What is molecular genetic manipulation

Please explain


Answer 1


Molecular genetics is the manipulation of an organism's genome. There have been many uses of MG outside the farm gate for generating customised bacterial cultures. When MG is used in dairy animals, it results in transgenic animals with new traits that can't be achieved through standard breeding techniques. Inside the farm gate, MG plays a role in animal breeding. Causative mutations or linked genetic markers that cause phenotypic differences are being identified using MG. This approach aims to disseminate superior genetics to commercial farmers effectively and efficiently.

Related Questions

Are there any species today that link mammals with other types of vertebrates? Why is it important?


Related groups of species link mammals with other types of vertebrates, these taxonomic groups are mainly represented by reptiles and birds. This process is very important because it reflects the evolutionary origin of vertebrates.

What is the evolutionary origin?

The expression evolutionary origin makes reference to descendence with modification in order to fit certain environmental features. Evolution is very important because it indicates how a given taxonomic group emerged and which are the most closely related species in terms of a common ancestor.

Birds and reptiles are the closer taxonomic groups of mammals and vertebrates because they share certain morphological and molecular (genetic) characteristics from a common ancestor million years ago.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that the evolutionary origin is associated with a common ancestor, which in the case of mammals is shared with other vertebrates such as birds and reptiles.

Learn more about the evolutionary origin here:



would a crocodile be a good index fossil? why or why not?


Yes, a crocodile would be a good index fossil because it has a long-life span and can be easily recognised.

What is an index fossil?

Index fossil is any ancient remains of a plant or animal that lived during a specific geological period and that can be used to date the containing rocks.

A useful index fossil must have the following characteristics:

Distinctive or easily recognizableAbundantwide geographic distributionshort range through time

Index fossils are the basis for defining boundaries in the geologic time scale and for the correlation of strata. Index fossils, also called key fossils or type fossils, are those that are used to define periods of geologic time.

Some common index fossils include ammonites, crinoids, rugose corals, brachiopods, bryozoans, and mollusks

Therefore, it can be said that a crocodile can be a good index fossil because it can live long.

Learn more about index fossil at: https://brainly.com/question/6073078


Food must be broken down into________
before it can pass into the bloodstream.
O A. Molecules
O B. Proteins
O C. Atoms
O D. Liquids


Atoms becuase when u eat it it becomes smaller.
Food must be broken down into molecules before it can enter the bloodstream.

As good passes through the GI tract, it mixes with digestive juices, causing large molecules of food to break down into smaller molecules. The body then absorbs these smaller molecules through the walls of the small intestine into the bloodstream,, which delivers them to the rest of the body.

What is the main way that fossil fuel use impacts the environment?A. water useB. invasive speciesC. global climate changeD. soil degradation


During the burning of fossil fuels, a greenhouse gas is discharge into the air which trap the heat in the atmosphere. This results to global warming.

Answer - C. global climate change

Answer: C global climate change

which one of the following does not belong with the others? a) coxiella b) ehrlichia c) rickettsia d) staphylococcus e) wolbachia


Staphylococcus isn't supposed to be alongside the others.

Option c is correct.

Which bacterial species doesn't belong with the others?

Due to their lifestyles that resemble fungi, myxobacteria are categorized as actinobacteria. The following list of bacteria are all gram-positive.

Are Rickettsia fungi?

Rocky Mountain spotted fever is one of the illnesses brought on by the unusual bacterial species rickettsiae. Since they are unable to survive on their own in the environment, rickettsiae differ from the majority of other bacteria in that they can only develop and reproduce inside the cells of another organism (host).

To know more about  myxobacteria visit:-



how is leaves change color related to photosynthesis




Chlorophyll Breaks Down

But in the fall, because of changes in the length of daylight and changes in temperature, the leaves stop their food-making process. The chlorophyll breaks down, the green color disappears, and the yellow to orange colors become visible and give the leaves part of their fall splendor.

