What is the irony in An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge?


Answer 1

When Bierce reveals at the conclusion of the story that the soldier is actually a "Federal scout," Farquhar falls into the Union's trap because the reader already knows this information but he does not. This is an example of dramatic irony.

Peyton Farquhar and his views are the subjects of two significant examples of irony in "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge." First, when a "gray-clad soldier" first shows up at Farquhar's house and informs him that the Union is reconstructing the railway, Farquhar doesn't ask any questions. As a result of the reader knowing this information but Farquhar does not, he falls into the trap set by the Union when Bierce reveals at the end of the story that the soldier is actually a "Federal scout." This is an example of dramatic irony. Farquhar is further convinced that there are distinctions in military duty but ironically discovers that there are none in his death. He is only able to focus on his wife and kids who he is leaving behind. This ties into his escape fantasy, which has him dying rather than meeting his wife in his arms.

To know more about Irony, refer to this link:



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Intexticated is a term that can describe a person who is distracted by texting while they are driving. True/False


Intexticated is a term that can describe a person who is distracted by texting while they are driving  is True.

How does the use of a cell phone or electronic devices affect driving skills?Studies that highlight the issue of using a phone or text message while driving are constantly being published. Driving while using a mobile device increases the likelihood of a collision by about 3.6 times. Over 320 million wireless internet connections are available in the United States. Up to 9% of drivers may be using mobile devices while driving at any given time, according to a recent study. According to a recent poll by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, more than 60% of drivers claim to have used their phones while driving in the previous month; more than 30% of these respondents said they do it frequently.

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What happens when people open their heart quote?


As per the quote when people open their hearts, they get better.

To share one's deepest or most intimate emotions, thoughts, or secrets. It means that one should be able to have faith in themselves and everything around one to open their heart. Only if one frees themselves from fear will they be free in their heart.

When a person has love, passion, and adoration in their life, will they be able to open their heart to others. It allows you to feel differently more like saying feel alive. One should open up to others only then they will open up to you.

Having love and passion and being oneself is the only way a person can be better in their life. If you have an open heart everything will turn better eventually.

To know more about open heart,



What is the importance of local materials in the Philippines?


It is important to use locally produced materials and goods to promote a sense of community and emotional connection between residents and their surroundings.

What are local materials in the Philippines?

Indigenous raw materials include indigenous Filipino products such as wooden or rattan furniture and handicrafts, woven abaca or pincloth, and other handcrafted or carved toys or trinkets typically found in rural areas. Natural fibers such as rattan, bamboo, nipa leaves, abaca and pina are often used for weaving.

What is the importance of using local materials in Philippine contemporary art?

Using locally available materials in artworks helps to protect the environment. Material meaning is an important and useful part of art. The materials and forms of artwork are influenced by the tools that artists use to create their work. Each medium makes a unique contribution to the creative process.

What are the Philippines' main resources?

Most of the country's metal resources such as copper, lead, zinc, chromite, iron ore, gold and iron ore are mined in significant reserves in Luzon and Mindanao. Many other places have minor deposits of silver, nickel, mercury, molybdenum, cadmium and manganese.

Learn more about Philippines visit:



Why does upsetting the balance of
microbes in the human gut MOST LIKELY
result in disease?
Fewer helpful bacteria means less effective
Fewer harmful bacteria means the spread of
more viruses.
More helpful bacteria means medicines work
More harmful bacteria means fungi are killed


Answer: I believe it is "Fewer helpful bacteria means less effective digestion" as the other answers make no sense.

Explanation: logic

Is this a run-on sentence?
When a dog wags its tail, it doesn't always mean the dog is happy or friendly, a wag that
is slow and restrained may convey a warning to "back off."
no is it a run on sentence





Answer: yes its a run on sentences


Part A
Using an audio recording tool, record the names of the discussion participants below. If you organized the
discussion, using an audio recording tool, record how you know each person and summarize how you chose and
invited the participants and how you organized the time and place for the discussion.


