What is the author’s MAIN purpose for writing Cell Description #1?

to inform the reader about the parts of cells and the roles those different parts play

to explain how the Golgi apparatus impacts the endoplasmic reticulum

to persuade the reader that cells are an important part of our world

to compare the parts and function of plant cells to living cells


Answer 1




Answer 2
Answer : lucky letter A
Hope this helps ya

Related Questions

The writer is considering deleting the underlined independent clause in sentence 7 (reproduced below), adjusting the punctuation as necessary.
In a classic experiment, students who watched their schools compete in a football game subsequently remembered the adversary's team performing worse than their own confirmatio
the students, who already believed in their own school's superiority to interpret what they had seen as support for their preexisting beliefs,
Should the writer keep or delete the underlined text?
Keep it, because it suggests that certain groups of people may be more susceptible than others to confirmation bias.
Keep it, because it provides an example that explains how confirmation bias affects memory
C) Keep it, because it contains a personal story about confirmation bias that appeals to a wide audience.
Delete it, because it interferes with the flow of the paragraph by introducing evidence that is not relevant
Delete it, because it contradicts the claim made earlier in the sentence.



B. Adds an example that explains how confirmation bias affects memory

School's superiority to interpret what they had seen as support for their preexisting beliefs,  Should the writer keep or delete the underlined text in the form of:

Option B

Keep it, because it provides an example that explains how confirmation bias affects memory.

A clause is a gathering of words that contains a subject and an action word that have a relationship. A sentence can have only one clause or it can have various clauses. The main characterizing normal for a clause is that it should contain a connected subject and action word.

In language, a clause is a constituent that connects a semantic predicand and a semantic predicate. A common clause comprises of a subject and a syntactic predicate, the last ordinarily an action word express, an action word with any items and different modifiers.

A modifier clause depicts or gives more data about the action word lets us know when, where, how, how much, or under what condition something is going on. Model she cried in light of the fact that her shell was broken. A thing clause replaces a thing in the sentence.

Punctuation fills our composition with quiet inflection. We stop, stop, underline, or question utilizing a comma, a period, an interjection point or a question mark.

Right punctuation adds lucidity and accuracy to composing it permits the essayist to stop, respite, or give accentuation to specific pieces of the sentence.

In straightforward terms, punctuation marks are an image to make and support significance inside a sentence or to split it up.

For more information, refer the following link:


Ok, you can only answer this if you’ve read a book called The Outsiders. Who in the novel is trying to figure out their individuality? How is he doing this?

I will give 40 points


Ponyboy is trying to figure out his individualiy throughout the novel. He's trying to reconile his social class rank along with his gang membership with The Greasers. (I apologize if this is incorrect, I haven't read the novel in a while.)

What is a
symptom of test anxiety?
A. Increased appetite
B. Confidence
C. Relaxation
D. Headaches



Feelings of anger, fear, helplessness and disappointment are common emotional responses to test anxiety. Behavioral/Cognitive symptoms. Difficulty concentrating, thinking negatively and comparing yourself to others are common symptoms of test anxiety.

Increased appetite is the symptom of test anxiety. Therefore, the correct option is option A.

What is test anxiety?

In circumstances where tests are involved, test anxiety is characterised by physiological over-arousal, tension, and physical symptoms as well as concern, dread, fear of failing, and catastrophizing. People who have this psychological disorder go through intense worry, anxiety, and discomfort before and/or during an exam.

Significant obstacles to learning and performance are put up by this fear. According to research, emotional discomfort is directly related to poor academic performance and greater overall dropout rates for students. Increased appetite is the symptom of test anxiety.

Therefore, the correct option is option A.

To know more about test anxiety, here:



What is the purpose of transition words and phrases? (1 point)
A. to tie together part of a narrative logically
B. to help reveal theme in a narrative
C. to reveal a character's personality in a narrative
D. to reveal key vocabulary in a narrative



The answer is a


PART A: According to the text, how does time affect Rohingya refugees’ of hope?

