What is the main difference between an opinion and a claim?


Answer 1


Opinions can be based on experience.

A claim is statement about something, what it is or what it can do.

Related Questions

Read the passage from "The Pursuit of Happiness"

The woman on the far side of the desk looks at the floor,
Her head full of Ireland
and the potatoes that blackened and curled and rotted away.
We grew only sadness there
She wants to say.
But this she whispers instead:
"I have come to work as a chambermaid”
And the Important Person stamps her papers without hearing the rest.
"To scrub floors and wash linens until my hands are red and raw,
and I have polished happiness for my child
So she can become a teacher
with hands the color of cream.”

Which excerpt from the poem best supports the overall theme?

And the Important Person stamps her papers without hearing the rest.
and the potatoes that blackened and curled and rotted away.
So she can become a teacher / with hands the color of cream.
The woman on the far side of the desk looks at the floor




Why does Cappelli claim that it doesn't help to choose a popular major or

occupation-specific major?

A The majors aren't competitive as so many students are going into


B Students are more likely to

perform better if they choose a major they like.

C Students are unlikely to stick with one major throughout their

college career.

D The world is always changing and

needing workers in various fields.





"Will the 'right' college major get you a job?" is an article written by Glenn Altschuler. In the article, the author talks about the pros and cons of choosing major in the college, especially the popular major or occupation-specific major.

Peter Cappelli, a professor of management, claims that choosing a popular major or occupation-specific major will not help. In paragraph 16 and 17, Cappelli draws our attention to the increasing number of enrolment in such majors as petroleum engineering, science, technology, engineering, and maths. He remarks that a large number of students enroll in these programs but only few percent of these students actually make earning after graduating.

The conclusion of the article is that one should choose the major of his/he interest and what they like the most. Rather than choosing a major that is not of your interest.

Therefore, option A is correct.

Texas Reading Academy: Module 10 Review





Reading Academies are required for current K-3 teachers and principals. While it is recommended that school and district staff attend the Texas Reading Academies to understand the content and better support K-3 teachers.

How many modules are in the Texas Reading Academy?

12 modules

Participants will also complete seven artifacts throughout 12 modules. Five artifacts will be graded by Canvas and two will be graded by Cohort Leaders.

For more information about Texas Reading Academies, refer to the link:-


In each sentence below the word in capitals has three letters
missing. The missing letters make a proper three letter word on
their own. Write the three letter word
She spread the sweet HY on her to
27. The boys found sumns with FAIONS very hard to do
28. They couldn't wait for the summer HOAY
29. The old lady was delighted to receive a TER
30. They had gooseberry crumble and CUSD for pudding
31. She loved watching the MONS swinging from tee to tree
32. The visitors were entertained by a string QUET​



27) RCT (fractions)

28) LID  (holiday)

29) LET (letter)

30) TAR (custard)

31) KEY   (monkeys)

32) N/A

Where do you watch television?
a. With my family.
b. For entertainment.
c. In my bedroom.
d. With my sister.


With my family or in my bedroom

c.In my bedroom

This is the answer

What happened in the book the Giver



a boy named Jonas learns the dark secrets of his seemingly utopian society. When he turns twelve, Jonas is chosen to be the new Receiver of Memory. The former Receiver of Memory becomes the Giver, transferring memories of the past and the rest of the world to Jonas.

The base word in "disagree" is?



its agree

Hope this helps :)


The base word is agree


A small publishing company is planning to publish a new book. The production costs will include one-time fixed costs (such as editing) and variable costs (such as printing). The one-time fixed costs will total $31,460 The variable costs will be $10.75 per book. The publisher will sell the finished product to bookstores at a price of $21.75 per book. How many books must the publisher produce and sell so that the production costs will equal the money from sales?


Answer: 2,860 books


First find the Contribution margin of the sale:

= Selling price - Variable cost

= 21.75 - 10.75

= $11.00

With a contribution margin, you can use the following formula to find out the number of books that can be sold to equate the production cost to sale:

= Fixed costs / Contribution margin

= 31,460 / 11

= 2,860 books

What does "odd" mean

A.feeling sad
B.having skills
C.not willing to take a risk
D.not part of a pair or set


d. not part of a pair or set




The definition of odd is “different from what is usual or expected; strange”. Not being part of a pair or set is being different from the other pairs and sets.

Artists signed to a label have publicists who handle
A. entertainment
B. catering
C. press
D. songs





Entertainment handles publicists

Where would be the best place for scientists to conduct experiments to search for fresh
drinking water?
A. the South Pole
B. the moon
C. the Pacific Ocean
D. the Mediterranean Sea





The moon makes absoulutly no sense. Both the Mediterranean sea and the ocean contain salt water. Most ice in the south pole would be fresh water. I hope this helps.

