What is a limiting factor??


Answer 1


look below


A limiting factor is a variable of a system that causes a noticeable change in output or another measure of a type of system. The limiting factor is in a pyramid shape of organisms going up from the producers to consumers and so on. A factor not limiting over a certain domain of starting conditions may yet be limiting over another domain of starting conditions, including that of the factor.

Answer 2


the factor that limits the reaction rate in any physiological process governed by many variables. 2 : the environmental factor that is of predominant importance in restricting the size of a population lack of winter browse is a limiting factor for many deer herds.


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Describe the levels of organization found in your neighborhood from the smallest level of organization to the largest.




Tissues are groups of cells that have a similar structure and act together to perform a specific function. The word tissue comes from a form of an old French verb meaning “to weave”. ... Groups of tissues make up organs in the body such as the brain and heart.

7. Which of the following determines how quickly nutrients are absorbed? *
A. The cell's attitude
B. The cell's ribosomes
C. The cell's surface area/volume ratio
D. The cell's DNA


B should be correct

Question 5
How do increases in the carrying capacity of Earth for people affect the carrying capacity of Earth for other species?
Select one:

It increases for most species.

It decreases for all species.

It decreases for most species.

It increases for all species.



It increases for most species.

Which group of organisms would Schleiden have been most likely to study?


Answer: flower, pine tree, or cactus.



A: flower,pine tree,or cactus


Edge 2021

Which of the following statements is true?

Energy from the sun is used by plants to make food.

The sun is made of mostly hydrogen and helium.

The sun is the most massive object in the solar system.

all of the above



All of the above


hope this helps

If a company genetically modifies corn to produce an odor that repels insects, which best describes how the corn was modified?​



★ The corn was modified by water


Hope you have a great day :)

Recently a local government has observed that the number of people suffering from respiratory diseases has increased. What measures can the local government take in order to reduce health risks?

A. force everyone to stop using cars
B. shut down all the factories
C. reduce public transport facilities
D. ban carpooling systems
E. implement standards on the smoke emissions from factories

this is supposed to be environmental science, but there isnt even an option for science so im going to put it as Biology



For more than forty-five years the Clean Air Act has cut pollution as the U.S. ... New cars, trucks, and nonroad engines use state-of-the-art emission control technologies. ... EPA has taken initial steps to limit emissions that cause climate change and ... This progress reflects efforts by state, local and tribal governments; EPA; ...



E. implement standards on the smoke emissions from factories


I hope this helps you! ☺️

Which of the following is not a type of fossil fuel?
nuclear energy
natural gas


Answer: Nuclear energy



I say the answer nuclear energy!!


Nuclear energy is not a fossil fuel!!

what are the components of the atmosphere that help organisms live on earth?
EXPLAIN and I will make you brainliest!!!


Answer: Atmospheric gases, especially carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2), are extremely important for living organisms. Carbon dioxide and oxygen are the gases in the atmosphere that are needed for life. Plants need carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. They use sunlight to change carbon dioxide and water into food. The process releases oxygen


Which of the following statements about yeasts are true?
1) Yeasts are fungi
2) Yeasts can form pseudohyphae
3) Yeasts reproduce asexually by budding
4) Yeasts are facultatively anaerobic
5) All yeasts are pathogenic
6) All yeasts are dimorphic
Select the option below that contains the numbers referring to true statements.



Yeasts are fungi, that is the answer

Which of the following explains the conservation of mass during cellular respiration? (4 points) a The total number of atoms when carbon dioxide and oxygen react stays the same when glucose and water are produced. b The total number of atoms when water and oxygen react stays the same when glucose and water are produced. c The total number of atoms when carbon dioxide and water react stays the same when glucose and oxygen are produced. d The total number of atoms when glucose and oxygen react stays the same when carbon dioxide and water are produced.



D- The total number of atoms when glucose and oxygen react stays the same when carbon dioxide and water are produced.


The conservation of mass during cellular respiration can be explained by the fact that after cellular respiration which occurs due to the oxidation of glucose to produce carbon dioxide and water, the number of atoms on the right hand side (RHS) of the reaction remain same as of left hand side (LHS) of the reaction.

The balanced chemical equation is mentioned as under:

C₆H₁₂O₆  +     6 O₂         ->     6 CO₂       +      6H₂O    +     Energy.

