What is one way that "The Maori: Genealogies and Origins in New Zealand” contrasts with "The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida”?


Answer 1

The Maori myth mentions courage, whereas the Haida story does not.

In "The Maori: Genealogies and Origins in New Zealand," it is said that a myth exists that the Maori people are in control of their land and are aware of their potential. The legend that "Tû opened his lips and ate his siblings to punish them for their cowardice" suggests that the Maori ancestors were fearless and strong warriors." The narrator adds that "Tû's descendants became the Mâori, the humans who can master whatever that they wish to conquer: the forest, the sea, the food, and the soil."

The book "The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida," on the other hand, does not always contain sections that appear to demonstrate the bravery or valor of the Haida people. Instead, it shows Raven tricking the Sky-Chief and claims that there is plenty of food and drink for the populace. Therefore, it's possible that they don't need such bravery to defend or fight for their needs.

As a result, one difference between the two texts is that, in contrast to the Haida narrative, the Maori myth does not include bravery.

To learn more about  Maori myth here:



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A peer is someone at your own level. If you are a 6th grader, other high school students are your peers.

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The Sixth Amendment guarantees the rights of criminal defendants, including the right to a public trial without unnecessary delay, the right to a lawyer, the right to an impartial jury, and the right to know who your accusers are and the nature of the charges and evidence against you.

Writing II Write the story from C above. Use these points to help you. Use past tense. ledaya ered from and suffered Old crane can no longer catch fish ....... starving... finds an idea....... tells fish that the fisherman would come and catch them ....... fish asks crane to help them takes them to another pond. eat them .... one day crab asks the crane to take him to the other pond ....... crane agrees ........ along the way crab notices fish bones... asks the crane about the fish ........ crane said that he ate them all ........... crab kills the crane with his pincers.​


Iedaya ered from loneliness. A suffering old crane who would certainly die if she couldn't catch fish. She starved for days, but her stomach remained empty. Finally, she comes up with an idea. Brilliant, in her eyes. She swoops down to the still waters of her pond, a familiar motion that would now take on a new meaning. When she finally got an audience, she told them that a fisherman had discovered their paradise. She made them believe that they weren't safe there anymore. Of course, it took time for any of the fish to trust her; they hadn't forgotten who or what she was. She told them that it was alright, she'd have to take them slowly over a length of time, or the fisherman would become suspicious of the mass desertion. So, over the next few days, she only took around three or four a day. It was working well, this new system, her foolproof plan. Until it didn't. A crab, the old 'local' of the pond would have been one of the last to go. He asked Iedaya to fly him to this new pond. And as they soared above a vast green field, he saw the fishbones. He wondered aloud where they had come from and Iedaya obliged his curiosity with an answer. "The fish from the lake, I ate them, of course." She was proud of herself, of her genius, and her ability to pull it off. But the crab was certainly not. He used his pincers and killed Iedaya.

Refer to the Newsela article "Rickie Fowler, Make-A-Wish and the walk of a lifetime at Detroit Golf Club."

Which detail best supports the central idea of the article that Trudel wanted to see Rickie Fowler play golf more than anything?

"Sometimes it's hard to know why you're drawn to somebody. You just are. As Anthony Trudel was to Rickie Fowler."
"Sometimes it's hard to know why you're drawn to somebody. You just are. As Anthony Trudel was to Rickie Fowler."
"Well, Trudel has dreams--he wants to...play golf for a living. But first, he wants to play golf with his hero, Rickie Fowler."
"Well, Trudel has dreams--he wants to...play golf for a living. But first, he wants to play golf with his hero, Rickie Fowler."
"Trudel began playing golf when he was 6. He loved it. As long as he paid attention in school...he could play as much as he wanted."
"Trudel began playing golf when he was 6. He loved it. As long as he paid attention in school...he could play as much as he wanted."
"By the time he was 13, he played four to five times a week, more in the summer. 'Golf is his world,' said Richard Trudel, his father."
"By the time he was 13, he played four to five times a week, more in the summer. 'Golf is his world,' said Richard Trudel, his father."


