What happened at the Constitutional Convention?

The Constitution was writien
The Constitution was ratified
The Magna Carta was signed
The Declaration of Independence was written


Answer 1




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Before the 1950s, Egyptians relied on the Nile River's
annual flooding to help agricultural lands because
floodwaters carried mudflows, or masses of wet soil.





just took the quiz



The 1980s trend toward greater social conservatism came partly from Americans who:
were concerned that religion had too much influence in government.
regarded gender equality and gay rights as threats to the family.
wanted to protect the rights of racial and ethnic minorities,
thought the government was spending too little on social services.



It is commonly said that there are only two guarantees in life — death and taxes — but what can be more taxing than the prospect of one’s own death? Ceasing to exist is an overwhelmingly terrifying thought and it is one which has plagued individuals for centuries. This ancient stressor has been addressed over time by a number of different religious explanations and affirmations. Arguably, this capacity to provide answers for fundamental questions is what defines religion. For instance, under Hindu belief one’s soul lives on after biological death and is reborn in a new body. Under Christian belief one can expect to live in a heavenly paradise once one’s time runs out on earth. These are just two examples, but the extension of the self beyond its physical expiration date is a common thread in religious texts

I really need help!!


I'm pretty sure that's false, I'm sorry if I'm wrong

Which of the following is a reasonable conclusion based on the map?

Most states in the Northeast and Midwest decreased in total population, losing representatives.

Most Northeastern and Midwestern states decreased as a portion of the total national population.

Most states in the Northeast and Midwest increased in total population, gaining representatives.

Most Northeastern and Midwestern states increased as a portion of the total national population.


The correct answer is A. Most of the Northeast and Midwest states decreased as part of the total national population.


The map shows the map of the United States and the amount of representation lost or won chairs. With orange color are the states that lost two or more, in yellow, are those that lost one, in gray are those that did not lose or win, in blue are those that won one, and in dark blue are those that won more than two. The map shows the states of New York and Ohio in orange; the states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Michigan, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, and Louisiana colored yellow. On the other hand, Florida and Texas dark blue; Georgia, South Carolina, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, and Washington are in blue. While the rest of the states are in gray. Based on the above, it can be said that from the color in which they are on the map, the majority of the Northeast and Midwest states decreased as a part of the total national population. So the correct answer is A.

What land did the Persian army fail to conquer?



Part of the archaeological remains called Perserschutt, or "Persian rubble": remnants of the destruction of Athens by the armies of Xerxes.


Achaemenid destruction of Athens.

Why does the government of the UAE have penalties and fines for those who do not comply with these codes?
(please help)



The Abu Dhabi Building Codes is a complete set of comprehensive and coordinated codes dealing with construction safety, fire protection, and other issues. They are aimed at improving the construction standards for buildings in Abu Dhabi.


whats the answer please




sorry if this is wrong im a 13 year old trying to be helpful

The first job of the President and Congress was to


congress: filling out the U.S. Constitution's skeletal framework by addressing concerns raised during ratification and by creating the federal architecture president: Washington played a key role in adopting and ratifying the Constitution and was then twice elected president by the Electoral College.

Compare the roles that the Second Industrial Revolution played in the development of Brazil and British India. How significant a difference was created by the fact that Brazil was an independent country and British India was a colony?

Analyze the impact of imperialism on conquered peoples and explain the reasons for the differences between the images and ideologies of imperialism distributed in the Western world and the actual experiences of the conquered peoples.



The second industrial revolution of the late nineteenth century intensified the global nature of industrialization. Much more so than the early industrial revolution, it depended on imported raw materials, such as rubber, oil, and bauxite, to manufacture a range of goods including chemicals and sophisticated machines. Neither Brazil nor British India was industrialized, so both served as raw materials producers. Brazil's products included coffee, sugar, and rubber, the latter a product for which the emergence of the automobile industry had created a great deal of demand. India's included cotton, jute, and tea. Colonialism did impose constraints on India that Brazil did not face, including some related to industrialization. British administration ruled India according to assumptions that benefited itself, like the idea that a colonial possession should serve as a raw materials producer and a consumer of finished goods, not a producer of finished goods. Similarly, much of the value of its products was siphoned off by the British in order to recoup the costs of colonial rule. While Brazil was free from these concerns, however, indigenous planter elites seeking to maintain their privileges had a similar impact on the lives of the majority of its people. One of the last countries to abolish slavery, Brazil was structured in such a way that the bulk of people were excluded from participation in politics and, ideologically, from inclusion in the nation. Brazilian elites, free to govern themselves where Indians were not, would have seen major differences between their status and India's; for the Indian masses and Brazil's peasant, former slave, and Indian population, the difference in political structures might not have mattered as much.

