly.com/question/20691242


which statements about the overall polarity of organic molecules are correct? select all that apply. multiple select question. if identical polar bonds in a molecule are symmetrically arranged, it will be nonpolar. all tetrahedral molecules are nonpolar, since the bonds are symmetrically arranged. if a molecule contains polar bonds, then it will be a polar molecule. a molecule with a single polar bond will be polar overall.


The statement that is correct is if a molecule contains polar bonds, then it will be a polar molecule. a molecule with a single polar bond will be polar overall.

Bond among or extra atoms is polar if the atoms have notably exceptional electronegativities (>0.4). Polar bonds do now no longer percentage electrons equally, that means the bad rate from the electrons isn't always calmly dispensed withinside the molecule.

This reasons a dipole moment.Polar MoleculesIn a molecule having a polar bond, the centre of the bad rate can be on one side. Whereas the centre of superb rate can be at the exceptional side. The whole molecule can be a polar molecule.

Read more about polar:



(b) calculate the number of moles of cuso4 that were in the impure sample of cuso4(s).


This question is incomplete

In order to calculate the number of moles of CuSO4 in the impure solution, we need to have the mass of copper sulphate in that impure solution. Only then, we can divide the mass of copper sulphate with its molar mass to get the number of moles of CuSO4 in the solution.

Therefore, the formula to calculate the number of moles of CuSO4 in the solution is

Number of moles = Mass of copper sulphate/ molar mass of copper sulphate

Alternate method

If you are given the molarity of a particular volume of the solution. You can apply following formula

Molarity = moles / volume of solution


Moles = molarity x volume of solution

You can learn more about the number of moles of any compound from



Which has highest reduction potential Zn or Cu?


Copper  (0.34 V)  has higher tendency to get reduced than potential Zn  −0.76 V.

Zinc has an electrode potential of -0.76 V, whereas copper has a potential of +0.34 V.

With both electrodes acting anodically in relation to their respective local electrolytes, the voltmeter measures the sum of these two voltages, or 1.10 V, in an open circuit. Two electrodes are connected in a closed circuit, which allows current to flow. Copper functions as the galvanic cell's cathode, while zinc acts as its anode, supplying electrons (consuming electrons).

Copper electrode takes up copper atoms from the electrolyte as the zinc electrode dissolves (corrodes or oxidises) (electroplating or reduction). This procedure keeps going as long as the circuit is closed.

Learn more about potential here:



What is the balance equation of NaOH H₂so₄ → Na₂so₄ H₂o?


The balanced chemical equation is as follows:


Given chemical equation is NaOH + H₂so₄ → Na₂so₄ + H₂o and this equation is not balanced as number of atom is not equal in both product and reactant side.

In the above equation there are 2 atoms in product sodium(Na) on the product side whereas 1 atom in the reactant side, So to balance it multiply NaOH by 2.

Now Hidrogen(H), Oxygen(O) and sulphate(so₄) are also unbalanced, to balance these atom multiply H₂so₄ and H₂O by 2.

So, Balanced chemical equation will be ;


What is a Balanced equation ?

A balanced equation is a chemical equation in which mass is conserved and there are equal numbers of atoms of each element on both sides of the equation.

To know more about Balanced equation visit here ; https://brainly.com/question/28294176?referrer=searchResultsa


Which is NOT a postulate of the kinetic-molecular theory of matter? (Read carefully!)

A. These particles are in constant motion, which is rapid and random.

B. Particles of a solid have little or no interaction; particles of a liquid have greater
interaction; particles of a gas have greatest interaction.

C. All matter is made up of tiny particles called atoms, ions, or molecules.

D. Energy is transferred between particles when they collide, but the collisions are
elastic with no net loss of energy.



B. Particles of a solid have little or no interaction; particles of a liquid have greater interaction; particles of a gas have greatest interaction.

A solute is dissolved in a liquid. how does the osmotic pressure of the solution compare to the osmotic pressure of the pure liquid?


