What happens to a t-distribution as the degrees of freedom increase?


Answer 1


One of the interesting properties of the t-distribution is that the greater the degrees of freedom, the more closely the t-distribution resembles the standard normal distribution. As the degrees of freedom increases, the area in the tails of the t-distribution decreases while the area near the center increases

hope it's help


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In the book all the pretty horses how does the death of Blevins help John Grady grow as a character?



The main character of All the Pretty Horses, John Grady Cole certainly does not begin McCarthy's novel as a prototypical Western hero. At sixteen, his dream is to run the ranch on which he's lived his whole life. ... With no recourse, John Grady becomes a character in search of a story, a hero in search of a novel.

Give a general overview of psychotherapy. Then, detail the key elements of biomedical therapy, the eclectic approach, psychodynamic therapy, and client-centered therapy.



Psychotherapy is the use of psychological methods for treating mental health problems. This usually involves talking to a psychiatrist, psychologist or other mental health provider. The goal of psychotherapy is the understand the condition that one may have as well as the thoughts, feelings, moods, and behaviors associated with it. There are a few different types of psycho therapy: biomedical therapy, the eclectic approach, psychodynamic therapy, and client-centered therapy.

Biomedical therapy is the use of psychological treatments to treat psychological disorders. This usually involves prescribed medicine. Many people who suffer from disorders like depression and anxiety use biomedical therapies. There are three main types if biomedical therapy:  drug therapies, electroconvulsive treatment, and psychosurgery. The goal of these therapies is to reduce symptoms of a psychological disorder.

The eclectic approach is the juxtaposition of several different types of therapies to meet the needs of a particular client. This type of therapy is used to individual

Psychodynamic therapy is the psychological interpretation of mental and emotional processes. This therapy attempts to help clients find the patterns in their emotions to gain insight on themselves. It focuses on the roots of ones psychological suffering and uses the relationship between client and therapist to see into the problematic patterns in a patients life.

Client centered therapy is a non-directive approach to talk therapy. The client ultimately "takes the reins" of the session as the therapist guides them. The goal of this form of therapy is to have the client interact and engage in therapy in an individual way.


Psychotherapy is the application of psychological techniques to assist a person in changing and overcoming psychological issues and mental pain. Its main objective is to improve one's sense of well-being. It uses a variety of techniques, including humanistic, psychodynamic, and cognitive behavioral therapy.

Psychotherapy and client-centered therapy:

The physical characteristics of sickness and illness are the focus of biomedical treatment. It is a medical paradigm that incorporates health professionals and is linked to the right process of disease or problem diagnosis, cure, and therapy.

Eclectic approach wants to employ a mix of approaches and concepts to construct a treatment program that is specifically tailored to the needs of the patient.

Psychodynamic therapy is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on psychological aspects and is based on notions such as the id, ego, and superego, as well as psychosexual phases.

Client-centered therapy is a type of treatment that focuses heavily on the client and seeks to understand how the world seems to the client. It emphasizes the value of unconditional positive respect.

Find out more information about 'Psychotherapy'.


Which of the following statements concerning schizophrenia is not correct?
Schizophrenia is a very costly illness due to its early onset and lengthy hospitalizations.
Patients with chronic disorders can be treated successfully and have a full recovery.
Schizophrenic disorders have numerous symptoms that may consist of delusions and hallucinations.
Patients are less likely to relapse if they return to a supportive family after treatment.




Patients with chronic disorders can be treated successfully and have a full recovery.

The statement 'patients with chronic disorders can be treated successfully and have a full recovery' concerning schizophrenia is not correct (Option B).

What is schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a type of mental cognitive disorder mainly characterized by problems in reality interpretation.

Schizophrenia can be associated with loss of memory skills and other brain functions.

Schizophrenia is mainly due to genetic factors, but environmental conditions can also influence this disease.

In conclusion, the statement 'patients with chronic disorders can be treated successfully and have a full recovery' concerning schizophrenia is not correct (Option B).

Learn more in:


Which of the following is not a current trend in global energy consumption?
A) Industrialized countries consume a disproportionate share of energy.
B) Energy consumption has increased by about 22 percent since 1985.
C) Rapidly industrializing countries are increasing their energy consumption more quickly than all
other countries.
D) Hydroelectric power is now the main source of energy.

A) is not the answer!!!!