What are the basic ideas in Greek philosophy? Please help I’ll give Brainlyest!



Cynicism, Skepticism, Epicureanism, and Stoicism


Skepticism is the ability to doubt or question something

Cynicism is the inclination to believe that people are motivated purely by self-interest

Epicureanism is what is considered to be happiness, or the avoidance of pain and emotional disturbance

Stoicism is the development of self-control and fortitude as a means of overcoming destructive emotions

The Socratic philosophers in ancient Greece were Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. These are some of the most well-known of all Greek philosophers.

1. The President of the United States is the ______________________________
_______________ of the U.S. military.



The Commander in Chief


The United States Constitution states that the President of the United States is the commander in chief of the U.S. armed forces.

Why the photo of the military and ww1 is significant



For soldiers, photography introduced a new mode of collecting memories; a picture is able to recall exactly what the photographer wanted to remember. Pictures, by default, become a record of the photographer’s personal history, rich with both biographical and motivational factors. It is of no surprise then, that as soldiers shipped off to fight in World War I, they carried with them their personal cameras in order to record their experiences. Soldiers snapped pictures whenever possible, despite the disapproval of their senior ranking officers, in order to return with a collection of memories. The photos offered proof of the struggles they faced, atrocities they witnessed, relationships they built, and people they helped.

Pacification was the policy by which the United States and South Vietnamese officials worked to protect villagers by creating specific civilian areas that were guarded by troops.
Please select the best answer from the choices provided






Pacification was an American policy introduced during the Vietnam war to gain support from the villages. The policy was implemented in South Vietnam to get the heart and mind of the South Vietnamese villagers. It was an attempt to maintain peace. During the war, many villagers supported communism as the Vietcong would offer to help them with their daily work. To gain support, the United States introduced pacification.

What made the declaration of sentiments so controversial?


A document written at the Seneca Falls Convention, which was patterned on Declaration of Independence but changed choice words such as rephrasing it to "all men and women are created equal." Rejected the idea that men and women had separate "spheres" and were required to remain in them.

What is the area hitler and Stalin fought



Warsaw, Poland was conquered by the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany

Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) in Southern Russia.

4. What developed as a result of the increasing trade between Europe and the Middle East?
A. Trading towns and cities
B. Increases in Asian population
C. New outbreaks of the Black Death
D. Environmental damages


Answer: C. New outbreaks of the Black Death


The very infamous Black Death that is said to have killed around 50% of Europe's population, was spread from Asia when the ships that had gone to trade there came back with the infected rats that carried the disease and as the ships went to different cities to trade, they unknowingly spread the disease more.

This would not be the last time diseases were spread from Asia but it was most probably the most devastating case.

Why is shariah important in world history


In its essence, Shariah aspires to be a law that applies equally to every human, great or small, ruler or ruled. No one is above it, and everyone at all times is bound by it. But the history of Shariah also shows that the ideals of the rule of law cannot be implemented in a vacuum.


Why is Sharia important in Muslim life?

Sharia law is Islam's legal system. ... Sharia law acts as a code for living that all Muslims should adhere to, including prayers, fasting ,and donations to the poor. It aims to help Muslims understand how they should lead every aspect of their lives according to God's wishes.

What led to the construction of the Berlin Wall?





hope this helps i know this is the answer i learned this in 6 grade most peoples jobs in Berlin were on the east so they were trying to get to the side and may i please have a brainliest

what happen to land in America after the revoluntionary war?


It all became the government's property -is what happened to land in America after the Revolutionary War.

How did steam technology affect other businesses of the Industrial Revolution?



The steam engine turned the wheels of mechanized factory production. Its emergence freed manufacturers from the need to locate their factories on or near sources of water power. Large enterprises began to concentrate in rapidly growing industrial cities

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! explain what life was like on the Oregon Trail.



Life on the trail was not easy. Many faced family deaths to sicknesses such as cholera, measles, and smallpox. Starvation, harsh weather conditions, and travel accidents were common and took their toll, no matter which trail pioneers chose to travel or how carefully they prepared

Explanation: Hope this helps


Life on the Oregon trail was very rough and the people traveling it knew it but that was a choice that they were willing to make, some days on the Oregon trail were so hot that you were dripping sweat and you had no water so that posed as a risk of dehydration and possibly death from over heating, and some days were so cold that you could be 12:00 and still have it be 14 degrees outside and your food was frozen so all you could do was chew on it, when it wasn't extremely hot or cold it was warm so you were in the sun all day with what little water and food that your wagon could carry, the wagons traveled about 10-12 miles every day for months on end. there was also many  diseases that you could catch and not to mention you could die from a rattle snake bite, and you had to cross countless rivers and streams witch there was a possibility of drowning. play the Oregon trail on weebly if you don't believe me :)

what was the main way Byzantine culture spread to eastern Europe​



Byzantine forms were spread by trade and conquest to Italy and Sicily, where they persisted in modified form through the 12th century, and became formative influences on Italian Renaissance art.

