What is difference between displacement and distance with example?


Answer 1

The distance can be calculated using a curved path. Displacement measurements can only be made along straight lines. Distance is path-dependent, meaning it varies depending on the direction followed. Displacement simply depends on the body's initial and final positions; it is independent of the path.

What does displacement mean?

An object's position changes if it moves in relation to a reference frame, such as when a passenger moves to the back of an airplane or a lecturer moves to the right in relation to a whiteboard. Displacement describes this shift in location.

What are the five distinctions between displacement and distance?

However, displacement accounts for both the size and the direction of an object's motion. Therefore, while displacement is a vector quantity, distance is a scalar quantity. Displacement can be positive, negative, or zero, but distance is always positive or zero.

Know more about displacement:



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What do you think our civilization will look like in 100 years?


Answer: give me brainliest

It is difficult to predict with any degree of certainty what our civilization will look like in 100 years' time, as there are numerous variables and unknowns that could impact its development. However, based on current trends and technologies, it is reasonable to speculate on some potential changes and advancements that may occur over the next century.

One of the most notable developments we may witness in the coming years is the continued advancement of technology. In the last century, we have already seen remarkable progress in fields such as computing, medicine, and transportation, and it is likely that this progress will continue to accelerate. It is possible that we will see the emergence of more sophisticated forms of artificial intelligence, which could significantly alter the way we live and work. Additionally, medical technology may continue to evolve, potentially leading to longer lifespans and the ability to cure previously incurable diseases.

Another potential shift is the impact of climate change on our civilization. It is likely that we will experience an increase in extreme weather events and natural disasters, which could have severe consequences for our infrastructure and way of life. Therefore, it will be necessary for us to develop new technologies and adapt our ways of living in order to mitigate the effects of climate change and protect ourselves from its impacts.

In addition to these technological and environmental changes, we may also see significant social and political developments over the next 100 years. The world's population is expected to continue to grow, and this could lead to increased competition for resources and space. This, in turn, could result in conflicts and political instability in some regions. However, it is also possible that we will see the rise of new forms of governance and political systems that are better suited to addressing the challenges of the 21st century.

One potential advancement that may occur in the next 100 years is the growth of space exploration and colonization. As our technology continues to improve, it is likely that we will be able to explore and even establish permanent settlements on other planets and moons. This could provide new opportunities for scientific research, resource extraction, and potentially offer a new frontier for human expansion.

Another area that may experience significant progress is transportation. We may see the development of new and more efficient forms of transportation, such as flying cars or high-speed trains that can travel long distances at high speeds. This could greatly reduce the time and cost of travel, making it easier for people to move around and connect with others.

In addition to these technological advancements, it is possible that we will see changes in the way we live and work. The growth of automation and artificial intelligence may lead to the replacement of many jobs currently performed by humans. This could have significant implications for the economy and employment, and we will need to find ways to adapt and ensure that everyone has access to meaningful work.

On the social front, we may see the emergence of new forms of community and governance. As technology continues to advance and the world becomes more interconnected, it is likely that we will see the rise of new forms of collaboration and decision-making. This could result in the development of more decentralized and democratic forms of governance, in which individuals have more control over their own lives and communities.

In conclusion, the next 100 years are likely to bring significant changes and advancements to our civilization. While it is impossible to predict the future with certainty, it is clear that we are on the cusp of a new era of growth and progress. We will need to adapt and evolve in order to thrive in this rapidly changing world, and to ensure that the future is bright for generations to come.


run through plagiarism checker if  u want

In this line from Walt Whitmans poem “song of myself,” what is the meaning of the word steeps



"surroundings" is the word that the meaning of the word steeps


The poet wishes to maintain the identity of his individual self, and yet he desires to merge it with the universal self, which involves the identification of the poet's self with mankind and the mystical union of the poet with God, the Absolute Self.

Who is married in BTS?


V from BTS admits to being "married" and discusses his "kid" for the first time. V from BTS continues to astound his followers by being unafraid to display his loving side on TV.

Despite the purported claims, the superstar admitted in a recent video to "being married and even having a child."

He is now single, although like the majority of K-Pop stars, if he has a partner, their personal lives are completely hidden. Fans of both Kpop groups have asserted that Taehyung of BTS and Jennie of BLACKPINK desire children despite the fact that their romantic connection has not been officially verified. This is because both idols are rumored to have made remarks about wanting children in the past.