A Rohingya refugees come to Bangladesh with hope but slowly lose it because they are indefinitely displaced in Bangladesh.

B Rohingya refugees become more hopeful with time because they grow to accept and trust the help of Bangladesh workers.

C Rohingya refugees lose the hope they once had over time because they see war continuing to rage indefinitely in Myanmar.
D Rohingya refugees become increasingly capable of hope as the more time passes since their experiences in Myanmar.


B is correct I think

According to the text, the  time affect Rohingya refugees’ of hope is option C i.e. Rohingya refugees lose the hope they once had over time because they see war continuing to rage indefinitely in Myanmar.

Who were Rohingya ?

Rohingya are from Myanmar yet have been abused and oppressed for a really long time by the tactical which employs huge control in the country.

As of late the crackdown on the Rohingya has been considerably more severe and they have needed to escape in country in enormous numbers to different nations like Bangladesh who don't need them as displayed in the perusing.

These encounters have damaged the Rohingya such a lot of that a significant number of them find it hard to have any expect a more promising time to come.

For more information about Rohingya, refer the following link:


Why does Othello tell the magical story about the handkerchief? What is he trying to do? someone be kind enough to help me tyyy



The handkerchief, a gift to Desdemona from Othello, symbolizes so much more than a mere token of affection. To Othello, the handkerchief symbolizes fidelity and his giving it to Desdemona represents a promise that he will be true to her, and a request that she stay true to him.


4 facts about music in complete sentences



Music is a form of art

Music uses elements of poetry

Music uses all parts of the brain to listen to

Music is a way of expression


For every US$1,000 of music sold, the average musician only makes about US$23.40. 10. The first (and only) band to play on all seven continents is Metallica.

When you listen to music, the brain releases the same feel-good hormone (dopamine) it does during eating.


2 there u go

Why is this group of words not a sentence?
An apple a day
It does not have a noun.
It does not have a subject.
It has a verb and is a complete thought.
It does not have a verb and is not a complete thought.
It does not have a subject and is not a complete thought.


D. It does not have a verb and it is not a complete thought


I would say D


1. Choose a real or made up company, and describe at least three ways in which the
company uses technology. (1-3 sentences. 3.0 points)
2. Give two examples of safe, professional usernames. (1-2 sentences. 1.0 points)
3. Re-read the information on the websites about technology careers that you bookmarked
earlier in this section. Describe at least four things you learned about the career. (1-5
sentences. 4.0 points)
4. Create citations for each of the three websites about technology careers that you
bookmarked (including the one you bookmarked in Assignment 5S). Include their citations
here. (5.0 points)
TIP: If you don't know how to use italics yet, you can leave the text un-italicized.
5. Describe two things you can do to make sure you are using another person's work fairly.
(1-2 sentences. 2.0 points)


The pictures have the answers to your question.

Hope this helps :)


this was what i put!


I was climbing up a mountain-path

With many things to do,

Important business of my own,

And other people's too,

When I ran against a Prejudice

That quite cut off the view.

My work was such as could not wait,

My path quite clearly showed,

My strength and time were limited,

I carried quite a load;

And there that hulking Prejudice

Sat all across the road.

So I spoke to him politely,

For he was huge and high,

And begged that he would move a bit

And let me travel by.

He smiled, but as for moving! —

He didn't even try.

And then I reasoned quietly

With that colossal

My time was short — no other path —

The mountain winds were cool.

I argued like a Solomon;

He sat there like a fool.

Then I flew into a passion,

and I danced and howled and swore.

I pelted and belabored him

Till I was stiff and sore;

He got as mad as I did —

But he sat there as before.

And then I begged him on my knees;

I might be kneeling still

If so I hoped to move that mass

Of obdurate
ill-will —

As well invite the monument

To vacate Bunker Hill!

So I sat before him helpless,

In an ecstasy
of woe —

The mountain mists were rising fast,

The sun was sinking slow —

When a sudden inspiration came,

As sudden winds do blow.

