what is 3/2 divided by 4


Answer 1
The answer is 0.375
This is how we solve

Related Questions

Alvin can jog 9 km in 0. 75 hr. And bicycle 12 km in 0. 5 hr. What is p? select the hint button to view a hint.


The value of p is 2 , when Alan’s jogging speed is 0.02% of his cycling speed.

Average speed is defined as the ratio of the total distance traveled by a body to the total time taken for the body to reach its destination.

According to the question,

Alvin can jog 9 kilometers in 0.75 hours, and he can cycle 12 kilometers in 0.5 hour.

Let the jogging speed be "x" and cycling speed be "y"

=> Average Speed = distance/time

jogging Speed : x  =  9 kilometers / 0.75 hours

=>  x = 9/0.75

=> x = 12

Therefore, Jogging speed = 12 kilometers per hour


Cycling speed : y = 12 kilometers / 0.5 hour

=> y = 24 kilometers per hour

Let " p" be the percent

=> 12p = 24

=> p = 24/12

Apply the division operation,

=> p = 2

Convert 2 to a percent.

x = 0.02%

Therefore, Alan’s running speed is 0.02% of his cycling speed.

To know more about Average speed here



Helppp mememmemm plese it is do Tm


Answer: the same line

Step-by-step explanation:

Let us transform the equation:

[tex]\displaystyle\\y=\frac{4}{3} x+1\\\\[/tex]

Multiply both parts of the equation by 3:

[tex]\displaystyle\\3y=\frac{4}{3}(3) x+1(3)\\\\3y=4x+3\\\\3y-4x=4x+3-4x\\\\3y-4x=3[/tex]

What is the slope of a line perpendicular to the line whose equation is 4x+5y=35.



The slope of the perpendicular line is 5/4

The admission fee at the fair is $1.50 for children and $3.00 for adults. On Saturday a total of 3200 people attended the fair and $5,850 was collected at the gate. How many adults attended the fair?


there were 1500 kids and 700 adults.

What exactly are linear equations with two variables?

Therefore, a linear equation in two variables is any equation that can be written in the form ax + by + c = 0, where a, b, and c are real values, and a and b are not equal to zero. This implies that you can come up with a ton of these equations. Solution: It is possible to write 2x + 3y = 4.37 as 2x + 3y - 4.37 = 0.

Write the following two equations first, setting c = children and a = adults:

c + a = 2200

1.50 ( c ) + 4.00 ( a ) = 5050

Use substitution now, explains the explanation

c = 2200 − a \s 1.50 ( 2200 − a ) + 4.00 ( a ) = 5050

Reduce complexity: 2.5 a = 1750 a = 700

Using the first formula, c = 2200 a = 2200 700 = 1500

In conclusion, there were 1500 kids and 700 adults.

Learn more about linear equation



FIRST ANSWER GETS BRAINLY Two sides of a triangle measure 8 inches and 10
inches, respectively. Which of these is NOT a possible
length for the third side of a triangle?
Circle one answer:
A) 12 inches
B) 16 inches
C) 17 inches
D) 18 inches




Step-by-step explanation:

The sum of the length of any 2 sides is greater than the length of any 3rd side

10+8 = 18, so D is not possible

evaluate 2 . ( 2 + 2 ⁵)​




Step-by-step explanation:


2(2 + 32)



What is -7x-2y=-13
x-2y=11 in elimination form


Using the elimination method we got the value of x as 3 and the value of y as -4.

What is an equation?

An equation is a mathematical statement that is made up of two expressions connected by an equal sign.


2x + 4 = 9 is an equation.

We have,

-7x - 2y = -13

  x - 2y = 11  

(-)   (+)     (-)

-7x - x = = -13 - 11

-8x = -24

x = 3


x - 2y = 11

3 - 2y = 11

3 - 11 = 2y

2y = -8

y = -4


The value of x is 3.

The value of y is -4.

Learn more about equations here:



Justin is buying a cell phone that has a regular price of $149.

The cell phone is on sale for 15% off the regular price.

What will be the sale price?



22.35 i think

Step-by-step explanation:

you have to turn 15 into a decimal and then multiply by 149 correct me if Im wrong! hope that helps though.

