What is a typical development cycle using a Version Control System (VCS)?(1 point)

Start a new branch, merge every functional version of the new feature as it is developed, send a pull request to the team and commit new features into the project.

Build a repository, upload files, publicize the project, evaluate proposed changes and merge approved changes into the project.

Send a pull request to the team, pull a new branch, commit every functional version of the new feature as it is developed and merge new features into the project.

Start a new branch, commit every functional version of the new feature as it is developed, send a pull request to the team and merge new features into the project.


Answer 1

Start a new branch, commit every functional interpretation of the new point as it's developed, shoot a pull request to the platoon and combine new features into the design.

What's Functional Version?

Programs are created using the functional programming paradigm, which involves applying and composing functions. rather of a series of imperative statements that alter the program's running state, this declarative programming paradigm defines functions as trees of expressions that collude values to other values.

The process of monitoring and managing changes to software law is known as interpretation control, generally appertained to as source control. Software technologies called interpretation control systems help software development brigades in tracking changes to source law over time. interpretation control systems enable software brigades to operate further fleetly and intelligently as development surroundings have increased. They're especially helpful for DevOps brigades because they enable them to speed up successful deployments and cut down on development time.

Learn more about VCS click here:



Related Questions

PLEASE HELP ME! CMU 3.4 juicer exercise (Python)


Using knowledge of computational language in python to write a code that imports the CMU and describes the event representing all the variables

Writting the code:

import importlib

cmu = importlib.__import__("cmu_graphics" + "_bry")

Circle(1, 1, 1)

s = """

autograde = function() {

   var drawings = cmuGraphics.savedDrawings;

   cmuGraphics.ag = new Autograder(drawings.soln,drawings.soln);

   return cmuGraphics.ag.run();




See more about python at brainly.com/question/18502436


Which of the following is NOT an example of a game mechanic?

solving a puzzle

shooting a robot

jumping over a building

listening to the game sounds


An activity which is not an example of a game mechanic include the following: D. listening to the game sounds.

What is game mechanic?

In Computer technology, game mechanic can be defined as the rules and procedures that are designed and developed to govern and guide the actions of a game player, including the response of a game to the game player's actions.

This ultimately implies that, game mechanic comprises rules and procedures that describes how a game player perform specific actions while playing a game such as the following:

A game player progressing to a new level.A game player scoring a goal.A game player solving a puzzle.A game player shooting a robot or alien.

Read more on game development here: brainly.com/question/13956559


Which of the following is used to search for logical connections between items? O Algorithms Boundaries O Codes O Comparison operators​


Comparison operators​ is used to search for logical connections between items.

What is a Boolean logic operator?Boolean logic defines the logical relationships between search phrases. and, or, and not are the Boolean search operators. These operators can be used to construct a very broad or very limited search. Also, search phrases are combined so that each search result has all of the terms.Boolean Operators are basic words (AND, OR, NOT, or AND NOT) that are used as conjunctions in a search to combine or exclude keywords, yielding more focused and productive results. This should reduce time and effort by removing irrelevant hits that must be inspected before being discarded.Comparison operators can compare and evaluate numbers or strings. Expressions that use comparison operators, unlike arithmetic expressions, do not return a number value.

To learn more about Boolean Operators   refer,



The ________ process originates in the warehouse department and ends in the warehouse department.


The Production process originates in the warehouse department and ends in the warehouse department.

Describe the production process.

Industrial processes, which are typically carried out on a very large scale, are procedures involving chemical, physical, electrical, or mechanical phases to help in the creation of an object or things. Heavy industry's essential components are industrial processes.

Therefore, The definition of the production process is the method by which the inputs of resources, or components of production, are transformed into useful outputs. Capital, labor, technology, land, and other resources utilized to produce output, such as commodities and services, are referred to as factors of production.

Learn more about Production process from


true or false A software license is a legal agreement but it does not control the use and distribution of software.


A software license is a legal agreement but it does not control the use and distribution of software is True.

They are some of the exclusive rights that the copyright owner has, or the rights that come with copyright ownership. A permission is granted by a license.

What is licensed software?On the other hand, licensed software is exclusive software that is only made available to authorized users through a licensing agreement. As the source code is not intended to be shared with the public for anyone to view or alter, it is the exact opposite of open source.Shareware software is offered for free or at a cheap cost, but in order to use it fully legally, it usually needs to be purchased and registered.Free software that has minimal license and copyright restrictions is known as proprietary software. The distribution disc's most popular apps and files are copied to your computer's hard drive during a custom installation.