The osmotic pressure of the pure liquid is more as company to the osmotic pressure of the solution.

A strain large than the osmotic strain is implemented to the answer side , the natural solvent flows out of the answer thru semi - permeable membrane and this phenomenon is known as as opposite osmosis.

Since attention of solute is extra in an answer than in natural water, water from natural water attempts to diffuse or go through osmosis to the answer. Hence, the strain required to save you water access to the solution, i.e. osmotic strain of an answer is constantly better than that of natural water or solvent. As increasingly solute is dissolved withinside the solvent, the attention of the answer is going on increasing.

Read more about solute;.



in a chemical reaction, lithium metal is placed in water, and lithium hydroxide is produced, along with hydrogen gas. what are the products?


Sodium hydroxide and hydrogen gas are products.

2Li (s) + 2 H2O (l) → 2 LiOH (aq) + H2 (g)

What is Chemical Reaction?

In a chemical reaction, bonds between molecules of the reactant are broken and new bonds between molecules of the product are established to create a new substance.

Chemical reactions occur all around us, including in our body's digestion of food and the creation of the sunlight's light. Understanding physical and chemical changes is crucial before starting any chemical processes.

The following balanced chemical equation depicts how lithium metal reacts with water to produce lithium hydroxide and hydrogen gas

LiOH (aq) + H2 = 2Li (s) + 2H2O (l)

0.30 mol of H2 gas is separated in the lab when Li is combined with extra water.

Learn more about Chemical Equation from given link



how many ml of a 4% solution must be added to 500 ml of iv solution to achieve a solution concentration of 4 mg/ml?


Hence we have to add 20 ml of 4% solute in order to obtain a solution concentration of 4 mg/ml.

4 percent solution means 4 parts of solute  are dissolved in 100 parts of solvent.

Therefore  4mg  / 100ml  = x mg  / 500 ml 

X= 4 * 500  / 100 

X = 20 

Concentration is a totally commonplace idea utilized in chemistry and associated fields. It's far the degree of the way an awful lot of a given substance there may be combined with some other substance.

The concentration of an answer is the degree of the amount of solute that has been dissolved in a given amount of solvent or solution. A concentrated solution is one that has a fantastically large amount of dissolved solute.

In chemistry, concentration refers to the quantity of a substance in a defined space. Any other definition is that attention is the ratio of solute in a solution to either solvent or overall answer.

Learn more about Concentration here:-brainly.com/question/26255204


if the hypothalamus was not stimulated by estrogen, which pathways would be interrupted? check all that apply.


If the hypothalamus were not stimulated by estrogen, the pathways that would be disrupted would be:

Release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone from the hypothalamus.Release of luteinizing hormone from  the anterior pituitary.

Correct answer: letters B and D.

Because, without estrogen stimulation, the hypothalamus would be unable to send a signal to the anterior pituitary to release luteinizing hormone. Luteinizing hormone is necessary for the production of other hormones such as estrogen, so without it the other hormones would not be released.

The Importance of Estrogen Stimulation on Hormone Production

The hormone estrogen is essential to the production of other hormones and maintaining overall health in both men and women. Estrogen is produced in the ovaries of women and testicles of men, and it is responsible for the development of:

Sexual characteristicsRegulating the menstrual cycleMaintaining pregnancy

Estrogen also plays a crucial role in stimulating the hypothalamus, which is responsible for releasing gonadotropin-releasing hormone and luteinizing hormone from the anterior pituitary. This hormone is responsible for triggering the production of other hormones, such as testosterone.

If the hypothalamus was not stimulated by estrogen, which pathways would be interrupted? check all that apply:

A) Release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone from the anterior pituitary

B) Release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone from the hypothalamus

C) Release of luteinizing hormone from the hypothalamus

D) Release of luteinizing hormone from  the anterior pituitary

Learn more about the estimation of the hypothalamus:



three students are asked to discuss the sources of error that might have affected the outcome of the lab. which student employs correct scientific reasoning?


