what is the climax condensed milk short story


Answer 1


Im confused can you explain this too me?

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Which of the following is NOT a strategy for persuasion?

Question 3 options:

Filter the Evidence

Flatter the audience

Divide the Press

Divide the Opposition


Answer: C divde the press

Explanation: I took the test

1. If you were Michael, where would you buy?
2. Why would you buy there?​



I would by from the trusted, and well resourceful, and the one who has better quality products , shop which would be either be chinese or Filipino citizen

You can know you are good at certain things and also have low self-esteem,
OB, False



A. True

Hope this'll help!!

How injustice connects to the novel the strange case of dr. Jekyll and mr. Hyde



girbyou gotta know


because you do

Read this student sample, then answer the question about evidence.

Gianna has an amazing ability to be calm in an emergency. One time her younger brother was hurt so badly in a bike accident that he had to see a doctor. He had torn his pants in the fall. Gianna managed to calm him down and make him feel better until they could go to the clinic.

Which of these details about Gianna’s brother is not relevant to the passage?

He was hurt badly in a bike accident.
He managed to calm down.
He had torn his pants in the fall.
He had to be taken to the clinic.


Answer: He had torn his pants in the fall.

Explanation: The main point being shown is how Gianna has the ability to deescalate a situation, therefore the fact his pants were torn has no relevancy in this conversation.


He had torn his pants in the fall.


How do paragraphs 4 and 5 support the central idea of the text?
They describe how the life of César Chavez changed the
way people protest in modern times.
They describe how civil protests can lead to serious
trouble for demonstrators.
They describe how civil protests and community
organization can make great changes in laws.
They describe how people in the modern era protest less
violently than those in the past did.


D :/ I also need help

This question has two parts. First, answer Part A. Then, answer Part B.
Part A
Read this excerpt from Passage 1.
"Jason, a straight-A student from the University of Pennsylvania, uses the term
'pseudo-working' to describe this common approach to studying. The pseudo-worker
looks and feels like someone who is working hard-he or she spends a long time in the
library and is not afraid to push on late into the night-but, because of a lack of focus
and concentration, doesn't actually accomplish much.” (paragraph 2)
Why does the author use the word pseudo in describing a form of studying?
A to highlight how hard some students work
B to argue that studying is not enough
C to describe how students pretend to study
D to show that this type of studying is not real


Answer: D to show that this type of studying is not real


When something is said to be pseudo, it means that it is not a real thing. It is not genuine and it is full of falsities.

In describing this type of studying as pseudo therefore, the author is trying to say that it is not a real form of studying because it does not accomplish the goals that studying is meant to accomplish and if something does not do what it is meant to do, it is not genuine.

How’s everyone’s day going? :>


My day is going bad :(

I have to do my English finals today.

Wish me luck!! Also how's your day going?

Walter is writing a report on the world's tallest building. It has been difficult to determine which building is the world's tallest. One source states it is one building, and another source states it is a different building. 15 Which of these statements could Walter use to best clarify his report? A. According to Infoplease.com, the world's tallest building is Burj Dubai at 2,684 feet; however, it is not set to be officially opened until September 2009. B. Some people think that the world's tallest building is Tapei 101 located in Taiwan. Others would argue that Burj Dubai, in Dubai, is now the world's tallest building. C. Tapei 101 continues to hold the official title for the world's tallest building as cited by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, 2008, and Emporis Buildings. D. Wikipedia states that Burj Dubai is the world's tallest structure. Buildings are considered to be structures, so that must mean that Burj Dubai is the world's tallest building.


Answer: C. Tapei 101 continues to hold the official title for the world's tallest building as cited by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, 2008, and Emporis Buildings.


It would be best to go with the most credible source on this issue and that source would be the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH). The CTBUH is a Non-Governmental Organization that is the world's most popular authority on all things buildings.

If they say that the Tapei 101 is still the tallest building (as at the time), this is backed by experts in the field so Walter should go with their opinion.


C. Tapei 101 continues to hold the official title for the world's tallest building as cited by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, 2008, and Emporis Buildings.