To learn more about licensed software refer to:



Can legacy systems be reliable?(1 point)

Yes, legacy systems are old-fashioned which makes them reliable.

Yes, legacy systems generally have a reputation for being reliable.

No, legacy systems are not supported, so they are not reliable.

No, legacy systems are buggy and of no use.


Yes, heritage systems are old- fashioned which makes them dependable.  

What's heritage System?

A heritage system is a piece of calculating outfit or software that's no longer supported. The system continues to satisfy the conditions for which it was first intended, but growth isn't permitted. A heritage system will only ever do the current tasks for the business.

For a variety of reasons, pots or software masterminds continue to use heritage software or systems.

numerous growing systems simply serve and are dependable.This is particularly true if they're employed to carry out essential everyday tasks. Changing to a new system might have parlous impacts( not just fiscal but also connected to staff safety) and advanced failure rates.Moving all the data to a new system might be grueling or indeed insolvable because of how data is kept, which isevolving.Since heritage software constantly lacks precise specifications, it can be challenging to recreate all of its features on a new system.Some heritage systems simply need aged software and corridor, like motorists, that are moreover not compatible with or not included with ultramodern enviornment.

Learn more about legacy system click here:




Correct answer is that legacy systems have a reputation of being reliable.


smartphone security can make the user experience difficult by blocking some of the sensors that are designed to make the app more user-friendly. select one: true false





In Python: Write a program to input 6 numbers. After each number is input, print the smallest of the numbers entered so far.

Sample Run:
Enter a number: 9
Smallest: 9
Enter a number: 4
Smallest: 4
Enter a number: 10
Smallest: 4
Enter a number: 5
Smallest: 4
Enter a number: 3
Smallest: 3
Enter a number: 6
Smallest: 3





list_of_numbers = []
count = 0
while count < 6:
   added_number = int(input("Enter a number: "))
   print(f"Smallest: {list_of_numbers[0]}")
   count += 1

NEED THIS ASAP!!) What makes open source software different from closed source software? A It is made specifically for the Linux operating system. B It allows users to view the underlying code. C It is always developed by teams of professional programmers. D It is programmed directly in 1s and 0s instead of using a programming language.


Answer: B

Explanation: Open Source software is "open" by nature, meaning collaborative. Developers share code, knowledge, and related insight in order to for others to use it and innovate together over time. It is differentiated from commercial software, which is not "open" or generally free to use.

Suppose you are a doctor with a robot specialized to perform surgery. Now, suppose you need to access the system remotely so you can show the robot in action at a trade show. Which feature does this scenario describe?(1 point)






Functions describe this scenario.

What is remote access?

Access to an organizational information system by a user (or an information system) interacting with it over a network that is external to and not under the control of the organization.

The challenge of creating human models that accurately reflect the mechanical properties of the body and/or the psychological and cognitive characteristics of human behavior is universal.

Robotic surgery, which is relevant in surgical training and remotely treating patients in remote/disaster zones, as well as helping seniors with tasks like dressing, personal hygiene, cleaning, and cooking, are examples of applications where HRI will be used.

Other applications include helping people with limited ambulatory ability with transportation needs. The lack of research in the field of HRI modeling explains why there is little information available on the subject of human cognitive performance in HRI. There are very few science-based standards and thresholds for secure human-robot interaction in this situation.

Learn more about remote access click here:



Which of the following are true, regarding Grace Murray Hopper? Select 3 options.
She wrote the first programming manual.
She used vacuums to enter programming into the Mark I.
She preferred coding using mathematical symbols.
She developed the compiler.
She perfected the subroutine.


answers :
she wrote the first programming manual
she developed the compiler
she perfected the subroutine

While working on the UNIVAC I and II, Hopper pioneered the idea of automatic programming and explored new ways to use the computer to code. In 1952 she developed the first compiler called A-0, which translated mathematical code into machine-readable code—an important step toward creating modern programming languages.

After the end of the war, Hopper became a research fellow on the Harvard faculty and in 1949, joined the Eckert-Mauchly Corporation, continuing her pioneering work on computer technology. Hopper was involved in the creation of UNIVAC, the first all-electronic digital computer. She invented the first computer compiler, a program that translates written instructions into codes that computers read directly. This work led her to co-develop the COBOL, one of the earliest standardized computer languages. COBOL enabled computers to respond to words in addition to numbers. Hopper also lectured widely on computers, giving up to 300 lectures per year. She predicted that computers would one day be small enough to fit on a desk and people who were not professional programmers would use them in their everyday life.

write a method called mode that returns the most frequently occurring element of an array of integers. assume that the array has at least one element and that every element in the array has a value between 0 and 100 inclusive. break ties by choosing the lower value. for example, if the array passed contains the values [ 27, 15, 15, 11, 27 ] , your method should return 15 . (hint: you may wish to look at the tally program from this chapter to get an idea how to solve this problem.) can you write a version of this method that does not rely on the values being between 0 and 100 ?