To learn more about married please click on below link



Where is infrared light located?


The term "infrared" refers to electromagnetic waves whose frequencies are just below those of red visible light and above those of microwaves.

According to the California Institute of Technology, infrared radiation has longer waves than visible light (Caltech). Since heat or thermal radiation is the main source of infrared radiation, any item with a temperature will emit infrared radiation. Even things that we consider to be extremely cold, like an ice cube, produce infrared.There are several uses for infrared technology.  Infrared light is employed in wired and wireless activities in communications and networking. Some thermal radiation on the surface of the Earth is infrared in the mid-infrared band, which is considerably longer than in sunlight and occurs at much lower temperatures than the surface of the Sun.

Thus this is where infrared light is located.

Refer here to learn more about infrared light: https://brainly.com/question/28415311


the way teachers use language has a direct effect on students’ vocabulary growth.
a. true
b. false


Answer: A. True

Explanation: The way teachers use language has a large impact on students' vocabulary growth. If the teacher uses small words too frequently, then the student will not learn new words.

True. The way teachers use language has a significant influence on how much pupils learn new words. The pupil won't pick up new words if the teacher employs little terms too frequently.

What is a Vocabulary?

A person's language's set of common words is known as their vocabulary. A vocabulary is a useful and essential tool for communication and knowledge acquisition that typically develops with age. One of the most difficult aspects of learning a second language is developing a wide vocabulary.

All aspects of communication—listening, speaking, reading, and writing—benefit from a strong vocabulary. For the following reasons, vocabulary is essential to a child's success: Gaining vocabulary has a direct correlation with academic success. The capacity to learn to read is predicted by a child's kindergarten vocabulary size.

The majority of native adult test-takers have a vocabulary of between 20,000 and 35,000 words. Adult native test takers up until middle age pick up nearly one new word per day. In middle age, vocabulary growth slows.

To read more about Vocabulary, refer to - https://brainly.com/question/17547766


most voters go to the election booth with scant knowledge about the qualifications of judicial candidates, and they often end up voting


Judicial elections in the United States are often seen as an exercise in futility. Most voters go to the election booth with scant knowledge about the qualifications of judicial candidates, and they often end up voting for the person whose name they recognize.

This is an unfortunate reality, as the quality of justice that is dispensed by the courts is significantly impacted by the qualifications of the judges.In order for an electorate to adequately evaluate judicial candidates, it is essential that they have access to information about their qualifications and experience. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways. First, states should make sure that they publicize the qualifications of judicial candidates in easily accessible places. This information can be made available on state websites, in newspapers, and on TV. Additionally, states should consider holding debates in which judicial candidates can present their qualifications and answer questions from the public.

The other important factor in ensuring that voters are adequately informed about judicial candidates is making sure that the selection process is transparent and non-partisan. To do this, states should be open about the process of selecting judges and should make sure that the selection committee is not influenced by any particular political party or ideology. This will help ensure that judges are selected based on their qualifications and not their political affiliation.

Finally, states should consider implementing non-partisan voter guides that provide information about judicial candidates. These guides should include information about the candidates' qualifications, experience, and judicial philosophy. This will help ensure that voters are adequately informed about the candidates before they go to the polls.

Learn more about Judicial elections at :https://brainly.com/question/29479697


What is Squealer caught doing at the end of chapter 8?


At the conclusion of the chapter, Squealer was discovered writing the fifth commandment, "No animal shall consume alcohol to excess."

But by nightfall, he has healed. The following evening, several of the animals discover Squealer clutching a paintbrush close to the barn. He had just fallen from a ladder that was leaning against the area where the Seven Commandments are painted on the barn.Squealer makes an effort to convince everyone that the triumph was more significant than it actually was. It is determined that the gun will be fired on Napoleon's birthday as well as to commemorate the Battle of the Cowshed. Squealer informs the wounded animals that, despite what they might believe, they actually prevailed in what will now be known as "The Battle of the Windmill."

Thus this was what Squealer caught doing at the end of chapter 8.

Refer here to learn more about Squealer: https://brainly.com/question/14105922


What are the 5 concepts of education?


The 5 concepts of education are Curriculum, inequality, inclusion, teaching and learning.

