what force is caused by gas molecules and slows things down? answer ASAP!

A. Air resistance

B. Pulling

C. Friction

D. Gravity


Answer 1


ima say that a makes the most sense but def not d


Answer 2


A. Air resistance.

It slows things down

Related Questions

A chemist wants to show how the molecular structures of the major greenhouse-effect contributors allow them to
absorb heat.
Which of the following would the chemist not be modeling?
A) carbon dioxide
B) carbon monoxide
C) chlorofluorocarbons
D) nitrous oxide
E) methane gas



Option C is the correct choice


The major contributor of green house effect are

a) Carbon dioxide (CO2)

b) Carbon Mono-oxide (CO)

c) Nitrous oxide

d) Methane

e) Ozone

The chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) is a man made green house gas and hence the chemist will not model it as it does not allow to absorb heat. Instead it leads to non ending chain reactions with the ozone layer thereby degrading it and hence allow entry of harmful UV rays.

Option C is the correct choice

Upon close examination of the skeleton of an adult python, a pelvic girdle and leg bones can be
observed. These features are an example of
a. artificial selection
b. homologous structures
C. vestigial structures
d. comparative embryology



vestigial structure that is C

which factors have approximately 50% of the affected species being listed as threatened according to the graph select all that apply​




Habitat Loss

Toxins and Pesticides

Invasive Species


I just took USA Test prep. I know its a late response but they said thats the rignt answer.

What happens during synapsis?
A. gene recombination

B. DNA replicates

C. the cell divides

D. centrioles move to the poles





Which of the following is NOT a function of an antibiotic?
A. targeting the ribosome that inhibits protein synthesis, causing the cell to not function correctly
B. attacking the mitochondria, inhibiting the production of sugars that give the cell energy
C. inhibiting the production of the cell wall and breaking down what is present​



B. attacking the mitochondria, inhibiting the production of sugars that give the cell energy


Antibiotics can't attack on the mitochondria of the cell because mitochondria provides energy to the cell. Mitochondria is also known as power house of the cell means that it provides energy to the cell in order to continue its activities. If antibiotic attack on mitochondria of the cell, the cell has no energy for performing its activities that leads to cell death so that's why we can say that antibiotic can't attack on the mitochondria of the cell.

What time of year does everywhere on Earth receive an (almost) equal amount of daytime sunlight? Why does this occur?



September Equinox


it occurs when the sun crosses the celestial equator from north to south

1. Match each term with the correct definition. a. External bleeding b. Direct pressure c. Pressure bandage d. Internal bleeding e. Arteries f. Veins g. Tourniquet ____ Using your gloved hand to apply pressure on the wound to control bleeding ____ Bleeding that can be seen coming from a wound ____ The escape of blood from an artery, vein or capillary inside the body ____ A tight band placed around an arm or leg to constrict blood vessels in order to stop blood flow to a wound ____ Blood vessels that carry blood from all parts of the body to the heart ____ Vessels that transport blood to the capillaries for distribution to the cells ____ A bandage applied snugly to maintain pressure on the wound to control bleeding



Using your gloved hand to apply pressure on the wound to control bleeding. b. Direct pressureBleeding that can be seen coming from a wound. a. External bleeding The escape of blood from an artery, vein, or capillary inside the body. d. Internal bleeding A tight band placed around an arm or leg to constrict blood vessels in order to stop blood flow to a wound. g. TourniquetBlood vessels that carry blood from all parts of the body to the heart. f. Veins Vessels that transport blood to the capillaries for distribution to the cells. e. ArteriesA bandage applied snugly to maintain pressure on the wound to control bleeding. c. Pressure bandage


Direct pressure is a technique used to stop the bleeding on the wound. The person should place both hands over the wound and press firmly till doctors arrive. With this first aid technique, we prevent excessive blood loss, which can cause worse problems in the future.

There are two types of bleeding, external and internal. In the first one, the skin opens, and blood comes out to the exterior. In the second one, the skin is not open, so the blood does not come out to the exterior, but blood goes to tissues around the broken vessel due to an internal injury.

A tourniquet is a first-aid technique use to stop blood flow and prevent that the injured person bleeds out till death. A band, a piece of shirt, or a belt should go around the limb and tie it hard to stop the blood flow and allow the patient to arrive at the hospital. It is a technique usually use when there is a wound that affects the main vessels.

There are different types of vessels. They change in size and structure. Veins are the vessels that carry blood back to the heart, where it will go to the pulmonary circuit to be oxygenated. Arteries will take the oxygenated blood from the heart to the rest of the body. The arteries branch into small vessels called arterioles, and the arteries branch into capillaries which will give oxygen to the cells.

