What is the importance of the Battle of Kettle Creek in Georgia?


Answer 1



The importance of the battle showed the determination of the Southern Patriots and was a reminder to the Loyalist forces that they were not safe in the open country, away from the British bases and army.

Related Questions

What is the difference between the pretrial process and the trial process in a criminal case?

During pretrial, a judge determines probable cause. During the trial, a jury decides guilt or innocence.
During pretrial, a judge decides guilt or innocence. During the trial, a jury determines probable cause.
During pretrial, a judge selects a sentence. During the trial, a jury decides if a crime has been committed.
During pretrial, a judge decides if a crime has been committed. During the trial, a jury selects a sentence.
Someone seeking a firearms permit in Georgia would go to which court?

juvenile court
superior court
state court
probate court
Which behaviors are considered illegal for juveniles in Georgia?

minor behavior and juvenile behavior
juvenile behavior and unruly behavior
unruly behavior and delinquent behavior
delinquent behavior and minor behavior
As a consequence of an unruly act, a juvenile would be

legally charged as an adult.
taken into custody and imprisoned.
faced with a huge fine and time in prison.
sent to a youth detention center.
In a civil court case, the defendant is the person who

goes on trial for potentially committing a felony or misdemeanor.
claims that a suspect has committed a felony or misdemeanor.
has committed a tort that has wrongly harmed someone else.
was wrongly harmed by someone who committed a tort.
Mario and Ricky are hanging out together on a hot summer night. They are sitting around the pool at Ricky’s apartment complex playing cards. They are the only ones there. Mario suggests that they go swimming even though there is a sign posted that reads: NO LIFEGUARD, swimmers under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. POOL CLOSES AT 9:00 PM.

"But, my mom is not here and besides, it's 10:15 p.m. There is no one to watch us and the pool is closed," argued Ricky.

"Aw, come on Ricky! It is so hot! I know we're only 14, but we look like we're 16!" Mario pleaded. "Plus, if we are quiet, no one will even know we are swimming."

If Ricky decides against Mario's idea, he is

breaking the law.
obeying the law.
disobeying the rules.
obeying the rules.
Read this passage about the workings of Supreme Court justices.

The justices hold a conference to consider the arguments made and to reach a decision in each of the cases on their docket. At this point, one of the justices, in rotation, is assigned to write an opinion stating the court's reasoning in reaching its conclusion. This draft opinion is circulated to all members of the court and must be adopted as an accurate statement of the reasoning of the majority of the court before it is published. The comments of the other judges may cause a revision of the opinion before it becomes the court's official decision.

What does the passage best show about the work of Supreme Court justices?

The justices must be unanimous in their opinions.
The justices work separately to reach an unbiased decision.
The justices work together to come up with an opinion.
The justices use an outdated method of reaching decisions.
If juveniles cannot afford an attorney, how can they exercise their right to an attorney?

The judge can act as their attorney.
The court can loan them money for an attorney.
The arresting officer can act as their attorney.
The court can appoint an attorney.
What options does a juvenile justice officer have after reviewing a case? Check all that apply.

sentencing the juvenile to detention
recommending that the case be dismissed
filing a petition for further hearings
recommending informal adjustment
recommending an appeals judge
sending the juvenile to a diversion program
Judges in Georgia’s state courts are elected by voters, while judges in Georgia’s juvenile courts are

chosen by parents.
chosen by a lottery.
appointed by the governor.
appointed by superior courts.
What type of acts can change the juvenile justice process?

justifiable delinquency
serious delinquent offenses
unacceptable offenses
unruly behavior
Some courts in Georgia have limited jurisdiction, meaning that they deal with

the least serious cases.
the most serious cases.
cases with no witnesses.
cases involving one or two people.
In a criminal court case, the defendant is the person who

goes on trial for potentially committing a felony or misdemeanor.
claims that a suspect has committed a felony or misdemeanor.
has committed a tort that has wrongly harmed someone else.
was wrongly harmed by someone who committed a tort.
Which of these rights are part of a juvenile’s right to trial? Check all that apply.

the right to a trial before a judge
the right to appeal the judge’s decision
the right to a jury trial
the right to call witnesses
the right to question the state’s witnesses
Which is a correct statement regarding settling disputes peacefully?

