what is being measured in this investigation to determine the rate at which photosynthesis is occurring? what conclusions can you make as the lamp intensity was increased? (use specific values from the investigation to support your answer.) what conclusions can you make as the temperature was increased? (use specific values from the investigation to support your answer.)


Answer 1

Measurement of CO2 uptake by plants: Since CO2 is required for photosynthesis, determining how much of it is taken up by plants can tell us how much photosynthesis is taking place.

What occurs when the brightness of the light is increased?

The rate of photosynthesis increases as light intensity rises, but only until another factor—a limiting factor—becomes scarce. Until another factor becomes limiting, the rate of photosynthesis is directly proportional to the amount of light.

What occurs when the temperature rises?

The kinetic energy of molecules increases with temperature. The likelihood of the reaction happening is raised by the molecules' increased movement and frequency of collisions. The reaction rate is accelerated by this.

To know more about photosynthesis visit:-



Related Questions

hich substance is not involved in the production of urea from via the urea cycle? a. aspartate b. atp c. carbamoyl phosphate d. malate e. ornithine


Malate regenerates oxaloacetate with the aid of using movement of NAD+-established malate dehydrogenase, finishing the cycle.

Coenzymes together with FAD and NAD+ are decreased withinside the Krebs cycle, which transfers electrons with the aid of using the electron shipping chain with oxygen because the very last acceptor.most effective enzyme indexed withinside the solution picks that doesn't catalyze a response withinside the citric acid cycle is pyruvate kinase.

Pyruvate kinase is an essential enzyme withinside the very last step of glycolysis, because it catalyzes the conversion of phosphoenolpyruvate and ADP to pyruvate and ATP.the citric acid cycle all of the intermediates (e.g. citrate, iso-citrate, alpha-ketoglutarate, succinate, fumarate, malate, and oxaloacetate) are regenerated for the duration of every flip of the cycle.

Read more about Urea:



before genes can be expressed in eukaryotic cells, what needs to happen to the mrna? what about in prokaryotic cells?


The process of gene expression starts with transcription. A gene's DNA sequence gets transcribed into RNA during this process.

The DNA double helix must unwind close to the gene being transcribed before transcription can begin. Pre-mRNA is created in the nucleus by transcription of a section of a linear chromosome's DNA.

To become a mature mRNA, this transcript must go through processing (splicing and addition of 5' cap and poly-A tail) while it is still in the nucleus.

Single-celled creatures known as prokaryotes are found in the Bacteria and Archaea domains. Prokaryotic cells lack organelles, have no nucleus, and are significantly smaller than eukaryotic cells. A cell wall protects every prokaryotic cell. Additionally, many have a polysaccharide-based capsule or slime layer.

Learn more about " prokaryotic " to visit here;



All of the following are characteristic of the cnidarians except ___________________.
a. muscle tissue derived from mesoderm
b. a motile form called the medusa
c. a sessile form called the polyp
d. a gastrovascular cavity


All of the following are characteristic of the cnidarians except muscle tissue derived from mesoderm.

Tissues are corporations of cells that have a similar shape and act collectively to perform a selected function. The phrase tissue comes from a form of an old French verb that means “to weave”. There are 4 one-of-a-kind sorts of tissues in animals: connective, muscle, nervous, and epithelial.

In easy terms, tissue may be defined as a collection of cells with comparable forms and features termed as tissues. They shape a cellular organizational level, intermediate between the cells and the organ machine.

They constitute a stage of enterprise and cell differentiation in residing organisms. Tissues perform various capabilities including transportation, digestion, respiration, and so forth.

Learn more about Tissue here:-https://brainly.com/question/14491139


the functions of the liver include filtration and detoxification of blood, storage of glycogen, conversion of ammonia to urea, storage of fat-soluble vitamins and minerals, and:


Old RBCs are destroyed, and bile is also produced and secreted.

The liver receives all the blood that exits the intestines and stomach. This blood is processed by the liver, which also breaks down, balances, and produces nutrients.

It also metabolizes medications to make them more easily absorbed by the body or nontoxic.

Production and excretion of bile are the liver's main tasks. excretion of medicines, hormones, bilirubin, and cholesterol. metabolism of carbs, proteins, and lipids.

All of the blood in the body is filtered by the liver, which also detoxicates dangerous chemicals like alcohol and narcotics. Bile is a substance made by the liver that aids in fat digestion and waste removal.

