What invention of Robert Fulton dramatically cut travel time on the water?


Answer 1

Robert Fulton's creation of the commercial steam boat greatly reduced the amount of time required for maritime travel.

What creation credit goes to Robert Fulton?The first steamboat to achieve economic success was built and operated by Robert Fulton. On the Hudson River in August 1807, Fulton's Clermont completed a pivotal first run.Clermont, also known as the North River Steamboat of Clermont, was the first steamboat used for public transportation (1807). It was built in New York City by Charles Brown with funding from Robert Livingston. It was designed by American architect Robert Fulton. Although it was originally known as the North River Steamboat of Clermont, the Clermont became its name.    

To learn more about Robert Fulton's refer to:



Answer 2

"Robert Fulton invented the steamboat, which dramatically cut travel time on the water.

What is the steamboat about?

A steamboat is a boat that is propelled by a steam engine, using the power of steam to turn a paddle wheel or a propeller. Steamboats were first used in the late 18th century, but they became more widespread and efficient in the early 19th century, thanks to the improvements made by Robert Fulton.

Robert Fulton was an American engineer and inventor who is widely credited with developing the first commercially successful steamboat in 1807. His steamboat, called the Clermont, traveled from New York City to Albany, a distance of about 150 miles, in 32 hours.

Therefore, Fulton's steamboat sparked a revolution in transportation and commerce on the waterways of America and Europe. Steamboats enabled faster and cheaper movement of people, goods, and information, and opened up new markets and opportunities for trade and development.

Learn more about steamboat from



Related Questions

1) The Model for Improvement begins with three questions designed to clarify the following concepts:
a) Plan, do, act
b) Mission, goal, strategy
c) Aims, measures, changes
d) Will, ideas, and execution


The Model for Improvement begins with three Aims, measures, changes. The correct answer is option (C).

What is the Model for Improvement?

The three basic questions that form the basis of the Model for Improvement are designed to answer the aim (what are we trying to achieve? ), the initiatives to be used (how will we understand a change is an advancement? ), and the modifications to be used (what adjustments can we make which will result in an improvement?).

A straightforward yet effective approach for expediting project improvement is the Model for Improvement, created by Partners in Process Improvement (API). To assist IHI's programmes for innovation and development, API has teamed with the Academy of Health coverage Improvement Breakout Series Collaborative (IHI).

To know more about Model for Improvement, visit:



The Model for Improvement begins with three questions designed to clarify the concepts of Aims, measures, changes. Option C is the right answer.

The Model for Improvement

The Model for Improvement consists of two parts: the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle and the three fundamental questions. The Model for Improvement is a framework for conducting quality improvement projects.

These questions are:

What are we attempting to achieve? This inquiry aids in defining the objective or target of the improvement effort. It ought to be time-bound, relevant, explicit, measurable, and attainable (SMART).How will we be able to tell when a change is for the better? This query aids in determining the metrics or indicators that will be applied to monitor the development and results of the improvement project. It should include baseline and target values, as well as process and outcome measures.What adjustments are possible that will lead to improvement? This query aids in the generation and testing of potential improvement-related change ideas. It ought to be supported by data, industry standards, or change management theories.

Learn more on The Model for Improvement here https://brainly.com/question/28231436


Which star has the greatest probability of producing a supernova explosion?


The correct response is B) Betelgeuse. Betelgeuse is a red supergiant that is 1,400 times bigger and thousands of times brighter than our Sun.

Its surface would extend beyond the asteroid belt and engulf the orbits of Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars if it were at the centre of our solar system. However, the Milky Way contains a number of stars that are significantly bigger, such as supergiants like Mu Cephei and the unusual hypergiant VY Canis Majoris. It is a prominent reddish, semiregular variable star with the largest apparent magnitude range of any first-magnitude star, fluctuating between +0.0 and +1.6. Betelgeuse is the brightest star in the night sky at near-infrared wavelengths. Betelgeuse's mass has been estimated to be somewhere between ten and twenty times greater than the Sun. Its distance has been difficult to determine for a number of reasons; the best estimates at this time place it between 500 and 600 light-years from the Sun, which is a surprisingly large range of error for a star that is so close by.

Learn more about Betelgeuse here



Which star has the greatest probability of producing a supernova explosion?

A) Barnard's Star

B) Betelgeuse

C) Procyon B

D) Sun

Assuming normal account balances, the following statement is true when balancing a T-account or Ledger?
A. Liabilities normally have credit balances.
B. Assets normally have credit balances.
C. Expenses normally have credit balances.
D. Dividends normally have credit balances.


The correct answer is liabilities normally have credit balances.

Explanation: I just finished my first semester of accounting so I know this is correct.

