What is one benefit of free-range parenting


Answer 1


Kids gain self-sufficiency and confidence.

It encourages kids to play outside more.

Children can improve their social skills.

Answer 2
The kids feel more in control and responsible which helps them become responsible

Related Questions

What information would best help you develop the topic you chose in #6? Identify one section from "The Rain Forest - Worth Saving" and one section from "Animals of the Rain Forest."



whats #6?


need to know #6 to awnser this.

could you help me with number 13


change killer’s to killers


Add a comma after "name"


Because you use commas to separate independent clauses when they are joined by any of these seven coordinating conjunctions: and, but, for, or, nor, so, yet.

Hoped this helped :)

What are the positive effects of the Coronavirus Pandemic to the mental health of people?



the coronavirus outbreak has been beneficial because people have been able to relax and look back on there life and learn who they are and learn new things about them selfs. this is the reason people love to look back at March and April 2020 because they remeber the feeling

Select the correct answer.
A student is writing an argumentative text about recess for high school students. The student makes the claim that recess is important for high
school students because physical activity relieves stress and stimulates the brain as high school is a challenging environment.
Which example would best support the student's claim?
research from the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human services highlighting the benefits of physical activity
an info graphic about explaining how teenagers should deal with challenges
a student's blog post about experiences in high school
interview with a school guidance counselor about the importance of taking challenging courses
entum. All rights reserved.
^ ( 00
12:11 PM


Answer: A


A - credible and relevant. correct on edmentum,

B - wrong b/c  isn't really related to stress and physical activity

C - wrong b/c blogs may be unreliable, isn't really related to stress and physical activity

D - blogs may be unreliable, isn't at all related to stress and physical activity

An example that would best support the student's claim is research from the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human services highlighting the benefits of physical activity and an infographic explaining how teenagers should deal with challenges. Thus the correct option is A.

What is Claim?

A claim refers to proving something in the absence of evidence by providing arguments in order to win a conversation. This claim is based on assumption and does not provides factual information.

In the given excerpt, the student claims about an issue that physical activity relieves stress and helps to the brain as high school is providing a complicated atmosphere.

To support this claim one needs enough evidence which is proved from research from any credible source which provides authentic information which proves the point.

The US dept of health highlights the benefits of physical activity and the challenges faced by teenagers help to prove the claim. Therefore, option A is appropriate.

Learn more about the claim, here:



write an email about your new computer : When did you get it? How much did it cost? What's the best thing about it? ​


My computer got it this year cost 300 dollars new mac book pro got it from my dads friend the best thing about it is the bar at the top which allows me to control volume use automatic word typing and auto correct.

Subject: New Computer!

Hi [Name],

I hope this email finds you in good health. To let you know about my new computer, I'm writing to you today. It was just delivered to me last week, and I couldn't be happier.

I paid [Price] at [Store Name] for the PC. A [Computer Model] with [Computer Specifications] is what it is. So far, I've been really satisfied with the PC. It is quick, strong, and has a fantastic screen.

The computer's ability to multitask is its best feature. Without experiencing any lag, I can run many programs at once. Being able to work on several projects at once is fantastic for me.

The visual capabilities of the PC also truly impress me. The games I've been playing on it seem fantastic. The graphics are extremely realistic and fluid.

I'm pretty pleased with my new PC overall. Everything I was looking for is here, plus more. I really advise it if you're looking to buy a new pc.

Thanks for reading,

[Your Name]

To know more about health:



Characteristics of visible​


I hope this helps my guy :)


give other person brainliest


1. What is the importance of reusing, reducing, and recycling waste products or materials?

2. Who benefits the 3R's?

3. How can we encourage people to do the 3R's?


by using the three r’s we can help save the environment from its continuous destruction caused by human activities such as deforestation, illegal mining, throwing of waste that can harm mother nature and etc. Everyone benefits from them, it helps save land and money in communities. we can practice the three r’s by not buy things you don't need or items that come in wasteful packaging or that cannot be recycled. Reuse and recycle whatever you can.

Can someone answer the following multiple-choice questions?