Array is a set of data allocations, with the same data type for each allocation. Each data allocation is referred to as an element of the array.

explanation array

Array is a variable that has an index so it can store a number of data of the same type. The dimensions of the array are the number of indexes in the array variable. Multi-dimensional array (more than one index, maximum 7 indexes). In calculations, arrays are often used for matrix operations. Then we define a loop inside the loop using conditional statements in the if block we check that the array element value is less than count if this condition is true so counts variable value is changed by array value and mode variable holds loop variable (i)value and returns mode value .

Learn more about arrays:



How does air gap networking seek to keep a system secure? by taking extra steps to ensure the DMZ server is fully patched to deal with the latest exploits by physically isolating it from all unsecured networks, such as the internet or a LAN by focusing on the security of the system through detection devices and incident reports


Air gap networking seeks to keep a system secure by physically isolating it from all unsecured networks, such as the internet or a LAN  Thus, the correct option for this question is B.

What do you mean by the Air gap in networking?

The air gap in network security may be defined as a type of measure that is utilized in order to ensure a computer network is physically isolated in order to prevent it from establishing an external connection, specifically to the Internet.

According to the context of this question, this process is used in order to ensure the security of the computer and computer network by physically isolating it from unsecured networks such as the internet or a LAN.

Therefore, the correct option for this question is B.

To learn more about Air gap networking, refer to the link:



aria is setting up a remote desktop services server to allow users remote access to the server. at what point in the installation process should aria reboot the server?


Since Aria is setting up a remote desktop services server to allow users remote access to the server, the point in the installation process should aria reboot the server is After selecting the role services that Aria indeed needs to install.

Why is the installation process crucial?

Poor installation can impact moving parts' safety and smooth operation in addition to thermal performance. In fact, 80% or more of service issues—outside of seal failures—are the result of subpar installation techniques.

Therefore,  A type of server known as a remote access server (RAS) offers a number of services to customers who are connected remotely across a network or the Internet. It functions as a central server or remote gateway that links distant users to an organization's internal local area network (LAN).

Learn more about installation process from


Explain the overload principle. Discuss the relationship between the principle of overload and the fitt principle


The second key concept is overload, which states that in order to develop any component of physical fitness, an individual must gradually increase the demands imposed on the relevant physiological systems.

What are the four overloading principles?Increase the frequency of your weekly training sessions or the number of reps you do.Intensity: The degree of difficulty with which you perform an exercise. Time: Increase the amount of time you prepare for Increase the difficulty of your workout.frequency amplitude Time, consideration, The FITT principles are a set of guidelines for how long and how hard participants can exercise. FITT stands for Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type. Under FITT, exercise can be classified as either general or specific. According to the overload principle, in order to improve any aspect of physical fitness, an individual must constantly increase the demands placed on the appropriate body systems.

To learn more about FITT and Overload, refer to:



what happens to a local variable when a function call completes (and control returns to the calling statement)


When a function call completes (and control returns to the calling statement) the local variable is undefined.

After the function call is finished, the local variable can be utilized outside of the function at any time. Until the function is called again, a local variable holds onto its value.

While local variables are those that are defined inside a function and have a scope that is specific to that function only, global variables are those that are defined outside of function having global scope.

Local variables are exclusive to a given function and are produced within that function. It cannot be accessed elsewhere other than the function.

Since there are no local variables, the value from the global variables will be used; however, you must ensure that the names of the local and global variables match.

If a variable is modified or created inside of a function but isn't declared a global variable, it is considered local variable.

To learn more about local variable click here:



which is the correct css code to set an element to have sans serif font that is one a half times larger than the current font size?


style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:1.5em" is the correct css code to set an element to have sans serif font that is one a half times larger than the current font size.

What is css code?Cascading Style Sheets is what CSS stands for.CSS explains how HTML elements should appear on screens, in print, or in other media.A lot of work is saved via CSS. It can manage the design of several web pages simultaneously.In CSS files, external stylesheets Page layouts, colours, and fonts (shoutout to font-family and font-style!) are all determined with CSS syntax, making CSS one crucial language for you to master in terms of styling your web pages. While HTML is used to structure a web document (defining elements like headlines and paragraphs and allowing you to embed images, video, and other media), CSS comes through and specifies your document's style.