With a focus on introducing theory and research into the areas of curriculum, education, inequality, inclusion and learning, students will be able to reflect critically on current issues relevant to the field of education.

An understanding of key pedagogical concepts and theories and how these are applied to educational research and practice.

understand the historical, social and cultural structures of education

be able to critically read and reflect on the literature related to education

broadly apply educational theory and practice to a wide variety of teachers and learners to recognize

Learn more about concept of Education here : https://brainly.in/question/20748460


The 5 concepts of education are:






Education is both the act of imparting knowledge to others and the act of receiving knowledge from someone else. Education also refers to the knowledge gained through school and education, and educational institutions as a whole.  

Education brings stability to your life and  no one can  take it away from you. A good education and  a college degree open up new doors and increase your chances of better career opportunities.

Education is a goal-oriented activity aimed at achieving a specific goal, such as imparting knowledge or promoting skills or personality traits. These goals can include developing understanding, rationality, kindness, and honesty.

Learn more about education here:- https://brainly.com/question/25887038


the moon grimaced as i walked back to my house; it had a snarl on its face.







the answer is personification


The use of the phrase "the moon grimaced" in the given sentence is an example of personification. Personification is a figure of speech in which non-human objects or phenomena are given human characteristics, such as emotions or behaviors. In this case, the moon is given the ability to grimace, which is typically a facial expression associated with humans.

What are the impacts of massive open online courses in our society?


MOOCs enable access to quality education to as many as people possible and contribute to continuous education of various social groups.

The traditional norms of international academic cooperation and exchange have been disregarded by MOOCs as a large-scale open online learning system. It created a new framework, rationale, and mechanism for the globalization of higher education as well as a new framework and opportunity for its internationalization.

What harm does a huge open online course cause?

The fact that students are not interested in finishing the course is one of the main drawbacks. This is due to the fact that they lack the motivation to do so because they have not made any payments. It was discovered that several Massive Open Online Courses have substantial attrition rates.

Learn more about Massive Open Online Courses to visit this link



What are main themes?


The topic is a imperative, unifying concept. It's the larger difficulty that emerges because the characters pursue their goals.

It has much less to do with whether or not they will win the race, or get the date, or discover the treasure, and extra to do with the deeper questions on identity, philosophy, or morality that get up throughout their attempts.topic is the inferred stance taken at the imperative subject matter or message of a tale.

Think love for example: love can be the subject matter, however getting to know to like your self can be the topic. Themes are used to speak crucial thoughts and messages approximately troubles that face the characters and the putting of a narrative.A literary topic is the principle concept or underlying which means a author explores in a novel, quick tale, or different literary work. The topic of a tale may be conveyed the usage of characters, putting, dialogue, plot, or a mixture of all of those elements.

Read more about theme:



What is the solution in Bertie bullfrog and his neighbors?


In the story "Bertie Bullfrog and his Neighbors," the solution found by the animals is to convince Bertie to sing less in order to protect his voice.

What happens in the story?

"Bertie Bullfrog and his Neighbors" is a story about the bullfrog Bertie, who every day spends hours and hours singing in the forest with his loud baritone voice. The other animals want Bertie to stop singing or, at least, sing less loudly and for less time.

At the climax, the animals, who have found a solution for their problem, go to Bertie and tell him they consider his voice to be unique and irreplaceable, like an ancient monument. To protect it, they tell him they are willing to make sacrifices, even if it means to hear him sing for less time. In the resolution, Bertie falls for their explanation and agrees to sing less and more softly.

Learn more about climax here:



MUST BE ORIGINAL also if you can please edit your post after I comment to some random gibberish my school has a team that sees if you copied the work of a website also if it is state do florida

Think about a topic you are interested in, like health or owning a business. Choose whether to research a local, state, or federal law.

Find a bill or law passed within the past five years on your topic of interest. Use the keyword search suggested in the lesson or use reliable sources approved by your instructor or parents. These sites may help you begin.

Use the law you researched to answer these questions:

What is the name of the law?

What level of government passed it?

What is the purpose of the law?

What steps of the lawmaking process did it go through?

What did people who supported the law say? What did critics say?

How could this law affect common Americans?

How could this law affect other levels of government?

