What is found between the 1st metacarpal and proximal phalange?


Answer 1


The joints between the metacarpals and the proximal phalanges are the metacarpo-phalangeal joints. The joints between the phalanges are the interphalangeal joints - proximal and distal. We'll often refer to these joints as CMC joints, MP joints, and IP joints, for short.


Related Questions

What is a benefit of sole proprietorships that corporations and partnerships do not have?



A single owner with full control


These are the main benefits of a sole proprietorship over a partnership:

It’s easier and cheaper to form. It has fewer government regulations As the sole owner, you have complete control over your business All the profits earned by the business are yours, and you don’t have to share them You don’t have to pay any individual income taxes

1. What are business services, and where are they located in central business districts and suburbs?
2. What are consumer services, and where are they located in central business districts and suburbs?



For question number 4: Geographers use the central place theory to explain how the most profitable location can be identified.


Their answer is good but this will make it better.

Explain how federalism might reduce tension within a country.


Federalism gives power which might reduce tension within a country.

URGENT! WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST!!!Some psychologists argue that emotional intelligence (or intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence) is one part of overall intelligence. Do you agree or disagree with this stance? Why or why not?


Yes I do agree because emotional intelligence and understanding what we feel and why we feel it, Can help a person better understand themselves and understand how they can solve this issue
I agree because knowing why you feel how you feel is the key to working towards true happiness. Furthermore I feel like emotions are deeper than feelings so like you can be happy, but it doesn’t mean you’re not depressed you know? So just understanding what triggers you and what aggravates you and why could help unpack the emotions from the trauma you have. It also helps with empathizing with others, making it easier to put yourself in their shoes.

for johnsus to answer only if anyone but him answers i will block you and report you only johnsus and 1 other person to answer it



Can I be the other 1 person


aNSWER IS FREE brainly


What does the term "natural selection" mean?
the gradual process by which something changes into a more desirable form
the process by which small-scale changes take place in allele frequencies in a population
the process by which species adapt to their environment


C. The process by which species adapt to their environment

Will give brainliest to person with best explanation!

How can you predict the effects of a change in matter or energy availability on ecosystems?


You can deprive it, that’s a possibility
You could make a hypothesis based off of past changes in ecosystems, like many say you shouldn’t overhunt based off of what happened at Yellowstone. You could also factor the current conditions of the ecosystem (ex-geography, latitude, amount of rainfall, elevation, available species etc) and figure out the conditions of which it’s running on. Ecosystems are complex bio-diverse areas and they go through countless natural and man-made changes throughout the years, but usually find ways to adapt.

Type the correct answer in the box.
Most adults should consume no more than 30 percent of their daily calories from fat.
A person on a daily diet of 2,500 calories should get no more than
calories from fat each day.


It’s 2500/3, which is 833 calories from fat

Hey there!


I don't really understand what the question is. You have provided us with just facts but hopefully the person above was helpful. Please be more clear on questions in the future, thank you!

Good luck!

Jamie can read at a speed of 65 pages per hour. If she reads a novel that has 400 pages, how long will it take her to finish her reading?

6 hours
6 hours and 10 minutes
6 hours and 20 minutes
6 hours and 30 minutes



it will take her about 6 hour


6 hours and 10 minutes


65 pages × 6 hours = 390 pages

400 pages - 390 pages = 10 pages (equivalent to 10 minutes)

So, the answer is 6 hours and 10 minutes.

Which sentence has correct capitalization?
The coach said, "let's go out there and try our best!"
The Coach said, "Let's go out there and try our best!"
The Coach said, "let's go out there and try our best!"
The coach said, "Let's go out there and try our best!"



D. "coach" isn't supposed to be capitalized, as it isn't a proper noun (we know that because it says "the" in front. If it was just "coach" and there wasn't a "the", it would be a proper noun and "coach" would have to be capitalized). As it isn't capitalized, we can rule out B and C. "Let's" has to be capitalized because it is dialogue, and is just like the start of another sentence. Thus, the answer is D.

the answer would be d because of how b and c have the word coach capitalized and it shouldn't be. and in answer A. , the beginning of the phrase the coach said isn't capitalized

When the Soviet Union dissolved into 15 countries in the 1990s, the new countries were based on ethnicities. Other than Russia, they can be divided into 4 groups based on their location. What are the five states of the Central Asian Region?


Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan

Find the area of the following trapezoid. Show all work! 5 cm 6 cm 10cm​



45 cm².


From the question given above, the following data were obtained:

Base a = 5 cm

Base b = 10 cm

Height (h) = 6 cm

Area (A) =?

The area of the trapezoid can be obtained as follow:

A = ½(a + b) × h

A = ½(5 + 10) × 6

A = ½ × 15 × 6

A = 15 × 3

A = 45 cm²

Therefore, the area of the trapezoid is 45 cm²

Question 2 of 10
What is one major benefit of globalization?
A. Consumers are able to buy goods from all over the world.
O B. Companies are producing less air and water pollution.
O C. Small businesses have less competition from foreign companies.
OD. Economies around the world no longer deal with inflation.



A. Consumers are able to buy goods from all over the world.


Trade can be defined as a process which typically involves the buying and selling of goods and services between a producer and the customers (consumers) at a specific period of time.

Globalization can be defined as the strategic process which involves the integration of various markets across the world to form a large global marketplace. Basically, globalization makes it possible for various organizations to produce goods and services that is used by consumers across the world.

Hence, one major benefit of globalization is that consumers are able to buy goods from all over the world.

For example, Apple iOS phones and computers are available for purchase all over the world.

Max points and Brainlest!




The research showed a clear cause-and-effect as the "none" category had the same results for Pretest and Posttest. So that is the control. All other categories, "good news", "bad news" and "funny show" all had different results for Pretest and Posttest. They indicated that there was a cause-and-effect from watching the shows.



assuming means difference is significant, the students emotional responses to bad news were greater than to good news. the difference be4 n after watching bad news was 25 while that of good new is only 10. based on the data, watching good news had about the same emotional responses as watching funny show.

1. A person who is applying for a job is a

B.job applicant
C.job seeker


they would be considered a job applicant:)

Plz help, due in 10 min! No links plz!
During which of the following months is the temperature likely to be moderate across the globe?
Answer choices:
Why does Earth rotate?
Answer choices:
Because Earth is formed from cold gases collapsing due to gravity
Because the matter in the nebula that formed Earth was spinning
Because Earth forms more than 99% of the mass of the solar system
Because the hydrogen atoms inside the nebula fused to form helium


Answer 1 question: March is the answer cause June would be to hot while January would be to cold! so if it was November it would work but not just quiet! cause it would get colder from average more and more so it would be March cause the temperature is perfectly warm and balanced and will stay in that temperature!

Answer 2 question: Earth rotates Because the hydrogen atoms inside the nebula fused to form helium.

Hope this worked! Stay safe!

A student surveyed 226 classmates to see if they owned a dog or cat. There are 131 students who own a dog and 85 who own a cat. 34 students do not own a cat or a dog. Complete the Venn diagram by finding the value of b, c, and d.


C) 85
B) 46
D) 131
All you have to do it plug in the cats owned for c and dogs owned for d and then subtract the two for b. Hope that helps!

helpp plz ! Why is Christianity considered a monotheistic religion?



The three religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam readily fit the definition of monotheism, which is to worship one god while denying the existence of other gods. But, the relationship of the three religions is closer than that: They claim to worship the same god.



The three religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam readily fit the definition of monotheism, which is to worship one god while denying the existence of other gods. But, the relationship of the three religions is closer than that: They claim to worship the same god.


Question 14 of 25
During winter, sea lions on the California coast form large, tightly packed
groups. These groups help the sea lions stay warm. How is thermal energy
being transferred among the sea lions in these groups?
A. Through convection
B. Through radiation
O C. Through insolation
D. Through conduction


the answer would be d





A study finds a correlation coefficient of our point 32 according to kohan's benchmarks the magnitude of this effect is


Tournament uhhhjhinihiji

Nina can paint two 10 ft. by 12 ft. walls in 3 hours. She has to paint her house, and it has 7 walls this size that need to be painted. If she starts at noon, about what time will Nina be done?

9:00 p.m.
9:30 p.m.
10:00 p.m.
10:30 p.m.



i think it's 10:30


A member of the House of Representatives has introduced a piece of legislation to raise the minimum wage. The legislation
is stalled in committee. The representative believes that, if the legislation can reach the floor, it will more than likely pass.
(A) Identify an action that the representative can take to attempt to move the bill to the floor.
(B) In the context of the scenario, explain how the action described in part A would affect the representative's relationship
with congressional leadership
(C) In the context of the scenario, explain how the interaction between the member of Congress and congressional
leadership is affected by party affiliation



(A) To secure a party nomination, there is usually a vote by members of that party. If there are more than one candidate, then the person with the highest number of votes will get the party nomination.