1. It can most reasonably be inferred that Mr. Johnson views Lady Susan with
A) admiration, because she is a single
B) dislike, because she is deceitful
C) irritation, because she plays jokes on
D) concern, because she is in danger

2. Which choice provides the best evidence
for the answer to the previous question?
A) Lines 2 - 7 ("...and rejoice....tricked.")
B) Lines 7 - 9 ("I arrived...Vernon.")
C) Lines 15 - 18 ("I was.....
D) Lines 21 - 24 ("..and yet...last.")

3. As used in line 48, "wanting" most nearly means
A) desiring
B) lacking
C) requiring
D) requesting

4. Which choice best summarizes the second paragraph of the passage (lines 25 - 65)?
A) A character regrets a decision and
expresses relief that things have
turned out well in spite of her actions.
B) A character marries against the wishes
of his family, has many children and
becomes very successful.
C) A character explains her past behavior
towards her brother-in-law and
rationalizes her unkindness.
D) A character discusses a conflict
between her husband and his brother
and describes how she will influence
the brother's children in favor of her

5. It can be inferred from the passage that
Lady Susan loft Mainwaring because
A) she wanted to see her family
B) her husband had passed away
C) she was romantically involved with
D) she had to finalize the sale of the castle

6. Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question?
A) Lines 61 - 64 ("...I know....sake."')
B) Lines 66 - 67 ("I need....thoughts.")
C) Lines 67-69 ("I found.....fate.")
D) Lines 71 - 72 ("..and when....you.")



1B 2C 3A 4A 5D 6C

What figurative language is this? "My life is my foe's debt." from Romeo and Juliet.



A metaphor


The climax is to the plot as the _____ is to the setting.

A) resolution

B) time

C) character

D) action



B) time

Because it relates to the setting. I hope this helps!

What is the central idea of "Infinite Flow"?



Floating Infinity?


Answer: Hamamotos work offers opertunities to people of all abilities


What is an example of the Golden Rule in this section?
Use the strongest evidence from the novel in your answer.
(To kill a mockingbird)


Treat others how you want to be treated

Atticus often teaches his children the golden rule by telling them to walk in other people's shoes. He wants Scout and Jem to learn empathy. In chapter 8 of To Kill a Mockingbird, Miss Maudie's house burns down on a cold winter night.

please read it carefully

will give brainliest ​



places that should be boycotted would be places where mask-wearing isn't required. why? because not wearing a mask not only puts yourself in danger but also everyone else around you.

good luck :)

hopefully, this helps

have a great day !!

1) you should boycott makeup companies that test on animals
2) Boycott fast fashion companies
3) boycott fast food restaurants that’s send money to conversion camps (chic-fil-a)

can someone talk about the whole book hatchet by gray Paulson please it's for a grade and I need this to pass


Here's the summary of Hatchet by Gray Paulson

Hatchet tells the story of 13-year-old Brian Robeson and his successful attempt to survive alone in the wilderness. When the novel begins, Brian's parents have recently divorced, an event that Brian finds painful. Brian boards a small plane to fly to meet his father in Canada, where his father is working. This is the first summer he will spend with his father alone since the divorce. Only Brian and the pilot are on the plane. Brian does not know the man's name, and they don't speak until they have taken off and been in the air a while. The pilot then explains the basics of flying a plane and lets Brian practice.

Suddenly the pilot has a heart attack, and he either dies or loses consciousness. Brian can't tell which. Brian panics and then realizes he has to try to fly the plane. After some struggle he begins to guide it. He doesn't know most of the instruments, but he identifies the radio and calls for help. He can only contact someone briefly, just long enough to tell them that there is no one who can fly the plane, before the connection breaks up. He calls for help over and over again for several hours. Eventually he concludes that he'll have to land the plane. Not long after, the plane's engines stop.

Brian does the best he can to guide the plane. He sees a lake below and aims the gliding plane toward it, thinking it might do less damage. He slams into some trees, wrecking the plane, which lands in the lake. Brian tears himself out of the seatbelt, scrambles out of the plane, and swims for the surface. He reaches the shore and passes out. While unconscious, he dreams of something that happened before his parents' divorce, when he saw his mother kissing a man other than his father, which he calls the "Secret." Later, he wakes up on the shore of the lake. He's alone in the wilderness. Mosquitos swarm all over him. As he grows hungry, he realizes he will have to take care of himself. He inventories his possessions and then remembers his English teacher Perpich's advice to stay motivated and have faith in one's own abilities. He builds a shelter against a rock and then looks for food, finding some berry bushes. He eats a lot of them and saves more for later.

