What is selection in programming?


Answer 1
Selection in programming is also called a decision

Related Questions

The Middletown Wholesale Copper Wire Company sells spools of copper wiring for $100 each and ships them for $10 a piece. Write a program that displays the status of an order. It should use two functions.

getOrderInfo (order, stock, specialCharges)

displayStatus( numOrdered, inStock, unitShipChg)

The first function asks for the following data and stores the input values in reference parameters.

The number of spools ordered.
The number of spools in stock.
Any special shipping and handling charges (above the regular $10 rate).
The second function receives as arguments any values needed to compute and display the following information:
The number of ordered spools ready to ship from current stock.

The number of ordered spools on backorder (if the number ordered is greater than what is in stock).

The total selling price of the portion ready to ship (the number of spools ready to ship times $100).

Total shipping and handling charges on the portion ready to ship.

Total of the order ready to ship.

The shipping and handling parameter in the second function should have the default argument 10.00.


SOLUTION- I have solved the problem in python code with comments and a screenshot for easy understanding :) CODE- # function to get order information from the user and return it def get order info(): order = int(input("How many spools are being ordered.

What is information?

Information is a general term for everything with the capacity to inform. Information is most fundamentally concerned with the interpretation of what may be sensed. Any naturally occurring process that is not entirely random, as well as any discernible pattern in any medium, can be said to convey some level of information.

A program that displays the status of an order. It should use two functions. in python code with comments and a screenshot for easy understanding :) CODE- # function to get order information from the user and return it def get order info(): order = int(input("How many spools are being ordered.

Therefore, the information carried by your genes.

Learn more about the information here:



Computer Science using JavaScript code form:
Design a cake for your birthday!
Draw a cake on the screen. Ask the user how old they are and then draw that many candles on the cake.
(I am 18 years old so there would be 18 candles below is the image I need to make) (Help ASAP!!!!)
Use Constance to control the size of your cake so that if one value changes, the cake is still proportional.
Make sure your candles are added to the cake from the center rather than adding them from left or right.
There are many different ways to decorate your cake, but using loops will make adding lots of decoration much easier!​


Using the knowledge in computational language in JAVA it is possible to write a code that Draw a cake on the screen and Ask the user how old they are and then draw that many candles on the cake.

Writting the code:

function birthdayCakeCandles(arr) {

   // Step 1

   let max = 0;

   let counter = 0;

   // Step 2 (a)

   arr.forEach(item => {

       // Step 3

       if (item > max) {

           // Step 4

           max = item;

           counter = 1;

           // Step 2 (b)

       } else if (item === max) {




   return counter;


See more about JAVA at brainly.com/question/18502436


So this one is puzzling me and my boss asked if I could look into it. She received an email from Ulta beauty about a big sale they were having that only lasted a few hours. She went back later in the day and pulled up the exact same email and the text/picture inside the body of the email had magically changed saying "this event has ended." So how is that possible? How can the text change in an email already sent?? Help me understand!


Normally we cannot edit email that already sent but , we can edit mail through:

Click Sent Items in the Navigation Pane of Mail.

How can we edit email?e-mail, or electronic mail, refers to messages sent and received by digital computers via a network. An e-mail system allows computer users on a network to communicate with one another by sending text, graphics, sounds, and animated images.Open the message you want to replace and recall. Click Other Actions in the Actions group on the Message tab, and then click Recall This Message. Delete unread copies and replace with a new message or Delete unread copies and replace with a new message are the options.

To learn more about email refer to :



This is to be done in java
Task 1: Write a car class - this is a prototype or blueprint for many different cars that will follow the same basic type of pattern. Your car class should have 4 fields that describe characteristics of a car including model, make, year, color, speed, velocity.

Possible values for each field:
Model: Wrangler, Grand Cherokee, Camry, Corolla, Corvette, Bolt
Make: Jeep, Toyota, Chevrolet
Year: 1946, 2022
Color: red, blue, silver
Speed: 25, 25, 55, 75,100

Task 2: Your car class should also have several methods - assuming it has a rider to do them, the car can have certain behaviors or actions that it can take. Add the methods to accomplish the following:

Set a speed (could take an integer in mph)
Calculate a speed (could take a distance in miles and a time in hours)
Get a speed (in mph)

Task 3: Create a constructor that takes four parameters for your car class and initializes speed to 0.