You can write answers stating names of different people, their position in the company, and how the discussion was conducted as shown in the example below:

Participants: Jane, Mike, and Sarah.How you know them: They work in different departments of your company. Jane is a marketing manager. Mike is a software engineer, and Sarah is a project manager.Why you chose them: I chose these individuals because of their diverse backgrounds and expertise in different areas related to the topic of the discussion.How you organized the discussion: To organize the time and place for the discussion, I sent out a calendar invitation with a proposed time and date, as well as a meeting agenda outlining the discussion topics. We decided to hold the discussion in a conference room at our office, as it provided a quiet and neutral space for the conversation.

How to conduct a discussion

When organizing a discussion with a group of people, you should choose those who will most likely contribute with the topic being discussed. If you are the organizer, introduce the participants and facilitate the conversation by asking open-ended questions and encouraging everyone to share their ideas and perspectives.

Throughout the discussion,use the audio recording tool to capture the key points and ideas shared by each participant, which you can later use to make a summary of the meeting.

Above, we provided you with an example of a discussion among co-workers. Feel free to adapt it in case the discussion should happen between, for instance, classmates.

Learn more about discussions here:



How do intelligent people talk?


Intelligent people visually engage, focus on their non-verbal communication, pose savvy inquiries, and offer commendations. They likewise make you chuckle, they truly tune in, and they recount an extraordinary story.

Brilliant individuals realize their story should have struggled, yet it closes with a positive message. They realize it should be an individual story that has positive feelings. They tailor the story to the discussion. They make it pertinent for the other individual, so it isn't just engaging, but accommodating. They pay attention to comprehending, not to answering. They realize listening is a fundamental ability for associating with another individual. They focus on what individuals say, how they say it, and what they abstain from talking about. At the point when they get going the discussion with chuckling, they assist with loosening things up and make the discussion more charming. They know it's not what they say yet the way that they say it is important. They realize giggling rises to the arrangement.

To learn more about human behavior,



what kind of figurative language is, The room went still as a comic strip


Answer: Simile!


This is a simile as it is saying something is like or as something.

Extra note: If it would be a metaphor, it would say something is something else, even though it is figurative (i.e. not true)

A metaphor version of this sentence would be: The room was a comic strip




How many game categories are there?


There are 47 game categories at present.

Here are our 47 game classes, their center recreations, and a few of their included recreations. In case you’d like to know what a center or included amusement is, you'll be able to see how we characterized our amusement sorts here.

Like activity RPG diversions stuffed to the brim with the story, leveling up your character, and parcels of fights we center this class completely on PC and Comfort players and have another for portable gamers.

Battle Royale diversions were the greatest drift in PC/Console gaming in 2018. The front lines recoil and ammunition gets harder to discover whereas hundreds fight it out.

Bubble Shooter recreations like Popping inflatables, bubbles, and anything else that comes your way. An attempted and tried diversion workman that everybody can appreciate.

Card Battler games like fighting together with your collectible character cards are the arrange of the day here.

Learn more about games at



Is Dynamite of BTS a popular music?



The song Dynamite by BTS is one of their most popular songs.

Who first made mashed potatoes?


Some historians claim that in 1771, Frenchman Antoine Parmentier held a competition to determine the finest ways to prepare potatoes. The winning recipe was for mashed potatoes.

According to some historians, Antoine Parmentier, a Frenchman, conducted a competition to find the best ways to prepare potatoes in 1771, and the winning recipe was for mashed potatoes. According to other reports, the English invented mashed potatoes and gravy sometime in the 1600s.

The Art of Cookery by Hannah Glasse, published in 1747, has an early recipe. In a pot, she mashed them with milk, butter, salt, and pepper.

Almost every Irish home includes mashed potatoes as a staple cuisine, yet the side dish has a long and illustrious history that has little to do with Ireland. Potatoes were first introduced to Europe as a delicacy in the 16th century after being imported from South America.

