What is the mode of the following numbers?8, 1, 2, 6, 1, 4


Answer 1
[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Ordering the numbers} \\ 1,1,2,4,6,8 \\ The\text{ mode is the number that has more frequency. In this case the mode is 1} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Related Questions

Fnd the volume of each cylinder below.9.18 in15 in


9) We can calculate the volume as the product of the base area and the height.

The base is a circle with radius r=18 in. Then, its area is:

[tex]A_b=\pi r^2=\pi\cdot18^2=324\pi[/tex]

Then, we can calculate the volume V as:

[tex]V=A_b\cdot h=324\pi\cdot15=4860\pi[/tex]

10) In this case the circular base is on the side, but we can still use the same principle to calculate the volume.

The area of the base with diameter D = 11 in is:

[tex]A_b=\frac{\pi D^2}{4}=\frac{\pi\cdot11^2}{4}=\frac{\pi\cdot121}{4}=\frac{121}{4}\pi[/tex]

Then, we can calculate the volume V as:

[tex]V=A_b\cdot h=\frac{121}{4}\pi\cdot21=\frac{2541}{4}\pi=635.25\pi[/tex]


9) V = 4860π

10) V = 635.25π

Which one of the following graphs represents the solution of the inequality 2x + 1 ≥ 3?A.-3-2-1 0 123B.++-3-2-1 0123-3-2-1 0 123-3-2-1 0 1 2 3OC.OD.


The inequality given is:


Let's solve for x:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2x\ge3-1 \\ . \\ x\ge\frac{2}{2} \\ . \\ x\ge1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The solution set of this inequality is the set of all numbers bigger or equal than 1.

Thus, the correct answer is option A, where we can see that the values start at 1 and goes to positive infinity.

where does the x-intercept in to the y-intercept


x-intercept -3

y-intercept​ 6

which of the following represents a line that is parallel to the line with equation y = – 3x + 4 ?A. 6x +2y = 15B. 3x - y = 7 C. 2x - 3y = 6D. x + 3y = 1


In order to have parallel lines, the slopes of the lines need to be the same.

In order to check the slope for each option, let's put the equations in the slope-intercept form:


Where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept.

So we have that:


[tex]\begin{gathered} 6x+2y=15 \\ 2y=-6x+15 \\ y=-3x+7.5 \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} 3x-y=7 \\ y=3x-7 \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} 2x-3y=6 \\ 3y=2x-6 \\ y=\frac{2}{3}x-2 \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} x+3y=1 \\ 3y=-x+1 \\ y=-\frac{1}{3}x+\frac{1}{3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

So the only option with a line with a slope of -3 is Option A.

given the following trig equation, find the Exact value of the remaining 5 trig functionstan (theta) = 5/6 and cos theta < 0Start by drawing the triangle in standard position and use the Pythagorean theorem to find the remaining side. A. label the exact value of all 3 sides of the triangle drawn in the correct quadrantB. DETERMINE the EXACT value of the remaining 5 trig functions! (sin) (cos) (tan) (sec) (csc) (cot)


tan (theta) = 5/6 and cos theta < 0

tan (theta) = 5/6 ==> theta = tan^-1(5/6) = 39.80557109

theta = 39.80557109

cos(theta) = cos(39.80557109) = 0.7682212796

It says that cos(theta) < 0, so the 39.80557109 degrees is in rality an angle of 90 + 39.80557109 = 120.80557109

sin (theta) = sin (120.80557109) = 0.858910105

cos(theta) = cos(120.80557109) = −0.5121263824

tan(theta) = tan(120.80557109) = −1.677144811

sec(theta) = sec(120.80557109) = −1.952643008

csc(theta) = csc(120.80557109) = 1.164266195

cot(theta) = cot(120.80557109) = −0.5962514348

Find the exact value of cos -1050.OA.-3OB.-12/2OC. 1OD. 1/3Reset Selection





Rewrite the expression using;

[tex]\cos(-x)=\cos x[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} \cos(-1050)=\cos(1050) \\ \\ \cos(1050)=\cos(330) \end{gathered}[/tex]




01 Question 11 What is the area of the shaded region? 12cm 6 cm 10cm 8cm 128cm? 96cm2 X 144cm? a 112cm?


We can calculate the area of the shaded region as the difference between the area of the rectangle (sides 12 cm and 10 cm) and the area of the triangle in the corner.

The triangle has base of b=12-8=4 cm and height h=10-6=4 cm.