Write a main method and inside it, invoke a new car object for every person at your table. Print a complete ‘description’ of each car to the console using the System.out.println and toString methods. Each car should be unique, so be creative with the color choice.

Task 4: Agree on the value of and create a speedLimit field for your car class and create two public methods to get and change the value of the speed limit.

Task 5: Draw the UML representation of the class that you have created.

IndividualTask 6: Create a class method that is named isSpeeding that takes as arguments a distance in miles, a time in hours and a Car to determine whether the car is speeding. Ask your colleges how fast they want to go to the beach and determine whether they would be speeding. Assume the beach is 330 miles away.

IndividualTask 7: Draw the UML Diagram for your class.


Using the knowledge in computational language in python it is possible to write a code that write a car class - this is a prototype or blueprint for many different cars that will follow the same basic type of pattern.

Writting the code:

// create a class named Car

public class Car {

   // private instance fields

   private String model, make, color;

   private int year, speed, speedLimit;

   // method to set a speed

   public void setSpeed(int speed) { this.speed = speed; }

   // method to calculate speed

   public int calculateSpeed(int miles, int hours) {

       // speed = distance in miles / time in hours

       return (int)(Double.valueOf(miles) / hours);


   // method to get speed

   public int getSpeed() { return speed; }

   // parameterized constructor

   public Car(String model, String make, String color, int year) {

       // initialize the instance fields to parameter values

       this.model = model;

       this.make = make;

       this.color = color;

       this.year = year;

       // initialize speed to 0

       this.speed = 0;

       // the agreed upon value for the speed limit(you can change this value)

       this.speedLimit = 35;


   // method that returns a string representation of the object

   public String toString() {

       return "Model: " + model + ", Make: " + make + ", Color: " + color +

           ", Year: " + year + ", Speed: " + speed + " mph";


        // return true if the car's speed is greater than speed limit otherwise false

       if(carSpeed > speedLimit)

           return true;


           return false;



See more about JAVA at brainly.com/question/18502436


Look at the following Polygon class:
public class Polygon
private int numSides;

public Polygon()
numSides = 0;

public void setNumSides(int sides)
numSides = sides;

public int getNumSides()
return numSides;
Write a public class named Triangle that is a subclass of the Polygon class. The Triangle class should have the following members:
a private int field named base
a private int field named height
a constructor that assigns 3 to the numSides field and assigns 0 to the base and height fields
a public void method named setBase that accepts an int argument. The argument's value should be assigned to the base field
a public void method named setHeight that accepts an int argument. The argument's value should be assigned to the height field
a public method named getBase that returns the value of the base field
a public method named getHeight that returns the value of the height field
a public method named getArea that returns the area of the triangle as a double.
Use the following formula to calculate the area: Area = (height * base) / 2.0


The Triangle class should consist of the following components: - a base-named private int field Create a Triangle public class that is a subclass of the Polygon. Creating a hierarchy between our classes is the first step in inheritance.

What are polygons and their types?Any two-dimensional shape made of straight lines is called a polygon. Polygons include shapes like triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, and hexagons. The shape's number of sides is indicated by the name. A quadrilateral has four sides, whereas a triangle has three.The description of a closed, two-dimensional area inside of a coordinate space is included in the Polygon class. An arbitrary number of line segments, each of which is a side of the polygon, encircle this area.figuring out a triangle's area by using its base and height Java formula area = (Ax(By -Cy)) to return the area of a triangle using its vertices.

To learn more about Polygon refer to:



Which of these is used for long-range wireless communication?



Power-Line Communication






first thing taught in administrative technology.

Creating compelling visuals for presentations requires people to learn what new tools? Question 1 options: A gaming software B language translation software C design software D audio recording software


Creating compelling visuals for presentations requires people to learn design software tools. The correct option is c.

What are compelling visuals?

Using pertinent images has been demonstrated to improve audience retention of information from a scientific standpoint. 90% of the information that is sent to the brain is visual. Additionally, as we already explained, the brain processes images 60,000 times more quickly than it does words.