Juan has a net monthly income of $4800 and is willing to spend 11% of that income on groceries, and 8% on entertainment. How much money does he devote to each category?





Step-by-step explanation:



Nadia typically types 32 words per minute, but her rate may vary by as much as 5 words per minute. Let x be the actual rate at which Nadia types. What is the range of rates, in words per minute, that Nadia could type?


We know that 35 ≤ x ≤ 41 is typing speed of Nadia using inequality.

What is inequality?

In mathematics, "inequality" refers to a relationship between two expressions or values that are not equal to one another.

The equation-like form of the formula 5x 4 > 2x + 3 has an arrowhead in place of the equals sign.

It is an illustration of inequity.

This shows that the left half, 5x 4, is bigger than the right part, 2x + 3.

So, Nadia can type 38 words per minute with her typical typing speed.

She has a 3-word per minute range for her typing speed.

Thus, either 38+3=41 or 38-3=35 words per minute will be typed.

Given that 38+3=41 is the actual typing speed in this case, the inequality will be:
35 ≤ x ≤ 41

Therefore, we know that 35 ≤ x ≤ 41 is typing speed Nadia using inequality.

Know more about inequality here:



if a person rolls two dice, what is the probability of not getting a five as the sum of the two dice?


The probability of not getting a five as the sum of the two dice is 1/9.

Roll of Dice:

To roll means to take risks. Take risks in hopes of a lucky outcome or victory. As a noun, dice roll is the case for "rolling dice".

According to the Question:

To find the probability, divide the number of successful outcomes by the total number of possible outcomes.

Each dice has 6 combinations that are independent of each other. So the number of possible outcomes is 6*6 = 36.

The probability of rolling two dice and getting a total of 5 is 4/36 = 1/9.

The probability of getting a sum of 5 is

Therefore, the combinations are:

(4 , 1),(1 , 4),(2, 3) and (3 , 2)

Learn more about Probability:



jar a has exactly four red buttons and eight blue buttons. carla then removes the same number of red buttons as blue buttons from jar a and places them in an empty jar b. jar a now has $\frac{2}{3}$ of its original number of buttons. if carla were now to randomly choose a button from jar a and a button from jar b, what is the probability that the two chosen buttons will both be red? express your answer as a common fraction.


Probability of choosing two buttons each from the Jar a and Jar b is equal to ( 3/ 4).

As given in the question,

Number of red buttons in Jar a = 4

Number of blue buttons in Jar a = 8

Total buttons in Jar a = 12

After removing equal number of red and blue buttons from Jar a

Number of buttons left in Jar a = ( 2/ 3) × 12

                                                   = 8 buttons

total number of buttons in Jar b = 4

Both the buttons are equal

Number of red buttons in Jar b = 2

Number of blue buttons in Jar b = 2

Probability of choosing a red button from each Jar

= (²C₁ / ⁸C₁) + ( ²C₁ / ⁴C₁ )

= ( 2 / 8) + ( 2 / 4)

= ( 1/ 4) + ( 1/ 2)

= 3 / 4

Therefore, the probability of getting total two red buttons one from each Jar is equal to ( 3 /4).

Learn more about probability here



What is an equation of the line that passes through the points (5 , -6) and (-5 , -2)?
I will give brainliest! thank you



Step-by-step explanation: Plug coordinates into y=ax+b

Simultaneous equations



So y=-0.4x-4


Ana is a teacher who plays a review game with her class. The game involves writing each student's name on an identical slip of paper and selecting students at random. Here's the makeup of her class: grade 9^\text{th}9 th 9, start superscript, start text, t, h, end text, end superscript 10^\text{th}10 th 10, start superscript, start text, t, h, end text, end superscript 11^\text{th}11 th 11, start superscript, start text, t, h, end text, end superscript number of students 121212 999 777 suppose that ana picks a name, replaces it, and picks a name again. What is the probability that neither of the students selected are 9^\text{th}9 th 9, start superscript, start text, t, h, end text, end superscript graders? round your answer to two decimal places.


Ana is a teacher who plays review games with the class. If Ana picks a name, replaces it, and picks a name again there is a 0.33 percent chance that none of the students is in ninth grade.

