What impact did U.S. involvement have on America and Americans overall?


Answer 1



The American Expeditionary Forces arrived in Europe in 1917 and helped turn the tide in favor of Britain and France, leading to an Allied victory over Germany and Austria in November 1918. By the time of the armistice, more than four million Americans had served in the armed forces and 116,708 had lost their lives.

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What was the greatest impact of the population decline following the Black Death on the economies of Europe?
Can you please help me on this



The plague had an important effect on the relationship between the lords who owned much of the land in Europe and the peasants who worked for the lords. As people died, it became harder and harder to find people to plow fields, harvest crops, and produce other goods and services. Peasants began to demand higher wages.

What was Christianity's appeal to the people of the Roman Empire?


Christianity was appealing to the people of the Roman Empire because is offered a personal relationship with a god and offered a way to eternal life

I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death.
- Patrick Henry
These remarks reflect Patrick Henry's belief that -
A.the colonies must free themselves from British rule
B.colonists should continue their loyalty to the king
C.a fight for political independence would be dangerous
D.Loyalists should return to England





A.the colonies must free themselves from British rule

Hitler believed the Nazi Party would have to attain power
Select one:
O a. by overthrowing the government
O b. through legal means.
O c. through popular vote.
O d. through secret elections.
on 7


Should be the second answer (b)

Industry in the south was
A. Staffed by slaves
B. On plantations
C. Very limited



either a or b


Hope this helps

Plz give brainliest

The answer is A staffed by slaves

People make choices about how to use blank resources





hope this helps youu

How did the Great Depression affect African Americans?
For African American history :)



African American life during the Great Depression and the New Deal. The Great Depression of the 1930s worsened the already bleak economic situation of African Americans. They were the first to be laid off from their jobs, and they suffered from an unemployment rate two to three times that of whites.


Hope this helps


Racial discrimination contributed to the greater suffering experienced by black people during the Great Depression.

What do you mean by Depression?

A mental illness called depression results in a constant feeling of melancholy and loss of interest.

The already precarious economic status of African Americans was made worse by the Great Depression of the 1930s. They were the first to lose their jobs, and they experienced unemployment rates that were two to three times higher than those of white people.

Compared to most white people, African Americans experienced a disproportionate amount of unemployment, homelessness, starvation, and sickness.

The most vulnerable groups in the nation—children, the elderly, and people who face discrimination, like African Americans—were the ones that suffered the most. African Americans were unable to find employment, even in the jobs that were once seen as their domain, as the majority of white Americans felt entitled to the limited positions that were available.

Therefore, The greater suffering endured by black Americans during the Great Depression was a result of racial prejudice.

Learn more about Depression, here;



The Environmental Protection Agency has been the environment’s watchdog since the



The Environmental Protection Agency has been the environment’s watchdog since the  




Edge 2021

This Environmental Protection Agency has been the environment’s watchdog since the Year 1970s.

What is the Environmental Protection Agency?

This is an agency created with an aim of protecting the human health and the environment.

This federal agency was created during Nikon Administration in the Year 1970.

Read more about Environmental Protection Agency



What is the name of person who travel to anther country to do religion work





1: to induce someone to convert to one's faith. 2 : to recruit someone to join one's party, institution, or cause. transitive verb. : to recruit or convert especially to a new faith, institution, or cause.

Hope that helps!❤️

In the story adapted from Book IX of The Odyssey, what does
Odysseus's scheme involving the sheep reveal about him?
O He is motivated by fear.
O He is a cunning strategist.
O He is an expert fighter.
He is unnecessarily cruel.



He is an expert fighter I think

Answer: He is a cunning strategist

Explanation: I took the test and got it right

If a gene is inserted into a bacterial cell, every cell produced by that cell will have



A copy of the inserted gene


The first 10 amendments to the US Constitution are also known as the



The Bill of Rights is the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution. It spells out Americans' rights in relation to their government. It guarantees civil rights and liberties to the individual—like freedom of speech, press, and religion.