Reflect on the information you found. Imagine you were a legislator or other government official at the time the law was still a bill under debate. Write a paragraph explaining whether you would have supported the bill and why.



hope this helps girl <33



Level of government: Federal Level

Purpose: Parking restrictions must be enforced, and enforcement is crucial since violations have victims. People have a tougher difficulty obtaining parking spaces and companies may experience low turnover if a car exceeds the time limit. A entire lane of traffic may be blocked by a double parking. The lives of those with impairments are made even more challenging by unauthorized parking in handicapped spaces.

Steps of lawmaking: Congress drafts and passes legislation. The president may then sign the bills into law. Federal courts may examine the laws to see if they are in accordance with the Constitution. If a court finds a law to be unconstitutional, it has the authority to overturn it.

How do you describe a friend with a big heart?


If you describe someone as big-hearted, you think they are kind and generous, and always willing to help people.

An enlarged heart is a symptom brought on by various circulatory conditions rather than being a disease in and of itself. When it comes to emotions, having a larger heart might be advantageous, but when doctors refer to cardiomegaly—an enlarged heart—it typically means that something else is wrong with your heart.

Unhappily, as in He left her with a heavy heart, wondering whether she would ever get better. In a sad or wretched state. Since around 1300, the term heavy has been used to mean "weighed down by regret or misery." Light, its antonym, also originates from this time.

Learn more about big heart to visit this link



What is the effect of repetition in Do not go gentle into that good night?


One clever tactic is to keep repeating the two refrains, "Do not go gently into that good night" and "Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

The poem's two refrains perform musical miracles by continually highlighting and elaborating on its topic. The words "Rage, rage against the dying of the light" and "Do not go lightly into that good night" are repeated throughout Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night.The result of these repetitions is that, with each "rage, wrath" and "do not go easy," the poem's tone of anger and grief intensifies. Repetition can be employed to generate rhythm, develop a sense of urgency, or stress a mood or concept.

Thus this is the effect of repetition.

Refer here to learn more about repetition: https://brainly.com/question/9134427


How do concept maps serve as an assessment strategy that helps improve student learning?


The concept maps helps in identifying different types of concepts, making the interlinked connections among concepts and sequencing these concepts, before the teaching of more precise and more accurate concepts.

With a little upfront paintings, concept maps can provide a significant way of assessing greater-complicated getting to know and identifying college students' reasoning errors with out an undue burden of grading.

They're a effective look at approach due to the fact they help you notice the big picture: by way of beginning with higher-stage ideas, idea maps help you bite facts based totally on significant connections.

A idea map is a diagram of nodes adjoined with the aid of directional lines and prepared in hierarchical ranges that flow from general to unique concepts. Concept maps are used to assess how well college students see the big photo, and to demonstrate students' conceptual knowledge.

Learn more about maps here:- https://brainly.com/question/25922463


Concept maps help identify different types of concepts, establish links between concepts, and rank these concepts in order before teaching a more precise and precise concept (Novak & Canas, 2008). Therefore, concept maps help both trainers and learners to identify misleading ideas.

A concept map is a visual organizer that helps students develop a better understanding of new concepts. Using the graphic organizer, students think about concepts in different ways. Most Concepts Her Map Organizer keeps students busy answering questions like "What is this?" how is it? Concept maps enhance understanding and comprehension.

Learn more about concept map here : https://brainly.com/question/18401018


How many morphemes are there in the word ""bats""?
a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d


b) two

There are two morphemes in the word "bats".  The word "bats" consist of two morphemes that directly contribute to the meaning of the word as illustrated below;


the bat- is the root morpheme of the word which refers to the animal while the -s shows that there are multiple bats in question.

Morphemes are used differently for different purposes as we have illustrated in the word "bats". There are many different types of morphemes that perform the different functions in the words.

The root morpheme is the main part that remains the same before and after all the modifications have been made to the word to change its meaning. The root morpheme holds the basic meaning of the word.

Learn more about morphemes at; https://brainly.com/question/943027


In the following sentence from an invented language, which word is most likely the verb? Base your answer on your understanding of English syntax.

"Following the razzletory, we kletosized several dugglety blutzables."







Explanation: A!!

poet dylan thomas didn't want his father to die or to go easily into death. why do adults express this kind of sentiment about other people's deaths?


Because it aids people in defending against by the dread of aging and premature death, poet Dylan Thompson didn't desire his father to pass away or enter into death lightly.