In designing something, visuals are necessary, and for other audio, recording, and language translation, visuals are not necessary.

Therefore, the correct option is c. design software.

To learn more about compelling visuals, refer to the link:



Implement the primary queue operations using an array of size 3


It is quite easy to implement the queue data structure using an array. Simply define a one-dimensional array of a certain size, then add or remove the values.

What is an array queue?A queue is a linear data structure where FIFO is used to determine the order of operations (first in first out). The array is a form of data structure that keeps elements of the same type in one continuous area in memory. The insertion and deletion operations in a queue are carried out at its opposing ends.Using the enqueue() function, fresh data can be added to the queue. Dequeue(): Removes the element from the queue with the highest priority. Using the peek()/top() function, you can retrieve the element in the queue with the highest priority without deleting anything else from the queue.It is quite easy to implement the queue data structure using an array. Simply define a one-dimensional array of a certain size, then add or remove the values.  

To learn more about Array queue refer to:



What tool would you use in Excel if you wanted to separate a .csv file of varying lengths?
Fixed Width



What tool would you use in Excel if you wanted to separate a .csv file of varying lengths?


Fixed Width





Select the cell or column that contains the text you want to split.

Select Data > Text to Columns.

In the Convert Text to Columns Wizard, select Delimited > Next.

Select the Delimiters for your data. For example, Comma and Space. You can see a preview of your data in the Data preview window.

Select Next.

Select the Destination in your worksheet which is where you want the split data to appear.

Select Finish.

A fixed-width text file's data is organised in rows and columns, with one entry per row.

What is fixed width Format?

With one entry per row, data is organised in rows and columns in fixed-width text files. The greatest quantity of data that may be stored in each column is determined by its fixed width, which is expressed in characters. The fields in the file are not divided by delimiters.

OEDQ requires knowledge of the implicit column sizes in a fixed width text file in order to properly parse the data contained within. This is done via the New Data Store process, and if necessary, it may subsequently be changed as part of the data store settings.

When you divide a column based on a delimiter, you choose a character that Excel understands as dividing one column's contents from the next. The comma (",") is the most widely used delimiter, but other options include tab-delimited, space-delimited, semicolon-delimited, etc.

To learn more about fixed width refer :



history of computer and generation of computer​



computing evolution


Which of the following examples does not use descriptive analytics?
A business owner discovering that spring has been the season with the highest sales
over the last 4 years.
A retail store wants to know if it's worth creating a loyal customer discount by seeing
how many repeat customers they had last year.
A non-profit organization using last year's total donations to project next year's total
Human resources has developed a survey to determine how engaged employees are
currently feeling at the company.


A charity that predicts its total donations for the following year using the

totals from the previous year.

What is Descriptive analytics?

Using descriptive analytics, you can better understand how changes in a firm have changed by analyzing historical data. Decision-makers have a comprehensive understanding of performance and trends on which to base corporate strategy by using a variety of historical data and benchmarking.

Descriptive analytics may use metrics like year-over-year price fluctuations, month-over-month sales growth, user count, or total revenue per subscriber. Predictive and prescriptive analytics, two more recent types of analytics, are now employed in conjunction with descriptive analytics.

The most basic type of data analysis, descriptive analytics, involves summarizing the key elements and traits of a data set. Statistical measures of distribution, central tendency, and variability are used in descriptive analytics.

To learn more about Descriptive analytics refer to:



Fill in the blank with the correct response.
Blank Is a software that adds a specific feature to an existing program.


Plug-in Address bar is software that is added to an already-existing program to provide it new features.

Explain about the Address bar?

The address bar is the well-known text area that displays the name or URL (uniform resource locator) of the currently-viewed web page at the top of a web browser's graphical user interface (GUI).

By allowing the user to enter an Internet Protocol address or a website's URL, the address bar aids in navigating. Additionally, it may store previously used addresses for later use. A location bar, address box, or universal resource locator (URL) bar are other names for an address bar.

It's called the Bookmarks Toolbar, and because I use Windows, I'll assume Mac is the same. To add bookmarks to it click the bookmarks star twice, then choose Bookmarks Toolbar using the small arrow(s) to the right of 'Unsorted Bookmarks.'