The correct answer is "Well, Trudel has dreams--he wants to...play golf for a living. But first, he wants to play golf with his hero i.e. Rickie Fowler."

In the Newsela article "Rickie Fowler, Make-A-Wish and the walk of a lifetime at Detroit Golf Club," which was written by Shawn Windsor on 30th june, 2019, the story of Anthony Trudel's love for golf was profusely narrated.  The efforts made by Rickie Fowler to make a difference was described by Shawn in the life of Anthony Trudel, a teenager who is suffering from brain cancer and loves Rickie Fowler and his golfing talents, especially his respect for others in the field of play.  The writer also specified that Anthony Trudel received total parental support in his aspirations for the game of golf.  

To learn more about Rickie Fowler from the given link



In a comparison and contrast essay appointed by point organization allows you to discuss number one and aspect of both subjects for the entire essay number to one subject for the entire essay number 31 subject fully and then move onto the next subject


In a comparison and contrast essay appointed by point organization allows you to discuss one subject fully and then move onto the next subject.

What is a comparison and contrast essay?

The comparison and contrast of two topics or ideas are displayed in a compare-contrast assignment or essay.

When two topics or concepts are compared, they are highlighted for their similarities.

When two topics or concepts are contrasted, it is demonstrated how they differ.

Instead of organizing your paragraph by topic when employing the point-by-point method, do so according to the key points. Each of your major ideas will be covered in the paragraph, along with considerations of the other two issues in light of how they relate to your points individually.

You might discuss parallels and contrasts in their paragraph structures, points of view, and tones, for instance, if you were to compare and contrast academic writing with professional writing using the point-by-point method.

To learn more about comparison and contrasts essay from the given link



In a comparison and contrast essay appointed by point organization allows you to discuss number one and aspect of both subjects for the entire essay number to one subject for the entire essay number 31 subject fully and then move onto the next subject

Which of the following is a type of rhetoric?
A. Evidence
B. Knowledge
C. Facts
D. Ethos


The answer should be ethos
The answer is D Ethos

This lesson discussed three reasons that reading systems are successful in helping students read effectively. Which of the following is
NOT one of those reasons?
O They create steps to make you aware of the organization of the chapter or text.
O They ask you to view your chapter or text in sections.
O They demonstrate a system for drawing graphics.
O They prompt you to create and answer questions.


Answer: this is pretty confusing but I believe this is C

hope this helps :)

1 Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu. Look at the dictionary entry for the word wigwam. Based on the dictionary definition, what does the word wigwam mean as used in paragraph 12? wigwam noun an American Indian hut with an arched frame consisting of poles that are covered with hides, bark, or mats In paragraph 12, a wigwam is a kind of​


The meaning of Wigwam is:

A wigwam is a structure used by American Indians in the Great Lakes area and eastward that has an arching framework of poles coated with bark, mats, or skins.

What are other definitions of Wigwam?

It can also be characterized as a semi-permanent domed home utilized for ceremonial purposes by certain Native American tribes and First Nations people. Wickiup, wetu, and wiigiwaam are additional names for it.

Wigwams are built of timber frames that are covered with woven mats and birch bark sheets. The frame might be in the shape of a dome, a cone, or a rectangle with an arched roof. Once the birch bark is in place, ropes or wood strips are wrapped around the wigwam to keep it in place.

Wigwams were primarily built of wood and had a cone form (or a dome shape among some Subarctic Indigenous peoples). Animal skins were sometimes used to cover the structure's outside walls.

It is to be noted that the referenced paragraph is unavailable hence the general answer.