Who can write poetry?

Poems are written by anyone. But crafting a strong poetry is not so simple. I've been composing poems since over 30 years, and throughout that time, I've learned a few tricks and best practices. even if you have never before written poetry.

Poets are writers, right?

Poets are those who research, write, and perform poetry. A poet may merely be the person who thinks up, writes, sings, or otherwise composes poetry (orally or in writing), or they could also perform their craft in front of an audience.

To know more about poet visit:



What is the most effective way to encourage ethical behavior?


Integrate ethical behaviour through the organisation Management should lead by example. A successful whistleblowing procedure. Policies and auditing

What is the most effective way for a company to promote ethical behaviour?

Engage, communicate, and train your employees. Through effective and informative communication, engage staff and other stakeholders such as suppliers, investors, regulators, and consumer communities. Good, consistent communication and training will aid in the establishment of an ethical culture.

Which of the following is the best example of ethical behaviour?

Obedience to company rules, effective communication, taking responsibility, accountability, professionalism, trust, and mutual respect for coworkers are examples of ethical workplace behaviours. These examples of ethical behaviour ensure maximum workplace productivity output.

learn more about ethical behaviour visit:



Are teachers mandated reporters Illinois?


The Illinois Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act makes it mandatory for teachers, daycare providers, and other professionals to report any suspicion of child abuse.

Reporters are now required to work for higher education institutions, for athletic facilities or programs, and for early intervention providers.

According to Illinois law, certain people—referred to as mandated reporters—must promptly report any suspicion of child abuse or neglect to the IDCFS Child Abuse Hotline at 1.800. ABUSE. Teachers and other school staff are required reporters in the majority of states, and in certain states, everyone is a required reporter. In a nutshell, this means that teachers are required by law to quickly notify the proper authorities of any indications of child abuse or neglect. Under Illinois law, criteria for reporting instances of abuse or neglect involving a parent, another immediate family member, someone living in the child's home, or another person in charge of the child's welfare.

To learn more about welfare please click on below link



Write an argumentative essay about whether you think technology and the Internet have brought young people closer together. Use evidence from research to support your position.


I believe the internet has brought young people together because of social media platforms.

There are ways to avoid cyberbullying. You can block or ignore the user. The internet has brought friends closer together, by being able to look at content that they post or by just messaging through the app.

Young people can also receive support through the internet. Whether it's by reaching out to people, or looking up ways to handle their emotions.

You can also use the internet to find funny videos you like, songs you enjoy, or finding interesting facts you're not taught by peers around you.

You can find identification and survival skills to help when people are out in nature and they want to know what to do in case of an emergency or they find something they don't recognize. (A plant, a bug, a snake, etc.)

People are also brought together during events where you can look up fun games or icebreakers. Speaking of events, people can look up ideas or hire someone through the internet. They can also post photos, videos, and updates for the event that is being planned.

You can spread word about a fundraiser or charity event by posting as well.

In case of something that has been lost in the neighborhood, the finders can post a photo of it on the neighborhood page and report that it has been lost. People who see the post can either recognize it as their own, or realize they know someone who owns the item.

Eugene H. Spafford, internet pioneer and professor of computing sciences at Purdue University, founder and executive director emeritus of the Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security, commented, “New uses, information sources and paradigms will improve the lives of many.”

Pew Research Center states that “Internet access and smartphone ownership rates in these emerging and developing nations are greatest among the well-educated and the young, i.e. those 18- to 34-year-olds who came of age in an era of massive technological advancement. People who read or speak English are also more likely to access the internet, even when holding constant other key factors, such as age and education. Overall, across the countries surveyed, internet access rates are higher in richer, more developed economies. Once online, internet users in emerging and developing nations have embraced socializing as their most preferred type of digital activity. Majorities of internet users in all countries surveyed with large enough sample sizes to analyze say they stay in touch with friends and family online. Many also use cyberspace for getting information about politics, health care and government services. Less common are commercial and career activities, such as searching or applying for a job, making or receiving payments, buying products and taking online classes.”

The internet can be very useful for those who use it properly. You can learn things by it being explained in a video. You can also check up on the latest news and see what's going on in our world today.

Overall, I believe that the internet has made a good impact on society and will continue to do so in the future.

What does Huck's dad take from him?


