What is chain survey


Answer 1


Chain surveying is the type of surveying in which only linear measurements are made in the field. The main principle of chain surveying or chain triangulation is to provide a framework consist of a number of well-conditioned triangles or nearly equilateral triangles. It is used to find the area of the field.


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20. The study of plate movement is called
5 points
Lande Foca
South American
Cat University of Wa Al Rio
o continental drift
The study of plate movement is called?


The study of the movement of lithospheric plates comprising the earth's crust is called plate tectonics.

One of Peter I's most memorable reforms is the beard tax he enforced in Russia.
Which two details BEST Support the central idea above?
a )Among his reforms, Peter I revised Russia's calendar, Introduced changes to the
Russlan was written, and completely changed the military.

b)He also tried to get Russians to go beardless, like the 'modern western Europeans he had
met on his tour.

c)Peter I began the practice of breathlessness in quite a dramatic fashion at a reception held
in his honor not long after he came back from Europe.



i think is b


What determines where a temperate deciduous forest can exist? (Select all that apply.)
migration patterns of animals
the winds from the ocean
seasonal temperature changes


Answer:I think winds is one


i don’t know


The winds from the ocean and seasonal temperature


they include things from the forest!

What issues face Manitobas forestry?


Climate change is affecting manitobas forests. Tress are often forces to grow in areas where theres more pavement than soil. And soil do not contain the nutrients trees need.

which is the world's coldest region​



That would be Antartica.

Which of the following is NOT a threat to biodiversity?
A) Pollution
B) Deforestation
C) Ecological Succession
D) Invasive Species



ecological succession

A country's economy is stagnating when the GDP is doing which of the
A. Doubling each year
O B. Neither rising nor falling
O C. Adjusted for inflation
D. Increasing slowly


Answer: B. Neither rising nor falling


Economic Stagnation occurs when there's a flat growth in a particular economy. During economic stagnation, there's increased unemployment and the economy is also not performing well and performing below its potential.

A country's economy is stagnating when the GDP is neither rising nor falling. This results in the lay off of employees by companies which in turn leads to reduction in demand for goods and services and hence economic growth is negatively affected.

discuss any two ways which are some cultural views that exist may affect a relationship negatively​



if it is helpful....... plz like and follow

Explain two ways in which human activities can affect storm hydrographs



1. Drainage Systems have been created by humans to a short lag time and high peak discharge as water could not evaporate or  infiltrate into the soil

2. area that have been urbanised result in an increase in the use of impermeable building materials

why are penisular rivers of India are seasonal in nature give three reason​



1.beacuse they depend on rainfall.

2.the sources of peninsular river lie in platues and low hills devoid of snow.

3.these rivers have smaller courses and small basins.

Which of the following is an example of technology progress?



where is the options?

plz snd

100. Global warming has made the Caribbean islands too hot for tourists to continue to visit
a. correct
b. incorrect


the answer would be -> b. incorrect

Use as many of the words below as you can,to write a paragraph about what influences weather and climate.
Radiation, Convection, Surface Winds,Air Pressure,Air Masses, Cold Front, Stationary Front, Landforms



   Climate is an important element because it indicates the atmospheric condition of heat, moisture and circulation; it plays a dominant role in shaping vegetation and soil; and it ultimately affects all forms of life, as a result of the very definition of the word, which is a scientific prediction, based on evidentiary statistics, sustained over a long period.


The word "climate" is a scientific prediction based on empirical statistics sustained over an extended period of time, it is important because it indicates the atmospheric condition of heat, moisture, and circulation; it dominates in shaping vegetation and soil; and it ultimately affects all forms of life.

What is Radiation?

Radiation is the name for energy that comes from a source and travels through space at the speed of light. In addition to being accompanied by an electric field and a magnetic field, this energy possesses wave-like characteristics. The term "radiation" can also refer to electromagnetic waves.

Radiation exposure can damage the DNA in our cells. High radiation doses can cause cutaneous radiation injuries or acute radiation syndrome. High radiation doses can cause cancer to appear later in life.

Radiation is a term used to describe energy that originates from a source and moves through a material or over space. Heat or light are both types of radiation.

Thus, The word "climate" is a scientific prediction based on empirical statistics.

For more information about Radiation, click here:



Would a person on the moon see more than one side of earth? Explain.



yes because it always is spinning we just cant see it spinng



Only one side of the Moon is visible from Earth because the Moon rotates on its axis at the same rate that the Moon orbits the Earth—a situation known as synchronous rotation, or tidal locking. The Moon is directly illuminated by the Sun, and the cyclically varying viewing conditions cause the lunar phases.

which event began the space race
a)Yuri Gagarin went to space
b)The United States established NASA
c)The United States launched Explorer 1
d)The Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1


D, hope this helps !