I took my hat, I took my stick,

My load I settled fair,

I approached that awful incubus

With an absent-minded air —

And I walked directly through him,

As if he wasn't there!

What does the author imply about the nature of prejudice in this poem? How does the author suggest one should react to prejudice?



The prejudice is but wind. It can seem like it's in your way, but you can walk directly through it. The author suggests that you should not beg, not cry, not get angry, but instead ignore it.


i need help with number one



Just find the words that are figurative language for example similes uses words to compare like or as and for metaphor u don't use words to compare like or as

i need a 50 word story opening please​


Minatozaki Sana was going to be staying at her widowed auntie's house. She was looking forward to it as the last time she saw her auntie was when she was a baby. The wheels practically slid on the path made of gravel, that's how freezing it was. Looking out the window, Sana thought to herself, "Will this rain ever stop?"

not exactly 50 words

How does Helen Keller’s purpose for writing her memoir differ from that of the biographer who wrote about her life? *
1 point
A. Helen tries to inform people about the facts of her life, but the biographer wants people to know about Helen’s personality.
B. Helen tries to explain her childhood actions, while the biographer writes to tell people about Helen’s wild childhood.
C. Helen wants to reflect on her experiences, while the biographer writes to inform people about events in Helen Keller’s life.
D. Helen wants to entertain people by describing her point of view, but the biographer wants to amaze people with facts.



Helen wants to reflect on her experiences, while the biographer writes to inform people about events in Helen Keller's life




It’s most likely c because the purpose of a biographer is the inform people while Helen reflects her experiences

Select the correct answer.

which sentence is most likely to build an author's ethos appeal?

A. As the head lifeguard on Kidd Lake, I'm responsible for safe swimming and boating.

B. People who go in canoes without wearing life jackets are idiots.

C. Seventy-five percent of canoe accidents could be prevented if people followed safety procedures.

D. You don't have to wear life jacket at Kidd Lake as long as you don't rent a canoe.​


According to the question C. Seventy-five percent of canoe accidents could be prevented if people followed safety procedures.

What is Safety ?

Safety is the state of being protected from harm or risk. It is the responsibility of individuals, organizations, and governments to create and maintain safe environments for their citizens and employees. Safety is a key factor in the success of any organization and must be taken seriously. Safety can be achieved through a variety of measures, such as enforcing safety standards, providing safety training, and investing in safety equipment.

This sentence demonstrates the author's expertise on the subject and presents a fact-based argument, which will help to build an author's ethos appeal.

To learn more about Safety



Why do community colleges have a bad reputation?



i dont know for sure but i think because most of them let people in no matter what grades they have

help me, worth extra points and brainliest. PLeaseeeeeeeeeeee


Answer: We can't see the short storyyyy

Would you rather be in marvel, dc, star wars, or harry potter



harry potter wowwwwwww


That's hard I love star wars and marvel and the fact that they are both disney both


Which of the following is a correct example of parallel construction? Select all that apply.

1. I was always told that I was a sickly child who had moments of being tiresome.

2. I was always told that I was a sickly and precarious and tiresome and uncertain child.

3. I was always told that I was a sickly, precarious, tiresome, uncertain child.

4. I was always told that I was a sickly and precariously and tiresomely and uncertainly child.



its the last one


mark as brainliest

Is the following sentence true or false?

Lyric poems do not tell a story.

A. true

B. false





1-4. Underline the subject pronouns.
1. Maggie tried to put out the fire, but she couldn't.
2. The firefighters were worried, so they kept a careful lookout
3. Fires are dangerous because they are hard to control.
4. Vera wondered how she could help prevent fires.







How does the speaker describe his feelings about the present?in song to myself



The speaker offers several wild guesses, which puts the speaker on the same level as the child asking the question. Other childlike qualities include the speaker's hopeful disposition, non-discriminating attitude, and active imagination.

Hope this helps you. Do mark me as brainliest.

