What is also known as a visual aid in a presentation?
A. background
B. animation
C. review
D. slide
E. template


Answer 1
Visual aids are defined as charts, pictures or images that help to make a point or enhance a presentation, so I would say B. animation.

Hope this helps!!
Answer 2


it is d slide


Related Questions

Please help if you have the correct answer to the post test manufacturing and safety answer.
——— is a form of semi-renewable energy that you can produce from agricultural feedstock. It can be made from common crops
such as sugarcane, potato, manioc, and corn. It does not completely replace gasoline as a fuel because of efficiency, food, and environmental


i believe it is corn. ethanol can be produced from corn biomass, and is commonly used to make gasoline. i’m not sure if this answers your question, or counts as a type of energy but i tried.




got it right on ed

Which of the statements below describe how to print a document?


Is there supposed to be a picture? We can’t see the options.

an affective website design should fullfill its intended by conveying its message while simultaneosly engaging the visitors?do you agree or disagree​


Answer: True


The statement that "an effective website design ought to be able to fulfill the function that it has by passing the message across while engaging the visitor at the same time" is true.

Some of thr factors which bring about a good website design are functionality, simplicity, imagery, consistency, colours, typography. A website that's well designed and built will help in the building of trust.

Military time uses 24 hours for the entire day instead of 12 for am/pm separately. Military time is a 4 digit (base-10) integer with the following rules:
The first two digits show the hour (between 00 and 23) and
The last two digits show the minutes (between 00 and 59)
There is no colon separating hours from minutes.
Military time starts at 0000 in the morning and counts up
When we get to the afternoon, we use 1300 for 1:00 PM and 2300 for 11:00 PM.
When we get to midnight, the hour is 00 (not 24).
TASK: Write a program that reads two times in military format and prints the number of hours and minutes between the two times (See example below).
NOTE: Your program should consider the difference between the times IN THE SAME DAY. For example: The time difference between 2359 and 0000 is 23 hours and 1 minute (NOT 1 minute).
Detailed Requirements
• Compose a written document (MS Word Document) describing your algorithm, feel free include a diagram if you like
• The program should prompt for two times separately, then print the duration of time between (see sample output below).
• The program should check the input for the correct military time format:
. Make sure the hours are between 00 and 23.
. Make sure the minutes are between 00 and 59
. If the validity check fails, it should print an appropriate error and prompt again.
• Your program should use io manipulators to produce military time with leading zeroes. e.g. 9 am should be printed 0900 (not 900).
• More points will be awarded to an implementation that can produce an accurate result regardless of the order of the inputs.
• Do not produce runtime errors that abruptly end your program (crash)
• Include descriptive comments, neat indentation, proper spacing for good readability, and appropriate and consistently named variables.
• Program source should have a comment block at the top with the student name, section, and description of your program.
Please enter a time: 1sykdf
Military Tine Format Required: Bad input, try again.
Please enter a time: 2580
Military Tine Format Required: Hours must be between 2 and 23, try again
Please enter a time: 2365
Military Tine Format Required: Minutes must be between me and 59, try again
Please enter a time: 0900 First time 0900 accepted.
Please enter a time: jdkjs
Military Time Forest Required: Bad input, try again.
Please enter a time: 39573
Military Tine Format Required: Hours must be between 28 and 23, try again
Please enter a time: 1799
Military Tine Format Required: Minutes must be between me and 59, try again
Please enter a time: 1730 Second time: 1738 accepted.
Time difference between 1988 and 1732 ts 8 hours and 30 minutes Dismissed solder!
Note! When I change the order of the time inputs. I get the same result!



from datetime import time, datetime, timedelta, date

for _ in iter(list, 0):

   t1 = input("Please enter time one: ")

   t2 = input("Please enter time two: ")

   if t1.isdigit() == True and (int(t1[:2])<=23 and int(t1[2:]) <= 59)\

       and t2.isdigit() == True and (int(t2[:2])<= 23 and int(t2[2:])<=59):

       time_1 = time(hour=int(t1[:2]), minute=int(t1[2:]))

       time_2 = time(hour= int(t2[:2]), minute=int(t2[2:]))

       if time_1 > time_2:

           diff = datetime. combine (date. today( ), time_1) - datetime. combine(date. today ( ), time_2)


           diff = datetime. combine (date. today( ), time_2) -datetime. combine(date. today ( ), time_1)

       diff_list = str(diff).split(":")

       del diff_list[2]

       diff_t = "". join (diff_list)



   if t1.isdigit() == False or t2.isdigit() == False:

       print("Military Time Forest Required: Bad input, try again.")


