What is the answer 5 +5


Answer 1

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Can anyone help me pls this is my last grade for algebra and Ik failing the class right now I need this grade to be able to pass my class pls help


For every room added, the price increase is $50, therefore the slope is equal to 50.

Since the value for one room is $125 and we know that each room costs $50, then the y-intercept is the value for 1 room minus 50.


Now we can create the function for this situation:

[tex]f(x)=50\cdot x+75[/tex]

Where f(x) is the price and x is the number of rooms to be cleaned. Since the function is linear, the unit rate is equal to the slope, so the unit rate is 50.

The amount charged to drive to the client's home is the fixed part of the price, so it is equal to the y-intercept. The price is $75.

To find the cost of 8 rooms we need to make x = 8 and calculate the value of the expression.


The value would be $475.

Benchmark estimate of 6.34 + 3.95


The value of 6.34 + 3.95 using benchmarks estimating is 10.


Benchmarks to estimate means rounding to the nearest whole number

Step 1: If the value after decimal is 5 or more than round off it to successive whole number other wise round off it to preceding whole number

Step 2: We need to round 6.34 and 3.95 to the nearest whole number

6.34 will be rounded to 6.

3.95 will be rounded to 4.

Since we have gotten the rounded number to be 6 and 4 then;

Benchmark estimate  = 6 + 4

    = 10

Therefore, Benchmark estimate 6.34 + 3.95 =10.

Learn more about benchmark here: https://brainly.com/question/587625


The graph below represents compound interest over time with an initial investment of $600 at in interest rate of 6% compounded annually. Which of these statements describes the situation?-it will take less than 10 years to double the initial investment-it will take less than 20 years to triple the initial investment-it will take more than 15 years to double the investment-it will take more than 30 years to triple the initial investment



It will take less than 20 years to triple the investment.


We want to identify the statement that best describes the situation represented by the graph of the compound interest over time.

To do this, let us find at what point the compound amount doubles and triples.

Since the initial investment is $600, it implies that double this investment is $1200, and triple this investment is $1800.

Hence, we have to identify what happens at these points on the graph.

Notice that when y approaches $1200 on the vertical axis, x is greater than 10 and less than 15. It occurs at about x = 12 years.

Also, notice that when y approaches $1800 on the vertical axis, x is less than 20 years (also less than 30 years). It occurs at about x = 19 years.

Hence, the only correct statement that describes the situation is that it will take less than 20 years to triple the investment.

The correct answer is the second option.

Given the card is a club, what is the probability a card drawn at random will be a(n)…12.8?13.10 or ace?


A standard deck has 52 cards, there are four suits in the deck, "clubs", "diamonds", "hearts", and "spades". There are 13 ranks in each suit.

You know that the card drawn at random is a club. This means that there are 13 possible outcomes: Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, and K.

→ You have to determine the probability of drawing an "8" given that the card is a club. There is only one 8 of clubs between the 13 cards of the suite, the probability is equal to the number of successes divided by the total number of outcomes:


→ You have to determine the probability of drawing a 10 or an ace, given that the card is a club. Once again, since you know that the card's suit is a club, you have to calculate the probability considering the 13 ranks that conform to the suit.

The events "drawing the 10 of clubs" and "drawing the ace of clubs" are mutually exclusive, which means that the probability of the union between both events is equal to the sum of their individual probabilities:


There is only one 10 within the 13 ranks of the suit, the probability can be expressed as follows:


You can calculate the probability of drawing the Ace of Clubs using the same logic:


Now you can calculate the union between both events:

[tex]\begin{gathered} P((10|Club)\cup(Ace|Club))=P(10|Club)+P(Ace|Club) \\ P((10|Club)\cup(Ace|Club))=\frac{1}{13}+\frac{1}{13} \\ P((10|Club)\cup(Ace|Club))=\frac{2}{13} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Given the equation y = 1.3* Growth a. Does this equation represent growth or decay? 1.3 b. What is the growth or decay factor? e. What is the rate of growth or decay? d. What is the initial value?



a. Growth

b. 1.3

c. 30%

d. 1


The exponential equation given can be written in the form


From this form, we see that

a. the function represents a growth since 1.3 > 1

b. the growth factor is 1.3

c. The rate of growth is (1.3 - 1) * 100% = 30%

d. the initial value is 1.

Hence, the answers

a. Growth

b. 1.3

c. 30%

d. 1

kenji mixes 1/5 clay soil with 1/8 bale of straw to make an Adobe brick how much soil will he need to use the whole bale of straw.