Brian wakes up terribly sick from the berries. He goes looking for better food and finds some raspberries, eating them more methodically so he won't get sick again. As he eats he sees a bear, but the animal does not attack him. That night something crawls into a shelter with him, but he can't tell what it is because it's dark. He tries to drive it away by throwing his hatchet at it, but he misses and the hatchet hits the rock wall, shooting off sparks. The creature stabs his leg and leaves. It was a porcupine, and Brian finds its quills in his leg, which is now in pain. He spends a lot of time pulling them out.

Brian learns to build fire using sparks he makes with his hatchet. That night, after he gets his fire going, he hears something sliding across the sand outside. The next morning, he figures out that it was a turtle crawling onto shore to lay eggs. Brian eats some turtle eggs raw and saves the rest. As he cleans up his camp, he recognizes how much he's changed. He is more aware of the wilderness, and his actions are more purposeful. He realizes there are fish in the lake, but can't catch them at first. He makes a spear and tries to stab them, but that doesn't work, so he sets out to make a bow and arrow. While he is working on it, a plane flies overhead. He runs back to camp to build up his fire as a signal, but the plane flies away without seeing him. Brian falls into a deep state of despair and feels as if he wants to die. He tries to cut his arms with his hatchet, but gives up, then spends a sleepless night. The next morning he wakes up and knows his disappointment about the plane has "cut him down and made him new." He also vows that he will live and "not let death in again."

Weeks pass and Brian embraces the "new" person he has become. His knowledge and skill grow. He is at ease in the wilderness. He still makes mistakes, but he keeps his fire going, and has built a bow and arrow that works. He catches fish regularly, and cooks them over the fire. One night a skunk enters his shelter, and when it sprays him it blinds for a while. The longer he's in the wilderness, the more he knows what is important: food and shelter. He makes his shelter more secure and finds a shelf he can use to store food. He designs and builds a small pond and stocks it with fish. His hunting improves as he learns how to see birds in the bushes, eventually catching and cooking one. He also learns to kill rabbits, which gives him another food source.

What is Evarist's viewpoint regarding Nina in The Fan?

Nina is appealing

Nina is annoying.

Nina is very secretive.

Nina is argumentative


Explanation: Nina is annoying because in in the text she says no to a bit of the things Everest's says for her to do and that gets Everest's angry a lot of the time


Nina is annoying

Explanation: She is

Water plops into pond splish-splash downhill warbling magpies in three trilling melodic thrill whoosh passing breeze flags flutter and flags frog crooks, bird whistles babbling bubbles from tap​. Find this poem onomatopoeia, Alliteration, Assonance and consonance



discuss more please then i could tell u

tomorrow school is celebrating teachers day you have been selected for presenting a speech before teachers express your feelings and emotion in the form of diary entry​



good morning my respected teacher and my dear friends today I am going to deliver a short speech on the topic of our teachers or teachers day. teachers are the second parents of a students or children's. they make our future bright. they show us the way of our life. they help us to gain the different knowledge practically or theoretically. they make us a ideal person by eliminating our bad habits. if teacher were not their than no one can be a doctor, engineer, nurse and even our country cannot be developed. A teacher have the power of making many children a ideal or perfect human in their life.

Call of the wild Chapter 4 question

How are the dogs treated by the new owners? Be specific.​



they are treated like



Rising Action
Think about the protagonist of your novel or short story. List two actions the protagonist takes that increase the conflict. Describe the results of each action.
Protagonist’s Action #1
Result of Protagonist’s Action #1
Protagonist’s Action #2
Result of Protagonist’s Action #2
Think about the antagonist of your novel or short story. List two actions the antagonist takes that increase the conflict. Describe the results of each action.
Antagonist’s Action #1
Result of Antagonist’s Action #1
Antagonist’s Action #2
Result of Antagonist’s Action #2
Think about the climax of your story. Describe the choice the protagonist makes to change the course of the conflict.
Falling Action
Think about the falling action of your story. Describe one event of falling action that directly follows your protagonist’s choice.