   elif int(t1[:2])> 23 or int(t2[:2])> 23:

       print("Military Tine Format Required: Hours must be between 00 and 23, try again")


   elif int(t1[2:])> 59 or int(t2[2:])> 59:

       print("Military Tine Format Required: Minutes must be between me and 59, try again")



The python Datetime package is used to manipulate date and time, creating immutable Datetime objects from the various python data types like integer and string. The block of code above is a conditional for-loop statement that gets two user time value inputs and prints out the difference as a string in Military forest time format.

Develop a C program that calculates the final score and the average score for a student from his/her (1)class participation, (2) test, (3) assignment, (4) exam, and (5) practice scores. The program should use variables, cout, cin, getline(), type casting, and output manipulators. The user should enter the name of the student and scores ranging from 0 to 100 (integer) for each grading item. The final score is the sum of all grading items. The average score is the average of all grading items.



#include <iomanip>


using namespace std;

int main(){

char name[100];

float classp, test, assgn, exam, prctscore,ave;

cout<<"Student Name: ";


cout<<"Class Participation: "; cin>>classp;

while(classp <0 || classp > 100){  cout<<"Class Participation: "; cin>>classp; }

cout<<"Test: "; cin>>test;

while(test <0 || test > 100){  cout<<"Test: "; cin>>test; }

cout<<"Assignment: "; cin>>assgn;

while(assgn <0 || assgn > 100){  cout<<"Assignment: "; cin>>assgn; }

cout<<"Examination: "; cin>>exam;

while(exam <0 || exam > 100){  cout<<"Examination: "; cin>>exam; }

cout<<"Practice Score: "; cin>>prctscore;

while(prctscore <0 || prctscore > 100){  cout<<"Practice Score: "; cin>>prctscore; }

ave = (int)(classp + test + assgn + exam + prctscore)/5;

cout <<setprecision(1)<<fixed<<"The average score is "<<ave;  

return 0;}


The required parameters such as cin, cout, etc. implies that the program is to be written in C++ (not C).

So, I answered the program using C++.

Line by line explanation is as follows;

This declares name as character of maximum size of 100 characters

char name[100];

This declares the grading items as float

float classp, test, assgn, exam, prctscore,ave;

This prompts the user for student name

cout<<"Student Name: ";

This gets the student name using getline


This prompts the user for class participation. The corresponding while loop ensures that the score s between 0 and 100 (inclusive)

cout<<"Class Participation: "; cin>>classp;

while(classp <0 || classp > 100){  cout<<"Class Participation: "; cin>>classp; }

This prompts the user for test. The corresponding while loop ensures that the score s between 0 and 100 (inclusive)

cout<<"Test: "; cin>>test;

while(test <0 || test > 100){  cout<<"Test: "; cin>>test; }

This prompts the user for assignment. The corresponding while loop ensures that the score s between 0 and 100 (inclusive)

cout<<"Assignment: "; cin>>assgn;

while(assgn <0 || assgn > 100){  cout<<"Assignment: "; cin>>assgn; }

This prompts the user for examination. The corresponding while loop ensures that the score s between 0 and 100 (inclusive)

cout<<"Examination: "; cin>>exam;

while(exam <0 || exam > 100){  cout<<"Examination: "; cin>>exam; }

This prompts the user for practice score. The corresponding while loop ensures that the score s between 0 and 100 (inclusive)

cout<<"Practice Score: "; cin>>prctscore;

while(prctscore <0 || prctscore > 100){  cout<<"Practice Score: "; cin>>prctscore; }

This calculates the average of the grading items

ave = (int)(classp + test + assgn + exam + prctscore)/5;

This prints the calculated average

cout <<setprecision(1)<<fixed<<"The average score is "<<ave;  