Clay soil = 1/5

bale of straw = 1/8

Clay soil needed = x

Bale of straw needed = 1

Clay soil : Bale of straw (rate)

1/5 : 1/8 = x : 1

1/5 ÷ 1/8 = x / 1

1/5 × 8/1 = x / 1

8/5 = x / 1

Cross product

8 * 1 = 5 * x

8 = 5x

Divide both sides by 5

x = 8/5

what is the volume of a sphere with a radius of 3.3m rounded to the nearest tenth in cubic meters


For this exercise you need to use the following formula for calculate the volume of a sphere:

[tex]V=\frac{4}{3}\pi r^3[/tex]

Where "r" is the radius of the sphere.

In this case you can identify that:


Then, you can substitute this value into the formula:


Finally, evaluating, you get that the volume of the sphere (rounded to the nearest tenth in cubic meters) is:


The answer is:




Angle Y is 60 degrees and X is 50 degrees

2 4/7 divided by 2 3/5
Find the quotient. If possible, rename the quotient as a mixed number or a whole number. Write your answer in simplest form, using only the blanks needed.



1 17/28

Step-by-step explanation:

2 4/7=18/17

2 3/5=8/5

18/17÷8/5=90/56=45/28=1 17/28

The period of a pendulum is the time the pendulum


The period of the pendulum is 11.11 seconds.


From the given equation,

L= 0.81t² -----------------------------------------(1)

But L= 100 feet

Substitute the value of L into equation (1)

That is;

100 = 0.81t²

Divide both-side of the equation by 0.81



Take the square root of both-side of the equation.


T= 11.11 seconds.

Hence, the period of the pendulum is 11.11 seconds.

The side lengths of a triangle are shownbelow. How many other triangles with thesemeasurements could be made?A. None just this unique triangleB. Two trianglesC. Many triangles84 mm96 mm60 mm


Given the side lengths of some triangle:

[tex]\begin{gathered} L_1=84 \\ L_2=96 \\ L_3=60 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Let us suppose that there exists another triangle with these side lengths:

[tex]\begin{gathered} L_1^{\prime}=84 \\ L_2^{\prime}=96 \\ L_3^{\prime}=60 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Based on these, we can say that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} L_1\cong L_1^{\prime} \\ L_2\cong L^{\prime}_2 \\ L_3\cong L^{\prime}_3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, using the Side-side-side theorem, we conclude that both triangles are congruent, so this triangle is unique

23.35 in.43 in.36 in.A.1505 in.2B.142 in.2C. 71 in.2D. 1260 in.2



This parallelogram

The area of a parallelogram =BH

The area of a parallelogram

[tex]\begin{gathered} =35\text{ in }\times36in \\ =1,260in^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The final answer is the last option

option D

what is the maximum number of turns in the graph of this functuion f(x) x^4-x^3+3x+1


As given by the question

There are given that the function



By the defination, a polynomial of n degree, has a maximum turning points of:


Therefore, if you have the polynomial given in the problem, which is a polynomial of degree 4, that means (n=4).

The maximum number of turns can be obtained as following:

[tex]\begin{gathered} n-1=4-1 \\ =3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the maximum number of turns in the graph is 3.

(1a) Clare drew a dashed line as shown in the diagram. She said the thattwo resulting shapes have the same area. Do you agree? *


The area of a rectangle is given by the formula:

[tex]A=b\times h[/tex]

Where b is the length of the base and h is the height of the rectangle.

The area of a triangle is given by the formula:

[tex]A=\frac{b\times h}{2}[/tex]

Where b is the length of the base of the triangle and h is its height.

The resulting shape on the right is a rectangle, whose base is 2 and its height is 4, then the area of this part of the shape is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=b\times h \\ A=2\times4=8 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The area of the triangle resulting on the left side is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\frac{b\times h}{2} \\ A=\frac{4\times4}{2}=\frac{16}{2}=8 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since the area of both shapes is 8, Clare is right.

Make use of structure. For rectangle ABCD, two vertices are A(-2, 3) and B(4, 6). Find the slopes of BC, CD, and DA. Explain your answer.


We are given a rectangle ABCD

A(-2, 3)

B(4, 6)

We are asked to find the slopes of sides BC, CD, and DA.

Let me first draw a rectangle to better understand the problem

Recall that the slope is given by

[tex]m=\frac{y_2−y_1}{ x_2−x_1}[/tex][tex]\text{where}(x_1,y_1)=(-2,3)\text{and}(x_2,y_2)=(4,6)[/tex]

So the slope of side AB is


The sides BC and DA are perpenducluar to the side AB.