Learn more about " filtration and detoxification of blood " to visit here;



which of the following is not a piece of evidence that Darwin used to support his theory of evolution

1.) similarities among different species
2.) the amount of shared DNA between species
3) fossil record





Out of the three it seems the most logical

This part of the nervous system moves message between the brain and body​


Spinal cord is the part of the nervous system that cause the the nervous system moves message between the brain and body.

Sensory nerves ship statistics together with touch, temperature, and ache to the mind and spinal twine. Motor nerves ship alerts from the mind lower back into the muscles, inflicting them to agreement both voluntarily or reflexively. The relevant frightened gadget is made of the mind and spinal twine: The mind controls how we think, learn, move, and feel.

The spinal cord contains messages from side to side among the mind and the nerves that run at some stage in the body. The spinal twine runs from the mind down via the lower back. It carries threadlike nerves that department out to each organ and frame part. This community of nerves relays messages from side to side from the mind to extraordinary elements of the frame.

Read more about nervous system;



in a food chain, with each feeding relationship, the energy transferred from one organism to another will(1 point)


Along the food chain, energy is transmitted from one trophic level to the next.

The amount of energy that is actually transmitted to species at the next trophic level is only around 10% of the total energy stored in organisms at one trophic level. The remaining energy is used by metabolism or released into the atmosphere as heat. Energy is never generated nor destroyed and merely transferred or converted from one form to another. In environments where energy is continuously transferred along the food chain, this theory is valid. When one creature feeds another and absorbs the energy-rich molecules from its prey's body, energy is transmitted between trophic levels. The inefficiency of these exchanges, however, limits the length of food chains. Energy is transferred between the species in food webs from producers to consumers. Organisms utilise the energy to complete difficult activities. Solar energy, which accounts for the vast bulk of the energy in food webs, is converted into chemical energy during photosynthesis in plants.

To learn more about food chain click here https://brainly.com/question/16065961


which of the following is an example of gene therapy? a) an ear of corn contains genes that produce natural pesticides. b) a human has one allele for a normal gene and one allele for a mutated gene. c) a patient with hereditary anemia is given a normal version ofthe gene. d) protein from a healthy person is iniected into someone who cannot make that protein. e) a human protein is made in bacteria for future injection into someone who lacks it.


(Option C.) A patient with hereditary anemia is given a normal version of the gene.

In this example, a patient with hereditary anemia is given a normal version of the gene, which will help to restore the proper functioning of the patient's cells and provide relief from their anemia symptoms.

An example of gene therapy:(Option C.) A patient with hereditary anemia is given a normal version of the gene.

Gene therapy is an experimental technique whereby a patient's own genetic material is modified in order to treat a medical condition. In this example, a patient with hereditary anemia is given a normal version of the gene in order to restore the proper functioning of the patient's cells and provide relief from their anemia symptoms.

Gene therapy can be used to treat a variety of genetic illnesses and diseases, from inherited forms of blindness to inherited forms of cancer. While gene therapy is still in its early stages, much progress has been made in the last few decades in understanding how to manipulate genetic material in order to treat medical conditions.

Learn more about Gene Therapy: https://brainly.com/question/11620520


which glands secrete their product by way of a duct directly onto an epithelial surface?


Exocrine glands secrete their product by way of a duct directly onto an epithelial surface.

Sweat, tears, saliva, milk, and digestive secretions are all secreted by exocrine glands. A group of cells that collaborate to produce and secrete these compounds is known as a gland. Your body's various organs all have exocrine glands. They serve a number of purposes. Exocrine glands release their materials onto the surfaces of your body through ducts. Endocrine glands, on the other hand, discharge their chemicals right into your blood. Exocrine glands distribute substances onto the surfaces of your body through openings called ducts. Endocrine glands are referred to as ductless glands. Your endocrine system is made up of endocrine glands, which secrete hormones. The pituitary gland, thyroid, and adrenal glands are a few examples of endocrine glands.

Want to know more about Exocrine glands visit the link given below;



Which statement is true regarding the tissues in animal organs?
A. Each type of tissue performs specific functions.
OB. Tissues change functions as the animal ages.
OC. Tissues can swap functions with one another.
D. All tissues perform the same functions.


Each type of tissue performs specific functions in animal organs epithelial, connective, muscular, and nerve tissue are the four main forms of tissue found in animal organs, hence option A is correct.