Learn more about Wigwam:



on my test

The primary symbol in "The Birthmark" changes meaning as the story progresses.
The following excerpt demonstrates which meaning for the primary symbol?
"Georgiana's lovers were wont to say that some fairy at her birth hour had laid her
tiny hand upon the infant's cheek, and left this impress there in token of the magic
endowments that were to give her such sway over all hearts.
The handprint as a symbol of Georgiana's charm
The handprint as a symbol of both beauty & imperfection
The handprint as a symbol of sin
The handprint as a symbol of self hatred



Hello i think C

The handprint as a symbol of sin

good luck

Pls answer quick you will get brainliest!!! And 100 points!
Lillian's company has distributed a guidebook on using inclusive language that does not discriminate. This information will help her and her coworkers follow what kind of guidelines?

Question 4 options:

group dynamics

conflict resolution

business hierarchy

business etiquette





I took the test

Please the labels in the correct areas for the equation of photosynthesis


Reagent labels are "carbon dioxide" and "water." The middle label is "light" and the product labels are "oxygen gas" and "glucose."

What are the chemical symbols that these compounds have?Carbon dioxide ([tex]CO_{2}[/tex]).Water ([tex]H_2O[/tex]).Oxygen gas ([tex]O_2[/tex]).Glucose ([tex]C_6H_1_2O_5[/tex]).

Photosynthesis is one of the most important natural processes on the planet, as it is directly responsible for maintaining all life and the natural balance of nature.

In these processes, plants use water and carbon dioxide to transform them into glucose compounds that are necessary for their growth and sustenance. This process also forms oxygen and all of this is carried out in the presence of light.

In this case, we can say that the reagents of photosynthesis are carbon dioxide and water and the products are glucose and oxygen.

The complete equation for photosynthesis is "6[tex]CO_2[/tex] +12[tex]H_2O[/tex] → light → [tex]C_6H_1_2O_5[/tex] + 6[tex]O_2[/tex] + 6[tex]H_2O[/tex]

Learn more about photosynthesis:



What is Oedipus' tragic flaw, and when does he best demonstrate it? Choose between excessive pride, anger, and stubbornness to defy the gods. please help QUICK. Oedipus the king


the tragic flaw of Oedipus was his detrimental

who is Oedipus?

Oedipus was a mythological Greek king of Thebes. Oedipus, a tragic hero in Greek mythology, unintentionally fulfilled a prophecy that he would end up killing his father and marrying his mother, bringing ruin to his city and family.

Oedipus, the main character in Sophocles' play Oedipus Rex, has a fatal weakness that leads to his downfall. A tragic fault is described as "an otherwise desirable feature that becomes detrimental when brought to an extreme" (Stary). In a tragedy, the main character's suffering is visible, like in Oedipus' case. Oedipus' terrible defect is his drive to locate Laios' killer, to compel the unwilling blind prophet Teiresias to confess the truth, and to stop the prophesy from being true. The first instance of Oedipus' resolve is when he searches out the killer of Laios. In the prologue, Oedipus declares, "Then once again I must bring what is dark to light."

To learn more about Oedipus follow the given link: https://brainly.com/question/19129152


FIRST ONE RIGHT GETS BRANLIEST Use the drop-down menus to complete the sentences about Buddhist teachings.

The good and bad deeds that people do determine their

The rebirth of a person after death is called

A person is reborn over and over until reaching


Completing the sentences about Buddhist teachings as

The good and bad deeds that people do determine their dharmaThe rebirth of a person after death is called as reincarnationA person is reborn over and over until reaching Nirvana.What is a sentence?

A sentence is referring a collection of words consisting of a subject and predicate defining the complete thought and clear meaning to the Raeder with the help of proper use of English Grammar structure.

The art of knowledge, kindness, patience, compassion, and empathy was among the virtues that the Buddha instilled in his followers as part of the Buddhist doctrine known as dharma.

Learn more about Sentence, here:



Which of the parables from the New Testament of the King James Bible teaches about
The Prodigal Son
The Sermon on the Mount
The Good Samaritan
The Neighbor's Peace


The parables from the New Testament of the King James Bible teaches about forgiveness is the Prodigal Son.

What is forgiveness?