Probability is used to find out the number of chances that an event occurs.

Number of students that are not in nine grade

N9 = 9 + 7

N9 = 16

The total number of students are

Total = 12 + 9 + 7

Total = 28

The probability of neither of a student in nine grade

P = P (N9) x P (N9)

P = 16/28 x 16/28

P = 256/784

divide and approximate

P = 0.33

To learn more about probability



A phone company offers two monthly plans. Plan A costs $16 plus an additional $0.18 for each minute of calls. Plan B costs $28 plus an additional $0.14 for each minute of calls.



Find formula for plan A and plan B

plan A

y intercept 16

slope 0.18

y = m(slope)x+b(y-intercept)

y = 0.18x+16

plan B

y intercept 28

slope 0.14

y = 0.14x+28

find x value when these intersect

0.14x + 28 = 0.18x + 16

solve for x

28 = 0.04x + 16

12 = 0.04x

12/0.04 = x

x = 300

they are the same price at x = 300

to find price, plug it into any of the equations (they are equal there so theyre the same)

y = (0.14)(300)+28

y= $70

verify if the y is the same in the other equation to make sure correct

y = (0.18)(300)+16



If you need any more explanation, just ask me.

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- Jeron


the answer is $70

Step-by-step explanation:


In which of the options below will the number 10 correctly fill in the blank? Select all that apply. A) 3 : 5 = 6 : ___ B) 2 : ___ = 4 : 16 C) 1 : ___ = 4 : 40 D) 5 : 8 = ___ : 24


Answer: i think c and a

Step-by-step explanation:

a multiple-choice test has 30 questions. each question has 5 choices. if you guess at random on all the questions, what are the expected value (ev) and standard error (se) of the number of correct answers on your test? what is the expected value of the number of correct answers on your test? (a) 15 (b) 7 (c) 6 (d) 4 what is standard error (se) of the number of correct answers on your test? (a) 2.19 (b) 4.9 (c) 24 (d) 4.8


If you guess at random on all questions.

a) The expected value (ev) of the number of correct answers on your test is 4. So, correct answer is option (D)

b) The standard deviations of the number of correct answers on your test is 2.19.. So, the correct option is option (A).

The total number of multiple choice questions in test n = 30

Each question has 5 choices, that is one is right answer from five options. If I guess at random on all the questions. Let X be a random variable for guessing a answer.

Probability that guess answer is correct, p(success) = 1/5 = 0.2

Probability that guess answer is incorrect q(failure) = 1- p = 1-0.20 = 0.80

Using Binomial probability distribution,


a) In binomial Probability distribution, the excerpted value is E(X) = np

=> E(X)= 30× 0.2 = 6

hence, option(C) 10.75 is correct.

b) In binomial Probability distribution, the variance of distribution is product of n,p,q. So,

Var(X) = npq

=> Var(X)= 30(0.2)(0.8)

=> Var(X)= 4.8

Standard deviation= √4.8 = 2.19

Hence, the standard deviations or standard error is 2.19 ..

To learn more about Standard deviations, refer:



Seven friends shared a two-thirds pound bag of pistachios. If each person had the same amount of nuts, how many pounds did each person eat?.


Each person ate 21/2 pounds of nut

First of all, we have 7 friends who are going to share 2/3 pound bag of pistachios

This will mean that we will have to divide equally the two-thirds-pound bag of pistachios among the seven people that we have so that we get the share that each person will get

There are 7 friends that share a 2/3-pound bag.

The first step will be: 7÷2/3


we will get 21/2 or 10.5

This will imply or mean that each of the friends will get an equal share of 21/2 of the  a two-thirds pound bag of pistachios

Learn more about word problems here: https://brainly.com/question/21405634


A rectangular solid has width w, a length of 7 more than the width, and a height that is equivalent to 15 decreased by 3 times the width. Express the volume in terms of the width, w. Then find the maximum volume to the nearest whole number cubic unit.


The maximum volume of the rectangular solid in cubic units in terms of the width, w is [tex]-3w^{3}-6w^{2}+105w[/tex].

