what is the driving force behind european imperialism in africa, according to these two sources?


Answer 1

The driving force behind european imperialism in africa, according to these two sources is economics; the need for resources and technological advances.

African history was permanently altered in 1800 when Europe began its imperialism so-called "Scramble for Africa" to conquer the continent. In order to demonstrate their racial supremacy and take use of its abundant natural resources, Europeans who thought they were superior were on a mission to civilize the world. Controlling more remote lands to secure raw materials and a market for one's goods became a matter of prestige for industrializing European states.

These nations desired to expand across Africa in quest of raw materials for their industries due to the economic rise of England, France, the Kingdom of Italy, and the German Empire. In a lucrative trade in which England, Spain, France, and Denmark engaged, they used Africa as a source of slave labor.

Learn more about Imperialism in africa at https://brainly.com/question/1018328?


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what percentage of women in the united states work and have a child under 6 years of age?
a. Over 66%
b. 50%
c. 33%
d. 25%


Over 66% of women in the United States work and have a child under 6 years of age.

Working mothers are a tough bunch who are used to balancing job obligation and family time with ease. Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, they had been gradually improving at work. However, the difficulties of the previous year have caused many to question if all of the frantic work has been worthwhile.

Employers cannot afford to overlook or downplay the struggles that millions of women are already experiencing, since working mothers made up roughly a third of the female workforce in the United States in 2020.

The employees who are most impacted by the pandemic can be retained if businesses act quickly to create a more accommodating and compassionate workplace, and they can foster a climate where working mothers are given an equal chance to succeed.

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Why were Americans focused on events in Cuba in the 1890s?




The violent conflict in Cuba captured the attention of Americans because of the economic and political instability that it produced in a region within such close geographical proximity to the United States.

since turning 18, lizbeth has believed it to be her responsibility to vote in every presidential election. like many voters, her voting decisions reflect the fact that she is myopic. this means that lizbeth:


Her voting decisions reflect the fact that she is myopic. This means that lizbeth is a responsible citizen.

They are choosing a slate of electors who have vowed to back a specific candidate. No state or the federal government may restrict or deny any citizen who is 18 years of age or older their ability to vote on the grounds of their age. The Congress will have the authority to enact the necessary laws to enforce this article.

The five main factors influencing voting behavior are social identities, party identification, incumbent performance, policy issues, and candidate characteristics.

It is crucial because without it, voters would not have the ability to select the leaders of their nation. It is also a huge duty. Voters are not fulfilling their civic duty by not casting a ballot.

To know more about Voters here



5. Gabrielle, the owner of an apartment building, claimed that Antonio, one of her tenants, did not pay rent for six months. She said Antonio owed her $4,800. The case was heard before a court in Georgia. After both sides presented their arguments, the judge rendered a verdict in favor of Antonio because Gabrielle could not produce a contract stating the amount owed. Gabrielle filed an appeal of the decision because she believed the judge ruled incorrectly.


Gabrielle's appeal decision may be rejected.

What will happen if Gabrielle loses the appeal ruling?

Signed documentation is required if you receive something, whether it is monetary, an item, services, or a rental property. In addition, billing statements serve as proof that you owe money. Courts accept these documents as proof that a transaction took place. This also applies to rental enterprises. Gabrielle should have given Antonio a signed billing statement as proof that he owed money for his rent. Aside from that, the billing statement should carry Antonio's signature as proof that he received it and is aware of his duties. These, together with receipts, might be shown in court and would significantly reinforce Gabrielle's case that Antonio is not paying.

To learn more about monetary, click



an alternative to child removal is _______, in which a child protective services worker is able to leave the child with the offending family and provide support and frequent visits.


An alternative to child removal is in-home supervision, in which a child protective services worker is able to leave the child with the offending family and provide support and frequent visits.

Exploring In-Home Supervision as an Alternative to Child Removal

In-home supervision is an alternative to child removal, in which a child protective services worker is able to leave the child with the offending family and provide support and frequent visits. This type of arrangement allows for the child to remain with their family, while also ensuring that the child remains safe and that their welfare is being monitored. During in-home supervision, the worker will visit the family on a regular basis to ensure that they are following the safety plan and to provide support and resources.

