what is the management principle in which each member is assigned a specific rank that reflects his or her level of decision-making authority within the organization?


Answer 1

The principle in question is called hierarchical management. It is a system in which each member of the organization is assigned a specific rank that reflects their level of decision-making authority.

This rank is usually reflected on an organizational chart, which illustrates the order of authority within the organization.

The higher the rank, the higher the authority, and the more significant the decisions that can be made.

This system of management allows for a certain level of specialization within the organization and also allows for greater efficiency in decision-making. It can also be used to create a sense of order and structure within the organization.

To know more about principle here



Related Questions

do neoliberal theorists believe that markets without state interference lead to the best economic outcomes.


Neoliberalism involves the belief that greater economic freedom leads to greater economic and social progress for individuals.

The policies of neoliberalism regularly support financial somberness, liberation, free trade, privatization, and a decrease in government spending.

Neoliberalism is often connected with the economic policies of Margaret Thatcher in the Assembled Kingdom and Ronald Reagan in the US.

There are numerous reactions of neoliberalism, including its likely risk to democracy, laborers' freedoms, and sovereign countries' on the right track to self-determination.

It's likewise been blamed for giving organizations a lot of force and worsening economic inequality.

Nonetheless, neoliberal initiatives concerning free trade, industry liberation, income expense and capital gains tax reductions all had bipartisan help.

to know more about privatization click here:



a kpi that is a the fraction of orders placed by a customer with a supplier that are filled within one day is called a


A kpi that is a the fraction of orders placed by a customer with a supplier that are filled within one day is called a fill rate.

What is a KPI?'

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are a group of numerical measurements that may be used to assess the success of your company over time. They specifically allow you to keep track of how well your business is reaching its intended goals.indications that are quantitative and can be represented by a number. markers of quality that cannot be expressed numerically. leading indicators that can foretell how a process will turn outrevenue expansionincome per customer.margin of profit.Retention of customers.client satisfaction

To know more about KPI Here



Which type of income is received when we spend money on stocks or bonds and we earn dividends and interest?


Investment Income is the type of income is received when we spend money on stocks or bonds and we earn dividends and interest

Investment income is money gotten in revenue installments, profits, capital additions acknowledged with the offer of stock or different resources, and any benefit made through another venture type. Moreover, premium acquired on financial balances, profits got from stock claimed by shared reserve possessions, and the benefits on the offer of gold coins are totally viewed as speculation pay.

Income from long-term investments undergoes different — and frequently special — charge treatment, which shifts by nation and area. Get more familiar with speculation pay and the sorts of ventures you can create pay from. Investment income may be received as a lump sum or in regular interest installments paid out over time.

Know more on Investment income - https://brainly.com/question/29352766


independently-owned businesses that buy from producers, take legal title to the goods, and then resell them to retailers or to organizational buyers are called


independently-owned businesses that buy from producers, take legal title to the goods, and then resell them to retailers or to organizational buyers are called merchant wholesalers.

Merchant wholesalers and specialist wholesalers are the two fundamental kinds of middle people in indirect sales. The fundamental distinction between them is responsibility for items they sell. While merchant wholesalers take the title for the products they sell, specialist wholesalers just acquire commission expenses for their sales.

You can experience both merchant and specialist wholesalers in different enterprises, including clothing, gadgets, furniture, equipment, etc. Notwithstanding, merchant wholesalers are accepted to be the more normal sort of delegates.

The expression "merchant wholesalers" incorporates a seriously enormous assortment of organizations with various qualities. Peruse on to investigate the primary sorts of merchant wholesalers.

to know more about incorporates click here:



assume your gross pay per pay period is $4,100, and you are in the 33 percent tax bracket. calculate your net pay and spendable income if you save $410 per pay period after paying income tax on $4,100.


After-tax saving method, Gross Pay (Tax)=Net Pay, $4,100 - $(1353)= $2747, Spendable Income $2747 - $410  = $2337

The amount of money left over after taxes have been paid is referred to as "spendable income." A individual or family's discretionary income, which can be utilized for future goals like investing, saving, or spending, is what remains after all bills and obligations have been paid. The money you have accessible allows you to spend your discretionary money.

Someone's discretionary income is determined by taking his spendable income and deducting the necessary living costs he has incurred.

