What is resource partitioning and how is it an adaptation to competition? Provide an


Answer 1


Resource partitioning is the division of limited resources by species to help avoid competition in an ecological niche.

In any environment, organisms compete for limited resources, so organisms and different species have to find ways to coexist with one another.


Some lizard species appear to coexist because they consume insects of differing sizes.

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g There are three alleles at a gene determining eye color in a population of wild cats, the B allele (brown eyes) is dominant to both the G allele (green eyes) and the Y allele (yellow eyes). The G allele is dominant to the Y allele. In a population of 1000, there are 100 yellow-eyed cats, 400 green-eyed cats, and 500 brown-eyed cats. What is the expected frequency of the Y allele



the expected frequency of the Y allele = recessive allelic frequency = 0.316 ≅ 0.32


Due to technical problems, you will find the complete explanation in the attached files.

What type of mutation causes down syndrome? (point, frameshift, deletion, insertion, etc.) -- Why is it categorized as this type of mutation?​


Trisomy 21: About 95% of people with Down syndrome have Trisomy 21. With this type of Down syndrome, each cell in the body has 3 separate copies of chromosome 21 instead of the usual 2 copies. Translocation Down syndrome: This type accounts for a small percentage of people with Down syndrome (about 3%).


DNA and RNA are made of what 3 part structure?
3)amino acid
4)nucleic acid


Answer: nucelotide

Explanation: Rna and dna are made up from nucelotides, they each have a five carbon sugar backbone, a nitrogen base and a phosphate group

how the cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems work together to provide cells with the raw materials they need to ensure healthy cell function



The respiratory system works directly with the circulatory system to provide oxygen to the body. Oxygen taken in from the respiratory system moves into blood vessels that then circulate oxygen-rich blood to tissues and cells.

Flower color in the garden pea is due to two interacting genes, A and B. If either gene is recessive (aaB_, A_bb, or aabb) then the phenotype is white. A dominant allele must be present at both genes for flower color to be purple. After a testcross of an individual with a genotype of AaBb, what proportion of the progeny will have purple flowers



4/16 = 1/4 = 25% of the progeny is expected to be purple (AaBb)


Available data:

Flower color in the garden pea is due to two interacting genes, A and BaaB_, A_bb, or aabb ⇒ white flower A dominant allele must be present at both genes for flower color to be purpleAABB, AaBb ⇒ purple flower


Parentals) AaBb    x     aabb

Gametes) AB, Ab, aB, ab

                ab, ab, ab, ab

Punnett square)      AB         Ab       aB        ab

                  ab       AaBb    Aabb    aaBb   aabb

                  ab       AaBb    Aabb    aaBb   aabb

                  ab       AaBb    Aabb    aaBb   aabb

                  ab       AaBb    Aabb    aaBb   aabb

F1) Genotype:

4/16 = 1/4 = 25% of the porgeny is exected to be AaBb4/16 = 1/4 = 25% of the porgeny is exected to be Aabb4/16 = 1/4 = 25% of the porgeny is exected to be aaBb4/16 = 1/4 = 25% of the porgeny is exected to be aabb


12/16 = 3/4 = 75% of the progeny is expected to be white(Aabb + aaBb + aabb)4/16 = 1/4 = 25% of the progeny is expected to be purple (AaBb)

3 Full sentences,

To what extent can we reverse the destruction of the natural world?



Using too much water from lakes and rivers can affect animals’ habitat. Conserve this resource by taking five minute showers, turning off the faucet when you brush your teeth, and bugging your parents to fix leaky pipes.


10. A molecule that has more
is known as a cation.
O A. protons than electrons
O B. electrons than neutrons
C. electrons than protons
O D. protons than neutrons


I believe it’s b sorry if I’m incorrect though

Which level of organization involves an organism’s use of the mouth, saliva, teeth, stomach, intestines, liver, and pancreas to break down food?

Select one:



Organ system.




The organ system


All those things you mentioned are part of the organ system, they work together.

Which of the following represents an abiotic factor?
O Bacteria
O Protist
O Plants



Last one. Wind, because it is non-living which is basically what abiotic is.

For the human population to increase in size, what must exceed the death rate?
birth rate


limiting factors

carrying capacity



carrying capicity


the carrying capacity is the amount of species or organisms that can live in a given environment without altercations. So the carryong capicity would have to increase so that more organisms can occupy the given space.

Answer: Birth Rate


Non vascular plants are quite commin in the forests along the coast of Norther California but are relatively rare in the ecosystems around Davis in the Central Valley. What aspects of the life cycle of these plants make it difficult for them to reproduce on our area



The Central Valley of northern California is a region where there is little water supply, while nonvascular plants cannot efficiently store water and they have primitive traits that are dependent on water for reproduction.