To know more about Potatoes, refer to this link:



In bullet point form, write Napoleon's note to himself, detailing his propaganda campaign



• Identify a strong, recognizable symbol to represent the French Republic and use it widely

• Control the media to ensure that the French people have positive views of the Republic

• Use festivals, holidays, and other public events to promote the Republic and its values

• Emphasize the importance of public education and the benefits of the French Revolution

• Celebrate the achievements of the Republic and the people who helped make it successful

• Demonstrate the Republic's commitment to protecting the rights of all citizens

• Highlight the Republic's military successes to create a sense of national pride

• Promote the Republic's message through art, literature, and other forms of cultural expression

• Take advantage of the new forms of communication, such as newspapers and pamphlets, to spread the Republic's message


Expressions used for descriptive or rhetorical effect that are not literally true but that express some truth beyond the literal level
a. figurative language
b. extended metaphor
c. metaphor
d. personification
e. simile


Figurative language is the term that corresponds to the definition of the statement.

What is figurative language?Figurative language is a type of expression that is distinguished by the use of terms that do not have a strict or realistic meaning. This language is common in comparisons and exaggerations.A simile is a figure of speech that compares two dissimilar things by using the words "like" or "as," and it is commonly used in everyday communication.Here are some examples of figurative language:






The examples above are rhetorical figures that allow an author to refer to an object by contrasting it with another in order for the interlocutor to understand it more easily. According to the preceding, the correct answer is figurative language.

To learn more about figurative language refer to :



Final answer:

We cannot calculate the total product cost or the per unit cost without knowing the direct costs of producing the hockey sticks.


To calculate the total product cost for the week, we need to add the manufacturing overhead to the direct costs of producing the hockey sticks. The manufacturing overhead is given as $159,000. The direct costs are not provided in the question, so we cannot calculate the total product cost without that information.

To calculate the per unit cost of one hockey stick produced last week, we divide the total product cost by the number of units produced. Since the number of units produced is given as 10,000, we can calculate the per unit cost once we have the total product cost.

Learn more about total product cost here:



Is Hamlet written in iambic pentameter?


It's noteworthy to look out for instances where iambic pentameter isn't utilized because Hamlet is mostly written in this form and is 75% poetry.

For instance, pay attention to the conversations between Hamlet and Ophelia and consider who is using poetry and who is using prose and why that could be. Like in most of Shakespeare's plays, the nobility frequently use "iambic pentameter," which is an unrhymed form of poetry (also called "blank verse"). Don't be intimidated by the complicated names; once you get the hang of it, it's really not that difficult. An "iamb" is an unaccented syllable followed by an accented one.Shakespeare's usage of iambic pentameter in his plays is known as that rhythm. Iambic pentameter has a rhythm that is similar to a heartbeat, with one gentle and one forceful beat repeated five times.

Thus, iambic pentameter is used in Hamlet.

Refer here to learn more about iambic pentameter: https://brainly.com/question/1472098


Which sentence from the story “Biking for Boots” shows that the girls have mixed feelings throughout their Lake Superior tour?


The narrative "Biking for Boots" depicts the ladies' conflicted emotions on the Lake Superior tour decisions.

What does conflict signify in your life?

English definition of conflicted: Confused or anxious because you are torn between extremely opposing ideas, emotions, or views and are unsure of what to act or believe: Politicians seem to have conflicting feelings about gambling, just like regular people do.

Why do I have such conflict?

Conflicting Concepts' Root Causes Disappointment towards something frequently produces internal conflicts or contradictory beliefs. You frequently wind up with two viewpoints on that item since you are unable to determine which actions to take and which not to do. It is crucial that we make every effort to comprehend this problem.

To know more about conflicted visit:



1. The survivors of the earthquake showed great courage.
A. sentence
B. fragment


Answer: Sentence

Explanation: The following example is a sentence because it has a subject, a complete verb, and an independent clause.