To learn more about css code, refer to



NEED THIS ASAP!!) Which of the following are major types of models used to distribute proprietary software? Select Two Options.
A colony
B Dividend
C Demoware
D freemium
E census


Demoware  are the models of proprietary software. Demoware is a method of distributing computer software.

What is software model?

Software designs can be expressed through software models. Typically, the program design is expressed using an abstract language or images. An object modeling language, such as UML, is used to create and express the program design for object-oriented software.

An abstraction of the software development process is a software process model. The stages and sequence of a process are described by the models. Consider this then as a depiction of the order of the process's actions and the order in which they are carried out. The following will be defined by a model: The things that need to be done.

To learn more about software model refer to:



Which fine arts field might someone who loves travel enjoy? O watercolor painting O travel photography O food blogging O hotel management​


Answer: Watercolor Painting




Travel photography

31. what would you install on a computer to prevent unwanted attacks? a. backups b. antivirus c. encryption d. digital signature


The thing that you install on a computer to prevent unwanted attacks is option b. antivirus.

Explain what antiviral is.

A program called an antivirus product is made to find and get rid of viruses and other types of dangerous software from your laptop or computer. Malicious software, sometimes known as malware, is computer code that can damage your laptops and desktops as well as the data they contain.

Therefore, the methods that you can protect your computer against attacks are:

Utilize a firewall.Update all of your software.Use antivirus protection and keep it up to date.Make sure your passwords are secure and carefully chosen.Don't click on odd links in mails or open questionable attachments.Browse the internet securely.

Learn more about antivirus from


To develop the user interface which component of the database management system is used.


The database management system(DBMS) component that is used to develop UI is DBMS interface.

Queries can be entered into a database without using the query language itself thanks to an interface for a database management system (DBMS).

The term "interface" refers to "the method of interaction between a user and a database management system," such as query passing.

An aspect of a DBMS's functionality is abstracted in a DBMS interface. In most cases, it alludes to the line of separation that separates a database management system from its users or to the abstraction that a DBMS component offers.

The graphical user interface, natural language interfaces, speech input and output, and interfaces for DBA are only a few examples of the user-friendly interfaces offered by DBMS.

Menu-Based Interfaces for Web Clients or Browsing, Forms-Based Interfaces, Graphical User Interface, Natural language Interfaces, Speech Input and Output, and Interfaces for DBA are just a few examples of the user-friendly interfaces offered by DBMS.

To learn more about database management system(DBMS) component click here:



which part of the packet contains the sequencing information that's used by tcp to reassemble packets? khan academy


The TCP metadata packet contains the sequencing information that's used by TCP to reassemble packets.

What do you mean by sequencing?

In computer science, sequencing is the process of arranging a collection of directives or components in such a way that they can be carried out in a predetermined sequence. Sequencing is frequently done to make sure that the instructions are followed precisely and that the intended result is realized.

A program's instructions can be arranged using sequencing so that they are carried out in a particular order. It can also be used to arrange data structure elements in a particular order so that they can be accessed in that order. Because it allows for the creation of a specified order of execution, sequencing is a crucial idea in computer science.

To learn more about sequencing, use the link given

What is the importance of the Define stage when developing a game?
OA. It helps programmers understand their audience so they can
market their game to them.
B. It helps programmers choose what color scheme to use when
making sprites.
C. It helps programmers identify which features are most important.
D. It helps programmers see how their game will work in order to
describe it in marketing materials.


It helps programmers identify which features are most important.

Pre-Production: During pre-production, the game's concept is developed. The majority of game design and development takes place during production.

What are the stage for game development?Pre-Production: During pre-production, the game's concept is developed. The majority of game design and development takes place during production.After Production.Action of the game development process.Pre-production, production, and post-production are the three stages that make up the game design process, which is analogous to the filmmaking process. Here is a detailed breakdown of everything involved. Although developers will employ a variety of strategies, the design process generally has a similar flow.Pre-production essentially outlines the game's content, justification for creation, and production requirements. You might have a brilliant concept for a certain kind of game, a compelling tale you want to tell, or you might want to create one that makes use of a specific technology.

To learn more about : Pre-production

Ref : https://brainly.com/question/23136878


in demand paging, a) a page loaded in memory may never be accessed. b) all pages that a program will access during execution are loaded in memory in the beginning. c) a page is loaded in memory only when it is needed during execution. d) a page is loaded in memory just before it is needed.