Pap then leaves to get alcohol with the $1 Judge Thatcher gave Huck.

Who or where took him, Father Huck?

Pap transports Huck to a cabin in the woods where he is held captive. He disregarded the Widow's warning to stay away from her house because he was bitter at not being able to get his hands on Huck's money.

The days that follow see Pap try to kidnap Huck and get his hands on Judge Thatcher's money. Pap can only get money when he directly takes a dollar or two from Huck.

To know more about The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn visit:



according to "letter from birmingham jail," why does king feel some pride and satisfaction when he is criticized as an extremist?


According to "letter from Birmingham jail," The king is aware that many great leaders throughout history were extremists. He is well aware that extremists are invariably violent and destructive.

At the turn of the twentieth century, a new group emerged that took an aggressive stance against the British Empire. This group was known as the Extremists, and they did not support the Moderate leaders' peaceful stance.

The definition of extremism is "the advocacy of extreme measures or views" or "the quality or state of being extreme." The term is primarily used in a political or religious context to refer to an ideology that is considered to be far outside the mainstream attitudes of society.

To know more about extremists, click here.



Are open-minded people curious?


An open-minded person is always curious about everything around them, almost permanently.

Those who are close-minded tend to settle into a particular set of beliefs and use them to isolate themselves from the rest of the world.

Open-minded people are always seeking to understand things they don't understand.

It is their innate sense of fascination and respect for everything around them that drives them to learn the Whys and Hows of the world, no matter what topic they are studying.

Close-minded individuals are content to confine themselves to their habits, routines, and hobbies; to the little things that make up the world around them. In contrast, open-minded people are completely different from those who are closed-minded.

To know more about human quality refer to:



Pedro is having difficulty visualizing what he is reading. Which tip would be most helpful to him?
A) He should create a movie in his mind.
B) He should take very detailed notes.
C) He should memorize colorful phrases.
D) He should hum music that relates to the reading.

Answer is "A" He should create a movie in his mind.
Putting this out there for anyone that needs it in the future.


Answer: a





When did premarital sex become common?


Premarital sex increased in popularity, especially among women, starting in 1920s and particularly after World War II. Between 75 & 80 percent of Americans have engaged in vaginal activity before age of 22 by the turn of 20th century.

Compared to women born during 1978 & 1988, who had premarital sex at a rate of 76%, only 8% of those born around 1900 had it before the age of 20. By the age of 44, 99% of participants had engaged in sexual activity, & 95% have done so before marriage, according the research. By the time they were 44 years old, 81% of those who had waited until they were 20 or older had engaged in premarital sex.

To know more about Premarital sex:



why, doth not every earthly thing cry shame upon her? could she here deny the story that is printed in her blood meaning


Could she here refute the narrative imprinted on her body? — Hero, don't live and shut your eyes.

Because if I had believed that you would not pass very soon, I would personally attack your life in response to criticism if I believed that your spirits were higher than your humiliations. The Friar urges Leonato to make the announcement that she has passed away because he believes in her innocence. The Friar believes that Claudio will recall his affection for her in light of this information. Benedick reluctantly accepts to challenge Claudio to a duel after the others leave and after Beatrice and Benedick confess their love for one another. Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing contains a key concept of honor, or the high regard gained from others. In order to respect women, they were.

To learn more about narrative please click on below link



–"jabari unmasked," nikki grimes
Fresh out of middle school, we all understand the rules: wear whatever’s in, scowl on cue to convince the world we’re fearless—anything to mask the million insecurities that pockmark our skin like acne. gone the grins when we strut down the hall. we talk tough and hope to god it’s enough to get us by. it’s all lies. Which structural element is present in the excerpt? a. stanza b. refrain c. couplet d. quatrain


The structural element presents in the excerpt "Jabari Unmasked" by Nike Grimes is the stanza.

Thus, the correct option is A.

In the options, we should know the word's meaning in order to determine which answer is correct.

a. А stаnzа is а group of lines within the verse of а poem. They often follow а similаr pаttern or meter or contаin а similаr ideа, but not аlwаys. They аre sepаrаted from other stаnzаs within the poem through the use of а breаk or а blаnk line.

b. A refrain is а verse, а line, а set, or а group of lines thаt аppeаrs аt the end of stаnzа, or аppeаrs where а poem divides into different sections

c. A couplet is а pаir of consecutive lines of poetry thаt creаte а complete thought or ideа

d. A quatrain is а type of stаnzа, or а complete poem, consisting of four lines.