Which of the following is an example of an informational text?
An article about what dogs might say if they could talk
A magazine article about how to build your own solar oven
A story about a teenage girl who plans to run a marathon
A story about human colonists on Venus


A story about human colonists on Venus


A) An article about what dogs might say if they could talk

hope this helps!! :)

Which question will best help a reader complete this procedure for the first time?

A. What should I do if the cables are not secure?
B.What should I do to edit my videos?
C.How do I improve the quality of my video recordings?
D.How many settings are there on my TV?


The correct answer is A. What should I do if the cables are not secure?


In the process of watching video from the camera on the TV, six steps are shown to perform this action. In step number "3. Make sure the cables are secure" it would be good to complement the information in this step with the question "What should I do if the cables are not secure?" so that the user has extended and adequate information on what to do in case the cables are not secure, because this would affect the projection of the video on the television. According to the above, the correct answer is A. What should I do if the cables are not secure?

Answer: it’s A



Reading Poetry
Walking the Dog
A crackle, a scrape, a huffing pant
A sudden shower of leaves,
A darting squirrel, a taut leash
The energetic dog heaves
On through the canopied, crackling brown sea
His chest like the bow of a boat
Only his leaps and his forward motion
Keeping him afloat
Sunlight falls at a horizontal slant
As we enter the late afternoon
And pick up our pace a little more-
Darkness will fall on us soon
DIRECTIONS: Read the poem aloud. Then answer the questions,
1. What is the "canopied, crackling brown sea?"
2. Circle the word below that describes the dog.
3. What season is it in the poem?
4. Circle the correct rhyme scheme below



1: It is the dead leaves of trees

2: Lively

3: Autumn/Fall



write an essay on important of computer education in about 200 words​



Computer is playing vital role in modern life. Computer education has great importance because use of computer has reached almost all spheres of life.

The modern life of today includes information and contacts with people all over the world. Computer has helped considerably to achieve this. This is possible through computer education when a person knows the use of computer, he can employ in his business, for planning and chalking out programmed. Calculations and statical works. The internet helps to have contact with any one in any part of the world. Today, by the help of internet, business has progressed very much. This is also possible with the knowledge of computer.

Today computer education is must for the job of even an ordinary clerk in the office. The knowledge and use of computer is essential for him. In modern countries the running of trains, machines, the flight of planes, the work in the bank and progress of business, all these are controlled by computer. This is possible only by the knowledge and use of computer. Computer education enables the artist in creating the realistic images. In the field of entertainment too, musicians, having computer education, create multiple voice composition and the play back music with hundreds of variations.

Not only this, the knowledge of computer helps in domestic work likes making the home budget doing calculations, and playing with confidence.

The Cranberry Connection

“What is this book?” Anna mumbled to herself as she helped her mom look through old boxes. They had belonged to her grandparents who died when Anna was a baby.

“I think I found Grandma’s diary,” she told her mother.

Her mother quickly came closer and said, “What a find! I can’t wait to read it. I miss her.” Then seeing Anna’s frown, Mom added, “But you found Grandma’s diary, so you can read it first.”

Nodding happily, Anna read the date on the first entry, August 13, 1953. “How old was Grandma in 1953?” she asked.

Her mom thought for a minute. “She must have been about nine, the same age as you are right now.”

Anna had seen photos of her grandparents, but they looked so old that it was hard to imagine that her grandma was ever nine.

Anna read the first entry:
The county fair is only two weeks away and today I’m going to practice making Mother’s cranberry bread. Last time, the dough was so thick that I couldn’t even knead it! I get mad at myself when my baking turns out wrong, but Mother keeps telling me to have more patience. I’ll use less flour today and hope for the best.

A young girl kneels next to her trunk and a few boxes to write in her diary.

Then Anna realized that her mother made cranberry bread, too, and the recipe for that bread must have been passed down through the generations. Anna suddenly wanted to learn how to make it, and quickly asked, “Mom, could you help me make cranberry bread today?”

She could tell by the long pause that her mom was a little surprised by her request. “I guess we could make some,” she replied, “but you’ll have to do the kneading because my shoulder is sore from all this work.”

“I’ll do it all,” Anna told her. “Just make sure I’m doing it exactly the way you do it.”

Her mom pointed out, “Anna, you don’t have a lot of . . .”

“Patience!” Anna interrupted. “I’m just like Grandma! But I want to learn how to make that bread just like you do it—and like your mother did it, and her mother did it, and . . .”

Laughing, her mom held up her hand. “I get it, but I’m wondering why you’re suddenly so interested in that bread. Maybe I’d better read the diary before we start!”

Anna smiled and handed the dusty diary to her mom. “I don’t want to break the cranberry connection,” she said. “I have to be ready to teach my own kids how to make that bread!”