Please give brainliest I need five more.

The true statement when balancing a T- Account or Ledger, is A. Liabilities normally have credit balances.

How are liabilities recorded ?

When a business incurs a liability, it records a credit entry in the corresponding liability account. A credit entry increases the balance of a liability account. For example, when a business borrows money from a bank, it credits the notes payable account, which is a liability account.

B. Assets normally have credit balances.

This statement is false because assets are resources that a business owns and uses to generate income. When a business acquires an asset, it records a debit entry in the corresponding asset account. A debit entry increases the balance of an asset account. For example, when a business buys inventory, it debits the inventory account, which is an asset account.

C. Expenses normally have credit balances.

This statement is false because expenses are costs that a business incurs to earn revenue. When a business recognizes an expense, it records a debit entry in the corresponding expense account. A debit entry increases the balance of an expense account. For example, when a business pays rent, it debits the rent expense account, which is an expense account.

D. Dividends normally have credit balances.

This statement is false because dividends are distributions of earnings to the owners of a business. When a business declares a dividend, it records a debit entry in the dividends account. A debit entry increases the balance of the dividends account. For example, when a business declares a $100 dividend, it debits the dividends account by $100, which is a distribution of earnings account.

Find out more on liabilities at https://brainly.com/question/14768358


Of the following dividend options, which of these is taxable?
A) Reduction of premium
B) One year term
C) Paid-up additions
D) Accumulation at interest


Of the aforementioned dividend options, the one which is taxable is: D) Accumulation at interest.

What is taxation?

Taxation can be defined as the involuntary fees that are levied on individuals or business firms by the government of a particular country, so as to generate revenues that can be used to fund public projects, institutions and activities.

What are the types of tax?

In Economics, there are different types of tax that are levied on individuals or business firms by the government, and these include the following:

Sales taxProperty taxIncome tax

Under a life insurance policy, an accumulation at interest is a dividend options that can be taxed according to the internal revenue service (IRS) in the United States of America.

Read more on tax here: brainly.com/question/25783927


The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code states that a minor is any person under the age of 18 True or False?


Yes, but only if you are over 21 and have less than 0.08 percent alcohol in your bloodstream.

What is bloodstream?

The phrase "bloodstream" refers to the flow of blood within an organism's body.

In humans, the circulatory system, which is made up of a complicated network of arteries and veins, is where blood travels

The bloodstream's job is to provide nutrition and oxygen to the tissues, including the lungs.

Cells' waste carbon dioxide is removed by the bloodstream.

Infections in the blood are known as bloodstream illnesses (BSIs), which include bacteremias when the diseases are bacterial and fungemias when the infections are fungal.

[1] Blood is often sterile[2], thus it is usually unusual to find bacteria there (blood cultures are the most common method[3]). The difference between a bloodstream infection and sepsis, which is the body's reaction to bacteria,

Hence, Yes, but only if you are over 21 and have less than 0.08 percent alcohol in your bloodstream.

learn more about bloodstream click here:



the diagnostic term aortic stenosis means



Aortic valve stenosis — or aortic stenosis — is a type of heart valve disease (valvular heart disease). The valve between the lower left heart chamber and the body's main artery (aorta) is narrowed and doesn't open fully. This reduces or blocks blood flow from the heart to the aorta and to the rest of the body.

8) GameStop, a video game retailer, offers a deep assortment of video games and video game consoles. GameStop is best described as a(n) ________.
A) department store
B) supermarket
C) specialty store
D) discount store
E) off-price retailer



C. specialty store is the correct answer.


02 Sean's email message to the employees to tell them how to ask for computer help will be part of
a) the company's formal communication network
b) the company grapevine
c) intradepartmental communication
d) cross-cultural communications
e) the company's external network


Sean's email to the staff detailing how to get computer assistance will be included (A) in the formal communication network of the business.

What is a formal communication network?

Formal Communication Network - An organizational chart is used by management to build and explain a formal communication network.

An organizational chart outlines the organization's hierarchy and reporting structure.

Content in formal communications is seen as authoritative because it comes from the top echelons of the organization.

Informal contact happens between people of various statuses and responsibilities in any direction.

Formal communication networks are arrangements of connected individuals and systems that use official channels for information exchange and communication.

Therefore, Sean's email to the staff detailing how to get computer assistance will be included (A) in the formal communication network of the business.

Know  more about a formal communication network here:



Ernest signs a listing agreement with Lisa to sell his house. Before Lisa finds a buyer, the house is destroyed by flooding. In this case, the agency agreement between Ernest and Lisa:
a. terminates based on impossibility.
b. terminates based on changed circumstances.
c. terminates based on war.
d. continues in full force and effect.