Learn more about Family: https://brainly.com/question/12397063


the legal requirement that professionals notify appropriate authorities about cases in which children and certain other groups of vulnerable individuals are being abused is referred to as


The legal requirement that professionals notify appropriate authorities about cases in which children and certain other groups of vulnerable individuals are being abused is referred to as mandatory reporting laws.

Authority is the legitimate permission or proper to behave, often on behalf of any other. Authority will also be someone or an organization that has energy over some other character. Authority as an employer is the power to act on behalf of another; the electricity is delegated by using a primary to an agent.

Examples of traditional authority encompass kings, sultans, emperors, the male head of a household, and others. Monarchies, oligarchies, theocracies, and a few autocracies are exact examples of entities that are headed by a person with conventional authority, and if you look hard sufficient you could find other examples as well.

Learn more about Authority here:



Why are tariffs sometimes a response to subsidies?


Tariffs raise the cost of imported goods in comparison to domestic goods (good produced at home). Another common trade barrier is a government subsidy to a specific domestic industry. Subsidies make those goods less expensive to produce than they would be in foreign markets. As a result, the domestic price is lower.

A tariff is a tax on imported goods that is intended to limit trade while also raising revenue. A quota is a quantitative restriction placed on an imported product. A trade subsidy to a domestic manufacturer lowers domestic costs while limiting imports.

A subsidy tends to lower prices for domestic consumers by making domestic goods cheaper, whereas a tariff tends to raise prices for domestic consumers by making imported goods more expensive.

Learn more about subsidies and Tariffs to visit this link



Who was the most likely audience for this campaign poster? bankers laborers parents soldiers


B: 'laborers' were the most likely audience for this campaign poster.

A campaign poster is an exceptional means to expose the message to the target audience. Campaign poster offers a strong strategy with mesmerizing graphic designs to deliver the message to the targeted audience. As such is the case with the given campaign poster whereby laborers are most likely to be a target audience. The given campaign poster is an attempt to influence the decision-making progress across the various group of laborers.

You can learn more about poster campaign at






correct on edge 2023

defined by miles as ""a requirement of the activities of one subunit that is affected by the activities of other subunits"" is a _________.


Defined by miles as ""a requirement of the activities of one subunit that is affected by the activities of other subunits"" is a Contingency.

According to the contingency, commonly referred to as the situational approach to management theory, situational factors can influence the connections between dependent and independent variables in the workplace, which will impact employee behaviour, motivation, and effectiveness. The particular organization's specific contingency variables must be taken into account in order to successfully analyse organisational data and increase employee motivation.

According to the contingency , using organisational behaviour data to benefit employees and foster a productive workplace requires a tailored strategy. An organisational theory known as contingency theory holds that there is no one optimum method to run a business, structure a team, or make choices.

To know more about Contingency visit:



into what two categories do perelman and olbrechts-tyteca divide the starting points of argumentation?


Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca divide the starting points of argumentation into the two categories of “the real” and “the preferable.”

They list well-established facts, generally held beliefs, and unquestionable commitments called presumptions under the first section, "the real" as per perelman and olbrechts-tyteca.

They group shared values, values organised into hierarchies, and arguments on the preferable under the category of "the preferable."

The meticulous examination that occurs when one person directly confronts another is helpful in determining if our arguments are prepared for appeal to the global audience.

Argumentation in front of just one listener makes a unique claim to reasonableness and offers an additional test for arguments.

If our arguments hold up in front of a single, attentive critic, they might be prepared to withstand scrutiny from a larger audience.

To know more about audience, visit:



how are the musical practices of the new youth choirs in ethiopia a significant departure from traditional church practices? group of answer choices songs are strophic hymns rather than traditional chants. each of these answers is correct. they are dominated by women. they sing in the amharic language rather than ge'ez.