Psychologists generally define forgiveness as a conscious, deliberate decision to release  resentment or revenge against a person or group that has harmed you, regardless of whether they truly deserve your forgiveness.

Research has shown that  forgiveness can have huge health benefits, reducing the risk of heart attack. improves cholesterol  and sleep and reduces pain, blood pressure and  anxiety, depression and stress.

The three types of forgiveness are:

liberation patience liberation

To learn more about  forgiveness, refer;



The theme best expressed in "To My Dear Loving Husband" and "To the King's Most Excellent Majesty is
love and forgiveness
honor and nobility
respect and adoration
patriotism and nationality


live and forgiveness is all i can tell from the titles

"Not a man lives on the continent but fully believes that a separation must some time or other finally take place,
and a generous parent should have said, 'If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have
Which phrase in the excerpt is an emotional appeal to the reader?
O "Not a man lives"
"believes that a separation"
"let it be in my day"
"that my child may have peace"
Mark this and return
Save and Exit


The phrase "that my child may have peace" in the excerpt of Thomas Paine is an emotional appeal to the reader.

What is Thomas Paine most famous for?

Thomas Paine was a renowned political thinker and author who was born in England and supported uprisings in both America and Europe. The first booklet to promote American freedom was "Common Sense," which was published in 1776 to widespread acclaim.

He wrote The American Crisis (1776–1783) and Common Sense (1776–1776), two of the most important pamphlets at the outset of the American Revolution, which contributed to the Patriots' decision to declare their independence from Great Britain in 1776. His views reflected the international human rights principles of the Enlightenment. However, Paine disbelieves in miracles and prophecy. He also makes the observation that the Christian revelations seem to have changed over time to reflect shifting political conditions.

To learn more about Thomas Paine, visit:



100pts pls hurry
All at once the wolves began to howl as though the moonlight had had some peculiar effect on them. The horses jumped about and reared, and looked helplessly round with eyes that rolled in a way painful to see; but the living ring of terror encompassed them on every side; and they had perforce to remain within it. I called to the coachman to come, for it seemed to me that our only chance was to try to break out through the ring and to aid his approach. I shouted and beat the side of the calè che, hoping by the noise to scare the wolves from that side, so as to give him a chance of reaching the trap. How he came there, I know not, but I heard his voice raised in a tone of imperious command, and looking towards the sound, saw him stand in the roadway. As he swept his long arms, as though brushing aside some impalpable obstacle, the wolves fell back and back further still. Just then a heavy cloud passed across the face of the moon, so that we were again in darkness.

When I could see again the driver was climbing into the calè che, and the wolves had disappeared. This was all so strange and uncanny that a dreadful fear came upon me, and I was afraid to speak or move. The time seemed interminable as we swept on our way, now in almost complete darkness, for the rolling clouds obscured the moon. We kept on ascending, with occasional periods of quick descent, but in the main always ascending. Suddenly, I became conscious of the fact that the driver was in the act of pulling up the horses in the courtyard of a vast ruined castle, from whose tall black windows came no ray of light, and whose broken battlements showed a jagged line against the moonlit sky.

How does the setting affect the character(s) and enhance the mood of the passage? Respond in a well-developed paragraph that:

is at least 5 sentences in length
includes textual support
uses correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling


I would argue that this extract has a terrifying, menacing, gloomy, and tense atmosphere.

Bram Stoker's novel Dracula was released in 1897. The story is told through letters, diaries, and newspaper articles because it is an epistolary novel. Although it doesn't have a single protagonist, it begins with lawyer Jonathan Harker traveling for work to stay at Count Dracula's castle.

The author paints a terrifying sight in her description. Jonathan Harker is remembering the time he took a carriage to the castle of Count Dracula. He went there despite the locals' warnings not go, especially on the night before St. George's Day. In this passage, he describes his experiences while traveling in the calèche, which was being driven by Dracula's servant at the time.