A pressure bandage controls bleeding and prevents the injury from being contaminated. The pressure bandage does not restrict blood flow as a tourniquet.

What are 2 ways nitrogen becomes useable to plants,humans,and animals?


when broken apart during fires or lightning. bacteria or bacteria associated with bean plants.

Animals get the nitrogen they need by eating plants or other animals that contain nitrogen. When organisms die, their bodies decompose bringing the nitrogen into soil on land or into ocean water. Bacteria alter the nitrogen into a form that plants are able to use.

Match the following. 1. tetanus rickettsia 2. Rocky Mountain spotted fever malaria 3. drinking water rabies 4. decreased body temperature lockjaw 5. animal bite hypothermia 6. mosquito potable


decreased body temperature lockjaw

animal bite hypothermia

tetanus rickettsia

drinking water rabies

mosquito potable

Rocky Mountain spotted fever malaria


thats the order it won’t let me put the numders

A tornado strips out a section of a forest. What type of succession is this? Why?



Secondary succession


A secondary succession is when a type of disturbance happens when there is already soil present. In this case, it has already started out with a forest (including plants, trees, and wildlife). Other examples of a secondary succession include a wildfire, hurricane, flood, or human destruction.

This is different from a primary succession. A primary succession occurs when  there is no soil present.

What are the characteristics of the outer planets? (Check all that apply)

Made of gas
High density
Low density


Rocky , made of gas , low density , small

hope it is helpful to you

small, rocky, made of gas, and low density

Help me, it's due today


1. Mouth/Nose
2. Pharynx
3. Trachea
4. Bronchi
5. Bronchiole
6. Alveoli

Study hard.

After proteins are made, they must be
sorted and packaged in preparation for
use by the cell. Where does this take
A. endoplasmic reticulum
B. cell wall C.Golgi bodies


C. Golgi Bodies, also called Golgi Apparatus

Canada's laws are made by the government which includes?

Question 4 options:

Parliament and a prime minister


General public demands

general rebulic



and that they have the Queen as the some sort of importance of the common wealth

Question 32
2 pts
Which of the following is true about horns and antlers?
Antlers are permanent and are made of hair.
O None of the other answers are correct.
O Horns are shed yearly and are made of hair.
O Antlers are shed yearly and are made of bone.
Horns are shed yearly and are made of bone.


Answer: C


Kinda common knowledge. Reindeer have antlers and they shed yearly

What term describes the biological burden on the body caused by emotional upset?


I believe its allostatic load which is the wear and tear on the body that accumulates when we are under a lot of stress

Allostatic Load
The wear and tear on the body due to repeated or chronic stress, which is a emotion.

Which allele combination represents a female who is a carrier for an X-linked recessive disorder?


The allele combination for a female carrier is XRXr

The allele combination XRXr represents a female who is a carrier for an X-linked recessive disorder.

X-linked recessive inheritance

Females usually inherit two chromosomes X, while men inherit only one chromosome X (and one chromosome Y).

The inheritance of the chromosome X in females resembles mendelian inheritance because females have two X chromosomes.

In this case, females having the genotype XRXr are carriers because lowercase letters denote the presence of the recessive allele.

In conclusion, the allele combination XRXr represents a female who is a carrier for an X-linked recessive disorder.

Learn more about inheritance linked to the chromosome X here:


Mendel examined many crosses involving traits found in pea plants. He identified being tall as dominant (T)
and short as recessive (t). What is the genotype of a heterozyous tall plant?





Heterozygous means the organism has two different alleles, one for tall and one for short.

Which of the structures in the diagram is labeled by number 8? *
O perimysium
O muscle fiber
O blood vessel
O endomysium​


It's tendon.

Tendon is a connecting tissue that connects bones and muscles.

A group of scientists studied the effects of exercise on insulin sensitivity in elderly women. The scientists measured the amount of insulin secreted in the saliva when given glucose. Measurements were taken at 0, 20, 40, and 70 minutes after the glucose was administered. The graph shows the data collected before and after a four-month exercise program was put into place

Which statement BEST analyzes the data shown in the graph?
A. Elderly women secrete more insulin the more they exercise.
B. Exercise decreases insulin sensitivity in elderly women.
C. Insulin sensitivity is at its highest after 50 minutes.
D. Insulin sensitivity increases as exercise decreases.



B. Exercise decreases insulin sensitivity in elderly women.


I got the answer correct in a test.

Exercise decreases insulin sensitivity in elderly women.

What is Insulin?

Your muscle cells are better equipped to use any insulin that is present to take up glucose during and after exercise because their insulin sensitivity has risen.

