what is it called when the sequence of questions on a poll influences responses?


Answer 1


ordering effects


Related Questions

Which personality type hide their feelings?


They may not always feel or appear gloomy or worried, but people with type D personalities tend to conceal their negative emotions.

If you have a type D personality, you frequently experience unpleasant feelings but hold those emotions inside for fear of being rejected or looked down upon if you express them. If you have a type D personality, you frequently experience strong negative emotions like hostility, irritation, and rage but tend to repress them.

What personality types are there?

A notion in medical psychology known as type D personality is the predisposition for negative affectivity (such as concern, irritation, and melancholy) and social inhibition (e.g. reticence and a lack of self-assurance). Distressed is the meaning of the letter D.)

Learn more about type D personalities to visit this https://brainly.com/question/15709397


What are the 3 types of fiction?



literary fiction, genre fiction, and mainstream fiction.


What is the strongest personality type?


The ENFJ is frequently seen as the strongest "people person" among the personality types, able to establish friendships with all types of people, even those who are more reserved or introverted.

What is the toughest personality type ?

A bottomless work ethic and a total reluctance to give up on anything they've resolved to undertake are two of the most powerful personality qualities combined in ISTJs. An ISTJ with a goal is thus, in all practical terms, almost unstoppable.

This can occasionally manifest as remarkable fortitude in the most demanding physical circumstances. For better or worse, many ISTJs are willing to endure anything, from intense heat to severe physical harm.

The majority of the time, however, it manifests as unwavering resolve, the conviction that anything is possible with enough effort and willpower, and that even seemingly impossible tasks can be completed.

To learn more about personality type checkout the link below :



What kind of music is popular in South Korea?



Kpop and R&B mostly


have a good day

what is a noun
A. person B.place C.thing D.all of the above




What is an example of a motif?


Bright light is an example of a theme employed in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet to convey the love that Romeo and Juliet feel for one another as well as the possible peril of that love.

a recurring allusion to the image of broken glass (something in life is about to break)

Consistently dishonest individuals (to cue up the discovery of an unfaithful spouse)

a persona who consistently forgets things (as the loss of someone or something significant is on the horizon)

A recurring theme or idea appears repeatedly in a literary work. Motifs, which are frequently groups of associated symbols, aid in the development of a book's or play's main topics. For instance, one of Romeo's major themes

To learn more about consistently  please click on below link



Does anyone have good sources on autism and/or ADHD in girls? I'm doing a research paper and thought it would be a good idea to ask around. Ty!


It's a common misconception that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism are “boy problems. However, despite the fact that males are much more likely to be diagnosed and diagnosed at a younger age, recent research reveals that both disorders are just as likely to impact girls as boys.

What sources on autism and/or ADHD in girls?

According to scientific research, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) coexists with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in 50–70% of cases (ADHD).

Therefore, More than half of all people with an ASD diagnosis also exhibit symptoms of ADHD. In fact, the most prevalent comorbid disorder in kids with ASD is ADHD.

Learn more about ADHD here;



Nessie Cullen is a very skilled gamer. She is the best
Mario Kart player in her town.


In Mario Kart 7 for the Nintendo 3DS, Rosalina makes a comeback in her second appearance in a Mario Kart game.

Who is Skilled gamer?

She is a mid-heavy character, and unlike in Mario Kart Wii, she does not have a Luma accompany her this time around. Rosalina possesses a weight, speed, and off-road bonus advantage.

She has her own racetrack in the game named Rosalina's Ice World, which is a reference to the Super Mario Galaxy series, where she has made several notable appearances. When the player wins the Star Cup 150cc, she becomes unlocked.

A Chinese gamer recently gained notoriety for saying that at least two children's parents had paid him to humiliate the children by defeating them in online video games.

Therefore, In Mario Kart 7 for the Nintendo 3DS, Rosalina makes a comeback in her second appearance in a Mario Kart game.

To learn more about mario kart, refer to the link:



Select the correct text in the paragraph.
Which phrase in paragraph 17 highlights a change in Mother Jones attitude towards Colonel Berdiker?
[17] One morning when my hard bread and sloppy coffee were brought to me, Colonel Berdiker said to me, ["Mother, don't eat that] stum After that [he sent my breakfast to me]-good
plain food. [He was a man with a heart,] who perhaps imagined his own mother [imprisoned in a cellar with the sewer rats' union]


The phrase in paragraph 17 that highlights a change in Mother Jone's attitude towards Colonel Berdiker is this:

[He was a man with a heart,]

What is the suggestive phrase?