For Rikki Tikki:


Use complete sentences to respond to each question about your novel or short


Title of short story or novel

Rikki Tikki Tavi


Rudyard Kipling

Rising Action

Think about the protagonist of you novel or short story. List two actions the

protagonist takes that increase the conflict. Describe the results of each action.

Protagonist’s Action #1

Rikki Tikki was touring the family’s garden.

Result of Protagonist’s Action #1

He came across a bird in the garden that was mourning his loss of his baby bird

that was killed by the snake of the garden, Nag.

Protagonist’s Action #2

Rikki Tikki is curious about who is Nag and asks the bird

Result of Protagonist’s Action #2

The bird says that Nag is a cobra snake that wants to kill the bird

Think about the antagonist of you novel or short story. List two actions the

antagonist takes that increase the conflict. Describe the results of each action.

Antagonist’s Action #1

Nag was whispering his plan to his wife.

Result of Antagonist’s Action #1

Rikki Tikki heard the and once Nag was asleep he attacked.

Antagonist’s Action #2

As Nag was still asleep as Rikki Tikki was attacking he kept biting harder and


Result of Antagonist’s Action #2

Then, the big man shot Nag and he was died.


Think about the climax of your story. Describe the choice the protagonist makes

to change the course of the conflict.

Rikki Tikki decided that while Nag was asleep was the only chance he could get to

kill him.

Falling Action

Think about the falling action of your story. Describe one event of falling action

that directly follows your protagonist’s choice.

Once Nag was killed the garden and the household was saved until Naginia


Hope this helped!!!

Good Luck!

(also i turned this in and got a 100% so i know it is exactly correct)


Which statement below is the main idea of the article, “Toys R Us: The End of an Era”?
A. Toys R Us is facing tough competition from online retailers.
B. Toys R Us stores in the U.S. are closing due to financial problems.


Not sure but I think B
It’s B. Toys R Us stores in the U.S are closing due to financial problems.

Identify the point of view represented by each of these sentences. Then select the sentence that is most likely to appear in a reflective essay, based on its point of view.
Select one:
a.He now knows the importance of telling truths even when they hurt.
b.She now knows the importance of telling truths even when they hurt.
c.You now know the importance of telling truths even when they hurt.
d.I now know the importance of telling truths even when they hurt.








took the test

Part A Question about "Washed-up Plastics Become Art With a Vital Message."

Based on details in "Washed-up Plastics Become Art With a Vital Message," what can be inferred about how people are responding to the problem of pollution?

Pozzi's work is in demand because people are more aware and concerned about how pollution impacts animals.

Experts from foreign countries are sharing their solutions with the city of New Orleans to fix its pollution problem.

People overseas were mostly unconcerned about pollution prior to seeing Pozzi's work.

Pollution in Oregon has decreased significantly because of awareness brought by Pozzi's work.



I think its D :)

may be wrong so


Its A

Explanation: I took the test (k12) 1.18 Influential people

Which best states the author's purpose in writing the paragraph?

to convince people that the shoes are equal
to show similarities and differences between the shoes
to provide important information on the cost of the shoes
to make people think that the StarTrekker is outdated


Can you post the paragraph? If you can’t the answer I would infer it is, is B




Please help me! I'm usually really good at grammar, but I'm suffering hardcore right now.

How do I phrase and use the correct grammar for this sentence?
The rainforest is one of if not the most important place(s) on the planet.

Also, is "place" plural or not in this sentence?


The rainforest is one of, if not the most important place on the planet.

What is the difference between literal meaning and deeper (figurative) meaning?


Literal language means exactly what it says, while figurative language uses similes, metaphors, hyperbole, and personification to describe something often through comparison with something different. See the examples below.

According to paragraphs 8-10 how did the events surrounding Chang-bo’s experience with the state security agents begin to change his wife’s ideas about the government? Highlight specific evidence from the text and make annotations to support any inferences you make.