The correct answer for demand paging is option c page is loaded in memory only when it is needed during execution.

Demand paging is a virtual memory system strategy where pages are only brought into main memory when needed or requested by the CPU. As a result, it is also known as a lazy swapper because pages are only switched when the CPU requests it.

Every process in the virtual memory has a large number of pages, and sometimes swapping all the pages for the process at once isn't the most effective course of action. Because it's feasible that the program will simply require a specific page to function.

Let's use a 900 MB application as an example, which could only require it is not necessary to switch all of the pages at once.

The demand paging system resembles the paging system with swapping in some ways, where processes are primarily stored in main memory (usually in the hard disk).

To learn more about demand paging click here:



Differentiate factors that online merchants have to consider by matching each to a description.
This is a standard policy of many financial institutions that online merchants will have to factor into their budget.
This is an issue that can occur with credit card companies when they restrict a merchant’s access to a payment.
This is how customers make their purchase from an online store.

usage charge
hold back
check out


Factors that online merchants have to consider are:

This is a standard policy of many financial institutions that online merchants will have to factor into their budget. - usage chargeThis issue can occur with credit card companies when they restrict a merchant’s access to the payment. - hold backThis is how customers make their purchases from an online store. - check out.

Who are online merchants?

Customers or distributors are sold, packaged, and shipped by online merchants. They may check their computer for new orders and process payments for merchandise on a daily basis.

They may then purchase a new product and upload an appealing image of it to the online store.

Learn more about online merchants:

a complex system used in it is a redundant array of independent disks (raid), which is commonly used in which type of file servers?


a complex system used in it is a redundant array of independent disks (raid), which is commonly used in high-volume data storage for file servers.

What is a file server?

A file server is a computer that is connected to a network and offers a site for shared disk access, i.e., storage of computer files that may be accessed by workstations that can connect to the computer that shares the access through a computer network.

A file server is a computer that manages and stores data files so that other computers connected to the same network can access them. Without physically moving files, it lets users communicate information over a network.

To learn more about file servers, use the link given

A 16-inch piece of string is 40.94 centimeters long. To the neareast hundredth of a centimeter, how long will a 42-inch piece of ribbon be?



i think it's 106.68 cm


2. What does “Relatability” mean in the context of this article? How is this a change from the celebrity media presence of the past?


The article has the attribute of being simple to comprehend or sympathize with: Despite being a classic, the song is extremely relatable. The audience must be able to relate to the character's actions, hence relatability is crucial.

What is an article?

A word called an article is used to denote a noun's status as a noun without explaining it. The article a, for instance, designates the word dog as a noun in the line Nick bought a dog. Anything that functions as a noun, such as a pronoun or a noun phrase, can also be modified by articles.

Celebrities are no longer required to release messages or content first through their managers and publicists. Celebrities have been able to interact with their fans, further their careers, and ultimately become more well-known thanks to social media.

Therefore, The article has the attribute of being simple to comprehend or sympathize with:

Learn more about the article here:



A combination of the three main services in cloud computing



: Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).


Cloud computing can be broken up into three main services: Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). These three services make up what Rackspace calls the Cloud Computing Stack, with SaaS on top, PaaS in the middle, and IaaS on the bottom.

What are the characteristics of a close-knit team?(1 point)

Teams use many collaborative tools, discuss personal issues during work time, and share proprietary secrets with outside friends.

Team leadership micromanages the team and provides vague task assignments to team members.

Team members are unproductive, disagreeable, and feel a sense of pressure to maintain the status quo.

Each team member feels a sense of belonging, freely interacts with each other, and can share ideas as well as ask questions.


Each team member feels a sense of belonging, freely interacts with each other, and can share ideas as well as ask questions.

What is Cose-knit team?

People who are close friends do things together, care about one another, and are closely connected.

People have mastered the ability to rapidly and effectively adjust to changing circumstances since we are living in the century of speed. While this encourages independence in the workforce, it has become difficult to get like-minded workers together and convince them to collaborate. Everybody wants to experiment, extend, and explore in this century of change. Without a doubt, this makes it much more difficult to build a team today, specifically because people have shifted from being company-oriented to being self-oriented.

We will outline the problems that arise with the new workforce as well as the prevalent work ethics. We will also offer helpful advice on how to take advantage of this to build a solid team that can focus its efforts on expanding the business. Employers must adjust to the major shifts brought about by the 21st century since the current workforce has untapped potential for greatness that should be fully realized.

Learn more about close-knit team click here:



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