It would be best to go with the most credible source on this issue and that source would be the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH). The CTBUH is a Non-Governmental Organization that is the world's most popular authority on all things buildings. If they say that the Tapei 101 is still the tallest building (as at the time), this is backed by experts in the field so Walter should go with their opinion.

describe two ways in which the promotion of equality and prevention of unfair discrimination act 2000 protects citizens against xenophobia​



It prohibits unfair discrimination and harassment, promote equality and eliminate unfair discrimination and prevent and prohibit hate speech;


For a customized essay contact me on

Details will be connected through rhyme?

Agree or disagree

I won’t be able to know the characters thoughts but I”ll don’t know what the character to say to other characters?

Agree or disagree

No links and I will give you brainless



I Agree


I agree I it does connect rhyme I like it

For this assignment, you have options. Your essay should be first person, but you may choose to discuss and emphasize a variety of topics. By this, you may choose to write the paper however you see fit. But, your goal is relatively straightforward. Your essay should do two things

1) Offer a definition of literature. Explain what literature is, what it looks like (literally or figuratively).

2). Explain what literature does. Why do we consume literature? Why should we? What is the point of literature?



its the first 1


Which type of figurative language was used in the following excerpts “but the pressure never stops gnawing at my sanity





29) What words are clues that this story involves aspects of Inuit (Eskimo)
The name of the main character in the story is
indicative of Inuit culture.
The words in the passage that are underlined are
indicative of Inuit culture.
The names the main character gives the animals are
indicative of Inuit culture.
The titles the main character gives his family
members are indicative of Inuit culture.



thank you! I would say is the answer choice A) The name of the main character in the story id indicative of Inuit culture.


have a great week!

Inuits are the indigenous people that live in the Arctic and subarctic areas and are a part of the Eskimos. The main character's name indicates the Inuit culture.

What is Inuit culture?

Inuits or the Eskimos are the people who live in the Northern parts of Canada and have many ethnic tribes under them. The inuk people live in the igloos that are their permanent houses.

The people of the Inuit culture travels with the help of kayaks, and dog sledges also use animal bones and stones for making the hunting tools. They live in a place that is extreme like the regions of the arctic.

Therefore, option A) the main character's name is based on the Inuit culture.

Learn more about Inuit culture here:


essay on mount Everest is the glory of nepal​



do ur essay its not that hard plus you gave no info


which of the following would not be a good supporting sentence for an illustration paragraph with the following topic sentence



Whats the sentences


How does Winston feel as he is reading the book above Mr. Charrington's shop?



Winston's powerful fascination with the enigmatic O'Brien leads him to trust O'Brien and feel safe in his presence, in much the same way that he feels safe in the room above Mr. Charrington's shop. O'Brien seems to represent a powerful figure willing to undermine the Party.


Hope this helps you sorry if it doesn’t.

discuss this question. what could you contribute to the transition to a more sustainable society?​


A better life style peace between all nations no wars equality to all races

Which word is a synonym for the word fallible



imperfect, flawed, frail and weak those are synonyms for fallible




Pls help I’ll brainlest



A, is the character of the story





The narrator opens with a first person experience. This means that the narrator is a character in the selection.

Writers create blank by leading the reader to expect something to happen



irony and/or suspense


Writers create suspense by leading the reader to expect something to happen. (last option)

What is suspense?

Suspense is created when readers are left curious and wondering about something. In order to create suspense, authors can reveal information little by little, for example. Another possibility is to describe a strange or mysterious environment or character.

The missing answer choices for this question are:


Learn more about suspense here:





The meaning of the word shrewd is cunning.


The dictionary definition of shrewd is "having or showing sharp powers of judgment; astute." and it is listed as a synonym of cunning.




or modest

Do you have a pet peeve—something you find more annoying than other people do? Write a paragraph about your pet peeve without starting any of your sentences with “the,” “it,” “this,” or “I.”


My pet peeves is desk organization. Yes, I know it's completely rand but of there is a mess desk at the end of the day when I'm done with my schoolwork I have to organize my desk.The way I organize has to be every specific, I have to place all my pencils, markers, and sharpers in need drawer organizers. All my papers in order on the paper rack from what I am going to do next week to later in the week. Then I have to wipe down my desk from the crumbs I may have left.