Chang-bo’s experience changed his wife’s ideas about the government because _______. This means _____________. For example, “ ______________________________”


ummm , I will help let me come back to this

which is better ravishing or gorgeous


Answer: gorgeous


Reading To Do, I-Ready
evel F
Why did the author include details
about the cooking show he saw?
He wants to describe various cooking
He wants to explain why he started
He wants to persuade others to watch
the show.
He wants to warn others about
chemicals in their food.



He wants to explain why he started cooking


Got it right!


The other person got it right but here's the answer for proof.

Explanation: I got it right

The phrase "terribly pleased" is an example of a(n)


i believe you answer is the third option, oxymoron


Answer is oxymoron

I promise

Can you help me with this.​


Answer: I think it's the first one


Sorry if I'm wrong

Other Questions
Enrique quiere ir al teatro tambin. Which of the following statements best describes the number of neutrons in an atom?It is the same as the element's atomic number.It is equal to the sum of atomic number and average atomic mass.it is the same as the average atomic mass.it is equal to the difference between atomic number and atomic mass number. Describe the tone of the letter. What does it indicate about the situation at the Alamo?2 Who is the letter addressed to, and what does Travis hope it will achieve?3 How does Travis paint the Texian cause as a just cause?4 In what way did the final two notes reinforce the message of the letter?link https://www.brainpop.com/socialstudies/ushistory/texasrevolution/primarysource/will give brainlist if you answer all use the word debate in a sentence Carlos bought a video game that was 15% off. The game was originally $20. How much money DID HE SAVE by getting it on sale? Please answer!! I have 5 minutes Two options are described below.Option A: You receive 1 on the first day, 3 on the second day, 9 on the third day, 27 on the fourth day, and so on, tripling each day.Option B: You receive $100 each day.You will receive the money that is offered on day 10. Which option would you choose? find x: [tex] {9}^{2x + 1 = {81}^{3x + 1} [/tex] In recent years the elephant population in certain African ecosystems have seen a decreased. The decrease is most likely due tl How do the diaphragm and rib muscles help with breathing? These musclespull lungs down to draw in airchange the air pressureopen up the air flow tubeskeep food out of the chestpush blood around the lungs Lula has two dogs, one 35 pounds, the other 25 pounds. What is the average weight of Lula's dogs? List the guidelines that distinguish a healthy weight-loss program from a fad/diet program Which statements are true about the crisis in Cuba in 1962?Choose all answers that are correct.A U.S. spy plane photographed Soviet missiles in Cuba.Cuba wanted the U.S. blockade to prevent Russia from sending more missiles to their island.JFK agreed to place U.S. missiles in Turkey.JFK agreed with his advisers who wanted to bomb Cuba.The United States, Russia, and Britain signed a treaty to test nuclear arms together.After 13 tense days, Khrushchev agreed to remove Soviet missiles from Cuba Read the following sentence and answer the question that follows. The Beehive is furnished with antique furniture. Which of the following best states the denotative meaning of the word antique?newancientexpensivecollectable -2 (x - 3) + 6 = - (x + 5) Solve for x and SHOW WORK please :) INTERIM K12 SCIENCEHERE ARE ALL YOUR AWNSERS K12 ELA 7th grade science interimanswers are labeled as numbers and letters a b c and d (1c 2d 7a 9b etc)1A2C3D4C5B6B7B8A9D10C11D12C13C14B15B16B17A18A19C20C21B21B23B24C25B I FEEL VERY GUILTY AND BADYOUR WELCOMWHO EVER SEES THIS MUST SPREAD IT LIKE HOT BUTTER The passage is from the Declaration of Independence (1776). Which earlier thinker influenced the reasoning of this passage?A.agreement on preserving the Articles of ConfederationB.the death of James MadisonC.agreement on the inclusion of a Bill of RightsD.the states were declared more powerful than the federal government Mark is flying a kite and realizes that 300 feet of string is out. Mark anchored the kite to the ground. The angle of the string with the ground is 42.5 degrees. How high is Mark's kite above the ground? Find your answer to the nearest tenth. Which scenario goes with the vocabulary word la piel If 7.0 moles of HCl is added to enough iron that the HCl is completely used up, how manymoles of hydrogen gas will be produced?