what happens in act 4 scene 1 of a midsummer night's dream


Answer 1


If i remember correctly this is the act where titania the queen of fairies gets love potioned into falling in love with (i forgot name) guy with donkey head


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Which claims in the text provide evidence that Thomas Bodley's methods contributed to the vast collections currently held at the Oxford University Library?



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The black women of civil rights movement contributed in all of the following ways EXCEPT



Many women played important roles in the Civil Rights Movement, from leading local civil rights organizations to serving as lawyers on school segregation lawsuits. Their efforts to lead the movement were often overshadowed by men, who still get more attention and credit for its successes in popular historical narratives and commemorations. Many women experienced gender discrimination and sexual harassment within the movement and later turned towards the feminist movement in the 1970s. The Civil Rights History Project interviews with participants in the struggle include both expressions of pride in women’s achievements and also candid assessments about the difficulties they faced within the movement.


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5x + 2= 27 man I expected my room to look like this



x = 5



5x + 2 = 27

Reorder the terms:

2 + 5x = 27


2 + 5x = 27

Solving for variable 'x'.

Move all terms containing x to the left, all other terms to the right.

Add '-2' to each side of the equation.

2 + -2 + 5x = 27 + -2

Combine like terms: 2 + -2 = 0

0 + 5x = 27 + -2

5x = 27 + -2

Combine like terms: 27 + -2 = 25

5x = 25

Divide each side by '5'.

x = 5


x = 5

Which line is an example of personification?
a. line 9
b. line 18
c. line 23
d. line 26



line 18 because it shows that she does not care, and that she is a careless person (sorry if it is wrong)

Which sentence correctly uses commas to enclose nonessential elements? A) Ned is studying wildlife, on the Galápagos Islands an island chain in the Pacific Ocean, to earn his degree.
B) Ned is studying wildlife on the Galápagos Islands, an island chain in the Pacific Ocean, to earn his degree.
C) Ned is studying wildlife on the Galápagos Islands, an island chain, in the Pacific Ocean to earn his degree
D) Ned is studying, wildlife on the Galápagos Islands, an island chain in the Pacific Ocean to earn his degree.






The answer is  "B) Ned is studying wildlife on the Galápagos Islands, an island chain in the Pacific Ocean, to earn his degree."


its correct I took the K-12 test and got 100% on the test

When you analyze a prompt, you should mirror the language as closely as possible to the language of the
prompt so that you are sure to write a clear thesis or claim. This helps you to know what kind of relevant text
information to look for when you read your sources. When you write your essay, you can go
back to your thesis and revise it to make the sentence a complex or compound
sentence that uses a colon.


A colon can be used to emphasise, show dialogue, begin lists of text, or clarify the names of compositions. Emphasis: Only capitalise the first word following the colon if it is a proper noun or the beginning of a full sentence.

Emphasis: Only capitalise the first word following the colon if it is a proper noun or the beginning of a full sentence. (She loved Western Michigan University more than anything.)

Dialogue: Write the speaker's name, a colon, and then their quote. What exactly is the Western Edge? Dunn: It's a calculated strategy to advance student achievement.)

Introduce any text, lists, or tabular material—Only capitalise the first word following the colon if it is a proper noun or the first word of a complete sentence.

Learn more about colon here:



What is the theme in excerpt from the land that time forgot



Inequality hurts a wide variety of people.

What are your first impressions of Eliezer’s family? What was his father like?



Eliezer's family seems like a typical Jewish family. They go about their day as any other family, observing traditions and going to temple. Eliezer's father is very respected within the Jewish community of his hometown, and he spends most of his time occupying himself with community affairs. He is a member of the Jewish Council, which is the first group to hear about deportation, and he refuses to try to escape the country.

Hope this helps you. Do mark me as brainliest.

can someone please help me write an informative essay from the four freedoms address writing promt​



I can help!


This one is too long tho so that'll just slow down my device but here we go:

The study of our history marks the first step in understanding our earlier period which usually helps us to have a perceptive of the happenings and events that have taken place over years which can also facilitate improving the future. In this research paper we shall review the four freedoms which were articulated by President Roosevelt in the year 1941 (Crowley, 2010)[1].

Throughout the discussion we shall elaborate the four freedoms in a broader way for better understating; we shall also describe the several measures that were put in place in order to ensure the four freedoms are fully achieved for the better of US administration and for the wellbeing of the entire population as well.




Help please :D help help XD please :D​





In my opinion it's effective because it explains the author's intentions. Which is of why people use Snapshot

What is the speaker's message to his or her addressee?
How Do I Love Thee?(Sonnet 43)


Answer: The speakers message is showing that Stretching to its greatest capacity to show how much she loves "thee."