To know more about spendable income refer to:



abc corporation has three service departments with the following costs and activity base: service department cost activity base for allocation graphics production $200,000 number of copies made accounting 500,000 number of invoices processed personnel 400,000 number of employees abc has three operating divisions, micro, macro and super. their revenue, cost and activity information is as follows: micro macro super direct revenues $700,000 $850,000 $650,000 direct operating expenses $50,000 $70,000 $100,000 number of copies made 20,000 30,000 50,000 number of invoices processed 700 800 500 number of employees 130 145 125 what is the service department charge rate for the accounting department? a.$714 b.$625 c.$0.004 d.$250


The accounting department will be charged $250 by the service department. Thus the correct answer would be (d) $250.

A technique for calculating and allocating overhead costs based on specific activities is known as "activity-based costing." The price of the product includes the allocation of overhead expenses.

The activity-based costing formula is the cost pool total divided by the cost driver, which yields the cost driver rate..

The amount of overhead and indirect costs associated with a specific activity are determined using the cost driver rate in activity-based costing.

Here is the Activity-based costing calculation:

List all the steps needed to produce the product.Create cost pools for the activities that include the particular costs associated with each activity (such as manufacturing). The total cost of each cost pool should be determined.Assign cost drivers for each activity in the cost pool, such as hours or units.To get the cost driver rate, divide each cost pool's overall overhead by all of the cost drivers.Divide each cost pool's overall overhead by all of the cost drivers to obtain the cost driver rate.Add the number of cost drivers to the cost driver rate.

Performing these steps we got our answer as $250.

To learn more about Cost Driver Rate, Click here:



Am's marginal revenue for selling apples is $. 40. B. Sam would first pick apples that are low because they are the cheapest to pick. C. The data suggest that the marginal cost of apples is increasing. D. The value of entry j is $. The value of entry f is $


Based on the case:

Sam's marginal revenue is $0.50. Sam would first pick apples that are on the low branches to lower his total cost. The data suggest that the marginal cost of apples is increasing as the quantity of apples picked increases. The value of entry J is $0.73 and F is $0.22To maximize profit, Sam should pick 4 apples.

To find Sam's marginal revenue, we can use Sam's apple price $0.50 since the price for each apple remains the same.

Sam should first pick apples that are on the low branches since it costs him more to pick apples on higher branches. This strategy allows Sam to gain profit directly since the first apple he picked.

Based on the data and information given, the marginal cost of apples is increasing since the more apples Sam picked, the higher he has to climb the tree.

The completed table is:

Apples  Total Cost  Marginal cost  Marginal Revenue  Change in profit

      1          $0.10              $0.10                  $0.50                    $0.40

      2         $0.22            $0.12                   $0.50                    $0.38

      3         $0.50            $0.28                  $0.50                    $0.22

      4         $1.00             $0.50                  $0.50                    $0

      5         $1.73             $0.73                   $0.50                    $(0.23)

      6         $2.78            $1.05                   $0.50                    $(0.55)

Based on the completed table, to maximixe profit, Sam should pick 4 apples because with 4 apples, his marginal revenue equals to his marginal cost, which indicates that this scenario gives him the maximum profit possible.

Learn more about Marginal Revenue here: https://brainly.com/question/13563292


Complete Question:

Suppose Sam sells apples, picked from his apple tree, in a competitive market. Assume all apples are equals in qualiy, but grow at different heights on the tree. Sam, being fearful of heights, demand greater compensation the heigher he goes; so for him, the cost grabbing an apple rises higher and higher, the higher he must climb, as shown in the Total Cost coloumn in the following table. The market price of an apple is $0.50.

a. What is Sam's marginal revenue for selling apples?

b. Which apples does Sam pick first? Those on the low branches or high branches? Why?

c. Does this suggest that the marginal cost of apples is increasing, decreasing, or staying the same as the quantity of apples picked increases? Why?

d. Complete these table:

Apples  Total Cost  Marginal cost  Marginal Revenue  Change in profit

      1          $0.10              $0.10                  $0.50                    $0.40

      2         $0.22

      3         $0.50                                                                           F

      4         $1.00

      5         $1.73                    J

      6         $2.78

The data of entry J is $____

The data of entry F is $____

e. To maximize profit, Sam picks ____ apples.

