What intermolecular force is present for Ne to form a liquid at low temperatures?
a) London Dispersion Forces
b) Hydrogen bonding
c) Dipole - Dipole forces
d) Ionic bonds


Answer 1

Intermolecular force is present for Ne to form a liquid at low temperatures is London dispersion forces.

The hydrogen bond is present between the Hydrogen atom to the N, O, F. The dipole - dipole interaction forces are present in between two polar molecules. ionic bonds exists between two ions, that are positively charged . one is positively charged another one is negatively charged. neon exist as diatomic gas. so, the neon is a non polar .S, neon diatomic atom is present without forming any chemical bond with another atom. so., from the given option in the ques it is clear that the force between the neon atom is present as London dispersion force.

Thus, Intermolecular force is present for Ne to form a liquid at low temperatures isa) London dispersion forces.

To learn more about London dispersion force here



Related Questions

Calculate the number of moles in: 147 g BaF 2


To solve the question we need to:

Step 1 - Calculate the molar mass of BaF2

Step 2 - Use the following formula: moles = mass/molar mass

Step 1:

Atomic mass of Ba is 137.33 g/mol

Atomic mass of F is 19 g/mol

We can find these values at periodic table.

We multiply the atomic mass by the quantity of atoms of each element:

(1x137.33) + (2x19) = 175.33 g/mol

So the molar mass of BaF2 is 175.33 g/mol

Step 2:

moles = mass/molar mass

moles = 147/175.55

moles = 0.838 moles

Answer: 0.838 moles of BaF2

Of the following bonds, which is most polar?Group of answer choicesS-ClC-NC-BC-OP-S



The polarity of a bond is given by the difference in electronegativity between the two atoms that form said bond.

the existence of a vacancy in a crystal decreases the energy of the material i. not enough information to determine ii. false iii. true


iii. True. The existence of a vacancy in a crystal decreases the energy of the material.

One of the scientific disciplines called crystallography examines how the atoms in a solid crystal are arranged. When molecules are linked together in a regular way, these crystals are created.

The mechanical, physical, and optical properties of a material can alter when crystal flaws are present. The strength of the material can be impacted by a flaw.

An irregularity in the atoms' regular geometrical arrangement within a crystalline material is referred to as a crystal defect. These flaws are caused by the solid being deformed, cooling quickly from a high temperature, or being exposed to high-energy radiation (such as X-rays or neutrons). because the vacancy cause defects and the crystal structure is disturbed this causes a decrease in energy.

To know more about vacancy visit the link:



If the density of water is 1 gram/cm3 this means that the mass of 100 cm3 of water should be?



100 grams


Given that:

The density of water = 1 gram/cm³

The volume of the water = 100 cm³

What to find:

The mass of the 100 cm³ of water.

Step-by-step solution:

The mass of the water can be calculated using the formula:

[tex]\begin{gathered} Density=\frac{Mass}{Volume} \\ \\ Mass=Density\times Volume \\ \\ Mass=1\text{ }gram\text{/}cm^{3^}\times100cm^3 \\ \\ Mass=100\text{ }grams \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, this means that the mass of 100 cm3 of water should be 100 grams.

Silicon carbide, SiC (m.w. = 40.10 g/mol), is used as an abrasive for many industrial processes. If you want to produce 1.00 kg of silicon carbide from the reaction of SiO2 (m.w. = 60.08 g/mol) and carbon (m.w. = 12.011 g/mol), what is the minimum amount of SiO2 that is needed?SiO2(s) + 3C(s) → SiC(s) + 2CO(g)


It is needed 1498.25 g of SiO2.

- From the chemical equation, we know that to produce 40.10 g of SiC, it is needed 60.08 g of SiO2 and 36.033 g of C (because in the reaction there are 3 moles of C).