Is salad good after 3 days?


Many salads that have already been prepared contain mayonnaise-based sauces or other ingredients that lose their freshness after five days even when kept in the fridge.

According to Crandall, "Our food system is quite safe, but occasionally we have to be extra cautious with such things when things slip out of temperature or if there is a pathogen introduced." The USDA advises discarding homemade or deli salads after three to five days. Salad typically keeps for 1-2 days after being opened. If properly stored, it can keep for up to 5 days in the refrigerator. Any leftovers should be stored in a tight container or wrapped in plastic wrap before being placed in the refrigerator. To keep them fresh, store packaged greens in the refrigerator. lettuce-based ingredients.

To learn more about ingredients please click on below link



What are the signs of an open relationship?


While being in an open relationship can be enjoyable, it is not without its challenges. According to several studies, open partnerships only have an 8% success rate.

An open relationship is one in which neither party is exclusively dating the other. In other words, both persons are free to have additional sexual and/or romantic relationships.

An open relationship is one in which you have more than one romantic or sexual partner at the same time. It's a non-exclusive or non-monogamous relationship that both partners agree on.

Because one or both parties participate in romantic or sexual activities outside of the partnership, the agreement portion of the arrangement is critical.

Learn more about to open relationship visit here;



Are mashed potatoes full liquid?


Foods that are mashed, such mashed potatoes or avocados, are not considered liquid foods. You can get adequate calories, protein, and fat by eating simply a nutritional diet in its entirety.

Complete Liquid Diet A short-term diet known as a complete liquid diet is utilised as a step between clear liquids and solid meals. The Clear Liquid Diet's approved foods are permitted. Additionally, there is juice (with pulp), broth, strained cream soup, strained cereal, pudding, and ice cream. In order to remove the extra liquid, mash the watery potatoes in a skillet and stir often over low heat. If the potatoes are very wet, you may thicken them to your chosen consistency by gradually adding cornstarch or instant mashed potatoes, one half teaspoon at a time. the mashed potatoes

To learn more about nutritional please click on below link



2. Why do you think it i one of Magwitch' principal condition that Pip (hi nickname) "alway bear the name of Pip" in order to receive hi financial upport?


Additionally, Magwitch serves as one of Pip's father figures (along with Joe Gargery and Mr. Jaggers). Magwitch initially terrorizes Pip while he is a little child, but as Pip gets older, he comes to love him as his own son and makes an effort to teach him how to behave properly.

How does Magwitch gentrify Pip?

To help Pip become a gentleman, Magwitch donated money to Mr. Jaggers, who then gave it to Pip. Because the youngster made him think of his missing daughter, he made the decision to do something for the boy.

How does Pip react to Magwitch's passing?

Pip's insight demonstrates that he has internalized the moral maxim that love and devotion are superior to wealth and social standing. Pip is reborn as an adult who is wise, kind, and appreciative as Magwitch passes away.

To know more about the Magwitch visit :-



How can you describe the qualities of the good Filipino citizens?


A good Filipino citizen upholds the following principles.

unwavering devotion to their nation.willing to give their blood for the sake of their people's survival.appreciates Filipino culture.respects and comprehends Filipino history.respects Filipino values.believes that all Filipinos, regardless of wealth, social class, appearance, religion, or gender, are one.Addresses his country as a decent envoy which implies he acts in outside nations.Most importantly, he is Filipino by blood and is proud to be one, despite what other people think of Filipinos.

In a nutshell, this is what it means to be a good Filipino citizen, and the fun fact is that in order to become a Filipino citizen, you need to demonstrate these qualities. Therefore, the summation of all seven points is to "be a Filipino by heart, not by your head." Instead of thinking that you are a Filipino, think and act like one.

Learn More about Filipino here:



What it means to live with an open heart?


It takes more than merely declaring, "I'm an open-hearted person," to be genuinely receptive to others; it requires being vulnerable, being sincere, and expressing thanks.