In the United States, the regulation of advertising involves a complex mix of laws and informal restrictions designed to: ________


In the US, legislation and unwritten rules are used to regulate advertising in an intricate manner in order to safeguard customers against misleading tactics.

What exactly did you mean by marketing?

Purchasing property to promote a great, bad, or abstract notion is a commercial tactic called as advertising. What are commonly referred to as ads are the actual advertising messages. Reaching the demographics more likely to be interested in purchasing a company's goods or services is the aim of advertising.

What does business advertising entail?

1. Generalized Advertising is a technique for promoting your company in order to boost sales or raise audience awareness of your goods or services. Before a customer transacts wih you directly and purchases your

To know more about advertising visit:



if a 10-year bond with a 5% coupon and a 10% yield to maturity is currently worth $692.77, how much will it be worth 1 year from now if the required rate of return goes down to 8% a. $739.10 b. $812.59 c. $712.05 d. $840.98


[tex]840.98[/tex] will it be worth 1 year from now if the required rate of return goes down to 8% .

The necessary rate of return is the minimum profit  an investor will seek or anticipate in exchange for accepting the risk of investing in a stock or other type of instrument . A project's prospective profitability in proportion to finance expenses can also be calculated using RRR.

Yield To Maturity=(Face Value/Current Bond Price)year-1



Yield to maturity (YTM), a crucial indicator used in the bond market, expresses the overall rate of return anticipated from a bond once all of its future interest payments have been made and the bond's principle has been repaid. But unlike bonds with a coupon rate, zero-coupon bonds (z-bonds) don't have recurring interest payments, therefore YTM calculations don't apply to them.

Learn more about required rate from



A sudden storm threatens the property of Marina Bay LLC. Ngoc, Marina Bay’s sales agent, is on site, but lacks the express or implied authority to bind the firm to the cost of appropriate protective measures. Unable to communicate with Marina Bay, Ngoc? a. has emergency powers to deal with the situation. b. must await the principal’s express ratification to act. c. can imply a power of attorney to assume the needed authority.


The sales agent has emergency powers to deal with the situation. Option a is correct.

What are the responsibilities of a sales agent?

A company's sales agent is the professional responsible for mediating relations between the company and its potential customers. This is necessary for promoting the company's products and services through communication, negotiation and persuasion techniques.

In a situation like the one that occurred, that is, when a sudden storm threatens the company's property and the sales agent is the only professional on site, he can act on an emergency basis to establish security measures to prevent further damage to the site.

Therefore, all employees of a company are able to act in an emergency in a situation that poses risks to property or life.

Find out more about sales agent on:



a company's plans to safeguard company assets and enhance the reliability and accuracy of accounting information are referred to as


Companies adhere to internal control rules to protect their assets and improve the integrity and dependability of their accounting records.

Internal control is a procedure for ensuring that an organization's objectives in operational effectiveness and efficiency, accurate financial reporting, and compliance with laws, rules, and policies are met, according to the definitions of accounting and auditing. Internal control is a comprehensive notion that encompasses all aspects of risk management for a company. It is a method for managing, tracking, and evaluating an organization's resources. At the organisational level, internal control objectives relate to the accuracy of financial reporting, prompt feedback on the accomplishment of operational or strategic goals, and compliance with laws and regulations. It plays a significant role in identifying and preventing fraud and protecting the organization's resources, both tangible and intangible. Internal controls at the transactional level refer to the steps taken to accomplish a certain goal.

Learn more about Internal control  from



you purchased 250 shares of a particular stock at the beginning of the year at a price of $76.13. the stock paid a dividend of $1.35 per share, and the stock price at the end of the year was $82.64. what was your dollar return on this investment? (do not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.) dollar return $


After calculating the dollar return on your investment, the dollar return on this investment is $1,965.00.

To calculate the dollar return on your investment, you need to consider both the capital gain (or loss) and the dividends received.

Calculate the capital gain (or loss) per share:

Capital Gain per Share = End of Year Stock Price - Beginning of Year Stock Price

Capital Gain per Share = $82.64 - $76.13 = $6.51

Calculate the total capital gain for all shares:

Total Capital Gain = Capital Gain per Share × Number of Shares

Total Capital Gain = $6.51 × 250 = $1,627.50

Calculate the dividends received:

Dividends Received = Dividend per Share × Number of Shares

Dividends Received = $1.35 × 250 = $337.50

Calculate the dollar return on the investment:

Dollar Return = Total Capital Gain + Dividends Received

Dollar Return = $1,627.50 + $337.50 = $1,965.00

Therefore, the dollar return on this investment is $1,965.00.