To learn more about  Address bar refer to:



Suppose we want to put an array of n integer numbers into descending numerical
order. This task is called sorting. One simple algorithm for sorting is selection sort.
You let an index i go from 0 to n-1, exchanging the ith element of the array with
the maximum element from i up to n. Using this finite set of integers as the input
array {4 3 9 6 1 7 0}:

i. Perform the asymptotic and worst-case analysis on the sorting algorithm
been implemented


i) Time complexity for worst case is O(n^2).

What is asymptotic?

Asymptotic, informally, refers to a value or curve that is arbitrarily close. The term "asymptote" refers to a line or curve that is asymptotic to a given curve. Let be a continuous variable that tends to some limit, to put it more formally.

1) Asymptotic & worst case analysis:

The worst case analysis occur when the array is sorted in decreasing order.

Time Complexity = O(n^2)


for(i=0; i<n-1; i++)


   int min_index = i;

   for (j=i+1;, j<n; j++)




               min_index = j; }




Let n=6


i =[0,1,2,3,4]

j = [1→5,2→5,3→5,4→5,5→5]

Number of iteration:


General case:

[tex]\sum^{n-1}_1= 1 + 2 +3 +......+(n-1)[/tex]

[tex]\sum^{n-1}_1= \frac{n(n-1)}{2}[/tex]

[tex]= \frac{n^2-n}{2}[/tex]

So, Time complexity = O(n^2).

∴Time complexity for worst case is O(n^2).

Learn more about asymptotic  click here:



Which of the following should be used to enter a word ?
(A) Expo.enterBoolean();
(B) Expo.enterChar();
(C) Expo.enterDouble();
(D) Expo.enterInt();
(E) Expo.enterString();


Expo.enterBoolean();An expression that may only be evaluated as true or false is called a boolean expression (after mathematician George Boole)

What is an example of a Boolean?An expression that may only be evaluated as true or false is called a boolean expression (after mathematician George Boole).Let's examine some examples in everyday language:Pink is one of my favorite colors.I'm apprehensive about programming computers.It's entertaining to read this book. A boolean value in computer science is one that can either be true or false.George Boole, an English mathematician, gave his name to In Boole's new branch of algebra, now referred to as Boolean Algebra, the value of true is 1, while the value of false is 0. The mathematician George Boole, who published An Investigation of the Laws of Thought in 1854, is the source of the term "Boolean."The branch of mathematics known as boolean algebra works with how to logically describe true and false using the integers 0 and 1.

To learn more about Boolean refer






NOTE: The program will crash with a Run-time Error if you enter something that is not an integer like a word or even a real number.

How many ads should be implemented per ad group?
A One or two
B Only one
C Three to five
D Two to three



only one


because who likes ad

Discuss how to handle risk management in the DevOps environment.


To handle risk management in the DevOps environment, accept it, avoid it, and diminish it.

What is a DevOps environment?

Embrace it, possibly a highly popular tactic, and prevent it, useless or untested technology should not be used, diminish it.  This tactic actively lowers hazards.

It's simple for problems like cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injections to make it into code that is produced.

Therefore, deployed if security checks aren't performed as part of the code creation process.

Learn more about DevOps, here:



Technology is both the results and determinant of development.Discuss


Tecchnology is both the results and determinant of development because technology provide the work done which are not possible to do with our human hand .

What is Technology?

Technology, or as it is sometimes referred to, the modification and manipulation of the human environment, is the application of scientific knowledge to the practical goals of human life.

The current technological revolution described as Assiduity 4.0 is determined by the development of the following technologies of advanced information processing Big Data database technologies, pall computing, machine literacy, Internet of effects, artificial intelligence, Business Intelligence and other advanced data mining technologies.

The development of Internet information services is decreasingly determined by technological progress in the field of Assiduity 4.0. also, the development of electronic banking, the development of fintechs and social media doors is also decreasingly identified with technological advances in advanced information processing determined by the development of new Internet information technologies of the current technological revolution Assiduity 4.0.

