What is the equation of a circle with center (-2,3) and radius 4? A. (x + 2)2 +- 3)2 = 16 O B. (x + 2)2 + (y - 3)2 = 4 O C. (x-2)2 + (y + 3)2 = 16 D. (x + 2)2 = (y - 3)2 = 16​


Answer 1

(x+2)^2 + (y-3)^2 = 4^2

(x+2)^2 + (y-3)^2 = 16

Related Questions

What is 147% as a simplified fraction



= 1 47/100

100 is the percent out of

and 147 is the percent.



Step-by-step explanation:

Find the GCD (or HCF) of numerator and denominator

GCD of 147 and 100 is 1

Divide both the numerator and denominator by the GCD

147 ÷ 1

100 ÷ 1

Reduced fraction:  

147/ 100

147/100 simplified to lowest terms is 147/100.

SOMEONE HELP PLEASE!! Dawn was driving at a steady speed of 67 mph for 10 minutes. How far did she travel in that time?​



distance = 11.1666 miles  (round to 11.1667)

11.1667 mi

How I solved it:

Well, I knew that in one hour, she would go 67 miles.

I then divided the hour into 6 sections (10 min, 20 min, 30, 40, 50 and 60)

So, we divide 67/6

and our answer is 11.1666 (round to 11.1667)

17521 rounded to the significant figure


Hello! Your answer will be 17521. If you have any more questions or if I interpreted the answer wrong and you need a new one, let me know!



split it into two rectangles
area = length x width
7 x 6 = 42
3 x 11 = 33
42 + 33 = 75 cm^2

Which of the following angles is NOT congruent to 6?




Step-by-step explanation:

We can see that 7 is equal to 6, as opposite angles are the same.

We can also see that 2 is also 6, as corresponding angles are equivalent.

Therefore, 3 is also congruent to 6, as it is equal to 2.

Hope that this helps!

What is the midpoint of the line with endpoints (3,-2) and (-3,6)


(0, 2)

Step-by-step explanation:

The coordinates of the midpoint of a line segment is given by

[(x2 + x1)/2 , (y2 + y1)/2]

Let P1 = (3, -2) and P2 = (-3, 6)


(1/2)(x2 + x1) = (1/2)[(-3) + 3] = 0


(1/2)(y2 + y1) = (1/2)[6 + (-2)] = 2

Therefore, the coordinates of the midpoint whose endpoints are (3, -2) and (-3, 6) are

(0, 2)

Tala drives 8 miles to work each day. how many miles does she drive to work in 83 days?


Answer: 664

Step-by-step explanation:

Take the amount of days, and multiply it by the miles per day


8 x 83 = 664 miles

Hope this helps!! (^_^)

Single Factor ANOVA is a method we use when we want to compare a quantitative variable among more than two categories.

a. True
b. False



The given statement is "True".

Step-by-step explanation:

A statistical analytical technique that divides the perceived aggregate unpredictability present throughout an information source even further into 2 components.

Systemic components Random components

If relevant information yet another category independent variable, as well as another quantifiable variable of interest, has been obtained, are using a single-way ANOVA.

Thus the above is the true answer.

The two-way frequency table below shows the results taken from a survey of 500 randomly selected
adults aged 25 to 49. They were surveyed on their preference between two brands of pasta sauces. In
another survey of people aged 25-49, a total of 400 people preferred Sauce B. Based on the data
below, how many of those 400 people would be expected to be age 40-44?



Step-by-step explanation:

bc you have 25 to49 adults divide and subtracts & you get 242 , hope this helps !

83 people out of 400 people would be expected to be age 40-44.

What is probability?

Probability is the likelihood that an event will occur and is calculated by dividing the number of favorable outcomes by the total number of possible outcomes.

As, 400 people choose sauce B.

In the given table there 302 people who choose sauce B, in which 63 people belongs to group 40-44

So, 63/302= x/400



Hence, 83 people out of 400 belongs to group 40-44 who choose sauce B.