Learn more about investment here:



what is the credit yield spread between baa corporate bond yield relative to yield on 10-year treasury? please pay attention to the inverted yield curve.


The credit yield spread between BAA corporate bond value relative to yiels on 10-year treasury is 1% or 100 points.

The yield differential between two debt instruments with the same maturity but different credit quality is known as a credit spread, often referred to as a yield spread. Credit spreads are expressed in basis points, where one basis point equals one percent of a yield differential.

As an illustration, the credit gap between a 10-year Treasury note with a yield of 5% and a 10-year corporate bond with a yield of 7% is said to be 200 basis points. The terms "bond spreads" and "default spreads" are also used to describe credit spreads. A corporate bond and a risk-free substitute can be contrasted using credit spreads.

Learn more about Credit spread, here



because gaps can influence attitudes and performance, it is important for managers to reduce gaps between espoused values and what other type of values?


Managers must strive to eliminate the discrepancy among their espoused and enacted principles. since they have a big impact on how employees feel and how well a corporation does

Because they have a big impact on staff sentiments and organisation effectiveness, managers must work to close the gap among principles that are declared and those that are actually practiced.

The beliefs and standards that are explicitly proclaimed as desirable by an enterprise are referred to as espoused values. Unobserved heterogeneity fundamental presumptions form the basis of corporate structure.

Clan cultures place more emphasis on internal goals and openness than stability and control. It mimics a family-style organization that fosters cooperation, trust, and support among staff members to achieve effectiveness.

What phrase describes the degree to which your character and ideals align with the environment and culture of an organization?

Person-organization fit refers to how well your temperament and ideals align with the tone and culture of a company.

To know more about espoused principles  click here



argonia imposes a total ban on importing sugar from paldia. what type of trade restrictions has argonia used?


The import of sugar from Paldia is completely prohibited in Argonian.  trade sanctions has Argos employed embargo.

The voluntary exchange of commodities or services between economic players is referred to as trade. Since interactions are voluntary, trade is typically thought to be advantageous to both sides. Trading in finance is the buying and selling of securities or other assets. Trade is the act of transferring commodities or services between individuals, businesses, or nations. Any action conducted to generate income from the sale of goods or the provision of services falls under the definition of commerce or business. It is not restricted to integrated aggregates of assets, operations, and goodwill that constitute businesses for the purposes of other Internal Revenue Code sections.

Learn more about trade from



this was a federally sponsored corporation which insures deposits in national banks and certain other qualifying financial institutions up to a stated amount.


This was a federally backed business that offers deposit protection for deposits placed with national banks and particular other financial institutions up to a predetermined limit. Boost the reputation of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

Describe the FDIC.

A national bank in the US is a commercial bank that has been granted a charter by the US Treasury. Ethnic banks, sometimes known as "principal banks," are dependent on the global governments themselves on a global scale. National banks acknowledge that their local Federal Reserve Bank may make ordinary transactions easier.

Banks, trust associations, security guests, share-of-profit companies, and investment dealers are only a few of the financial institutions that enclose a wide range of business operations inside the fiscal aids subdivision. Financial institutions can vary in terms of their size, viewpoint, and location.

To know more about financial institutions visit:-



a craft union's bargaining power depends greatly on the control it can exercise over the supply of its workers. group startstrue or false


A craft union's bargaining power depends greatly on the control it can exercise over the supply of its workers. Thus, the given statement is true.

What was the goal of the craft union?

Craft unions were founded in Britain and the United States in the middle of the 19th century to better pay and working conditions. They have control over the availability of skilled labor, and this control is upheld through licensing and apprenticeship programs.

A local craft union works to unite all of its members under the banner "One craft, one union" (e.g., plumbers, electricians, bricklayers, ironworkers, carpenters, machinists, and printers). Some craft unions expanded to incorporate talents unrelated to the primary craft from which they sprang.

Learn more about craft union, here:



some people argue that unpaid internships should be illegal. in what ways is an unpaid internship part of a poverty trap?