- Calculating we obtain that:

[tex]\frac{1000\text{ . 60.08 }}{40.10}=1498.25\text{ g}[/tex]

So, it is needed 1498.25 g of SiO2. This can be expressed as 1.50x10^3 g.

2. A force of 600 Newtons acts on a ball for 1.5 seconds after being hit by a volleyball player.

a. What is the change in momentum of the ball?

b. If the ball has a mass of 275 grams, what is its velocity?


a) Data:

F = 600 N

t = 1.5 s

The equation for Impulse:

Impulse = I = F x t,

then the change in momentum: pf - pi

Impulse and the change in momentum are related like this:

pf - pi = I = F x t = 600 N x 1.5 s = 900 N.s

Therefore the change in momentum: pf-pi = 900 N.s

b) Velocity (t) = initial velocity + a x t

We can assume initial velocity = 0 m/s

From F = m x a = mass x acceleration, we clear "a",

m = 275 g = 0.275 kg (1 kg = 1000 g)

Then, F/m = a => 600 N/0.275 kg = 2182 m/s^2

Velocity (t) = 0 + 2182 m/s^2 x 1.5 s = 3273 m/s

Velocity = 3273 m/s

I need help with the table


Here ya go! Sorry this took so long, editing is hard

24. In the following balanced chemical equation: 2 Ag₂O
→ 4 Ag + 0₂
if one wanted to make 2 moles of silver, how many moles of Ag₂O would be needed to react?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 4
d) 6
e) 8


a) the mole ratio from AgO2 to Ag is 1:2 so for 2 moles of Ag you need 1 mole of AgO2

A photon has energy of 1.8 x 10^-12 Jules. Find the wavelength of this photon.
Show all work!


A photon has energy of 1.8 x 10⁻¹² Jules. The wavelength of this photon is 11.04 × 10⁻¹⁴ m.

Given that :

Energy of the photon : 1.8 × 10⁻¹² J

Energy of the photon is given by the formula :

E = h v


E = energy of photon

h = Planck constant = 6.626 × 10⁻³⁴ J.s

v = frequency of photon

frequency of photon is given as :

v = c / λ

therefore ,

E = h c / λ

λ = h c /E

c = speed of light = 3 × 10⁸ m/s

λ = (6.626 × 10⁻³⁴ J.s  × 3 × 10⁸ m/s) /  1.8 × 10⁻¹² J

λ = 11.04 × 10⁻¹⁴ m

Thus, A photon has energy of 1.8 x 10⁻¹² Jules. The wavelength of this photon is 11.04 × 10⁻¹⁴ m.

To learn more about photon here



Which of the following is not related to metallic bond?
A. Alloy
B. Shared electrons
C. Transferred electrons
D. Sea of electrons


Answer: B. Shared electrons

Explanation: Electrons are shared in covalent bonds. The other options are all properties of metallic bonds.

A 0.772g sample of an unknown compound, composed only of carbon and hydrogen, produced 2.31g of CO2 and 1.26g of H2O in a combustion analysis. What is the mass percent composition of carbon of the unknown compound?


The percent mass composition of carbon of the unknown compound is 42.8%.

What is the mass percentage of carbon in the given unknown compound?

The mass percentage of carbon in the given unknown compound is calculated as follows:

moles of substance = mass / molar mass

molar mass of carbon dioxide = 44.0 g/mol

molar mass of carbon = 12 g/mol

molar mass of water = 18 g/mol

molar mass of hydrogen = 1.0 g/mol

Moles of carbon dioxide = 2.31/44

Moles of carbon dioxide = 0.0525 moles

Moles of Carbon = 0.0525 moles

mass of carbon = 0.0525 * 12

mass of carbon = 0.105 g

Moles of water = 1.26/18

Moles of water = 0.07 moles

Moles of hydrogen = 0.07 * 2

Moles of hydrogen = 0.14 moles

mass of hydrogen = 0.14 * 1

mass of hydrogen = 0.14

mass of compound = 0.105 + 0.14

mass of compound = 0.245

Percentage mass of carbon = 0.105/0.245 * 100

Percentage mass of carbon = 42.8%

Learn more about percentage mass at: https://brainly.com/question/23856068


pls answer question will mark brainliset tyty



Forests are a renewable resource

Answer: B. Forests


This is because, as part of its biological cycle, carbon is taken up by trees and becomes forest biomass that eventually dies, decays, and releases carbon that is in turn taken back up by renewed forest growth.