The English man was left alone, besieged by frightened wolves and horses, when the driver briefly left the vehicle. The terrible environment aids in establishing a tense and fearful atmosphere, yet one that captivates the reader nonetheless. It is impossible to stop wondering what will happen next.

To know more about Dracula by Bram Stoker, click on the link below:



Can someone summarize the purple hibiscus, pages 110-161, please.


In the postcolonial Nigeria of Purple Hibiscus, there is political unrest and economic hardship. Kambili Achike, the main character, is a member of a prosperous family in Enugu State, where she lives with her devoutly Catholic father Eugene.

What is to summarize the purple hibiscus?

The struggle for freedom brought on by tyranny is the main theme of Purple Hibiscus. The reader can, however, enjoy other subjects that are brought up as a result of the story, such as violence, corruption, and even religion.

Therefore, The novel's setting effectively reveals the topic of freedom.

Learn more about the purple hibiscus here:



Select the correct answer.
Read this procedure for receiving and organizing packaged food in a warehouse.
When the warehouse staff receives an order, it should check the packages for damaged or expired products. Staff should separate the
damaged or expired items from the usable ones. If staff discovers damaged or expired products when the delivery truck is still at the site, then
staff should decline to accept the order and note the incident. If the delivery truck has left, then staff should follow the warehouse's procedures
for handling damaged or expired products.
In which scenario would a warehouse worker need to refer to this policy?
A. Jenny discovered that out of the 100 packets of rice delivered, 20 packets contained one kind of rice, while the remaining packets
contained a different kind of rice.
B. Nico received an incomplete order of fruit. The order was for bananas and pineapples, but only the bananas were delivered.
C. Rafael received 50 containers of ready-made pasta sauce. He found that 10 of the containers were past the use-by date
D. Isaac discovered that the warehouse lacked space to store the 70 packets of grain that his supervisor had ordered.


Answer: C

(I think. I'm sorry if this is wrong)

Explanation: Since the answer for number C is "Rafael received 50 containers of ready-made pasta sauce. He found that 10 of the containers were past the use-by date," and the first part of the policy is "When the warehouse staff receives an order, it should check the packages for damaged or expired products." That means that question C is the answer

Select the correct text in the passage. Which sentence correctly uses parallel structure? The doctor recommends resting for a week and that you eat low-fat food at regular intervals. I want to find a job that will provide an adequate context for my skill, and to earn enough money for my family. Apart from dabbling in playwriting, he has tried creating a great epic novel and composing a long, tragic epic. After Ruth receives her monthly paycheck, the money goes into her savings account, equity funds, and toward her credit card bills.


The correct answer is Option C .

Apart from dabbling in playwriting, he has tried creating a great epic novel and composing a long, tragic epic. This sentence uses parallel structure .

What is parallel structure ?The phrases in parallel structure follow the same pattern. Each of the action verbs in sentence 3 ends in /ing/. While the other sentences use commas to separate phrases, none use the same format throughout as sentence 3.The use of the same word pattern to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importance is referred to as parallel structure. At the word, phrase, or clause level, this can occur.In sentences, parallel structure is used to improve readability and to establish a common level of importance between ideas. Using parallel structure, also known as parallelism, creates a consistent grammatical pattern throughout a sentence.

To learn more about parallel structure refer to :



Which of the following best states a conflict found in The
A. Abigail Williams tries to continue her affair with
John Proctor, but he declines.
B. Elderly Giles Corey dies after being crushed by
several large stones.
c. Reverend Parris says that Abigail Williams stole
his money and ran away from Salem.
D. Elizabeth Proctor receives a small doll from Mary
Warren that has a needle in it.


"Elizabeth Proctor receives a small doll from Mary Warren that has a needle in it" is the statement that best states a conflict found in The Crucible.