High-quality unpaid internships can pave the way for eventual, higher-paying employment. People without finances frequently find it difficult to take an unpaid internship.

A college grad who participated in an internship increases their lifetime likelihood of working by double. There is no denying an internship's significant impact. The issue is that only one-third of American college graduates reach this benchmark, and there is still a significant equity gap when it comes to internship experiences. Although there are several causes for this, the fundamental problem is the acceptance of unpaid internships as a standard practice. They need to be eliminated right away.

Unpaid internships exacerbate racial and economic gaps around one of the most crucial experiences for a student's growth and preparedness for the workforce. Furthermore, the practice should no longer be accepted or permitted by any student, institution, or business. It is incumbent upon us all to put an end to behaviors that exacerbate issues like racism and the widening socioeconomic gap that the nation is experiencing. Various initiatives to expand apprenticeship possibilities, provide free community college, and eliminate degree requirements for professions are picking up steam in the name of enhancing diversity talent pipelines and work-readiness. The elimination of unpaid internships should be one of our top priority in public policy.

To know more about internship:



a pair of jeans sells for a total of $65 retail. the costs that make up that price are $6.00 for production, $3.45 for advertising, $4.55 for distribution, $5.05 for taxes, $35.50 for the retailer, and $10.45 net margin for clothing manufacturer. the $35.50 the retailer receives is known in business as the ?


A  pair of jeans sells for a total of $65 retail. the costs that make up that price are $6.00 for production, $3.45 for advertising, $4.55 for distribution, $5.05 for taxes, $35.50 for the retailer, and $10.45 net margin for clothing manufacturer. the $35.50 the retailer receives is known in business as the

[tex]-140.0075%[/tex]  percent

Selling price = [(Cost) ÷ (100 - percentage  business)] × 100.

[tex]65 = $6.00+ $4.55+, $5.05+$35.50 +$10.45/(100[/tex]-%)*100


business %=-[tex]140.0075[/tex]%

The selling price is the cost a customer pays for a good or service. An organization or enterprising entity engaging in commercial, industrial, or professional activity is referred to as a business. A product's or service's cost can change depending on how much customers are prepared to pay, how much the seller would accept, and how competitive the pricing is in relation to other companies offering similar goods or services. Businesses can be nonprofit organizations or for-profit enterprises.

Learn more about business from



How do you explain that a shift in communicative strategy affects the role and responsibilities of a speaker the message and the delivery?


The language is greatly impacted when we alter any one of the four factors speech style, speech context, speech act, and communication strategy. It entirely alters the listener's perception and significantly shortens the duration of engagement.

Repairing as a change in communication style can impact how a message is delivered and how long an engagement lasts. The phrase that caused misunderstanding needs to be given further consideration.

The majority of people struggle with abrupt change. It can make us dizzy, lose focus, and lose interest in a conversation. This tactic has occasionally been known to rekindle conversation. However, generally speaking, viewers tend to tune out rather than tune in to interruptions.

Read more about communicative strategy affects at



What is an interest group in government ?


Interest Group is a collection of people who share a common interest or attitude and seek to influence government for specific ends. They usually work within the framework of government, and try to achieve their goals through tactics such as lobbying.

Interest groups, otherwise called specific Interest groups, support gatherings, or tension gatherings, are relationship of individuals or associations that are normally officially comprised and that expect to influence public arrangement in support of themselves in light of at least one shared concerns. All Interest groups share the longing to impact administrative arrangement to propel their causes or themselves. Their goal might be a strategy that main advantages a particular arrangement of individuals or a specific area of society (like government sponsorships for ranchers) or an approach that encourages a bigger cultural objective (e.g., further developing air quality). By applying strain on chiefs to change strategy results in support of themselves, they attempt to campaign to accomplish their objectives.

Know more about Interest Groups - https://brainly.com/question/28590155


mary and paul made a great deal of money recently by winning the lottery. they come from families of little education or money. they moved to a beautiful new home in a neighborhood well known for the wealth and high social status of its residents. the neighbors have been unfriendly to them, ignore their attempts to make friends, and talk badly to each other about the new family in the neighborhood. this is an example of _____ aggression.


Because the neighbors have been unfriendly to them, ignore their attempts to make friends, and talk badly to each other about the new family in the neighborhood, this is an example of a relational aggression.