Information from the question is known as follows :

width = w

length = w+7

height = 15-3w

The maximum volume of a rectangular solid can be found by the formula :

Volume = length x width x height

Volume  = (w+7) x w x (15-3w)

Volume  = [tex](w+7)(15w-3w^{2} )[/tex]

Volume  = [tex]15w^{2}-3w^{3} +105w-21w^{2}[/tex]

Volume  = [tex]-3w^{3}-6w^{2}+105w[/tex]

Learn more about Maximum Volume at : https://brainly.com/question/18511151


(pls help) Determain if each function is liner or non-liner.
A- y=6/x-2
B- y=x
C- y= x/2-3
D- 3x+y=12
E- y=3x[tex]x^{3}[/tex]+5


A. Not linear

B. Linear

C. Linear

D. Linear

E. Doesn’t make sense

a conical tank with an upper radius of 4 m and a height of 5 m drains into a cylindrical tank with a radius of 4 m and a height of 5 m. if the water level in the conical tank drops at a rate of 0.5 m/min, at what rate does the water level in the cylindrical tank rise when the water level in the conical tank is 3m?


The rate at which the water level in the cylindrical tank rises is 0.25 m/min. This is because the volume of water in the conical tank is equal to the volume of water in the cylindrical tank when the water level in the conical tank is 3 m.

First, calculate the volume of the conical tank when the water level is 3 m. The formula for the volume of a cone is V = 1/3πr2h, where r is the radius and h is the height. In this case, r = 4 m and h = 3 m, so the volume of the conical tank is V = 1/3π(4 m)2(3 m) = 16π m3.

Next, calculate the volume of the cylindrical tank. In this case, r = 4 m and h = 5 m, so the volume of the cylindrical tank is V = π(4 m)2(5 m) = 80π m3.

Finally, calculate the rate at which the water level in the cylindrical tank must rise in order to keep the total volume of water constant. Since the volume of the conical tank is 16π m3 and the volume of the cylindrical tank is 80π m3, the total volume of water is 96π m3. Since the water level in the con

Learn more about volume here



Only 30% of teams beat The Great Escape Challenge. If 15 teams beat the challenge,
how many teams have played The Great Escape Challenge?
conte the problem


Answer: 50 teams

Step-by-step explanation:

       We will set up a proportion to solve.

[tex]\displaystyle \frac{30\%}{15\;\;\text{teams}} =\frac{100\%}{x\;\;\text{teams}}[/tex]

       A percent divided by 100 becomes a decimal.

[tex]\displaystyle \frac{0.3}{15\;\;\text{teams}} =\frac{1}{x\;\;\text{teams}}[/tex]

       Next, we will cross-multiply:

0.3x = 15

       Lastly, we will divide.

x = 50

when conducting a significance test to determine if there is a difference between two treatments, with a quantitative response variable, treatments are given to different experimental units, we summarize the data by:


When conducting a significance test to determine if there is a difference between two treatments, with a quantitative response variable, treatments are given to different experimental units, we summarize the data by: Calculate the mean and standard deviation for each treatment group separately.

To calculate the sample variance when the population mean is unknown.

The uncorrected sample variance is the average squared deviation of the sample values ​​from the sample mean.

The sampling procedure should be unbiased so that the calculation of the proportion of samples responding only to treatment introduces bias.

The two treatment groups should be separate.

Random sampling is intended to provide an unbiased representation of a larger population.

Selecting a sample from a population larger than is considered fair practice (because each member of the population is equally likely to be selected).

Now we need to calculate the mean and standard deviation for each treatment group separately to eliminate the effects of false observations.

In mathematics, especially statistics, there are several kinds of instruments. Each average is used to summarize a particular data set, often to better understand the overall value (magnitude and sign) of a particular data set.


For datasets, the arithmetic mean, also called the "arithmetic mean", is a measure of the central tendency of a finite set of numbers. More specifically, the sum of the values ​​divided by the number of values. .The arithmetic mean of a sequence of numbers x₁, x₂, ..., xₙ is usually given by the overhead bar x  The dataset was based on a series of observations obtained by sampling from a statistical population. The arithmetic mean is the mean of the population μₓ.