One should ask an adult or friend to solve the dispute.
Not everyone’s opinion or idea is valid in a dispute.
Some disputes are just not very important.
Disputes should be solved without outside help.


For the first one, it’s during the pre-trial, a judge selects a sentence. During the trial, a jury decides if a crime has been committed. The second one is probate court if someone wants to get a permit. The third one is unruly behavior and delinquent behavior. For the fourth, a juvenile will be sent to a youth detention center as a result. For the fifth, the defendant is the person who goes on trail for potentially committing a felony or misdemeanor. For the sixth, it’s obeying the rules. For the seventh, it must be unanimous. For the eighth, the court catnapping an attorney. For the ninth, the top three. For the tenth, they are appointed by superior courts. For the eleventh, unacceptable offenses. For the twelfth, the most serious cases. For the fourteenth, the second and third answer. The last one is one should ask an adult or friend to solve the dispute.

Answer: I know the first one it's C, or During pretrial, a judge selects a sentence. During the trial, a jury decides if a crime has been committed

Explanation: :)

Hey, can someone give me 20(or more) reasons why remote learning is bad(any complaints)? Most reasons gets brainliest.



There's a lot of pros and cons of remote learning. The most cons I can really think of would be.

-Bad mental state

-Not being watched or forced to do work which would cause bad and low grades.


This cruel emperor murdered many people and appointed his horse as consul.
A. Caligula
C. Julius Caesar
B. Claudius
D. Tiberius



A.  Caligula


The answer is, A. Caligula

do you think that a mothers love for her child is common as well as humans ? say why you think so and give an example to support your view​



Which two sentences describe a council-manager form of government?
A: The manager serves a two- or four-year term.
B: The manager plays an important policy-making role.
C: The manager answers directly to citizens.
D: The manager leads the day-to-day administration of the government.
E: The manager is appointed by the council.



The manager Paly as important policy making role.

The manager is appointed by the council.

The continent with large desert area . A . Australia B . southAmerica C . Asia D . Africa​



continent of Antarctica


The largest desert on earth is the Antarctic desert, covering the continent of Antarctica with a size of around 5.5 million square miles.


Ranking of the largest deserts on earth (in million square miles)

What current examples are there today that are similar to Galileo’s situation with the controversy of religion and science? Please find at least two and discuss.



Two examples of facts that cause controversy between science and religion today are:  

The existence of dinosaurs in the past. Babel's tower


The existence of dinosaurs before humans even in our times causes much controversy with respect to the Catholic religion, since the bible states that one day animals were created, among which dinosaurs could possibly be, but the next man was created on the day, therefore, highlighting that the difference between the appearance of the human being after the dinosaurs was millions of years is considered something that goes against Christian beliefs.  

The tower of Babel has two points between science and religion, on the one hand there is the fact that the bible states that the tower was being built "up to the sky", but we know that the construction materials of the time, as a combination clay or straw, would not have the bearing capacity or load to support a construction of a height beyond a few floors currently, on the other hand, the fact that its construction caused the wrath of God and therefore made the people spoke different languages, a fact that would obviate the evolution of language after thousands of years, in which it has been scientifically proven that man began his communication through pictorial figures and sounds that are unlikely today, gradually modifying to the languages ​​that we recognize today .

1.1.3. Give your own position on Xenophobia
in our country.


Xenophobia in South Africa was a movement that was violence against the foreign influence on the Natives . They had the right to protect their land on the foreign influence and any other influence from the outsiders .

what are some examples of Raw Materials?

"The sun never sets on the British Empire." What does this mean? Why was England able to get so many colonies in the 19th century?

also, where can I watch Miraculous Ladybug s4 for free with English subs/English Dubbed?



Examples of raw materials include: steel, oil, corn, grain, gasoline, lumber, forest resources, plastic, natural gas, coal, and minerals.

° if you want to watch miraculous go to yes movie.com

Give TWO examples of something you think might be unconstitutional.



Constitutionality is the condition of acting in accordance with an applicable constitution;[1] the status of a law, a procedure, or an act's accordance with the laws or set forth in the applicable constitution. When laws, procedures, or acts directly violate the constitution, they are unconstitutional. All others are considered constitutional until challenged and declared otherwise, typically by the courts using judicial review.

