what is one way the American government helped the American Indian from a working government in early Utah


Answer 1


not sure.............

Between 1887 and 1933, US government policy aimed to assimilate Indians into mainstream American society. ... Federal policy was enshrined in the General Allotment (Dawes) Act of 1887 which decreed that Indian Reservation land was to be divided into plots and allocated to individual Native Americans.

Answer 2


During the course of the nineteenth century they had been deprived of much of.  This helps to explain why the relationship between the federal government was so bad.

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Which political and philosophical movement called for community ownership of property brought about by a workers' revolution?
social democracy








The answer is C hope it helped

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How was the labor movement connected to the first women's righ movement?


Answer:While industrialization led to radical changes in female American life, many white women elected to stay at home and began to glorify the profession of a housewife. ... They ultimately leveraged their power in the home, factory, and schools to gain public attention in the first women's rights movement.


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A copy of the inserted gene


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Huge China is a country of contrasts. It consists of several climatic zones, there you can find a noisy city full of glass skyscrapers and smog, but also the traditional mountain village with mud houses and rice plantations.

5. I need something
will clean this stain.
1 that
2 O
3 what​



vinegar and salt may help it

The first 10 amendments to the US Constitution are also known as the



The Bill of Rights is the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution. It spells out Americans' rights in relation to their government. It guarantees civil rights and liberties to the individual—like freedom of speech, press, and religion.

Who was Sikaner e Aazem? *



Alexander the Great


hope this helps :)

Who became the first African American to represent texas in the united states house of representatives



Barbara Jordan became the first African American to represent Texas in the United States House of Representatives.


Barbara Jordan was an American university teacher and politician of the Democratic Party, who represented the state of Texas in the US House of Representatives from 1973 to 1979.

It was Barbara Jordan

when was the kyoto p0rotocol adopted? when did it go into effect?



What is the Kyoto Protocol? The Kyoto Protocol was adopted on 11 December 1997. Owing to a complex ratification process, it entered into force on 16 February 2005. Currently, there are 192 Parties to the Kyoto Protocol.


true or false
16.the capo means up to end​



the heart of gold and I will send you are teaching

Which of the following conducted the governmental business of the United States following the Declaration of Independence?

The Continental army

George Washington

The Second Continental Congress


The second continental congress




Why is Africa called the Mother Continent?
OA. It is the oldest inhabited continent in the world.
ОВ. It is the second oldest inhabited continent on Earth.
It is the most fertile continent.
It is where all uniquely human habits come from.


I think it is answer OB

Why did the S.A.LT. treaty "die"?




The US Senate chose not to ratify the treaty in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, which took place later that year. The agreement expired on December 31, 1985 and was not renewed although both sides continued to respect it.

yes or no?
Indians started in America​


no indians did not start in america


Native Americans originated in America

In the story adapted from Book IX of The Odyssey, what does
Odysseus's scheme involving the sheep reveal about him?
O He is motivated by fear.
O He is a cunning strategist.
O He is an expert fighter.
He is unnecessarily cruel.



He is an expert fighter I think

Answer: He is a cunning strategist

Explanation: I took the test and got it right

HELP ME!! This is bible


I hope this is right...
1 = hypocrisy
2 = material
3 = tamper
4 = fair
5 = covetous
6 = industrious
7 = sluggard
8 = a servant
9 = yielded
10 = self-discipline
11 = a peaceful mind
12 = honesty
13 = a greedy person

Which type of Mathematics were the Egyptians especially interested in?

Measurement Mathematics


I think it’s it’s B but i’m not completely sure


I think the correct answer is Measurement Mathematics.


The Egyptians invented one of the earliest forms of measurement, called the cubit.

what can we learn from the woman of South Africa that took part in the march ​



Women's March was a march that took place on 9 August 1956 in Pretoria, South Africa. The marchers' aims were to protest the introduction of the Apartheid pass laws for black women in 1952 and the presentation of a petition to the then Prime Minister. Many women had babies on their backs and some domestic workers brought their white employers' children along with them. Throughout the demonstration the huge crowd displayed a discipline and dignity that was deeply impressive (Walker 1991:195).