Learn more about probability here:



Explain how your process for solving life’s problems is similar or different from solving math problems.



in life problem I solve in my head and not on paper. I enter life's problems calmly and carefully know I can solve them but in math I erase and cry and almost tear my paper apart. someone else can solve your math problem but not your life problem.

Solve the following system of equations using an inverse matrix. You must also indicate the inverse matrix, A^{-1},A
−1, that was used to solve the system. You may optionally write the inverse matrix with a scalar coefficient.


A1=[ ? ] x= ? y=?
















Step-by-step explanation:

The x-intercepts are (83, 0), and the y-intercepts are (0, 4). Matrixes, like numbers, have reciprocals. In the world of matrices, this reciprocal is known as a "inverse matrix."

What is the inverse matrix?

The concept of a matrix's inverse is a multidimensional generalization of the concept of a number's reciprocal: just as the product of a number and its inverse equals one, the product of an identity matrix and a square matrix equals one.

A A-1 = A-1 A = I because the identity matrix I is the inverse of a matrix. An invertible matrix is one that has a non-zero determinant and can have its inverse determined. Finding the inverse of a 2x3 matrix is impossible because it is not a square matrix.

Response: (8 3, 0) are the x-intercepts.

(0, 4 ) are the y-intercepts.


-3 x-2 y=-8

Add 2 y to both sides

-3 x-2 y+2 y = -8+2 y


[tex]$$-3 x=-8+2 y$$[/tex]

Divide both sides by -3

[tex]$$\frac{-3 x}{-3}=-\frac{8}{-3}+\frac{2 y}{-3}$$[/tex]


[tex]$$x=-\frac{-8+2 y}{3}$$[/tex]

Response: (8 3, 0) are the x-intercepts.

(0, 4 ) are the y-intercepts.

To learn more about inverse matrix refer to:



Do you think this fish is a gram or kilogram ??


Where is the image?

A roll of tissue paper towels has the given dimensions. Determine, to the nearest hundred, the volume of the roll


*see attachement for the diagram of the tissue paper


Volume of the roll = 3,817.04 cm³

Step-by-step explanation:

The diagram of the roll of the tissue paper given is a model of two cylinders:

✔️Bigger cylinder with diameter (d) of 14 cm and height of 27 cm

✔️ Smaller/inner cylinder with diameter (d) of 4 cm and height of 27 cm


The Volume of the roll = volume of bigger cylinder - volume of smaller cylinder

✔️Volume of bigger cylinder = πr²h

r = ½(14) = 7 cm

h = 27 cm

Volume of bigger cylinder = π*7²*27

= 4156.33 cm³

✔️Volume of smaller/inner cylinder = πr²h

r = ½(4) = 2 cm

h = 27 cm

Volume of smaller/inner cylinder = π*2²*27

= 339.29 cm³

✅The Volume of the roll = 4156.33 - 339.29 = 3,817.04 cm³

Four times the difference of a number and 16.




Step-by-step explanation:


A helicopter pad has a circumference of 47.5 yards. Find the approximate diameter of the helicopter pad. Use 3.14 for π.



15.1 yd

Step-by-step explanation:

Since the circumference formula is C = πd, d = C/π

and in this case d = (47.5 yd) / 3.14 = 15.1 yd

The approximate diameter of the pad is 15.1 yd.

The approximate diameter of the helicopter pad is,

⇒ d = 15.12 yards

What is mean by Circle?

The circle is a closed two dimensional figure , in which the set of all points is equidistance from the center.

Given that;

A helicopter pad has a circumference of 47.5 yards.