Implement a class named Rectangle. The class should contain:
1. Two data attributes of type float named width and height that specify the width and the height of the rectangle.
2. A constructor that creates a rectangle with the specified width and height. If no argument is provided, it should use 1.0 for both values. If any input value is negative, the function should raise an exception.
3. Functions get_width and get_height that return the corresponding value
4. The set_width and set_height function that update the values if and only if the input is positive; otherwise do nothing
5. Functions get_area and get_perimeter that return the area and the perimeter of this rectangle respectively.
6. A function rotate that swaps the height and width of a rectangle object.
7. A class variable count that keeps track of the number of rectangles created so far.
8. A class method get_count that returns the above value.
9. An equality operator that returns True if and only if the two rectangles are of the same shape.
10. A __str__ function that returns the information of this rectangle in some readable format.




The following code is written in Python and creates a Rectangle class that performs all the necessary functions mentioned in the question...

from itertools import count

class Rectangle():

   _ids = count(0)

   width = 1.0

   height = 1.0

   def __init__(self, width, height):

       if (width < 0) or (height < 0):

           raise Exception("Sorry, no numbers below zero")


           self.id = next(self._ids)

           self.width = width

           self.height = height

   def get_width(self):

       return self.width

   def get_height(self):

       return self.height

   def set_width(self, width):

       if width > 0:

           self.width = width

   def set_height(self, height):

       if height > 0:

           self.height = height

   def get_area(self):

       return (self.height * self.width)

   def get_perimeter(self):

       return ((self.height * 2) + (self.width * 2))

   def rotate(self):

       temp = self.height

       self.height = self.width

       self.width = temp

   def get_count(self):

       return self._ids

   def equality(self, rectangle1, rectangle2):

       if rectangle1 == rectangle2:

           return True


           return False

   def __str__(self):

       return 'Rectangle Object with Height: ' + str(self.height) + ' and Width: ' + str(self.width)

Write a SELECT statement that answers this question: Which products have a list price that’s greater than the average list price for all products? Write this using a subquery. Return the ProductName and ListPrice columns for each product. Sort the results by the ListPrice column in descending sequence.



Following are the query to the given question:



SELECT ProductName,listprice FROM Products  where  listprice > (SELECT AVG (p.listprice)  FROM productsp)  ORDER BY  listprice DESC;


In the above-given query, multiple select statements are used, in the first statement, it selects the column that is "ProductName and listprice" from the products table and uses where clause to check the listprice that is greater than another select statement.

In this, it calculates the average listprice of the table and converts a value into descending order.  

Your program should include the following four functions:
check_length - This function should accept a password to evaluate as a parameter and should return a score based on the length of the password. A password that is less than 8 characters long gets a length score of 1. If it is between 8 and 11 characters long (inclusive), it gets a length score of 2. A password that is 12 characters or longer gets a length score of 3.
check_case - This function should accept a password to evaluate and return a case score of 1 or 2. If the letters in the password are all uppercase or all lowercase, the case score should be a 1. If there is a mix of uppercase or lowercase letters (or if there are no letters at all), it gets a case score of 2.
check_content - This function should accept a password to evaluate and return a content score. If the characters are all alphabetic characters, the content score is 1. If the characters include any numeric digits (either all numeric or a mix of letters and digits), the content score is 2. If there are any other types of characters (such as punctuation symbols), the content score is 3.
main - This function represents the main program. It accepts no parameters and returns no value. It contains the loop that allows the user to process as many passwords as desired. It function calls the other functions as needed, computing the overall score by adding up the scores produced by each function. All output should be printed in the main function.
python please



def main():

   pwd = input("Password: ")

   print("Length: "+str(check_length(pwd)))

   print("Case: "+str(check_case(pwd)))

   print("Content: "+str(check_content(pwd)))


def check_length(pwd):

   lent = len(pwd)

   if lent < 8:

       return 1

   elif lent >=8 and lent <= 11:

       return 2


       return 3


def check_case(pwd):

   if(pwd.isupper() or pwd.islower()):

       return 1


       return 2


def check_content(pwd):


       return 1


       return 2


       return 3


if __name__ == "__main__":



The main begins here

def main():

This prompts the user for password

   pwd = input("Password: ")

This calls the check_length function

   print("Length: "+str(check_length(pwd)))