C Energy consumption has increased by about 22 percent since 1985


D.) Hydroelectric power is now the main source of energy


Got it right on Edge

if the us introduced an integrated energy plan to develop sustainable energy which of the following goals should not be included in the policy?

a) to develop energy and advance industry aggressively

b) to balance environmental quality and economic health

c) to develop short-term sustainable energy

d) to conserve energy aggressively






imma Guess A?


Ill post the result later

John displays anxiety irritability and ability to concentrate and apathy. She also reexperiences a distress event through nightmare and vivid memories. Joanna is experiencing



Joan is experiencing past regression charactorized by vivid memories of past experiences..

Only treatment is thru hypnosis & relaxation therapy to promote memories from her past...

The root tip cells of an onion plant have 8 pairs of chromosomes. Which of the following correctly describes the number of chromosomes in an onion root tip cell at a specific stage of the cell cycle?
A. At the end of the synthesis phase, an onion root tip cell will have a total of 32 unique chromosomes.
B. In metaphase, an onion root tip cell will have a total of 16 unique chromosomes composed of 32 chromatids.
C. After cytokinesis, a daughter onion root tip cell will have a total of 8 unique chromosomes.
D.After cytokinesis, a daughter onion root tip cell will have a total of 32 unique chromosomes.



The answer is, At the end of the synthesis phase, an onion root tip cell will have a total of 32 unique chromosomes.

or A

The statement which correctly describes the number of chromosomes in an onion root tip cell at a specific stage of the cell cycle is:

A. At the end of the synthesis phase, an onion root tip cell will have a total of 32 unique chromosomes.

According to the given question, we are asked to show the statement which correctly describes the number of chromosomes in an onion root tip cell at a specific stage of the cell cycle.

As a result of this, we can see that a chromosome is a DNA molecule which contains genetic information and undergoes many phases during cell division.

With this in mind, we can see that when an onion root tip cell gets to the synthesis phase, then it would have a total of 32 unique chromosomes as a result of the cell division which took place.

Therefore, the correct answer is option A

Read more here:


A polar bear is standing at the bottom of a snow pile, waiting for her cub to slide down. If the angle of elevation from the bottom of the snow pile to the top is 46°, and the height of the snow pile is 9 ft, find the distance between the polar bear and the top of the snow pile.



Distance between polar bear and top of pile = 12.51 ft (approx.)



Angle of elevation = 46°

Height of the snow pile = 9 ft


Distance between polar bear and top of pile


Using trigonometry function

Sin 46° = Height of the snow pile / Distance between polar bear and top of pile

Sin 46° = 9 / Distance between polar bear and top of pile

Distance between polar bear and top of pile = 9 / 0.7193

Distance between polar bear and top of pile = 12.51 ft (approx.)

How did nationalist leaders use different methods to pursue independence from colonial rule after 1900?


How did nationalist leaders use different methods to pursue independence from colonial rule after 1900?

While countries throughout history have fought for their independence from their colonizing countries, not all of them fought for independence in the same way. Some examples of how many nationalist leaders used different methods to pursue independence from colonial rule after 1900 are:

-Mahatma Gandhi (Indian independence movement), who pursued independence for his country through noncooperation in 1919-1922, a civil disobedience movement of 1930-1931, and finally the Quit India movement in 1940-1942, which led to India and Pakistan gaining independence from the British Empire.

-Hồ Chí Minh (Vietnam War), who pursued independence for his country by beating the French with military strategies and battles, which led to the Vietnam War and finally the independence of Vietnam.  

-Paul Kruger (South African independence movement), who pursued independence for his country by fighting the British Empire with military strategies and battles, which led to the Anglo-Boer wars and finally the British Empire troops retreating.

-Kwame Nkrumah (Ghana independence movement), who pursued independence for his country by launching a Positive Action campaign of strikes, boycotts, and disobedience. This led to Ghana gaining independence from the British Empire

Mahatma Gandhi, who led a civil disobedience movement in 1930-1931 to achieve independence for his nation by refusing to cooperate in 1919-1922.

Nationalist leaders and method of independence:

Paul Kruger, who fought for his country's freedom by using military techniques and battles against the British Empire, which resulted in the Anglo-Boer wars and the British Empire's forces retiring.

Kwame Nkrumah, who led a Positive Action campaign of strikes, boycotts, and civil disobedience to achieve independence for Ghana. Ghana gained independence from the British Empire as a result of this.