We keep our hearts tightly closed and locked up for most of our life and with many of the people, we come into contact with. However, we are aware that when we expose our hearts to another, we have our most profound and fulfilling connections. Being open-hearted makes one susceptible to being wounded, disappointed, and rejected. It entails acting as though a broken heart doesn't exist. Along with vulnerability, there are a few more prerequisites for openheartedness. Genuineness and gratitude play a significant role in it.

To know more about being open-hearted, refer to this link:



What are the characteristics of an open-minded person?


being willing to have their accessible   contested. maintaining composure when they are wrong. feeling sympathy for other people. Taking into account what others are thinking.

Be open to hearing what other people have to say.be allowed to have their arguments rebutted.not lose their cool when they are wrong.Feel compassion for other people.Consider what other people could be considering.Be humble about one's own skill and understanding.a desire to find out what other people believe.

Being open-minded means being prepared to actively seek out information that is at odds with one's favoured theories, goals, or objectives and to honestly analyse such information when it is made available. It is not necessary to be uncertain, unclear of one's priorities, or unable of thinking for oneself to be open-minded.

To learn more about accessible  please click on below link



What's the meaning of conceptual definition?


An conceptual definition just explains how to measure a notion; a conceptual definition explains what idea signifies. By explaining how your constructions connect to other constructs,  it explains what your constructs are.

This explanation is abstract, as are all of the structures it discusses. For instance, a conceptual definition might outline what is meant by "stress" in a study of student stress throughout a semester of university. An operational definition would outline the method of measuring the "stress."

A notion is defined conceptually when it is described in terms of its abstract properties and connections to other conceptual concepts. Similar to a recipe, an operational definition discusses something in the context of the actual physical acts it entails.

To know more about conceptual definition:



who are the protagonists and antagonists in midsummer night drea act 1 scene 1


Theseus, duke of Athens, is planning the festivities for his upcoming wedding to the newly captured Amazon, Hippolyta. Egeus arrives with his daughter Hermia and her two suitors, Lysander (the man she wants to marry) and Demetrius (the man her father wants her to marry).

this passage is excerpted from j.d. beresford, the looking glass. originally published in 1921.


there is no question attached to this

Can you help me place the right words in the blank only some?


The teacher asked someone else to help with resolving the issue between the students in order not to appear to be bias.

What is bias?

Bias is the proclivity to prefer one person or thing over another and to favor that person or thing.

A bias is a tendency or prejudice favoring or opposing one individual or group over another. So, unconscious biases are instinctive attitudes we have toward other individuals that influence our judgments away from being fair or even-handed.

The appropriate responses are -

Once the judges heard the argument, the judge released them to make a decision.

The slippery slope of the story made the audience feel very sad.

To learn more about bias



The ________ effect describes the enhancement of long-term memory that comes from relating information to the selfa. self-consistencyb. self-enhancementc. self-justificationd. self-reference


Answer: D. Self reference

hope this helps :)

How do you identify key words?


Keywords are important words/concepts found in your research question or thesis. A quick and dirty way to pull keywords from a research question/thesis is to choose the most important nouns; all other words are irrelevant. Using keywords to search will always retrieve more results than phrases or sentences.

How does her soliloquy reveal her character?


Lady Macbeth is a power-hungry queen who will stop at nothing to take the throne. It becomes clear that she enjoyed thinking about killing Duncan.

The three witches predict to Macbeth that he would become king at the beginning of Shakespeare's play Macbeth.

They hatch a scheme to assassinate King Duncan and usurp the throne, along with his wife. Not only Macbeth is consumed by passion and avarice. Even more determined and perhaps even more cruel is Lady Macbeth.

Act 5, Scene 1, has the soliloquy. A doctor and Lady Macbeth's attendant are in the opening scene.

Lady Macbeth enters the scene while sleepwalking as they are conversing. She appears to be washing her hands while the two watch her rubbing her hands together.

To know more about soliloquy, visit:



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