This question has two parts. First, answer Part A. Then, answer Part B.

Part A

Read the sentence from the passage.

I’ll use less flour today and hope for the best.

What does flour mean in the sentence?

a plant

to open

a baking ingredient

to show your talents

Part B

Which word sounds like flour but has a different meaning and spelling?







c and c


Give a short summary for link in comments


No question or links is posted, it's just blank.

Answer: there is no question


I moved here in May 2018 and started school on Monday
August 20 2018.


Answer:what is the point of this





I need a a decent sized poem about one of the four topics (must be completely in your own words) being the victim of bullying, being picked last for something, being the new kid in a a given setting, or being the little brother/sister


If you gon cry go and get u a tissueee


I was waiting in the line.

I though it would be fine

Maybe last pick wouldn't be mine

I saw the first team pick

The chose Rick

The second team stepped up their job

They chose Bob

There I was last again

Not as happy as the other men


Hiii , please help meee ♡♡​


I don’t know what I am supposed to help you with. But if you ask me in the comment section below I’m sure I can help.

Granny cooks dinner for us everything sunday


Good for you but you should know how to cook yourself. Granny's old and needs rest. #oldlivesmatter

you are very lucky and your granny is an oldie but a goodie

A Word or a phrase that si informal and particular ti certain time periods ir social situations is called



Answer: Colloquialism. Explanation: Colloquialism is a variation of popular language used in more informal everyday situations, ie colloquialism is the use of informal language in certain time periods or social situations.


What did Osgood's son do that made the author proud?



Osgood was so proud of his son because he smiled even though he didn't get accepted.


dad bought me a nice shirt ...the predicate​


i would predicate theres a unicorn on it

Answer:bought for me a nice shirt.

svp aider moi a faire cet exercise




2.politely .







9. completely




Read the excerpt from Brown v. Board of Education.

Because these are class actions, because of the wide applicability of this decision, and because of the great variety of local conditions, the formulation of decrees in these cases presents problems of considerable complexity.


So what’s the question?




Which word would you find on a dictionary page with the following guide words?
peach - pen



I think it will be perspire

Under which genre would u find the story of Persephone


Answer: greek mythology

Answer: Greek mythology

Persephone was a Greek woman

How would you explain what poetry is to someone who has never seen or read a poem? Use one of the poems in the anthology Poetry Speaks Who I Am to illustrate your definition of poetry.

Like just try to write it in a couple of paragraphs.


I would just explain to them how poetry is a way of writing in order to capture physical and emotional details unable to be written in factual writing. Hope this helps :-)


Poetry is a spoken art form


Poetry is a spoken artform using syllables and timing to create a rhythmic art that is similar to a limerick.