Find more infomration about 'Anglo-Boer'.


Help me evaluate these Boolean expressions below to a single true or false given the values of grade, name and x: grade = 82, name = “Rumpelstiltskin”, and x = -3.

1. Grade == 82
2. Grade >= 82 and grade + 10 < 100
3. Grade/ 2 > 90 or grade == 75
4. Not(name != “Rumpelstiltskin”)
5. Name == “Jim” or name == “Rumpelstiltskin”
6. X + 3 > 0 or x != -3 or x - 1 < -5
7. (X < 0 and x != 3) and x + 5 == 2
8. Grade > 65 and (name == “Micheal” or name == “Rumpelstiltskin”) and not(x == -3)
9. X > 0 or (grade + 5 < 90 and grade >= 80) or name == “Pam”
10. (not(grade > x) and (name != “Dwight” and x <= 0)) or (grade > 0 and x % 2 == 1)



Answer: true, true, false, true, true, false, true, true, true, false


Following are the complete python code to check the Boolean expressions values are discussed clearly in the other part of the question.

What is program?


grade = 82 #defining the variable grade that inputs integer value

name = "Rumpelstiltskin"#defining the variable name that inputs string value  

x = -3#defining the variable x that inputs negative integer value  

print(grade == 82)#using the grade variable that checks its value equal to 82

print(grade >= 82 and grade + 10 < 100)#using the grade variable with and gate that checks its value greater than equal to 82 and adding 10 in grade is less than 100

print(grade/ 2 > 90 or grade == 75)#using the grade variable with or gate that checks its grade divide by 2 greater than 90 and grade is equal to 75

print(not(name != "Rumpelstiltskin"))#using not gate that check name not equal to string value

print(name == "Jim" or name == "Rumpelstiltskin")#using the name variable with or gate that checks its value Jim or Rumpelstiltskin

print(x + 3 > 0 or x != -3 or x - 1 < -5)#using the x variable with or gate that checks x and by 3 is greater than 0 or x not equal to -3  or x -1 less than -5

print((x < 0 and x != 3) and x + 5 == 2)#using the x variable with and gate that checks x less than 0 and x not equal to 3  and x+5 equal to 2

print(grade > 65 and (name == "Micheal" or name =="Rumpelstiltskin") and not(x == -3))#using the grade and name variable with or gate that checks grade greater than 65 and name equal to "Micheal" or "Rumpelstiltskin"

print(x > 0 or (grade + 5 < 90 and grade >= 80) or name == "Pam")#using the x and grade variable with or and and gate that checks x greater than 0 or grade + 5 less than 90 and greater than equal to 80

Therefore, print((not(grade > x) and (name != "Dwight" and x <= 0)) or (grade > 0 and x % 2 == 1))#using the grade, name, x variable with or and and and not grade greater than x and name not equal to "Dwight" and x less than equal to 0 or grade greater than 0 and x modulo 2 equal to 1

Learn more about programming on:



Is this a CCOT essay prompt, if not what is it?
“Develop an argument that evaluates the extent to which colonial economies in the Americas in this period relied on the introduction of new systems of labor”



no se puedes ser mas especifico muchas gracias

PLEASE HELP Genetic modification of agricultural crops has primarily increased the productivity
of modern farming by -

increasing plants’ drought resistance and resistance to pests
increasing the size of fruits and grains
changing vegetable and fruit colors to suit customers demands
cutting the cost of bulk seeds during planting season



increasing plants’ drought resistance and resistance to pests


increasing plants’ drought resistance and resistance to pests


write a thesis statement for your argumentative essay against online school





Even if I know a answer to a question and I say it they don't hear me

Suppose the consumer price index (CPI) for 2002 is 130. This means the
average price of goods and services is:





According to the Question above, suppose the consumer price index for 2002 is 130

Then the average price of goods and services is $130

Consumer price index(cpi) can be described as the average prices of of goods and services that consumers buy In the marker over a particular period of time. The cpi in this case study here is $130

Why isn't wine bottled near the market, as beer
and cola are?


I’m not sure what this is asking. Wine takes a very long time to sit and mature, so that could be an answer?

Where should people focus their efforts when improving transportation energy efficiency?


automobile design


bus design


train design


airplane design



b and c


they go slow litterly tho...


