What is the correct classification of the system of equations below?14x + 2y = 10y + 7x = -5A. parallelB. coincidentC. intersecting


Answer 1


14x + 2y = 10

y + 7x = -5


To tell which option is correct


14x + 2y = 10

y + 7x = -5

the given two lines intersect each other

Required answer:

Option C

Related Questions

Find cosθ, cotθ, and secθ, where θ is the angle shown in the figure. Give exact values, not decimal approximations.cosθ=cotθ=secθ=


First let's find the missing value of the hypotenuse:

[tex]\begin{gathered} c^2=a^2+b^2 \\ a=4 \\ b=5 \\ \Rightarrow c^2=(4)^2+(5)^2=16+25=41 \\ \Rightarrow c=\sqrt[]{41} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

we have that the hypotenuse equals sqrt(41). Now we can find the values of the trigonometric functions:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \cos (\theta)=\frac{adjacent\text{ side}}{hypotenuse} \\ \Rightarrow\cos (\theta)=\frac{4}{\sqrt[]{41}} \\ \sec (\theta)=\frac{1}{\cos (\theta)} \\ \Rightarrow\sec (\theta)=\frac{1}{\frac{4}{\sqrt[]{41}}}=\frac{\sqrt[]{41}}{4} \\ \tan (\theta)=\frac{opposite\text{ side}}{adjacent\text{ side}} \\ \Rightarrow\tan (\theta)=\frac{5}{4} \\ \cot (\theta)=\frac{1}{\tan (\theta)} \\ \Rightarrow\cot (\theta)=\frac{1}{\frac{5}{4}}=\frac{4}{5} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The sum of the measures of the angles of a triangle is 180. The sum of the measures of the second and third angles is nine times the measure of the first angle. The third angle is 26 more than the second let x,y, and z represent the measures of the first second and third angles, find the measures of the three angles



x = 18, y = 68, z = 94.


Set equations as per given details.

The sum of the measures of the angles of a triangle is 180:

x + y + z = 180                      (1)

The sum of the measures of the second and third angles is nine times the measure of the first angle:

y + z = 9x                             (2)

The third angle is 26 more than the second:

z = y + 26                            (3)


Substitute the second equation into first:

x + y + z = 180,y + z = 9x.

Solve for x:

x + 9x = 180,10x = 180,x = 18.

Substitute the value of x into second and solve for y:

y + z = 9x,y + z = 9*18,y + z = 162,y = 162 - z.

Solve the third equation for y:

z = y + 26,y = z - 26.

Compare the last two equations and find the value of z:

162 - z = z - 26,z + z = 162 + 26,2z = 188,z = 94.

Find the value of y:

y = 94 - 26,y = 68.


x = 18°

y = 68°

z = 94°

Step-by-step explanation:

Define the variables:

Let x represent the first angle.Let y represent the second angle.Let z represent the third angle.

Given information:

The sum of the measures of the angles of a triangle is 180°. The sum of the measures of the second and third angles is nine times the measure of the first angle. The third angle is 26 more than the second.

Create three equations from the given information:

[tex]\begin{cases}x+y+z=180\\\;\;\;\;\;\:\: y+z=9x\\\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\: z=26+y\end{cases}[/tex]

Substitute the third equation into the second equation and solve for x:

[tex]\implies y+(26+y)=9x[/tex]

[tex]\implies 2y+26=9x[/tex]

[tex]\implies x=\dfrac{2y+26}{9}[/tex]

Substitute the expression for x and the third equation into the first equation and solve for y:

[tex]\implies \dfrac{2y+26}{9}+y+26+y=180[/tex]

[tex]\implies \dfrac{2y+26}{9}+2y=154[/tex]

[tex]\implies \dfrac{2y+26}{9}+\dfrac{18y}{9}=154[/tex]

[tex]\implies \dfrac{2y+26+18y}{9}=154[/tex]

[tex]\implies \dfrac{20y+26}{9}=154[/tex]

[tex]\implies 20y+26=1386[/tex]

[tex]\implies 20y=1360[/tex]

[tex]\implies y=68[/tex]

Substitute the found value of y into the third equation and solve for z:

[tex]\implies z=26+68[/tex]

[tex]\implies z=94[/tex]

Substitute the found values of y and z into the first equation and solve for x:

[tex]\implies x+68+94=180[/tex]

[tex]\implies x=18[/tex]

Find the solution of the system of equations. 2x + 3y=-4 , x + 9y = 13


(-5, 2)

1) Solving this Linear System with the method of Addition/Elimination:

2x + 3y=-4

x + 9y = 13​ x-2 Multiply the whole equation by -2

2x +3y = -4

-2x -18y= -26


-15y= -30

15y= 30 Divide both sides by 15

y = 2

2) Plug into the simpler equation y=2

x +9y = 13

x + 9(2) = 13

x +18 = 13

x =13-18

x= -5

3) So the answer is (-5, 2)

Solve each system by elimination 10x-2y= -44x+5y= -19


10x - 2y = -4 ==== (1)

4x + 5y = -19 ==== (2)

To solve the system we should make the coefficients of y have the same values to eliminate it, then

Multiply equation (1) by 5 and equation (2) by 2

5(10x) - 5(2y) = 5(-4)

50x - 10y = -20 ===== (3)

2(4x) + 2(5y) = 2(-19)

8x + 10y = -38 ===== (4)

Now add equations (3) and (4) to eliminate y

(50x+8x) + (-10y + 10y) = (-20 + -38)

58x + 0 = -58

58x = -58

Divide both sides by 58 to find x

x = -1

Substitute the value of x in equation (1) or (2) to find the value of y

4(-1) + 5y = -19

-4 + 5y = -19

Add 4 to both sides

-4 + 4 + 5y = -19 + 4

0 + 5y = -15

5y = -15

Divide both sides by 5 to find y

y = -3

The solution of the system is (-1, -3)

i really need help writting the slope intercept form


Equation in slope intercept form is written as

y = mx + b

If slope m = 1/3 and y-intecept b = 3

Equation form using the information above is

[tex]y\text{ =}\frac{1}{3}x\text{ + 3}[/tex]

Point slope form using the point (3, 4)

simply use the formula

y - y₁ = m( x- x₁ )

[tex]y\text{ -4=}\frac{1}{3}(x-3)[/tex]

Anthony has already taken 1 quiz during past quarters, and he expects to have 5 quizzes during each week of this quarter. How many weeks of school will Anthony have to attend this quarter before he w have taken a total of 31 quizzes?


The first step to solve the problem is to create a function that relates the number of quizzes he attends by the number of weeks that elapses. Since he alread took one quizz, then the function must start from that and must grow at a rate of 5 quizzes per week. We have:

[tex]\text{quizzes(w)}=5\cdot w+1[/tex]

We want to know how many weeks until he takes 31 quizzes, then we need to make the expression equal to 31 and solve for the value of w. We have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 5\cdot w+1=31 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then we subtract both sides by 1.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 5\cdot w+1-1=31-1 \\ 5\cdot w=30 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then we divide both sides by 5.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{5\cdot w}{5}=\frac{30}{5} \\ w=6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

It'll take 6 weekes before he have taken a total of 31 quizzes.

-16 = m - 3 solve m



m = -13


-16 = m - 3

Add 3 to both sides of the equation

-16 + 3 = m - 3 + 3

-13 = m

m = -13

Identify any congruent figures in the coordinate plane. Explain. This is a fill in the blank question based off of the options that are listed down below!



For this case we can conclude the following:

triangle HJK ≅ triangle QRS because one is rotation of 90º about the origin of the other

Rectangle DEFG ≅ rectangle MNLP because one is a translation of the other

triangle ABC ≅ no given figure because one is not related by rigid motions of the other

PerioAlgebra 2NameUsing Linear Equations to Solve Problems Date1) The chess club is selling popcorn balls for $1.00 and jumbo candy bars for$1.50 each. This week they have made a total of $229 and have sold 79popcorn balls. How many candy bars have they also sold?


The popcorn balls cost $1.00 each

Jumbo candy bars cost $1.50 each

This week they have made a total of $229 and have sold 79

popcorn balls.

First, let's make a function with includes this information.

Let's say that popcorn balls are x and Jumbo candy bars are y.

So the function would be

1.00x+ 1.50y = 229

We already have the x value which represents the total of popcorn balls sold this week, so replace this value in the function:

1.00x+ 1.50y = 229

1.00(79)+ 1.50y = 229

79.00 + 1.50y = 229

Solve the equation for y to find the total of candy bars sold.