in an ionic bond, ________ lose valence electrons and become _________ charged



in an ionic bond, atoms lose valence electrons and become positively charged


To clarify, the atom that loses the electrons becomes a positively charged ion (cation), and the atom that gains them becomes a negatively charged ion (anion).

What are the ionic compounds of gunpowder within fireworks, and what would be the chemical reaction of its combustion?


There are a lot of ionic compounds in fireworks, most of them are salts, like: Strontium Nitrate and Strontium Carbonate ( both in the color red); Calcium Carbonate and Calcium Chloride (orange); Sodium Nitrate, Sodium Oxalate (yellow); Barium Nitrate and Barium Carbonate (green) and so on. For the gunpowder itself we have the Potassium Nitrate as an ionic compound.

The chemical reaction for the combustion of black powder is:

6KNO3 + C7H4O + 2S -> K2CO3 + K2SO4 + K2S + 4CO2 + 2CO + 2 H2O + 3N2

It's not just a single reaction, but this is a general representation of it.

Fe2O3 + 3 H2 –> 2 Fe + 3 H2OIf 9.1 g of Fe2O3 is reacted with 16.8 g of hydrogen to form iron and water. How many grams of iron are produced?



6.37g of iron are produced.


1st) From the balanced reaction we know that 1 mole of Fe2O3 reacts with 3 moles of H2 to produce 2 moles of Fe and 3 moles of H2O.

With the molar mass of Fe2O3 (160g/mol) and H2 (2g/mol) we can convert the moles to grams:

- Fe2O3 conversion: 1 mole is equal to 160g, so here it is not necessary to calculate the conversion.

- H2 conversion:


So, from the balanced reaction we know that 160g of Fe2O3 react with 6g of H2.

2nd) Now we have to find out which compound is the limiting reactant and which compound is the excess reactant, using the 9.1g and 16.8g given in the exercise:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 160gFe_2O_3-6gH_2 \\ 9.1gFe_2O_3-x=\frac{9.1gFe_2O_3*6gH_2}{160gFe_2O_3} \\ x=0.34gH_2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, the 9.1g of Fe2O3 will need 0.34g of H2 to react properly, but we have 16.8g of H2 so H2 is the excess reactant and Fe2O3 is the limiting reactant.

3rd) Using the limiting reactant, we can calculate the grams of iron that are produced.

It is necessary to use the molar mass of iron (56g/mol) to convert the 2 moles in the reaction to grams (2 Fe moles = 112g).

[tex]\begin{gathered} 160gFe_2O_3-112gFe \\ 9.1gFe_2O_3-x=\frac{9.1gFe_2O_3*112gFe}{160gFe_2O_3} \\ x=6.37gFe \end{gathered}[/tex]

Finally, 6.37g of iron are produced.

What is the molar mass of sulfur dihydride?



To find the molar mass of sulfur dihydride, you will need to find the sum of all the atomic masses making up sulfur dihydride.

sulfur dihydride is H2S.

Atomic mass of H = 1,00784 u

Atomic mass of S = 32,065 u

Molar mass = (1.00784 x 2) + 32,065 = 34.081 g/mol


34.081 g/mol

Liquid to Gas =
Solid to Liquid =


The process of a liquid becoming a gas is called boiling (or vapourization) and the process of a solid becoming a liquid is called melting.

Vaporization is the process of converting a liquid into a gas. It is also called evaporation. Since we know that the particles of a gas are moving faster than those of a liquid, an input of energy must be required for a liquid to become a gas.