So their slopes will be


Substituting the value of slope of AB


The side CD is parallel to the side AB.

Parallel sides have equal slopes so


Therefore, the slopes of the rectangle ABCD are

[tex]\begin{gathered} m_{AB}=m_{CD}=\frac{1}{2} \\ m_{BC}=m_{DA}=-2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

can someone help with algebra 2?


The given function is

[tex]f(x)=\begin{cases}\frac{1}{3}x+1\colon x<-2 \\ x-3\colon-1\leq x<2 \\ 3\colon x\ge2\end{cases}[/tex]

A piecewise function is a function that behaves differently on each interval. In this case, we have three intervals with three different behaviors, so let's graph each of them.

First part. 1/3x + 1.

We have to find coordinated points for the values x = -4 and x = -3. To do so, we have to evaluate the expression for each value.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{1}{3}\cdot(-4)+1=-\frac{4}{3}+1=\frac{-4+3}{3}=-\frac{1}{3} \\ \frac{1}{3}\cdot(-3)+1=-1+1=0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So we have two points for the first expression: (-4, -1/3) and (-3, 0).

Second part. x - 3.

Let's evaluate the expression for x = -1 and x = 0.

[tex]\begin{gathered} -1-3=-4 \\ 0-3=-3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The points are (-1, -4) and (0, -3).

For the third part, we don't have to evaluate any expression because the function, in that interval, is a horizontal line.

Now, we just have to graph all the points on the same coordinated plane, as the image below shows.

Find the height of the cone. Round to the nearest hundredth, if necessary. Show your work.



The height of the cone is 6.16 inches



diameter of the cone = 4 inches

Angle BAC = 72°

To find:

the height of the cone

To determine the height of the cone, we will use the right-angled triangle formed in the cone:

Diameter = 2(radius)

radius = diameter/2

radius = 4/2

radius = 2 inches

Height = BC

To get the height, we will apply the tan ratio (TOA):

[tex]tan\text{ 72\degree = }\frac{opposite}{adjacent}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} tan\text{ 72\degree = }\frac{BC}{2} \\ BC\text{ = 2\lparen tan 72\degree \rparen} \\ BC\text{ = 2\lparen3.0777\rparen} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} BC\text{ = 6.1554} \\ \\ The\text{ height of the cone is 6.16 in} \end{gathered}[/tex]

If $7025 is invested at a rate of 10% compounded continuously, what will be the balance after 12 years? Round your answer to two decimal places.


p = $7025

r = 10% = 10/100 = 0.1

t = 12



[tex]\begin{gathered} A=7025\times e^{0.1\times12} \\ A=7025\times e^{1.2} \\ A=7025\times3.32011692274 \\ A=23323.8213822 \\ A=\text{ \$}23323.82 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Balance after 12 years = $23,323.82

The Jordan family budgeted 16% of their disposable annual income of $44,000 for food, but found they needed $35 more per week. How much of their income should now beadded to their food budget?$1,587.00$1,820.00$1,924.00$2,042.00None of these choices are correct.



The percentage of income budgeted for food, R=16%.

The income of the family, I=$44,000.

The extra amount for food needed per week, x=$35.

The amount budgeted by the family for food in an year is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\frac{R}{100}\times I \\ =\frac{16}{100}\times44000 \\ =7040 \end{gathered}[/tex]

There are 365 days in an year and 7 days in a week.

The number of weeks per year is,


The extra amount added by the family for food is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} A_w=xN \\ =35\times\frac{365}{7} \\ =1825 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the family should add $1825 to their food budget.

So, none of these choices are correct.

How would you write the equation for the following sentence: 3 hot dogs and 4 sodas cost $20. * Do not put spaces or dollar signs in your answer. Your answer


3h + 4s = 20

1) Let's write an equation for that, calling hot dogs by h and sodas by s.

3h + 4s = 20

Note that in this equation we are relating prices, of hot dogs and sodas and the total cost of them. Similar reasoning is used to set a linear system of equations.

2. Noelle always leaves a tip of between 10% and 15% for the stylist when she gets her hair done. This can be represented by thesystem of inequalities shown below, where y is the amount of tip and x is the cost of the hair service. Which of the following isa true statement?y > 0.12y < 0.15%O When the cost of the hair service, x, is $75 the amount of tip, y, must be between $11.25 and $15.O When the cost of the hair service, x, is $50 the amount of tip, y, must be between $5 and $7.50.When the tip, y, is $15, the cost of the hair service, x, must be between $50 and $75.aWhen the tip, y, is $10, the cost of the hair service, x, must be between $100 and $150.