79 + 1.50y = 229

1.50y = 229 - 79

1.50y = 150

y = 150/1.50

y = 100

So the have sold 100 candy bars this week

If f(x) = 2x + 3 and g(x) = 4x - 1, find f(4).A. 11B. 15C. 5D.17


You have the following expression for the function f(x):

f(x) = 2x + 3

In order to calculate the value of f(4), just replace x=4 into the function f(x) and simplify it:

f(4) = 2(4) + 3

f(4) = 8 + 3

f(4) = 11

Hence, the answer is:

A) 11

verizon charges $200 to start up a cell phone plan. then there is a $50 charge each month. what is the total cost (start up fee and monthly charge) to use the cel phone plan for 1 month?


write the total costs a linear function in the form


in which:

y= total cost

x= number of months

m= charge per month

b= fixed start up fee

replace all data in the equation

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=50\cdot x+200 \\ y=50x+200 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since the question is the cost for 1 month, x=1

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=50(1)+200 \\ y=250 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The cost for the use of the cellphone is $250

For a football game, 5,600 tickets were sold. The price for each adult ticket is $27.25, and the price for each childrens ticket is $12.00. The total revenue for the game was $117,311.50. How many children's tickets were sold for the football game?


We have a problem that can be solved with a system of equations.

First we need to identify the equations of the system.

We have two unknown variables, the number of adult's tickets sold and the number of children's tickets sold. Let's call them:

- number of adult's tickets sold: x

- number of children's tickets sold: y.

The total number of tickets sold, 5600, is the sum of these:


And since the prices are 27.25 (adult) and 12.00 (children), the total revenue (117311.50) will be the sum of these prices multiplyied by the number of tickets of each of them:


So, the system of equations is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} _{}x+y=5600_{} \\ 27.25x+12.00y=117311.50 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since we want y the number of children's tickets sold, we can solve for the other varible, x, in one equation, and substitute into the other.

Solving in the first equation, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x+y=5600 \\ x=5600-y \end{gathered}[/tex]

And substituting into the other:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 27.25x+12.00y=117311.50 \\ 27.25(5600-y)+12.00y=117311.50 \\ 27.25\cdot5600-27.25y+12.00y=117311.50 \\ 152600-15.25y=117311.50 \\ -15.25y=117311.50-152600 \\ -15.25y=-35288.50 \\ y=\frac{-35288.50}{-15.25} \\ y=2314 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since y is the number of children's tickets sold, then the number of children's tickets sold is 2314.

4/8=28/x show your work




Simplify the equation,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{4}{8}=\frac{28}{x} \\ 4x=28(8) \\ 4x=224 \\ x=\frac{224}{4} \\ x=56 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer: x = 56.

The circle below has center S. Suppose that m QR = 84°. Find the following.




b) To find:

[tex]\angle QSR[/tex]

We know that,

[tex]\hat{QR}=\angle QSR=84^{\circ}[/tex]

Thus, the answer is,

[tex]\angle QSR=84^{\circ}[/tex]

a) To find:

[tex]\angle QPR[/tex]

We know that,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \angle QPR=\frac{1}{2}\angle QSR \\ \angle QPR=\frac{1}{2}(84^{\circ}) \\ \angle QPR=42^{\circ} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the answer is,

[tex]\angle QPR=42^{\circ}[/tex]

7. In physics, the equation PV = nRT is called the ideal gas law. It is used toapproximate the behavior of many gases under different conditions. Whichequation is solved for T?





We have the following equation:


We solve for T:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{PV}{nR}=T \\ T=\frac{PV}{nR} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the correct answer is option 2.

A team digs 12 holes every 20 hours, what is the unit rate?



The unit rate = 0.6 holes per hour


Number of holes dug by the team = 12

Total time taken = 20 hours

The unit rate = (Number of holes) / (Time)

The unit rate = 12/20

The unit rate = 0.6 holes per hour

Patios Plus sold an outdoor lighting set for $119.95. The Markup on the set was $25.99. Find the selling price as a percent of cost. Round to the nearest percent


The selling price as a percent of the cost is given by the ratio between the selling price and the the cost. The selling price is given, which is $119.95 the cost is given by the difference between the selling price and the Markup($25.99). Combining all those informations in an equation, we have


To write this as a percentage, we just multiply the ratio by 100.