Among the African American leaders who were working within the civil rights movement during the 1960s, some urged blacks to renew their commitment to their own heritage, to establish black businesses for economic autonomy, and to fortify economic, political, and psychological defenses against white domination. _________ was one such leader.



Malcolm X.


The Civil Rights movement was a decade-long struggle or campaign by the African Americans for an end to institutionalized racism, social justice, segregation and the likes in the United States of America. It was mainly championed by Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X, as well as some other black American allies.

The famous African American leaders such as Martin Luther King and Malcolm X who worked within the civil rights movement during the 1960s, urged the blacks (African Americans) to renew their commitment to their own heritage, embrace entrepreneurship by establishing black businesses for economic autonomy, and to fortify economic, political, and psychological defenses against white domination.

In conclusion, Malcolm X was one such leader that advocated for such among the African Americans living in the United States of America.

Malcolm X was born on the 19th of May, 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska, United States of America. He was a human rights and political activist who was famously known for his advocacy during the Civil Rights movement.

If you have the opportunity to join the military which branch will you choose and why?



The Air Force I want to be  a Recon Specialist

My uncle was in the Air Force thats why


What were the Reconstruction Amendments?
A. Constitutional amendments giving citizenship rights to African
B. Constitutional amendments that established the sharecropping
C. Amendments stating the consequences for the states that left the
D. Amendments that made slavery illegal in new states and



A. Constitutional amendments giving citizenship rights to African



Congressional Reconstruction included the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth amendments to the Constitution which extended civil and legal protections to former enslaved people.




what can we learn from the woman of South Africa that took part in the march ​



Women's March was a march that took place on 9 August 1956 in Pretoria, South Africa. The marchers' aims were to protest the introduction of the Apartheid pass laws for black women in 1952 and the presentation of a petition to the then Prime Minister. Many women had babies on their backs and some domestic workers brought their white employers' children along with them. Throughout the demonstration the huge crowd displayed a discipline and dignity that was deeply impressive (Walker 1991:195).

5. I need something
will clean this stain.
1 that
2 O
3 what​



vinegar and salt may help it

Why is Africa called the Mother Continent?
OA. It is the oldest inhabited continent in the world.
ОВ. It is the second oldest inhabited continent on Earth.
It is the most fertile continent.
It is where all uniquely human habits come from.


I think it is answer OB

Computers, cellphones, e-mails, and instant messaging became the tools to access​


What is the question we still with the question is if you just clarify what the question is I will be glad to help you

Based on the map, which of the following statements about the European colonization of Africa is correct?
Most of Africa had been claimed by Asian explorers by 1914.
Colonizers started by claiming coastal regions, then moved inland.
Rivers were used to define borders of European colonies.
Most of Africa had been claimed by European powers by 1914.





the following claims on the colonization of Africa by Europeans are By 1914, Asian explorers had taken the vast majority of Africa. As a result, choice (A) is right.

What do you know about European colonization?

Between roughly 1492 and 1800, the Americas saw a significant period of European colonization during the Age of Discovery. Although the Norse had explored and settled parts of the North Atlantic, colonizing Greenland and setting up a temporary settlement close to Newfoundland's northern tip around 1000 CE,

the later and better-known wave by the European powers is what formally counts as the beginning of colonization, involving the continents of North America and South America.

Several European empires, primarily Spain, Portugal, Britain, France, Russia, the Netherlands, and Sweden, began to explore and claim the land, natural resources, and human capital of the Americas during this time. As a result, the indigenous peoples were dispersed, disestablished, enslaved, and in many cases, subjected to genocide, and new empires were established.

Learn more about European colonization, from :



3. PART A: Which TWO of the following best identify the central ideas of
this text?
O A Nixon and his staffers knowingly broke the law to gain an electoral
OB Nixon was a corrupt man who would have been caught in some
scandal eventually.
O C Power corrupts those who think that they are above the law.
O DIf Nixon was not impeached, he would be remembered as one of
America's greatest Cold War presidents.
E Nixon resigned from office because he saw his impeachment as
OF The articles of impeachment were an overreaction to Nixon's


The central idea of this text is that  Nixon and his staffers knowingly broke the law to gain an electoral advantage.