The phrase it is that suggests a change in Mother Jone's attitude toward Colonel Berdiker is that which shows the positive outlook that she now had toward him.

Note that she referred to Colonel Berdiker as a man with a heart. So, perhaps Mother Jones had a negative view of the Colonel but because of his acts of kindness toward her, she was able to refer to him as a man with a heart.

Learn more about Colonel Berdiker here:



What can make women perform worse on math tests? (1 point)

A. Just world fallacy

B. Cognitive bias

C. Stereotype threat

D. Natural gender differences



C. Stereotype threat

What is the highest form of intelligent behavior?


According to some psychologists, one of the greatest types of intelligent conduct is the ability to listen to another person, sympathize with, and grasp their point of view.

Intelligent conduct is the capacity to make judgments in unique situations using one's knowledge of the world: individuals act intelligently if they utilize what they know to obtain what they desire.

According to experts, one of the primary characteristics of intelligence is compassion. In other words, nice people are the most intelligent.

According to neurobiologist Richard Davidson, "the cornerstone of a healthy brain is compassion," and kindness necessitates the ability to think not just about ourselves but also about others.

Learn more about to intelligent behavior visit here;



Eventually, Walter joins in with Beneatha’s dance. Which best describes how he seems to be feeling as he dances?





What are the 3 most common accidents?


The three most common accidents are -

1. Accidents at work

2. Road traffic accidents

3. over speeding at road

twist of fate, surprising occasion, commonly surprising in nature and related to injury, loss, or damage. accidents are a commonplace function of the human revel in and result in harm or permanent disability to massive numbers of humans global each 12 months. Many accidents additionally involve harm to or lack of belongings.

Every other important motive of over rushing is traffic density, site visitors composition, winning velocity and weather conditions. whilst the climate is not suitable, drivers frequently pressure with beside the point velocity. automobiles which do not use velocity governors to control velocity move overboard and this ends in road injuries.

Learn more about accident here:-



What is the strength of being open-minded?


The strength of this character enables people to gain knowledge about particular topics or points of view and to offer wise counsel.

The readiness to actively look for information that contradicts one's preferred ideas, objectives, or goals is referred to as open-mindedness. When it is available, open-minded people can fairly consider all the evidence.

They are aware of the opposing viewpoint and actively work to overcome their propensity for bias. Additionally, they emphasize less popular viewpoints rather than those that are more prevalent in society. People who are open-minded do not make snap judgments. Instead, they look for and consider all of the information before making a decision.

To learn more about open-minded, visit the link below:



How do you think Internet etiquette will help you as a student and as a future professional?


Netiquette can help students improve their soft skills, avoid miscommunications, and better understand what is socially acceptable when working.

What role does netiquette play in your life as a student and in your community?

The rules of online behaviour that users must follow have been defined by the majority of websites and social media platforms. Such codes have been put in place to ensure that people interact effectively and that conflicts are avoided. Not following net etiquette may even have legal ramifications.

Why is it important to learn online netiquette in this day and age of distance education?

As the education system gradually adapts to the new normal, practising proper online behaviour is critical to ensuring that you will be able to succeed in your distance learning.

How can I benefit from netiquette?

Netiquette exists to assist people in communicating more effectively online, as well as to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and potential conflicts. Without a solid understanding of netiquette, you risk engaging in abusive or cyberbullying behaviour without even realising it.

learn more about netiquette visit:



Why do you think artist become famous?


Because people love them and they music?

select the type of sample that proportionately reflects the relevant diversity of opinions in the population from which it is drawn.


Representative sampling is the type of sampling that proportionately reflects the relevant diversity of opinions in the population from which it is drawn.

What is representative sampling?Sampling is the process of selecting the group from which you will collect data for your research.A representative sample is a subset of a population that attempts to accurately reflect the larger group's characteristics.A representative sample enables researchers to extrapolate the collected data to a larger population. In terms of time, money, and resources, most market research and psychological studies are unsuitable for gathering data on everyone.To be a representative sample, the sample group must represent the entire population.To generate representative samples, researchers can employ one of two methods. Mainly there are two types of sampling: probability sampling and non-probability sampling.