The selling price is 128% of the cost.

-2 7
-5 -6
Write your answer in simplest form solve this


The simplest form of 7 × (-2/-5) × (7/-6) is - 49/15.

Multiplication of fractions:  

A whole number or another fraction is produced when one fraction is multiplied by another fraction. We all know that a fraction has two components: a numerator and a denominator. In order to multiply any two fractions, we must multiply the numerators and denominators, respectively.    


Here we have

=> [tex]7. \frac{-2}{-5} .\frac{7}{-6}[/tex]

Can be multiplied as given below

=> [tex]7 \times\frac{-2}{-5} \times\frac{7}{-6}[/tex]  

=> [tex]7 \times\frac{1}{5} \times\frac{7}{-3}[/tex]  

=> [tex]-\frac{49}{15}[/tex]  


The simplest form of 7 × (-2/-5) × (7/-6) = -49/15

Learn more about Fractions at



14. What is the volume of a box with these dimensions? 4 cm 5 cm 10 cm.


The volume of a rectangular prism is given by the product of its three dimensions.

Since the box dimensions are 4 cm, 5 cm and 10 cm, its volume is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} V=4\cdot5\cdot10 \\ V=200\text{ cm}^3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So the volume of the box is equal to 200 cm³.

The standard form of the equation of a parabola isy=x²-4x+21. What is the vertex form of the equation?O A. y = ¹/(x-4)² +13OB. y=(x-4)² +21C. y = 1/(x+4)² +1+13O D. y = 1/(x+4)² +21



[tex]y=\frac{1}{2}(x-4)^2+13\text{ }\operatorname{\Rightarrow}(A)[/tex]

Explanation: We have to find the vertex form of the parabola equation from the given standard form of it:


The general form of the vertex parabola equation is as follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=A(x-h)^2+k\rightarrow(2) \\ \\ \text{ Where:} \\ \\ (h,k)\rightarrow(x,y)\Rightarrow\text{ The Vertex} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Comparing the equation (2) with the original equation (1) by looking at the graph of (1) gives the following:


Therefore the vertex form of the equation is as follows:


Therefore the answer is Option(A).

what is the smallest angle of rotational symmetry of a pentagon




Step-by-step explanation:

Origin is completely 360° and its divided into 5 sides. So,360÷5=72°

Find at least three solutions to the equation y = 3x - 1, and graph the solutions as points on the coordinate plane.Connect the points to make a line. Find the slope of the line.


To find a solution to the equation y = 3x - 1, we have to replace a variable by a number and compute the other variable.

Assuming x = 0, then

y = 3(0) - 1

y = 0 - 1

y = -1

Then, the point (0, -1) is a solution

Assuming x = 1, then

y = 3(1) - 1

y = 3 - 1

y = 2

Then, the point (1, 2) is a solution

Assuming x = 2, then

y = 3(2) - 1

y = 6 - 1

y = 5

Then, the point (2, 5) is a solution

In the next graph, the solutions and the line are shown

The slope of the line that passes through the points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) is computed as follows:


Replacing with points (0, -1) and (1,2) we can compute the slope, as follows:


solve the system of equations by graphing. y = -5x + 4 andy = 3x + 4


1) To solve this System of Solutions graphically, we'll need to plot those lines described by those respective equations.

2) Let's set two tables

y=-5x +4

x | y

1 -1 ( 1,-1)

2 -6 ( 2,-6)

3 -11

y=3x + 4​

x | y

1 | 7 ( 1,7)

2 |10 ( 2,10)

3 | 13

2.2 Let's plot those equations and interpret the results:

3) As these lines have point (0,4) as their common point. Therefore we can state that the solution for this consistent system is S=(0,4)

How to: determine if the side lengths could form a triangle. use an inequality to prove your answer


We need to simply use the triangle inequality Theorem, This theorem state that the sum of the two side lengths of a triangle must always be greater than the third side.