What is a relational aggression?

A relational aggression refers to an insidious type of bullying that often goes unnoticed by adults. Rather than these aggression causinga  physical harm, it is is intended to hurt someone's personal relationships or social standing.

The people engage in a relational aggression can often bully, control, and manipulate others all under the radar of parents, teachers, and other adults. Some children are so skilled at this bullying that no one would ever suspect them of hurting others. Sometimes, friends involve in a relational aggression to each other, making it even harder for kids to speak up.

Read more about relational aggression



an organization pursuing a differentiation strategy will pay some employees much more than others and compensation is used to encourage risk taking. t or f


The assertion is true.

Making your business, product, or service distinct from those of other companies in your industry or market area is the focus of a differentiation strategy.

A strong differentiation approach enhances steady brand loyalty, lowers price competition, boosts profit margins, and makes it harder for customers to switch to a competing product.

The company, the price of the good or service, and the good or service itself are three factors that can be different.

Every company must learn to set itself out from its rivals in today's crowded business environment. Leaders cannot just enjoy the brand loyalty of their followers.

To know more about strategies visit:



what is the share of income received by the fifth quintile of the income distribution of paddy's cousins? round your answer to the nearest tenth.


The fifth quintile of Paddy's cousins' income distribution's share of income is 37.9%; and that is less than what the highest quintile of the US income distribution received in 2005 as a percentage of total income.

A Quintile is 1/5 or 20% of a whole population and should not be mistaken for a Quartile which is 1/4th or 25% of a population.

The lowest quintile is the first quintile of 1/5 and the highest quintile is the fifth quintile or 5/5.

Calculating the Quintile is a necessary step in this question, followed by calculating the percentage of total income that the highest or fifth quintile represents, and finally comparing those results to information on the highest quintile of the US income distribution in 2005.

Step 1: Group into 5 and order from lowest to highest.

[tex]8,000, 14,000, 22,000-[/tex] First Quintile

[tex]26,000, 38,000, 46,000 -[/tex] Second Quintile

[tex]52,000, 54,000, 62,000 -[/tex] Third Quintile

[tex]80,000, 92,000 96,000 -[/tex] Fourth Quintile

[tex]110,000, 118,000, 132,000 -[/tex]5th Quintile

Step 2: Calculate the 5th Quintile's total and divide it by the sum of Paddy's relatives' 15 earnings.

5th Quintile[tex]= 110000+118000+132000=[/tex]$360,000

[tex]8000+14000+22000+26000+38000+46000+80000+54000+62000+80000+92000+96000+110000+118000+132000=[/tex] $950,000

5th Quintile Percentage of Income for Paddy's Cousins= 360,000/950,000= 37.9%

Step 3:Look into the percentage of the United States' overall income that the 5th Quintile received in 2005.

Principles of Economics, Chapter 14 on Poverty and Economic Inequality, among other publications, conducted the survey and has already classified the Income of the United States from 1967-2015 into Five Quintiles, despite the fact that it is fairly difficult to obtain the total income for the US in 2005.

The 5th Quintile accounts for 50.4% of the overall income according to this study, which has also been estimated.


Paddy's Cousins' 5th Quintile Income Proportion= 37.9%

In 2005, the United States' 5th Quintile Income Proportion was recorded = 50.4%

The highest quintile of Paddy's Cousins' share of income is less than the highest quintile of the U.S. income distribution in 2005.

Learn more about quintile here



With respect to saving energy, what aspect of using two-sided printing was discussed in class as providing the most signifiant benefit?


The benefit of employing two-sided printing that was highlighted in class as being the most important is that it only requires one sheet of paper as opposed to two when printing a two-sided document.

Standard 2-sided printing can be used to print on both sides of a sheet. You can choose between manual and automatic printing. When printing by hand, even-numbered pages are printed first. After printing these pages, you may simply reload them to print the odd-numbered pages on the opposite side of the paper.

Therefore, double-sided printing can save your business about half as much money as single-sided printing, according to certain important estimates. Due to the fact that duplex printing uses only half as much paper as one-sided printing, businesses can reduce their material costs.