Learn more about technology click here:



in python, the ____ command is used to return information


Answer: return


its allows you to return the information in python

hope it helps

Each week, the Pickering Trucking Company randomly selects one of its 30
employees to take a drug test. Write an application that determines which
employee will be selected each week for the next 52 weeks. Use the Math.
random() function explained in Appendix D to generate an employee number
between 1 and 30; you use a statement similar to:
testedEmployee = 1 + (int) (Math.random() * 30);
After each selection, display the number of the employee to test. Display four
employee numbers on each line. It is important to note that if testing is random,
some employees will be tested multiple times, and others might never be tested.
Run the application several times until you are confident that the selection is
random. Save the file as DrugTests.java


In the Java program provided, a class named Main is formed, and inside of that class, the main method is declared, where an integer variable named "testedEmployee" is declared. The loop is then declared, and it has the following description.

How is a random number generated?RAND() * (b - a) + a, where an is the smallest number and b is the largest number that we wish to generate a random number for, can be used to generate a random number between two numbers. A random method is used inside the loop to calculate the random number and print its value. A variable named I is declared inside the loop. It starts at 1 and stops when its value is 52.The following step defines a condition that, if true, prints a single space if the check value is divisible by 4.In the Java program provided, a class named Main is formed, and inside of that class, the main method is declared, where an integer variable named "testedEmployee" is declared. The loop is then declared, and it has the following description.

To learn more about Java program refer to:



Olivia is writing a detailed report about nutrition in school lunches. She wants to assure that the text appears professional and that none of the information is lost in the margin. Which option can she adjust to assure that her information is not hidden by the margin?

A: Footer
B: Header
C: Edge
D: Gutter


She adjust to assure that her information is not hidden by the margin is Gutter.

What is Nutrition?

In terms of nutrition, a balanced diet should be consumed. You can get the nutrition and energy you need from food and drink. Making better food decisions may be made simpler for you if you understand these nutrition terms. Find out more definitions for vitamins, minerals, general health, fitness, and general wellness.

A gutter margin setting enlarges the top or side margins of a document you intend to bind. A gutter margin makes sure that the binding won't cover the text. Note: When using the Mirror margins, 2 pages per sheet, or Book fold options, the Gutter position box is not available.

Open the document or start with a template.

From the, menuFile -> OptionsThis opens the Option window.Select Advanced from the menu an scroll down to DisplayFind the line “Show measurements in units of:” and set it to Centimeters.

Learn more about Gutter click here:



Identify the operational level of the Purdue model in which the production management, individual plant monitoring, and control functions are defined.

Layer 1

Layer 2

Layer 3

Layer 4


The operational level of the Purdue model in which production management, individual plant monitoring, and control functions are defined is: Level 3: Manufacturing Operations Systems Zone" (Option C).

What is the Purdue Model?

Purdue Enterprise Reference Architectural is an enterprise architecture reference model established in the 1990s by Theodore J. Williams and participants of the Industry-Purdue University Consortium for Computer-Aided Manufacturing.

The Purdue model, which is part of the Purdue Enterprise Reference Architecture (PERA), was created as a reference model for data flows in computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM), which automates all of a plant's activities.

Learn more about the Purdue model:

Why would someone chose to use lamp over iis



open source


LAMP technology is open source and extremely secure, and it runs on the LINUX operating system.

Why is LAMP technology a popular choice?It provides complete flexibility in building and deploying apps based on your specific business requirements. LAMP technology is safe and reliable. It has a strong security mechanism to prevent vulnerable assaults, and if an error arises, it can be repaired swiftly in a cost-effective manner.The LAMP stack is a versatile option for constructing web infrastructure. Developers can create online content, add dynamic application features, and administer the database.LAMP technology is open source and extremely secure, and it runs on the LINUX operating system. When compared to other software architectural bundles, the LAMP stack is quite inexpensive.

To learn more about LAMP technology refer,



What characteristics are common among operating systems? List types of operating systems, and examples of each. How does the device affect the functionality of an operating system?


The operating system (OS) controls all of the computer's software and hardware. It manages files, memory, and processes, handles input and output, and controls peripheral devices like disk drives and printers.

What are the characteristics of OS?The fundamental software applications running on that hardware enable unauthorized users to interact with the equipment because instructions can be sent and results can be obtained.Developers provide technology that may be compatible, mismatched, or completely incompatible with several other OS categories across multiple versions of the same similar OS.The operating systems are frequently 32-Bit and 64-Bit in two different versions.Types of Operating System:

         Distributed OS .