What are tissues in animal organs?

It belongs to the subsequent types: muscle, connective tissue, neural tissue, and epithelial tissue. The outside of the body and internal organs are covered in epithelial tissue. Body cavities are lined with it.

Remember that tissues are collections of comparable cells performing comparable jobs. Organs with distinct, specialized functions inside the body are created when these tissues are combined to form organs like the skin or kidney.

As we age, waste materials accumulate in tissue. Many tissues accumulate lipofuscin, a fatty brown pigment, along with other fatty compounds. The stiffness of connective tissue increases with age.

Therefore, tissue performs specific functions in animal organs, hence option A is correct.

Learn more about tissues, here:



In bacteria, translation of the mrna begins near the 5' end of the mrna molecule, when a(n).


When an mRNA attaches to the small ribosomal subunit in bacteria, translation of the mRNA starts close to the 5' end of the mRNA molecule.

As soon as mRNA is transcribed in bacteria, it is translated into protein. In contrast to eukaryotic cells, bacteria lack a distinct nucleus that divides DNA from ribosomes, removing a barrier to translation. Transcription and translation take place concurrently in these species. mRNA translation initiation in bacteria begins as soon as the messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule's 5' end has been created. Transcription and translation are interdependent processes that take place in these prokaryotic species. A short ribosomal-binding region that is located near the mRNA's 5' end helps bacterial mRNA bind to the small ribosomal subunit at the beginning stages of translation.

If you want to know more about translation in bacteria visit the following link;



if a food chain consisted of grass to rabbits to foxes, how many pounds of foxes could be expected in a meadow which has 10,000 pounds of grass?


In a meadow with 10,000 pounds of grass, 100 pounds of foxes could be anticipated if a food chain went from grass to rabbits to foxes.

Increased fox populations will result in more foxes using rabbits as food. The number of rabbits will decline as a result. As a result, grass plants will become denser because there won't be as many rabbits around to eat them. Energy is lost as metabolic heat when animals from one trophic level are ingested by species from the next level, hence energy diminishes as it goes up the food chain. When something is consumed, some energy is transferred, but some energy is lost at each chair connection (or trophic level). The grass in the example above expends some energy through respiration, while the rabbit expends energy through heat and waste.

To learn more about food chain click here https://brainly.com/question/7564953


Should humans take action to control the crown of throne populations? Why or why not?



It is generally recommended that humans take action to control the population of deer, elk, and other ungulate species known as "cervids" in order to prevent overpopulation and the negative impacts that can result from large cervid populations. Overpopulation can lead to increased competition for food and habitat, which can result in reduced health and survival rates for individual cervids. It can also lead to increased levels of deer-vehicle collisions, damage to crops and other forms of property, and the spread of diseases such as chronic wasting disease.

By taking action to control cervid populations, humans can help maintain healthy and sustainable populations of these animals. This can be achieved through a variety of methods, such as hunting, contraception, and habitat management. The specific approach will depend on the local situation and the goals of the management plan.

In conclusion, it is important for humans to take action to control cervid populations in order to prevent overpopulation and the negative impacts that can result. By doing so, we can help ensure the health and sustainability of these species and the ecosystems they inhabit.


Which protein is a positive regulator that phosphorylates other proteins when activated?


Cyclin-dependent kinase protein is a positive regulator that phosphorylates other proteins when activated.

Proteins are massive, complex molecules that play many essential roles in the frame. They do most of the work in cells and are required for the shape, function, and regulation of the body's tissues and organs.

Each cell within the human body carries protein. The primary shape of a protein is a chain of amino acids. You need protein in your weight loss plan to help your body repair cells and make new ones. Protein is likewise essential for boom and development in children, young adults, and pregnant ladies.

Animal-primarily based foods (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy meals) have a tendency to be proper resources of complete protein, while plant-based totally meals (fruits, veggies, grains, nuts, and seeds) frequently lack one or extra important amino acid.

Learn more about proteins here:-https://brainly.com/question/10058019


which ganglia extend from the cervical region to the coccygeal region along the vertebral column?


Also known as the paravertebral ganglia, the sympathetic chain ganglia are found just ventral and lateral to the spinal cord. The unpaired coccygeal ganglion is formed by the chain, which descends from the upper neck to the coccyx.

What region of the body contains the sympathetic chain ganglia?