He ....... for three hours. (read)[correct form of verb]​


The correct answer is READ (pronounced red)

Explain whether you agree with these relationship rules or not. Be sure to explain why you do or don’t agree.

◦Choose a partner wisely and well.

◦Never go to sleep angry.

◦Learn to negotiate.



Choose a parter wisely is soemthing many people dont do but ita really important choose someone you care for cherish and want to spend many years with

Never go to sleep angry? Why not? When yoy wake up you will feel a whole lot better and have the energy to deal with whatever lies ahead.

Learn to negotiate would be quite a wise idea but its not so necesery. Negotiating with people in jobs or maybe kids would benifit you a whole lot but you can live without it.

PLZ HURRY 50 POINTS!!! Will report if wrong. Read the excerpt from act 2, scene 1, of Julius Caesar.

[BRUTUS.] Th’ abuse of greatness is when it disjoins
Remorse from power. And to speak truth of Caesar,
I have not known when his affections swayed
More than his reason. But &lquo;tis a common proof
That lowliness is young ambition’s ladder,
Whereto the climber-upward turns his face;
But when he once attains the upmost round,
He then unto the ladder turns his back,
Looks in the clouds, scorning the base degrees
By which he did ascend. So Caesar may.
Then lest he may, prevent. And since the quarrel
Will bear no colour for the thing he is,
Fashion it thus: that what he is, augmented,
Would run to these and these extremities;
And therefore think him as a serpent’s egg
Which, hatched, would as his kind grow mischievous,
And kill him in the shell.

Which quotations support the central idea that Brutus thinks Caesar is dangerous and needs to be killed before he becomes even more dangerous? Select three options.

A) “Fashion it thus: that what he is, augmented, / Would run to these and these extremities;”
B) “But 'tis a common proof / That lowliness is young ambition’s ladder”
C) “Th’ abuse of greatness is when it disjoins / Remorse from power.”
D) “And since the quarrel / Will bear no colour for the thing he is”
E) “And therefore think him as a serpent’s egg / Which, hatched, would as his kind grow mischievous, / And kill him in the shell.”



C, E and A


The quotations which support the central idea that Brutus thinks Caesar is dangerous and needs to be killed before he becomes even more dangerous are:

“Fashion it thus: that what he is, augmented, / Would run to these and these extremities;”“Th’ abuse of greatness is when it disjoins / Remorse from power.”“And therefore think him as a serpent’s egg / Which, hatched, would as his kind grow mischievous, / And kill him in the shell.”

What are Supporting Details?

This refers to the use of evidence in order to validate a claim to prove that it is true.

With this in mind, we can see that from the given text, an earlier claim is given about the reasons for Brutus's betrayal and this gives the details to why Brutus thinks Caesar is dangerous and needs to be killed

Read more about supporting details here:


Which statement describes the viewpoint of Teiresias in Antigone?

Only Haimon knows what justice is.

Antigone is stubborn and foolish.

Creon's advisers are too old to do their jobs.

Creon's actions are unjust and cruel.



Creon's actions are unjust and cruel.


The statement that describes the viewpoint of Teiresias in Antigone is D. Creon's actions are unjust and cruel.

What is a point of view?

The point of view simply means the stance of an author regarding a literary work. It's the authors perspective.

In this case, the statement that describes the viewpoint of Teiresias in Antigone is that Creon's actions are unjust and cruel.

Learn more about point of view on:



help me, its easy

write a sentence in figurative language on how gummy bears feel like.

(dnt use g0ogle because my teachers check)



Holding a gummy bear is like holding a tiny cloud in the palm of your hand.


I hope this helps, I know it's probably not the best.