(B) Political action committees are special interest groups with money. They use it to buy TV ads and other promotions for candidates. It makes candidates they support more likely to be nominated.

(C) When a candidate receives support from a PAC, it is more likely the candidate will listen to its opinions. When the candidate is elected to Congress, the PAC will gain influence for its special interest


Describe one of the advances in medical technology after 1900 that increased the ability of humans to fight disease and live longer lives.


Imagery machines that scan or take X-rays have increased the chances of catching something a doctor is unable to see externally. This has saved so many lives and helped medical professionals see what they can fix or any unknown mass or even an internal injury.

what is 2+2+1+4+3+7+8+3+6+3+6+2+5+2+5+8+2+6+3+4+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+1+0+1+0+9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1?





Plug it into a calculator.




put into calculator

explain the term.evapouration​



Evaporation is a surface phenomenon, which implies that the process only occurs at the surface of the liquid. During evaporation, the molecules of the liquid that are present at its surface overcome the intermolecular forces of attraction to break away from the liquid and escape into the atmosphere as a gas (or vapour).

This is the Answer for your question :3

I hope you are having a great day ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

climate is characterized by being treeless, having an extremely cold climate, minimal vegetation
with most being ground-hugging plants, little precipitation, permafrost, and nutrient poor soils.
A) desert
B) Savanah
C) tundra
D) polar
E) semi-arid


Answer is c. Tundra I think

Which of the following best reflects the international conditions that motivated President Bill Clinton’s proposals in Source 1?
A:The United Nations wanted to reinterpret its mission.
B:Peacekeepers had failed in most of their previous deployments.
C:The United States could no longer afford to intervene in conflicts.
D:International economic priorities had shifted away from military spending.








Hostilities were extinguished and cooperation was established by introducing __________ to the two groups in the Robbers Cave study.
superordinate goals
noncompetitive contact
social traps



Option B "superordinate goals" is the right approach.


Even though Superordinate goal is an objective that could only be accomplished if people from few international organizations have combined understanding, resources as well as time towards the common effort.This would be done via the cooperative activities or workers of the organization's different departments or multiple agencies.

The other three approaches aren't related to the given question. So the above is the correct one.


B. superordinate goals edge 2021


How did the events described in Source 2 influence world powers’ stance on foreign intervention in the late 1990s and early 2000s?
A:The use of military force to prevent humanitarian crises increased.
B:The international community further limited peacekeepers' roles.
C:World powers contributed more troops to United Nations peacekeeping forces.
D:Less-developed countries could no longer rely on outside forces to protect innocent lives.


The correct answer is B) The international community further limited peacekeepers' roles.

Unfortunately, you forgot to attach "source 2." Without it, we do not know what is its content.

However, trying to help you we did some deep research and can comment on the following.

You are probably referring to the speech delivered by Rwandan professor Joseph Nsengimana, speaking to the United Nations on the anniversary of the Rwandan genocide, 2009.

The events he described influenced world powers’ stance on foreign intervention in the late 1990s and early 2000s in that B) The international community further limited peacekeepers' roles.

During his speech, professor Joseph Nsengimana said "In April 1994 about five thousand men, women, and children had sought refuge with the Belgian contingent of the United Nations peacekeeping force, based at the E.T.O (a technical school), near Nyanza-Kicukiro. Even though they were surrounded by their killers, the UN forces withdrew, leaving them to be slaughtered by Interahamwe militias and the then Rwandan Armed Forces. This site symbolizes the international community’s failure in Rwanda..."

This makes us remind that a major difference between the international responses to genocide in Bosnia and in Rwanda, is that ethnic cleansing in Bosnia led to a military response from international forces but ethnic cleansing in Rwanda did not.




Why is light so important in transporting information?


Perhaps the most successful way we've been able to use light to transfer information is fiber optics. ... Through rapid changes in the light, you can send highly complex signals down the cable. These are most often used either for high speed internet connections, or for sending sound signals to home theater systems.



Because these two waves are traveling through the vacuum of space, they all travel at the speed of light (the fastest speed in which information could be transmitted) within the electromagnetic spectrum.

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