Melting is a physical process that results in the phase transition of a substance from a solid to a liquid. During melting, the energy goes exclusively to changing the phase of a substance; it does not go into changing the temperature of a substance. Hence melting is an isothermal process because a substance stays at the same temperature.

Example 1: Industrially, salt is recovered from seawater by the process of vaporization. Wet clothes are dried up due to the process of vaporization. The process is used in many industrial processes for separating the components of a mixture.

Example 2: Ice to water - Ice melts back into the water when it is left out at temperatures above the freezing point of 32 degrees. Rocks to lava - Rocks in volcanoes can be heated until they are molten lava. Metal to molten liquid - Metals such as steel and bronze can be molten down.

To learn more about vaporization and melting visit,


5. Base your answer to the following question on the informationbelow and on your knowledge of chemistryA metal worker uses a cutting torch that operates by reactingacetylene gas, C2H2(g), with oxygen gas, O2(g), as shown inthe unbalanced equation below.CH,(g) + 0,(g) → CO2(g) + H2O(g) + heat


In order to properly balance an equation, we need to make sure that the same amount of elements on the reactants side matches the number of elements on the products side, we can do that by increasing the number in front of each molecule, the so called stoichiometric coefficient.

The proper balancing for this question is:

2 C2H2 + 5 O2 -> 4 CO2 + 2 H2O

Therefore the coefficients are:

2, 5, 4, 2

please help now:) very easy




Hi  Kiwi,   Atoms are very stable,  it takes a gigantic amount of energy to break them up.  Compounds (molecules) take far far less, and are rearranged all the time.   valence electrons are the electric force that stick molecules together.  it's relatively small, the energy to break up molecules.

Acid rain forms from sulfur combining with water in the atmosphere to form
sulfuric acid. What are the reactants of this reaction?
A. Sulfuric acid and water
B. Sulfuric acid and sulfur
C. Water and sulfur
D. Water, sulfur, and sulfuric acid



sulfur and water


sulfur + water --> sulfuric acid

^ reactants. ^ product

What will happen to the connection if the live wire is not connected?​


Answer: it would cause a serious shock


Can you please help resolve and explain?


The Ka of an acid indicates how strong this acid is. This means that greater acidity constant Ka corresponds to stronger acids, and lower Ka corresponds to weakest acids. I the example the acetic acid (CH3COOH) has an acidity constant 6 order of magnitude greater than the HCO3- there fore acetic acid is stronger than HCO3-

How much of NaCl is in 1.66 L of 0.400 M NaCl? Answer in units of mol.


The question requires us to calculate the number of moles of NaCl in 1.66 L of a 0.400 M NaCl solution.

To answer this question, we need to keep in mind that the molar concentration provides the amount of moles in one liter solution. Thus, we can write that:

1 L of NaCl solution -------------- 0.400 mol of NaCl

We can use this information to calculate the amount of NaCl, in moles, in 1.66 L in a 0.400 M NaCl solution:

1 L of NaCl solution -------------- 0.400 mol of NaCl

1.66 L of NaCl solution --------- x

Solving for x, we have:

[tex]x=\frac{(1.66\text{ L of NaCl solution)}\times(0.400\text{ mol of NaCl)}}{(1\text{ L of NaCl solution)}}=0.664\text{ mol of NaCl}[/tex]

Therefore, there are 0.664 moles of NaCl in 1.66 L of a 0.400 M NaCl solution.

Perform the followingmathematical operation, andreport the answer to thecorrect number of significantfigures.9.635 ÷ 12.9 = [?]


Significant figures are the number of digits in a number. To count the significant figures we must take into account that the zeros before the digit should not be counted, but the intermediate zeros or after the digit should be counted.