Answer: Chlorophyll


Photosynthesis takes place because the cells of the leaf contain the pigment chlorophyll, a bright-green pigment that gives leaves their green color.  As fall approaches, trees seal off leaves from the rest of the plant in order to prevent water loss from stomata. Once the leaves are sealed off, the leaf stops producing chlorophyll.  Additionally, any chlorophyll remaining in the leaves begins to break down. As the chlorophyll degrades in the leaves, the bright green color disappears. With the green pigment gone, the colors of the other pigments within the leaf can finally be seen.  

In other words, those beautiful oranges and yellows that we associate with fall leaves are actually present in the leaves all along—they have  just been masked by the green chlorophyll. With the chlorophyll gone, their true colors can be seen.

which function is lost in a patient who has had his gall bladder removed? storing bile synthesizing bile forming chylomicrons absorbing lipids emulsifying lipids


The function that is lost in a patient who has had his gall bladder removed is the storage of bile. Thus, the correct option for this question is A.

What are the functions of the Gall bladder?

The functions of the Gall bladder are as follows:

It stores bile which is produced by the liver. After storage, it concentrates the bile. When it is required to eject the bile into the lumen of the small intestine, due to the contract stimulation, it does the same.

If the gall bladder has been removed from any individual's body, the above-mentioned functions will not be performed successfully. This creates a number of problems and disorders in the individual's body.

Therefore, the function that is lost in a patient who has had his gall bladder removed is the storage of bile. Thus, the correct option for this question is A.

To learn more about Gall bladder, refer to the link:



A student examines two cells from the same plant using a microscope. In one cell the student counts 8 chromosomes. In the second cell the student counts 4 chromosomes. Choose all of the following that are most likely true of the cell with 4 chromosomes.
You may choose more than 1 answer!

Group of answer choices

The cell is a gamete.

The cell is diploid.

The cell is somatic.

The cell is haploid.



the cell is a gamete and the cell is haploid


gametes have half (haploid) the number of chromosomes than all other cells in the body

The most likely true of the cell with 4 chromosomes is the cell is a gamete and the cell is haploid. The correct options are a and d.

What are chromosomes?

Chromosomes are x shapes of hereditary material that are preset inside the nucleus. It is made up of DNA, genes, and proteins.

Genetic characteristics of the genotype of an organism are unique because of unique genetic material, and this can be transferred to another generation from the first generation.

The X and Y chromosome pair, out of the 23 pairs, is the one that determines the gender of the kid. Males have Y chromosomes, and females have X chromosomes.

XX denotes a woman.

XY denotes a man.

Therefore, the correct options are a, The cell is a gamete, and d. The cell is haploid.

To learn more about chromosomes, refer to the link:



In trisomy 21, an error during meiosis results inthree copies of Chromosome 21, leading to developmental deficits.three copies of Chromosome 19.the normal two copies of Chromosome 21, and no developmental deficits.a point mutation.



By definition, a trisomy is an aneuploidy in which a person has three copies of a chromosome instead of two. Therefore, a trisomy of chromosome 21 is an extra chromosome to the existing two copies of chromosome 21.

We can conclude that the correct answer is:


Three copies of Chromosome 21, leading to developmental deficits.

What are 2 fundamental principles of evolution


Evolution has four principles:

- Inheritance

- Variation

- Selection

- Time

Inheritance refers to the ability of the individuals of the population to pass their genes to the next generation.

Variation refers to the differences in the genetic structure of the individuals of the population, which produces differences in their physical characteristics.

Selection refers to individuals that might inherit genes that give them a higher chance of surviving and passing their genes to the next generations.

Time refers to the fact that for any population to show the effects of evolution. This cannot be observed in one or two generations, for a new species to evolve, many generations are needed.

What is the name of the protein ""strings"" that come out of these structures that help move the sister chromatid?.


Dna is duplicated. currently, the chromosome consists of 2 sister chromatids that are joined together by cohesin proteins.

How does cohesin mitosis work?

In mitosis and meiosis, cohesin is a protein that is involved in the majority of chromosomal events. although it is yet unknown if mitotic chromosomes include meiosis-specific cohesin complexes that are functionally active.