Standard Deviation:

In statistics, standard deviation is a measure of the variability or variance of a set of values.  A low standard deviation indicates that the values ​​tend to be closer to the mean (also called mean) of the set, while a high standard deviation indicates that the values ​​are more spread out.

Standard deviation, sometimes abbreviated SD, is the lowercase Greek letter σ (sigma) for population standard deviation or the Latin letter s for sample standard deviation, most commonly used in mathematical texts and equations. is represented

Therefore, the correct statement is to calculate the mean and standard deviation for each treatment group separately.

Learn more about Significance Test:



I’ll give you 20 points if you help me




Step-by-step explanation:

First we take them amount of times jogged around the block as b and the amount of times jogged around the park as p

so 2b + p can be done in 10 minutes

and 2b + 3p can be done in 22 minutes

2b+3p = 22

2b+p =10

if we subtract the equations:

-2p = -12

p = 6 so it takes 6 minutes to jog around the park

Jeff spent $50 on gifts for his tamily. The first 2 items cost a total of $15 and then he bought 2 more for a total of $20. How many additional gifts did Jeff buy if their average cost was $10 each?


The number of additional gifts Jeff can buy with the remaining cost is 1.

What is the arithmetic operator?

Arithmetic operators are four basic mathematical operations in which summation, subtraction, division, and multiplication involve.,

As per the given,

Total cost = $15 + $20 = $35

Total spent = $50

Remaining = $50 - $35 = $15

Since one gift cost $10

Thus, 15/10 = 1.5 since the number of gifts will be the whole number so it will be round to bottom 1 gift.

Hence "With the money still available, Jeff can purchase 1 more present".

To learn more about the arithmetic operators,



Which values from the set make this inequality true?
r+6≥11; {4, 5, 6, 7}
Select each correct answer.


r+6>=11 can be simplified to r>=5. So the values that make the inequality true are all of the values that are greater than or equal to 5

Please don’t answer if you don’t know


the answer is 822 dollars ! hope that helped

The formula for Area of a Triangle is:
A= ½ (b)(h)

What is the formula for the height of a triangle in terms of Area and base?

h = ?​



h = [tex]\frac{2A}{b}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

A = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] bh ( multiply both sides by 2 to clear the fraction )

2A = bh ( isolate h by dividing both sides by b )

[tex]\frac{2A}{b}[/tex] = h

Given a fixed point and a fixed line, a parabola consists of all points that are equidistant to the fixed point and the fixed line. State True or False your answer:a. Trueb. False


The answer is true because a parabola is made up of all points that are equally distant from a fixed point and a fixed line for a given fixed point and fixed line.

What is a parabola?

A bowl-shaped object is defined as having a curve at the surface created by the intersection of a cone and a plane that is perpendicular to a straight line. Another definition of a curve is one created when a moving point moves such that its distance from a fixed point equals its distance from a fixed line. A quadratic function is known in this form as its standard form.

The trajectory of a plane to a point equal in distance from the fixed time is called as parabola. The fixed point is called the focal point of the parabola and the line is called the alignment of the parabola.

Therefore, The answer is true because a parabola is made up of all points that are equally distant from a fixed point and a fixed line for a given fixed point and fixed line.

To know more about parabola, visit:



Use the 30-60-90 rule to find the lengths of the sides labeled e and d


The length of the side e would be e = 9√3 and the length of the side d would be d = 18.

What is the 30-60-90 rule of the triangle?

If the angles of the triangle are 30, 60, and 90 degrees then we can say that the given triangle will follow the rule of 30-60-90.

The rule says:

           Side opposite to 30 = 1/2 *  Hypotenuse

           Side opposite to 60 = √3/2 * Hypotenuse

In the given triangle, we can apply the 30-60-90 triangle rule, and we get

        Side opposite to 30 = 1/2 * Hypotenuse

                     9 = 1/2 * d

                      d = 18

Now let's find the side 'e'

                   Side opposite to 60 = √3/2 * Hypotenuse

                            e =  √3/2 * 18

                            e = 9√3

Hence, the length of the side e would be e = 9√3 and the length of the side d would be d = 18.

To learn more about the 30-60-90 rule of the triangle, visit:



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