The sympathetic chain is a ganglionated chain that runs from the base of the skull to the coccyx and is found bilaterally. Segments for the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral regions are formed. In front of the sacrococcygeal junction, at the ganglion, two side chains unite.

What location do terminal ganglia have?

While terminal ganglia that get input from sacral nerves are located in the lower abdomen and pelvic cavities, terminal ganglia that receive input from cranial nerves are located in the head and neck, as well as the thoracic and upper abdominal cavities.

To know more about vertebral  visit:-



What would happen if complexes i-iv of the mitochondrial electron transport chain pumped protons in the opposite direction?



If complexes I-IV of the mitochondrial electron transport chain pumped protons in the opposite direction, it would disrupt the process of oxidative phosphorylation, which is the main source of ATP production in the cell. Oxidative phosphorylation occurs when protons are pumped from the matrix of the mitochondria into the intermembrane space by complexes I-IV. This creates a proton gradient across the inner membrane of the mitochondria, which is used by complex V (also known as ATP synthase) to produce ATP.

If the complexes I-IV pumped protons in the opposite direction, the proton gradient across the inner membrane of the mitochondria would be disrupted. This would prevent complex V from functioning properly and producing ATP, resulting in a decrease in ATP production and a reduction in the energy available for the cell to use. This could have negative consequences for the cell, including a decrease in its ability to perform essential cellular functions and maintain homeostasis. (with rizz)


based on the cerebral cortex homunculus, many of the neurons receiving nervous impulses from the tongue are where?


The sensory homunculus shows where each portion of the body is processed along the cerebral cortex.

The body is covered in the sensations. Any location between the cerebral cortex and the hypoglossal nerve nuclei can experience supranuclear lesions of the hypoglossal nerve. The cerebral cortex communicates with a number of subcortical regions, including the thalamus and basal ganglia, via efferent connections and afferent connections, respectively. Typically, this topograph consists of body parts mapped along the surface of the postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe. The sensory homunculus' topology matches to the body's opposite side. This area corresponds to the sensory area of the lower extremities and genitalia, starting from the medial aspect of the postcentral gyrus.

To learn more about cerebral cortex click here https://brainly.com/question/12993641


which mammals were found to have a vocal range of 7 octaves, nearly twice that of humans?


Bats can have a vocal range of up to seven octaves, a new Scandinavian study* that was published in the journal PLOS Biology* claims. This is twice as wide as the vocal range of an average person.

Who is capable of seven octaves?

The pitch range from C7 to C8 is known as the seventh octave. Some vocalists who can sing in the bass range, such as Adam Lopez, Virgo Degan, Nicola Sedda, or Dimash Kudaibergen, can sing in this octave, albeit it is easier for very high coloratura sopranos to do so.

What animal's voice range is the broadest?

The researchers claim that a bat's vocal range typically covers seven octaves. "That is amazing. Humans average roughly three, whereas other mammals range from three to four "Prof. Elemans tacked on.

Why is an octave made up of just 7 notes?

The eighth note makes the following pitch known as the octave (just as an octopus has eight legs). Since there were only seven of these, the letters of the Roman alphabet—A, B, C, D, E, F, and G—were chosen to represent them more than a thousand years ago.

To know more about range of 7 octaves visit;



what process repairs damage to a preexisting double helix?what process repairs damage to a preexisting double helix?proofreadingoperon repairtransformationnucleotide excision repairmismatch repair


Nucleotide excision repair. In nucleotide excision repair, the damaged portion of the DNA is excised, and DNA polymerase and DNA ligase subsequently replace the empty space and finish the repair.

A method for repairing DNA is called nucleotide excision repair. Chemicals (including intercalating agents), radiation, and other mutagens continuously harm DNA. Nucleotide excision repair (NER), base excision repair (BER), and DNA mismatch repair are the three excision repair techniques that can repair single stranded DNA damage (MMR). Specific non-bulky DNA lesions can be recognized by the BER pathway, but it can only correct broken bases after a specific glycosylase has removed them. The MMR pathway similarly targets only mismatched Watson-Crick base pairs. A crucial excision mechanism called nucleotide excision repair (NER) eliminates DNA damage brought on by ultraviolet light (UV). Bulky DNA adducts are created as a result of UV DNA damage.

To learn more about nucleotide excision repair click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/29805314


what structures are spindle fibers attached to that help pull the paired chromosomes apart?