The musical traditions of Ethiopia's new youth choirs differ significantly from conventional church practices because they sing in Amharic rather than ge'ez. Option D is correct.

What is the traditional church practice?

Certain Christian belief systems are practiced throughout religious year, such as praying a daily prayer book during Arrival, erecting a Santa Claus during Christmastide, fasting all through Lent, hamming the door on Realization Day, flashing palms on Palm Sunday, eating extras all through Eastertide, and so on.

The musical histories of Ethiopia's new youth choirs diverge greatly from traditional church practices because they sing in Languages rather than ge'ez.

Therefore, option D is correct.

Learn more about the church practices, refer to:



what are some of the reasons for conflict between the law and justice party and the european union?



1. The European Union's commitment to free trade, while the Law and Justice Party is more protectionist.

2. The European Union's open-door policy towards refugees and migrants, while the Law and Justice Party's stance is more restrictive.

3. The European Union's commitment to human rights, while the Law and Justice Party is more authoritarian.

4. The European Union's environmental policies, while the Law and Justice Party is more focused on economic growth.

5. The European Union's focus on democracy, while the Law and Justice Party is more inclined towards a strong central government.

6. The European Union's support for LGBT rights, while the Law and Justice Party is more conservative.

7. The European Union's commitment to a unified European identity, while the Law and Justice Party favors a Polish first approach.


niyah is working with her professor to evaluate cognitive changes that occur throughout middle adulthood. the study participants they have chosen are divided into groups reflecting their ages. they plan to repeat this test once a year over the next 10 years. what type of research design are they using?


They are using cross-sequential type of research design about their work on evaluate cognitive changes that occur throughout middle adulthood.

"Creative and methodical activity undertaken to improve the reservoir of knowledge" is what research is. It entails gathering, organising, and analysing data in order to better understand a subject, and is distinguished by a specific focus on identifying and eliminating sources of bias and inaccuracy. Accounting and bias control are features of these operations. A research project could be a development of prior fieldwork. Research could duplicate parts of earlier studies or the entire project to check the reliability of instruments, processes, or experiments. While there are parallels across the various definitions of research, it doesn't seem like there is one universal definition that all those who engage in it agree upon.

learn more about research here



in an effective evaluation, which element would follow this statement? a summary of niemand's claim text evidence from niemand's argument a restatement of giovanna's evaluation the name and source of niemand's article


Giovanna's examination is best continued with text evidence supporting Niemand's claim. Option (B) is correct.

Giovanna must first articulate her opinion before offering evidence from the article she is assessing in order to substantiate it in her review. She can then defend her position and attempt to persuade readers that she is right to hold the viewpoint that she does.

Niemand's assumption that "climate change is not affected by human activity," as Giovanna stated, has previously been exposed. Thus, we are aware of the topic of his article. Giovanna, however, felt that his claims were unsupported. She needs to provide specific passages from Niemand's argument in order for readers to comprehend why she holds that opinion.

Learn more about niemand's visit: brainly.com/question/29570385


Correct Question:

Read this passage from Giovanna's evaluation of an argument claiming that climate change is not affected by human activity. Niemand's article on climate change in the editorial section of today's newspaper offers a weak argument. His reasoning consists of little more than unsubstantiated assertions that climate change is not affected by human activity.

In an effective evaluation, which element would follow this statement?

A. a summary of Niemand's claim

B. text evidence from Niemand's argument

C. a restatement of Giovanna's evaluation

D. the name and source of Niemand's article

Look at the poster. poster from the us navy for women volunteers. the contrast of the white print on the red background is most designed to ______.


On the poster, the contrast of the white print on the red background is designed to capture attention.

Red is the color that is mostly used to capture attention as red color stands out very prominently in comparison to other colors. It is considered a marketing tool to use dark colors, especially red in commercials and advertisements. During World War II, the US posters tried to convey some particular messages, it was a very common way to make use of some specific color. As in the attached poster, the use of the red color in a big block next to the picture of the two women along with the spatial distribution of elements attracts and appeals to the attention of the people and delivers the message of importance and urgency to help their country.