(Glucose)     (Oxygen)          (Carbon            (Water)


If we will see carefully, the number of atoms of each element on RHS & LHS of the equation are same i.e. there are 6 atoms of C, 18 atoms of O and 12 atoms of H on both the sides.

Freshwater ecosystems can be grouped as those that are still, those that are flowing, and those that contain salt. (True or False)





1. This question may be completed independently or as a group exercise. Biological anthropologists disagree about the best way to classify the robust australopithecines. Describe the two approaches to classifying these species. Which classification do you support



Some researchers classify Australopithecines into gracile australopithecines and robust australopithecines, while others argue that differences are enough strong to classify robust australopithecines in their own genus called 'Paranthropus'. In my opinion, it seems reasonable to obtain more fossil data in order to support this division  


The term Australopithecines comes from the genus Australopithecus, which are the closest known relatives of our genus Homo, and arose around three (3) million years ago. Australopithecines can be classified into two major groups called gracile australopithecines and robust australopithecines. However, robust australopithecines have also been classified in their own genus, Paranthropus, in order to distinguish them from the gracile australopithecines. The major differences between gracile and robust species are associated with facial and cranial features. Paranthropus species had a large sagittal crest, enormous cheek teeth, robust jaws, and strong jaw muscles (suggesting they were herbivores that ate tough food). However, these main features may not be conclusive evidence that supports the separation of Paranthropus in its own clade, thereby in my opinion it should be reasonable to wait until more fossils are found in order ​to correctly classify Paranthropus species as a different group.

What does the red at the beginning of the video represent? What does this mean about the landscape around Mount St. Helens before 1980?



On May 18, 1980, an earthquake struck below the north face of Mount St. Helens in Washington state, triggering the largest landslide in recorded history and a major volcanic eruption that scattered ash across a dozen states





12. A

13. A


12. A chemical reaction occurs when something new is transformed and changed chemically. The other answer choices, B, C, and D are physical changes; nothing new is really being created.

13. When water is heated to become a gas, that term is called boiling. Hence the name, boiling point.

I’ll give extra points for who ever does this


You see this is correct because

Which planets are considerably larger



Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune


Jupiter: Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System. With a mean diameter of 142,984 km, it is big enough to fit all the other planets (except Saturn) inside itself, and big enough to fit Earth 11.8 times over.

Please answer fast ASAP I give brainliest

How is light penetration likely to affect the distribution of plants in the lake ?


Explanation: In the open water zone (or photic zone) sunlight supports photosynthetic algae and the species that feed upon them. In the deep water zone, sunlight is not available and the food web is based on detritus entering from the littoral and photic zones.

Hope this helps!!

Plz Branliest!!

Have a great day!!


Please help!! I have to turn this in like right now lol


Answer: A

explanation(from a website)

Stay calm. ...

Remove the stinger. ...

Wash the sting with soap and water.

Apply a cold pack to reduce swelling. ...

Consider taking over-the-counter pain medication.


must be A


first A as first aid

and then B

In DNA, a sequence of three bases is a code for the placement
of a certain amino acid in a protein chain. The table shows some
amino acids with their abbreviations and DNA codes.
Which amino acid chain would be produced by the DNA base
sequence below?
C-A-A-G - T- T - A-A-A-T - T-A


G - T- T- C - A - A - T - T - T - A - T

Please help and thank you I do not want my points wasted


I can give you an idea: Train the pets on what exactly to do during a natural disaster

In mouse, genes X, Y and Z are on chromosome 2. The map of genes X, Y and Z is:


You cross an individual with genotype XXYYZZ to an individual with genotype xxyyzz, and F1 progeny are collected. Assume interference between regions (X-Y and Y-Z) is 40%. You then perform a cross between an F1 individual and an individual with genotype xYz/xyz. Among 1000 progeny, how many of them will be of the genotype xxyyzz?



36 individuals xxyyzz


Available data:

X-Y = 20MUY-Z = 30MUCross: XXYYZZ   x    xyyzzF1= XxYyZzI = 40%2nd Cross: XxYyZz  x  xxYyzzF2 = 1000 individuals

We need to know how many individuals from the F2 are going to be xxyyzz

xxyyzz genotype is the result of a double recombinant event.

First, we need to analyze the given information:

→ Distances between genes

The genetic distance result from multiplying the recombination frequency of each region by 100 and expressing it in map units (MU). So, if we have the genetic distance we can divide it by 100 and get the recombination frequency:

Let us say that region I is the distance between X and Y. And region II is the distance between Y and Z.