Now, when we do the two-digit division, the significant figures of the quotient will be equal to those of the digit with the fewest number of significant figures. Let's see what are the figures of the terms of the division and the final result:

We see that the quotient of the division is 0.746899..., but we have to write the answer only with 3 significant figures. If the number after the last figure to which we want to approximate is greater than 5, we must add 1 to the last figure, so the result will be: 0.747.

Answer: 0.747

N_{2}(g) + 3H_{2} * (g) < =2NH 3 (g)+heat What will happen to equilibrium if the temperature decreases?



The arrow will be shifted to the right (OPTION B)


Firstly, we need to write out the chemical reaction equation

[tex]N_{2(g)}+3H_{2(g)}\text{ }\rightleftarrows2NH_{3(g)}\text{ + heat}[/tex]

From the reaction above, you will see that heat is one of the products, this means that the reaction is n exothermic reaction.

An exothermic reaction is a type of reaction in which heat is released to its surroundings.

In an exothermic reaction, a decrease in temperature will shift the equilibrium to the right

if a cell being observed has been magnified 450×under a 50×LPO,What is the magnifying power of the eyepiece used?​


The magnification will be 9x.

A telescope is a device which is used to watch the objects far away in the space. In this device, different lenses are used and a reflecting surface is also used.

This light is reflected on a large mirror surface and the telescope has eyepiece which helps to see the object.

The magnification is the function between the focal length and the distance through which object is to be viewed.


The magnification will be 450/ 50 = 9x

Therefore the magnification of the eyepiece will be 9x.

To know more about magnification, refer: https://brainly.com/question/28049436


Determine the energy change associated with the transition from n = 2 to n = 5 in the hydrogen atom.


The energy change associated with the transition from n = 2 to n = 5 in the hydrogen atom is 2.856 eV.

Planck's equation, E = h, relates the energy change connected to a transition to the frequency of the electromagnetic wave. The equation c = then links the wave's frequency to both its wavelength and the speed of light.

The expression for the change in energy for a transition from a state  to a state  in a hydrogen atom is

                             E = -13.6Z² (1/Nf² - 1/Ni²)

where Z is the atomic number, which is 1 for hydrogen. Substituting

Nf= 5 and Ni= 2

E = -13.6 × (1/ (5)²- 1/ (2)²)

E = -13.6 × - 0.21

E =  2.856 eV

To know more about energy change visit the link:



Why don't incoming ocean waves bring more water on to the shore until the
beach is completely submerged?


Because the amount of water on earth is not increasing

Light of frequency 3.62*10^15 Hz strikes a surface of copper (W0=4.70 eV). How much kinetic energy does the liberated electron have in eV.

I’ve been stuck on his for two days. Please help me, I give away brainliest all the time.


Kinetic energy liberated is 10.2 eV from the equation of photoelectric effect

What is photoelectric effect?

Photoelectric effect is a phenomenon in which electrons are ejected from the surface of a metal when light is incident on it.

What is the kinetic energy?

According to Einstein's photoelectric equation, we know that kinetic energy is the difference between the energy of incident photon and the work function of the metal.

KE = E - Wo

KE = kinetic energy

E = energy of the photon

Wo = work function

Now we know that

E = hf

h = Plank's constant (6.6 × 10-³⁴ )

f = frequency

E = 6.6 × 10-³⁴ × 3.62 × 10¹⁵

= 2.39 × 10-¹⁸J or 14.9 eV

1 eV = 1.6 × 10-¹⁹ J


KE = 14.9eV - 4.7eV

KE = 10.2eV

Learn more about photoelectric effect at https://brainly.com/question/19427469


Which of the following best describes one way the endocrine system effects the reproductive system?

The endocrine system directly produces sperm cells in men and egg cells in women, both which are needed for puberty.

The reproductive system produces hormones that are required in order for the endocrine system to work properly.

The endocrine system produces hormones that make puberty possible.

The endocrine system regulates mood and metabolism, both which are necessary for reproduction.



C is the answer


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