Now let's check from the given lengths

16 + 21 = 37 and 37 is less than 39 which is the third side

Hence, it cannot form a triangle

If f(x) = 6x + 8(x + 2), find f-1(x).f-1(x) = (x - 16)/14f-1(x) = x +16/14f-1(x) = -x - 16/14f-1(x) = -x + 16/14



We want to find the inverse of f(x);


We solve for x;

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=6x+8(x+2) \\ y=6x+8x+16 \\ y=14x+16 \\ y-16=14x \\ x=\frac{y-16}{14} \\ interchange\text{ }y\text{ }and\text{ }x \\ f^{-1}(x)=\frac{x-16}{14} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus the answer is OPTION A

what is an equation of the line that passes through the point (-2,-3) and is parallel to the line x+3y=24


Solve first for the slope intercept form for the equation x + 3y = 24.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{The slope intercept form is }y=mx+b \\ \text{Convert }x+3y=24\text{ to slope intercept form} \\ x+3y=24 \\ 3y=-x+24 \\ \frac{3y}{3}=\frac{-x}{3}+\frac{24}{3} \\ y=-\frac{1}{3}x+8 \\ \\ \text{In the slope intercept form }y=mx+b,\text{ m is the slope. Therefore, the slope of} \\ y=-\frac{1}{3}x+8,\text{ is }-\frac{1}{3}\text{ or } \\ m=-\frac{1}{3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since they are parallel, then they should have the same slope m. We now solve for b using the point (-2,-3)

[tex]\begin{gathered} (-2,-3)\rightarrow(x,y) \\ \text{Therefore} \\ x=-2 \\ y=-3 \\ \text{and as solved earlier, }m=-\frac{1}{3} \\ \\ \text{Substitute the values to the slope intercept form} \\ y=mx+b \\ -3=(-\frac{1}{3})(-2)+b \\ -3=\frac{2}{3}+b \\ -3-\frac{2}{3}=b \\ \frac{-9-2}{3}=b \\ b=-\frac{11}{3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

After solving for b, complete the equation.

[tex]y=-\frac{1}{3}x-\frac{11}{3}\text{ (final answer)}[/tex]

The sum of three numbers is 106. The second number is 2 times the third. The first number is 6 more than the third. What are the numbers?First numberSecond number Third number


Let's call the numbers a, b and c.

The first statement tells us that the sum of the three numbers is 106, so:


The second statement tells us that the second number is two times the third so:


The final statement tells us that the first number is 6 more than the third, so:


This gives us a system of three equations with three variables. Let's take the value of a given by the third equation, use it in the first one and isolate another variable:


Let's take this value of b and use it in the second equation:


Now we know the exact value of c, so let's go back to the third equation:


and now we also know the exact value of a, so let's go back to the second equation:


So, the first number (a) is 31, the second (b) is 50 and the third (c) is 25.


factoring quadratics h^2+12h+11


[tex]\begin{gathered} h^2+12h+11 \\ We\text{ have to find two numbers that added together give 12 and multiplied give 11} \\ \text{That means: 11 and 1, so the factor would be} \\ (h+11)(h+1) \end{gathered}[/tex]

convert the rectangular equation to polar form.Assume a > 0x=18


To convert a rectangular equation to polar forma, we use

[tex]x=r\cos (\theta),y=r\sin (\theta)[/tex]

In the equation x=18, we only have x, so

[tex]\begin{gathered} 18=r\cos (\theta) \\ r=\frac{18}{\cos(\theta)}=18\sec (\theta) \end{gathered}[/tex]

80 students scores recorded 68 84 75 82 68 90 62 88 76 93 73 88 73 58 93 71 59 58 5161 65 75 87 74 62 95 78 63 72 66 96 79 65 74 77 95 85 78 8671 78 78 62 80 67 69 83 76 62 71 75 82 89 67 58 73 74 73 6581 76 72 75 92 97 57 63 83 81 82 53 85 94 52 78 88 77 71mean exam score



We have the following values:






Part a

Range = Max- Min= 97-51= 46

Part b

The mean is given by:

[tex]\text{Mean}=\frac{\sum ^n_{i\mathop=1}x_i}{n}=75[/tex]

Part c

The median is given by:

Position 40 ordered= 75 and Position 41 ordered= 75

Then the median is:


Part d

The most is the most frequent value and for this case is:

Repeated 5 times

Mode = 78

Part e

The data within the interval 50-54 is:

51 52 53

The variance is given by:

[tex]s^2=\frac{\sum ^n_{i\mathop=1}(x_i-Mean)^2}{n-1}=1[/tex]

And the deviation si:


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