The principle is categorized as a disclosed principal if the third party is aware of the principal's existence but not his or her identity.

What statement about agency connections is accurate?

Therefore, the right response is that agency relationships are established so that an agent can serve as an intermediary between a principal and a third party.

When a representative working in the course of their authority makes a deal with a third party?

A person who commits a tort is accountable for it, even if they did so on behalf of a principal. For contracts, a different norm applies. On contracts or obligations entered into on behalf of the principle, an agent operating within the scope of her authority to contract is not liable to third parties.

To know more about third party visit:-



Before Lisa finds a buyer, the house is destroyed by flooding. In this case, the agency agreement between Ernest and Lisa terminates based on impossibility. The Option A is correct.

What is an agency agreement?

An agency agreement means the contract between a principal and an agent that authorizes the agent to perform certain acts on behalf of the principal. It can be terminated by mutual consent, performance, expiration, revocation, renunciation, or operation of law.

An impossibility means that the performance of the agency agreement becomes impossible due to the destruction or loss of the subject matter of the agency. In this case, the subject matter of the agency is Ernest's house, which is destroyed by flooding. Therefore, the agency agreement between Ernest and Lisa terminates based on impossibility, and Lisa is no longer authorized to act as Ernest's agent to sell his house.

Read more about agency agreement



Which of the following things cannot be done with a debit card but can be done with a credit card?
A) Go into debt
B) Purchase an airline ticket
C) Rent a car
D) Purchase something online


You should pay off your biggest debt first with any spare money you have.

What can you do with a credit card and not a debit card?

With one significant distinction, both can make it simple and convenient to shop in person or online. Using your money that has been deposited at the bank, debit cards let you make purchases. For the purpose of making purchases or cash withdrawals, credit cards let you borrow money from the card issuer up to a predetermined limit.Compared to credit cards, debit cards have a higher interest rate. Using debit cards infrequently raises credit scores.

Your checking account is immediately debited when you use a debit card. With debit cards, you may rapidly obtain cash. In order to withdraw funds from your checking account, you can use your debit card at an ATM. When, you can also obtain money back.

The correct answer is option A) Go into debt

To learn more about Debit card refer to :



It is the job of a specialist in the department to make sure the technical aspects of an MIS are correct
a marketing
b Information technology


It is the job of a information technology department to make sure the technical aspects of an MIS are correct.

What is MIS?

An MIS, or marketing information system, is a system for collecting, storing, analyzing, and disseminating relevant marketing data to assist marketers in making better decisions. A marketing information system's input focuses on gathering important internal and external data to analyze and understand. A marketing information system is a management information system meant to help marketing decision making. Jobber describes it as a "system in which marketing data is formally acquired, kept, analyzed, and given to managers on a regular basis in line with their informational demands."


A department of information technology is responsible for ensuring that the technical parts of a MIS are right.

To know more about MIS,



Which one of the following is an example of a state function?
A) heat
B) work
C) distance
D) enthalpy


Enthalpy is a prime example of a state function.

What is enthalpy?

A thermodynamic system's enthalpy, or heat capacity, is calculated as the sum of the game's pressure, volume, and heat capacity. It is a state function that is employed in a variety of measurements in chemical, physiological, and prime requisite under a pressure, which itself is readily provided by the sizable ambient atmosphere. The pressure-volume word encapsulates the work required to define the game's physical dimensions, i.e., to create space for it by dislodging its surroundings. For solids and fluids under typical conditions, the stress term is very small; for gases, it is just modest. 

To know more about Enthalpy

once a psychoactive drug enters the brain, it acts on one or more neurotransmitters


Psychoactive substances influence the function and interaction of one or more neurotransmitters in the brain. Depending on the type, dose, and combination of medications used as well as the individual's qualities, expectations, and environment, this can have a variety of consequences on the user's mental and physical health.

What is a psychoactive drug?

A psychoactive substance is one that modulates brain activity and has an impact on behavior, cognition, mood, or perception. Based on their results and modes of action, psychoactive substances can be divided into a variety of categories. Stimulants, depressants, opioids, hallucinogens, and cannabis are a few of the main groups.

Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that transmit impulses between neurons (nerve cells) in the brain and other regions of the nervous system.

Psychoactive medications act on one or more neurotransmitters. The neuron sending the signal, the presynaptic neuron, releases neurotransmitters, which then bind to receptors on the postsynaptic neuron.

Depending on the type of neurotransmitter and receptor involved, this can either stimulate or inhibit the postsynaptic neuron.

