what is the band gap energy in kilojoules per mole if blue diamonds absorb orange light with a wavelength of 675 nm?


Answer 1

Based on the wavelength of the light, the energy of the photons emitted by a sodium lamp is 17.74 X 10² kJ/mol.

The energy is given by the formula;

E = hv


h is Planck's constant = 6.63 X 10⁻³⁴ Js

f is frequency of light

Also, f = c/λ


c is velocity of light = 3.0 X 10⁸ m/s

λ is wavelength of light = 589 nm = 6.75 X 10⁻⁷ m

1 mole of sodium atom will emit 6.02 X 10²³ photons,

N = 6.02 X 10²³ photons,


= E = Nhc/λ

= E = (6.02 X 10²³ X 6.63 X 10⁻³⁴ J.s X 3.0 X 10⁸ m/s)/6.75 X 10⁻⁷ m

= E = 119.74 X 10⁻³ / 6.75 X 10⁻⁷

= E = 17.74 X 10⁵ J/mol

= E = 17.74 X 10² kJ/mol

Therefore, the energy of the photons emitted by a sodium lamp is 17.74 X 10² kJ/mol.

To know more more about Energy of Photons:



Related Questions

How do you calculate internal energy change?


Internal energy can be calculated by first law of thermodynamics as well as using specific heat.

From a microscopic perspective looking at a system at the atomic and molecular level, the internal energy U [J] of a system is the sum of the kinetic and potential energies of its atoms and molecules. Since the sum of kinetic and potential energies is mechanical energy, the internal energy of a system is the sum of atomic and molecular mechanical energies.

In other words, the internal energy is the total energy of the system associated with its microscopic constituents (made up of atoms and molecules) when viewed from a frame of reference that is stationary with respect to the body. Internal energy includes translational, rotational, and vibrational kinetic energies of molecules, potential energies within molecules, and potential energies between molecules.

In physics, the internal energy of a system is considered in terms of macroscopic properties that are very similar to atomic and molecular averages.

The internal energy change ΔU [J] is defined macroscopically as the difference between the absorbed energy Q [J] (as heat) and the emitted energy W [J] (as work).

To study more about mechanical energy -



What is the internal motion of particles called?


The internal motion of particles is called molecular motion.

According to the kinetic theory of motion of particles, the particles constituting a matter are in continuous random motion. Kinetic energy is possessed by particles due to their motions.

Molecular motions are affected by the factors of heat and temperature. With more heat given, the kinetic energy of particles increases, and they move fast and away from each other. This may result in a change of state. The state change may take place from solid to liquid or liquid to gas.

The formula showing the relation between kinetic energy and temperature is given as

E = k T

Where E = Kinetic energy

k = Boltzmann constant

T = temperature

To know more about molecular motion here



For Earth, we have our _________
held around the planet by gravity, that acts as "the world's biggest membrane."or the envelope of gases

A. insolation
B. weather
C. air
D. conduction
E. ozone
F. ecological
G. atmosphere
H. sun
I. convection
J. tilts





Atmosphere is the envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet. Atmosphere does  so much for the environment, such as controls the amount of heat lost and gained on the earth

So therefore the answer is G.Atmosphere

how much energy is required to remove a proton from 157n ? the masses of the atoms 157n , 146c and 11h are 15.000109 u , 14.003242 u and 1.007825 u , respectively.


The energy required to remove a proton from ¹⁵N₇ is

The reaction to remove the proton is given as follows :

¹⁵N₇  ---->   ¹⁴C₆  +  H

The mass of ¹⁵N₇  = 15.000109

The mass of ¹⁴C₆ = 14.003242

The mass of H = 1.007825

The energy requires to remove a proton is given as:

E = ( 14.003242 + 1.007825 - 15.000109) u

E = 0.010958 × 9312.5 MeV

E = 10.2046375 MeV.

Therefore, energy is required to remove protons from 15N7 with masses of 15.000109 u, 14.003242 u, and 1.007825 u and 10.2046375 MeV of 15N7, 14C6 and H atoms of 10.2046375 MeV, respectively.