The spindle fibers force the chromatids apart as centrioles, which are connected to them, travel in the direction of the cell's poles.

An explanation of chromosomal function

During these cell divisions, DNA may be precisely duplicated thanks to chromosomes. I'll say it again. Our cells' nucleus include chromosomes, which allow DNA to be precisely copied during cell division. This makes sure that everything inside of us operates effectively and properly.

Why is it known as a chromosome?

Greek terms for color (chroma) and body are whence we get the word "chromosome" (soma). Chromosomes were given this term by scientists because they are cell bodies or structures that are heavily stained by various vibrant research dyes.

To know more about Chromosome visit:






what was the question?

the simplest method for identifying proteins that bind tightly to one another is co-immunoprecipitation. what protein was discovered to co-immunoprecipitate with adenomatous polyposis coli (apc) protein?


APC protein and β-catenin were found to co-immunoprecipitate. It was crucial to establish that APC is a tumors suppressor and that beta-catenin is a proto-oncogene thanks to the finding that the two interact.

The adherens junction (AJ) protein β-catenin was first discovered as a part of the cell-cell adhesion structures. AJs control cell proliferation and intercellular adhesion, which is essential for the development and upkeep of epithelial cell layers.

E-cytoplasmic cadherin's domain interacts with beta-catenin, which then binds E-cadherin to alpha-catenin. This process facilitates the E-cadherin complex's anchoring to the cortical actin cytoskeleton. According to studies, beta-catenin interacts with a number of signalling pathways, including tyrosine kinases, phosphatases, and Wnt/Wingless, as well as another cytoskeletal complex that contains the adenomatous polyposis APC coli protein and microtubules. Beta-catenin, cytoskeletal complexes, and signalling pathways may interact to control morphogene.

To learn more about β-catenin, refer: https://brainly.com/question/14351828


m protein, hyaluronidase, collagenase, and often a capsule, can be virulence factors for certain pathogenic strains of


The streptococcus pathogenic strains are responsible for the protein, hyaluronidase, collagenase, and often a capsule, can be virulence factors.

Streptococci infections are divided into numerous groups: Group A streptococcus, Group B streptococcus, Group C streptococcus, and Group G streptococcus.For some of Gram-advantageous organisms, hyaluronidases had been proven to be crucial virulence elements due to their cappotential to disseminate cells and virulence elements thru tissue.

The M protein coats institution A streptococci (GAS) and acts because the number one antigen and determinant of type-precise immunity. M is crucial for GAS virulence, presenting antiphagocytic capabilities vital to survival in human tissues and fluids.

Read more about strepcoccuus;



What volume of carbon dioxide (co2) will be produced if 2. 90 moles of iron (fe) is produced?.


The volume of carbon dioxide produced at 2.90 mol in (Fe) is 97.44 L.

The reaction of CO₂ with Fe is as follows

Fe₂O₃ + 3CO → 2Fe + 3CO₂

From the above reaction, the ratio of iron (Fe) to carbon dioxide (CO₂) is 2 : 3.


Moles of Carbon dioxide = 2.90 x 2/3

Moles of Carbon dioxide = 4.35 Mol

The volume of one mole of CO₂ at STP conditions is 22.4 liters

Because of that.

CO₂ volume = 22.4 × 4.35 Mol

                    = 97.44 L

So, the volume of CO₂ from 2.90 mol CO₂ reacted with iron (Fe) is 97.44 L

Learn more about the volume of carbon dioxide at https://brainly.com/question/25982723


What environmental parameters would need to be monitored as ddt moves up the food web of an ecosystem?


The parameters to be considered as DDT moves up are concentration and bioaccumulation of DDT

DDT known as dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane is a persistent organic pollutant that can move up the food web of an ecosystem, accumulating in higher trophic levels over time. As DDT moves up the food web, it is important to monitor environmental parameters affected by its presence. Some of the key parameters to monitor include:

The concentration of DDT in biotic samples: This can be measured by collecting samples of plants, and animals, from different food web levels and analyzing them for the presence of DDT.The concentration of DDT in the environment: This can be measured by collecting samples of soil, water, or air and analyzing them for the presence of DDT.Bioaccumulation of DDT: This can be measured by analyzing the tissues of plants and animals for the presence of DDT, and determining its concentration in different organs or tissues.Behavioral changes in plants and animals: Changes in the behavior of plants and animals can be monitored to determine if they are being affected by DDT.