John Proctor and Elizabeth Proctor are still at odds because of John's earlier adultery with Abigail Williams. John detects Elizabeth's lingering misgivings and believes she is not being merciful enough.Abigail Williams accuses Elizabeth Proctor of witchcraft because she wishes to wed John, Elizabeth's husband, with whom she had an affair while working in the Proctor household. Elizabeth claims of Abigail, "She wants me dead," and it is true that Abigail wants Elizabeth to perish.Abigail does this by alleging that Elizabeth inserted needles into the poppet Mary Warren gave Elizabeth in order to hurt Abigail, giving the impression that Elizabeth is engaging in witchcraft. However, readers are aware that Abigail uses needles to stab herself as proof of Elizabeth's "crime."

Thus the correct option is D.

Refer here to learn more about The Crucible: https://brainly.com/question/26121334


the main character in a novel, play, movie, etc. ; an important person who is involved in a competition, conflict, or cause *





the protagonist is the subject of the story, aka the main character

Answer: Protagonist


15 What change should be made in sentence 2?
A Change can teach to taught
B Insert a colon after children
C Change responsability to responsibility
D Change to spend to spending


D Change to spend to spending

What does the word "Spent" in line 15 mean?

27 The ideal response is C. The word spent in line 15 most closely resembles the term "exhausted." The Colonel informs the horseman who carried the news that he "cannot ride" because of his weariness after the trek. Abundant Spending, Neutral Spending, Scarcity Spending, and Avoidance Spending are the Four Types of Spending. Spending on various things produces very diverse outcomes. Table comparing the terms "spend" and "spent." Spending is defined as paying money or devoting time to an activity. Both the term spent and its past tense, spent, signify fatigued. It functions as a verb.

To learn more about line 15 mean refer to



The change should be made in sentence is  Change to spend to spending.

What does the word "Spent" in line 15 mean?27 The ideal response is C. The word spent in line 15 most closely resembles the term "exhausted." The Colonel informs the horseman who carried the news that he "cannot ride" because of his weariness after the trek. Abundant Spending, Neutral Spending, Scarcity Spending, and Avoidance Spending are the Four Types of Spending. Spending on various things produces very diverse outcomes. Table comparing the terms "spend" and "spent." Spending is defined as paying money or devoting time to an activity. Both the term spent and its past tense, spent, signify fatigued. It functions as a verb.

To learn more about line sentence refer to



I am moving with my application


I am moving on with my application, the sentence now is grammatically correct due to the add of preposition.

What are Prepositions?

Prepositions and postpositions, collectively known as adpositions, are a type of word used to express spatial or temporal relationships or to denote various semantic roles. A preposition or postposition is usually combined with a noun phrase, which is known as its complement or, in some cases, object. A preposition is a word or phrase that appears before a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to indicate direction, time, place, location, spatial relationships, or to introduce an item. Prepositions are typically used before a noun or pronoun to establish a connection between nouns, pronouns, and other parts of the sentence. Often short words that denote direction or place, prepositions must be learned in order to be recognised.

To know more about Prepositions



What project did Mary Jackson work on at NACA soon after she was hired?


designing planes that could fly at more than five times the speed of sound.

landing astronauts on the moon and returning them safely to Earth.

creating rockets that could put astronauts into a low orbit around Earth.

building aircraft capable of breaking the sound barrier.



designing planes that could fly at more than five times the speed of sound.


After two years of working on the West Area computer, Mary Jackson was invited to work with engineer Kazimierz Czarnecki, on the Supersonic Pressure Tunnel. This was a 60,000 horsepower wind tunnel that was capable of blasting models at over twice the speed of sound. So, designing planes that could fly at more than five times the speed of sound.

Gadgets Have Restricted Children’s Imagination SPEECH



In today’s times we are so dependent on our phones and gadgets . For safety is not a gadget but a state of mind. If we are bored (or) there is a bell in the day, there comes our Phones, I pad (or) other gadgets to our rescue.  We are in advance technological World. Advancing technology is the Future, we all wonder what we would do if we didn’t have technology. We are dependent on Smartphones it influence the way we behave, think and live. People now are extremely smart but are also restless and active they need to be occupied with some thing interesting. The most easily available way to do set them up in front of the TV, Phone (or) an I pad.