GD = genetic distance

RF = Recombination frequency

GD (X-Y) = RF x 100

20MU = RF x 100

20MU/100 = RF

0.2 = RF (Region I)

GD (Y-Z) = RF x 100

30MU = RF x 100

30MU/100 = RF

0.3 = RF (Region II)      

Now we have the recombination frequency of Region I and Region II.

→ Interference    

Knowing the interference value will let us know the value of the coefficient of coincidence, which will also lead us to the number of individuals xxyyzz.

I = 40%

I = 1 - CC   ⇒ CC = coefficient of coincidence

Clearing this equation gives us the value of CC

CC = 1 - I

CC = 1 - 40% = 1 - 0.4

CC = 0.6

To calculate the coefficient of coincidence, CC, we can also use the next formula:

CC = observed double recombinant frequency/expected double recombinant frequency

Now, we are interested in knowing the value of the observed double recombinant frequency.


observed double recombinant frequency = total number of observed double recombinant individuals/total number of individuals expected double recombinant frequency = recombination frequency in region I x recombination frequency in region II.

So, to get the value of the observed double recombinant frequency, first, we need to get the value of the expected double recombinant frequency. And we can do it because we already have the recombination frequencies in both regions.

expected double recombinant frequency = recombination frequency in region I x recombination frequency in region II

- Recombination Frequency - RI = 0.2

- Recombination Frequency  - RII = 0.3

expected double recombinant frequency = 0.2 x 0.3

expected double recombinant frequency = 0.06 = EDRF

Now that we know the value of the CC and the expected DRF, we can get the observed double recombinant frequency.

CC = observed double recombinant frequency/expected double recombinant frequency

- CC = 0.6

- EDRF = 0.06

CC x expected double recombinant frequency = observed double recombinant frequency

0.6 x 0.06 = observed double recombinant frequency

0.036 = observed double recombinant frequency = ODRF

Finally, as this is a frequency, we need to multiply it by the total number of individuals in the F2 to get the number of observed double recombinant individuals.

- ODRF = 0.036

- N = 1000

Double recombinant individuals = 0.036 x 1000 = 36 individuals xxyyzz.

What are four examples of learned behaviors in animals?



Habituation. Sensitization. Classical conditioning. Operant conditioning.


Types of learning include habituation, sensitization, classical conditioning, operant conditioning, observational learning, play, and insight learning. One of the simplest ways that animals learn is through habituation, where animals decrease the frequency of the behavior in response to a repeated stimulus.


In order to go through Mitosis, DNA is packaged into structures known as what.






Double Helix strands


Nucleic Strands





hope you get it

pleaaaseeee helpp meeeeeee ​


4 is a pterodactyl!!!!!!

True or False? The skills and characteristics needed for a high-quality friendship are the same skills and characteristics needed in a committed long-term relationship or marriage.


Hope this help

Freshwater plants that have adapted to very moist conditions live in which type of biome?
an estuary
coral reefs
the ocean
a wetland



A wetland


All the others are salt water




During meiosis, homologous chromosomes exchange genetic material during a process
called crossing-over. This exchange of genetic material -

A. Reduces the diploid number to the haploid number

B. Increases the genetic variation

C. Reduces the probability of mutations

D. Increases the haploid number to the diploid number



B. Increases the genetic variation


What is happening to the [OH-] when the solution turns from pink to violet?



the hydroxide ions are undergoing ionization and the particles are gaining / losing electrons .


i think it is because ::

the phenolphthalein of the solution has gone from having a pH of around 8 (pink) to being alkaline at above 10 which causes it to burn purple / violet .

An adult hemopoietic stem cell found in the bone marrow ______________________. (a) will occasionally produce epidermal cells when necessary. (b) can produce only red blood cells. (c) can undergo self-renewing divisions for the lifetime of a healthy animal. (d) will express all the same transcription factors as those found in an unfertilized egg.


Answer: (c) can undergo self-renewing divisions for the lifetime of a healthy animal.


The adult hematopoietic tissue or adult hematopoietic stem cells can be found in bone marrow of the animal. These cells have the ability to regenerate and renew so that the production of red blood cells remains continuous till death. Hematopoiesis can be defined as the production of cellular components of blood. The adult hematopoietic stem cells are located in the flat bones and ends of the long bones.

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