Hope it help be strong and be happy

Pls help I need a good grade


It would have to be D
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No file, guessing, or random answersa population has a standard deviation of 20.2. what is the standard error of the sampling distribution if the sample size is 121? round your answer to two decimal places.A) 1.84B) 1.44C) 1.55D) 1.68 can I get help with this 3m x 3m what structure is found outside of the cell membrane of a plant cell which gives the cell its strength and shape How would you classify this organism based on the dichotomous key?Select one:A. Kingdom PlantaeB. VirusesC. Kingdom EubacteriaD. Kingdom Protista Five boys namely, Abel, Ben, Carlo, Dave and Elmer made a race. They all started at 7:10 in the morning. Abel finished the race at 7:18 a.M., Ben at 7:32 a.M., Carlo at 7:38 a.M., Dave at 7:42 a.M. And Elmer at 7: 52 a.M. About how many minutes did Abel finished the race? Is the limited red edition venova an alto or soprano instrument? Why is it Nondisjunction?! PLSSSSS HELPPP IF U KNOWWWW 20 POINTSSSSSSKathy is from the Watutu Tribe, but she and Watsu Bangu met at the Sudan university of Technology.Which word is incorrectly capitalized?WatutuofuniversitySudan 8c^(2)+6c-2c^(2)-5c PLEASE HELP! Please dont answer if your going to guessYou have three modes for opening a file. You wish to create a new file and write data to the file. What letter belongs in this line of code?myFile = open("another.txt", "_____")rwad A sunken ship is inoperable yes or no Median of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 Consider the arithmetic sequence 10,12,14,16 if n is an integer, which of these functions generate the sequence? THE VERB TO BE: NEGATIVE SENTENCES WITH CONTRACTIONSWHICH SENTENCES ARE CORRECT (C) OR INCORRECT (I)?1. Pablo isnt a teacher.2. Shes isnt a nurse.3. Paola and Roberts not sad.4. Pepe aret happy.5. We arent happy. ayudaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Beacon Company is considering automating its production facility. The initial investment in automation would be $15 million, and the equipment has a useful life of 10 years with a residual value of $500,000. The company will use straight-line depreciation. Beacon could expect a production increase of 40,000 units per year and a reduction of 20 percent in the labor cost per unit.Determine the project's accounting rate of return. (Round your answer to 2 decimal places.)Accounting Rate of Return____________Determine the project's payback period. (Round your answer to 2 decimal places.)Payback Period _______________yearsUsing a discount rate of 15 percent, calculate the net present value (NPV) of the proposed investment. (Future Value of $1, Present Value of $1, Future Value Annuity of $1, Present Value Annuity of $1.) (Use appropriate factor(s) from the tables provided. Negative amount should be indicated by a minus sign.)Net Present Value ______________Recalculate the NPV using a 10% discount rate. (Future Value of $1, Present Value of $1, Future Value Annuity of $1, Present Value Annuity of $1.) (Use appropriate factor(s) from the tables provided. Negative amount should be indicated by a minus sign.)Net Present Value_________ Chloe has 3 red pencils, 5 blue pencils, and 1 yellow pencil in her backpack. She chooses one pencil at random, puts it back, and then chooses another pencil . The probability that Chloe chooses a blue pencil and then a red pencil is The probability that Chloe chooses the yellow pencil and then a blue pencil is No links please :) On May 3, 2020, Cheyenne Company consigned 90 freezers, costing $480 each, to Remmers Company. The cost of shipping the freezers amounted to $850 and was paid by Cheyenne Company. On December 30, 2020, a report was received from the consignee, indicating that 45 freezers had been sold for $780 each. Remittance was made by the consignee for the amount due after deducting a commission of 6%, advertising of $210, and total installation costs of $330 on the freezers sold.(Round answers to 0 decimal places, e.g. 5,275.)(a) Compute the inventory value of the units unsold in the hands of the consignee.Inventory value$enter the inventory value in dollars(b) Compute the profit for the consignor for the units sold.Profit on consignment sales$enter the profit on consignment sales in dollars(c) Compute the amount of cash that will be remitted by the consignee.Remittance from consignee PLEASE ANSWER EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 100 points t who answers first and if answered right u will get brainiest okOn the southeast corner of Millennium Park, there is a garden walk. It is marked off in red in the drawing below. Side C, the hypotenuse of the triangle, shows the row along which flowers will be planted. If side a measures 90 feet and side b measures 120 feet, how many feet of flowers will be planted along side c, the hypotenuse of the triangle? Show your work and explain your reasoning. (2 points) Calculate the area of the red triangle to find the area of the garden. Show your work. (2 points) Millennium Park has an outdoor concert theater. Before a concert, the area reserved for special seating is roped off in the shape of a triangle as shown below. How can the converse of the Pythagorean theorem help you determine whether the roped off area is in the shape of a right triangle? (2 points) The front of the stage, side C, is 50 feet long. A 40-foot rope runs along the side of square B. A 30-foot rope runs along the side of square A. Is the roped off area, triangle ABC, a right triangle? Explain. (2 points)e) The diagonal of square A, marked off by the red stars, is where the concession stand is located. A local high school band is performing at the outdoor theater on a summer evening. The band has a school banner that is 40-feet long, and band members would like to hang it across the concession stand to let people know they are performing. Estimate the length of the concession stand to determine if the school banner can fit across the length of the concession stand. Show your work and explain your reasoning. (2 points)Step 2: Finding distance on the coordinate grid This is a blueprint drawing of the stage area at Millennium Park. The length of one square on the grid is equal to 5 feet. According to the blueprint, the length of the diagonal of square C is 60 feet. Is that correct? Explain. (2 points).b) If the blueprint is drawn on the coordinate plane with vertices (1, 5) and (11, 15) for the corners labeled with red stars, would that be an accurate representation of the length of the diagonal of the square C? Show your work and explain your reasoning. (4 points2 points for finding the length of the diagonal; 2 points for explanation)Step 3: Using the Pythagorean theorem to find the unknownAt another park in Chicago, neighbors get together to plan a community garden. Plans for the community garden are shown below. a) The members of the gardening group plan to build a walkway through the garden as formed by the hypotenuse of each of the four triangles in the drawing. That way, the gardeners will be able to access all sections of the garden. Calculate the length of the entire walkway to the nearest hundredth of a yard. Show your work. (4 points1 point for each length calculation and 1 point for the total distance) Is the value you just wrote for the total length of the walkway a rational or irrational number? Explain. (2 points) The group is planning to build a fence around the garden. How many yards of fencing materials do they need for the fence? Show your work. (3 points2 points for finding the value of side b and 1 point for finding the perimeter of the garden) read any book and describe the main character or write something intresting you read abt the book write 5 sentences.