Since the effort to remove neutrons is greater than the effort to remove protons, the energy required to remove neutrons is greater than the energy required to remove protons. The rest mass energy of the nucleus is less than that of its constituent protons and neutrons.

Learn more about Remove a proton here:- https://brainly.com/question/14018566


there are very large numbers of charged particles in most objects. why, then, don’t most objects exhibit static electric effects?


This is because the phenomenon of static electricity requires the separation of positive and negative charges. When two substances are in contact electrons are transferred from one to the other leaving one with an excess positive charge and the other with an equal negative charge.

There are equal numbers of positive and negative charges so an object is electrically neutral. Because the phenomenon of static electricity requires the separation of positive and negative charges. When two substances are in contact electrons are transferred from one to the other leaving one with an excess positive charge and the other with an equal negative charge.

The negative charge on the earth's surface is balanced by the same positive charge in the atmosphere. An atom has a net positive charge if the number of protons is greater than the number of electrons, and a net negative charge if the number of electrons is greater than the number of protons.

Learn more about Static electric effects here:- https://brainly.com/question/28650063


so in a limit cycle attractor all behavior of the system goes towards the attractor but neutral oscillations have different behavior depending on different initial conditions?


These oscillations are robust and the final outcome does not depend on the initial condition, as the system will move to the limit cycle attractor.

What is the limit cycle attractor?An attractor of a dynamical system on the state space X is a set A contained in X such that for a neighborhood of initial conditions X₀, the trajectories going forward from X₀ all approach A, that is, the distanced (X(t), A) → 0 as t → ∞..It is an attractor that is a closed orbit and is stable(resilient toperturbations).If you perturb the system off the cycle, the behavior returns to the cycle.Such systems frequently behave in complicated nonlinear phenomena characterized by various slow–fast dynamic behaviors such as relaxation oscillations, canard phenomena, bursting oscillations and mixed-mode oscillations.

These oscillations are robust and the final outcome does not depend on the initial condition.

To know more about limit cycle attractor, visit:



A planet is discovered that has twice the mass of earth but the same gravitational acceleration. If you weigh 700 n on earth, on the new planet you would weigh.


My weight on the new planet is  1400N if my weight is 700N on Earth an my mass is double to the mass on Earth.

First, we need to find my mass on earth. We know that if we have weight then mass can be easily found by using the formula

W=mg where m is the mass and g is the acceleration due to gravity




Now, I have my mass on earth. It is given that my mass is just double to the mass on that planet.

So my mass on that planet=2 × 71.36Kg=142.71 kg

Now, It is given that gravitational acceleration is same on that planet as compared to gravitational acceleration on earth.

So, value of g=9.8m/sec²

Therefore, weight on new planet=142.71 kg×9.8m/sec²


Hence, my weight on new planet is 1400N.

To know more about weight, visit here:



What is the speed of a wave that has a wavelength of 0.5 m and a frequency of two waves per second?


The speed of wave is 1m/sec  if the wavelength of wave is 0.5 meters and the frequency of the wave is 2Hz.

Right when a wave goes through reflection, it essentially remains in the medium and simply switches its going of development. The smooth wave has traveled twofold its distance. This reflection characteristic of waves is consistently found in sound waves.

Right when you let out an uproarious cry inside a gorge, you regularly hear the resonation of the holler. The sound waves travel through the medium; for this present circumstance, the air and skip off the ravine wall and return to the start of the sound (you). The result is that you hear the resonation of your holler.

We know that when a electromagnetic wave is travelling through speed v passing in a medium, it contains certain speed and wavelength which is given by the formula

c=ν × λ

where c is defined as the speed of light in vacuum,

ν is  defined as the frequency of the wave and

λ is defined as the  wavelength of the wave.

Now, we have frequency(ν) = 2Hz, and wavelength(λ)=0.5meters.

So, using the above formula, we get



or c=1m/sec as 1Hz=1 /sec

Hence, wave speed is 1m/sec.