This calls the check_case function

   print("Case: "+str(check_case(pwd)))

This calls the check_content function

   print("Content: "+str(check_content(pwd)))

The check_length function begins here    

def check_length(pwd):

This calculates the length of the password

   lent = len(pwd)

If length is less than 8, it returns 1

   if lent < 8:

       return 1

If length is less than between 8 and 11 (inclusive), it returns 2

   elif lent >=8 and lent <= 11:

       return 2

If otherwise, it returns 3


       return 3

The check_case function begins here    

def check_case(pwd):

If password contains only uppercase or only lowercase, it returns 1

   if(pwd.isupper() or pwd.islower()):

       return 1

If otherwise, it returns 2


       return 2

The check_content function begins here

def check_content(pwd):

If password is only alphabet, it returns 1


       return 1

If password is only alphanumeric, it returns 2


       return 2

If otherwise, it returns 3


       return 3

This calls the main function    

if __name__ == "__main__":


So what do I do if it doesn't take me to the sign up page? I



Try to restart the computer or something.


what is output?
a include <iostreom.h>
void sub (float & x)
{ x + =2;
cout <<" \nx="<<x;
void main ()
{ clrser ()
float x = 5.8
cout<<" \nx="<<x'
sob (x);
Cout <<"\nx="<<x
getch ();







I repaired the code somewhat (see below).

Since x is passed as a reference variable to the sub function, inside sub() the original variable is modified, so the changed value affects the variable declared in main().

If you would remove the & in sub, this wouldn't happen, and the variable in main would keep its value 5.8.

(17) The solution to the LP Relaxation of a maximization integer linear program provides a(n) a. upper bound for the value of the objective function. b. lower bound for the value of the objective function. c. upper bound for the value of the decision variables. d. lower bound for the value of the decision variables.




If we ignore the audio data in a video file, a video file is just a collection of many individual frames (i.e., images). What is the main reason that a video file can achieve a much higher compression ratio than a file that contains a single image file?



It is compressing the video file to make it smaller, but doing so without actually losing any quality


The main reason for a video file that can achieve a much higher compression ratio than a file that contains a single image file is that it can reduce the size of the file without affecting its quality.

What is Video compression?

Video compression may be defined as a type of methodology that is significantly utilized in order to decline the size of a video file or alter the formatting of the video without compromising its quality.

The process of compression effectively permits you to reduce the number of storage resources that are needed to store videos and save costs. The importance of video compression includes smaller overall file sizes.

Therefore, the main reason for a video file that can achieve a much higher compression ratio than a file that contains a single image file is that it can reduce the size of the file without affecting its quality.

To learn more about Video compression, refer to the link:



Which of the following is a potential concern with having an online profile (1 point)
on your instant messaging service that contains personal information like
your address or favorite hobbies?
A.Your friends may not agree with what you write there.
B.You might misrepresent yourself.
C.You might become a target of users who wish to make inappropriate contact with you.
D.Your personal information might change.



C. You may become a target of users who wish to make inappropriate contact with you.


Explain how data is represent in the computer system



Computers use binary - the digits 0 and 1 - to store data. A binary digit, or bit, is the smallest unit of data in computing. It is represented by a 0 or a 1. Binary numbers are made up of binary digits (bits), eg the binary number 1001.

Please Help I'm Very Stressed, my school is holding a competition of making the best video game and the winner gets 1000$ and I really want 1000$, the problem is that I can't make any good games or don't have any ideas for anything the game has to have lore and a plot and characters and it's really stressing so please help me get a idea or something easy enough to make



make a game like fun run



u should make an competive game where people battle each other sorry if i cant spell good its cause im rushing


Explain, step by step the process required to carry out drive error correction (disk check) on Windows 10​



Disk Error Checking in Windows 10

In Windows 8, Microsoft has redesigned chkdsk utility – the tool for detecting and fixing disk corruption. In Windows 8, Microsoft introduced a file system called ReFS, which does not require an offline chkdsk to repair corruptions – as it follows a different model for resiliency and hence does not need to run the traditional chkdsk utility.