Learn more about neurotransmitters at:



On May 20, 2013, Jumper Company declared a cash dividend of 50 cents per share to stockholders of record on June 14. The dividends will be paid on July 14. The company has 500,000 shares of stock outstanding.
What is the journal entry for May 20, 2013?
a) A debit to dividends declared for 250,000 and a credit to dividends payable for 250,000
b) A debit to dividends payable for 250,000 and a credit to dividends payable for 250,000
c) A debit to dividends payable for 250,000 and a credit to cash for 250,000
d) No journal entry required until cash paid


Below are the journal entries: We estimate there are 500,000 shares outstanding. Dividend A/c Dr $250,000 (513,000 shares at $0.50) on May 20.

To the $250 000 dividend payable account (Being cash dividend declared)

No entry on June 14

On July 14, a dividend of $250 000 was payable.

$250,000 to Cash A/C (Being the payment of cash dividend is recorded)

On July 31, retained earning account of $250,000 was dividended to account of $250,000. (Being cash dividend declared)

An example of a journal entry

General journal entries are not processed automatically as invoices or cash receipts are processed; rather, they are entered manually into the general ledger. A depreciation expense entry is one illustration.

To know more about journal entries visit:-



The journal entry for May 20, 2013 is option a) A debit to dividends declared for 250,000 and a credit to dividends payable for 250,000

Why is the option the best form of journal entry?

This is the correct answer because when a company declares a cash dividend, it records a liability to pay the dividend in the future. The liability account is called dividends payable and it is increased by a credit.

The debit account is dividends declared, which is a temporary account that reduces the retained earnings of the company. The journal entry on the declaration date is:

Dividends declared  250,000

   Dividends payable       250,000

b) A debit to dividends payable for 250,000 and a credit to dividends payable for 250,000

This is incorrect because it does not affect any account balances. A debit and a credit to the same account cancel each other out.

c) A debit to dividends payable for 250,000 and a credit to cash for 250,000

This is incorrect because it records the payment of the dividend on the declaration date, which is not accurate. The payment date is July 14, not May 20. The journal entry on the payment date is:

Dividends payable   250,000

   Cash                    250,000

Lastly, d) No journal entry required until cash paid - This is incorrect because it ignores the declaration of the dividend, which creates a liability for the company. The company must record the dividend liability on the declaration date, not the payment date. The payment date is when the liability is settled by cash."

Learn more about journal entries here



Match the system with its correct description: central nervous system.


Central nervous system consists FROM the brain and spinal cord TO skeletal muscles.

What is the main organ of the central nervous system?

The central nervous system's organs are the brain and spinal cord. The cerebellum and spinal cord, which are positioned in the dorsal cloaca, are encased inside bone for protection since they are so crucially important. The spinal cord lies in the vertebra of something like the vertebral column, while the brain is in the frontal sinus.

What causes damage to the central nervous system?

A car accident, sports injuries, fall, stroke, burst brain aneurysm, absence of oxygen, gunshot, or explosive blast are just a few of the potential causes. Traumatic brain injuries and traumatic spine injuries are common names for these wounds. The nerves there in brain and spine are components of the central nervous circuit (CNS). The skull and spinal canal of the animal are both secure containers for it.

To know more about Central nervous system visit:



Dry food should be stored

a. Six inches off the floor and away from the walls
b. Six inches off the floor and tightly against the walls
c. Six inches off the floor and one inch away from walls
d. One inch off the floor and six inches away from walls


Keep dry foods refrigerated at 50°F to extend shelf life. For the majority of products, dry storage at 70°F is sufficient. In the section used for dry storage, hang a thermometer from the wall. Every day, check the storeroom's temperature.

What types of food are kept in dry storage?

Stocks of cereals, flour, rice, dried pasta, fruit, vegetables, tinned goods, and packaged foods that don't need temperature control are kept in your company's dry storage area.

How are dry storage units kept?

A dry storage location must be kept out of direct sunshine, at a constant cold temperature, and with little humidity exposure. In fact, to keep food healthy over the long term, humidity levels shouldn't get above 50–55 percent. Ideally, temperatures should be between

To know more about dry foods visit:-



Dry food should be stored Six inches off the floor and away from the walls Option A

What is Dry food storage?

This is the correct answer because dry food should be stored in a way that prevents contamination, pest infestation, and moisture damage. Storing dry food six inches off the floor and away from the walls allows for proper air circulation, cleaning, and inspection. It also prevents the food from touching any dirty or damp surfaces that could harbor bacteria, mold, or insects.

b. Six inches off the floor and tightly against the walls

This is incorrect because storing dry food tightly against the walls reduces air circulation and increases the risk of moisture damage and pest infestation. The walls may also be dirty or contaminated with chemicals, dust, or dirt that could transfer to the food.

c. Six inches off the floor and one inch away from walls

This is incorrect because storing dry food one inch away from the walls is not enough to ensure adequate air circulation and cleaning. The food may still touch the walls or other surfaces that could be dirty or damp.

d. One inch off the floor and six inches away from walls

This is incorrect because storing dry food one inch off the floor is too low and exposes the food to potential contamination from the floor, water, or pests. The food may also be harder to access and inspect."