Why did W. E. B. Du Bois ask "What does integrity do in the face of adversity / oppression? "



This course was co-created by Kiri Harris and myself for Greene Street Friends ... Quarter 1: What does integrity do in the face of adversity / oppression? ... West referenced the four questions once posed by W.E.B. DuBois as a


How does the interaction between the characters develop the theme of "The Machine Stops"?



Answer: The conversation between the mother and son indicates the advantages and disadvantages of the Machine.


The correct response is - The discussion between the mother and son reveals the benefits and drawbacks of the Machine.

What is "The Machine Stops"?

E. M. Forster wrote the science fiction short tale "The Machine Stops." The tale was first published in The Oxford and Cambridge Review, and it was then included in Forster's 1928 collection The Eternal Moment and Other Stories.

The Machine Stops was written by Forster in reaction to one of H. G. Wells' utopian books (probably A Modern Utopia, published in 1905). In response, Forster provided a pessimistic appraisal of humanity's over-reliance on contemporary technology and ultimate enslavement to it.

In the scenario depicted in the narrative, the majority of people are no longer able to live on Earth's surface. The omnipotent, universal Machine now provides for every person's physical and spiritual requirements while they dwell in seclusion in conventional rooms below the earth.

To read more about "The Machine Stops", refer to - https://brainly.com/question/16273907


Is Al Qaeda a domestic or international terrorist group? Explain how you know. In one paragraph


Al Qaeda is an international terrorist group. They were created by Osama bin Laden in Iraq. As soon as they attacked a country besides their own, they went from domestic to international. They have members from different countries and continents. They took their violence outside of Iraq when they hijacked planes and crashed them into the Twin Towers as well as the World Trade Center.

How does Sophocles characterize Teiresias in Antigone?

He shows him as angry in many scenes.

He portrays him as foolish.

He shows him as indecisive in many scenes.

He portrays him as wise.





He portrays him as wise

hope it helped lol


D i took the test


Helppppp meeee pleaseeeeeeeeee





definition 2! okk quick!!!!!

please answer fast



1. small

2. sock

3. difficult

supporting details for the wounded wolf



I got u slightly confused but if it is supporting the story then....

The story is about a fierce and bold wolf fighting for his life once he survives he shouts his victory to all.

The strong will for the wolf to not give up holds this story together.The pack holds each other up even though one wolf gets hurt.The wounded wolf fought hiself to victory with the help of his fellow pack.Once striked he gained new strength.They decided to play a game for the strength of all who took the predators down especially the wounded and the hurt wolf.


Plz rate my answer & if you have any questions feel free to ask:)

How to ma's feelings about moving change overtime use two details from the story to support your response search dust by charles grayson


The best way to understand Ma's feelings is to put yourself in his shoes and see her perspective.

How does Ma feel about the change?She feels comfortable.She feels hopeful.She feels calm and happy.

Ma is comfortable with the move because she knows it will open up many possibilities and hope for her and her family. This is an indirect way of characterizing this character, as it shows her as someone hopeful and calm, who always hopes for the best of things.

More information about indirect characterization at the link:


argumentative essay ,why universities should be free? pls state 5/10 facts pls guys help​



Here are 5 reasons that support the case for debt-free education:

1. Improves Society

When people are more educated, they can solve problems better. This means that society can progress at a faster rate.

Additionally, people with education can better understand the history of their society and its current economic conditions. As such, they may be more inclined to participate in politics and improve their country.

Also, when more people have access to a college education, the number of employable people for high-skilled jobs increases. This means that more people will join the workforce, which could help lessen the wealth gap between the upper, middle, and lower class.

2. Widened Workforce

Along with technological progressions comes a shift in the workforce. Most automated jobs are replacing low-skill workers. Automation is spreading quickly across positions that require repetition, like back office tasks.

However, automation is not meant to replace the entire workforce. Instead, the needs of most economies are shifting to require a more skilled workforce, with people who have good analytical skills and creative thinking abilities. These skills are both taught and honed with a college education. If more people could attend college for free, then the workforce will expand.

The workforce will also be more agile. In the case of an economic downturn when one industry falters, another generally rises to replace it. Then, workers need to be retrained and taught skills for the job. If more people could enter school and gear their studies towards booming industries, then the population will be more equipped to cope with economic changes.

3. A Boosted Economy

Most students graduate with a massive amount of debt. For example, in the U.S., the average student debt per person is $31,172.

When students graduate with debt, they will likely continue to add to their debt with interest. As such, it can take many years before they manage to dig themselves out of debt that only seems to keep growing. In the meantime, this delays spending on such things as buying a house or a car.

On the other hand, if people were to graduate without debt, that could fast track their ability to earn, save, and spend. This helps to stimulate the economy. With increases in consumer spending, there is more demand. More demand in spending also relates back to a higher demand in the workforce, or more opportunities for employment. This spurs a positive cycle of economic activity.

Furthermore, the fear of being in debt can cause students to avoid school entirely. But, if debt wasn’t a reality, then the younger generation may feel more motivated to go to school in the first place.