To know more about speed of wave, visit here:



if your fixture contains a 60 w bulb at 120v, and your local power utility sells energy at 8 cents per kilowatt hour, how much will it cost to leave the bulb on for the whole month


The cost to leave the bulb on for the whole month $3.46 is

How does a circuit respond to an increase in current?

When the voltage rises while the current stays the same, the resistance also rises. Alternately, if the voltage is held constant while the current increases, the resistance will decrease.

Energy is characterized as having the "ability to do work, which is the capacity to exert a force sufficient to move an object." Despite this unclear definition, the meaning is actually quite straightforward: energy is simply the force that moves things.

Energy = power × time

Energy = 60w × 1month × 30days/1month×24hrs/1day ×1kw/1000w

Energy = 43.2kw.h

Cost = energy × rate

Cost = 43.2×$0.8kw/h

Cost = $3.46.

To know more about power visit:



A wheel of diameter 40. 0 cm starts from rest and rotates with a constant angular acceleration of 3. 00 rad/s2. At the instant the wheel has computed its second revolution, calculate the radial acceleration.


The radial acceleration is 80.27 m/s2.

The angular acceleration of the wheel is 3.00 rad/s2. In order for the wheel to complete two revolutions, it must have an angular displacement of 2π radians. Using the equation a = ω²r, we can calculate the radial acceleration of the wheel. Here, ω is the angular velocity, which is equal to the product of angular acceleration and time, 3.00 rad/s2 × t. Since the wheel has completed two revolutions, the total time elapsed is 2π/3.00 s. Plugging in these values, we get a = 3.00 × (2π/3.00)2 × (40.0/2) = 80.27 m/s2. Therefore, the radial acceleration of the wheel is 80.27 m/s2.

To know more about radial acceleration refer to the link  brainly.com/question/3388038


describe the relationship between the object placement with respect to the focal length and the image formation for convex (converging) lenses.


The focal length image distance is dependant on the convex surface of the lens and if the curvature of the lens changes, the focal length also changes.

Describe the relationship between focal length and convex lens?

As the object distance gets very large, (compared to focal length) the distance of the image reaches focal length.

For example, if the object is a mile away, the image distance equals the focal length.

The focal length image distance is dependant on the convex surface of the lens and if the curvature of the lens changes, the focal length also changes.

From the axis of the curved lens,

The key equation is the lens equation:

1/p + 1/q =  1/f  

where p is the object distance,

q is the image distance

f is focal length.

If, we assume, the image distance is equal to the object distance we can write

2/p  =   1/f

so  f =  p/2

Hence this is how we can describe the relationship between focal length and convex lens.

To know more about focal length and convex lens, click on https://brainly.com/question/28039799


Listed following are several stars found in the disk and halo of the Milky Way Galaxy. Assume that both the blue and yellow disk stars are members of the same open cluster. Rank the stars based on the abundance of elements heavier than carbon that you would expect to find in each of the stars, from highest to lowest.yellow main- sequence star in open cluster in diskhot, blue main- sequence star in open cluster in diskred giant in globular cluster M13Red main sequence star in globular cluster M13


Highest Abundance: Yellow main-sequence star in an open cluster in the disk AND hot, blue main-sequence star in the disk.

Lowest Abundance: A red giant in globular cluster M13 AND a red main-sequence star in globular cluster M13.

What is abundance?

Astronomers classify all chemical elements heavier than hydrogen or helium as metals, even some that aren't typically thought of as metals, like carbon and oxygen. The percentage of these "metallics" in the stellar mass is consequently used to determine a star's metallicity. For the Sun, about 2%.

However, the chemical makeup of stars is not entirely captured by this concept. because there are practically unlimited ways to obtain the same amount of metal. For instance, a star with a certain metallicity may contain only iron, whereas a star with the same total metal content may have only oxygen. Every star in the universe contains every element listed on the periodic table, albeit their relative abundances vary from star to star.