What role does a cohesin serve?

For chromosome segregation to occur in dividing cells, cohesin, which mediates cohesion of replicated sister chromatids, is required. In addition to playing a critical regulatory role in cells that are proliferating and in cells that have completed the mitotic cycle, cohesin is necessary for the effective repair of dna damage.

To know more about cohesins visit:



The first branch onan evolutionary treeis... A. the most complex. B. The most recently evolved.D. the common ancestor


Evolutionary tree

The first branch on an evolutionary tree is the common ancestor of all the lineages that stem from it, it is the furthest temporarily from the present.

Therefore, the correct answer to this question is option D.

Dragonflies are flying insects. In the summer, dragonflies can be seen perched on tree branches in an obelisk pose (i.e., a handstand position with the tip of their abdomen pointing upward). In 3–5 sentences, describe how dragonflies might control their body temperature and give reasons for why they might perch in this pose.(4 points)


The dragonflies perch on tree branches in obelisk pose to prevent overheating during the summers.

Overheating is the condition were the body temperature becomes unusually high. This why the dragonflies adapt the obelisk pose where the tip of the abdomen faces directly the sun. This lowers the surface area exposed to the sun and hence overheating is prevented.

Obelisk pose can be used for other purposes as well other than thermoregulation. It can be used by some species of dragonflies to guard their territories and conflict of a male with other males. A modified form of obelisk pose is also used during cold days to warm up the body.

To know more about overheating, here



From an evolutionary standpoint, why is sexual reproduction considered an advantage over asexual reproduction?


Because sexual reproduction produces genetic variation in the offspring. the species can adapt to new environments due to variation, which gives them a survival advantage. a disease is less likely to affect all the individuals in a population.

3. The genotype of an individual is expressed as follows:
(a) blue eyes
(b) b
(c) tall
(d) aa X bb



a blue eyes

please make my answer brainliest




will give brainliest
Order the planets from nearest to farthest from the Sun.













pls tell me if wrong

1. Photosynthesis in the Earth's forests produces about half of the oxygen in the atmosphere. Photosynthesis in the Earth's oceans produces the other half of the oxygen in the atmosphere. Why do you think so much photosynthesis occurs in the oceans? Think about what type of organisms perform photosynthesis. (8 points)


In ocean, an aquatic ecosystem is present which helps in the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis in the ocean is done by algae, kelps, seaweeds and phytoplanktons that contain chlorophyll and even some bacteria prepares their own food with the help of photosynthesis.

What is Photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is a process by which autotrophs convert light energy into chemical energy which is used to fuel cellular activities. The chemical energy made from light energy is stored in the form of sugars, which are created from water and carbon dioxide.

Photosynthesis process exclusively takes place in the chloroplast through photosynthetic pigments such as chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and xanthophyll.

Since, the oceans occupy about 70% or the majority of the earth's surface, this is also where most photosynthetic processes occur. Photosynthesis in the ocean is mainly done by autotrophs in the photic zone.

To learn more about photosynthesis: https://brainly.com/question/19160081


what geographic features spewed gases into earth's early atmosphere and what did this do to earth's temperature


Gases were thrown into the air by volcanoes. ices brought back from the stars by comets to earth.

What is earth's early atmosphere?

As the ice warmed, it turned into gases, original atmosphere had nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and water vapor, or water in gas form.

Gases from the earth's core were ejected into the atmosphere during volcanic eruptions, a process known as outgassing that is still happening today, carbon dioxide and water vapor made up the majority of the gas.

Therefore, as the earth's surface cooled, some of the water vapor condensed to create the seas, and these gases are thrown by the volcano.

Learn more about, earth here:



which condition is characterized by insufficent production of one or more types of blood cells due to dysfuntion of the bone marrow


Due to bone marrow dysfunction, myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are defined by inadequate synthesis of one or many types of blood cells.

What is the composition of human bone?