         Batch processing OS.

         Time sharing OS.

To learn more about operating system refer to :



In the following expression, identify variables, values, and operators. Evaluate the result of the expression (assume that the value of the variable X is 1).


Result of the expression:



The assignment statement creates new variables and gives them values:

>>> message = "What's up, Doc?"

>>> n = 17

>>> pi = 3.14159

This example makes three assignments. The first assigns the string "What's up, Doc?" to a new variable named message. The second gives the integer 17 to n, and the third gives the floating-point number 3.14159 to pi.

The assignment operator, =, should not be confused with an equals sign (even though it uses the same character). Assignment operators link a name, on the left hand side of the operator, with a value, on the right hand side. This is why you will get an error if you enter:


Complete the sentence.

The binary number represented by the voltage graph below is

This is odessy Hardware and Software Test 8th grade


The voltage graph below represents the binary number 00100110.

The smallest data unit in a computer is known as a bit (sometimes known as a "binary digit"), and it can only have one of two possible values: zero (0) or one (1).

What do the digits 1 through 10 look like in binary?

Binary represents the numbers 0 through 10 as 0, 1, 10, 11, 100, 101, 110, 111, 1000, 1001, and 1010.

The smallest data unit in a computer is known as a bit (sometimes known as a "binary digit"), and it can only have one of two possible values: zero (0) or one (1).Voltages near five Volts (5 V) typically represent one, and voltages near zero (0 V) typically represent zero.Bits are voltage signals that are used to represent either zero (0) or one (1).

Binary Number System: A binary number is a number that is stated in the binary system or base 2 numeral system, according to digital electronics and mathematics. It uses the symbols 1 (one) and 0 to represent different numeric values (zero). The positional notation with 2 as a radix is known as the base-2 system.

To learn more about Binary Number System refer to:



Which of these vulnerabilities would you find in the device firmware attack surface area?

Inability to wipe device
Buffer Overflow
Interoperability Standards
Security-related function API exposure


Interoperability Standards, Interoperability is the capacity of devices, programs, systems, or other items from several manufacturers to work in concert without the intervention of end users.

What is Interoperability?

The capacity of various systems, devices, applications, or products to connect and interact in a coordinated manner without needing any help from the end user is known as interoperability (pronounced IHN- tuhr -AHP- uhr -uh-BIHL- ih -tee).Greater timely sharing of important information is made possible by interoperability. The information from a patient's last-week blood test at his doctor's office can therefore be used today at the emergency room, saving time and money from performing additional (and unnecessary) tests at the hospital.Interoperability is the capacity of devices, programs, systems, or other items from several manufacturers to work in concert without the intervention of end users.

To learn more about Interoperability refer to:



List five negative and positive impacts of cybersecurity.


Utilizing personnel, procedures, technology, and policies to defend enterprises, their vital systems, and sensitive data from online attacks is known as cybersecurity.

What are the negative impact of cybersecurity?

Damage to reputation Since the vast majority of people would not do business with a firm that had been infiltrated, especially if it had failed to protect its customers' data, the loss of customer and stakeholder trust can be the most detrimental effect of cybercrime.

Protection for your company - cyber security solutions offer digital defense for your company, ensuring that your staff is safe from potential dangers like ransomware and adware. Increased productivity - infections can cause computers to run so slowly that work becomes nearly impossible.

A better use of time is made possible through productivity apps. Access to biometric gadgets, food management software, and exercise routines easily leads to improved health. communication with friends and family is simpler and less expensive.

To learn more about cybersecurity refer to:



6 points
is a vector based using rigs to move body parts instead of drawing over and over.
2D animation
motion graphics
computer animation (3D)
stop motion


The phrase "vector animation" describes animation in which the art or motion is controlled by vectors rather than by pixels.

Explain about the vector animation?

Scalable vector graphics are the best option for web pages since they provide at least 16.7 million colors, while GIF only supports 256 in terms of raster vs. vector animation (animated illustrations, logos, icons, etc.).