Astronomers use the "abundance ratio," which is the logarithm of the ratio of the star's two metallic elements to the Sun, to determine the relative abundance of each element in a star.

To know more about Abundance, check out:



in a gaseous mixture of massive molecules and light molecules with the same average ke, which have the greater speed?


The light molecules will have the greater speed, as their mass is much lower than that of the massive molecules. This means that they will have a higher kinetic energy per unit mass, which leads to a higher speed.

Comparing the Speeds of Massive and Light Molecules in a Gaseous Mixture

The speed of a molecule is determined by its kinetic energy, which is a measure of the energy of its motion. The kinetic energy of a molecule is proportional to its mass and the square of its velocity. Since the average kinetic energy (KE) of the two types of molecules in the mixture is the same, the lighter molecules will have a higher velocity than the massive molecules.

This is because they have less mass and the same amount of kinetic energy, so their velocity is higher in order to compensate for the lower mass. This means that the light molecules will have a greater speed than the massive molecules in the mixture.

Learn more about Energy: https://brainly.com/question/25959744


The mass of an object on the earth surface is 80kg. What will be the weight of the object on the moon?


The weight of the body on the surface of moon is 130 Newton.

If the mass of an object on the surface of earth is 80 kg.

Then the weight of the object on the moon will be given by the relation,

W = Mg


W is the weight on the moon,

M is the mass of the object on the surface of Earth,

g is the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of moon.

The acceleration due to gravity on the surface of moon is 1.65m/s².

Now assigning all the values to the respective terms,

W = 80×1.625

W = 130N.

So, the weight of the object on the surface of moon is 130 Newton.

To know more about weight of the body, visit,



In the absence of air resistance, at what other angle will a thrown ball go the same distance as one thrown at an angle of 75 degrees?.


In the absence of air resistance, an angle of 15 degrees is required for a ball to be thrown to go the same distance as one thrown at an angle of 75 degrees.

A projectile is an object that is launched into the air and then moves only in response to the acceleration of gravity. The trajectory of the object is referred to as the projectile's trajectory.

As is common knowledge, the projectile's motion range is determined by;

  R = v²sin(2θ)/g

Here, we know that the range for two different angles will be the same.

Consequently, we can state that the two angles must be complementary.

hence, the two angles must be

θ, 90 - θ

In light of the fact that one projection angle is 75 degrees

Therefore, the second angle over the same range must be 90 - 75 = 15 degrees.

hence another projection angle of 15 degrees is required.

If you want to know more about projectile visit the following link;



glycolysis, which provides energy by breaking down carbohydrates like glucose, relates to activities lasting __________.


Glycolysis, which provides energy by breaking down carbohydrates like glucose, relates to activities lasting generally less than 3 minutes.

The metabolic process that turns glucose into pyruvate is glycolysis. The high-energy molecules adenosine triphosphate and reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide are made from the free energy that is released during this process. Glycolysis which is a ten reactions sequence, is usually initiated by some enzymes.

It lasts anywhere from ten seconds to two to three minutes after beginning physical activity. Glycogen, our stored form of glucose, provides the energy for glycolysis. Glycolysis breaks down glucose, a 6-carbon molecule, in two stages in the cytoplasm.

Therefore, glycolysis lasts only for less than 3 minutes.

Know more about Glycolysis here: brainly.com/question/14076989


One of the most efficient engines ever built is a coal-fired steam turbine engine in the Ohio River valley, driving an electric generator as it operates between 1,870°C and 430°C.(a) What is its maximum theoretical efficiency?___%(b) Its actual efficiency is 42.0%. How much mechanical power does the engine deliver if it absorbs 1.60 ✕ 105 J of energy each second from the hot reservoir?___kW


The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that no heat engine can operate at 100% thermal efficiency (). This is impractical because heat engines always produce some waste heat, as depicted in Figure 1 by the word.

Which of the following engines operates at its optimal efficiency?

The most effective heat engine between these two temperatures is a Carnot engine, which operates between these two temperatures.

Which heat engine is the most effective?

