What is the mollusk's mantle?a. The tentaclesb. A thin layer of skin covering the bodyc. The foot that lets it moved. A small, muscular hood


Answer 1

The mollusk's mantle is responsible for secreting calcium carbonate that will be used to form the shell. Therefore, it is spread throughout the body, wrapping it upp. So the correct answer is b. A thin layer of skin covering the body.

Related Questions

how can certain enzymes be part of both ctabolic and anabolic pathways? what determines which pathway the enzymes is functioning in


Enzymes with  ΔG ≈ 0  (near equilibrium) are reversible and can catalyze both directions of a process..

How is an enzyme defined?

Enzymes, a type of biological catalyst, are almost invariably proteins .It speeds up a particular chemical reaction in the cell. It expedites a certain chemical reaction in the cell. The enzyme is continuously employed during the reaction and is not destroyed.

What is an example of an enzyme?

For instance, the enzyme pepsin is a vital component of gastric fluids and aids in the breakdown of food particles in the stomach. Similar to how amylase, an enzyme found in saliva, turns starch into sugar to aid in the first stages of digestion. The thrombin enzyme is employed in medicine to speed up the healing of wounds.

To know more about enzyme visit :



hy is it more difficult to treat viral infections than it is to treat bacterial infections? view available hint(s)for part a why is it more difficult to treat viral infections than it is to treat bacterial infections? viruses use the host cell's processes to carry out their own reproduction. viruses are smaller than human cells. viruses are very similar to human cells. viruses have cell walls.


To carry out their own reproduction, viruses rely on the functions of the host cell.

Why are viral infections more challenging to treat than bacterial infections?

However, treating viral infections has proven more difficult, mainly due to the fact that viruses are quite small and replicate inside of cells. Antiviral drugs are now available for various viral illnesses, including herpes simplex virus infections, HIV/AIDS, and influenza.

Why do antibiotic medications not combat viruses?

Antibiotic medications target the components of bacteria, such as the cell wall, that viruses do not possess. Viruses are unaffected by the antibiotic because they lack a cell wall.

Learn more about infections here:



Which of the following have no cell walls, no chloroplasts, and are heterotrophs?
d. fungi
a. protist
b. bacteria
c. plants
e. animals



No cell walls ,no chloroplast and heterophs.


e.Animals is the correct answer

A sarcomere that is at a resting length of 1. 7um will generate __________________ force compared to a sarcomere at 2. 15um.


Maximum active force will be produced by a sarcomere at a resting size of 1. 7um rather than 2. 15um.

What are sarcomeres and what do they do?

The fundamental contractile unit or muscle fiber is called a sarcomere. Actin and myosin, the two primary protein filaments that make up each sarcomere and are the functional elements in charge of causing muscle contraction. The hypodermic needle theory is the most common theory used to explain how muscles contract.

How Do Sarcomeres Work?

Under a microscope, muscle cells can be shown to have striations that resemble stripes. Sarcomeres, a group of fundamental muscular tissue units, are layered one on top of the other to create this pattern.

To know more about Sarcomere visit:



A scientist wants to determine the age of a rock. The rock contains an index fossil and an ancient relative of a living organism. Which is more useful for dating the rock, and why?


An index fossil will be more useful in dating the rock than ancient relative because carbon dating can be performed using the fossil which will give more accurate details rather than the relative dating performed using ancient relative.

Index fossil is any preserved remains of the plant or animal that is particularly useful for the dating purposes. It is useful for determining the geological periods. Most of the rocks that contain the index fossil are found in marine environment.

Carbon dating is the process of determining the age of ancient objects or fossils. In this the amount of radioactive carbon is measured as the rest forms of carbons stop being absorbed but radioactive carbon continues to decay even after an organism dies.

To know more about carbon dating, here



Gene thearpy has been used to treat cystic fibrosis. Cystic fibrosis is caused by a ___ in a single gene.


Cystic fibrosis has been treated with gene therapya mutation in just one gene results in cystic fibrosis. A parent who carries the CF gene may pass it on to their offspring. After having a kid with CF, parents have a 1 in 4 chance of having another child with the condition.

Cystic fibrosis is brought on by mutations, or mistakes, in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene, which either prevents the production of any CFTR protein or causes it to be malformed and unable to carry out its essential cellular role. The CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene is mutated, resulting in CF. On 70% of CF chromosomes, a three-nucleotide deletion (delta F508) that results in the lack of a phenylalanine residue in the CFTR gene's tenth exon has been identified.