The disk is periodically checked for file system errors, bad sectors, lost clusters, etc., during Automatic Maintenance and you now no longer need to really go and run it. In fact, Windows 8 now even exposes the state of the file-system and disk via the Action Center or under the Drive properties in File Explorer. If potential errors are found, you will be informed about it. You can continue to use the computer, while the scan is carried out in the background. If errors are found, you may be prompted via a notification to restart your computer.

Read: How to cancel ChkDsk in Windows.

Windows found errors on this drive that need to be repaired

At times you may see a message – Windows found errors on this drive that need to be repaired. If you see it, you may want to manually run a scan. Earlier you had to schedule Disk Error Checking for the system drive and for drives which had files or processes or folders opened. In Windows 10/8, error checking starts right away, even on the system drive – and it longer needs to be scheduled at start-up. Only if some errors are found, will you have to restart to let Windows 10/8 fix the errors.

How to run CHKDSK in Windows 10

To begin the scan, right-click on the Drive which you wish to check and select Properties. Next, click on Tools tab and under Error-checking, click on the Check button.  This option will check the drive for file system errors.

If the system detects that there are errors, you will be asked to check the disk. If no errors are found, you will see a message – You don’t need to scan this drive. You can, nevertheless, choose to check the drive. Click on Scan drive to do so.

Select the correct statement(s) regarding the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).
A. SNR represents the ratio of transmit signal power over the noise power of all sources including thermal, impulse, IM, CCI, and crosstalk noise.
B. the noise (i.e., noise floor) in the signal-to-noise ratio, is a wideband noise product that is predominated by thermal noise.
C. the noise power, in the signal-to-noise ratio, occupies a narrow band in the frequency domain.
D. all of the above are correct statements.



B. the noise (i.e., noise floor) in the signal-to-noise ratio, is a wideband noise product that is predominated by thermal noise.


Sound can be defined as mechanical waves that are highly dependent on matter for their propagation and transmission. Sound travels faster through solids than it does through either liquids or gases.

Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is simply the ratio of signal power to noise power or the ratio of desired information to the undesired signal. SNR doesn't have a unit i.e it is a unitless quantity.

Generally, the higher the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the better would be the quality of a signal.

Additionally, a negative signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in decibel form simply means that the signal power is lesser than the noise power.

Hence, the correct statement regarding the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is that the noise (i.e., noise floor) in the signal-to-noise ratio, is a wideband noise product that is predominated by thermal noise.

Note: noise can be defined as an unwanted disturbance or undesired signal present in an electrical signal.

What is the difference between an activity inventory and an object inventory?


A list can be composed of physical items, people, character traits, ideas, in short, almost anything.

Inventory generally refers to physical items only and involves counting and replenishing an existing stock for a specific purpose. Examples: you have 4 cans of soup in your cabinet, but you need 10, so you list 6; you inventory the furniture in your house for insurance purposes.

The information in DNA Is coded in chemical bases adenosine (A) guanine (G) cytosine (C), and thymine (T) We can represent a DNA strand by stringing together the letters representing the appropriate strand. Imagine we are given a list of DNA strands which have arbitrary lengths. Write a single function strand_counter() which takes a list of DNA strands, counts the lengths of each of the words in the list and then calculates and returns the integer maximum_length integer minimum_length, and float average_length
Then write a program which takes in a user-chosen number of strands of arbitrary length as an input and prints out the calculated information
Example input
Example output
The longest strand has length 10.
The shortest strand has length 2.
The average length of the strands is 6.6.





i think i leard it out my old shcool

Identify the suitable synonym for the given words


Answer: uneducated



uneducated, mindless

Which of the following is a tip for making sure you are messaging safely?
A.Always use your full name.
B.Be careful who you allow on your buddy list.
C.Fill in your online profile in accurate detail.
D.Ignore instances of online harassment.





You have to be careful about the people you talk too, because, if you don't, you can be in real danger.

sorry if I am wrong

Answer: B


technical processor used in translate of instruction programs into single easy form for the computer to execute​


Answer: The process of translation instructions expressed in a higher-level language into machine instructions (sometimes translating into Assembly language as an intermediate step) is called compilation, using a tool called a Compiler.


identify and explain 3 methods of automatically formatting documents​



Three common automatic formatting for documents are...