The Carnot engine operates between two temperatures with the highest efficiency of any heat engine.

To know more about efficient engine visit;



the boy in the image below pushes a box across the floor by exerting a force of 140. n at an angle of 35.0o below the horizontal. what is the magnitude of the vertical component of the applied force (fay) ?


The boy pushes a box across the floor by exerting a force of 140 N at an angle of 35° below the horizontal. The magnitude of vertical component of the applied force is 80.36 N.

In two dimensional system, a force can be resolved into two mutually perpendicular components whose vector sum will be equal to the applied force. The resolved components are usually taken to be parallel to x and y axes.

A single force can be broken down into two component forces at right angles to each other.

Given that, Force = 140 N

θ = 35°

The magnitude of vertical component of force is F sin θ = 140* sin 35° = 140* 0.574 = 80.36 N

To know more about forces:



One of the most efficient engines ever built is a coal-fired steam turbine engine in the Ohio River valley, driving an electric generator as it operates between 1,870°C and 430°C.
(a) What is its maximum theoretical efficiency?
(b) Its actual efficiency is 42.0%. How much mechanical power does the engine deliver if it absorbs 1.60 ✕ 105 J of energy each second from the hot reservoir?


Mechanical power that the engine deliver if it absorbs 1.60 ✕ 105 J of energy each second from the hot reservoir is calculated as  6.72 kW.

What is Carnot engine?

The Carnot engine is a theoretical thermodynamic cycle that estimates maximum possible efficiency that heat engine during the conversion process of heat into work and working between two reservoirs can possess.

As we know that, E c = 1 - Tc/ Th

=1− (2143.15/703.15)



(b) The output power of engine is given as : P= W Eng./ Δt

So, P= c ∣Qh∣ / Δt

= 0.42 * 1.60 ✕ 10⁵/1

Therefore, Mechanical power that the engine delivers = 6.72 * 10³W

= 6.72 kW

To know more about Carnot engine, refer



a body is a particular amount of matter. it can be a solid, liquid or gas. it can be described as existing in question 2 options: a) motion and force. b) size and shape. c) time and space. d) location and movement.


The ideal choice is c. A certain amount of matter represents time and space for a body. It could be a liquid, gas, or solid. Any substance with mass and volume is considered matter in classical physics.

In both common and scientific terminology, all physically touchable items are ultimately constituted of atoms, which are composed of interacting subatomic particles. The area that any three-dimensional solid occupies is known as its volume. A cube, cuboid, cone, cylinder, or sphere can be one of these solids. Volumes vary depending on the matter. We have explored different solids and shapes in 3D geometry, such as cubes, cuboids, cylinders, and cones, among others.

Learn more about mass here



What is the frequency of a wave that has a speed of 0.4 m/s and a wavelength of 0.020 meter a 10 Hertz B 20 Hertz C 0.008 Hertz D 0.5 Hertz?


The frequency of a wave is B)20Hertz that has a speed of 0.4m/sec and a wavelength of 0.020meter.So,correct option is B.

Precisely when a wave goes through reflection, it basically stays in the medium and just switches its going of improvement. The smooth wave has voyaged twofold its distance. This reflection normal for waves is reliably tracked down in sound waves.

Precisely when you let out a riotous cry inside a crevasse, you constantly hear the resounding of the holler. The sound waves travel through the medium; for this current situation, the air and sway off the gorge wall and return to the beginning of the sound (you). The outcome is that you hear the reverberation of your holler.

We know that when an electromagnetic wave is going through speed v passing in a medium, it contains explicit speed and recurrence which is given by the articulation

c=ν × λ

where c is defined as the speed of light in vacuum,

ν is the defined as the frequency of the wave and

λ is the defined as the wavelength of the wave.

Now, we have c=0.4m/sec,λ=0.020meter,ν=?

So, putting the value in above formula, we get

=>0.4 = ν × 0.020

=> ν=0.4/0.020



Hence, option B is correct.