Whether or not insulin is present, when your muscles contract during activity, your cells can absorb glucose and utilise it as fuel.

Depending on how long you exercise for, among other things, will determine how your physical activity affects your blood sugar levels.

Learn how your blood sugar changes as a result of activity. You can better understand the advantages of exercise by monitoring your blood sugar levels more frequently before and after exercise.

Therefore, Exercise decreases insulin sensitivity in elderly women.

To learn more about exercise, refer to the link:



Mosses are an example of which of the following?
primary consumers



mosses are autotrophs



Hey, can someone please help me with this real quick


animalia, fungi , plantae , eubacteria,protista , archaebacteria

Describe the role of each of these white blood cells:
• T cells:
• B cells:



B cells are at the centre of the adaptive humoral immune system and are responsible for mediating the production of antigen-specific immunoglobulin (Ig) directed against invasive pathogens (typically known as antibodies).


T cells are a part of the immune system that focuses on specific foreign particles. Rather than generically attack any antigens, T cells circulate until they encounter their specific antigen. As such, T cells play a critical part in immunity to foreign substances.


T cells are responsible for cell-mediated immunity.

B cells are responsible for humoral immunity or antibody production


i got it right

Bloodworms, which are the mature larvae of non-biting midge flies, are commonly found in and around bodies of water. Most types of bloodworms can live only in pollution-free, oxygen-rich environments. However, a few species thrive in environments with low concentrations of oxygen and high concentrations of nutrients and pollutants. From the changes in the bloodworm populations shown in the table above, what can be determined about how water in the stream has changed?
A. The water has become less polluted, as evidenced by the decrease in the number of bloodworm species present and the increase in bloodworm population density.
B. The water has become more polluted, as evidenced by the decrease in the number of bloodworm species present and the increase in bloodworm population density.
C. The water in the stream has become less nutrient-rich, as evidenced by the increase in bloodworm population density.
D. The water in the stream has become more oxygenated, as evidenced by the increase in bloodworm population density.





The water has become polluted,as evidenced by the decrease in the number of bloodworm species

The chart below is a taxonomic key for the fictitious insect genus
Problematica. To which species does the insect in the picture belong?
Select one:

A. Problematica differensis
B. Problematica brancus
C. Problematica cantrellis
D. Problematica alva


C. Problematica cantrellis

Help me with this please. I’ll give brainliest



The answer to the question is amplitude


This is the answer to the question because a month ago I took the quiz and I got the question. Amplitude doesn't relate.

Which of the following cells is NOT an antigen presenting cell?


Dendritic cells




Answer:Dendritic cells Explanation:

T- cells is not a antigen presenting cell.

What are T-cells?"T cells are part of the immune system and develop from stem cells in the bone marrow."" They help protect the body from infection and may help fight cancer."What is antigen presenting cells?"An antigen-presenting cell (APC) is an immune cell that detects, engulfs, and informs the adaptive immune response about an infection."It includes macrophages, dendritic cells and B- cells.

Hence, the answer is T-cells.

To learn more about antigen presenting cells here



4. Which of the following is the most likely result of a non-native generalist species being introduced into an ecosystem?

a. Without natural predators, the species may outcompete native species.
b. The species will have no food sources and will not survive.
c. Extinction of the species will be likely throughout its range.
d. The species will cause changes in ballast water.


a. Without natural predators, the species may outcompete native species

In addition to mutations, genetic variation can also arise during the formation of gametes during meiosis. During meiosis I, homologous chromosomes can randomly exchange segments, in a process called crossing-over. This trading changes the order of the genes in the DNA and on the chromosomes. Exchange material is integrated into the rest of the chromosomes DNA. Each chromosome loses some DNA and gains some DNA. As a result, there are more genotypes in the offspring. 2. What function does recombination by crossing-over have in genetic variation



Crossing over ensures that organisms of the same parents have differences in genetic content making them unique in one way or the other.


This question is describing the process of crossing over, which occurs only during prophase I of meiosis. During the process of crossing over, alleles of a gene are exchanged between non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes (mother and father chromosomes).

Hence, a unique GAMETE that has been genetically recombined will be formed. When these gametes are fertilized (egg) or fertilizes (sperm), organisms that are genetically different from their parents are produced. This ensures genetic variation, which is a difference in the genetic content of organisms.

Why might cell division occur?
A. To provide energy for body functions.

B. To make more cells, to grow, and to repair damaged tissue



Its B...........





Mitosis occurs when the tissue is tearing, for example if you have a paper cut, mitosis will repair the damaged cells. Energy in the body is a completely different process that has to do with the pancreas making insulin and glucose.

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