Pleaseeee helppppp i will mark you brainlist


ANSWER: The Treaty Of Paris


The treaty of Paris


U.K had the treaty of Paris

What is the difference between someone being ethnically Jewish, and being religiously Jewish?



Ethincally Jewish probably means following the rules and ideas of a Jew, while religously Jewish means to follow Jews Beliefs.

Hope this helps!

2. How many states does Brazil have?



Brazil has 26 states. Namely:

Acre, Alagoas, Amapa, Amazonas, Bahia, Ceara, Distrito Federal, Espirito Santo, Goias, Maranhao, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Para, Paraiba, Parana, Pernambuco, Piaui, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Norte, Rio Grande do Sul, Rondonia, Roraima, Santa Catarina, Sao Paulo, Sergipe, and Tocantins.

state names from sela.org (so i'm not plagarizing)

Richard Hamilton decided to make art that __________________________,just like car bodies and the latest consumer goods.
symbolized the times by their style
uses both historical and contemporary parts
both A and B
neither A nor B






A brainliest pls


Which of the following ways of dwindling down candidates for president is more of an
"event" and asks participants to physically move to areas that represent the candidate
they support?



The answer is C.Electorate

How might a system of roads affect
Rome's ability to defend and expand its



A system of roads could be used to hurry information to the far places of the empire, they could also be used to speed armies to defend the borders, or to expand the borders through further conquest.

Question 10 of 35
What are two ways engineers could directly protect people from the effects of
severe weather?
O A. Plan and build new parks in areas that experience hurricanes.
B. Design stronger tornado shelters for the central United States.
C. Make sure that summer temperatures stay low.
D. Build generators that can operate for many days without needing
more fuel



the answer your looking for is D. and B.


i'm on it now so got you covered on this one

Two ways engineers could directly protect people from the effects of severe weather are to design stronger tornado shelters for the central United States and build generators that can operate for many days without needing more fuel.

What is severe weather?

Severe weather is any dangerous meteorological phenomenon with the potential to cause damage, serious social disruption, or loss of human life. Types of severe weather phenomena vary, depending on the latitude, altitude, topography, and atmospheric conditions.

What are tornado shelters?

A storm shelter or storm cellar is a type of underground bunker designed to protect the occupants from violent severe weather, particularly tornadoes.

How many hurricanes hit the United States in 2021?

The active 2021 Atlantic hurricane season officially concludes today having produced 21 named storms (winds of 39 mph or greater), including seven hurricanes (winds of 74 mph or greater) of which four were major hurricanes (winds of 111 mph or greater).

To learn more about severe weather and hurricanes refer



1. State four spheres that influence the moral education.​



Waldorf education cultivates morality through a heavy reliance on art, take in facing the problems of our dwelling together on one planet-the moral direction that the spiritual and republican influences on the establishment of ours.



'Civil Rights Webquest'
Rosa Parks
1. Besides being a seamstress, what other role did Rosa Parks have?

2. How long did the Montgomery Bud Boycott last?



Question 1: she worked to help get homeless people off the streets

Question 2:The boycott lasted 381 days

hope this helps pls mark brainleist <3


1. She was an active member of the NAACP and worked for Congressman John Conyers, helping the homeless find housing.

2. 381 days

(I think those are right...)

People make sense of their world through an understanding of everyday rules.This view is expressed by



This view is expressed by Marxists

The ways in which Asian economies have changed the global trade scenario in the last few years.



The US economy is a service-based, market economy that has government regulation. Many other countries have market economies, but have little to none government oversight and aregoods manufacturing based, like many countries in South America. On the other hand we have command-like economies that are primarily government run and monitored, they are also more goods manufacturing based, like China. Asian countries have changed the game of global economics. China uses its resources to produce goods at the cheapest possible price, which attracts foreign business, including the US. This has led to major outsourcing of blue-collar jobs. China impacts our trade deficit more than anything, because they get GDP credit for the goods, even if the company is American.


Sorry if this isn't what your looking for.

Which country was a leader of the communist nations during the Cold War?


United States

Soviet Union



The Sovit Union was the leader during the Cold War


Soviet Union


so true

Which president set the goal of sending Americans to the moon?
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Dwight D. Eisenhower
John F. Kennedy
Lyndon B. Johnson


I believe the answer is Kennedy ^^


C, John f. Kennedy


Hope It is Useful

Cyberbullying is gaining popularity online because bullies recognize benefits of doing it that way rather than in person. What are some of the reasons mentioned in the article by Thompson


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to include the article by Thompson. Without the article, we do not know what is ist content. Just you.