To know more about frequency, visit here:



Write an algorithm that calculate the time a train need to arrive at a detination given peed and ditance


An algorithm that calculates the time a train needs to arrive at a destination given speed and distance [tex]Time=\frac{Distance}{Speed}[/tex].

What is Speed?

The amount of the shift in approach per unit of time or the size of the displacement over time for an object can be used to describe speed, which would be a scalar quantity in everyday language and kinematics.

The maximum speed that can be maintained when a period grows closer to zero is the starting speed.

By dividing the object's distance traveled by the duration of the interval, the mean pace of the object for the given period is calculated. Speed and velocity are not always the same thing.

The algorithm to calculate the time required will be,

Let the distance covered by the train is D and the speed of the train be S.

Then, the time taken by the train will be,

T = D/S

Here, D is the distance and S is the speed.

To know more about Speed:



you are holding two helium balloons, a large and a small balloon. how do the pressures of the helium compare?


The pressure of the helium comparison is like:  in the large Helium Balloon is greater than the pressure in the small Helium Balloon

The huge helium balloon's increased pressure must result from the fact that there must be more moles of gas present. A balloon's walls are put under pressure when it is inflated because the air inside the balloon expands. The balloon's size consequently grows.

Temperature has an impact on the hot air balloon's internal pressure. The molecules move more quickly and forcefully against the interior wall of the balloon as they warm up. The force acting on a portion of the balloon is enhanced due to the gas particles' increased velocity, which results in an increase in pressure. The size of the balloon affects the air pressure inside as well. Pressure is inversely proportional to volume, V . If V were to double, P would drop to 1/2 its original value.

To learn more about Helium Balloon click here



The specific gravity of an material is defined as the ratio of the density of the material to the density of water. the specific gravity of ice is 0.917, whereas that of seawater is 1.025. What fraction of an iceberg is above the surface of the water?


The fraction of the iceberg that is above the surface of the water is 8.3 %.

What is specific gravity?

The specific gravity of any material is defined as the ratio of the density of the material to the density of water.

Mathematically, the formula for specific gravity of materials is given as;

S.G = density of the material / density of water

The given parameters include the following;

the specific gravity of the iceberg = 0.917

the specific gravity of the seawater = 1.025

The fraction of the iceberg submerged in the seawater is given as ;

= 0.917 = 0.917 x 100 %

= 91.7 %

The fraction of the iceberg that is above the surface of the water is calculated as;

= 1 - 0.917

= 0.083

= 0.083 x 100 %

= 8.3 %

Thus, the fraction of the iceberg submerged in the water is a function of the specific gravity of the iceberg.

Learn more about specific gravity here: https://brainly.com/question/20422535


What part of the body detects infrared radiation?


The part of body detects infrared radiation is skin.

Infrared radiation is an integral part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The light we see is part of the same spectrum.

Rays such as gamma rays, alpha rays, and x-rays are also part of the spectrum.

It has direct source of sunlight.

It is invisible but experienced by sense of hotness. It is used for drying of chemical crystals and also has wide application in photography where atmospheric conditions like sunlight , rainfall  or adverse climate conditions are neglected and providing a good result for geospatial and geoinformatics.


To know about electromagnetic spectrum -



a 5 kg box slides down a 3 meter long ramp angled at 30 degrees. the box feels a constant 10 n force of friction. if the box starts at rest, how fast is it going at the bottom of the ramp?


At the bottom of the ramp, the box is moving at a speed of 4.24 m/s.


The box weighs 5 kg in total.

The ramp's incident angle is 30 degrees.

10 Newtons of friction force

Net force is calculated using the following equation: net force = mgsin - friction force ma = mgsin - friction force a (5x5 - 10)

a = 3 m/s2 for acceleration of 5,

The motion's equation v^2 = u^2 + 2as v = 4.24 m/s is the result of the formula v2 = 0 = 2x3x3.

Friction is the force that stops motion when the surfaces of two things come into contact. In other words, friction reduces the mechanical advantage of a machine and lowers the output to input ratio. One-fourth of the energy used by a car is used to reduce friction.