You can learn more about poster from the us navy at



In the event of a skyjacking, you should immediately attempt to subdue the skyjackers.t/f


FALSE. In the event of a skyjac-king, you should not attempt to subdue the skyjackers.

The goal of level 1 anti-ter-ror-ism scenario training is to increase awareness of te-rr-ori-sm, enhance the capacity to use personal safety precautions, provide appropriate reactions to situation-based terrorist threat actions, and comprehend fundamental security measures.

Te-rror-ism is the deliberate use of unlawful force or the thr-eat of unlawful force to sow terror in governments or societies in order to coerce or intimidate them into pursuing goals that are typically political, religious, or ideological.


Anticipate: Foresee potential risks and take precautions.

Watch out: Keep an eye out for shifting circumstances and questionable behaviour.

Avoid becoming prey: Be secretive, restrict access, and unpredictable

React and Report: React appropriately and report any thr-eat-ening or suspicious behaviour.

developed to boost.

To know more about Anti terrorism:



creosote inc. operates a plant—a "major source"—that emits hazardous air pollutants for which the environmental protection agency has set maximum levels of emission. the plant does not use equipment to reduce its emissions. under the clean air act, this is most likely.
a. a violation.
b. not a violation because a "major source" is exempt.
c. not a violation because the plant does not use any equipment.
d. not a violation because the plant is not a mobile source.


The plant does not use equipment to reduce its emissions. under the clean air act, this is most likely a violation. Hence, option A is correct.

The major federal law governing air quality in the United States, known as the Clean Air Act, aims to lower and regulate air pollution on a national scale. One of the first and most important modern environmental laws in the United States, it was initially passed in 1963 and has subsequently undergone numerous amendments. Infractions are punishable by civil fines of up to $45,268 for each non-compliant vehicle or engine, $4,527 for each tampering incident or sale of a defeat device, and $45,268 for each day the violation continues.

In a newly inserted section 135 of the Clean Air Act, the measure reiterates the agency's responsibility to regulate greenhouse gases and allots $87 million "to guarantee that reductions in greenhouse gas emissions are achieved via use of existing authority."

To know more about clean air act: https://brainly.com/question/10254492


Explain how the principle of Popular Sovereignty arose from the grievances issued against the King of England.


Popular sovereignty is a doctrine rooted in the belief that each citizen has sovereignty over themselves. Citizens may unite and offer to delegate a portion of their sovereign powers and duties to those who wish to serve as officers of the state, contingent on the officers agreeing to serve according to the will of the people.


it pertains to the extension of slavery to the territories in the antebellum era


what compliance regulation applies specifically to the educational records maintained by schools about students


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) applies specifically to the educational records maintained by schools about students.

A federal statute that safeguards the privacy of student education records is known as FERPA . Every school that receives funding from a relevant U.S. Department of Education programme is subject to the law. According to FERPA, parents have certain rights regarding the educational records of their children. When a pupil turns 18 or enrols in a post-high school institution, these rights become their own. "Eligible students" are those to whom the rights have been transferred. The ability to access and evaluate the student's education records kept by the school is available to parents and eligible students.

To know more about Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act:



amazonians shone bright during another record-breaking turkey 5. once again,, customers around the world turned to amazon to deliver holiday cheer. what was one of the best-selling items?


Amazon has consistently demonstrated that in e-commerce, "title holder" prevails. The online juggernaut has made a name for itself as the main place to start an e-commerce search.

In terms of Christmas growth, Amazon routinely pulls ahead of the competition. The second period of the year typically sees the company increase its share of US e-commerce by 2 to 3 points, partly due to the success of Prime Day here in July and strong holiday sales.

As a result, many customers resorted to the dependable brick-and-mortar shops who had switched to internet business. By October, approximately 80% of the top 50 US retailers with physical stores offered pick-up/drop-off for online orders, thus according Bain analysis.

To know more about Amazon



The u.s. supreme court enabled which government practices to continue in its ruling in plessy v. ferguson?