To know more about printing refer to this link:



antiques r us is a mature manufacturing firm. the company just paid a dividend of $11.10, but management expects to reduce the payout by 5 percent per year, indefinitely. if you require a return of 11 percent on this stock, what will you pay for a share today?


$65.91 will you pay for a share today.

Current price=D1/(Required return-Growth rate)



which is equal to


A proportion is a unit of fairness possession inside the capital inventory of a organisation, and can talk over with gadgets of mutual price range, constrained partnerships, and real property funding trusts. share capital refers to all of the stocks of an business enterprise.

A share represents a unit of fairness ownership in a business enterprise. Shareholders are entitled to any income that the employer might also earn in the form of dividends. they're additionally the bearers of any losses that the corporation can also face.

Learn more about share here:https://brainly.com/question/28143339

what drp category would a business function fall under if an organization could last without that function for up to 30 days before the business was severely impacted?


DRP category of Necessary for normal processing would fall under if an organization could last without that function for up to 30 days before the business was severely impacted.

What is DRP?

Following a natural or man-made disaster, like a storm or battle, disaster recovery is the process of preserving or reestablishing crucial infrastructure and processes. It uses rules, resources, and methods. Making preparations to ensure the prompt restoration of information technology assets and services in the event of a disaster like a fire, flood, or hardware malfunction. A DRP's goal is to make sure that an organization is prepared to respond to a disaster or other event that affects information systems while minimizing the impact on daily operations. A disaster recovery plan (DRP) is a written, organized strategy that outlines how a company can quickly restart operations following an unanticipated occurrence. A business continuity plan must include a DRP (BCP).

To learn more about DRP click on the given link:



in the simple deposit expansion model, if the required reserve ratio is 10 percent and the fed increases reserves by $100, checkable deposits can potentially expand by


In the simple deposit expansion model, if the required reserve ratio is 10 percent and the fed increases reserves by $100, checkable deposits can potentially expand by $1,000.

What is reserve ratio?

Simply dividing the amount of money, a bank must keep in reserve by the amount of money it has on deposit yields the required reserve ratio.

The amount of reservable liabilities that commercial banks must keep onto rather than lend out or invest is known as the reserve ratio. The central bank of the nation, in this case the Federal Reserve in the United States, sets this criterion.

What occurs when there are no reserves required?

The Fed will enhance excess reserves and, as a result, the pool of liquid assets eligible to meet supervisory requirements and expectations, dollar for dollar, by lowering reserve requirements.

To know more about reserve ratio, click here- brainly.com/question/13758092


a three-year bond offers a 10% coupon rate with interest paid annually. assuming a one-year spot rate of 8%, a two-year spot rate is 9%, and a three-year spot rate of 9 1/2%, the price of the bond is closest to:


The price of the bond is closest to $962.50, for a three-year bond offers a 10% coupon rate with interest paid annually.

Since we are given  the information  of  a three-year bond offers a 10% coupon rate with interest paid annually,  assuming a one-year spot rate of 8%, a two-year spot rate is 9%, and a three-year spot rate of 9 1/2%,

so for the Year 1: 10% x $1,000 = $100 , similarly

Year 2: 10% x $1,000 = $100

Year 3: 10% x $1,000 = $100  

The Present Value of Year 1 Cash Flow: $100 / (1+8%) = $92.59  

the Present Value of Year 2 Cash Flow: $100 / (1+9%) = $91.70  

The Present Value of Year 3 Cash Flow: $100 / (1+9.5%) = $90.95  

So,  Price of the Bond = $92.59 + $91.70 + $90.95 = $962.50

To know more about interest refer  to the  link brainly.com/question/29480777


a benefit that comes from something that could be quantified in monetary terms is known as what kind of incentive?


A benefit that comes from something that could be quantified in monetary terms is known as financial kind of incentive.

What is financial incentive?

A financial incentive provided to promote behaviour or behaviours that would not otherwise occur. Financial rewards encourage behaviour that might not otherwise take place without them. It serves as a tool for the State's policymaking. Financial incentives drive workers and make them aware of what they stand to gain or lose depending on their performance when they are effectively conveyed.

Why is monetary incentive crucial?

People frequently change professions for financial reasons, thus offering financial incentives might aid businesses in keeping their best workers. These initiatives can help improve accountability and the perception of compensation disparities as being fair.

To know more about financial incentive, click here- brainly.com/question/29617427


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