Substituting with x = 75 into the inequalities, we get:

y > 0.1*75

y > 7.5

y < 0.15*75

y < 11.25

Substituting with x = 50 into the inequalities, we get:

6.Find the volume of the cone in terms of PiA cone with a radius of 10 in and a height of 12 in.a 800pi in ³b 2007pi in ³c 4007pi in^3d 600 in ³



We are told to find the volume of a cone with a radius of 10 inches and a height of 12 inches

To do so, we will use the formula

[tex]Volume=\frac{1}{3}\times\pi\times r^2\times h[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} where \\ radius=r=10inches \\ height=h=12inches \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the volume will be

[tex]Volume=\frac{1}{3}\times\pi\times10^2\times12=\frac{100\times12}{3}\times\pi=400\pi\text{ in}^3[/tex]

Find the area under the graph of f(x) = e-2ln(x) on the interval [1, 2]. (2 points)



To solve the question, we will need to re-express the given function as follow:

[tex]f(x)=e^{-2\ln (x)}[/tex]

Will become

[tex]f(x)=e^{-2\ln (x)}=e^{\ln x^{-2}}[/tex]


[tex]f(x)=e^{\ln x^{-2}}=x^{-2}[/tex]

This simply means that we will find the area under the curve:

[tex]f(x)=x^{-2}\text{ within the interval \lbrack{}1,2\rbrack}[/tex]


The area will be

[tex]\int ^2_1f(x)dx=\int ^2_1x^{-2}dx[/tex]

This will then be


This will be simplified to give


Therefore, the area under the curve will be


Thus, the answer is 0.5

Greatest common factor of 9 and 11




Step-by-step explanation:

Since, 1 is the only common factor between 9 and 11. The Greatest Common Factor of 9 and 11 is 1.

Brother u don’t have to solve this.. u just have to look at the question and answer it … it’s that simple… the answer is 1

List the odd counting numbers between 4 and 14





We want to list the odd counting numbers between 4 and 14.

Odd numbers are numbers that are not divisible by 2 and counting numbers are natural numbers.

Therefore, odd counting numbers between 4 and 14 are:


That is the answer.

A 17-1b bag of Zollipops is $120.00. Connecticut 3 sales tax is 6.35% and Missouri's is 4.225%. How much more sales tax does a customer in Connecticut pay for the bag than one in Missouri?


step 1

Find out how much is the sales tax in Connecticut

we have


Multiply by $120.00


step 2

Find out how much is the sales tax in Missouri

we have


Multiply by $120.00


step 3

Find the difference




the answer is $2.55

Good morning can someone help me with my math


Part A

Angles 1 and 2 (<1 and <2 ) are alternate angles

Alternate angles are angles that are in opposite positions relative to a transversal intersecting two lines

Therefore < 1 and < 2 are equal

Part B

AC and BD are Arc angles

AC = 2 x < 1

BD = 2 x < 2

Since < 1 and < 2 are equal

Then AC = BD

Part C

Parallel lines AB and BC will intercept the AC and BD arcs

solve the following for x 13 over8 = x over 9





We have the following proportion:


We solve for x:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{x}{9}=\frac{13}{8} \\ \\ x=\frac{13*9}{8} \\ \\ x=\frac{117}{8}=14\frac{5}{8}=14.625 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Each month a shopkeeper spends 5X + 14 dollars on rent and electricity . If he spends 3X -7 dollars on rent how much does he spend on electricity? use pencil and paper for each values of X is the amount the shopkeeper spends on electricity less than 100? explain how you found the values 


The values of x is x<39.5.

Given that the shopkeeper spends on rent and electricity is = 5x+14

Spending of shopkeeper on rent = 3x-7

So shopkeeper spends on electricity = (5x+14) - (3x-7) = 2x+21

Given that amount the shopkeeper spends on electricity less than 100.

So suitable inequality,

2x+21 < 100

2x < 100-21

2x < 79

x < 39.5

All the values of x<39.5.

To know more about Inequality refer to:



Name two planes that intersect in VR in the figure to the right.



(C)plane VWS and plane RQU.


Consider Rectangle RQUV and RVWS.

They share a common edge which is VR.

Therefore, the planes that intersect in VR are plane VWS and plane RQU.

The correct choice is C.

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