The poem “Jabari Unmasked” has five stanzas. And on the excerpt above is the first stanza consisting of 9 lines.

For more information about Jabari Unmasked refer to the link:




the correct answer is (A.)

Read this example:
Dan Richards is the best mayor Cooperville has ever had
because he told me so himself.
Which logical fallacy does this example contain?
A. Ad hominem
B. False causality
C. Straw man
D. Begging the question


Based on the given example, "Dan Richards is the best mayor Cooperville has ever had because he told me so himself.", the logical fallacy that is used here is known as D. Begging the question

What is Begging the question fallacy?

This refers to the term that is used to describe and define the type of logical fallacy that has to do with using the premise of an argument to assume the conclusion and this is also known as circular reasoning.

Hence, it can be seen that from the given example, it is mentioned that Dan Richards is the best mayor and the premise that is given to support this given claim is that the mayor told him that, which shows that this argument is faulty and makes use of the premise of an argument to assume the conclusion and thus the correct answer to the given question is option D.

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Which values of mb and b will create a system of equations with no solution? Select two options.y = mx + by=-2x+3/2 When did the idea of affirmative action first appear in the US? Why was the Tinker v Des Moines case significant to public schools? Most of the radiation released from the failed nuclear reactor was from fission products.a. Trueb. False someone give an answer so i can get the achievement for saying thanks for an answer The combining forms Hidr/o- and sudero- both mean: a moving car has 40,000 j of kinetic energy while moving at a speed of 7.0 m/s. a spring-loaded automobile bumper compresses 0.30 m when the car hits a wall and stops. What can you lean about the bumpers spring using the information? which factor will most directly determine what type of specialized cell will be produced? Which of the following clauses of the Constitution could the Supreme Court have used when deciding the case Marbury v. Madison (1803)?A) "The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during times of good behavior." B) The Trial of all Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment, shall be by Jury; and such Trial shall be held in the State where the said Crimes shall have been committed." C) "In all other cases before mentioned, the supreme court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact." D) "The judicial power shall extend to all cases, law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made." which feature might result where wind erosion acts on a resistant rock layer overlying a softer rock layer? group of answer choices desert pavement talus yardang bajada what is " 10 > 7 + x = ?(Please show work) The y-intercept of the line y=-4 x-7 isa. -7c. 4b. -4d. 7BADC The factors of the quadratic expression 48x +38x +5 are (ax + b) and (cx + 1).A=B=C= when the occurrence of a gain contingency is reasonably possible and its amount can be reasonably estimated, the gain contingency should be A factory made 3 jars of creamy peanut butter and 97 jars of chunky peanut butter. What percentage of the jars of peanut butter were creamy? presenting a speech online is more challenging and time-consuming than delivering an in-person speech. What is the highest andmost general level ofclassification?A. KingdomB. GenusC. SpeciesD. Domain this Which of the following correctly expresses the relationship between the percent change in real income, nominal income and the price level?a) Percent change in real income = percent change in nominal income + percent change in price level.b) Percent change in real income = percent change in nominal income - percent change in price level.c) Percent change in real income = percent change in nominal income / percent change in price level.d) Percent change in real income = percent change in nominal income percent change in price level. steady advances in technological development will result in which of the following? responses the long-run aggregate supply curve will shift to the right, resulting in a lower full employment level of output. the long-run aggregate supply curve will shift to the right, resulting in a lower full employment level of output., the long-run aggregate supply curve will shift to the left, resulting in a higher natural unemployment rate. the long-run aggregate supply curve will shift to the left, resulting in a higher natural unemployment rate., the long-run aggregate supply curve will shift to the right, resulting in a higher full employment level of output. the long-run aggregate supply curve will shift to the right, resulting in a higher full employment level of output. the short-run aggregate supply curve will shift to the left, resulting in a lower price level and a higher full employment level of output. the short-run aggregate supply curve will shift to the left, resulting in a lower price level and a higher full employment level of output. the short-run aggregate supply curve will shift to the right, resulting in a higher price level and a higher natural rate of unemployment. Find C. Round to the nearest tenth: 18ft, 20ft, and 22ft