Then, we can calculate the area of the shaded area as:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=A_r-A_t \\ A=b_r\cdot h_r-\frac{b_t\cdot h_t}{2} \\ A=12\cdot10-\frac{4\cdot4}{2} \\ A=120-\frac{16}{2} \\ A=120-8 \\ A=112\operatorname{cm}^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer: 112 cm^2

five to the third power


We need to find the value of 5 to the third power, to do this let's remember that the third power of a number means multiplying this number three times by itself, that is:


The answer is 125

Jacob distributed a survey to his fellow students asking them how many hours they'd spent playing sports in the past day. He also asked them to rate their mood on a scale from 0 to 10, with 10 being the happiest. A line was fit to the data to model the relationship.Which of these linear equations best describes the given model?A) ŷ = 5x + 1.5B) ŷ = 1.5x + 5Or C) ŷ = -1.5x + 5Based on this equation, estimate the mood rating for a student that spent 2.5 hours playing sports.Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.__________.


We have to relate a linear function (the regression model) with its equation.

We can see in the graph that the y-intercept, the value of y(0), is b=5.

Then, we can estimate the slope with the known points (0,5) and (2,8):


Then, with slope m=1.5 and b=5, the regression model equation should be:


We can estimate the mood for students that spent 2.5 hours playing sports by replacing x with 2.5 in the model and calculate y:


NOTE: we could also have look on the graph instead of doing the calculation.

Answer: B) y=1.5x+5

The estimation of the mood for a student that spent 2.5 hours playing sports is 8.75.

at 37 ft string of lights will be attached to the top of a 35 ft pole for Holiday display how far from the base of a pool should the end of the string of lights be anchored



12 feet


The diagram representing the problem is attached below:

The distance of the pole to the base of the string is the value x.

Using Pythagoras Theorem:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 37^2=35^2+x^2 \\ x^2=37^2-35^2 \\ x^2=144 \\ x^2=12^2 \\ x=12ft \end{gathered}[/tex]

The end of the string should be anchored 12 ft from the base of the pole.

A ball is shot out of a cannon at ground level. it's height H in feet after t seconds is given by the function H(t) = 96t - 16t^2. Find H(1), H(5), H(2), and H(4). Why are some of the outputs equal? H(1) = ______ feetH(2)= ______ feetH(4)= ______ feet H(5)= ______ feet


Follow the function we have that

[tex]\begin{gathered} H(1)=96(1)-16(1)^2 \\ =96-16=80 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So H(1) = 80 feet. Now

[tex]\begin{gathered} H(2)=96(2)-16(2)^2 \\ =192-64=128 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So H(2) = 128 feet. Now

[tex]\begin{gathered} H(4)=96(4)-16(4)^2 \\ =384-256=128 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So H(4) = 128 feet. Now

[tex]\begin{gathered} H(5)=96(5)-16(5)^2 \\ =480-400=80 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So H(5) = 80 feet.

which rational number is the opposite of 1.7? Select all that apply. -1 7/10-1.71 7/10



The opposite of 1.7 are;

[tex]\begin{gathered} -1.7 \\ \text{and} \\ -1\frac{7}{10} \end{gathered}[/tex]


We want to find the rational number that is opposite of 1.7.

The opposite of 1.7 is;


The opposite of 1.7 can be written as;


The opposite of 1.7 are;

[tex]\begin{gathered} -1.7 \\ \text{and} \\ -1\frac{7}{10} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Watch help videoFind the value of y in the diagram below.Y +9Y + 9Y +9y +9Y +9116Answer: Submit Answer


The equation from the box obtained is


3x-22x + 1A8If x=8, then the length of AB is


Ok the length of AB is given by the equation:


If x=8 then we simply have to replace this value in the equation:


And that's the length of segment AB.

Simplify (sqrt)98m^12 using factor tree or splitting up using perfect squares. Quick answer showing work = amazing review :)


The expression is:


We need to use a factor tree to solve the problem. We will draw it as shown below:

According to the factor tree we can represent the 98 as:


We can now remove the terms that have a power of 2 and a power of 12. For that we need to divide the exponents by 2.


The simplified expression is 7*sqrt(2)*m^6.

Write an inequality, in slope-intercept form, for the graph below. If necessary,use "<=" for < or ">" for >(4,2)(-4,0)



We can write an inequality in slope-intercept form by using the two given points, (x_1,y_1)= (-4,0) and (x_2,y_2)=(4,2), as shown as follows:


Replacing terms:


Subtracting terms:


Now, we need to find the y-intercept.

As we can see in the dashed line, the y-intercept is at point (x,y)=(0,1).