Plessy v. Ferguson legitimized racial segregation by providing it constitutional protection, which enhanced it in all public spaces and services across the United States for more than 50 years.

On that day, the Court issued its "separate but equal" ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson, upholding the state's imposition of Jim Crow laws. It was used as the official explanation for racial segregation in the US for the next 50 years.

The Supreme Court's ruling, in this case, upheld a Louisiana state law that allowed "equal but separate facilities for the white and colored races." Black Americans were given political rights by three Constitutional amendments, as well as through additional legislation passed by Congress during the Reconstruction era.

In Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537 (1896), the U.S. Supreme Court established the "separate but equal" concept, ruling that racial segregation laws were acceptable as long as they ensured equal access to facilities.

To learn more about Plessy v. Ferguson



which event motivated president ronald reagan to appoint an advisory panel on combating the aids epidemic in 1985?


The death of actor Rock Hudson from AIDS motivated president Ronald Reagan to appoint an advisory panel on combating the aids epidemic in 1985.

From 1981 to 1989, Ronald Wilson Reagan, a politician from the United States, presided as the country's 40th president. Following a career as a Hollywood actor and union organiser, he joined the Republican Party in 1962 and served as California's 33rd governor from 1967 to 1975. Ronald Reagan established the President's Commission on the HIV Epidemic in 1987 to look into the AIDS pandemic. In honour of James D. Watkins, who served as chairman when the committee released its final report in 1988, it is also known as the Watkins Commission.

Learn more about Ronald Reagan here:



the partys goals related to important issues are called


A political party platform (in the United States), party program, or party manifesto (preferential term in the United Kingdom and often Commonwealth English) is a formal set of principle goals supported by a political party or individual candidate in order to appeal to the general public, with the ultimate goal of winning elections.

What was the primary purpose of the Democratic Party?

The Democratic Party (whose logo is a donkey) typically symbolizes left-wing, liberal, and progressive ideological views, arguing for a strong government to control industry and support for US residents. As a result, one of the key concepts emphasized by Democrats is social responsibility.

To learn more about the manifesto, click



which therapy focuses heavily on creating an accepting and supportive environment for self-discovery?


Person-centered therapy focuses closely on developing an accepting and supportive surroundings for self-discovery.

Humanistic and person-centered therapy, like psychoanalysis, involves a largely unstructured conversation between the therapist and the patient.

Unlike psychoanalysis, though, a therapist using PCT takes a passive role, guiding the affected person towards his or her personal self-discovery.

What is an instance of person-centered therapy?

Having an accurate self-concept (the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs humans have about themselves) is key to client-centered therapy. For example, a person can also think about himself helpful to others but regularly places his very own desires earlier than the needs of others.

Increase self-acceptance and self-esteem. Personal boom and self-expression. Minimize bad emotions (such as defensiveness, regret, guilt, insecurity) Better understanding and have confidence in oneself.

Learn more about person-centered therapy here:


what type of psychologist would study the processes through which students go through in committing to memory information from a textbook? a. biological b. cognitive c. psychoanalytic d. behavioral


A cognitive psychologist would research the steps pupils use to commit material from textbooks to memory. Here option B is the correct answer.

According to cognitive psychology, there is a process of mediation between stimulus/input and response/output. The mediational event might include problem-solving, memory, perception, or attention, among other things.

For example, cognitive psychologists can utilize their knowledge of the brain to help persons with learning difficulties, brain damage, and Alzheimer's disease.

The internal processes of the mind, such as perception, memory, learning, and language, are studied by cognitive psychologists. They are curious about how people think about, recognize, and resolve problems as well as how they form opinions.

To learn more about cognitive psychology



Role _______ is experienced when individuals have inadequate information concerning their roles.


Role ambiguity is experienced when individuals have inadequate information concerning their roles.

This occurs when individuals do not have enough clarity over their roles and responsibilities in a particular situation or organization.

Completion of the statement: Role ambiguity

Role ambiguity occurs when individuals are unclear on the expectations of them in a particular situation or organization. This can lead to confusion and reduced motivation and performance, as individuals may not be sure of what exactly they should be doing.