Thus, we can conclude that a single gene mutation causes cystic fibrosis.




an island reports that in the year 2000 there were 240 babies born. that same year, 100 individuals died. what is the growth rate for this island


Answer: 42%


Because 240 - 42% (42% being 100.8 which if you round to the nearest tenth would be 100) is why that's you answer

which protein functions as a motor protein that applies the power stroke during muscle contraction? interaction between thick and thin filaments during muscle contraction. which protein functions as a motor protein that applies the power stroke during muscle contraction? interaction between thick and thin filaments during muscle contraction. a b c d


To drive molecular movement along the actin subunits of the thin myofilaments, the myosin head groups hydrolyse ATP.

Myosin's head domains are located on the thick filaments' surface and interact with actin in the thin filaments. A change in the working stroke of the actin-bound myosin head's conformation, which causes filament sliding, occurs. The myosin heads bind and hydrolyze ATP in addition to binding actin, which gives filament sliding its energy. Changes in the structure of myosin brought on by ATP binding mediate the conversion of chemical energy to movement.

To learn more about myosin click here:



What happens in the process of gravitational condensation?

An object decreases in size due to the collision of materials.
An object increases in size due to the addition of materials.
Gas particles are formed from solar nebula materials.
Solid particles are formed from solar nebula materials.


During the process of gravitational condensation, solid particles are formed from solar nebula materials. Making option D the right answer to the question.

What is gravitational condensation?

A solar nebula is made up of gas and dust, and it is where the Sun and the planets are formed by a process called condensation. For billions of years ago, several research conducted by some scientists shed more light on this phenomenon. Condensation makes it possible for solid particles to be formed from solar nebula materials.

In summary, during the process of gravitational condensation, objects don't decrease in size due to the collision of materials, objects don't increase in size due to the addition of materials, and particles are not formed from solar nebula materials. Only solid particles are formed from solar nebula materials

Learn more about solar nebula here: https://brainly.com/question/13143665


Name the 3 types of evidence scientists use to determine Earth's History. 1. Climate change, folklore, and textbooks 2. Radioactive decay, rock layers, and hieroglyphics 3. Radioactive decay, fossils, and rock layers


One of the best form of evidence about the history of life on earth are fossils. Fossils provide us clues about major geological evets and past climates. Index fossils are useful for concluding the ages if rock layers.

Absolute dating methods determine how much time has passed after rocks formed by measuring the radioactive decay of isotopes or the effects of radiation on the crystal structure of minerals.

Answer - Option 3

Which phrase describes how a range of folded mountains forms?
OA. The movement of two tectonic plates as they slide past each other
B. The movement of magma from the mantle up into the crust
C. The slow, continuous divergence of two tectonic plates
OD. The slow, continuous convergence of two tectonic plates​


The movement of two tectonic plates as they slide past each other is the phrase that describes how a range of folded mountains forms.

Fold mountains are created when two or more tectonic plates on Earth are forced to collide, most frequently at locations known as continental collision zones and convergent plate borders. At these interacting, compressing boundaries, rocks and debris are bent and folded into rocky outcrops, hills, mountains, and entire mountain ranges.

Fold mountains are the result of a process called orogeny. After millions of years of orogenic action, a fold mountain forms.

In the leading edge of the crust's growth at a compression zone, tectonic activity results in crustal compression. As a result, the bulk of fold mountains is found at or very close to the borders of continental plates.

To learn more about Tectonic plates visit: https://brainly.com/question/10099562


Answer: The slow, continuous convergence of two tectonic plates​

Explanation: I took the quiz and this was the correct answer, but I'll still break it down so you can understand it.

A Folded Mountain Form is "A mountain range formed by the folding of rock due to compression." This means that the correct answer has to be one that includes the tectonic plates colliding with each other. This limits the answer to either C or D.

Divergence is related to Tension instead of Compression, which already makes D a false answer but I'll keep explaining. Convergence is related to Compression instead of Tension, therefore making C the correct answer.

An established bacterial community is exposed to a dark environment for several days. Bacteria that require light to reproduce will show _________ compared to bacteria that do not require light to reproduce


Answer: Reduced Growth


Not sure if there are answer choices but if bacteria that require light are placed in the dark then they will likely have little to no growth.


lack of growth


match each molecule with the description



Monomer: Amino acid- Protein

Monomer: Nucleotides- Nucleic Acids

Monomer: Monosaccharides- Carbohydrates

Used for long-term energy storage- Lipids


I did this before. Hopefully it helps!

What must be the genotype of a couple that has a 100% chance of producing offspring that areheterozygous for the PTC taster gene?