A transcription factor collagen forms the structure of bones, and calcium phosphate, a mineral, gives the framework strength and hardness. When other body parts require calcium, bones release some of the calcium they have stored into the blood.

Why are bones so durable?

A living, developing tissue is bone. Collagen, a polypeptide that provides a soft structure, and calcium, a mineral that gives strength and hardness, make up the majority of its composition. Together, these factors give bone the strength and flexibility it needs to withstand stress.

To know more about bone visit:



The climate of a biome is determined by all of these factors except.
OA. how close it is to an ocean.
OB. its organisms.
OC. its seasonal patterns of winds.
OD. its latitude.


An ecosystem's latitude affects its climate.

What influences the biomes?

An place is categorised as having a certain biome based on the species that inhabit it. Scientists can identify a biome by defining the range of temperatures, the kind of soil, the amount of light, and the amount of water that are distinctive to that location.

What two elements most influence a biome?

Temperature and precipitation, or the local climate, are the two fundamental variables that determine a particular biome.

What aspect of the climate determines a biome most significantly?

The amount of precipitation and the timing of the precipitation are the primary elements that define which biome is present. Which biome is there will also depend on the temperature and whether it varies throughout the year.

To know more about Biome visit:-



Which image shows labeled organisms that are presented only in plant cells



image containing cell wall,chloroplast,plastid or large vacuole


which of these components are found i the cells of all living organisms



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If the polar bodies are not viable, meaning they will not live, why are they part of the process of meiosis?.


The primary oocyte is meiotically divided into the secondary oocyte and polar body during oogenesis, and the polar body then goes through meiosis II to produce two polar bodies. Polar bodies are thought to feed the mature ovum cell, which develops during meiosis II in oogenesis.

A polar body is a byproduct of meiotic oocyte division. It is normally the small cell that apoptoses, and it simply disappears. This depiction, however, does not do the cell justice. Polar bodies function to remove one half of the diploid chromosome set produced by meiotic division in the egg, leaving a haploid cell behind. The cell must divide asymmetrically to produce the polar bodies, which is fueled by furrowing (the formation of a trench) near a specific point on the cell membrane.

Three polar bodies are formed during human oogenesis. Polar bodies are tiny cytoplasmic exclusion structures that form after sperm fertilization to contain extra DNA produced during oocyte meiosis. The zygote contains approximately 2-3 polar bodies derived from the oocyte.

The smaller cell is known as the primary polar body, and the larger cell is known as the secondary oocyte.

To learn more about polar bodies, here



a new technician loaded the pyrosequencing machine with the typical reagents, plus a mixed solution of the four dna nucleotides. what is likely to occur?


The machine cannot read the right DNA sequence since a fresh technician loaded it with the standard reagents and a mixture of a four DNA nucleotides.

What are the 3 parts of nucleotide?

The three distinctive elements of a nucleotide are a nitrogen - containing base, a hexose, one and or more purines. The parent heterocyclic chemicals purine and pyrimidine are the derivatives of which the nucleotide sequences are composed.

What are nucleotides and what do they do?

The fundamental components of a nucleotide, a biological molecule, are a nitrogen basic, pentose sugar, or phosphate. DNA and RNA are polynucleotides made up of a series of monomers with different nitrogenous bases.

To know more about nucleotides visit:



Explain the treatment goals for Clark cow


Answer: seizure is an abnormal electrical activity in the brain shown by an animal. In a typical seizure, the body of the animal shakes rapidly and uncontrollably. Water can be a cause of a seizure whentoo much water, by osmosis, moves into the brain. The increase in pressure of the brain will cause the fire rate of neurons to increase or decrease which leads to seizures. If the electrical signals in a neuron increases or decrease and are not at the normal level it will cause a seizure. Diffusion so the movements of atoms, ions, or molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. The difference in concentration across the cell membrane is a concentration gradient. So, the molecules diffuse down their concentration gradient from areas ofhigh concentration to areas of low concentration. Sodium ions are impermeable and cannot diffuse through the cell membrane, which is the same for water molecules, but water molecules can pass the membrane through facilitated diffusion with the help of aquaporins.