The Soviet Union achieved an early lead in the Space Race by launching the first artificial satellite Sputnik 1 (replica shown) in 1957. The United States led during the "Moon race" by landing Neil Armstrong

Can someone answer one or both, please? The questions are number one and two, and the evidence is the graph


1. #6
explanation: trust me bro


1. layer #6

2. layer #5

i think!

what does the HUKBALAHAP stand for​



Hukbo ng Bayan Laban sa Hapon


The Hukbalahap (short for Hukbo ng Bayan Laban sa Hapon, or National Armed Force against the Japanese) started as a resistance movement against the Japanese occupiers

on the map above represent the polar climates of the world. The regions colored A. brown B. green C. orange D. yellow Please select the best answer from the choices provided ​


Answer and Explanation:

There's no picture so I'm going to go with A.

The answer is D. Yellow. I remember looking on quizlet because I had a quiz on this and they said the answer is Yellowz

Why don't we notice the gravitational pull of objects like books and chairs?



Because Earth's gravitational pull is so strong, we do not notice the pull from other objects. Earth's gravity pulls everything to the center of Earth and prevents us from flying off into space

What is the contour interval on this map


What map???

Where is the map??

Which of the following scenarios shows someone who benefited from a choice made?
Serena chose to take Mary Beth’s lunch money, so she spent the afternoon in detention.
Lilly decided to eat the entire giant chocolate bunny and did not feel well for the rest of the day.
Andrew chose to carpool every morning and was able to park in the front-row car pool section at school.
Timothy decided to watch the game instead of study for his test, so he failed it the next day.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided





C is the only answer where someone benefits from the decision they have made

measure the thickness of each layer in centers. Use the scale provide to find the actual thickness of each layer.



The thickness of each layer depends on the rock mass.


Earth is divided into four layers as the crust, mantle, core, and inner core. The thickness of each layer varies with the depth and nature of rocks. The crust is the topmost layer of the earth consists of a thickness of 5 to 70 km that is land and water sphere. The mantle consists of a layer of thickness of 2,900 km and the outer core has a thickness of 2,200 km while that of the inner core is about 1,530 km thick.

Can someone answer one or all, please? The questions are number 4-6, and the evidence is the graph







Which one do you think is better able to connect with other realms of the world, Russia or Europe?


Europe it’s a continent with many countries different governments and most of them are socialist, and Russia is just a country with one government and a communist one. But what’s your real question?

Maps are especially useful for showing aspects of the world that cannot be seen directly. These include​



I guess that the answer would be the 'political boundaries'

24. Despite great European access to the sea, Switzerland and Austria are European countries that are “landlocked”.
a. correct
b. incorrect





Landlocked means that a country does not border a ocean or sea.

A. correct
the countries do not share borders with an ocean

The water cycle is the continuous movement of water between the atmosphere, the land, the oceans and living things. How does the water cycle affect weather?

A. It moves air masses with different temperatures to new locations.

B. It can bring warm temperatures from the equator or cool temperatures from the poles.

C. It can form clouds and return water to Earth as precipitation.

D. It changes the temperature and moisture content over large areas.


Letter C because that's the most logical answer

The boundary that forms between the 2 air masses is called a front. When air masses meet, the warm air mass always moves above the cold air mass because it is less dense. Which type of front forms when a cold air mass is advancing and moves under a warm air mass pushing it up?

A. Warm front

B. Cold front

C. Occluded front

D. Stationary front


The answer to this question is B. Cold Front

What did Confucius believe was the best way for rulers to lead their people?
through strict rules and a strong army
by paying people to do as the rulers wish
by behaving as they would like their people to behave
through schools that train people how to behave from the time they are very young



C trust meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee





What started the Persian War?

O The Athenians killed the Persian Emperor Xerxes. His grandson Darius wanted revenge against the Athenians.

O Persians raised taxes in lonia and Athens supported a rebellion against the Persians

O The Athenians killed the Persian Emperor Darius. His grandson Xerxes wanted revenge against the Athenians.

O Athens raised taxes in lonia and Persia supported a rebellion against the Athenians



when Greeks in the Persian-controlled territory rose in the Ionian Revolt. Athens, and other Greek cities, sent aid, but were quickly forced to back down after defeat in 494 BCE. Subsequently, the Persians suffered many defeats at the hands of the Greeks, led by the Athenians.


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