A taster gene is a dominant trait. The probable gene of the parents that is more likely to produce 100% heterozygous offspring are:

Parent 1- TT (homozygous taster)

Parent 2- Tt (heterozygous taster)

When these genotypes TT X Tt are crossed the results are:

TT, TT, Tt, Tt

TT- 50% homozygous taster of PTC

Tt- 50% heterozygous taster of PTC

A catalyst is a substance used to increase the rate of a chemical reaction. Two catalysts are tested to see which will most effectively increase the rate of hydrogen peroxide decomposition. Hydrogen peroxide decomposes into water and oxygen. HYPOTHESIS: Catalyst A will increase the rate of reaction faster than Catalyst B.
what is the independant varible


In the reaction where test is performed to see which catalyst decomposes hydrogen peroxide faster, the independent variable will be both the catalysts.

Catalysts are the chemical that enhance the rate of any chemical reaction. These catalysts work upon reactant or substrate, cause some conformational change and then increase the rate of reaction to many folds. Catalysts themselves do not get changed or reduced in the reaction.

Independent variable in any hypothesis or research is the variable which itself is not affected in the reaction. However, its concentration decides the result of the reaction. Any slight change in independent variable can completely alter the result.

To know more about independent variable, here



If laci were mutated such that the lac repressor could no longer bind dna, what effect would this have on the regulation of the lac operon?.


The lac operon would be overexpressed as a result of the repressor protein's dysfunction.

What function would the repressor protein serve?

In relation to genomics, a repressor is a protein that prevents the expression of one or even more genes. The repressor protein inhibits the synthesis of messenger RNA by attaching to the promoter region of something like the gene(s) (mRNA). For the gene expression to be controlled in cells, repressor proteins are necessary.

What do repressor proteins do?

A repressor is a class of protein that binds to the DNA of both the lac operon and inhibits the production of the lac operon genes. The gene expression of said enzymes that break down lactose in cells is regulated by the lac operon in E. coli. The lac operon will activate and the genes will become active as in presence of lactose.

To know more about repressor protein visit:



micelles were constructed for delivery of a hydrophobic chemotherapeutic drug. what change would increase the diameter of the micelles?


Micelles were constructed for the delivery of a hydrophobic chemotherapeutic drug. An increase in the length of the acyl chains used to make them would increase the diameter of the micelles.

Micelles have been probed as drug delivery carriers for decades. Their use can potentially result in high drug accumulation at the target site through the enhanced permeability and retention effect. Nevertheless, the absence of stability of micelles in the physiological environment limits their effectiveness as a drug carrier.

Many measures to enhance the stability of micelles have concentrated mainly on decreasing the vital micelle-forming concentration and improving blood circulation. Compared with other drug delivery strategies, micelles have two unmatched benefits. First is their relatively small size. Second is their feasibility of large-scale manufacture.

Learn more about micelles here:



Suppose an individual had a mutation that decreased the enzymatic activity of phosphodiesterase in rod cells. What would be the effect of this mutation on the rod cells?.


The effect of this mutation on the rod cells would be ''A smaller hyperpolarization of the rod would occur''.

How do you explain hyperpolarization ?A cell's membrane potential changes during hyperpolarization to become more negatively charged. It is a depolarization's opposite. By requiring more stimuli to raise the membrane potential to the action potential threshold, it prevents action potentials.K+ (a cation) outflow through K+ channels or Cl- (an anion) inflow through Cl- channels are frequent causes of hyperpolarization. On the other hand, hyperpolarization is inhibited by the inflow of cations, such as Na+ through Na+ channels or Ca2+ through Ca2+ channels. Inhibition of Na+ or Ca2+ currents will also cause hyperpolarization in cells that have those currents at rest. The hyperpolarization state is produced by this voltage-gated ion channel response.

Learn more about hyperpolarization refer to :



B: Explain how dilation of blood vessels functions as a homeostatic mechanism for a person at a
higher altitude.



When sensors in the body detect an increase in core temperature, vessels dilate to allow more blood to pass through them which releases the excess heat.

A form of bulk transport in which materials are transported from the inside to the
outside of the cell in membrane-bound
vesicles that fuse with the plasma


The bulk transport of materials from inside of cell to outside of the cell is exocytosis.


Cells must release certain molecules into the environment, such as waste products and signaling proteins, just as they must take in certain molecules, such as nutrition. Exocytosis is a type of bulk transport in which materials are transported from the inside to the outside of the cell in membrane-bound vesicles that fuse with the plasma membrane.

Steps of exocytosis:

A vesicle typically arises in the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi apparatus, or early endosomes. The vesicle moves toward the cell membrane. As the vesicle attaches to the plasma membrane, the two bilayers come together. The vesicle's contents are released into the extracellular environment.