What scandal was President Nixon engaged in?

This president was engaged in what was known as the Watergate scandal. The scandal was due to the fact that he tried to manipulate elections in his party to his advantage.

Burglars from the president were said to have broken into the Democratic National Committee headquarters.

Read more on the Watergate scandal here:https://brainly.com/question/1025614

yes or no?
Indians started in America​


no indians did not start in america


Native Americans originated in America

when was the kyoto p0rotocol adopted? when did it go into effect?



What is the Kyoto Protocol? The Kyoto Protocol was adopted on 11 December 1997. Owing to a complex ratification process, it entered into force on 16 February 2005. Currently, there are 192 Parties to the Kyoto Protocol.


Select the correct answer. Which major bank collapsed in Oklahoma as a result of the oil bust in the 1980s? ОА. Penn Square Bank OB. JP Morgan O C. Wells Fargo OD. Bank of America O E. Key Bank​



The failure of Penn Square Bank of Oklahoma City had a devastating effect on the U.S. banking system when the bank was declared insolvent on July 5, 1982. The ill-fated financial institution started in 1960 in a shopping mall.

Bank of America is the major bank collapsed in Oklahoma as a result of the oil bust in the 1980s. Hence, option D is correct.

Why did the Penn Square bank scandal happen?

Penn Square Bank failed in July 1982, partly as a result of reckless lending practices related to the selling of more than $1 billion in "loan participations" to other banks across America.

There are certain first-world issues that JPMorgan (JPM. N), Wells Fargo (WFC. N), and Citigroup (C.N) are dealing with. The only truly negative development is a slight decline in client savings and a slight deterioration in credit.

The 1989 savings and loan crisis was centered on Charles Keating, owner of the California-based Lincoln Savings and Loan Association. It was made public very quickly after the 1988 US presidential election that Charles Keating had been detained and accused of fraud.

Thus, option D is correct.

For more information about Penn Square bank scandal happen, click here:



What are the needs that Dubai Cares is providing by educating the children?



Dubai cares improves children health and their benefits. They can grow and live happy. They can also have increase education enrollment and attainment, increase access to education, reduce absenteeism, increase gender parity and increase promotion rates. Children loves this Dubai care product system


Hope I helped! Brainiest plz! Hope you make an 100% and have a wonderful day! -Amelia♥

Do you think an athlete should do whatever is necessary to win? Does this include hard work or cheating? Explain in detail.



I don't think that an athlete or anyone in that fact should do whatever necessary to win. You should never cheat, its morally wrong. Even if you lose, at least you still have your dignity. I know people say "oh, it makes you feel bad" and stuff like that but in the back of your head you will always know that you didn't earn it. It's even worse if you cheat and do win. Because along with it being wrong on so many levels, think about the other team or side. It's really unfair for them.


What advantage did aircraft most contribute to World War 1?
A. They moved troops to the front quickly
B. They moved wounded troops from the field.
C. They diverted the war away from the trenches.
D. They allowed each side better reconnaissance



They Were actually used to Drop Bombs On Targets But Since That Isn't there We Can say That They were used to move troops to the front quickly


craft became larger as the need for bombers grew. These aircraft could carry large quantities of explosives to drop on strategic targets, like factories and dockyards. They depended on long-range and reliability as targets were often well behind enemy lines.

Answer:the answer is D


Question 9
What is the difference between having a job and having a career?
Having a job normally means you're just punching the clock. When you have
O A. a career, you are managing your time well and being productive. You are
looking forward to your future.
B. A job is fun, a career is not.
C. It's a job when you work at home. When you leave home it's a career.
D. Careers are not satisfying.


answer is A , it is more reasonable in my opinion

Which type of Mathematics were the Egyptians especially interested in?

Measurement Mathematics


I think it’s it’s B but i’m not completely sure


I think the correct answer is Measurement Mathematics.


The Egyptians invented one of the earliest forms of measurement, called the cubit.

Which of the following conducted the governmental business of the United States following the Declaration of Independence?

The Continental army

George Washington

The Second Continental Congress


The second continental congress




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