Editors' Choice: Adobe Animate is the best animation programme overall. Photoshop Animate Image courtesy of Adobe Adobe Animate is the greatest animation program to choose when looking for vector-based software that is easy for beginners to use while still being useful for cross-platform projects.

When animating its features and shorts, Pixar Animation Studios uses proprietary software called Presto, which was created and is utilized exclusively within the company. Only Pixar uses Presto, which isn't for sale.

To learn more about vector animation refer to:



The way in which the hidden text boxes must appear in Microsoft Word to keep information private is: B. Both Hidden text and Print hidden text are unchecked.

Microsoft Word can be defined as a word-processing software application that is designed and developed by Microsoft Inc., in order to enable its users type, format, and save text-based documents.

In Microsoft Word, one of the feature that was introduced to enhance security by preventing an unauthorized access to private (sensitive) information saved on a personal computer (PC) is the option of hiding texts. Once a text is hidden, it becomes private and as such cannot be viewed or seen by other users.

However, you must uncheck the Hidden text and Print hidden text in the display dialog box of Microsoft Word to keep information private.


The way in which the hidden text boxes must appear in Microsoft Word to keep information private  is: B. Both Hidden text and Print hidden text are unchecked.

What is the purpose of hidden text in Word?

Text in a document can be buried using Microsoft Word's hidden text function. The text is still present in the document, but it isn't visible unless you choose to make it visible. This function prints two or more copies of a document from a single file when used with printing options.

The term In, For, Form, Formation, and Inform are the words that make up the term "Information." However, Inform, Form, and Formation are the least four-letter words that can be found in the word Information.

Therefore, Note that to use this function one need to Select the Hidden text check box under Always show these formatting marks on the screen by choosing File > Options > Display. Select the Show drawings and text boxes on screen check box under Show document content by choosing File > Options > Advanced, then click Show document content.

Learn more about text boxes  from



See full question below

How should the hidden text boxes appear in Word to keep information private?

Both Hidden text and Print hidden text are checked.

Both Hidden text and Print hidden text are unchecked.

Hidden text is checked and Print hidden text is unchecked.

Hidden text is unchecked and Print hidden text is checked.

7.10 LAB: Warm up: Parsing strings
(1) Prompt the user for a string that contains two strings separated by a comma. (1 pt)
Examples of strings that can be accepted:
o Jill, Allen
Jill, Allen
Jill, Allen
Enter input string:
Jill, Allen
(2) Print an error message if the input string does not contain a comma. Continue to prompt until valid string is entered. Note If the input
contains a comma, then assume that the input also contains two strings. (2 pts) c++


The Python code that follows was created. It is a loop that solicits feedback from the user.

What purposes serves Python code?Python is a computer programming language that is frequently used to create software and websites, automate processes, and perform data analysis. Because Python is a general-purpose language, it may be used to develop a wide range of programs and isn't tailored for any particular issues.Two functions in Python can receive data directly from input(). raw input() . A string of data is requested by raw input() from the user.The Python code that follows was created. It is a loop that solicits feedback from the user. If there is a comma in the string, the program removes all whitespace, divides the word into two, prints each word separately, and then ends the loop. If there isn't a comma, the user is prompted for more information.

Though True:

input = string

Enter the following string.

if string contains ","

replacing "" with "'" in a string

String.split(',') = string split

"First word:" printed after string split[0]

"Second word:" print("+ string split[1] + "


To learn more about Python refer to:



The following Python code was written. It is a feedback loop that solicits user feedback.

What purposes serves Python code?Python is a computer programming language that is commonly used to create software and websites, automate processes, and analyze data. Python is a general-purpose programming language that can be used to create a wide variety of programs and is not tailored to any specific issues.Python has two functions that can receive data directly from input (). raw input() Raw input() requests a string of data from the user. The following Python code was written. It is a feedback loop that solicits user feedback. If the string contains a comma, the program removes all whitespace, divides the word into two, prints each word separately, and then exits the loop. If no comma is present, the user is prompted for more information.

Though True:

input = string

Enter the following string.

if string contains ","

replacing "" with "'" in a string

String. Split(',') = string split

"First word:" printed after string split[0]

"Second word:" print("+ string split[1] + "


To learn more about Python, refer to:



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