Read more about food



3) The distal portion of the small intestine contains clumps of lymph follicles called
A) islets of Langerhans
B) Peyer's patches
C) rugae
D) villi


Peyer's patches are collections of lymph follicles found at the ileum, which is the distal end of the small intestine.

What is right lymphatic duct?

A terminal lymphatic tube in the neck, the right lymphatic duct is situated in front of the anterior scalene muscle.

Although its origin is highly diverse, it is normally created by the merger of the right bronchomediastinal, right jugular, and right subclavian lymphatic trunks. It is smaller than its left counterpart, the thoracic duct, and is only 1-2 cm in length.

The right side of the head, neck, thorax, and right upper limb all contribute lymph to the right lymphatic duct. It enters the systemic venous system at the neck's intersection of the right internal jugular and the right subclavian vein, also known as the right brachiocephalic vein.

Hence, The right lymphatic duct drains lymph from the right upper limb, right side of the head and thorax, and right side of the body.

learn more about right lymphatic duct click here:



Rapid, labored breathing in a patient with signs and symptoms of AMI should make you suspect


If a patient displays rapid breathing, nausea, vomiting, ringing in the ears, or overheating, it should be assumed that they have taken a significant dosage of Aspirin.

If you think you or a loved one may have taken too much aspirin, call 911 right once. You can also call Poison Control at 800-222-1222.Every day of the week, 24 hours a day, they are accessible. Even if you're not sure if you took a dosage large enough to be considered an overdose, you should still go to the emergency room. If not, you might not have enough time to begin administering the poisoning's treatment. The airway must be opened so as to guarantee enough oxygen is inhaled during this type of circumstance. This is described as the pathway such as the pipe via which air flows into the lungs. Opening the airway is preferable in emergency conditions because it guarantees that enough oxygen is supplied to stop cell death.

Learn more about Aspirin here:



When trying to improve a process, one reason to use PDSA cycles rather than a more traditional version of the scientific method (such as a randomized, controlled trial) is that:
a) PDSA cycles are easier to run with a large team of people.
b) The results of PDSA cycles are more generalizable than other methods.
c) PDSA cycles are simpler to use than other methods.
d) PDSA cycles provide a mechanism to adjust improvement ideas as the project progresses.
e) Both C and D


Both C and D , i.e. PDSA cycles are simpler to use than other methods and PDSA cycles provide a mechanism to adjust improvement ideas as the project progresses.

PDSA cycles allow for rapid and frequent review of data and then adjusting test of change based upon those findings.

For example, if new guideline that's meant to improve pneumonia care isn't working, PDSA cycles allow you to change guideline quickly and test its efficacy, rather than waiting until end of a long study period.

The purpose of PDSA cycles is to learn as quickly as possible whether and how intervention works in a particular setting and to make adjustments accordingly to increase chances of delivering and sustaining desired improvement, or to stop the intervention and try something else.

learn more about PDSA at



Which nursing diagnosis would be the priority for a patient with hypovolemic shock?
Acute pain
Impaired tissue integrity
Decreased cardiac output
Ineffective tissue perfusion


Reduction in cardiac output A patient with hypovolemic shock would need to have their nursing diagnostic completed first.

Describe tissue.

Tissue is a physiological organizing level in biology that lies between cells and an entire organs. A tissue is a group of comparable cells from the same origin, along with their extracellular, that work together to perform a single function. Then, various tissues are functionally grouped together to create organs. The French word "tissue," a past tense of the verb "to weave," is where the English term "structure" originates. Histopathology, or histopathology as applied to illness, is the study of tissues. The "Father of Histology" is Xavier Bichat. Both plants anatomy and metabolism study plant histology.

To know more about tissue

A person who voluntarily engages in an activity known to be risky cannot recover if he is injured


A person who voluntarily engages in an activity known to be risky cannot recover if he is injured because Assumption of risk.

What is Assumption of risk?Under the legal principle known as "assumption of risk," a person is prohibited from suing for damages if they involuntarily exposed himself to a knowing danger.In situations when the plaintiff willingly assumed the risk of the negligent party's tortious activities, the common law theory known as "assumption of risk" prevents the plaintiff from being compensated for those actions.The plaintiff first assumes the risk when they engage in an action that has a recognized or inherent danger. A NASCAR driver, for instance, will probably not be able to recuperate if he is involved in a vehicle accident while competing in a race because he accepted the risk of an accident.