The Central Valley of northern California is characterized to have little natural precipitation/snowmelt during the dry summer months. In addition, California's climate also has extended periods of drought. On the other hand, non-vascular plants such as mosses and liverworts, are a type of plant that lacks vascular tissues (xylem and phloem), and they also lack true roots, stems, or leaves. These plants cannot efficiently absorb and store water (which fundamental for survival), and thereby the success of these plants in establishing and reproducing in the ecosystems of the Central Valley is limited to their physiological tolerance to desiccation. Moreover, non-vascular plants may also exhibit primitive traits related to their reproductive cycle (e.g., a flagellated sperm) that are dependent on water for reproduction.

Letter A represents a wave's _____.
A. wave height
B. crest
C. wavelength
D. trough


I think that letter a should be C. Wavelength
i’ve heard this before and i think it’s wavelength

Pls help me awnser these questions guys



I cant really see the questions....


How can you apply this approach to the classification of living things?



Living things are classified into groups that start out large and become more specific in a system of classification called taxonomy. Scientists classify living things at eight different levels: domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.


Hope this helps you

Can anyone please help me write my research paper on the use of vaccines please ?


Yes start your paragraph by saying the vaccine is essential because….
It is essential simply because for one we need it… to summarize everything that has been stated so far yes I should be taking the vaccine as well as everyone else because I want to take precautions to stay safe… Thank you and have a wonderful day
You could have a paragraph on the history of them not only how they were developed but how the concept of using antibodies has been around for a very long time.
Another about the actual science behind the ones we use today - dead antigens, and how it activates T cells and memory B cells etc
Perhaps one about the risks and benefits? And go into specific actual case studies?

The “great dying,” which saw 96% of all species extinct, was partially caused by(1 point)

an asteroid impact.

lower levels of carbon dioxide in the air.

bacteria producing large amounts of toxic methane.

algae consuming too much oxygen from the ocean.


the answer would be the theory of an asteroid impact which it's blast wave killed almost all species on earth

The “great dying,” which saw 96% of all species extinct, was partially caused by an asteroid impact. So, the correct option is A.

What do you mean by Species?

Species may be defined as a group of organisms that can reproduce with one another in nature and produce fertile offspring.

An asteroid impact threatens the whole biodiversity to a large extent. It leads to the destruction of almost all life forms living on the earth's surface.

Therefore, the “great dying,” which saw 96% of all species extinct, was partially caused by an asteroid impact.

To learn more about Species extinction, refer to the link:


A cross between a pink 4 o'clock plant and a pink 4 o'clock plant results in a
ratio of 1 Red: 2 Pink: 1 White. What type of inheritance pattern is represented


Answer and Explanation:

Red four o clocks are h/o/m/o/z/y/g/o/u/s RR.

White four o clocks are h/o/m/o/z/y/g/o/u/s WW.

R is not dominant to W and W is not dominant to R. This means that there is an incomplete dominance (or semi-dominance), where the phenotypes will mix and the Dominant alleles doesn't mask the affect of the Recessive alleles.

Pink four o clocks are h/e/t/e/r/o/z/y/g/o/u/s RW.

#teamtrees #PAW (Plant And Water)

Answer: Incomplete dominance


Pink is the third phenotype. The red allele and the white allele do not mask each other. The third phenotype is between the two traits.

Will give brainliest
In the atmosphere pool, in which molecule is the carbon found


Carbon dioxide (CO2). Inorganic carbon in the form of CO2 is assimilated/fixed into organic molecules by living organisms (primarily plants by photosynthesis).

3 reasons why nuclear fusion energy could save the world from climate disaster



-Its hydrogen-like fuel is available in virtually limitless quantities

-it produces no greenhouse gases

- no long-term radioactive waste and carries no risk of meltdown

A species of reef fish,living in ideal conditions,has a new generation of offspring every three months. In the new generation,approximately 200 new fish are added to the population of 10,000 fish.





A researcher is curious if Bt resistant bollworms are susceptible to an insecticide called DDT. Bollworms susceptible to Bt have genotype RR or Rr, whereas those resistant to Bt have genotype rr. Bollworms susceptible to DDT have genotype tt, whereas bollworms resistant to DDT have genotypes Tt or TT. In an effort to better understand how these two genes are inherited, the researcher crosses an RR tt bollworm with an rr TT bollworm to produce the F1 generation. Then, the researcher crosses the F1 generation to produce an F2 generation. What proportion of the F2 generation is resistant to both Bt and DDT



The correct answer is - 3/16 or 18.75% portion will be resistant to both Bt and DDT.


It is given that bollworms that are susceptible to Bt are represented by either RR or Rr and resistance one are shown by rr genotype and bollworms that are resistant to DDT are represent TT or Tt genotype and susceptible to DDT have tt genotype.