From 1861 to 1863 how much more did the price of food staples like bacon & flour


Answer: raised to $10

Explanation:Person above me is right

In the product market,

A) productive resources are bought and sold
B) Producers sells good and services to consumers
C) A nations total output of goods and services increase
D) The amount of output produced by a given amount of inputs is measured



Please I need help !



1 c



1. Europeans first became interested in Africa for trade route purposes. They were looking for ways to avoid the taxes of the Arab and Ottoman empires in Southwest Asia. Sailing around Africa was the obvious choice, but it was a long voyage and could not be completed without “pit stops” along the way.

2.In 1885 European leaders met at the infamous Berlin Conference to divide Africa and arbitrarily draw up borders that exist to this day. The map on the wall in the Reich Chancellery in Berlin was five meters (16.4 feet) tall. It showed Africa with rivers, lakes, a few place names and many white spots.

Which of the following was NOT a cause of the Cold War between the United
States and the Soviet Union? *
A. The U.S. was capitalist while the Soviet Union was communist
B. U.S. secrecy about the Atom Bomb
C. The Soviets refusal to allow free election in Eastern Europe after WWII.
D. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor


I’m pretty sure it’s d cause I’ve never heard anything about Pearl Harbor being connected to the Cold War




caused us to join ww2, did not have any correlation to cold war

4. Describe two ways that geologists can use fossils
to interpret Earth's history.


They can see how long ago the fossil was which tells you what time this creature/animal was from.
They can use dna to find out what creature it is and possibly discover a new species.

Geologists can use fossils to understand Earth's history in two ways: to link rock strata and to recreate former habitats.

What is the meaning of geologists?

Geologist refers to the person who studies and makes interpretation with regard to the earth structure and atmosphere. He is the scientist who focuses on the all the states of the earth that is solid, liquid and Gaseous.

The remains of the plants, animals and human beings and other microorganisms helps to state about the geographical features of the earth for instance, earlier people used to live in the plain regions of the earth near the river valleys in other to have source of water near to them.

Therefore, it can be concluded that Geologists may employ remnants to learn about Earth's past in two ways: to connect rock layers and to reconstruct ancient environments.

Learn more about geologist here;



Based on his economic policy, President Reagan believed that most Americans would experience
higher taxes.
higher inflation.
economic hardship.
economic benefits.


Based on the economic policies that he had, President Reagan believed that the Americans would have: economic benefits.

What was President Reagan's economic policy?

The policy of the president was to ensure that there was a reduction in the spending of the federal government.

He was also of the opinion that the taxes were reduced and the money supply of the country tightened in order to take care of inflation.

Read more on Reagan here: https://brainly.com/question/4784629

Based on his economic policy, President Reagan believed that most Americans would experience economic benefits.

Who was  President Reagan?

Ronald Wilson Reagan was an American politician and actor who served as the United States 40th President from 1981 to 1989.

He previously served as California's 33rd governor from 1967 to 1975, as well as president of the Screen Actors Guild from 1947 to 1952 and again from 1959 to 1960.

Domestically, the Reagan administration approved a significant tax reduction, attempted to reduce non-military expenditures, and abolished federal regulations. Supply-side economics influenced the administration's economic policy, dubbed "Reaganomics."

Therefore, the correct option is D.

To know more about President Reagan, visit:



Why was the battle of Stalingrad so challenging for Nazi soldiers?



The battle at Stalingrad bled the German army dry in Russia and after this defeat, the Germany Army was in full retreat.



Because the Germans were worn out from advancing for so long and were starved of supplies. They were running low on food and ammunition even before they were encircled.

Write a thesis statement For Quakers (1-2 sentences).



Thesis statement For Quakers


Because of their values, open mind, and peace, the Quakers has an influence in Pennsylvania than any other religious group that settled in British colonies in America that showed tolerance to other religions.

Pennsylvania colony was founded in 1681 by William Penn; a Quaker colony that welcomed all religions and looked for a better life. The Quakers formed their colony based on religious beliefs. The colony encourage others to practice religion with no restrictions and persecution.

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