We know that;

Circumference of circle = 2πr

Hence, We get;

⇒ 47.5 = 2 × 3.14 × r

⇒ 47.5 = 6.28r

⇒ r = 47.5 / 6.28

⇒ r = 7.56

Thus, the approximate diameter of the helicopter pad is,

⇒ d = 2r

⇒ d = 2 × 17.56

⇒ d = 15.12 yards

Learn more about the circle visit:



[2x(3+5)+6]x4 what is the value of this expression




Step-by-step explanation:







Step-by-step explanation:

to solve these kind of questions use BODMAS

1. Jake is filling up the fish tank below completely with water. How many
cubic feet of water will he need?


Multiply them all together to get the answer 0.875 ft cubed please mark me brainliest

2. The perimeter of a rectangular board is 24 cm. If its length is 9 cm and its width is one
third of its length, what is its width?

please answer this i follow and like and rate​


TktJe viens de Lille
The width would be 3

help im giving brainliest to the person who helps me with both questions! :)





Step-by-step explanation:

Mara spins this spinner and rolls one six-sided die. What is the probability of spinning a 3 and rolling a 3 on the die?
(Photo above) Pls help ​



2/12 if the spinner has 6 chooses. I think sorry if I'm wrong

Step-by-step explanation:

If AC = 26, find BC.



I think it's 20 or maybe 18 not sure.




the second one is the largest

Step-by-step explanation:

A bag contains 56 marbles: 7 red, green, 11 yellow, 17 brown, and 13 blue.
If a marble is chosen at random, what is the probability that the marble is green?




Step-by-step explanation:

Add up all other marble colors then find the difference from the total.



Step-by-step explanation:

there are 8 green marbles out of 56 so the probability would be 8/56 which simpliefies to 1/7 or 14.285714%

Help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



only one of the side is a 4 so the answer is 6/6 -1/6=5/6

6/6-1/6=5/6 hope this helped

evaluate -3x³-4x for x=-1​




Step-by-step explanation:

Sub -1 in for each x:






The answer is to your question is 7

What is the solution to the equation below round your answer to two decimal decimal places log4 x=2.1
A. x=8.40
B. x=18.38
C. x=8.17
D. x=19.45




Step-by-step explanation:

log4x = 2.1

logx/log4 = 2.1

logx = log(4) x 2.1

logx = 1.264

x = 10^(1.264)

x = 18.38 (to two d.p)

Find the probability of getting heads 2 times in a row, then rolling a 6 sided die and getting
either a 1 or 6.




Step-by-step explanation:

The probability of rolling a die and landing it on heads is 1/2 percent. Flipping the coin another time and landing it on heads is 1/4 percent because you need to multiply when doing probabilities, so 1/2 times 1/2 equals 1/4.

Now moving on, rolling a 6 sided die and getting either a 1 or 6 is 1/3 percent because 1 and 6 are two different numbers you can roll so it's 2/6, and when it's simplified, it's 1/3.

After doing that, to find the probability of the whole equation, you would need to multiply 1/4 times 1/3 which would give you 1/12 as your answer.

A student drops a penny of a house that is 16 feet tall if the equation of height as a function is h(t)= -16t2 + initial height where t is time in seconds and h(t) is height in feet, how many seconds will it take for the penny to hit the ground



Step-by-step explanation:

the correct answer is 1 second

The time it will take for the penny to hit the ground is 1 second.

What is a linear equation?

A linear equation has one or two variables.No variable in a linear equation is raised to a power greater than 1.No variable is used as the denominator of a fraction.

A linear equation is defined as an equation that is written in the form of ax+by=c. When solving the system of linear equations, we will get the values of the variable, which is called the solution of a linear equation.

solving this we will get the valve of Y if x is given.


Given initial feight= 16 feet

h(t)= -16t2 + initial height

for 1 second

⇒ h(1)= -16(1)2 +16

⇒ h = -32 +16

⇒ h = -16 ( 16 feet downward i.e penny will tough the ground)

Learn more about linear equations here:-https://brainly.com/question/14323743


how to find the volume of this cube


The answer is b because volume=length x width x height

what is a name for the angle below do not include



see below

Step-by-step explanation:

There are several ways to name the angle

They all must include the vertex






Step-by-step explanation:

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