Many times gadget addiction is a underlying (or) Depression. Visiting psychologist will help they will help your child calm down and teach your ways to deal with your child. Excessive use of gadgets such as mobile phones, tablets and Computer desktops can cause physical and mental damage to humans. According to a study, when a child will likely to become overweight and develop vision problems when they spend too much time using gadgets. Technology decreases the strength of the memory and we will be able to retain that Information from our brain. Gadgets can affects our memory power. Being overly connected can cause Psychological issues such as distraction and even depression. Technology should be learnt but not up to addicted level.


Hope this helps sorry if it doesn't

Describe how this idea influences beners lee work today. Use two details from the text to support your answer ( MUST READ THE TEXT )


The World Wide Web was created by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, who altered the course of history. Then he handed the web to everyone for free, which ignited a previously unheard-of worldwide flood of creativity, cooperation, and invention.

The web has altered the world, yet it is currently in danger of being closed off. One of the major forces influencing societal development is the Internet, which has transformed business, education, government, healthcare, and even how we communicate with our loved ones. It is particularly important to consider how social communication has changed.

To know more about Tim Berners Lee here



write a sentence that illustrates
mixed economy


A mixed economy is an economic system that combines aspects of the market, command, and conventional economic systems. A mixed economy is the most widespread economic structure in existence.

What is an economic system?

A country's or a region's social structures can organize and distribute the resources, services, and goods that are accessible through the use of an economic system. Land, capital, labor, and physical resources are all governed by economic systems.

A society's or a specific geographic area's system for producing products and services, allocating resources, and distributing them is known as an economic system or economic order.

Learn more about economic system from here:



In a comparison and contrast essay appointed by point organization allows you to discuss number one one aspect of both subjects for the entire essay number two one subject for the entire essay number three one subject fully and then move onto the next subject number for one aspect of two subjects before moving onto another aspect


Two topics are compared, contrasted, or both to analyze them in a comparison and contrast essay. Instead of stating the obvious, the purpose of a comparison or contrast essay is to draw attention to minor differences or unexpected similarities between two topics.

An introduction, body, and conclusion make up a comparison-contrast paragraph. The topic phrase introduces and talks about two subjects. Details about the similarities and distinctions between the two subjects are given in the body sentences. The concluding clause highlights how similar or unlike the subjects are.

Selecting two or more themes that are tangibly related is the key to creating an effective comparison and contrast essay. Instead of stating the obvious, comparison and contrast are used to draw attention to subtle differences or unexpected similarities.

Make all the remarks you want to establish about the first topic you are talking first, then move on to the second topic and finish what you have to say about it.

To know more about comparison and contrast essay , click on the link below:



What happened to Mrs. Who's glasses after leaving Camazotz?


We can see here that after leaving Camazotz, the following happened to Mrs. Who's glasses: The glasses disappeared.

What is A Wrinkle in Time?

A Wrinkle in Time is actually known to be a young adult science fantasy book which was written by Madeleine L'Engle, an American author. It was actually published in 1962.

In "A Wrinkle in Time," Meg Murry, a thirteen-year-old, encounters Mrs. Whatsit, a strange new neighbor, one evening. Mrs. Whatsit mentions something called a tesseract. She eventually learns that it was a scientific idea her father was developing prior to his enigmatic disappearance.

Meg, her brilliant younger brother Charles, and Calvin, a fellow student, pay a visit to Mrs. Whatsit the next day. There, the similarly bizarre Mrs. Who and the voice of the unidentified Mrs. Which make a vow to assist Meg in locating and rescuing her father.