Systematic error, random error, and human error are the three main types of mistake in physical and chemical laboratory research. Prior to taking any further action, these lab error sources should be thoroughly investigated.

Assuming you are using a stopwatch to determine the amount of time required for 10 pendulum oscillations, an example of how to tell systemic from random errors is to assume that you are. Your response time can be a factor when starting and stopping the watch. During one measurement, you might begin early and end late; on the following one, those inaccuracies can be corrected. Since all situations have an equal likelihood, these mistakes are unintentional. Repeated tests result in a series of slightly varying times. They fluctuate randomly around an average value.

If there is a systemic error, for instance, your stop watch won't start at zero, then the calculations will be different regarding the displaced value rather than the average value.

To know more about errors, please refer:



In calorimetry experiments we are able to determine the amount of heat exchanged in a chemical reaction or process by measuring the amount of heat lost or gained in the surroundings.
a. True
b. False


The given statement is True.

A calorimeter is a tool used in the calorimetry process. Calorimetry is a method for measuring a physical or chemical reaction's heat capacity as well as its heat changes. Therefore, the measurement of heat gained or lost by a system and its surroundings uses a calorimeter

Where is calorimetry employed?

Calorimetry is a popular tool for measuring chemical reactions and biological ones. The primary benefit of calorimetry is that it does not require expensive equipment and can monitor minute changes in energy.

What is a practical illustration of calorimetry?

Calorimeters are useful in a variety of fields, including academia. An industrial pilot plant can use a DSC to assess the impact of a change to a product's formula. In food testing labs, oxygen bomb calorimeters are useful for calculating the quantity of heat (calories) in food.

To know more about calorimetry visit: https://brainly.com/question/1407669


a mixture of 0.220 moles co, 0.350 moles h2 and 0.640 moles he has a total pressure of 2.95 atm. what is the pressure of co? a) 1.86 atm b) 0.649 atm c) 0.536 atm d) 1.54 atm e) 0.955 atm


The pressure of co is 0.536 atm. So, the correct option is (C)

Mole fraction of a gas = the Number of moles of gas / Total moles of gas

For CO :

Mole fraction of CO = 0.220/( 0.220 + 0.350 + 0.640)

  = 0.1818

the pressure of a gas = Mole fraction×Total pressure

For CO :

pressure of CO = 0.1818 ×2.95 atm ≈  0.536 atm

Hence, the pressure of co is  0.536 atm.

The ratio of the partial pressure of a given gas to the overall pressure exerted by the gaseous mixture is the mole fraction of that gas in a mixture of gases. When the entire number of moles in the mixture is known, this mole fraction can also be used to determine the total number of moles of a constituent gas.

To know more about Mole fraction, click the below link



coenzyme q carries electrons between which stages of the electron-transport chain? check all that apply.


Coenzyme q carries electrons between complex I and complex III, complex II and complex III of the electron-transport chain.

What is the electron transport chain​?

A group of proteins called the electron transport chain transfers electrons across a membrane in the mitochondria to form a gradient of protons that fuels the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate.

NADH+ H+ → Complex I → Q → Complex III → cytochrome c → Complex IV  → O2                       ↑                   Complex II                        ↑                Succinate

Coenzyme Q takes electrons from complex I (NADH dehydrogenase) and transfers four protons from the matrix to the intermembrane space at the same time as converting ubiquinone into ubiquinol and transferring the hydride ion from NADH to ubiquinone.

Electrons are passed to coenzyme Q from complex III =complex III (ubiquinone to cytochrome c) carry out couplings of transfer of electrons from ubiquinol (QH2) to cytochrome c. Here electrons are passed to coenzyme Q from complex III.

Hence, the answer is complex I and complex III, complex II and complex III.

Therefore, coenzyme q carries electrons between complex I and complex III, complex II and complex III of the electron-transport chain.

To learn more about electron transport chain​ from the given link.



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