For more information on exocytosis kindly visit to



What do you have to put into a membrane to help stabilize it



Zinc (maybe). It has multiple beneficial functions like RNA conformation and membrane stabilization.


1) what molecules make up decomposer cells
2) where do the molecules that plant cells come from




1- Decomposers are made up of the FBI (fungi, bacteria and invertebrates—worms and insects). They are all living things that get energy by eating dead animals and plants and breaking down wastes of other animals.

2- During the process of photosynthesis, cells use carbon dioxide and energy from the Sun to make sugar molecules and oxygen. These sugar molecules are the basis for more complex molecules made by the photosynthetic cell, such as glucose.

hope it helps

which question can be answered using the scientific process?
A.) is it right to make people stop using plastic bags?
B.) should people be made to reuse all bags?
c.) what is the effect of plastic bags on birds
d.) is the government doing enough to fight?


The question that can be answered using the scientific processes is: (c) what is the effect of plastic bags on birds.

Scientific process is a method or procedure where any hypothesis is established and a series of steps are followed to prove it right or wrong by conducting several experiments. There are six steps in scientific processes, these are: Observation, Research, Hypothesis, Experiments, Analysis of data, and finally the conclusion.

Plastic bags are a type of containers made of polymers consisting of chemicals. These are highly hazardous to the environment as they takes hundreds of years to degrade. If ingested, the bags can cause choking and death of animals and birds.

To know more about scientific process, here



the combined chemical and electrical potential differences that are created across membranes, such as the plasma membranes of prokaryotes, are called the


The Proton motive force is the collective name for the chemical and electrical potential differences that are produced across membranes, such as the plasma membranes of prokaryotes.

What is plasma, exactly?

After red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and other cellular components have been eliminated, plasma is the clear, straw-colored liquid fraction of blood that is left. Water, salts, enzymes, antibodies, and other proteins are all present in the blood's biggest component, which accounts for around 55% of the total volume.

What use does plasma serve?

55% of the total volume of your blood is made up of the liquid substance called plasma. In addition to moving throughout your circulatory system, plasma is essential for your body's ability to heal after injury, distribute nutrients, remove waste, and prevent infection.

To know more about  plasma membranes visit :



there is no artifact that is more characteristic of humans and more intertwined with the evolution of the species than:


No object is more representative of people and more connected to their evolutionary history than: 29436862.

What drives species evolution?

Natural selection can lead to speciation, the process through which one species creates an entirely different offspring. It is one of the processes that drives evolution and advances knowledge of the diversity of life on Earth.

What is the evolution process?

Natural selection is the process by which traits that improve a population's chances of survival and reproduction spread across successive generations. Three principles are present in it: Within populations of organisms, there is variation in morphology, physiology, and behavior.

To know more about Evolution of Species visit:-



Is this a thesis statement?aAlternate theories about evolution that arose prior to Charles Darwin's theory of naturalselection will be examined in this paper.



Because a thesis statement usually appears at the conclusion of the introductory paragraph of a paper. It offers a concise summary of the main point or claim of the essay, research paper, etc. It is usually expressed in one sentence, and the statement may be reiterated elsewhere.

help me plssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss


The answer is number 4. I hope you pass.

10. Describe how carbon cycles through living things.



Through the process of photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is pulled from the air to produce food made from carbon for plant growth. Carbon moves from plants to animals. Through food chains, the carbon that is in plants moves to the animals that eat them. Animals that eat other animals get the carbon from their food too.


Why do you think it is important that a pregnant woman always tell her healthcare providers she is pregnant before receiving any X ray examinations?
a. The X rays can enlarge the baby.
b. rays encourage people to eat more.
c. Exposure to X rays can damage a growing baby.
d. In order for X rays of the baby to be taken by the healthcare providers.





Black fur(b) in guinea pigs is dominant over white fur(b). Find the probability of an offspring with the same phenotype as its parents in a cross between a homozygous black and a heterozygous black guinea pig.


The probability of the children being like their parents is 50% for each parent.

Here, it has been mentioned that the black fur in guinea pigs is dominant over white fur.

Let us take the black fur to have phenotype B.

Similarly, the white fur is going to have the phenotype b.

A homozygous black pig will have the phenotype BB.

A heterozygous black pig will have the phenotype Bb.

A cross between the two will result in the production of a progeny having the phenotypes - (BB, BB, Bb, Bb)

This means that half of the progeny will have the same phenotype as their homozygous black parent (BB).

Half of the progeny will have the same phenotype as their heterozygous black parent (Bb).

So, the probability is 50-50%.

Learn to know more about Genetics on



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