Role ambiguity can be addressed by providing clear job descriptions and expectations, as well as providing support and feedback to ensure that individuals understand their roles. Additionally, offering regular training and development programs can help to reinforce expectations and reduce ambiguity.

Learn more about Role ambiguity: https://brainly.com/question/3063470


Raza's ability to complete activities efficiently and effectively with and through other people is known as ________.


Raza's ability to complete activities efficiently and effectively with and through other people is known as management skill.

What is management skill?

Management skills are the knowledge and ability of the individuals in a managerial position to fulfil some specific management activities or tasks. This knowledge and ability can be learned and practiced. However, they also can be obtained through practical implementation of needed activities and tasks.

Management skills include things such as business planning, decision-making, problem-solving, communication, delegation, and time management. The three types of management skills are technical skills, conceptual skills, and human or interpersonal management skills.

The most important management skill is the ability to build good relationships with people at all levels.

Learn more about management skill at: https://brainly.com/question/4418916


a neutral third party who is hired to help parties work through their problems and arrive at a mutually acceptable solution is a


A mediator is a neutral third party who is appointed to assist parties in resolving their conflict and finding a solution that is acceptable to both sides.

Through the use of alternative dispute resolution procedures, a neutral third party can assist parties who are involved in a disagreement in reaching a resolution.

The two main ADR methods are arbitration and mediation.

In arbitration, a neutral third party acts as a judge who is responsible for resolving the dispute. In mediation, they attempt to assist disputants in reaching a resolution on their own.

An effective interest-based mediator will be quick to pick up the technical expertise required to discuss the issue.

More importantly, an interest-based mediator can assess the importance of the conflict to each party and the potential solutions they might be open to without fully comprehending the technical details of the issue.

To learn more about, Neutral Third Party , Click here:



how does the author establish the connection between free-thought and ralph waldo emerson?


Nature expresses Emerson's belief that each individual must develop a personal understanding of the universe.

Emerson’s ideals approximately self-reliance are changing nonsecular practices, encouraging Americans to stay and create their personal subculture and cognizance of man or woman advancement rather than society. He asserted that God and life simplest come inside the present. The unbiased man or woman, but, is connected with the existing and for this reason with the team spirit of the whole thing, in step with nature and his/her internal self.

Ralph Waldo Emerson is an American transcendentalist logician and essayist. He wrote a popular essay, “Self-Reliance”. This essay become written in 1841. It incorporates the most thorough announcement of Emerson that one has to be an incompatible individual. except, Emerson also wrote about other subjects, which include private duty, individualism, and non-conformity.

Learn more about Emerson's belief here: https://brainly.com/question/8966983


communicating in groups recommends that regardless of how you learned to speak in your family and neighborhood, you will benefit from conforming to the vocabulary and grammatical rules of standard u.s. english in mainstream business and educational communities. group startstrue or falsetrue, unselectedfalse


Speaking in groups advises that you will profit from adhering to the vocabulary and grammatical conventions of standard American English in professional and academic settings, regardless of how you learnt to talk in your family and community. So, it's true.

Without language, we wouldn't be nearly as brilliant as we are today because language is vital to our capacity for thought. Other languages are sign languages, where communication is done through hand motions. The most widely used sign language is American Sign Language (ASL), which has been regionally customized for usage in other nations. La Langue des Signes Québécoise (LSQ), another prevalent sign language in Canada, as well as the regional sign language known as Maritimes Sign Language (MSL).

Even though language is frequently used to convey instructions ("turn right at the next light and then go straight," "Place tab A into slot B," etc.), this is merely its most banal application. We can access knowledge that already exists, make conclusions, create and achieve goals, and comprehend and express intricate social interactions thanks to language.

Learn more about educational communities visit: brainly.com/question/29551757


Correct Question:

Communicating in groups recommends that regardless of how you learned to speak in your family and neighborhood, you will benefit from conforming to the vocabulary and grammatical rules of standard u.s. english in mainstream business and educational communities. State true or false.

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