To learn more about Assumption of risk refer to:



A person who voluntarily engages in an activity known to be risky cannot recover if he is injured is a true statement.

What is the statement about?

A person who voluntarily engages in an activity known to be risky may or may not be able to recover if he is injured, depending on the circumstances and the legal doctrine of assumption of risk.

Assumption of risk is a defense that a defendant can raise in a negligence case. Negligence is the failure to exercise reasonable care that causes harm to another person. To prove negligence, the plaintiff must show that the defendant owed a duty of care to the plaintiff, that the defendant breached that duty, that the breach caused the plaintiff's injury, and that the plaintiff suffered damages.

Therefore, the answer to the question depends on the type and degree of assumption of risk involved, as well as the applicable law in the jurisdiction. A person who voluntarily engages in an activity known to be risky cannot recover if he is injured only if he has expressly or primarily impliedly assumed the risk. If he has secondarily impliedly assumed the risk, he may still recover, but his damages may be reduced by his own negligence."

Learn more about  risk  from



"The questions make sense to the person reading them and the wording of the questions seems to fit the type of information desired." In regard to personality inventories, which type of validity is defined by the preceding statement?
Select one:
A. Predictive
B. Face
C. Construct
D. Analytic


The correct option is "B. ( Face).

What is face validity?

Face validity is the extent to which a test or measure appears to measure what it claims to measure, based on the subjective judgment of the test takers or the general public.

Face validity does not necessarily imply that the test or measure is actually valid, but it can enhance the acceptance and credibility of the test or measure.

Face validity is different from other types of validity, such as predictive validity, construct validity, and analytic validity.

Predictive validity is the extent to which a test or measure can predict future outcomes or behaviors that are relevant to the construct being measured.

Construct validity is the extent to which a test or measure actually measures the theoretical construct that it claims to measure, based on empirical evidence and logical reasoning.

Analytic validity is the extent to which a test or measure can accurately and reliably measure the intended analyte or biomarker, based on the quality and performance of the test or measure."

Learn more about Face validity at: https://brainly.com/question/10460743


We would expect the total utility of water to be high but its marginal utility to be low. Why?
A) Because we need water to live and there is so much of it.
B) Because we need water to live and there is very little of it.
C) Because water's price is low.
D) Because water is a fluid and we don't need fluids to live as much as we need food.


We would expect the total utility of water to be high but its marginal utility to Because we need water to live and there is so much of it.

What Is Marginal Utility?

The additional pleasure a customer has from owning one extra unit of an item or service is known as marginal utility. Economists utilize the idea of marginal utility to estimate the quantity of a good that customers will buy.

The pleasure a consumer experiences from each extra unit of consumption is known as marginal utility. It determines the utility after the initial product is consumed. The marginal utility is the benefit you receive from buying a second bottle of water after first purchasing one.

The general rule in economics is that marginal utility equals total utility change divided by change in quantity of goods. The equation looks like this: Total utility difference / difference in the amount of commodities equals marginal utility.

To learn more about Marginal Utility visit:



Assume that Heather always maximizes her total utility given her budget constraint. Every morning for breakfast Heather has two eggs and three sausages. If the marginal utility of the last egg is 20 utils and the price of eggs is $1 each, what can we say about the marginal utility of the last sausage if the price of each sausage is $2?
A) It must be equal to 20 utils.
B) It must be equal to 40 utils.
C) Indeterminate.
D) It must be equal to 10 utils.


Heather constantly seeks to maximize her overall usefulness given her financial limitations. Heather typically eats two eggs and three sausages for breakfast.

What is Health Constantly?

Everythink is perfectly captured by Antonio Garcia Martinez. Only the second half of the book is covered in that. The rest of the story is about making a go of it and getting out of startup purgatory. The two passengers of a flying car that crashed Friday morning behind Ellison Elementary School are being treated by emergency personnel. Considering her financial limitations, LISA

assume that Heather constantly seeks to maximize her overall utility. Heather typically eats two eggs and three sausages for breakfast. What can we conclude about the marginal value of the last sausage if the price of eggs is $1 per egg .

To learn  more about Heather Constantly from given link.

brainly.com/question/5448286  .


temperature to achieve targeted temperature management after cardiac arrest
a. 30-34C
b. 32-36C
c. 36-40C
d. 38-42C


Temperature to achieve targeted temperature management after cardiac arrest is 32-36°C

What is cardiac arrest?