To know more about Friction force, click the below link



what is the magnitude of the electric field (in v/m) of these electromagnetic waves a distance of 3.5 m away from the bulb? for simplicity, treat the lightbulb as a point particle for the source of the electromagnetic waves and that the electromagnetic waves are propagating in vacuum.


The magnitude of the electric field is  379.4 N/C

The magnitude of the electric field,

I = P/A

Ie = 1/2 εoc[tex]E^{2}[/tex]

Ie = 1/2 I  = 1/2 × 382.165

Ie = 191.8 w/m²

191.8 = 1/2 × 8.85 × [tex]10^{-12}[/tex] × 3 × [tex]10^{8}[/tex] × [tex]E^{2}[/tex]

E = 379.4 N/C

An electric field, often known as an E-field[1], is a physical field that surrounds electrically charged particles and acts as an attractor or repellent to any other charged particles in the vicinity. [2] A system of charged particles' physical field is also referred to in this phrase. [3] Charges and time-varying currents in electric systems give rise to electric fields. A manifestation of the electromagnetic field, one of the four fundamental interactions (sometimes known as forces) of nature, is electromagnetic fields, which also include electric and magnetic fields.

Many branches of physics place a premium on electric fields, which are also used to great effect in modern electrical engineering. The attractive force holding the atomic nucleus and electrons together in an atom, for example, is the electric field in atomic physics and chemistry. The force that causes atoms to connect chemically is another function of it.

Learn more about electric field here:



a 5 kg ball and a 1 kg ball are dropped from the same height at the same time. which hits the ground first?


5 Kg will have a greater acclaration thus it will strike before 1 kg ball.

There are two cases

(Assuming same shape of both objects)

Without air

With air

Without air, In this case they will fall on ground at same exact time.

Because earth will give an equal acclaration to both the masses.

With air

In this case they will have force of M×g ('M' is their respective mass of each)

but impulsive force is constant so it will give different acclaration to both masses that will be :-

M×a = M×g - I(n)

(Here 'a' is acclaration 'I(n)' is impulsive force by the normal of air particle as they collide with the masses)

Thus :-

a = g - (I÷M)

As mass increase acceleration will be less decreased so

5 Kg will have a greater acclaration thus it will strike before 1 kg ball.

To know more about Acceleration :



Given that about 25% of the mammalian genome is associated with genes, including introns and regulatory sequence, what would be the approximate average length of DNA per gene, if the genome contained 20,000 genes?


If the genome contained 20,000 genes, the average length of DNA per gene will be 40,000 base pairs.

Only 2.5% of the human genome is protein-coding. Introns make up the remaining 97.5%. The male nuclear diploid genome is 6.27 Gigabase pairs (GBP), 205.00 cm (cm) long, and 6.41 picograms in weight (pg). Female measurements are 6.37 GBP, 208.23 cm, and 6.51 pg.

For a 25% mammalian genome with 20,000 genes, the total number of base pairs, which is the length of DNA per gene, will be approximately double the number of genes contained in the genome, in this case, 40,000.

To learn more about DNA, visit the link below:



a circular ice rink of 25 m in diameter is enclosed by a hemispherical dome 35 m in diameter. if the ice and dome surfaces may be approximated as blackbodies and are at 0oc and 15oc, respectively, what is the net rate of radiative transfer from the dome to the rink?


The total rate of radiative transmission from of the roof to the rink is q 21=36881.89W.

What is an energy transfer that radiates?

Radiative transfer is a physical phenomena that occurs when energy is transferred through electromagnetic radiation. Absorption, emission, or scattering processes all have an impact on how radiation travels through a medium. Mathematically, these interactions are described by the radiative transfer equation.

What constitutes radiative transfer in the atmosphere?

In our numerical models, we describe solar and infrared radiation as well as how it interacts with clouds. There are several radiative processes at work in the atmosphere, including the absorption and emission of thermal radiation by gases, aerosols, cloud droplets, and ice crystals.

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