Learn more about A Wrinkle in Time on https://brainly.com/question/18914514


Darren spends 39 minutes studying for his science test. He thendoes 6 chores. Each chore takes him 3 minutes. How many minutes does Darren studying and doing chores


57 minutes is my answer
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-12 + 8x less than or greater than -44 Show that (fof-1) (x)=x and (F-1 of)(x) = x for the following pair of functions.f(x) = 5-4x, f'(x) =5-754Show that (fof-1)(x) = x.(fof- ')(x) = 0Write the expression for the composition.= x(Do not simplify. Type an exact answer, using radicals as needed.) The table summarizes results from 977 pedestrian deaths that were caused by automobile accidents.Pedestrian DeathsDriverPedestrian Intoxicated?Intoxicated?YesNoYes4885No260584If one of the pedestrian deaths is randomly selected, find the probability that neither the pedestrian nor the driver wasintoxicated. Please enter a decimal to 4 places.Probability The box-and-whisker plot below represents some data set. What percentage of the data values are greater than 69? ??????????????????? 7. Simplify28120.51 +423) + (222 +7.51). Can you help me with this question? Find the sum of -2x^2 - 4x - 12 and - x^2 - 2x The answer I got was -3x^2 - 6x - 12 Just want to see if I did it correctly*Last tutor got disconnected A credit union client deposits $2,700 in an account earning 6% interest, compounded annually. What will the balance of the account be at the end of 31 years?Enter the answer in dollars and cents, and round to the nearest cent, if needed. Do not include the dollar sign. For example, if the answer is $0.61, only the number 0.61 should be entered.Balance $________ after 31 years. PLEASE HELP ME !!!!!!!!Find and describe the error in the following problem Charlotte is making pies for her whole family. So far, she has made 5.04 poundsworth of pie, and has 7 people to feed, including herself. How much does eachperson get if Charlotte is finished making pies?a) Charlotte's aunt and uncle decide to visit her unexpectedly. With 2 morepeople to feed, how much pie will each person get from Charlotte's 5.04pounds? A distinguishing feature of american society in the early nineteenth century was the _________ 100 points{1} Read the poem https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/45469/beat-beat-drums Explain how the repetition of particular words enhances the meaning of the poem. Include evidence from the poem in your answer. {2} read the poem https://poets.org/poem/there-will-come-soft-rains Which line do you think is a strong example of imagery and why?{3} read the poem Seacoast SilhouetteAll up and down the dunes,the tall green grasses dance,as the wind plays lively tunesacross the sandy expanse.But the moon above is a statue, silent and somber and still,its reflection on the sea is a tattoo,that we watch from upon the hill.How did the poet use sound devices to enhance the meaning of this poem? Provide evidence to support your answer. help meeeeeeeeee pleasee 5. * 20 points Rotate 180 about the origin. 3 Y 4 5 3 Signals from the sense organs are interpreted by the cerebrum, autonomic nervous system, medulla, cerebellum? Label the missing side length of the figure below. Click each dot on the image to select an answer. A sculpture made up of 2 rectangular prisms. Color is used to show the rectangular prisms that make up the figure. The first rectangular prism is green and has dimensions of an unknown length of 2 meters width by 3 meters height. The second rectangular prism is purple and has dimensions of 10 meters in length by 4 meters in width by 7 meters in height. Find the volume of the entire figure by adding the importance of the separate figures. \text{Volume}=Volume=start text, V, o, l, u, m, e, end text, equals {}+ \purpleD{280}=+280=plus, start color #7854ab, 280, end color #7854ab, equals \text{ cubic meters} cubic meters create text, space, c, u, b, i, c, space, m, e, t, e, r, s, end text Find the value of x in the triangle show below -4x-2y = -6a. y = -2x + 3b. y = 2x-3C. y = 2x + 3d. y = -2x - 3 A block of aluminum weighing 140 g is cooled from 98.4C to 62.2C with the release of 1080 joules of heat. From this data, calculate the specific heat of aluminum.Group of answer choices2.11 J/g C4.29 J/g C0.213 J/g C Corie buys dog food in a 34-pound bag. Her dog eats about 1 pound a day. Corie buys catfood in a 16-pound bag. Her cat eats about 1/4 pound a day. Assume she buys new bags of petfood on the same day. On which day will the two bags have the same weight? Show how youfigured it out.