Plllzzz What is the theme of the poem
I was thrown Through the hard cold steel waves like a child lost in an unending sea
Waves of anger because of the unknown waves capped with winter frost were unyielding and severe
Shivering the waves consumed me fear shone through my eyes and my now bluish skin felt clammy to the touch
Fear held me anchored for I knew not how to raise my head above the flashing flint of the ocean
Where was the ocean i loves the Venetian blue the gentle lulling the conformity that I knew
A beast that I know not how to control was now living and consuming me
Why was I being forsaken I needed sanctuary I silently pleaded to an unyielding sea of storming iron
I have more to live anger won’t overcome me again please I have more to give






im not a 100% sure but i think it is coming to the idea that youve lost


hey guys help me
meaning of "extracurricular ​



Outside the normal routine, usually used when speaking of a job or school


when it’s not exactly considered a regular curricular
you know how people say “extracurricular activities?”
like they have activities outside of school, such as math tutor or soccer etc

50 points and brainly Est Which sentence uses the word deferred correctly?
Question 5 options:

We deferred the chance to see the movie because we could not wait for opening day.

Carlos deferred the bulk of the work in his group project because he had the most experience growing vegetables.

The employees were deferred that they were given two extra vacation days.

She asked for her entry into the university to be deferred until she had time to save money for her tuition.



D.   She asked for her entry into the university to be deferred until she had time to save money for her tuition.


It worked for me


hi, can u help me with these pls?





please give brainliest

Other Questions
^2x+x(x^x) when x ,=2 I NEED HELP ON THIS ONE TOO SAME THING ILL GIVE BRAINLIESTCassidy plans to paint the four walls of her bedroom. Each wall measures 12 feet by 10 feet. The window measures 2.5 feet by 4 feet. The door measures 3 feet by 7 feet. How many square feet will Cassidy paint if she does not paint the window and door? Sketch the figure below and show are calculations. (GIVING BRAINLIEST!!!!!!)What did Jedediah Smith achieve while exploring?A) Explored the northern peaks of the Cascade MountainsB) Met members of the Navajo tribeC) Reached California and returned east by landD) Traveled with a Native American guide Which of the following objects most closely identifies with a 'cartouche' in Egyptian writing? Which of the following examples represents a flat character?A. Madeline constantly encounters difficulty when she tries to workwith her twin sister, Margo, because their personalities areopposites.B. Ryan strives to gain acceptance at her new school, despite beingvery different from the other students.C. Delvis remains the fun-loving, goofy neighbor and friend to themain character, Dallas, throughout the story.O D. Jon begins his cross-country cycling trip positive and excitedabout the experience. By the end of the trip, he is bitter andexhausted. Which of the following best states Romeos motivation fordrinking poison in The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, Act V?A.He believes Juliet is dead and wants to spend eternity with her.B.He is upset over his banishment.C.He believes that it is only through his death that Juliet will findhappiness in life.D.He is plagued by guilt over Tybalts death. 1. For the exponential function y = 2^x:a) What is the y-intercept?b) What is the domain?c) What is the range?d) What is the equation of the asymptote?PLEASE HELP EXPONENTIAL FUNCTION!! Need help ASAP please!! Help me I dont know how to do this How did The avenue of the dead get its name pls help is history the question is on top and answers on the bottom A) 5t - 6= 3 - 41Me ajuda!!!! Por favor In what ways do humans affect the carbon cycle? The volume of a rubber ball is 5,461 cm3. What is the radius of the ball? what mouse walks on 2 feet?that one was easy Now, what duck walks on 2 feet? Algae produce food by the process of....? Peggy is an executive for the Tan Furniture Manufacturing Company. She purchased furniture from the company for $9,500, the price Tan ordinarily would charge a wholesaler for the same items. The retail price of the furniture was $12,500, and Tan's cost was $9,000. The company also paid for Peggy's parking space in a garage near the office. The parking fee was $600 for the year. All employees are allowed to buy furniture at a discounted price comparable to that charged to Peggy. However, the company does not pay other employees' parking fees. Peggy's gross income from the above is: What is the value of x in the representation below3,7,-3,-7 X-5(x-1)=2x-(2x-3) answer the question Complete the following sentence. Remember to spell correctly.The market is in ___until the price of goods reflects equal supply and demand.