Margin justification- where text is aligned to both the left and right margin- producing a neat page

Paragraph justification- where paragraphs are not split as they go over the page- but are moved to the next page in one piece.

Tabular justification- where text is indented or aligned at a 'tab stop'. - to emphasise a paragraph.

The 3 methods used in Microsoft word to auto format are; Margin Justification, Tabular Justification, Paragraph Justification

What is formatting in Microsoft Word?

In Microsoft word, there are different ways of formatting a text and they are;

Margin justification; This is a type of formatting where all the selected text are aligned to either the left or right margin as you go to a new page as dictated by the user.

Paragraph justification; This a type of auto formatting where paragraphs are not split as they go to a new page but simply continue from where they left off.

Tabular justification; This is a type that the text is indented or aligned at a 'tab stop' to possibly show a paragraph.

Read more about Formatting in Microsoft Word at: https://brainly.com/question/25813601

how is what happened to fred hampton similar to what is going on in the news today


Hampton was shot and killed in his bed during a predawn raid at his Chicago apartment by a tactical unit of the Cook County State's Attorney's Office in conjunction with the Chicago Police Department and the FBI; during the raid, Panther Mark Clark was also killed and several others were seriously .

The Merge & Center option is available in the_____________ group of the Home tab.​


Alignment group of the home tab?? I’m not too sure but I hope this helps!

I need help to pick what programming language is best to make videogames



In my opion its java script


When did games begin to really take off?

A: when people began to live with formal laws

B: when people began to compete for limited resources

C: when people began to settle together in stable, organized communities

D: when people began to hunt nomadic animals, like buffalo


I think its b? or C? cause games didnt exist till the 90s mostly

explain five unique features of word processor



Typing, editing and printing different types of document . Formatting text , paragraph , pages for making attractive document .Checking spelling and grammar of document for making it error free.Inserting and editing picture , objects,etc. Adding watermark, charts,quick flip , etc

1) Easy Typing : In MS Word, typing is so easy because :

we need not click enter button after the end of a line as in case of type writer. The word processor itself takes the matter to the next line of the document. This facility is called word wrapping.There is no limit for typing the matter in word processing. You can type the matter continuously without resorting to new page or file. But in a type writer, if you complete a page, you have to take another blank page and start typing.You can easily rectify mistakes as the typed matter appears on the screen.

2) Easy : The document so typed can be stored for future use. The process of storing is called saving. We can preserve the document for any number of years in word processing.

3) Adding, Removing and Copying Test : Documents can be modified easily in MS Office. We need not strike off any word as in the case of type writer. We can easily place a new word in place of existing one. The new word or paras will automatically be adjusted in the place of deleted or modified text. We can also copy a part or whole of the matter from one file or document to another document.

4) Spell Check of words : The spellings of words in the document can be rectified automatically. We can find alternative words to our typed words. Not only that, even the grammatical errors can also be rectified in word processor.

5) Change the Style and Shape of Characters and Paragraphs : The documents in word processor can be made attractive and appealing because the shape and style of characters or letters in the documents can be changed according to our requirements. You can even change the gap between one line and other line in the document. This process is called line spacing. Not only the lines but also paragraphs can be aligned to make it more appealing to the readers. This facility is called alignment in word processing.



You are creating a Web document on a mobile device and will be out of your Internet Service Provider's coverage range for the remainder of the day. Which HTML5 API will allow you to continue working on the document?
This task contains the radio buttons and checkboxes for options. The shortcut keys to perform this task are A to H and alt+1 to alt+9.


Offline Web application




a, canvas yuh yuh yuh

explain the difference between numbered text and outline numbered text in terms of their use.​



With numbered text, the last identifier also conveys how many blocks were in the list. With outline-numbered text, the items are in a well-ordered hierarchy.

I hope this might helps a little bit.

Numbered text refers to a method of numbering in which numbers are placed in front of text such as 1, 2, 3, and so on. Therefore, a simple numbered or bulleted list can be employed in numbered text.

Outline numbered text refers to the numbering that is employed when there is a combination of bullets and numbers, or whether the list is a structured, hierarchical list or an outline. For example, in a legal or structured document, outline numbering assigns sections like 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3, before progressing to 2 (where we will have 2.1. 2.2, and 2.3), etc.

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