Mass media are media that are:
O A. intended for a single demographic.
B. responsible for all media manipulation.
O C. designed for a large audience.
O D. created for one specific person.


C, designed for a large audience.


mass media means the media has reached a large amount of people (a large audience)

this is year 2050 and you have been asked to write about the coronavirus pandemic for a meseum.What story would it be WHAT WILL BE A GOOD TITLE FOR IT​



see below, hope this is good:)


The Deadly Disease that hit the world 30 years ago!


The most unforgettable virus in History!!

what is satirical allegory?​


is that allegory is the representation of abstract principles by characters or figures while satire is (uncountable) a literary device of writing or art which principally ridicules]] its subject often as an intended means of [[provoke|provoking or preventing change humour, irony and exaggeration are often used to aid ...

8. To make his point, the King condemns Hamlet for all of the following except
(A) lacking fortitude
(B) lacking masculinity
(C) being sinful
(D) being unintelligent
(E) being reasonable
e to


The answer is B because lacking masculinity isn’t an idea in Hamlet

1. Choose the word that completes the sentence correctly.
After a lengthy interview process, I have decided to accept / except the manager position.
2. Choose the sentence that contains the correctly spelled word.
a. After a successful interview, I now am an employe at one of the largest marketing agencies in the United States.
b. After a successful interview, I now am an employie at one of the largest marketing agencies in the United States.
c. After a successful interview, I now am an employee at one of the largest marketing agencies in the United States.


1. After a lengthy interview process, I have decided to accept the manager position.

2. C, After a successful interview, I now am an employee at one of the largest marketing agencies in the United States.

The word that completes the sentence correctly, after a lengthy interview process, I have decided to accept the manager position. The correct answer for second question is Option C.

What is an interview?

A planned interaction in which one party asks questions and the other responds is known as an interview. A one-on-one conversation between an interviewer and an interviewee is referred to as a "interview" in everyday speech.

Further the interview gives the employer the chance to ascertain whether an applicant's personality, talents, and experience align with the criteria of the position. Additionally, it aids the company in determining whether a employee will likely fit into the corporate culture.

The sentence that contains the correctly spelled word is after a successful interview, I now am an employee at one of the largest marketing agencies in the United States.

Therefore the word accept and option C are correct respectively.

Learn more about interview:



pls i really need help this is very important
Which sentence uses sensory details to create a vivid image?

The forecast last night was for snow turning into icy rain around midnight.
Police warned drivers to go slowly and use caution because of the icy conditions.
Snowplows were on the road early, spreading a salt-sand combination to prevent ice.
As freezing rain pelted windshields, cars spun around and skidded off the slick roads.



As freezing rain pelted windshields, cars spun around and skidded off the slick roads.


As freezing rain pelted windshields, cars spun around and skidded off the slick roads.

The text of the Americans with Disability Act states that one purpose of the law is "to
provide clear, strong, consistent, enforceable standards addressing discrimination against
individuals with disabilities. What is the best description of the style of this
informational text?
O vague and wordy
O direct and precise
informal and relaxed
O technical and complex




The best description of the style of the informational text about the Americans with Disabilities Act is "direct and precise."

What is Americans with Disability Act?

The Americans with Disability Act is a legal document that aims to protect individuals with disabilities from discrimination. As such, it is important that the language used in the text is clear, strong, consistent, and enforceable.

The language used in the text of the ADA is direct and precise, as it is intended to provide a clear understanding of the rights and protections afforded to individuals with disabilities. The language is not vague or wordy, as this could lead to confusion or misinterpretation of the law.

Similarly, the language used is not informal or relaxed, as this type of language may not be taken seriously in a legal context. The text is written in a technical and complex manner, as it deals with legal and policy matters. However, efforts are made to make the language as accessible as possible to those who may not be familiar with legal terminology.

Overall, the language used in the text of the Americans with Disability Act is appropriate for its purpose and target audience, providing a clear and precise explanation of the law's provisions and requirements.

Learn more about Americans with Disability Act at:



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