Cardiac arrest is the abrupt loss of heart function in a person who may or may not have been diagnosed with heart disease. It can come on suddenly or in the wake of other symptoms. Cardiac arrest is often fatal if appropriate steps aren’t taken immediately.Cardiac arrest may be caused by almost any known heart condition.

Most cardiac arrests occur when a diseased heart’s electrical system malfunctions. This malfunction causes an abnormal heart rhythm such as ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation. Some cardiac arrests are also caused by extreme slowing of the heart’s rhythm (bradycardia).

To know more about heart diseases



A patient is said to have achieved  targeted temperature management after cardiac arrest at 32-36°C.

What is Targeted temperature management?

Targeted temperature management (TTM) is a technique used to lower the body temperature of patients who have suffered a cardiac arrest and have been successfully resuscitated, but remain unconscious or in a coma. The goal of TTM is to reduce the risk of brain damage and improve the chances of survival and neurological recovery.

According to the 2015 American Heart Association guidelines, the recommended target temperature range for TTM is 32-36°C (89.6-96.8°F). This range is based on the best available evidence from randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews that compared different temperature targets and methods of cooling. The guidelines also state that the target temperature should be maintained for at least 24 hours, and that the rewarming process should be gradual and controlled.

The rationale for lowering the body temperature after cardiac arrest is that hypothermia (low body temperature) can reduce the metabolic demand of the brain and other organs, and protect them from the harmful effects of ischemia (lack of oxygen) and reperfusion (restoration of blood flow). Hypothermia can also modulate the inflammatory response, prevent apoptosis (cell death), and limit the release of excitatory neurotransmitters and free radicals that can cause further damage to the brain tissue.

However, hypothermia also has some potential adverse effects, such as increased risk of infection, bleeding, arrhythmias, electrolyte imbalances, and impaired immune function. Therefore, the optimal target temperature for TTM is still a matter of debate and ongoing research. Some studies have suggested that there may be no significant difference in outcomes between 32°C and 36°C, while others have indicated that lower temperatures may be more beneficial for certain subgroups of patients, such as those with shockable rhythms or longer duration of cardiac arrest. The current guidelines recommend that the target temperature should be individualized based on the patient's condition, preferences, and available resources.

Some examples of TTM methods are:

Surface cooling devices, such as cooling blankets, pads, or vests, that circulate cold water or air over the skin.

Intravascular cooling devices, such as catheters or balloons, that are inserted into a large vein and circulate cold saline solution inside the body.

Ice packs or cold fluids, such as saline or glucose, that are applied externally or infused intravenously to lower the core temperature.

Pharmacological agents, such as sedatives, analgesics, or neuromuscular blockers, that are used to prevent shivering, discomfort, or agitation during TTM.

Learn more about Targeted temperature management:https://brainly.com/question/28189872


Costs exists because resources:


Resources do not produce different things with comparable efficiency. In order to comprehend the law of rising opportunity costs. Prior to continuing, it is important to comprehend opportunity cost.

Opportunity cost is the choice given up in order to fulfil other desires. This happens because there aren't enough resources to meet everyone's requirements, thus the less important needs must be sacrificed in order to meet the more urgent wants. According to the law of growing opportunity costs, the cost of producing an extra good will rise as you create more of one good. The production possibility boundary, which depicts the various combinations of commodities that may be produced in a particular economy given the current level of technology assuming all the available resources are efficiently utilized, is a better way to explain the law of growing opportunity cost.

Learn more about Opportunity cost here:



11. a first response team is working at the location of a bombing incident. a nurse triaging a
group of clients should give treatment priority to which of the following clients.
1. a client who has superficial partial thickness burn injuries over 5% of his body
2. a client who has a femur fracture with a 2+ pedal pulse
3. a client who is ambulatory and exhibits manic behavior
4. a client who has a rigid abdomen with manifestations of shock.


At the scene of a bomb, first aid personnel are on the scene. A client with superficial tissue loss burn injuries affecting more than 5% of his body should receive treatment first, according to a nurse who is prioritizing a group of patients.

Describe pulse.

A pulse is the physical arterial probing of the cardiac (heartbeat) with trained fingertips and is used in medicine. Any location where an artery can be compressed near the surface of the body, such as the neck (artery supplies), wrist (directional artery), groyne (femoral artery), behind knee (pelvic cavity artery), close to the ankle joint (tibial artery), and in the foot, can be used to palpate this same heartbeat (dorsalis pedis artery).

To know more about pulse

The changes in life expectancy in China described in the second paragraph are most likely attributable to which of the following?


China was still afflicted by infectious diseases linked to poverty by the middle of the 20th century, but by the end of the century it had conquered such illnesses.

What caused China's health problems?