If you have the opportunity to join the military which branch will you choose and why?



The Air Force I want to be  a Recon Specialist

My uncle was in the Air Force thats why


plz help i’ll give you brainilist


It led to a balance of free and slave states in Congress.

Stop saying you'll give brainliest if you don't.

What is the name of person who travel to anther country to do religion work





1: to induce someone to convert to one's faith. 2 : to recruit someone to join one's party, institution, or cause. transitive verb. : to recruit or convert especially to a new faith, institution, or cause.

Hope that helps!❤️

How was Lincoln involved in the Fort Donelson battle?

Please answer asap, thx


Answer: He participated as an offensive general


Possesses help me get this right


Answer: Providing for the common defense.

It encouraged the colonists to fight back against Britain.

Which of the following groups comprised the gentry in the Southern colonies?

a) Wealthy landowners who modeled themselves after British aristocracy.
b) Those who were educated but did not own land and thus could not vote.
c) Landowners who had earned their status through indentured servitude.
d) The free working class who wanted to be as distinct as possible from slaves.




Wealthy landowners who modeled themselves after British aristocracy

The gentry in the Southern colonies were wealthy landowners who modeled themselves after British aristocracy.

In the southern colonies, most of the wealthy merchants were from the English gentry who invested their wealth. The climate was well suited for the growing of cash crops like tobacco and cotton with the help of slaves.The gentry in the south were wealthy merchants, planters, officials and lawyers.

Therefore we can conclude that the gentry in the Southern colonists were affluent British aristocracy.

Thus option A is the correct answer.

Learn more about the Southern colonies here:


Many nations want to pressure the North Korean government into halting the further development of nuclear weapons. Some nations want the leadership of the country to change entirely. What would put the MOST pressure on the North Korean economy and political leaders?

A, increased tariffs

B, a free trade agreement

C reduced quotas

D, an embargo on all trade



An embargo on all trades


Based on the map, which of the following statements about the European colonization of Africa is correct?
Most of Africa had been claimed by Asian explorers by 1914.
Colonizers started by claiming coastal regions, then moved inland.
Rivers were used to define borders of European colonies.
Most of Africa had been claimed by European powers by 1914.





the following claims on the colonization of Africa by Europeans are By 1914, Asian explorers had taken the vast majority of Africa. As a result, choice (A) is right.

What do you know about European colonization?

Between roughly 1492 and 1800, the Americas saw a significant period of European colonization during the Age of Discovery. Although the Norse had explored and settled parts of the North Atlantic, colonizing Greenland and setting up a temporary settlement close to Newfoundland's northern tip around 1000 CE,

the later and better-known wave by the European powers is what formally counts as the beginning of colonization, involving the continents of North America and South America.

Several European empires, primarily Spain, Portugal, Britain, France, Russia, the Netherlands, and Sweden, began to explore and claim the land, natural resources, and human capital of the Americas during this time. As a result, the indigenous peoples were dispersed, disestablished, enslaved, and in many cases, subjected to genocide, and new empires were established.

Learn more about European colonization, from :



What was the greatest impact of the population decline following the Black Death on the economies of Europe?
Can you please help me on this



The plague had an important effect on the relationship between the lords who owned much of the land in Europe and the peasants who worked for the lords. As people died, it became harder and harder to find people to plow fields, harvest crops, and produce other goods and services. Peasants began to demand higher wages.


What branch proposes and passes all legislation?

all of the above


Legislative branch my mom works for government that’s how I know

What were some of the consequences of the Cuban Missile Crisis?



It led to the Soviet Union removing all its nuclear missiles from Cuba and, later, American missiles from Turkey. It led to the signing of the Limited Test Ban Treaty in 1963 and a further thaw in the Cold War.


Cuba stayed communist and highly armed though the Soviet missiles were removed under UN supervision. Both sides considered they had secured a victory - Khrushchev had saved the communist regime in Cuba from invasion by the USA, and had negotiated a deal with the USA on the removal of their Jupiter missiles in Turkey.

C I realy hope it helps ;)

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