However, trying to help you with some good ideas, we can share the following based on general terms.

Cyberbullying is gaining popularity online because bullies recognize the benefits of doing it that way rather than in person. It gives them the anonymity that hides behind a social media user's name and this can be considered cowardice.

It is important that teachers and parents continue to monitor this issue of cyberbullying so they can identify and punish the students that like to use this misconduct.

Organizing an awareness campaign against cyberbullying could accomplish many positive things.

Indeed, cyberbullying affects students in many ways, not only physically or emotionally but academically too.

The consequences are diverse but the impact is similar.

Let's see physical intimidation first.

Bullying can harm other students. It can be light damage or serious harm, depending on the aggression. Whatever the kind of bullying action -hitting, pushing, tripping- it causes serious trauma to the victim.

Emotionally, victims of bullying feel the consequences in that bullying destroys their confidence. Victims of bullying feel impotence because they can defend themselves or answer the aggression back. This creates many bad emotions that affect students emotionally and mentally.

So yes. A campaign to stop cyberbullying is a great idea.

What is statistics? And census?​



A census studies every member of a population. ... Basically, a parameter contains information about everyone in the population while a statistic only tells you something about a small part of that population (How to tell the difference between a statistic and a parameter).



Statistics is the science concerned with developing and studying methods for collecting, analyzing, interpreting and presenting empirical data. Statistics is a highly interdisciplinary field; research in statistics finds applicability in virtually all scientific fields and research questions in the various scientific fields motivate the development of new statistical methods and theory. 


Census, an enumeration of people, houses, firms, or other important items in a country or region at a particular time. Used alone, the term usually refers to a population census—the type to be described in this article. However, many countries take censuses of housing, manufacturing, and agriculture.

I hope this answer is happy for you if you want you can shorten this

The Earth's climate is defined as the average weather over a long period of time.
Earth has three main climate zones: tropical, temperate, and polar. These zones can
be further divided into smaller zones, each with its own specific climate. Which
continents are in the polar climate zone?
Antarctica and Alaska
Europe and Asia
Nassau and Jamaica
Australia and California



Europe and Asia


Antartica is also one but Alaska is not a continent.


B.Europe and AsiaNassau and JamaicaAustralia and California


Hopes this helps. Mark as brainlest plz!

The blades of a wind turbine are at rest until the movement of air causes the blades to spin , which energy transformation happens when the blades are spinning as shown ?



mechanical energy


The spinning blades turn a coil of wire inside a generator that is directly behind the blades. The generator changes the mechanical energy of the moving blades into electrical energy.

Which statements describe achievements of Justinian's reign? Choose three correct answers. Woman gained rights because of the laws. The Eastern and Western Roman Empires were reunited. The capital city was moved from Rome to Constantinople. Bridges and aqueducts throughout Constantinople were repaired. Many pieces of mosaic art were created throughout Constantinople.



Woman gained rights because of the laws.

Bridges and aqueducts throughout Constantinople were repaired.

Many pieces of mosaic art were created throughout Constantinople.


Justinian I became the emperor of the Byzantine Empire from 527 to 565. Justinian is remembered for Corpus Juris Civilis. During his reign, Justinian restructured the government of the Byzantine Empire. Women got their rights under the law which allowed them to inherit property. Justinian had a passion for the arts and for religion which allowed him to built the Hagia Sophia. He built churches,  bridges, dams, and fortifications throughout the empire.






right on edge 2021

is India a western country​


no, India is not a western country ^^

Was the destruction of the Native America Way of life inevitable or could it have been prevented?


Of course it could have been prevented! The settler from England and Europe just came to the Americas, claimed the land for themselves even though there were already people living there, and they destroyed the natives!!! I just think that it is so awful what the settlers did to the Native Americans. They could have made peace with them and asked to live in the Americas, or choose to share the land with the natives. But did they do that? NO! Instead the settlers destroyed the native’s land, culture, and people. My hear goes out to all the Native Americans who were killed even though they did nothing wrong. I hope one day we will live in a world where race doesn’t matter between people. Because in the end we are all the same. We are all humans! :)
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