Its A. Automobiles


Right on Edge 2021

FREE POINTTSSS// ill mark brainlyest if you gimme a noice George Weasley photo \
AAAAAA hes hot anywhooo wheres my wattpad bbys at?? lol


Is this what your looking for??

A murder case is being investigated. The methods used by the perpetrator resemble those found in a murder case that took place in the
previous month. What should the forensic experts do to determine if both murders were committed by the same person?


The forensic scientists should check for fingerprints, hair, footprints, bite marks anything that could provide more evidence about the suspect.


Do a DNA testing to determine if there's a connection between the two murder cases!

How did the breakup of Pangaea affect land organisms during the Mesozoic Era?



Speciation occurred as species got separated by seas and oceans.


The breakup of Pangaea into Laurasia and Gondwanaland resulted in clade dispersal, isolation of clades, and change in the climate. It also influences patterns of diversity. Only those animals that survived the mass extinction that was able to adapt to the new climate conditions. Speciation occurred as species got separated by seas and oceans.


The breakup of Pangaea into Laurasia and Gondwanaland resulted in climate change. Only the animals that were able to adapt to the new climate conditions survived the mass extinction.


what is law of cosines


The Law of Cosines is used to find the remaining parts of an oblique (non-right) triangle when either the lengths of two sides and the measure of the included angle is known (SAS) or the lengths of the three sides (SSS) are known. The Law of Cosines states: ... c2=a2+b2−2ab cosC .


a law in trigonometry


the square of a side of a plane triangle equals the sum of the squares of the remaining sides minus twice the product of those sides and the cosine of the angle between them.

Which statement best describes the main purpose of a church in Christianity?



Christians believe that it is part of their duty to act in a moral way and this involves helping others around them. The Church can play a vital role in Christians helping others as they provide: food banks – a place where people living in poverty can go and collect some food.


How big is the planet Mars.



2,106.1 mi



Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second-smallest planet in the Solar System, being larger than only Mercury. Mars (diameter 6790 kilometers) is only slightly more than half the size of Earth (diameter 12750 kilometers). Note the difference in color between the two planets. Almost 70% of Earth's surface is covered by liquid water.

Hope it helps,

Please mark me as the brainliest

Thank you

Don't answer it Irrelevantly
As old central business districts and industrial zones in more developed countries lost businesses and employment in the mid- to late twentieth century, suburban development expanded. Which of the following types of cities resulted from rapid suburban growth and the expansion of retail areas, office developments, business centers, and corporate headquarters to provide jobs and services in suburban areas?

A. Megalopolises

B. Financial districts

C. State capitals

D. Edge cities

E. Manufacturing zones​


[tex] \huge\color{violet}{Answer:}[/tex]

D. Edge cities

Edge city is a term that originated in the United States for a concentration of business, shopping, and entertainment outside a traditional downtown or central business district, in what had previously been a suburban residential or rural area.


The distance from Earth to the Moon is about 384,400 km. How many light-years is this?



1/2 light years. because light travels at 386, 000 ,000 so, half of it will be the distance


1/2 light years Hope it helps


Which of the following species characteristics would magnify the damage caused by the overfishing of a population?

Select one:
a. Low reproductive rate
b. Rapid growth rate
c. Reaching maturity quickly
d. Short life cycle



a. low reproductive rate


This is the only answer that would 100% magnify the damage caused by overfishing.

Rapid growth rate would soften the effects

reaching maturity and short life cycle does not matter if the species can reproduce quickly enough.

The species characteristics that would magnify the damage caused by overfishing of a population is; A: Low reproductive rate.

To understand this question we need to know that first of all fishing is simply the act of catching fish inside water.

Now, overfishing would mean catching more fish that necessary which means that it depletes the population of the ocean wildlife.

Now, since too many fish are caught in overfishing, it means that the population of the remaining fish is to small to reproduce enough fishes to replace the ones that have been removed and as such there would be low reproductivity.

Read more about overfishing at; https://brainly.com/question/767631

Is it wrong if someone hates there mom because she wasn't there for her almost her whole life?