Cross: RR tt with rr TT

Gametes: Rt and rT

F1 cross:


rT  RrTt ( susceptible Bt and resistant DDT)

F1 Cross with F1

Gametes: RT, Rt, rT and rt


             RT      Rt        rT         rt

RT       RRTT   RRTt   RrTT    RrTt

Rt        RRTt    RRtt    RrTt      RrTt

rT       RrTT    RrTt     rrTt       rrTt

rt       RrTt      Rrtt     rrTt      rrtt

The bold genotypes are the three out of 16 that are resistant to both DDT and Bt.

Ángel es un cerdo??
a) Sí
b) Obvio que sí



c)n op orque si es el el uqe no tiene pecho

Why is it more difficult for top carnivores to obtain sufficient energy resources than it is for animals lower on the food chain?


the trophic pyramid is the reason

what the trophic pyramid is:  Trophic pyramid, also called an energy pyramid, showing the progression of food energy. The pyramid base contains producers, organisms that make their own food from inorganic substances. All other organisms in the pyramid are consumers

- predators get little energy from the prey they eat so they must consume multiple prey

It is more difficult for top carnivores to obtain sufficient energy resources than it is for animals lower on the food chain because the higher trophic levels have less energy than the lower ones.

The trophic levels of food chain

The food chain is defined as a feeding pathway that consists of similar organisms that are placed in the same trophic levels.

Trophic levels in a food chain are those levels that is occupied by a group of organisms that have a similar feeding mode.

The plants which are the producers are at the lower trophic level while the carnivores are at the higher trophic levels.

The carnivores eats meat from other animals but not plant or plant products which obtain direct energy from sunlight.

Therefore, It is more difficult for top carnivores to obtain sufficient energy resources than it is for animals lower on the food chain because the higher trophic levels have less energy than the lower ones.

Learn more about food chain here:


Which one of these does not add CO2 to the atmosphere?



Planting trees, CARBON CYCLE, and cooking with gas do not add Carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.


The atmosphere naturally breathes or decomposes carbon dioxide rocks, whereas forest fire takes place and volcanoes erupt.

The atmosphere is naturally decomposed. Human activities like fossil fuel and forest burning, and cement production, also add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

Definition of respiration​


a process in living organisms involving the production of energy, typically with the intake of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide from the oxidation of complex organic substances


A process of oracajsjsjsjsjsjjss


Nithingbs lol just for poimts

Why are members of the Kingdom Plantae important to members of other kingdoms?





Plants have the unique ability of photosynthesis. this gives off oxygen to all other organisms

An atom with an equal number of electrons and protons has no _____


An atom with an equal number of electrons and protons has no charge.

Which scientist devised tests that helped confirm that bacteria and other microorganisms cause a variety of diseases?
Robert Koch
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
Louis Pasteur
Alexander Fleming



Alexander fleming


but I am not very clear

A particular region is experiencing a viral epidemic. Which of the following would increase the likelihood of the epidemic becoming a pandemic?

A.A vaccine is developed that prevents individuals from being infected

B. Neighboring populations have little to no immunity to the disease.

C.The infection can be spread only by direct contact from one person to another

D.The region is remote and experiences little to no tourism.


A) A vaccine is developed that prevents individuals being infected
A is the answer your welcome

Describe the pattern of inheritance that is most likely associated with a mutation in the MT-ND5 gene. Explain why individuals are not typically heterozygous with respect to mitochondrial genes.



this gene is a mitochondrial gene and therefore it is maternally inherited


The MT-ND5 gene is a gene of the mitochondrial genome that provides instructions for synthesizing a protein called NADH dehydrogenase 5, which is part of the complex I (the first enzyme of the respiratory chain). In most multicellular organisms, the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is inherited from the mother (i.e., maternally inherited), whereas nuclear DNA (i.e., nuclear genome) is inherited equally from both parents. For example, mitochondria in human sperm are usually destroyed after fertilization. In consequence, mitochondrial mutations are transmitted by maternal inheritance, and individuals, therefore, cannot be heterozygous for mitochondrial genes.

The pattern of inheritance that is most likely associated with a mutation in the MT-ND5 gene is

MT-ND5 is a mitochondrial genome coded gene responsible for the protein NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain V protein (ND5). ND5 is a sub-unit od NADH dehydrogenase, a mitochondrial protein. The mutant MT-ND5 will be transferred to the progeny via maternal mitochodral mtDNA.

Individuals are not typically heterozygous with respect to mitochondrial genes because

Heterozygousity of alleles of a particular gene arises due to contribution of both maternal and paternal genes. This is what happens for nuclear chromosomes. Mitochondria is an organelle that contains its independent genome. Only maternal mitochondria gets selected and thus are successfully transferred to the next generation post fertilization.

For more information on MT-ND5 gene


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