4. Increase Equality

Since affordability is a major issue for so many people when it comes to attending college, the playing field has not always been equal.

A lot of the brightest minds in the world stem from low-income households, but that shouldn’t hold them back from continuing their education. If there was an equal opportunity to attend school, then everyone would have the chance to go to school. Affordable education is a major step towards equality.

5. More Focus

When students are not worried about money, they can focus better on their studies. Even when students have loans and financial aid, they may find themselves stuck worrying about how they will have to pay them back in the future. This added stress can negatively impact their focus during the time when they are supposed to be learning.

What is hounding the innocent about?



Hounding the Innocent by Bob Herbert talks about how there has been more raft being pulled everyplace just so they can be gangrenous by the natural law. The people that are being humiliated are Hispanics and African Americans but its really the minorities


Can someone write all these topics as a thesis statement please????



Topic 1: People should not consume french fries because its not healthy, gain weight, and the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Topic 6: The amount of sleep does affect academic performance because of the lack of sleep quality, affecting their academic goals, and hard time learning throughout the day.


1 Complete the texts with the verbs in brackets in the correct form of the passive.

I am usually given (usually / give) about £12 pocket money a week by my parents and other relatives. Most of my pocket money 1__________ (spend) on clothes and shoes. My favourite boots 2_________ (make) in Italy. A lot of Italian shoes 3_____________ (can / buy) quite cheaply on eBay. John 4___________ (just / offer) a job in a big department store in the city centre. He 5_____________ (ask) a lot of questions at his interview last week. ………./5

2 Complete the sentences with ‘materials’ words.

She needs several metres of cloth to make her costume for the play.

1 The old s_______ walls of the castle are very thick.

2 The teacher got angry when Jimmy threw a p_________ aeroplane across the classroom.

3 My sister bought an expensive brown l_________ bag in Rome.

4 My mother’s wedding ring is made of g__________ .

5 He came second in the Olympic race and won the s_____________ medal. ……../5

3 Find the odd one out.

a bit of A paper B chocolate C sweets ✘

1 a cup of A water B tea C toast

2 a bag of A sweets B apples C orange juice

3 a slice of A coffee B bread C cake

4 a piece of A milk B firewood C chalk

5 a pile of A rubbish B wine C newspapers ………./5

4 Complete the table.

Numbers Words

502 - five hundred and two

½ - a half

1___________ - eight million

2 ___________ - four point three

3 ___________ - a tenth

4 ___________ - one thousand six hundred and seventy

3/4 - 5_________________​



was spent, were made, buy, offered, asked,


this much I can answer, if these are correct, just give thanks

the bird laid two eggs change into Passive​


Answer : two eggs were laid by the bird

two eggs are laid by the the braid how made them

Please Help!

I MET a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert ... Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage [face] lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which still survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

Select one piece of evidence that supports the situational irony of the poem.

A Nothing beside remains

B I met a traveler

C Its sculptor well those passions read



Nothing beside remains


"Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" The quote is intended to have those viewing the statue to see all of the marvelous things Ozymandias has created, yet they have all decayed and disappeared. The legacy of the "king of kings" is nothing.

if i was the question would you be my anwser ?
if i was the music would u be my dancer ?



heyy is this a song if so could i pls have the name thx!


The evidence in Sentence 3 is-
(1) The school tardiness policy needs to be revised. (2) Students should not 1 point
be punished for circumstances that are out of their control. (3) For
instance, the city buses tend to run late in the wintertime. (4) Students
should not be forced to wake up an hour early just to be sure that they're
not five minutes late. *
a quote
a statistic
an example
an anecdote



An example.


Sentence three is an example of why the school tardiness policy needs to be revised. Sentence three backs up this idea by providing an example of why that policy needs to be changed.

The sentence that  the steady proof is, understudies who regularly show up later than expected will get up before and venture out from home sooner.

What is message for students in this excerpt?

Sentence three is an illustration of why the school lateness strategy should be updated. Sentence three backs up this thought by giving an illustration of why that strategy should be changed.

Update is the activity or interaction of looking into, altering and moving along

Following this explanation, the choice gives us the best a legitimate request right now of introducing the contention and the supporting proof as a most probable aftereffect of the proposition.

For more information about students, refer the following link:


6.What time does she awake?

7.What time doea she eat breakfast?

8.Where does she cook dinner?​


1. 6:00 am
2.6:30 am
3.6:00 pm

Read the paragraph.

1Everyone has goals. 2Whether they are things one can achieve in a day or hopes for one's life, goals keep us moving and growing. 3Daily goals are usually easy to accomplish. 4Getting to school on time, for example, does not take a lot of effort. 5Graduating, on the other hand, is a long-term goal that takes time and dedication to achieve.

Which statement correctly describes the verb usage in this paragraph?


We in same question):
I just got this question
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