Hence, the equation of the dashed line is as follows:

y = (1/4)x + 1

But as the solution represents all the points that are below this line, the inequality should be as following:

y < (1/4)x + 1

Isabelle is making a scrapbook. Each page of the scrapbook is a square with a length of 11in. If each page holds three pictures that each have an area of 15in2, what is the remaining area on each page in square inches that can be used for decoration?



A page of the scrapbook is a square with a length of 11 in

Each page holds three pictures that each have an area of 15in²

To find the remaining area, we will find the area of the page and the total area of the pictures, then subtract the area of the pictures from the area of the page

The area of the page = 11 x 11 = 121 in²

Total area of the pictures = 3 x 15 = 45 in²

So, the remaining area = 121 - 45 = 76 in²

1) Find the angle in degrees without using a calculator: a) arcsin( √3/2)


[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{\sqrt[]{3}}{2}\text{ is a known value, and the main angle that has:} \\ \sin (\theta)=\frac{\sqrt[]{3}}{2}\text{ is }\theta=60\text{ degrees}=\frac{\pi}{3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, since arcsin is a function:

[tex]\begin{gathered} R\rightarrow\mleft\lbrace-1;\text{ 1}\mright\rbrace \\ We\text{ take only value }\theta=\frac{\pi}{3},\text{ without the periodic values.} \\ \text{That means,} \\ \arcsin (\frac{\sqrt[]{3}}{2})=60\text{ degrees= }\frac{\pi}{3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The mass of a radioactive substance follows a continuous exponential decay model, with a decay rate parameter of 6.2% per day. Find the half-life of this substance (that is, the time it takes for one-half the original amount in a given sample of this substance to decay). Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.



for this case we have the following equation:


the constant would be:

k= -0.062

Then we can do this:


solving for t we have:

[tex]\ln (\frac{1}{2})=-0.062t[/tex][tex]t=-\frac{\ln (0.5)}{-0.062}=11.179\text{days}[/tex]

Rounded to the nearest hundredth would be:

11.18 days

10. Linek is graphed below. Write an equation for line m that is perpendicular to line (there are multiple correct answers).


step 1

Find the equation of line k

the slope of line k is

m=-3/4 ------> previous answer

step 2

If two lines are perpendicular, then their slopes are opposite reciprocal


the slope of the line m must be equal to


I will assume a point (3,4)

Find the equation in slope intercept form


we have


point (3,4)



solve for b




y=(4/3)x -----> equation in slope intercept form ( this line is perpendicular to line k)

Find the equation in point slope form


we have


point (3,4)


y-4=(4/3)*(x-3) -----> equation in point slope form ( this line is perpendicular to line k)

Find the equation in standard form



A is a positive integer

B and C are integers

we have


Multiply by 3 both sides


4x-3y=0 ------> equation in standard formy=(4/3)xy-4=(4/3)*(x-3)4x-3y=0

5) Each table represents a proportional relationship. (From Unit 2 Lesson 2) a) Fill in the missing parts of the table. b) Draw a circle around the constant of proportionality. a х у a b т n 2 10 12 3 15 20 10 3 735 5 10 18 1 1 1



The table represents a proportional relationship.

a) To find the missing values of table,

For first table,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{10}{2}=\frac{15}{x} \\ 10x=15\times2 \\ 10x=30 \\ x=\frac{30}{10}=3 \\ \frac{15}{3}=\frac{y}{7} \\ 15\times7=3y \\ 3y=105 \\ y=\frac{105}{3}=35 \\ \frac{35}{7}=\frac{y}{1} \\ 35=7y \\ y=\frac{35}{7}=5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

For second table,


[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{3}{12}=\frac{b}{20} \\ 3\times20=12y \\ b=\frac{60}{12}=5 \\ \frac{5}{20}=\frac{10}{a} \\ 5a=10\times20 \\ a=\frac{200}{5}=40 \\ \frac{10}{40}=\frac{b}{1} \\ 40b=10 \\ b=\frac{10}{40}=\frac{1}{4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

For third table,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{3}{5}=\frac{n}{10}=\frac{18}{m}=\frac{n}{1} \\ \frac{3}{5}=\frac{n}{10} \\ 30=5n \\ n=\frac{30}{5}=6 \\ \frac{3}{5}=\frac{18}{m} \\ 3m=90 \\ m=30 \\ \frac{3}{5}=\frac{n}{1} \\ 5n=3 \\ n=\frac{3}{5} \end{gathered}[/tex]

b) To draw the circle around the constant of proportionality.