Yes that's wrong



No, there is nothing wrong with that, my mom left me... and it was hard, VERY HARD... but if she wants a second chance girl take it... because she may be there now but she won't later. Forgiveness is a good thing. My mom never wanted a second chance it seems, but I wish she did every day. And i'm hating myself for it, but i shouldn't, and if I were you just think wisely, think about the consequeances that could happen if you did or didn't... Compare and contrast... make a list of the things that arw positive and negative... limit your choices

Donna is writing a program for her book store that will help her monitor inventory. She has many different kinds of books (fiction, non-fiction, textbooks, cookbooks, etc.) that all require different types of data. She has noticed, however, that several pieces of data are the same no matter which type of book she is selling: title and price. She creates some procedures that report the title and price of a book that she can use with any kind of book she sells. This is an example of what computing principle?





This is an abstraction because Donna generalized a concept — reporting the title or price of a book — to apply to all types of books. Noticing repeated details or common features and removing them is a key element of abstraction.

Langston Hughes's "Salvation" makes which of the following statements
about decisions?
A. They should not be taken lightly.
B. They should be carefully and methodically planned.
C. They should not be made under pressure.
D. They should be supported by friends and family.



C. They should not be made under pressure.


Langston Hughes' "Salvation" is all about peer pressure and how, as a child, Hughes was subjected to pressure from friends, family, and the church about certain religious ideas and faith. At the end of the novel, Hughes learns that one must make decisions for themselves, and should not be influenced by others.

Langston Hughes's "Salvation" makes the statement regarding the decisions is they should not be made under pressure. Thus, option C is correct.

What is Salvation?

The state of being saved or shielded from harm or a catastrophic circumstance is known as salvation. In religion and theology, salvation often refers to the release of the soul from the penalties of sin. Soteriology is the academic subject of salvation.

"Salvation" by Langston Hughes is all about peer pressure and how, as a youngster, Hughes was subjected to religious notions and faith pressure from peers, family, and the church. Hughes learns in the end of the story that one must make decisions for oneself and should not be swayed by others. Therefore, it can be concluded that option C is correct.

Learn more about Salvation here:



Explain the process of Judicial Review incorporating interactions between the 3 branches of government. Be as specific as possible and use examples.



This unit introduced the three branches of the US government: the legislative branch (Congress), the executive branch (the presidency), and the judicial branch (the Supreme Court and inferior courts). It also introduced the bureaucracy, sometimes called the "fourth branch" of government, which includes the federal agencies responsible for implementing policies.

Describe the characteristics, symptoms, and behaviors that would be exhibited from anxiety disorders, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder.



Anxiety Disorder- an anxiety disorder characterized by overwhelming anxiety and high levels of self-consciousness in normal social situations.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder  or PTSD- an anxiety disorder develops after experiencing a terrifying event and most likely harmed you in some way.

Panic disorder- an anxiety disorder that comes in episodes of fear and normally accompanied by physical symptoms.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder or OCD-  an anxiety disorder that includes repetitive behaviors and obsessions, some behaviors include toilet flushing, turning the lights off and on, or rearranging things many times.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder or GAD- an anxiety disorder that creates anxiety when there is no apparent threat.



Anxiety disorders are a group of mental health conditions characterized by excessive and persistent feelings of fear, worry, and nervousness that interfere with daily activities.

What are anxiety disorder?

Anxiety disorder caused by a medical condition includes symptoms of intense anxiety or panic caused by a physical health problem.

Common anxiety disorders are associated with the following characteristics, symptoms, and behaviors:

GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder): Excessive and persistent worry about everyday situations and events.

Restlessness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension, and sleep disturbances are some of the symptoms.

Panic Disorder is characterized by sudden and unexpected panic attacks, as well as physical symptoms such as chest pain, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, and dizziness.

A persistent fear of future panic attacks and avoidance of situations that may trigger them are also symptoms.

Phobias are extreme fears of a specific object, situation, or activity that are out of proportion to any actual danger.

Sweating, shaking, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, and nausea are all possible symptoms.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): A condition characterized by persistent, intrusive thoughts (obsessions) that cause anxiety, as well as repetitive behaviors (compulsions) designed to alleviate anxiety.

Excessive handwashing, checking, arranging, and counting may be symptoms.

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Affects people who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event, such as combat, natural disasters, sexual assault, or serious accidents.

Intrusive memories, nightmares, flashbacks, avoidance of triggering stimuli, negative mood and cognition changes, and hyperarousal are all symptoms.

Thus, these are the characteristics, symptoms, and behaviors that would be exhibited from anxiety disorders, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder.

For more details regarding anxiety disorder, visit:



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