In China, air pollution and water contamination are the main causes of the health issues that affect millions of rural and urban residents. 75 million asthma attacks and up to 400,000 premature deaths are a result of air pollution in China each year.

What are the top three killer diseases in China?

According to this study, the top 5 persistent causes of mortality in China over the previous 18 years have been malignant tumor, cerebrovascular illness, cardiac problems, respiratory diseases, trauma, and toxicosis.

Learn more about anxiety here:



Alexander Hamilton believed that a limited national debt
A. would do great harm to the nation's economy
B. might lead to military weakness
C. could persuade individuals and nations not to lend money to the United States
D. was beneficial, because people to whom the government wed money would work hard to make the nation a success
E. could help his economic plan but not his political plans


Alexander Hamilton believed that a limited national debt was beneficial, because people to whom the government wed money would work hard to make the nation a success. Hence, option (d) will be regarded as relevant.

Give a brief account on national debt.

The entire amount of debt that the US federal government owes to owners of Treasury securities is known as the US national debt. The face value of the outstanding Treasury securities at any given moment, issued by the Treasury and other government agencies, is what is referred to as the national debt. The terms "national deficit" and "national surplus" often refer to the annual balance of the federal government's budget, not the total amount of debt. In a year with a deficit, the national debt rises as a result of the government's need to borrow money to cover the shortfall, whereas a year with a surplus sees a decline in the national debt as a result of more money coming in than going out, allowing the government to pay down some of its debt by repurchasing Treasury securities.

To know more about, national debt, visit :



Alexander Hamilton believed that a limited national debt

D. was beneficial, because people to whom the government wed money would work hard to make the nation a success

Who was Alexander Hamilton?

Hamilton was the first Secretary of the Treasury and a strong advocate of a centralized federal government.

He proposed a financial plan that aimed to establish the credit and stability of the new nation. His plan included assuming the debts of the states, creating a national bank, and imposing tariffs and taxes to raise revenue.

Hamilton argued that a national debt, if it was not excessive, would be a national blessing. He believed that by owing money to wealthy individuals and foreign nations, the government would create a bond of interest and loyalty between them and the new republic.

He also thought that a national debt would stimulate trade and industry, as creditors would have a stake in the economic growth and prosperity of the country.

Learn more about Alexander Hamilton at:



A client is scheduled for blood to be drawn from the radial artery for an ABG determination. A nurse assists with performing Allen's test before drawing the blood to determine the adequacy of the:
1. Ulnar circulation
2. Carotid circulation
3. Femoral circulation
4. Brachial circulation


A nurse assists with performing Allen's test before drawing the blood to determine the adequacy of the Ulnar circulation.

Why do we need to perform Allen's test before obtaining ABG sample?

The Allen test is used to assess collateral blood flow to the hands, generally in preparation for a procedure that has the potential to disrupt blood flow in either the radial or the ulnar artery.

How do you take an ABG sample from a radial artery?

Uncap the ABG syringe, and hold it with two fingers of the dominant hand. The needle bevel should be facing upward. Insert the needle just under the skin at a 45º angle, aiming in the direction of the artery, while palpating the radial pulse proximal to the puncture site with the nondominant hand .

To know more about radial artery visit :-



The nurse assists with performing Allen's test before drawing the blood to determine the adequacy of Ulnar circulation.

Why the nurse performs Allen's test?

Allen's test is a simple and noninvasive test that assesses the patency of the ulnar artery. The ulnar artery is one of the two major arteries that supply blood to the hand and fingers.

The other artery is the radial artery, which is commonly used for arterial blood gas (ABG) sampling.

Before drawing blood from the radial artery, it is important to check if the ulnar artery can provide adequate blood flow to the hand in case the radial artery is occluded or damaged by the procedure. This is done by performing Allen's test, which involves compressing both the radial and ulnar arteries at the wrist and asking the client to open and close the hand several times.

This causes the hand to become pale due to ischemia. Then, the ulnar artery is released and the color of the hand is observed. If the hand becomes pink within 5 to 15 seconds, it indicates that the ulnar artery is patent and can provide sufficient collateral circulation to the hand. This means that the radial artery can be safely used for ABG sampling. However, if the hand remains pale or takes longer than 15 seconds to regain color, it suggests that the ulnar artery is occluded or insufficient and the radial artery should not be used for ABG sampling.

The carotid, femoral, and brachial arteries are not relevant for Allen's test, as they do not supply blood to the hand and fingers. They are also not suitable sites for ABG sampling, as they are deeper, larger, and more difficult to access than the radial artery. They also pose a higher risk of complications, such as hematoma, infection, nerve damage, and embolism.

Then the correct option is Ulnar Circulation.

Learn more about Ulnar circulation at:



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