For first table the constant of proportionality is 5.

For second table the constant of proportionality is 1/4.

For third table the constant of proportionality is 3/5 .

Jefferson works part time and earns 1,520in four weeks how much does he earn each weet


To determine how much he earns each week we need to divide the amount given by 4, that is we need to kae the division:


The long division is shown below:

To make the long division we notice that we can't divide the first number (one) by four, then we need to put down the five to get a 15, this number can be divided by four. Fifteen can be divided by four, the number four fits 3 times in fifteen, then we have a three as the first nonzero number. three by 4 is 12. We subtract 12 from 15 to get 3 and the we downed the following two. This procedure is repeated until we have a number that gives zero as a remainder. This is shown in the picture above.

From it we conclude that Jefferson earns $380 each week

2. g(x) = (x-3)^3 identity the parent function, shape (you can draw it), and domain and range of parent function



Step 1

Domain: The domain is the set of values for x, in the function x can take any values, so the set is all the real numbers

Range:The range is the set of values for y, y can take any values, so the set is all the real numbers

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Domain(-}\infty,\infty) \\ \text{Range(-}\infty,\infty) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Select the correct choice and fill in the answer box


To begin with, let us look at a few definitions that will help

A relation is a function if each x-value is paired with exactly one y-value. A vertical line test on a graph can be used to determine whether a relation is a function.

If we use a graph to check, we will have

We can see that there is no overlapping of coordinates. The table satisfies the vertical line test.

Hence, it is a function

The domain and range of function is the set of all possible inputs and outputs of a function respectively. The domain and range of a function y = f(x) is given as domain= {x ,x∈R }, range= {f(x), x∈Domain}.

The domain of the function, D is given by


The range, R is given by


In the following exercise a formula is given, along with the values of all but one of the variables in the formula. Find the value of the variable that is not given S = 2LW+2WH + 2LH; S = 108, L= 3, W= 4



H = 6


We are given the values of S, L, and W, and so we put them into the formula to get


We simplify the above to get


Subtracting 24 from both sides gives


Adding the like terms on the right-hand sides gives


Finally, dividing both sides by 14 gives


which gives


which is our answer!

The Rainforest Pyramid at Moody Gardens is a rectangular pyramid that has glass sides to allow the sunlight to enter the building. The base of the building is approximately 320 feet wide and 200 feet long. The height of each side is approximately 140 feet. How many square feet of glass were needed to cover the lateral sides of the pyramid?


We have the following diagram for a rectangular pyramid:


• h is the height of the pyramid,


• s is the slant height, the height of the sides.

The area of the sides (without the base) of the pyramid is given by:

[tex]A=\frac{1}{2}\cdot p\cdot s\text{.}[/tex]

Where p is the perimeter of the base.

We have a rectangular pyramid with:

• base with sides a = 320 ft and b = 200 ft,


• slant height (heigh of the sides ) s = 140 ft.

The perimeter of the base is:


Replacing the value of p and s in the formula of the area we get:



It was needed 72800 ft² of glass.

15 lb of beans are distributed equally into 10 bags that give out of at the food bank how many pounds of beans are in each bag until your answer in simplest form


Determine the pounds of beans in each bag.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{15}{10}=\frac{3\cdot5}{2\cdot5} \\ =\frac{3}{2} \\ =1\frac{1}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

So answer is 1 1/2.

DreviousRandom numbers are useful forA creatingOB. beingOC. modelingOD. sellingReset Selectionreal-world situations that involve chance.


Given random numbers, it is important to remember that Random Numbers are defined as those numbers that each have the same probability of being selected.

In Statistics, random numbers are useful to model different real-world situations.

An example of random numbers is the numbers of a lottery.

Another example of random numbers is the numbers obtained by rolling a numbered dice.

Hence, the answer is: Option C.

which of the following is the correct way to simplify


We need to apply the law of exponents. In this case we need to

Keep the base and add the exponents,

that is the third option.

MINI Statistics in 2021 900Carissa Brooks & 10Homework: 2.52016 (18 completeNW Score:Score: DaX 25.49Aceasta es am 38,000 miles and advisor 2, 250 mes. Assume the lens of the res have a belspetsin)the tears are my cheese 3700 ms 31.000 ms. meore that corresponds to amanten


In order to find the z-score for the value 34000, we can use the formula:


Where μ is the mean and σ is the standard deviation.

So using x = 34000, μ = 38000 and σ = 2250, we have:


So the z-score for the value 34000 is 1.78.

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