Read more about DDT on:



the color of light that is least useful to a plant during photosynthesis is ?; why do we perceive chlorophyll as being green?; the first step in photosynthesis is the; how is water used in the process of photosynthesis?; which of the following is true regarding these two steps?; the organelle where light energy is converted into a sugar energy is the; which of these does not occur during the light dependent reactions of photosynthesis; which of the following are true regarding photosynthesis and cellular respiration?



green is the least efficient color

Explanation: it cannot be used in the photosynthetic process

Is TT genotype homozygous or heterozygous?


The genotype TT stands for the homozygous state, in which both alleles of a gene are present in a homologous pair. Alleles are various variations of a single gene.

If an organism possesses 2 versions of the same allele for a gene, it is said to be homozygous. An organism might be homozygous recessive (RR) or homozygous dominant (TT) (tt). A heterozygous creature is one that has two different alleles (Tt) for the same gene.

The presence of two identical alleles at a specific gene locus is referred to as the homozygous condition. A homozygous genotype can have two alleles with the same variance or two normal alleles.

A person is considered to be homozygous if they have two equal copies of a particular gene. A genotype with heterozygosity, on the other hand, possesses distinct alleles.

To learn more about homozygous



which of the following are trees and which are forests? a: is a forest b: is a forest a: is a tree b: is a tree c: is a forest d: is a forest c: is a tree d: is a tree


is a forest in c. is a tree one of the acceptable answers for forests and. The forest is a complex ecosystem made up primarily of trees that protect the ground and provide habitat for a wide variety of living things.

Wherever the warmest month's average temperature is over 10 °C and there is more than 200 mm of yearly precipitation, forests can grow. There are many different tree species found in areas with circumstances above this range, which are categorised into different types of forests based on the climate, soil, geology, and biotic activity of the location. There are many different types of forests, including the taiga (which is made up of pine, spruce, etc.), mixed temperate forests (which have both coniferous and deciduous trees), boreal forests, and tropical forests.

Learn more about forests here



Drag each of the following labels into the appropriate box to identify which motor division of the peripheral nervous system is described Associatedh sensory Autonomic Somatic receptors for touch Only requires one neuron from the CNS to the effector organ Requires two neurons from the CNS to the effector organ Utilizes acetylcholine and norepinephrine as neurotransmitters Presence of pre- and post- ganglionic neurons Associated with voluntary motor neurons CNS somas are located in the lateral homs of the spinal cord


Each of the labels should be matched with the appropriate box to identify which motor division of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) is described as follows;


Requires two neurons from the CNS to the effector organ.

Utilizes acetylcholine and norepinephrine as neurotransmitters.

Presence of pre- and post- ganglionic neurons.

CNS somas are located in the lateral horns of the spinal cord.


Associated with sensory receptors for touch.

Only requires one neuron from the CNS to the effector organ.

Associated with voluntary motor neurons.

What are the components of the nervous system?

In Medicine, the nervous system that is found in all living organisms is composed of two (2) major components or systems and these include the following;

A central nervous system (CNS).A peripheral nervous system (PNS).

What is the peripheral nervous system?

The peripheral nervous system (PNS) can be defined as an anatomical and functional division of the nervous system that is mainly responsible for perceptual experience in living organisms.

In conclusion, the peripheral nervous system (PNS) is generally divided into the autonomic nervous system and somatic nervous system.

Read more on nervous system here: brainly.com/question/3381118


what is the main molecular difference between cells in a g0 state and cells that have simply paused in g1?


Cells in the G0 state don't divide

In G0 cell cycle control system is partly dismantled so some Cdks and cyclins aren't present

Cells paused in G1 contain all components of cell cycle control system,cels can rapidly progress thru cycle when conditions are right.G0 cells need to synthesize the missing cell-cycle control proteins so as to re-enter the cycle ,takes 8 hr or more

G0 phase is also called as interphase which is the resting phase. G1 phase which is the first growth phase is the first phase of the cell cycle.G0 cells differ from G1 cells in that they are in a quiescent state and do not proliferate unless stimulated to re-enter the cell cycle.Cells in the G0 stage remain metabolically active but no longer divide.The G0 phase is a form of the resting state, or quiescence, in which cells reside until they receive appropriate signals - for example, from growth factors - stimulating them to re-enter and progress through the cell cycle.

Find more about G0 phase and G1 cells



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