To learn more about representative sampling refer to :



What is an important rule to follow concerning typography?


Consistent fonts

I hope this helps

What 3 regions did Islam spread?


Islam extended over a few hundred years from the Arabian Peninsula, where it originated, to modern-day Spain in the west & northern India in the east. Islam spread in various areas in a variety of ways.

Beginning in Southwest Asia (the Middle East), the Islamic dominion swiftly grew into Africa & then beyond into Asia. The majority of the population did not instantly convert to Islam despite the fact that the area was under Islamic rule. Islamic governments sometimes required a protection fee in exchange for allowing people to practise their religion.

Islam's teachings expanded quickly throughout the Middle East upon Muhammad's death in 632, reaching numerous individuals and locations. The Rashidun Caliphate, which reigned from 610 to 750, is referred to as the time immediately after Muhammad's death. A Muslim administration & government was founded during this reign and governed the Middle East.

To know more about Islam:



the principal material in this work is a flower resulting from a cross between a gerbera and a daisy, which decays during its display.


A cross between a gerbera and a daisy decays the display of the principal material, i.e. flower due to specific types of mutation in them which changes the phenotypic effect of offspring.

What is a Biological cross?

A biological cross may be defined as the process of the deliberate breeding of two different individuals that results in offspring that carry part of the genetic material of each parent.

The parent organisms must be genetically compatible and may be from different varieties or closely related species. Sometimes, due to the induction of mutation and certain other evolutionary forces, the expression of certain characters in the offspring would be eliminated or decayed.

Therefore, a cross between a gerbera and a daisy decays the display of the principal material, i.e. flower due to specific types of mutation in them which changes the phenotypic effect of offspring.

To learn more about Biological cross, refer to the link:



Role _______ is experienced when individuals have inadequate information concerning their roles.


Role ambiguity is experienced when individuals have inadequate information concerning their roles.

Role ambiguity occurs when individuals are uncertain about what their role is, what tasks they are responsible for, and how their role relates to the roles of others in the organization.

Role ambiguity

Role ambiguity is a situation in which individuals lack the necessary information to accurately understand their responsibilities and how those responsibilities fit into the overall mission of the organization. It can lead to:

ConfusionDecreased productivityFeelings of frustration Dissatisfaction

Learn more about Ambiguity: https://brainly.com/question/22431054


What does sonnet 138 say about the themes of truth and love?


Answer:The sonnet talks about how lies do not hurt when their purpose is to protect lovers' feelings and preserve relationships.


The person above me is right

Indigo can best be described as __________. A. A type of tea that was popular in britain in the 1800s b. A plant that was used to make blue dye c. A powerful, addictive narcotic drug d. A type of woven cotton cloth with a colorful design please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d.


Indigo can best be described as a plant that was used to make blue dye. (Option B)

Indigofera tinctoria, also known as true indigo, refers to a species of plant belonging to the pea family that was one of the original sources of blue dye. It is a deciduous spreading tropical shrub that grows in the southeastern Asia. It generally grows to two to three feet tall and as wide and have pinnate leaves and clusters of red or purple flowers. The shrub was the original source of the blue dye known as indigo. Indigo powder - the famous blue dye - is extracted from the leaves of the indigo plant.

Learn more about Indigo:



Your response should be at least 500 words and must have a relevant and properly integrated direct quote from an outside source. NO plagiarism

Words are extremely important in our day-to-day lives: Write about a time when words got you out of (or into) trouble.


Is ambition a good thing or an evil thing?


Most people for most of history did not have technology to distract them: If you did not have electric devices (you still have lights), how would you spend your time?



If had to spend a whole day without any electronic gadget around me, there are so many ways to do it.

Specifically, I could do any of the following.

A good book needs no electronic gadget to read. Forget Kindle readers. I have a whole bookshelf waiting for me to take my eyes off my laptop screen and give them some attention.

Visiting my old friends needs no electronic gadgets. Since the telephone is also an electronic gadget, I cannot use it. I would just go over and surprise them.

There are innumerable home projects that are half-finished or not even started only because of my addiction to the computer and internet and various electronic gadgets.

I would revive those projects.

To begin, I will keep my wife happy by getting rid of a ton of junk lying with me in the form of old papers, photographs in old albums, files, and books that are no longer relevant.