If laci were mutated such that the lac repressor could no longer bind dna, what effect would this have on the regulation of the lac operon?.


The repressor protein would not function properly, and the lac operon would be over expressed.

What is lac operon ?

Operon, a system of genetic regulation present in bacteria and their viruses and characterised by the clustering along the DNA of genes encoding functionally related proteins. Because of this property, protein synthesis can be coordinated to meet the demands of the cell.

Constitutive expression results from mutations in the repressor that prohibit it from binding to the operator (no repression in the absence of inducer). A non-inducible phenotype results from mutations that block the inducer's capacity to bind without impacting the operator's ability to bind.

Learn more about Lac operon here:



A substance Z moves across the cell membrane from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration with the help of a protein molecule that binds to it. A subsequent shape change in the protein helps it to convey Z across the membrane. What word(s) below accurately describe the type of transport that has occurred?

a. active transport
b. simple diffusion
c. facilitated diffusion
d. passive transport
e. c and d



The answer to this question is without a doubt: active transport


Hope this helps! :))

An 85. 00 g sample of an unknown compound contains 24. 26 g molybdenum, 24. 33 g sulfur, and the rest is oxygen. What quantity in moles of sulfur are present in the compound?.


The compound contains 0.7589 moles of sulfur.

For all the mole problems you have to,

Divide the molar mass of the element by the number of grams of the element in the compound.

Grams of the element in compound - 24.33 g sulfur

Molar mass of the Sulfur - 32.06 g/mol

Therefore moles present in the compound = Grams of the element in compound / Molar mass of the Sulfur

= 24.33 g S / 32.06 g/mol

= 0.7589 mol S

Hence, 0.7589 moles of sulfur are present in the compound.

In chemistry, the word "mole" refers to a very high number of molecules, atoms, or other particles and is a measuring unit.  The amount of units in a mole is 6.02214 x [tex]10^{23}[/tex], often known as Avogadro's Number. These figures are crucial in letting us know how many different components there are. A substance's mole will ultimately weigh anything between a few grams and hundreds of grams.

Learn more about Moles at,



What is the advantage of protecting entire ecosystems rather than individual species?
Chances of survival increase because the species is part of all the important relationships it needs for ultimate survival.
Chances of survival increase because the species will be protected by environmental societies.
There is no advantage of protecting an entire ecosystem.
Individual species can be replaced.


The advantage of protecting entire ecosystems rather than individual species is Chances of survival increase because the species will be protected by environmental societies.

Conservation of ecosystem is essential for maintaining proper functioning of ecosystems, that include steady food supply, water supply and circulation of other important resources. Conservation of ecosystem also protects plant, animal, microbial and genetic resources for food production, agriculture, and ecosystem functions such as fertilizing the soil, recycling nutrients.

Hence, ecosystems provide important services for life to be maintained and grow continuously without any alteration . Biodiversity plays a major role in maintaining the balance of the earth.

To learn more about ecosystems , here



Many types of genetically modified plants have been developed, grown and eaten for many years in the United States. Currently, several agricultural companies are actively developing and researching GMO farm animals. What are the possible pros and cons of genetically modifying the animals people eat? Do you think the government should allow the development of GMO farm animals to continue? Please help me.


The possible pros of genetically modifying animals are associated with a higher production of meat having a higher quality (high quality proteins), while the cons are mainly associated with health concerns about consuming such foods.

What is genetically modifying animals?

Genetically modifying animals can be defined as organisms whose genetic material has been modified in a molecular biology laboratory to increase the desired features such as a higher level of high quality proteins, fewer fats, or higher weight.

These organisms raise an advantage over other methods of production in terms of efficacy to produce artificial selection, but also raise concerns regarding the effects of consuming such foods.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that genetically modifying animals may be advantageous for a series of useful phenotypic features but they also involve a concern in public opinion regarding the security of health.

Learn more about genetically modifying animals here:



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