I presume that I will not be able to watch TV but hopefully the nearest theatre in the neighborhood will not be affected. I will take my wife out for a movie followed by a good dinner in candlelight.

My old flute lies alone and neglected. I would take it out and practice some old film tunes I used to play in my boyhood.

While the flute and my great collection of books are enough, I can also go to my terrace and watch aircraft take off and land on the runway. Even though this is so common, each time I watch a huge jumbo jet landing smoothly I am fascinated. I live close to the International airport. The fresh air on the terrace in the mornings and evenings does me a world of good.


What is a theme of this passage?

People who rush through the present have no consideration for the past.
People should relax and appreciate time instead of rushing through life.
There can be negative consequences when one wastes too much time.
Good time-management skills can help one achieve success in life.





What are 3 examples of regulatory agencies?


One of the Federal Reserve's government regulators is the Department of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC).

The FDIC regulatory agency is an independent governmental organization created by legislative act with the purpose of establishing and enforcing standards in a particular area of activity, or operations, in the private sector of the economy.Currently, the Federal government has around 100 regulatory agencies. More than 20 years ago, The Regulatory Group, Inc. initially created this lexicon for its training courses. To keep up with changes in the federal regulatory process, it is frequently changed and altered.The protection of the public's health and safety is the main goal and function of regulatory authorities. Regulatory organizations carry out their duties by issuing regulations that individuals under their authority must abide with.

Thus these are the three examples of regulatory agencies.

Refer here to learn more about regulatory agencies: https://brainly.com/question/28290535


Q. Which piece of evidence could best persuade a reader to support a claim that middle-school students should be required to wear uniforms?

1. Compared to the cost of regular clothes, the cost of uniforms is often quite less.

2. School uniforms can be ordered online, which is much easier than going to a store.

3. When everyone looks the same in their uniforms, students begin to lose their uniqueness.

4. In a school district that recently made school uniforms a requirement, attendance rates and grades have increased.​





Readers, which can be the parents of a middle schooler or a teacher, can easily be convinced by 4., 'In a school district that recently made school uniforms a requirement, attendance rates and grades have increased.' This is because either teachers or parents want them to have improved grades, and improved attendance. Also, it seems more likely.

Where do key terms go in a research paper?


Within your research paper or thesis, you can identify keywords. in encyclopaedias used for background information. in the lists of references found in books and papers.

About Research paper

A research paper is just an essay that has been broadened to include your own analysis, judgement, or justification. When writing an essay, you draw on all of your personal knowledge and understanding of the subject.

In addition to making your research known to the public and avoiding study duplication, research papers are a great way to share an unique discovery with a broad or targeted audience that may be interested in repeating the experiments, identifying innovative uses for the finding, etc.

To know more about research paper:



What makes a song considered K-pop?


K-pop is "a fusion of synthetic music, sharp dance routines and fashionable and colorful costumes." Songs typically consist of one or a mixture of pop, rock, hip-hop, R&B, and electronic music genres.

Who was the first K-pop group?

Today, not many people may know SoBangCha, but SoBangCha,  debuted in 1987, making them the oldest (and first) K-pop group in history.

What distinguishes K-POP and other music genres?

Most American or British singers are soloists, but K-pop artists usually perform in groups. So different vocals and styles come out of these people. K-pop often refers to idol music with many members with different voice colors, different roles, and different styles.

What was first K-pop song?

Seo Taiji and the Boys usher K-pop forerunner of the modern era. Contemporary K-pop came in the 90s when Seo Taiji  and the Boys released their breakout track "I Know," which topped the Korean music charts for 17 weeks.

To learn more about K-pop visit:



The ________ effect describes the enhancement of long-term memory that comes from relating information to the self
a. self-consistency
b. self-enhancement
c. self-justification
d. self-reference


Making links between knowledge and oneself improves long-term memory, which is explained by the self-reference effect.

The self-reference effect states that people are more likely to recall information when it is relevant to them. Memory, learning, and persuasion are all improved by the distinctive ways in which our brains encode information. Consumers are more likely to respond to advertisements when the models look like them, according to many studies. Sheila emphasizes that using oneself as a connection point for information is all that constitutes self-referencing. This is a useful approach for memory improvement since you are more likely to recall knowledge when you process it in regard to yourself than when you process it in respect to someone else.

Hence, the correct option is D.

To learn more about self-reference, refer: https://brainly.com/question/29831776


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